Merge into wip_payrec
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class CForm(Document):
def get_invoice_details(self, invoice_no):
""" Pull details from invoices for referrence """
if invoice_no:
inv = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice", invoice_no,
["posting_date", "territory", "net_total", "grand_total"], as_dict=True)
return {
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def get_pricing_rules(args):
group_condition = _get_tree_conditions(parenttype)
if group_condition:
conditions += " and " + group_condition
if not args.price_list: args.price_list = None
conditions += " and ifnull(for_price_list, '') in (%(price_list)s, '')"
if args.get("transaction_date"):
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
'target_ref_field': 'amount',
'source_field': 'amount',
'percent_join_field': 'purchase_order',
'overflow_type': 'billing'
def validate(self):
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
'join_field': 'so_detail',
'percent_join_field': 'sales_order',
'status_field': 'billing_status',
'keyword': 'Billed'
'keyword': 'Billed',
'overflow_type': 'billing'
def validate(self):
@ -134,7 +135,8 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
'second_source_dt': 'Delivery Note Item',
'second_source_field': 'qty',
'second_join_field': 'prevdoc_detail_docname'
'second_join_field': 'prevdoc_detail_docname',
'overflow_type': 'delivery'
def on_update_after_submit(self):
@ -339,8 +341,8 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
def validate_pos(self):
if not self.cash_bank_account and flt(self.paid_amount):
msgprint(_("Cash or Bank Account is mandatory for making payment entry"))
raise Exception
frappe.throw(_("Cash or Bank Account is mandatory for making payment entry"))
if flt(self.paid_amount) + flt(self.write_off_amount) \
- flt(self.grand_total) > 1/(10**(self.precision("grand_total") + 1)):
frappe.throw(_("""Paid amount + Write Off Amount can not be greater than Grand Total"""))
@ -431,8 +433,7 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
submitted = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabSales Order`
where docstatus = 1 and name = %s""", d.sales_order)
if not submitted:
msgprint(_("Sales Order {0} is not submitted").format(d.sales_order))
raise Exception
frappe.throw(_("Sales Order {0} is not submitted").format(d.sales_order))
if d.delivery_note:
submitted = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabDelivery Note`
@ -682,7 +683,7 @@ def manage_recurring_invoices(next_date=None, commit=True):
if exception_list:
exception_message = "\n\n".join([cstr(d) for d in exception_list])
raise Exception, exception_message
def make_new_invoice(ref_wrapper, posting_date):
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<h2 class="text-center">{%= __("Bank Reconciliation Statement") %}</h2>
<h4 class="text-center">{%= filters.account %}</h3>
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th style="width: 15%">{%= __("Posting Date") %}</th>
<th style="width: 15%">{%= __("Journal Voucher") %}</th>
<th style="width: 40%">{%= __("Reference") %}</th>
<th style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">{%= __("Debit") %}</th>
<th style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">{%= __("Credit") %}</th>
{% for(var i=0, l=data.length; i<l; i++) { %}
{% if (data[i].posting_date) { %}
<td>{%= dateutil.str_to_user(data[i].posting_date) %}</td>
<td>{%= data[i].journal_voucher %}</td>
<td>{%= __("Against") %}: {%= data[i].against_account %}
{% if (data[i].reference) { %}
<br>{%= __("Reference") %}: {%= data[i].reference %}
{% if (data[i].ref_date) { %}
<br>{%= __("Reference Date") %}: {%= dateutil.str_to_user(data[i].ref_date) %}
{% } %}
{% } %}
{% if (data[i].clearance_date) { %}
<br>{%= __("Clearance Date") %}: {%= dateutil.str_to_user(data[i].clearance_date) %}
{% } %}
<td style="text-align: right">{%= format_currency(data[i].debit) %}</td>
<td style="text-align: right">{%= format_currency(data[i].credit) %}</td>
{% } else { %}
<td>{%= data[i].journal_voucher %}</td>
<td style="text-align: right">{%= format_currency(data[i].debit) %}</td>
<td style="text-align: right">{%= format_currency(data[i].credit) %}</td>
{% } %}
{% } %}
<p class="text-right text-muted">Printed On {%= dateutil.str_to_user(dateutil.get_datetime_as_string()) %}</p>
@ -19,28 +19,29 @@ def execute(filters=None):
total_debit, total_credit = 0,0
for d in data:
total_debit += flt(d[4])
total_credit += flt(d[5])
total_debit += flt(d[2])
total_credit += flt(d[3])
bank_bal = flt(balance_as_per_company) - flt(total_debit) + flt(total_credit)
data += [
get_balance_row("Balance as per company books", balance_as_per_company),
["", "", "", "Amounts not reflected in bank", total_debit, total_credit],
["", "Amounts not reflected in bank", total_debit, total_credit, "", "", "", ""],
