patch function written for illegal cancelled entry

This commit is contained in:
nabinhait 2011-07-08 18:04:05 +05:30
parent 63cf2b91e7
commit 9f9b082f54
4 changed files with 399 additions and 353 deletions

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@ -21,31 +21,34 @@ class DocType:
def __init__(self, d, dl):
self.doc, self.doclist = d,dl
def repost(self):
def repost(self, account = ''):
if not
msgprint("Please select company", raise_exception=1)
if not in_transaction:
sql("start transaction")
msgprint("Account balance reposted")
msg_cond = account and " and account: " + account or ""
msgprint("Account balance reposted for fiscal year: " + + msg_cond)
def clear_account_balances(self):
def clear_account_balances(self, account = ''):
# balances clear - `tabAccount Balance` for fiscal year
sql("update `tabAccount Balance` set opening=0, balance=0, debit=0, credit=0 where fiscal_year=%s",
cond = account and (" and account = '" + account + "'") or ''
sql("update `tabAccount Balance` set opening=0, balance=0, debit=0, credit=0 where fiscal_year=%s %s", (, cond))
def create_account_balances(self):
def create_account_balances(self, account = ''):
# get periods
period_list = self.get_period_list()
cnt = 0
# get accounts
al = sql("select name from tabAccount")
al = account and [[account]] or sql("select name from tabAccount")
for a in al:
# check
@ -80,9 +83,14 @@ class DocType:
return periods
# ====================================================================================
def update_opening(self):
# set opening from last year closing
abl = sql("select t1.account, t1.balance from `tabAccount Balance` t1, tabAccount t2 where t1.period=%s and and ifnull(t2.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No' and t1.account = for update", (self.doc.past_year,
def update_opening(self, account = ''):
set opening from last year closing
cond = account and (" and = '" + account + "'") or ''
abl = sql("select t1.account, t1.balance from `tabAccount Balance` t1, tabAccount t2 where t1.period= '%s' and '%s' and ifnull(t2.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No' and t1.account = %s for update" % (self.doc.past_year,, cond))
cnt = 0
for ab in abl:
@ -100,10 +108,11 @@ class DocType:
return sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", account)[0]
# ====================================================================================
def post_entries(self):
def post_entries(self, account = ''):
sql("LOCK TABLE `tabGL Entry` WRITE")
cond = account and (" and account = '" + account + "'") or ''
# post each gl entry (batch or complete)
gle = sql("select name, account, debit, credit, is_opening, posting_date from `tabGL Entry` where fiscal_year=%s and ifnull(is_cancelled,'No')='No' and company=%s", (,
gle = sql("select name, account, debit, credit, is_opening, posting_date from `tabGL Entry` where fiscal_year=%s and ifnull(is_cancelled,'No')='No' and company=%s %s", (,, cond))
account_details = {}
cnt = 0
@ -153,7 +162,6 @@ class DocType:
# Clear PV/RV outstanding
# ====================================================================================
def clear_outstanding(self):

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
set = webnotes.conn.set
sql = webnotes.conn.sql
get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
@ -18,378 +17,378 @@ convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
from utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase
class DocType:
def __init__(self,d,dl):
self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
self.entries = []
def __init__(self,d,dl):
self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
self.entries = []
# Get Company List
# ----------------
def get_companies(self,arg=''):
#d = get_defaults()
ret = sql("select name, abbr from tabCompany where docstatus != 2")
#pl = {}
#for r in ret:
# inc = get_value('Account','Income - '+r[1], 'balance')
# exp = get_value('Account','Expenses - '+r[1], 'balance')
# pl[r[0]] = flt(flt(inc) - flt(exp))
return {'cl':[r[0] for r in ret]}#, 'pl':pl}
def get_company_currency(self,arg=''):
dcc = TransactionBase().get_company_currency(arg)
return dcc
# Get Company List
# ----------------
def get_companies(self,arg=''):
#d = get_defaults()
ret = sql("select name, abbr from tabCompany where docstatus != 2")
#pl = {}
#for r in ret:
