support_ticket: load communication onload

This commit is contained in:
Rushabh Mehta 2012-11-24 17:00:10 +05:30
parent 24447791b8
commit a3207977d9
4 changed files with 419 additions and 491 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
.communication {
border: 1px solid #aaa;
border-top: 0px;
padding: 7px;
background-color: #f2f2f2
.communication:hover {
background-color: #fffff0;
.communication:first-child {
border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
.support-ticket-wrapper {
margin-top: 10px;

View File

@ -22,26 +22,15 @@
// xoxoxoxo
// -------- new reply --------
var cs = cur_frm.cscript;
$.extend(cur_frm.cscript, {
onload: function(doc, dt, dn) {
// help area
if(in_list(user_roles,'System Manager')) {
cur_frm.page_layout.footer.help_area.innerHTML = '';
new wn.widgets.Footer({
items: [
column: 0,
label:'Email Settings',
description:'Integrate your incoming support emails to support ticket',
onclick: function() { loaddoc('Email Settings','Email Settings'); }
cur_frm.page_layout.footer.help_area.innerHTML = '<hr>\
<p><a href="#Form/Email Settings/Email Settings">Email Settings</a><br>\
<span class="help">Integrate incoming support emails to Support Ticket</span></p>';
if(!doc.customer) hide_field(['customer_name','address_display','contact_display','contact_mobile','contact_email']);
@ -71,30 +60,30 @@ $.extend(cur_frm.cscript, {
// make thread listing
make_listing: function(doc) {
cur_frm.fields_dict['thread_html'].wrapper.innerHTML = '';
var wrapper = cur_frm.fields_dict['thread_html'].wrapper;
.css({"margin":"10px 0px"});
// render first message
new EmailMessage($a(cur_frm.fields_dict['thread_html'].wrapper, 'div'), {
email_address: doc.raised_by,
creation: doc.creation,
content: doc.description,
}, null, -1)
// render thread
cur_frm.cscript.thread_list = new wn.ui.Listing({
parent: $a(cur_frm.fields_dict['thread_html'].wrapper, 'div'),
no_result_message: 'No responses yet',
get_query: function() {
return 'select content, email_address, creation '+
'from `tabCommunication` where support_ticket="''" order by creation asc'
as_dict: 1,
render_row: function(parent, data, list, idx) {
new EmailMessage(parent, data, list, idx);
var comm_list = wn.model.get("Communication", {"support_ticket":})
"email_address": doc.raised_by,
"modified": doc.creation,
"content": doc.description});
comm_list.sort(function(a, b) { return new Date(a.modified) > new Date(b.modified)
? -1 : 1 })
$.each(comm_list, function(i, c) {
var comm = new erpnext.CommunicationView({
doc: c,
support_ticket: doc,
parent: wrapper
if(i==0) {
send: function(doc, dt, dn) {
@ -140,55 +129,39 @@ $.extend(cur_frm.cscript, {
EmailMessage = function(parent, args, list, idx) {
var me = this;
$.extend(this, args);
this.make = function() {
this.creation = wn.datetime.str_to_user(this.creation);
this.email_address = this.email_address.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;');
// main wrapper
w = $a(parent, 'div', 'support-ticket-wrapper well');
// sender and timestamp
$a($a(w, 'div', 'support-ticket-title'),
'span', 'link_type', {}, repl('By %(email_address)s on %(creation)s:', this),
function() {
// toggle message display on timestamp
if('none') {
} else {
// email text
this.message = $a(w, 'div', '',
// style
{lineHeight:'1.7em', display:'none', padding: '7px', width: '575px',
wordWrap: 'break-word', textWrap: 'normal', overflowX: 'auto'},
// newlines for text email
(this.content.indexOf("<br>")== -1 && this.content.indexOf("<p>")== -1)
? this.content.replace(/\n[ ]*\n[\n\t ]*/g, '\n') // excess whitespace
.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')
: this.content
// show only first and last message
if(idx==-1 || list && {
erpnext.CommunicationView = Class.extend({
init: function(opts) {
$.extend(this, opts);
prepare: function() {
//this.doc.when = comment_when(this.doc.modified);
this.doc.when = this.doc.modified;
if(this.doc.content.indexOf("<br>")== -1 && this.doc.content.indexOf("<p>")== -1) {
this.doc.content = this.doc.content.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
this.doc.content = this.doc.content.split("=== In response to ===")[0];
this.doc.content = this.doc.content.split("-----Original Message-----")[0];
make: function() {
var me = this;
this.body = $(repl('<div class="communication" title="Click to Expand / Collapse">\
<p><b>%(email_address)s on %(when)s</b></p>\
<p class="comm-content" style="border-top: 1px solid #ddd">%(content)s</p>\
</div>', this.doc))
.click(function() {
toggle: function() {
cur_frm.fields_dict.allocated_to.get_query = erpnext.utils.profile_query;
cur_frm.fields_dict.customer.get_query = erpnext.utils.customer_query;