get_balance_row("Balance as per bank", bank_bal)
return columns, data
def get_columns():
return ["Journal Voucher:Link/Journal Voucher:140", "Posting Date:Date:100",
"Clearance Date:Date:110", "Against Account:Link/Account:200",
"Debit:Currency:120", "Credit:Currency:120"
return ["Posting Date:Date:100", "Journal Voucher:Link/Journal Voucher:200",
"Debit:Currency:120", "Credit:Currency:120",
"Against Account:Link/Account:200", "Reference::100", "Ref Date:Date:110", "Clearance Date:Date:110"
def get_entries(filters):
entries = frappe.db.sql("""select
||||, jv.posting_date, jv.clearance_date, jvd.against_account, jvd.debit,
jv.posting_date,, jvd.debit,,
jvd.against_account, jv.cheque_no, jv.cheque_date, jv.clearance_date
`tabJournal Voucher Detail` jvd, `tabJournal Voucher` jv
where jvd.parent = and jv.docstatus=1
@ -52,6 +53,6 @@ def get_entries(filters):
def get_balance_row(label, amount):
if amount > 0:
return ["", "", "", label, amount, 0]
return ["", label, amount, 0, "", "", "", ""]
return ["", "", "", label, 0, amount]
return ["", label, 0, amount, "", "", "", ""]
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ def get_gl_entries(filters):
def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = []
if filters.get("account"):
if not frappe.db.exists("Account", filters["account"]):
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} is not valid").format(filters["account"]))
lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters["account"], ["lft", "rgt"])
conditions.append("""account in (select name from tabAccount
where lft>=%s and rgt<=%s and docstatus<2)""" % (lft, rgt))
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ erpnext.buying.BuyingController = erpnext.TransactionController.extend({
buying_price_list: function() {
price_list_rate: function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class PurchaseOrder(BuyingController):
'target_ref_field': 'qty',
'source_field': 'qty',
'percent_join_field': 'prevdoc_docname',
'overflow_type': 'order'
def validate(self):
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_address = function() {
page_length: 5,
new_doctype: "Address",
get_query: function() {
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where supplier='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where supplier='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No addresses created'),
@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_contact = function() {
page_length: 5,
new_doctype: "Contact",
get_query: function() {
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where supplier='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where supplier='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No contacts created'),
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _, throw
from frappe.utils import flt, cint, today
from erpnext.setup.utils import get_company_currency
from erpnext.setup.utils import get_company_currency, get_exchange_rate
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year, validate_fiscal_year
from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase
import json
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class AccountsController(TransactionBase):
self.plc_conversion_rate = 1.0
elif not self.plc_conversion_rate:
self.plc_conversion_rate = self.get_exchange_rate(
self.plc_conversion_rate = get_exchange_rate(
self.price_list_currency, company_currency)
# currency
@ -78,13 +78,9 @@ class AccountsController(TransactionBase):
elif self.currency == company_currency:
self.conversion_rate = 1.0
elif not self.conversion_rate:
self.conversion_rate = self.get_exchange_rate(self.currency,
self.conversion_rate = get_exchange_rate(self.currency,
def get_exchange_rate(self, from_currency, to_currency):
exchange = "%s-%s" % (from_currency, to_currency)
return flt(frappe.db.get_value("Currency Exchange", exchange, "exchange_rate"))
def set_missing_item_details(self):
"""set missing item values"""
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_item_details
@ -32,34 +32,46 @@ def employee_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, employee_name from `tabEmployee`
where status = 'Active'
and docstatus < 2
and (%(key)s like "%(txt)s"
or employee_name like "%(txt)s")
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or employee_name like %(txt)s)
order by
if(locate("%(_txt)s", name), locate("%(_txt)s", name), 99999),
if(locate("%(_txt)s", employee_name), locate("%(_txt)s", employee_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), 99999),
name, employee_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""" % {'key': searchfield, 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
'key': searchfield,
'mcond': get_match_cond(doctype)
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for leads which are not converted
