Merge branch 'develop' of into reports

This commit is contained in:
Nabin Hait 2013-12-17 16:10:06 +05:30
commit 8b7da55617
13 changed files with 296 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import cstr, flt
from webnotes.model.utils import getlist
from webnotes import msgprint, _
from buying.utils import get_last_purchase_details
from controllers.buying_controller import BuyingController
class DocType(BuyingController):
def __init__(self, doc, doclist=None):
self.doc = doc
@ -38,13 +36,13 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
if flt(d.conversion_factor):
last_purchase_rate = flt(d.purchase_rate) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
msgprint(_("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " +
_("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw(_("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " +
_("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"))
# update last purchsae rate
if last_purchase_rate:
webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s",
webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s""",
(flt(last_purchase_rate), d.item_code))
def get_last_purchase_rate(self, obj):
"""get last purchase rates for all items"""
@ -76,11 +74,11 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
for d in getlist( obj.doclist, obj.fname):
# validation for valid qty
if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt' and not flt(d.qty)):
msgprint("Please enter valid qty for item %s" % cstr(d.item_code))
raise Exception
webnotes.throw("Please enter valid qty for item %s" % cstr(d.item_code))
# udpate with latest quantities
bin = webnotes.conn.sql("select projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict = 1)
bin = webnotes.conn.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)
f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
@ -89,48 +87,50 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
if d.fields.has_key(x):
d.fields[x] = f_lst[x]
item = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item, is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from tabItem where name=%s",
item = webnotes.conn.sql("""select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item,
is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""", d.item_code)
if not item:
msgprint("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." % cstr(d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
webnotes.throw("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." % cstr(d.item_code))
from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life
validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])
# validate stock item
if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
msgprint("Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" %
d.item_code, raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw("Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" % d.item_code)
# validate purchase item
if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
msgprint("Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check" % (d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
webnotes.throw("Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check" % (d.item_code))
# list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
e = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom, d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']
e = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom,
d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or d.fields.has_key('sales_order_no') and d.sales_order_no or '',
d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '',
d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']
# if is not stock item
f = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description]
ch = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'"%d.item_code)
ch = webnotes.conn.sql("""select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = %s""", d.item_code)
if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':
# check for same items
if e in check_list:
msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n
Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
webnotes.throw("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n
Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" % d.item_code)
elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
# check for same items
if f in chk_dupl_itm:
msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n
Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
webnotes.throw("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n
Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" % d.item_code)
def get_qty(self,curr_doctype,ref_tab_fname,ref_tab_dn,ref_doc_tname, transaction, curr_parent_name):
def get_qty(self, curr_doctype, ref_tab_fname, ref_tab_dn, ref_doc_tname, transaction, curr_parent_name):
# Get total Quantities of current doctype (eg. PR) except for qty of this transaction
# please check as UOM changes from Material Request - Purchase Order ,so doing following else uom should be same .
@ -138,35 +138,37 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
# but if in Material Request uom KG it can change in PO
get_qty = (transaction == 'Material Request - Purchase Order') and 'qty * conversion_factor' or 'qty'
qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select sum(%s) from `tab%s` where %s = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and parent != '%s'"% ( get_qty, curr_doctype, ref_tab_fname, ref_tab_dn, curr_parent_name))
qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(%s) from `tab%s` where %s = %s and
docstatus = 1 and parent != %s""" % (get_qty, curr_doctype, ref_tab_fname, '%s', '%s'),
(ref_tab_dn, curr_parent_name))
qty = qty and flt(qty[0][0]) or 0
# get total qty of ref doctype
max_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select qty from `tab%s` where name = '%s' and docstatus = 1"% (ref_doc_tname, ref_tab_dn))
max_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select qty from `tab%s` where name = %s
and docstatus = 1""" % (ref_doc_tname, '%s'), ref_tab_dn)
max_qty = max_qty and flt(max_qty[0][0]) or 0
return cstr(qty)+'~~~'+cstr(max_qty)
def check_for_stopped_status(self, doctype, docname):
stopped = webnotes.conn.sql("select name from `tab%s` where name = '%s' and status = 'Stopped'" %
( doctype, docname))
stopped = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tab%s` where name = %s and
status = 'Stopped'""" % (doctype, '%s'), docname)
if stopped:
msgprint("One cannot do any transaction against %s : %s, it's status is 'Stopped'" %
( doctype, docname), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw("One cannot do any transaction against %s : %s, it's status is 'Stopped'" %
(doctype, docname))
def check_docstatus(self, check, doctype, docname , detail_doctype = ''):
def check_docstatus(self, check, doctype, docname, detail_doctype = ''):
if check == 'Next':
submitted = webnotes.conn.sql("""select from `tab%s` t1,`tab%s` t2
where = t2.parent and t2.prevdoc_docname = %s and t1.docstatus = 1"""
% (doctype, detail_doctype, '%s'), docname)
if submitted:
msgprint(cstr(doctype) + ": " + cstr(submitted[0][0])
+ _(" has already been submitted."), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw(cstr(doctype) + ": " + cstr(submitted[0][0])
+ _("has already been submitted."))
if check == 'Previous':
submitted = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tab%s`
where docstatus = 1 and name = %s"""% (doctype, '%s'), docname)
where docstatus = 1 and name = %s""" % (doctype, '%s'), docname)
if not submitted:
msgprint(cstr(doctype) + ": " + cstr(submitted[0][0])
+ _(" not submitted"), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw(cstr(doctype) + ": " + cstr(submitted[0][0]) + _("not submitted"))