# inc = get_value('Account','Income - '+r[1], 'balance')
# exp = get_value('Account','Expenses - '+r[1], 'balance')
# pl[r[0]] = flt(flt(inc) - flt(exp))
return {'cl':[r[0] for r in ret]}#, 'pl':pl}
def get_company_currency(self,arg=''):
dcc = TransactionBase().get_company_currency(arg)
return dcc
# Get current balance
# --------------------
def get_bal(self,arg):
ac, fy = arg.split('~~~')
det = sql("select t1.balance, t2.debit_or_credit from `tabAccount Balance` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where t1.period = %s and and t1.account =", (fy, ac))
bal = det and flt(det[0][0]) or 0
dr_or_cr = det and flt(det[0][1]) or ''
return fmt_money(bal) + ' ' + dr_or_cr
# Get current balance
# --------------------
def get_bal(self,arg):
ac, fy = arg.split('~~~')
det = sql("select t1.balance, t2.debit_or_credit from `tabAccount Balance` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where t1.period = %s and and t1.account =", (fy, ac))
bal = det and flt(det[0][0]) or 0
dr_or_cr = det and flt(det[0][1]) or ''
return fmt_money(bal) + ' ' + dr_or_cr
def get_period_balance(self,arg):
acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
def get_period_balance(self,arg):
acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' and ifnull(is_opening, 'No') = 'No' %s" % (acc, c))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' and ifnull(is_opening, 'No') = 'No' %s" % (acc, c))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
bal = (-1) * bal
if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
bal = (-1) * bal
# add opening for balance sheet accounts
if det[0][3] == 'No':
opening = flt(sql("select opening from `tabAccount Balance` where account=%s and period=%s", (acc, fy))[0][0])
bal = bal + opening
# add opening for balance sheet accounts
if det[0][3] == 'No':
opening = flt(sql("select opening from `tabAccount Balance` where account=%s and period=%s", (acc, fy))[0][0])
bal = bal + opening
return flt(bal)
return flt(bal)
def get_period_difference(self,arg, cost_center =''):
# used in General Ledger Page Report
# used for Budget where cost center passed as extra argument
acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
def get_period_difference(self,arg, cost_center =''):
# used in General Ledger Page Report
# used for Budget where cost center passed as extra argument
acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
if cost_center: c += (' and t1.cost_center = "%s"' % cost_center)
bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' %s" % (acc, c))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
if cost_center: c += (' and t1.cost_center = "%s"' % cost_center)
bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' %s" % (acc, c))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
bal = (-1) * bal
if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
bal = (-1) * bal
return flt(bal)
return flt(bal)
# Get Children (for tree)
# -----------------------
def get_cl(self, arg):
# Get Children (for tree)
# -----------------------
def get_cl(self, arg):
fy = get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
parent, parent_acc_name, company, type = arg.split(',')
# get children account details
if type=='Account':
fy = get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
parent, parent_acc_name, company, type = arg.split(',')
# get children account details
if type=='Account':
if parent=='Root Node':
if parent=='Root Node':
cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where ifnull(t1.parent_account, '') = '' and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.account and t2.period = %s order by asc", (company, fy),as_dict=1)
cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where ifnull(t1.parent_account, '')=%s and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.account and t2.period = %s order by asc",(parent, company, fy) ,as_dict=1)
cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where ifnull(t1.parent_account, '') = '' and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.account and t2.period = %s order by asc", (company, fy),as_dict=1)
cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where ifnull(t1.parent_account, '')=%s and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.account and t2.period = %s order by asc",(parent, company, fy) ,as_dict=1)
# remove Decimals
for c in cl: c['balance'] = flt(c['balance'])
