[Fix] User able to edit the rate in offline POS even if it has no permissions

This commit is contained in:
Rohit Waghchaure 2018-10-22 13:51:32 +05:30
parent 6192d24235
commit aef7a6ec44

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
{% for(var j=i*3; j
<(i+1)*3; j++) { %} <button type="button" class="btn btn-default numeric-keypad" val="{{j+1}}">{{j+1}}</button>
{% } %}
<button type="button" {% if((!allow_user_to_edit_rate && chartData[i] == __("Price")) || (!allow_user_to_edit_discount && chartData[i] == __("Disc"))) { %} disabled {% } %} id="pos-item-{{ chartData[i].toLowerCase() }}" class="btn text-center btn-default numeric-keypad pos-operation">{{ __(chartData[i]) }}</button>
<button type="button" {% if((!allow_user_to_edit_rate && __(chartData[i]) == __("Price")) || (!allow_user_to_edit_discount && __(chartData[i]) == __("Disc"))) { %} disabled {% } %} id="pos-item-{{ chartData[i].toLowerCase() }}" class="btn text-center btn-default numeric-keypad pos-operation">{{ __(chartData[i]) }}</button>
{% } %}
<div class="row text-right">