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from webnotes.model.bean import getlist
from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
from webnotes import msgprint, _
class DocType:
def __init__(self, doc, doclist=[]):
self.doc = doc
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class DocType:
def validate_company(self):
if not
msgprint("Please enter Company", raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw(_("Please enter Company"))
def get_open_sales_orders(self):
""" Pull sales orders which are pending to deliver based on criteria selected"""
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ class DocType:
def get_items(self):
so_list = filter(None, [d.sales_order for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'pp_so_details')])
if not so_list:
msgprint("Please enter sales order in the above table")
msgprint(_("Please enter sales order in the above table"))
return []
items = webnotes.conn.sql("""select distinct parent, item_code, reserved_warehouse,
@ -155,21 +154,21 @@ class DocType:
for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'pp_details'):
if not flt(d.planned_qty):
msgprint("Please Enter Planned Qty for item: %s at row no: %s" %
(d.item_code, d.idx), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw("Please Enter Planned Qty for item: %s at row no: %s" %
(d.item_code, d.idx))
def validate_bom_no(self, d):
if not d.bom_no:
msgprint("Please enter bom no for item: %s at row no: %s" %
(d.item_code, d.idx), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw("Please enter bom no for item: %s at row no: %s" %
(d.item_code, d.idx))
bom = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tabBOM` where name = %s and item = %s
and docstatus = 1 and is_active = 1""",
(d.bom_no, d.item_code), as_dict = 1)
if not bom:
msgprint("""Incorrect BOM No: %s entered for item: %s at row no: %s
webnotes.throw("""Incorrect BOM No: %s entered for item: %s at row no: %s
May be BOM is inactive or for other item or does not exists in the system""" %
(d.bom_no, d.item_doce, d.idx), raise_exception=1)
(d.bom_no, d.item_doce, d.idx))
def raise_production_order(self):
"""It will raise production order (Draft) for all distinct FG items"""
@ -183,16 +182,20 @@ class DocType:
if pro:
pro = ["""<a href="#Form/Production Order/%s" target="_blank">%s</a>""" % \
(p, p) for p in pro]
msgprint("Production Order(s) created:\n\n" + '\n'.join(pro))
msgprint(_("Production Order(s) created:\n\n") + '\n'.join(pro))
else :
msgprint("No Production Order created.")
msgprint(_("No Production Order created."))
def get_distinct_items_and_boms(self):
""" Club similar BOM and item for processing"""
""" Club similar BOM and item for processing
bom_dict {
bom_no: ['sales_order', 'qty']
item_dict, bom_dict = {}, {}
for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "pp_details"}):
bom_dict[d.bom_no] = bom_dict.get(d.bom_no, 0) + flt(d.planned_qty)
bom_dict.setdefault(d.bom_no, []).append([d.sales_order, flt(d.planned_qty)])
item_dict[(d.item_code, d.sales_order, d.warehouse)] = {
"production_item" : d.item_code,
"sales_order" : d.sales_order,
@ -241,48 +244,60 @@ class DocType:
"item_code": [qty_required, description, stock_uom, min_order_qty]
for bom in bom_dict:
bom_wise_item_details = {}
item_list = []
for bom, so_wise_qty in bom_dict.items():
if self.doc.use_multi_level_bom:
# get all raw materials with sub assembly childs
fl_bom_items = webnotes.conn.sql("""select fb.item_code,
ifnull(sum(fb.qty_consumed_per_unit), 0)*%s as qty,
for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select fb.item_code,
ifnull(sum(fb.qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) as qty,
fb.description, fb.stock_uom, it.min_order_qty
from `tabBOM Explosion Item` fb,`tabItem` it
where = fb.item_code and ifnull(it.is_pro_applicable, 'No') = 'No'
where = fb.item_code and ifnull(it.is_pro_applicable, 'No') = 'No'
and ifnull(it.is_sub_contracted_item, 'No') = 'No'
and fb.docstatus<2 and fb.parent=%s