# get children cost center details
elif type=='Cost Center':
if parent=='Root Node':
cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger, cost_center_name from `tabCost Center` where ifnull(parent_cost_center, '')='' and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(company),as_dict=1)
cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger,cost_center_name from `tabCost Center` where ifnull(parent_cost_center, '')=%s and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(parent,company),as_dict=1)
return {'parent':parent, 'parent_acc_name':parent_acc_name, 'cl':cl}
# Add a new account
# -----------------
def add_ac(self,arg):
arg = eval(arg)
ac = Document('Account')
for d in arg.keys():
ac.fields[d] = arg[d]
ac.old_parent = ''
ac_obj = get_obj(doc=ac)
# remove Decimals
for c in cl: c['balance'] = flt(c['balance'])
# get children cost center details
elif type=='Cost Center':
if parent=='Root Node':
cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger, cost_center_name from `tabCost Center` where ifnull(parent_cost_center, '')='' and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(company),as_dict=1)
cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger,cost_center_name from `tabCost Center` where ifnull(parent_cost_center, '')=%s and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(parent,company),as_dict=1)
return {'parent':parent, 'parent_acc_name':parent_acc_name, 'cl':cl}
# Add a new account
# -----------------
def add_ac(self,arg):
arg = eval(arg)
ac = Document('Account')
for d in arg.keys():
ac.fields[d] = arg[d]
ac.old_parent = ''
ac_obj = get_obj(doc=ac)
# Add a new cost center
def add_cc(self,arg):
arg = eval(arg)
cc = Document('Cost Center')
# map fields
for d in arg.keys():
cc.fields[d] = arg[d]
# map company abbr
other_info = sql("select company_abbr from `tabCost Center` where name='%s'"%arg['parent_cost_center'])
cc.company_abbr = other_info and other_info[0][0] or arg['company_abbr']
cc_obj = get_obj(doc=cc)
# Add a new cost center
def add_cc(self,arg):
arg = eval(arg)
cc = Document('Cost Center')
# map fields
for d in arg.keys():
cc.fields[d] = arg[d]
# map company abbr
other_info = sql("select company_abbr from `tabCost Center` where name='%s'"%arg['parent_cost_center'])
cc.company_abbr = other_info and other_info[0][0] or arg['company_abbr']
cc_obj = get_obj(doc=cc)
# Get field values from the voucher
def get_val(self, src, d, parent=None):
if not src:
return None
if src.startswith('parent:'):
return parent.fields[src.split(':')[1]]
elif src.startswith('value:'):
return eval(src.split(':')[1])
elif src:
return d.fields.get(src)
def check_if_in_list(self, le):
for e in self.entries:
if e.account == le.account and (cstr(e.against_voucher)==cstr(le.against_voucher)) and (cstr(e.against_voucher_type)==cstr(le.against_voucher_type)) and (cstr(e.cost_center)==cstr(le.cost_center)):
return [e]
return 0
# Make a dictionary(le) for every gl entry and append to a list(self.entries)
def make_single_entry(self,parent,d,le_map,cancel, merge_entries):
if self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent) and (self.get_val(le_map['debit'], d, parent) or self.get_val(le_map['credit'], d, parent)):
flist = ['account','cost_center','against','debit','credit','remarks','voucher_type','voucher_no','transaction_date','posting_date','fiscal_year','against_voucher','against_voucher_type','company','is_opening', 'aging_date']
# Get field values from the voucher
def get_val(self, src, d, parent=None):
if not src:
return None
if src.startswith('parent:'):
return parent.fields[src.split(':')[1]]
elif src.startswith('value:'):
return eval(src.split(':')[1])
elif src:
return d.fields.get(src)
def check_if_in_list(self, le):
for e in self.entries:
if e.account == le.account and (cstr(e.against_voucher)==cstr(le.against_voucher)) and (cstr(e.against_voucher_type)==cstr(le.against_voucher_type)) and (cstr(e.cost_center)==cstr(le.cost_center)):
return [e]
return 0
# Make a dictionary(le) for every gl entry and append to a list(self.entries)
def make_single_entry(self,parent,d,le_map,cancel, merge_entries):
if self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent) and (self.get_val(le_map['debit'], d, parent) or self.get_val(le_map['credit'], d, parent)):