View File

@ -29,6 +29,21 @@ class DocType(TransactionBase):
def autoname(self): = make_autoname(self.doc.naming_series+'.#####')
def onload(self):
def add_communication_list(self):
# remove communications if present
self.doclist = self.doclist.get({"doctype": ["!=", "Communcation"]})
comm_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabCommunication
where support_ticket=%s order by modified desc limit 20""",, as_dict=1)
[d.update({"doctype":"Communication"}) for d in comm_list]
self.doclist.extend(webnotes.doclist([webnotes.doc(fielddata=d) \
for d in comm_list]))
def send_response(self):
Adds a new response to the ticket and sends an email to the sender
@ -61,6 +76,7 @@ class DocType(TransactionBase):
self.doc.new_response = None
webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Waiting for Customer')
def last_response(self):
"""return last response"""

View File

@ -1,411 +1,335 @@
# DocType, Support Ticket
# These values are common in all dictionaries
'creation': '2012-04-02 16:02:42',
'docstatus': 0,
'modified': '2012-05-02 11:33:24',
'modified_by': u'Administrator',
'owner': u'Administrator'
# These values are common for all DocType
'_last_update': u'1311584009',
'allow_attach': 1,
'allow_trash': 1,
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'default_print_format': u'Standard',
'doctype': 'DocType',
'module': u'Support',
'name': '__common__',
'search_fields': u'status,customer,allocated_to,subject,raised_by',
'section_style': u'Tray',
'server_code_error': u' ',
'show_in_menu': 0,
'subject': u'%(subject)s',
'tag_fields': u'status,allocated_to',
'version': 1
# These values are common for all DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'name': '__common__',
'parent': u'Support Ticket',
'parentfield': u'fields',
'parenttype': u'DocType'
# These values are common for all DocPerm
'amend': 0,
'cancel': 0,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'name': '__common__',
'parent': u'Support Ticket',
'parentfield': u'permissions',
'parenttype': u'DocType',
'read': 1,
'submit': 0
# DocType, Support Ticket
'doctype': 'DocType',
'name': u'Support Ticket'
# DocPerm
'create': 1,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'permlevel': 0,
'role': u'Guest',
'write': 1
# DocPerm
'create': 1,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'permlevel': 0,
'role': u'Customer',
'write': 1
# DocPerm
'create': 1,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'permlevel': 0,
'role': u'Support Team',
'write': 1
# DocPerm
'create': 0,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'permlevel': 1,
'role': u'Support Team',
'write': 1
# DocPerm
'create': 0,
'doctype': u'DocPerm',
'permlevel': 2,
'role': u'Support Team',
'write': 0
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'naming_series',
'fieldtype': u'Select',
'hidden': 0,
'label': u'Naming Series',
'no_copy': 1,
'options': u'SUP',
'permlevel': 0,
'print_hide': 1,
'reqd': 0,
'search_index': 0
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'default': u'Open',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'status',
'fieldtype': u'Select',
'in_filter': 0,
'label': u'Status',
'no_copy': 1,
'oldfieldname': u'status',
'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
'options': u'\nOpen\nTo Reply\nWaiting for Customer\nHold\nClosed',
'permlevel': 1,
'reqd': 0,
'search_index': 1
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'subject',
'fieldtype': u'Text',
'in_filter': 1,
'label': u'Subject',
'permlevel': 0,
'reqd': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'raised_by',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'in_filter': 1,
'label': u'Raised By (Email)',
'oldfieldname': u'raised_by',
'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
'permlevel': 0,
'reqd': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'description',
'fieldtype': u'Text',
'label': u'Description',
'oldfieldname': u'problem_description',
'oldfieldtype': u'Text',
'permlevel': 0,
'reqd': 0
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'thread_html',
'fieldtype': u'HTML',
'label': u'Thread HTML',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'new_response',
'fieldtype': u'Text',
'label': u'New Response',
'permlevel': 0
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'send',
'fieldtype': u'Button',
'label': u'Send',
'permlevel': 0
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'additional_info',
'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
'label': u'Additional Info',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'column_break0',
'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
'permlevel': 1,
'width': u'50%'
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'customer',
'fieldtype': u'Link',
'in_filter': 1,
'label': u'Customer',
'oldfieldname': u'customer',
'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
'options': u'Customer',
'permlevel': 1,
'print_hide': 1,
'reqd': 0,
'search_index': 1,
'trigger': u'Client'
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'customer_name',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'in_filter': 1,
'label': u'Customer Name',
'oldfieldname': u'customer_name',
'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
'permlevel': 2,
'reqd': 0,
'search_index': 0
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'address_display',
'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
'label': u'Address',
'permlevel': 2
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'contact_display',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'label': u'Contact Name',
'permlevel': 2