def lead_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, lead_name, company_name from `tabLead`
where docstatus < 2
and ifnull(status, '') != 'Converted'
and (%(key)s like "%(txt)s"
or lead_name like "%(txt)s"
or company_name like "%(txt)s")
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or lead_name like %(txt)s
or company_name like %(txt)s)
order by
if(locate("%(_txt)s", name), locate("%(_txt)s", name), 99999),
if(locate("%(_txt)s", lead_name), locate("%(_txt)s", lead_name), 99999),
if(locate("%(_txt)s", company_name), locate("%(_txt)s", company_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, lead_name), locate(%(_txt)s, lead_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, company_name), locate(%(_txt)s, company_name), 99999),
name, lead_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""" % {'key': searchfield, 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
'key': searchfield,
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for customer
def customer_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
@ -72,19 +84,25 @@ def customer_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
fields = ", ".join(fields)
return frappe.db.sql("""select %(field)s from `tabCustomer`
return frappe.db.sql("""select {fields} from `tabCustomer`
where docstatus < 2
and (%(key)s like "%(txt)s"
or customer_name like "%(txt)s")
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or customer_name like %(txt)s)
order by
if(locate("%(_txt)s", name), locate("%(_txt)s", name), 99999),
if(locate("%(_txt)s", customer_name), locate("%(_txt)s", customer_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, customer_name), locate(%(_txt)s, customer_name), 99999),
name, customer_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""" % {'field': fields,'key': searchfield,
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
"fields": fields,
"key": searchfield,
"mcond": get_match_cond(doctype)
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for supplier
def supplier_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
@ -95,19 +113,25 @@ def supplier_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
fields = ["name", "supplier_name", "supplier_type"]
fields = ", ".join(fields)
return frappe.db.sql("""select %(field)s from `tabSupplier`
return frappe.db.sql("""select {field} from `tabSupplier`
where docstatus < 2
and (%(key)s like "%(txt)s"
or supplier_name like "%(txt)s")
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or supplier_name like %(txt)s)
order by
if(locate("%(_txt)s", name), locate("%(_txt)s", name), 99999),
if(locate("%(_txt)s", supplier_name), locate("%(_txt)s", supplier_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, supplier_name), locate(%(_txt)s, supplier_name), 99999),
name, supplier_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """ % {'field': fields,'key': searchfield,
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype), 'start': start,
'page_len': page_len})
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """.format(**{
'field': fields,
'key': searchfield,
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
def tax_account_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
tax_accounts = frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_account from tabAccount
@ -132,11 +132,12 @@ class StatusUpdater(Document):
if not item[args['target_ref_field']]:
msgprint(_("Note: System will not check over-delivery and over-booking for Item {0} as quantity or amount is 0").format(item.item_code))
elif args.get('no_tolerance'):
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - \
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - item[args['target_ref_field']]
if item['reduce_by'] > .01:
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-delivery / over-billing crossed for Item {0}").format(item.item_code))
throw(_("{0} must be less than or equal to {1}").format(_(item.target_ref_field), item[args["target_ref_field"]]))
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-{0} crossed for Item {1}")
.format(args["overflow_type"], item.item_code))
throw(_("{0} must be reduced by {1} or you should increase overflow tolerance")
.format(_(item.target_ref_field.title()), item["reduce_by"]))
self.check_overflow_with_tolerance(item, args)
@ -156,8 +157,10 @@ class StatusUpdater(Document):
item['max_allowed'] = flt(item[args['target_ref_field']] * (100+tolerance)/100)
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - item['max_allowed']
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-delivery / over-billing crossed for Item {0}.").format(item["item_code"]))
throw(_("{0} must be less than or equal to {1}").format(item["target_ref_field"].title(), item["max_allowed"]))
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-{0} crossed for Item {1}.")