flist = ['account','cost_center','against','debit','credit','remarks','voucher_type','voucher_no','transaction_date','posting_date','fiscal_year','against_voucher','against_voucher_type','company','is_opening', 'aging_date']
# Check budget before gl entry
#check budget only if account is expense account
is_expense_acct = sql("select name from tabAccount where is_pl_account='Yes' and debit_or_credit='Debit' and name=%s",self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent))
if is_expense_acct and self.get_val(le_map['cost_center'], d, parent):
get_obj('Budget Control').check_budget([self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent) for k in flist if k in ['account','cost_center','debit','credit','posting_date','fiscal_year','company']],cancel)
# Create new GL entry object and map values
le = Document('GL Entry')
for k in flist:
le.fields[k] = self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent)
# if there is already an entry in this account then just add it to that entry
same_head = self.check_if_in_list(le)
if same_head and merge_entries:
same_head = same_head[0]
same_head.debit = flt(same_head.debit) + flt(le.debit) = flt( + flt(
# Save GL Entries
# ----------------
def save_entries(self, cancel, adv_adj, update_outstanding):
for le in self.entries:
# cancel
if cancel or flt(le.debit) < 0 or flt( < 0:
le.debit, = abs(flt(, abs(flt(tmp))
# Check budget before gl entry
#check budget only if account is expense account
is_expense_acct = sql("select name from tabAccount where is_pl_account='Yes' and debit_or_credit='Debit' and name=%s",self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent))
if is_expense_acct and self.get_val(le_map['cost_center'], d, parent):
get_obj('Budget Control').check_budget([self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent) for k in flist if k in ['account','cost_center','debit','credit','posting_date','fiscal_year','company']],cancel)
# Create new GL entry object and map values
le = Document('GL Entry')
for k in flist:
le.fields[k] = self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent)
# if there is already an entry in this account then just add it to that entry
same_head = self.check_if_in_list(le)
if same_head and merge_entries:
same_head = same_head[0]
same_head.debit = flt(same_head.debit) + flt(le.debit) = flt( + flt(
# Save GL Entries
# ----------------
def save_entries(self, cancel, adv_adj, update_outstanding):
for le in self.entries:
# cancel
if cancel or flt(le.debit) < 0 or flt( < 0:
le.debit, = abs(flt(, abs(flt(tmp))
le_obj = get_obj(doc=le)
# validate except on_cancel
if not cancel:
le_obj = get_obj(doc=le)
# validate except on_cancel
if not cancel:
# save
le_obj.on_update(adv_adj, cancel, update_outstanding)
# save
le_obj.on_update(adv_adj, cancel, update_outstanding)
# update total debit / credit += flt(le.debit) += flt(
# Make Multiple Entries
# ---------------------
def make_gl_entries(self, doc, doclist, cancel=0, adv_adj = 0, use_mapper='', merge_entries = 1, update_outstanding='Yes'):
# get entries
le_map_list = sql("select * from `tabGL Mapper Detail` where parent = %s", use_mapper or doc.doctype, as_dict=1), = 0.0, 0.0
for le_map in le_map_list:
if le_map['table_field']:
for d in getlist(doclist,le_map['table_field']):
# purchase_tax_details is the table of other charges in purchase cycle
if le_map['table_field'] != 'purchase_tax_details' or (le_map['table_field'] == 'purchase_tax_details' and d.fields.get('category') != 'For Valuation'):
self.make_single_entry(doc,d,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)
self.make_single_entry(None,doc,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)
# save entries
self.save_entries(cancel, adv_adj, update_outstanding)
# check total debit / credit
# Due to old wrong entries (total debit != total credit) some voucher could be cancelled
if abs( - > 0.001 and not cancel:
msgprint("Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is %s" % (
raise Exception
# update total debit / credit += flt(le.debit) += flt(
# Make Multiple Entries
# ---------------------
def make_gl_entries(self, doc, doclist, cancel=0, adv_adj = 0, use_mapper='', merge_entries = 1, update_outstanding='Yes'):
# get entries
le_map_list = sql("select * from `tabGL Mapper Detail` where parent = %s", use_mapper or doc.doctype, as_dict=1), = 0.0, 0.0
for le_map in le_map_list:
if le_map['table_field']:
for d in getlist(doclist,le_map['table_field']):
# purchase_tax_details is the table of other charges in purchase cycle
if le_map['table_field'] != 'purchase_tax_details' or (le_map['table_field'] == 'purchase_tax_details' and d.fields.get('category') != 'For Valuation'):
self.make_single_entry(doc,d,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)
self.make_single_entry(None,doc,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)
# save entries
self.save_entries(cancel, adv_adj, update_outstanding)
# check total debit / credit
# Due to old wrong entries (total debit != total credit) some voucher could be cancelled
if abs( - > 0.001 and not cancel:
msgprint("Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is %s" % (
raise Exception
# set as cancelled
if cancel:
vt, vn = self.get_val(le_map['voucher_type'], doc, doc), self.get_val(le_map['voucher_no'], doc, doc)
sql("update `tabGL Entry` set is_cancelled='Yes' where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s", (vt, vn))
# set as cancelled
if cancel:
vt, vn = self.get_val(le_map['voucher_type'], doc, doc), self.get_val(le_map['voucher_no'], doc, doc)
sql("update `tabGL Entry` set is_cancelled='Yes' where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s", (vt, vn))
# Get account balance on any date
# -------------------------------
def get_as_on_balance(self, account_name, fiscal_year, as_on, credit_or_debit, lft, rgt):
# initialization
det = sql("select start_date, opening from `tabAccount Balance` where period = %s and account = %s", (fiscal_year, account_name))
from_date, opening, debit_bal, credit_bal, closing_bal = det and det[0][0] or getdate(nowdate()), det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0, 0, 0, det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0
# Get account balance on any date
# -------------------------------
def get_as_on_balance(self, account_name, fiscal_year, as_on, credit_or_debit, lft, rgt):
# initialization
det = sql("select start_date, opening from `tabAccount Balance` where period = %s and account = %s", (fiscal_year, account_name))
from_date, opening, debit_bal, credit_bal, closing_bal = det and det[0][0] or getdate(nowdate()), det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0, 0, 0, det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0
# prev month closing
prev_month_det = sql("select end_date, debit, credit, balance from `tabAccount Balance` where account = %s and end_date <= %s and fiscal_year = %s order by end_date desc limit 1", (account_name, as_on, fiscal_year))
if prev_month_det:
from_date = getdate(add_days(prev_month_det[0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 1))
opening = 0
debit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][1])
credit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][2])
closing_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][3])
# prev month closing
prev_month_det = sql("select end_date, debit, credit, balance from `tabAccount Balance` where account = %s and end_date <= %s and fiscal_year = %s order by end_date desc limit 1", (account_name, as_on, fiscal_year))
if prev_month_det:
from_date = getdate(add_days(prev_month_det[0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 1))
opening = 0
debit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][1])
credit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][2])
closing_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][3])
# curr month transaction
if getdate(as_on) >= from_date:
curr_month_bal = sql("select SUM(t1.debit), SUM( from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' AND t1.account = AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (from_date, as_on, lft, rgt))
curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
debit_bal = curr_month_bal and debit_bal + curr_debit_amt or debit_bal
credit_bal = curr_month_bal and credit_bal + curr_credit_amt or credit_bal
# curr month transaction
if getdate(as_on) >= from_date:
curr_month_bal = sql("select SUM(t1.debit), SUM( from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' AND t1.account = AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (from_date, as_on, lft, rgt))
curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
debit_bal = curr_month_bal and debit_bal + curr_debit_amt or debit_bal
credit_bal = curr_month_bal and credit_bal + curr_credit_amt or credit_bal