group by item_code, stock_uom""", (flt(bom_dict[bom]), bom))
and fb.docstatus<2 and fb.parent=%s
group by item_code, stock_uom""", bom, as_dict=1):
bom_wise_item_details.setdefault(d.item_code, d)
# Get all raw materials considering SA items as raw materials,
# so no childs of SA items
fl_bom_items = webnotes.conn.sql("""select bom_item.item_code,
ifnull(sum(bom_item.qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * %s,
bom_item.description, bom_item.stock_uom, item.min_order_qty
from `tabBOM Item` bom_item, tabItem item
for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select bom_item.item_code,
ifnull(sum(bom_item.qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) as qty,
bom_item.description, bom_item.stock_uom, item.min_order_qty
from `tabBOM Item` bom_item, tabItem item
where bom_item.parent = %s and bom_item.docstatus < 2
and bom_item.item_code =
group by item_code""", (flt(bom_dict[bom]), bom))
group by item_code""", bom, as_dict=1):
bom_wise_item_details.setdefault(d.item_code, d)
for item, item_details in bom_wise_item_details.items():
for so_qty in so_wise_qty:
item_list.append([item, flt(item_details.qty) * so_qty[1], item_details.description,
item_details.stock_uom, item_details.min_order_qty, so_qty[0]])
def make_items_dict(self, item_list):
for i in item_list:
self.item_dict[i[0]] = [(flt(self.item_dict.get(i[0], [0])[0]) + flt(i[1])),
i[2], i[3], i[4]]
self.item_dict.setdefault(i[0], []).append([flt(i[1]), i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]])
def get_csv(self):
item_list = [['Item Code', 'Description', 'Stock UOM', 'Required Qty', 'Warehouse',
'Quantity Requested for Purchase', 'Ordered Qty', 'Actual Qty']]
for d in self.item_dict:
item_list.append([d, self.item_dict[d][1], self.item_dict[d][2], self.item_dict[d][0]])
item_qty= webnotes.conn.sql("""select warehouse, indented_qty, ordered_qty, actual_qty
from `tabBin` where item_code = %s""", d)
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = 0, 0, 0
for w in item_qty:
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = i_qty + flt(w[1]), o_qty + flt(w[2]), a_qty + flt(w[3])
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', w[0], flt(w[1]), flt(w[2]), flt(w[3])])
if item_qty:
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', 'Total', i_qty, o_qty, a_qty])
for item in self.item_dict:
total_qty = sum([flt(d[0]) for d in self.item_dict[item]])
for item_details in self.item_dict[item]:
item_list.append([item, item_details[1], item_details[2], item_details[0]])
item_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select warehouse, indented_qty, ordered_qty, actual_qty
from `tabBin` where item_code = %s""", item, as_dict=1)
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = 0, 0, 0
for w in item_qty:
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = i_qty + flt(w.indented_qty), o_qty + flt(w.ordered_qty), a_qty + flt(w.actual_qty)
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', w.warehouse, flt(w.indented_qty),
flt(w.ordered_qty), flt(w.actual_qty)])
if item_qty:
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', 'Total', i_qty, o_qty, a_qty])
return item_list
@ -293,31 +308,49 @@ class DocType:
if not self.doc.purchase_request_for_warehouse:
webnotes.msgprint("Please enter Warehouse for which Material Request will be raised",
webnotes.throw(_("Please enter Warehouse for which Material Request will be raised"))
bom_dict = self.get_distinct_items_and_boms()[0]
if not self.item_dict:
if self.item_dict:
def get_requested_items(self):
item_projected_qty = self.get_projected_qty()
from accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0]
items_to_be_requested = webnotes._dict()
for item in self.item_dict:
if flt(self.item_dict[item][0]) > item_projected_qty.get(item, 0):
for item, so_item_qty in self.item_dict.items():
requested_qty = 0
total_qty = sum([flt(d[0]) for d in so_item_qty])
if total_qty > item_projected_qty.get(item, 0):