.format(args["overflow_type"], item["item_code"]))
throw(_("{0} must be reduced by {1} or you should increase overflow tolerance")
.format(_(item["target_ref_field"].title()), item["reduce_by"]))
def update_qty(self, change_modified=True):
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ app_icon = "icon-th"
app_color = "#e74c3c"
app_version = __version__
error_report_email = ""
app_include_js = "assets/js/erpnext.min.js"
app_include_css = "assets/css/erpnext.css"
web_include_js = "assets/js/erpnext-web.min.js"
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ cur_frm.fields_dict['pp_details'].grid.get_field('item_code').get_query = functi
cur_frm.fields_dict['pp_details'].grid.get_field('bom_no').get_query = function(doc) {
var d = locals[this.doctype][this.docname];
cur_frm.fields_dict['pp_details'].grid.get_field('bom_no').get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
var d = locals[cdt][cdn];
if (d.item_code) {
return {
query: "",
@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ erpnext.patches.v4_0.set_naming_series_property_setter
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import frappe
def execute():
frappe.db.sql("""update `tabSales Order` set delivery_status = 'Not Delivered'
where delivery_status = 'Delivered' and ifnull(per_delivered, 0) = 0 and docstatus = 0""")
where delivery_status = 'Delivered' and ifnull(per_delivered, 0) = 0 and ifnull(docstatus, 0) in (0, 1)""")
frappe.db.sql("""update `tabSales Order` set billing_status = 'Not Billed'
where billing_status = 'Billed' and ifnull(per_billed, 0) = 0 and docstatus = 0""")
where billing_status = 'Billed' and ifnull(per_billed, 0) = 0 and ifnull(docstatus, 0) in (0, 1)""")
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Project(Document):
"event_type": "Private",
"ref_type": self.doctype,
def on_trash(self):
@ -241,31 +241,13 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
if(flt(this.frm.doc.conversion_rate)>0.0) {
if(this.frm.doc.ignore_pricing_rule) {
} else {
} else if (!this.in_apply_price_list){
get_price_list_currency: function(buying_or_selling) {
var me = this;
var fieldname = buying_or_selling.toLowerCase() + "_price_list";
if(this.frm.doc[fieldname]) {
method: "erpnext.setup.utils.get_price_list_currency",
args: {
price_list: this.frm.doc[fieldname],
callback: function(r) {
if(!r.exc) {
get_exchange_rate: function(from_currency, to_currency, callback) {
var exchange_name = from_currency + "-" + to_currency;
frappe.model.with_doc("Currency Exchange", exchange_name, function(name) {
@ -277,22 +259,17 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
price_list_currency: function() {
var me=this;
var company_currency = this.get_company_currency();
if(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency !== company_currency) {
this.get_exchange_rate(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency, company_currency,
function(exchange_rate) {
if(exchange_rate) {
me.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", exchange_rate);
} else {
plc_conversion_rate: function() {
if(!this.in_apply_price_list) {
set_plc_conversion_rate: function() {
if(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency === this.get_company_currency()) {
this.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", 1.0);
@ -351,9 +328,22 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
apply_pricing_rule: function(item, calculate_taxes_and_totals) {
var me = this;
var item_list = this._get_item_list(item);
var args = {
"item_list": item_list,
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.pricing_rule.pricing_rule.apply_pricing_rule",
args: { args: this._get_args(item) },
callback: function(r) {
if (!r.exc) {
if(calculate_taxes_and_totals) me.calculate_taxes_and_totals();
_get_args: function(item) {
var me = this;
return {
"item_list": this._get_item_list(item),
"customer": me.frm.doc.customer,
"customer_group": me.frm.doc.customer_group,
"territory": me.frm.doc.territory,
@ -371,22 +361,6 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
"parenttype": me.frm.doc.doctype,
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.pricing_rule.pricing_rule.apply_pricing_rule",
args: { args: args },
callback: function(r) {
if (!r.exc) {
$.each(r.message, function(i, d) {
$.each(d, function(k, v) {
if (["doctype", "name"].indexOf(k)===-1) {
frappe.model.set_value(d.doctype,, k, v);
if(calculate_taxes_and_totals) me.calculate_taxes_and_totals();
_get_item_list: function(item) {
@ -412,6 +386,33 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
return item_list;
_set_values_for_item_list: function(children) {
$.each(children, function(i, d) {
$.each(d, function(k, v) {
if (["doctype", "name"].indexOf(k)===-1) {
frappe.model.set_value(d.doctype,, k, v);
apply_price_list: function() {
var me = this;
method: "erpnext.stock.get_item_details.apply_price_list",
args: { args: this._get_args() },
callback: function(r) {
if (!r.exc) {
me.in_apply_price_list = true;
me.frm.set_value("price_list_currency", r.message.parent.price_list_currency);
me.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", r.message.parent.plc_conversion_rate);
me.in_apply_price_list = false;