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'contact_mobile',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'label': u'Mobile No',
'permlevel': 2
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'contact_email',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'label': u'Contact Email',
'oldfieldname': u'contact_no',
'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
'permlevel': 2
# DocField
'default': u'Today',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'opening_date',
'fieldtype': u'Date',
'label': u'Opening Date',
'no_copy': 1,
'oldfieldname': u'opening_date',
'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'opening_time',
'fieldtype': u'Time',
'label': u'Opening Time',
'no_copy': 1,
'oldfieldname': u'opening_time',
'oldfieldtype': u'Time',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'column_break1',
'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'allocated_to',
'fieldtype': u'Link',
'in_filter': 1,
'label': u'Allocated To',
'oldfieldname': u'allocated_to',
'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
'options': u'Profile',
'permlevel': 1,
'search_index': 1
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'resolution_details',
'fieldtype': u'Text',
'label': u'Resolution Details',
'no_copy': 1,
'oldfieldname': u'resolution_details',
'oldfieldtype': u'Text',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'resolution_date',
'fieldtype': u'Date',
'in_filter': 0,
'label': u'Resolution Date',
'no_copy': 1,
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'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
'permlevel': 1,
'search_index': 0
# DocField
'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'resolution_time',
'fieldtype': u'Time',
'label': u'Resolution Time',
'oldfieldname': u'resolution_time',
'oldfieldtype': u'Time',
'permlevel': 1
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'content_type',
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'hidden': 1,
'label': u'Content Type',
'permlevel': 0
# DocField
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'file_list',
'fieldtype': u'Text',
'hidden': 1,
'label': u'File List',
'no_copy': 1,
'permlevel': 0,
'print_hide': 1
"owner": "Administrator",
"docstatus": 0,
"creation": "2012-11-02 17:17:05",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"modified": "2012-11-24 16:41:45"
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"search_fields": "status,customer,allocated_to,subject,raised_by",
"module": "Support",
"doctype": "DocType",
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"search_index": 1,
"reqd": 0,
"options": "\nOpen\nTo Reply\nWaiting for Customer\nHold\nClosed",
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"doctype": "DocField",
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"reqd": 1,
"permlevel": 0,
"in_filter": 1
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"fieldtype": "Data",
"depends_on": "eval:doc.__islocal",
"reqd": 1,
"permlevel": 0,
"in_filter": 1
"oldfieldtype": "Text",
"doctype": "DocField",
"label": "Description",
"oldfieldname": "problem_description",
"fieldname": "description",
"fieldtype": "Text",
"depends_on": "eval:doc.__islocal",
"reqd": 0,
"permlevel": 0
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"doctype": "DocField",
"label": "New Response",
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"permlevel": 0
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
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"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
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"colour": "White:FFF",
"doctype": "DocField",
"label": "Additional Info",
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"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"permlevel": 1
"oldfieldtype": "Column Break",
"doctype": "DocField",
"width": "50%",
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"fieldtype": "Column Break",
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
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"print_hide": 1,
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"colour": "White:FFF",
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"permlevel": 1,
"trigger": "Client",
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"fieldtype": "Link",
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"reqd": 0,
"options": "Customer",
"in_filter": 1
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"doctype": "DocField",
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"options": "Profile",
"in_filter": 1
"no_copy": 1,
"oldfieldtype": "Text",
"doctype": "DocField",
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"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
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"in_filter": 0
"oldfieldtype": "Time",
"doctype": "DocField",
"label": "Resolution Time",
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"fieldtype": "Time",
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"colour": "White:FFF",
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"doctype": "DocField",
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"hidden": 1,
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"create": 1,
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"role": "Guest",
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"write": 1,
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"create": 1,
"doctype": "DocPerm",
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"create": 0,
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