feat: process loss report, fix set pl query condition

This commit is contained in:
18alantom 2021-08-24 18:23:49 +05:30
parent b58853e89d
commit 8f73d587f9
5 changed files with 199 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ class WorkOrder(Document):
SELECT name FROM `tabStock Entry`
AND purpose='Manufacture'
AND docstatus=1
""", (self.name, ))[0][0])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
// For license information, please see license.txt
/* eslint-disable */
frappe.query_reports["Process Loss Report"] = {
filters: [
label: __("Company"),
fieldname: "company",
fieldtype: "Link",
options: "Company",
mandatory: true,
default: frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
label: __("Item"),
fieldname: "item",
fieldtype: "Link",
options: "Item",
mandatory: false,
label: __("From Date"),
fieldname: "from_date",
fieldtype: "Date",
mandatory: true,
default: frappe.datetime.year_start(),
label: __("To Date"),
fieldname: "to_date",
fieldtype: "Date",
mandatory: true,
default: frappe.datetime.get_today(),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"add_total_row": 0,
"columns": [],
"creation": "2021-08-24 16:38:15.233395",
"disable_prepared_report": 0,
"disabled": 0,
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "Report",
"filters": [],
"idx": 0,
"is_standard": "Yes",
"modified": "2021-08-24 16:38:15.233395",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Process Loss Report",
"owner": "Administrator",
"prepared_report": 0,
"ref_doctype": "Work Order",
"report_name": "Process Loss Report",
"report_type": "Script Report",
"roles": [
"role": "Manufacturing User"
"role": "Stock User"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
import frappe
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
Filters = frappe._dict
Row = frappe._dict
Data = List[Row]
Columns = List[Dict[str, str]]
QueryArgs = Dict[str, str]
def execute(filters: Filters) -> Tuple[Columns, Data]:
columns = get_columns()
data = get_data(filters)
return columns, data
def get_data(filters: Filters) -> Data:
query_args = get_query_args(filters)
data = run_query(query_args)
return data
def get_columns() -> Columns:
return [
'label': 'Work Order',
'fieldname': 'name',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Work Order',
'width': '200'
'label': 'Item',
'fieldname': 'production_item',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Item',
'width': '100'
'label': 'Status',
'fieldname': 'status',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': '100'
'label': 'Qty To Manufacture',
'fieldname': 'qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Manufactured Qty',
'fieldname': 'produced_qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Process Loss Qty',
'fieldname': 'process_loss_qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Actual Manufactured Qty',
'fieldname': 'actual_produced_qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Total FG Value',
'fieldname': 'total_fg_value',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Total Raw Material Value',
'fieldname': 'total_rm_value',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
'label': 'Total Process Loss Value',
'fieldname': 'total_pl_value',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': '150'
def get_query_args(filters: Filters) -> QueryArgs:
query_args = {}
return query_args
def run_query(query_args: QueryArgs) -> Data:
return frappe.db.sql("""
wo.name, wo.status, wo.production_item, wo.qty,
wo.produced_qty, wo.process_loss_qty,
(wo.produced_qty - wo.process_loss_qty) as actual_produced_qty,
sum(se.total_incoming_value) as total_fg_value,
sum(se.total_outgoing_value) as total_rm_value
`tabWork Order` wo INNER JOIN `tabStock Entry` se
ON wo.name=se.work_order
process_loss_qty > 0
AND wo.company = %(company)s
AND se.docstatus = 1
AND se.posting_date BETWEEN %(from_date)s AND %(to_date)s
""", query_args, as_dict=1)
def update_data_with_total_pl_value(data: Data) -> None:
for row in data:
value_per_unit_fg = row['total_fg_value'] / row['actual_produced_qty']
row['total_pl_value'] = row['process_loss_qty'] * value_per_unit_fg
def get_filter_conditions(filters: Filters) -> QueryArgs:
filter_conditions = dict(item_filter="")
if "item" in filters:
production_item = filters.get("item")
{"item_filter": f"wo.production_item='{production_item}'"}
return filter_conditions