included_in_print_rate: function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
var tax = frappe.get_doc(cdt, cdn);
try {
@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_address = function() {
page_length: 5,
new_doctype: "Address",
get_query: function() {
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where customer='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where customer='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No addresses created'),
@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_contact = function() {
page_length: 5,
new_doctype: "Contact",
get_query: function() {
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where customer='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where customer='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No contacts created'),
@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class InstallationNote(TransactionBase):
'source_field': 'qty',
'percent_join_field': 'prevdoc_docname',
'status_field': 'installation_status',
'keyword': 'Installed'
'keyword': 'Installed',
'overflow_type': 'installation'
def validate(self):
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
"label": "Taxes and Charges Calculation",
"oldfieldtype": "HTML",
"permlevel": 0,
"print_hide": 0
"print_hide": 1
"fieldname": "section_break_43",
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"issingle": 0,
"modified": "2014-07-07 17:47:40.089520",
"modified": "2014-07-10 02:43:45.504009",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Selling",
"name": "Sales Order",
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ erpnext.selling.SellingController = erpnext.TransactionController.extend({
selling_price_list: function() {
price_list_rate: function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_address = function() {
frappe.set_route("Form", "Address",;
get_query: function() {
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where sales_partner='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
return "select name, address_type, address_line1, address_line2, city, state, country, pincode, fax, email_id, phone, is_primary_address, is_shipping_address from tabAddress where sales_partner='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No addresses created'),
@ -64,7 +65,8 @@ cur_frm.cscript.make_contact = function() {
frappe.set_route("Form", "Contact",;
get_query: function() {
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where sales_partner='"+cur_frm.docname+"' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
return "select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation, is_primary_contact from tabContact where sales_partner='" +
||||"'", "\\'") + "' and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc"
as_dict: 1,
no_results_message: __('No contacts created'),
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _, throw
from frappe.utils import flt
def get_company_currency(company):
currency = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, "default_currency")
@ -28,16 +29,6 @@ def get_ancestors_of(doctype, name):
where lft<%s and rgt>%s order by lft desc""" % (doctype, "%s", "%s"), (lft, rgt))
return result or []
def get_price_list_currency(price_list):
price_list_currency = frappe.db.get_value("Price List", {"name": price_list,
"enabled": 1}, "currency")
if not price_list_currency:
throw(_("Price List {0} is disabled").format(price_list))
return {"price_list_currency": price_list_currency}
def before_tests():
# complete setup if missing
from import setup_account
@ -64,3 +55,7 @@ def before_tests():
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabSalary Slip`")
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabItem Price`")
def get_exchange_rate(from_currency, to_currency):
exchange = "%s-%s" % (from_currency, to_currency)
return flt(frappe.db.get_value("Currency Exchange", exchange, "exchange_rate"))
@ -26,11 +26,3 @@ user_defaults = {
"Company": "company",
"Territory": "territory"
def get_monthly_bulk_mail_limit():
import frappe
# if global settings, then 500 or unlimited
if frappe.db.get_value('Outgoing Email Settings', None, 'mail_server'):
return 999999
return 500
@ -427,6 +427,7 @@
"label": "Taxes and Charges Calculation",
"oldfieldtype": "HTML",
"permlevel": 0,
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 0
@ -1008,7 +1009,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"in_create": 0,
"is_submittable": 1,
"modified": "2014-06-23 07:55:47.859869",
"modified": "2014-07-10 02:45:47.673011",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Delivery Note",
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class DeliveryNote(SellingController):
'source_field': 'qty',
'percent_join_field': 'against_sales_order',
'status_field': 'delivery_status',
'keyword': 'Delivered'
'keyword': 'Delivered',
'overflow_type': 'delivery'
def onload(self):
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"allow_import": 1,
"autoname": "RFD/.#####",
"creation": "2013-05-02 16:29:48.000000",
"creation": "2013-05-02 16:29:48",
"description": "Multiple Item prices.",
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "DocType",
@ -72,6 +72,15 @@
"reqd": 1,
"search_index": 0