if credit_or_debit == 'Credit':
curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
closing_bal = closing_bal + curr_debit_amt - curr_credit_amt
if credit_or_debit == 'Credit':
curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
closing_bal = closing_bal + curr_debit_amt - curr_credit_amt
return flt(debit_bal), flt(credit_bal), flt(closing_bal)
return flt(debit_bal), flt(credit_bal), flt(closing_bal)
def get_advances(self, obj, account_head, table_name,table_field_name, dr_or_cr):
jv_detail = sql("select, t1.remark, t2.%s,, t1.ded_amount from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher is null or t2.against_voucher = '') and (t2.against_invoice is null or t2.against_invoice = '') and (t2.against_jv is null or t2.against_jv = '') and t2.account = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus = 1 order by t1.voucher_date " % (dr_or_cr,account_head))
# clear advance table
# Create advance table
for d in jv_detail:
add = addchild(obj.doc, table_field_name, table_name, 1, obj.doclist)
add.journal_voucher = d[0]
add.jv_detail_no = d[3]
add.remarks = d[1]
add.advance_amount = flt(d[2])
add.allocate_amount = 0
if table_name == 'Advance Allocation Detail':
add.tds_amount = flt(d[4])
# Clear rows which is not adjusted
def clear_advances(self, obj,table_name,table_field_name):
for d in getlist(obj.doclist,table_field_name):
if not flt(d.allocated_amount):
sql("update `tab%s` set parent = '' where name = '%s' and parent = '%s'" % (table_name,, d.parent))
d.parent = ''
# Update aginst document in journal voucher
def update_against_document_in_jv(self, obj, table_field_name, against_document_no, against_document_doctype, account_head, dr_or_cr,doctype):
for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_field_name):
self.validate_jv_entry(d, account_head, dr_or_cr)
if flt(d.advance_amount) == flt(d.allocated_amount):
# cancel JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj =1)
def get_advances(self, obj, account_head, table_name,table_field_name, dr_or_cr):
jv_detail = sql("select, t1.remark, t2.%s,, t1.ded_amount from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher is null or t2.against_voucher = '') and (t2.against_invoice is null or t2.against_invoice = '') and (t2.against_jv is null or t2.against_jv = '') and t2.account = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus = 1 order by t1.voucher_date " % (dr_or_cr,account_head))
# clear advance table
# Create advance table
for d in jv_detail:
add = addchild(obj.doc, table_field_name, table_name, 1, obj.doclist)
add.journal_voucher = d[0]
add.jv_detail_no = d[3]
add.remarks = d[1]
add.advance_amount = flt(d[2])
add.allocate_amount = 0
if table_name == 'Advance Allocation Detail':
add.tds_amount = flt(d[4])
# Clear rows which is not adjusted
def clear_advances(self, obj,table_name,table_field_name):
for d in getlist(obj.doclist,table_field_name):
if not flt(d.allocated_amount):
sql("update `tab%s` set parent = '' where name = '%s' and parent = '%s'" % (table_name,, d.parent))
d.parent = ''
# Update aginst document in journal voucher
def update_against_document_in_jv(self, obj, table_field_name, against_document_no, against_document_doctype, account_head, dr_or_cr,doctype):
for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_field_name):
self.validate_jv_entry(d, account_head, dr_or_cr)
if flt(d.advance_amount) == flt(d.allocated_amount):
# cancel JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj =1)
# update ref in JV Detail
sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (doctype=='Payable Voucher' and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice', cstr(against_document_no), d.jv_detail_no))
# re-submit JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj =1)
# update ref in JV Detail
sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (doctype=='Payable Voucher' and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice', cstr(against_document_no), d.jv_detail_no))
# re-submit JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj =1)
elif flt(d.advance_amount) > flt(d.allocated_amount):
# cancel JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj = 1)
# add extra entries
self.add_extra_entry(jv_obj, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, flt(d.allocated_amount), account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no)