# shortage
requested_qty = flt(self.item_dict[item][0]) - item_projected_qty.get(item, 0)
# comsider minimum order qty
requested_qty = requested_qty > flt(self.item_dict[item][3]) and \
requested_qty or flt(self.item_dict[item][3])
items_to_be_requested[item] = requested_qty
self.insert_purchase_request(items_to_be_requested, fiscal_year)
requested_qty = total_qty - item_projected_qty.get(item, 0)
# consider minimum order qty
requested_qty = requested_qty > flt(so_item_qty[0][3]) and \
requested_qty or flt(so_item_qty[0][3])
# distribute requested qty SO wise
for item_details in so_item_qty:
if requested_qty:
sales_order = item_details[4] or "No Sales Order"
if requested_qty <= item_details[0]:
adjusted_qty = requested_qty
adjusted_qty = item_details[0]
items_to_be_requested.setdefault(item, {}).setdefault(sales_order, 0)
items_to_be_requested[item][sales_order] += adjusted_qty
requested_qty -= adjusted_qty
# requested qty >= total so qty, due to minimum order qty
if requested_qty:
items_to_be_requested.setdefault(item, {}).setdefault("No Sales Order", 0)
items_to_be_requested[item]["No Sales Order"] += requested_qty
return items_to_be_requested
def get_projected_qty(self):
items = self.item_dict.keys()
@ -327,24 +360,29 @@ class DocType:
return dict(item_projected_qty)
def insert_purchase_request(self, items_to_be_requested, fiscal_year):
def insert_purchase_request(self):
items_to_be_requested = self.get_requested_items()
from accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0]
purchase_request_list = []
if items_to_be_requested:
for item in items_to_be_requested:
item_wrapper = webnotes.bean("Item", item)
pr_doclist = [
"doctype": "Material Request",
"__islocal": 1,
"naming_series": "IDT",
"transaction_date": nowdate(),
"status": "Draft",
"fiscal_year": fiscal_year,
"requested_by": webnotes.session.user,
"material_request_type": "Purchase"
pr_doclist = [{
"doctype": "Material Request",
"__islocal": 1,
"naming_series": "IDT",
"transaction_date": nowdate(),
"status": "Draft",
"fiscal_year": fiscal_year,
"requested_by": webnotes.session.user,
"material_request_type": "Purchase"
for sales_order, requested_qty in items_to_be_requested[item].items():
"doctype": "Material Request Item",
"__islocal": 1,
"parentfield": "indent_details",
@ -354,11 +392,12 @@ class DocType:
"uom": item_wrapper.doc.stock_uom,
"item_group": item_wrapper.doc.item_group,
"brand": item_wrapper.doc.brand,
"qty": items_to_be_requested[item],
"qty": requested_qty,
"schedule_date": add_days(nowdate(), cint(item_wrapper.doc.lead_time_days)),
"warehouse": self.doc.purchase_request_for_warehouse
"warehouse": self.doc.purchase_request_for_warehouse,
"sales_order_no": sales_order if sales_order!="No Sales Order" else None
pr_wrapper = webnotes.bean(pr_doclist)
pr_wrapper.ignore_permissions = 1
@ -367,7 +406,7 @@ class DocType:
if purchase_request_list:
pur_req = ["""<a href="#Form/Material Request/%s" target="_blank">%s</a>""" % \
(p, p) for p in purchase_request_list]
webnotes.msgprint("Material Request(s) created: \n%s" %
msgprint("Material Request(s) created: \n%s" %
webnotes.msgprint("Nothing to request")
msgprint(_("Nothing to request"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
def execute():
from webnotes.profile import get_system_managers
system_managers = get_system_managers(only_name=True)
if not system_managers:
# scheduler errors digest
edigest = webnotes.new_bean("Email Digest")
"name": "Scheduler Errors",
"company": webnotes.conn.get_default("company"),
"frequency": "Daily",
"enabled": 1,
"recipient_list": "\n".join(system_managers),
"scheduler_errors": 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
def execute():
from webnotes.utils import extract_email_id
for name, recipients in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, recipient_list from `tabEmail Digest`"""):
recipients = "\n".join([extract_email_id(r) for r in recipients.split("\n")])
webnotes.conn.set_value("Email Digest", name, "recipient_list", recipients)

