Validate remaining benefit amount in Employee Benefit Application

This commit is contained in:
Jamsheer 2018-05-23 13:28:08 +05:30
parent 772f257ff3
commit 8a953ba516

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@ -16,6 +16,39 @@ class EmployeeBenefitApplication(Document):
if self.max_benefits <= 0:
frappe.throw(_("Employee {0} has no maximum benefit amount").format(self.employee))
if self.remainig_benefits > 0:
def validate_remaining_benefit_amount(self):
# check salary structure earnings have flexi component (sum of max_benefit_amount)
# without pro-rata which satisfy the remainig_benefits
# else pro-rata component for the amount
# again comes the same validation and satisfy or throw
benefit_components = []
if self.employee_benefits:
for employee_benefit in self.employee_benefits:
salary_struct_name = get_assigned_salary_sturecture(self.employee,
if len(salary_struct_name) > 0:
non_pro_rata_amount = 0
pro_rata_amount = 0
salary_structure = frappe.get_doc("Salary Structure", salary_struct_name[0][0])
if salary_structure.earnings:
for earnings in salary_structure.earnings:
if earnings.is_flexible_benefit == 1 and earnings.salary_component not in benefit_components:
is_pro_rata_applicable, max_benefit_amount = frappe.db.get_value("Salary Component", earnings.salary_component, ["is_pro_rata_applicable", "max_benefit_amount"])
if is_pro_rata_applicable == 1:
pro_rata_amount += max_benefit_amount
non_pro_rata_amount += max_benefit_amount
if pro_rata_amount == 0 and non_pro_rata_amount == 0:
frappe.throw(_("Please add the remainig benefits {0} to any of the existing component").format(self.remainig_benefits))
elif non_pro_rata_amount > 0 and non_pro_rata_amount < self.remainig_benefits:
frappe.throw(_("You can claim only an amount of {0}, the rest amount {1} should be in the application \
as pro-rata component").format(non_pro_rata_amount, self.remainig_benefits - non_pro_rata_amount))
elif non_pro_rata_amount == 0:
frappe.throw(_("Please add the remainig benefits {0} to the application as \
pro-rata component").format(self.remainig_benefits))
def validate_max_benefit_for_component(self):
if self.employee_benefits:
@ -143,11 +176,7 @@ def get_earning_components(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
order by name"""
return frappe.db.sql(query.format(**{
"salary_structure": salary_structure[0][0],
"mcond": get_match_cond(doctype)
}), {
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
"salary_structure": salary_structure[0][0]
return {}