# re-submit JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj = 1)
msgprint("Allocation amount cannot be greater than advance amount")
raise Exception
# Add extra row in jv detail for unadjusted amount
def add_extra_entry(self,jv_obj,jv,jv_detail_no, allocate, account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no):
# get old entry details
jvd = sql("select %s, cost_center, balance, against_account from `tabJournal Voucher Detail` where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr,jv_detail_no))
advance = jvd and flt(jvd[0][0]) or 0
balance = flt(advance) - flt(allocate)
elif flt(d.advance_amount) > flt(d.allocated_amount):
# cancel JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj = 1)
# add extra entries
self.add_extra_entry(jv_obj, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, flt(d.allocated_amount), account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no)
# re-submit JV
jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj = 1)
msgprint("Allocation amount cannot be greater than advance amount")
raise Exception
# Add extra row in jv detail for unadjusted amount
def add_extra_entry(self,jv_obj,jv,jv_detail_no, allocate, account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no):
# get old entry details
jvd = sql("select %s, cost_center, balance, against_account from `tabJournal Voucher Detail` where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr,jv_detail_no))
advance = jvd and flt(jvd[0][0]) or 0
balance = flt(advance) - flt(allocate)
# update old entry
sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s', %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr, flt(allocate), doctype == "Payable Voucher" and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice',cstr(against_document_no), jv_detail_no))
# update old entry
sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s', %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr, flt(allocate), doctype == "Payable Voucher" and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice',cstr(against_document_no), jv_detail_no))
# new entry with balance amount
add = addchild(jv_obj.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', 1, jv_obj.doclist)
add.account = account_head
add.cost_center = cstr(jvd[0][1])
add.balance = cstr(jvd[0][2])
add.fields[dr_or_cr] = balance
add.against_account = cstr(jvd[0][3])
add.is_advance = 'Yes'
# check if advance entries are still valid
# ----------------------------------------
def validate_jv_entry(self, d, account_head, dr_or_cr):
# 1. check if there is already a voucher reference
# 2. check if amount is same
# 3. check if is_advance is 'Yes'
# 4. check if jv is submitted
ret = sql("select t2.%s from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher = '' or t2.against_voucher is null) and (t2.against_invoice = '' or t2.against_invoice is null) and t2.account = '%s' and = '%s' and = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus=1 and t2.%s = %s" % ( dr_or_cr, account_head, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, dr_or_cr, d.advance_amount))
if (not ret):
msgprint("Please click on 'Get Advances Paid' button as the advance entries have been changed.")
raise Exception
# new entry with balance amount
add = addchild(jv_obj.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', 1, jv_obj.doclist)
add.account = account_head
add.cost_center = cstr(jvd[0][1])
add.balance = cstr(jvd[0][2])
add.fields[dr_or_cr] = balance
add.against_account = cstr(jvd[0][3])
add.is_advance = 'Yes'
# check if advance entries are still valid
# ----------------------------------------
def validate_jv_entry(self, d, account_head, dr_or_cr):
# 1. check if there is already a voucher reference
# 2. check if amount is same
# 3. check if is_advance is 'Yes'
# 4. check if jv is submitted
ret = sql("select t2.%s from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher = '' or t2.against_voucher is null) and (t2.against_invoice = '' or t2.against_invoice is null) and t2.account = '%s' and = '%s' and = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus=1 and t2.%s = %s" % ( dr_or_cr, account_head, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, dr_or_cr, d.advance_amount))
if (not ret):
msgprint("Please click on 'Get Advances Paid' button as the advance entries have been changed.")