View File

@ -259,4 +259,6 @@ patch_list = [
"execute:webnotes.delete_doc('Report', 'Payment Collection With Ageing')",
"execute:webnotes.delete_doc('Report', 'Payment Made With Ageing')",

View File

@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ cur_frm.cscript.addremove_recipients = function(doc, dt, dn) {
check.checked = 1;
add_or_update = 'Update';
var fullname = wn.user.full_name(;
if(fullname !== = fullname + " &lt;" + + "&gt;";
if(v.enabled==0) { = "<span style='color: red'>" + + " (disabled user)</span>" = repl("<span style='color: red'> %(name)s (disabled user)</span>", {name:});
var profile = $a($td(tab, i+1, 1), 'span', '', '',;
//profile.onclick = function() { check.checked = !check.checked; }

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ content_sequence = [
["Selling", ["new_leads", "new_enquiries", "new_quotations", "new_sales_orders"]],
["Stock", ["new_delivery_notes", "new_purchase_receipts", "new_stock_entries"]],
["Support", ["new_communications", "new_support_tickets", "open_tickets"]],
["Projects", ["new_projects"]]
["Projects", ["new_projects"]],
["System", ["scheduler_errors"]],
user_specific_content = ["calendar_events", "todo_list"]
digest_template = """\
<style>p.ed-indent { margin-right: 17px; }</style>
<p style='color: grey'>%(date)s</p>
digest_template = """<style>p.ed-indent { margin-right: 17px; }</style>
<p style='color: grey'>%(date)s</p>
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ class DocType(DocListController):
def get_profiles(self):
"""get list of profiles"""
import webnotes
profile_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""
select name, enabled from tabProfile
where docstatus=0 and name not in ('Administrator', 'Guest')
and user_type = "System User"
order by enabled desc, name asc""", as_dict=1)
if self.doc.recipient_list:
@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ class DocType(DocListController):
msg_for_this_receipient = self.get_msg_html(self.get_user_specific_content(user_id) + \
from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail
sendmail(recipients=user_id, subject="[ERPNext] " + (self.doc.frequency + " Digest"),
subject="[ERPNext] [{frequency} Digest] {name}".format(
def get_digest_msg(self):
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ class DocType(DocListController):
if with_value:
with_value = "\n".join(with_value)
with_value = "<p>There were no updates in the items selected for this digest.</p>"
with_value = "<p>There were no updates in the items selected for this digest.</p><hr>"
# seperate out no value items
no_value = [o[1] for o in out if not o[0]]
@ -138,7 +140,8 @@ class DocType(DocListController):
"date": date,
"with_value": with_value,
"no_value": no_value or ""
"no_value": no_value or "",
return msg
@ -452,6 +455,10 @@ class DocType(DocListController):
t for t in open_tickets])
return 0, "No Open Tickets!"
def get_scheduler_errors(self):
import webnotes.utils.scheduler
return webnotes.utils.scheduler.get_error_report(self.from_date, self.to_date)
def onload(self):
@ -470,4 +477,4 @@ def send():
where enabled=1 and docstatus<2""", as_list=1):
ed_obj = get_obj('Email Digest', ed[0])
if (now_date == ed_obj.get_next_sending()):