"fieldname": "currency",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 0,
"label": "Currency",
"options": "Currency",
"permlevel": 0,
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "col_br_1",
"fieldtype": "Column Break",
@ -90,22 +99,13 @@
"label": "Item Description",
"permlevel": 0,
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "currency",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Currency",
"options": "Currency",
"permlevel": 0,
"read_only": 1
"icon": "icon-flag",
"idx": 1,
"in_create": 0,
"istable": 0,
"modified": "2014-02-10 17:27:32.000000",
"modified": "2014-07-08 15:38:23.653034",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Item Price",
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController):
'target_ref_field': 'qty',
'source_field': 'qty',
'percent_join_field': 'prevdoc_docname',
'overflow_type': 'receipt'
def onload(self):
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from frappe import _, throw
from frappe.utils import flt, cint, add_days
import json
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pricing_rule.pricing_rule import get_pricing_rule_for_item
from erpnext.setup.utils import get_exchange_rate
def get_item_details(args):
@ -30,27 +31,7 @@ def get_item_details(args):
"ignore_pricing_rule": 0/1
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = json.loads(args)
args = frappe._dict(args)
if not args.get("transaction_type"):
if args.get("parenttype")=="Material Request" or \
args.transaction_type = "buying"
args.transaction_type = "selling"
if not args.get("price_list"):
args.price_list = args.get("selling_price_list") or args.get("buying_price_list")
if args.barcode:
args.item_code = get_item_code(barcode=args.barcode)
elif not args.item_code and args.serial_no:
args.item_code = get_item_code(serial_no=args.serial_no)
args = process_args(args)
item_doc = frappe.get_doc("Item", args.item_code)
item = item_doc
@ -86,6 +67,29 @@ def get_item_details(args):
return out
def process_args(args):
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = json.loads(args)
args = frappe._dict(args)
if not args.get("transaction_type"):
if args.get("parenttype")=="Material Request" or \
args.transaction_type = "buying"
args.transaction_type = "selling"
if not args.get("price_list"):
args.price_list = args.get("selling_price_list") or args.get("buying_price_list")
if args.barcode:
args.item_code = get_item_code(barcode=args.barcode)
elif not args.item_code and args.serial_no:
args.item_code = get_item_code(serial_no=args.serial_no)
return args
def get_item_code(barcode=None, serial_no=None):
if barcode:
item_code = frappe.db.get_value("Item", {"barcode": barcode})
@ -273,3 +277,74 @@ def get_projected_qty(item_code, warehouse):
def get_available_qty(item_code, warehouse):
return frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse},
["projected_qty", "actual_qty"], as_dict=True) or {}
def apply_price_list(args):
args = {
"item_list": [{"doctype": "", "name": "", "item_code": "", "brand": "", "item_group": ""}, ...],
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"selling_price_list": None,
"price_list_currency": None,
"plc_conversion_rate": 1.0,
"parenttype": "",
"parent": "",
"supplier": None,
"transaction_date": None,
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"buying_price_list": None,
"transaction_type": "selling",
"ignore_pricing_rule": 0/1
args = process_args(args)
parent = get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args)
children = []
if "item_list" in args:
item_list = args.get("item_list")
del args["item_list"]
for item in item_list:
args_copy = frappe._dict(args.copy())
item_details = apply_price_list_on_item(args_copy)
return {
"parent": parent,
"children": children
def apply_price_list_on_item(args):
item_details = frappe._dict()
item_doc = frappe.get_doc("Item", args.item_code)
get_price_list_rate(args, item_doc, item_details)
item_details.discount_percentage = 0.0
return item_details
def get_price_list_currency(price_list):
result = frappe.db.get_value("Price List", {"name": price_list,
"enabled": 1}, ["name", "currency"], as_dict=True)
if not result:
throw(_("Price List {0} is disabled").format(price_list))
return result.currency
def get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args):
price_list_currency = get_price_list_currency(args.price_list)
plc_conversion_rate = args.plc_conversion_rate
if (not plc_conversion_rate) or (price_list_currency != args.price_list_currency):
plc_conversion_rate = get_exchange_rate(price_list_currency, args.currency) \
or plc_conversion_rate
return {
"price_list_currency": price_list_currency,
"plc_conversion_rate": plc_conversion_rate
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Title",
"permlevel": 0,
"print_hide": 1
"print_hide": 1,
"reqd": 1
"description": "Help: To link to another record in the system, use \"#Form/Note/[Note Name]\" as the Link URL. (don't use \"http://\")",
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
"icon": "icon-file-text",
"idx": 1,
"modified": "2014-05-27 03:49:13.934698",
"modified": "2014-07-09 12:54:11.897597",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Utilities",
"name": "Note",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user