raise Exception
# Repair Outstanding Amount
def repair_voucher_outstanding(self, voucher_obj):
msg = []
def repair_voucher_outstanding(self, voucher_obj):
msg = []
# Get Balance from GL Entries
bal = sql("select sum(debit)-sum(credit) from `tabGL Entry` where against_voucher=%s and against_voucher_type=%s", ( , voucher_obj.doc.doctype))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0.0
if cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) == 'Payable Voucher':
bal = -bal
# Get Balance from GL Entries
bal = sql("select sum(debit)-sum(credit) from `tabGL Entry` where against_voucher=%s and against_voucher_type=%s", ( , voucher_obj.doc.doctype))
bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0.0
if cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) == 'Payable Voucher':
bal = -bal
# Check outstanding Amount
if flt(voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount) != flt(bal):
msgprint('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
msg.append('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
# Check outstanding Amount
if flt(voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount) != flt(bal):
msgprint('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
msg.append('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
# set voucher balance
#sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'" % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype, bal,
set(voucher_obj.doc, 'outstanding_amount', flt(bal))
# set voucher balance
#sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'" % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype, bal,
set(voucher_obj.doc, 'outstanding_amount', flt(bal))
# Send Mail
if msg:
email_msg = """ Dear Administrator,
# Send Mail
if msg:
email_msg = """ Dear Administrator,
In Account := %s User := %s has Repaired Outstanding Amount For %s : %s and following was found:-
@ -397,6 +396,34 @@ In Account := %s User := %s has Repaired Outstanding Amount For %s : %s and foll
""" % (get_value('Control Panel', None,'account_id'), session['user'], voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, '\n'.join(msg))
sendmail([''], subject='Repair Outstanding Amount', parts = [('text/plain', email_msg)])
# Acknowledge User
msgprint(cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) + " : " + cstr( + " has been checked" + cstr(msg and " and repaired successfully." or ". No changes Found."))
sendmail([''], subject='Repair Outstanding Amount', parts = [('text/plain', email_msg)])
# Acknowledge User
msgprint(cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) + " : " + cstr( + " has been checked" + cstr(msg and " and repaired successfully." or ". No changes Found."))
def repost_illegal_cancelled(self, after_date='2011-01-01'):
Find vouchers that are not cancelled correctly and repost them
vl = sql("""
select voucher_type, voucher_no, account, sum(debit) as sum_debit, sum(credit) as sum_credit
from `tabGL Entry`
where is_cancelled='Yes' and creation > %s
group by voucher_type, voucher_no, account
""", after_date, as_dict=1)
ac_list = []
for v in vl:
if v['sum_debit'] != 0 or v['sum_credit'] != 0:
fy_list = sql("""select name from `tabFiscal Year`
where (%s between year_start_date and date_sub(date_add(year_start_date,interval 1 year), interval 1 day))
or year_start_date > %s
order by year_start_date ASC""", (after_date, after_date))
for fy in fy_list:
fy_obj = get_obj('Fiscal Year', fy[0])
for a in set(ac_list):

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# These values are common in all dictionaries
'creation': '2011-07-07 18:05:53',
'creation': '2011-07-08 13:30:05',
'docstatus': 0,
'modified': '2011-07-07 18:51:19',
'modified': '2011-07-08 13:30:05',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'owner': 'Guest'
'owner': 'Administrator'
# These values are common for all DocType

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class DocType:
# =============================================================================
def get_bin_qty(self, wh, item):
# get actual_qty
act_qty = sql("select ifnull(actual_qty, 0) from `tabBin` where warehouse = '%s' and item_code = '%s'" % (wh, item))
act_qty = sql("select sum(actual_qty) from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where warehouse = '%s' and item_code = '%s' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'" % (wh, item))
act_qty = act_qty and flt(act_qty[0][0]) or 0
# get indented_qty
@ -120,6 +120,17 @@ class DocType:
# =============================================================================
def repair_bins_for_illegal_cancelled(self, after_date = '2011-01-01'):
bins = sql("select name from tabBin where modified >= %s", after_date)
cnt = 0
for bin in bins:
if cnt % 20 == 0:
sql("start transaction")
cnt += 1
# =============================================================================
def repair_opening_bal(self, d, acc_obj, past_yr, fiscal_yr):
# check opening balance
opbal = sql("select balance from `tabAccount Balance` where account=%s and period = %s", (, past_yr))