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"creation": "2013-02-21 14:15:31",
"docstatus": 0,
"modified": "2013-07-05 14:36:13",
"modified": "2013-12-16 12:37:43",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"owner": "Administrator"
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@
"label": "Add/Remove Recipients"
"description": "Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest.",
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "select_digest_content",
"fieldname": "accounts",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Select Digest Content"
"label": "Accounts"
"doctype": "DocField",
@ -178,7 +177,7 @@
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "section_break_20",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"options": "Simple"
"label": "Buying & Selling"
"doctype": "DocField",
@ -234,6 +233,12 @@
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "New Sales Orders"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "section_break_34",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Inventory & Support"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "stock_module",
@ -258,12 +263,6 @@
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "New Stock Entries"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "section_break_34",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"options": "Simple"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "support_module",
@ -288,6 +287,12 @@
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "New Communications"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "section_break_40",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Projects & System"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "projects_module",
@ -302,7 +307,25 @@
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "utilities_module",
"fieldname": "core_module",
"fieldtype": "Column Break",
"label": "System"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "scheduler_errors",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Scheduler Failed Events"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "user_specific",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "User Specific"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "general",
"fieldtype": "Column Break",
"label": "General"
@ -318,6 +341,12 @@
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "To Do List"
"doctype": "DocField",
"fieldname": "stub",
"fieldtype": "Column Break",
"label": "Stub"
"cancel": 1,
"create": 1,

View File

@ -233,8 +233,9 @@ items = [
"route": "Report/Scheduler Log", "type": "Link", "icon": "icon-exclamation-sign" },
@webnotes.whitelist(allow_roles=["System Manager"])
def get():
webnotes.only_for("System Manager")
for item in items:
if item.get("type")=="Section":

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def create_feed_and_todo():
def create_email_digest():
from webnotes.profile import get_system_managers
system_managers = get_system_managers()
system_managers = get_system_managers(only_name=True)
if not system_managers:
@ -186,10 +186,23 @@ def create_email_digest():
for fieldname in edigest.meta.get_fieldnames({"fieldtype": "Check"}):
edigest.doc.fields[fieldname] = 1
if fieldname != "scheduler_errors":
edigest.doc.fields[fieldname] = 1
# scheduler errors digest
edigest = webnotes.new_bean("Email Digest")
"name": "Scheduler Errors",
"company": webnotes.conn.get_default("company"),
"frequency": "Daily",
"recipient_list": "\n".join(system_managers),
"scheduler_errors": 1,
"enabled": 1
def get_fy_details(fy_start_date, fy_end_date):
start_year = getdate(fy_start_date).year
if start_year == getdate(fy_end_date).year:

View File

@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ def on_method(bean, method):
clear_doctype_notifications(bean.controller, method)
if bean.doc.doctype=="Stock Entry" and method in ("on_submit", "on_cancel"):
update_completed_qty(bean.controller, method)
update_completed_qty(bean.controller, method)

View File

@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ def execute_daily():
from core.doctype.notification_count.notification_count import delete_notification_count_for
# email digest
from setup.doctype.email_digest.email_digest import send
# run recurring invoices
from accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.sales_invoice import manage_recurring_invoices
@ -53,10 +49,11 @@ def execute_daily():
# check reorder level
from stock.utils import reorder_item
# email digest
from setup.doctype.email_digest.email_digest import send
# scheduler error
def execute_weekly():
from setup.doctype.backup_manager.backup_manager import take_backups_weekly

View File

@ -37,20 +37,25 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
for so_no in so_items.keys():
for item in so_items[so_no].keys():
already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql("select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item` where item_code = '%s' and sales_order_no = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and parent != '%s'" % (item, so_no,
already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item`
where item_code = %s and sales_order_no = %s and
docstatus = 1 and parent != %s""", (item, so_no,
already_indented = already_indented and flt(already_indented[0][0]) or 0
actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` where parent = '%s' and item_code = '%s' and docstatus = 1 group by parent" % (so_no, item))
actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item`
where parent = %s and item_code = %s and docstatus = 1
group by parent""", (so_no, item))
actual_so_qty = actual_so_qty and flt(actual_so_qty[0][0]) or 0
if flt(so_items[so_no][item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty:
msgprint("You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item." % (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no), raise_exception=1)
if actual_so_qty and (flt(so_items[so_no][item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty):
webnotes.throw("You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\
\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item."
% (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no))
def validate_schedule_date(self):
for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
if d.schedule_date < self.doc.transaction_date:
msgprint("Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date")
raise Exception
webnotes.throw(_("Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date"))
# Validate
# ---------------------
@ -80,8 +85,8 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
if webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "is_stock_item") == "Yes":
if not d.warehouse:
msgprint("Please Enter Warehouse for Item %s as it is stock item"
% cstr(d.item_code), raise_exception=1)
webnotes.throw("Please Enter Warehouse for Item %s as it is stock item"
% cstr(d.item_code))
qty =flt(d.qty)
if is_stopped:
@ -96,16 +101,17 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
def on_submit(self):
webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Submitted')
self.update_bin(is_submit = 1, is_stopped = 0)
def check_modified_date(self):
mod_db = webnotes.conn.sql("select modified from `tabMaterial Request` where name = '%s'" %
date_diff = webnotes.conn.sql("select TIMEDIFF('%s', '%s')" % ( mod_db[0][0],cstr(self.doc.modified)))
mod_db = webnotes.conn.sql("""select modified from `tabMaterial Request` where name = %s""",
date_diff = webnotes.conn.sql("""select TIMEDIFF('%s', '%s')"""
% (mod_db[0][0], cstr(self.doc.modified)))
if date_diff and date_diff[0][0]:
msgprint(cstr(self.doc.doctype) +" => "+ cstr( +" has been modified. Please Refresh. ")
raise Exception
webnotes.throw(cstr(self.doc.doctype) + " => " + cstr( + " has been modified. Please Refresh.")
def update_status(self, status):
@ -113,10 +119,10 @@ class DocType(BuyingController):
self.update_bin(is_submit = (status == 'Submitted') and 1 or 0, is_stopped = 1)
# Step 2:=> Set status
webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', cstr(status))
# Step 3:=> Acknowledge User
msgprint(self.doc.doctype + ": " + + " has been %s." % ((status == 'Submitted') and 'Unstopped' or cstr(status)) )
msgprint(self.doc.doctype + ": " + + " has been %s." % ((status == 'Submitted') and 'Unstopped' or cstr(status)))
def on_cancel(self):
@ -177,9 +183,9 @@ def update_completed_qty(controller, caller_method):
mr_doctype = webnotes.get_doctype("Material Request")
if mr_obj.doc.status in ["Stopped", "Cancelled"]:
msgprint(_("Material Request") + ": %s, " %
webnotes.throw(_("Material Request") + ": %s, " %
+ _(mr_doctype.get_label("status")) + " = %s. " % _(mr_obj.doc.status)
+ _("Cannot continue."), raise_exception=webnotes.InvalidStatusError)
+ _("Cannot continue."), exc=webnotes.InvalidStatusError)
_update_requested_qty(controller, mr_obj, mr_items)