Merge branch 'develop' of into custom_append_to
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Please post on our forums:
for questions about using `ERPNext`:
for questions about using the `Frappe Framework`:
for questions about using the `Frappe Framework`: ~~ => [stackoverflow]( tagged under `frappe`
for questions about using `bench`, probably the best place to start is the [bench repo](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: Backport
- closed
- labeled
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
name: Backport
- name: Backport
uses: tibdex/backport@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Snyk ( policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities.
version: v1.14.0
ignore: {}
# patches apply the minimum changes required to fix a vulnerability
- cypress > getos > async > lodash:
patched: '2020-01-31T01:35:12.802Z'
@ -77,5 +77,6 @@ install:
- bench --site test_site reinstall --yes
- pip install coverage==4.5.4
- pip install python-coveralls
- coveralls -b apps/erpnext -d ../../sites/.coverage
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"baseUrl": "http://test_site_ui:8000"
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"name": "Using fixtures to represent data",
"email": "",
"body": "Fixtures are a great way to mock data for responses to routes"
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
context('Form', () => {
before(() => {
cy.login('Administrator', 'qwe');
it('create a new opportunity', () => {
cy.visit('/desk#Form/Opportunity/New Opportunity 1');
cy.get('.page-title').should('contain', 'Not Saved');
cy.fill_field('opportunity_from', 'Customer', 'Select');
cy.fill_field('party_name', 'Test Customer', 'Link').blur();
cy.get('.page-title').should('contain', 'Open');
cy.get('.form-inner-toolbar button:contains("Lost")').click({ force: true });
cy.get('.modal input[data-fieldname="lost_reason"]').as('input');
cy.get('@input').focus().type('Higher', { delay: 200 });
cy.get('.modal .awesomplete ul')
.get('li:contains("Higher Price")')
.click({ force: true });
cy.get('@input').focus().type('No Followup', { delay: 200 });
cy.get('.modal .awesomplete ul')
.get('li:contains("No Followup")')
cy.fill_field('detailed_reason', 'Test Detailed Reason', 'Text');
cy.get('.modal button:contains("Declare Lost")').click({ force: true });
cy.get('.page-title').should('contain', 'Lost');
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// ***********************************************************
// This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
// You can change the location of this file or turn off loading
// the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// ***********************************************************
// This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to
// the project's config changing)
// module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
// }
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// ***********************************************************
// This example support/index.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// ***********************************************************
// import frappe commands
import '../../../frappe/cypress/support/index';
// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
import './commands';
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, json
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import add_to_date, date_diff, getdate, nowdate, get_last_day, formatdate
from frappe.utils import add_to_date, date_diff, getdate, nowdate, get_last_day, formatdate, get_link_to_form
from import execute
from import cache_source, get_from_date_from_timespan
from frappe.desk.doctype.dashboard_chart.dashboard_chart import get_period_ending
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from frappe.utils.nestedset import get_descendants_of
def get(chart_name = None, chart = None, no_cache = None, from_date = None, to_date = None):
def get(chart_name = None, chart = None, no_cache = None, filters = None, from_date = None,
to_date = None, timespan = None, time_interval = None):
if chart_name:
chart = frappe.get_doc('Dashboard Chart', chart_name)
@ -30,8 +31,13 @@ def get(chart_name = None, chart = None, no_cache = None, from_date = None, to_d
account = filters.get("account")
company = filters.get("company")
if not account and chart:
frappe.throw(_("Account is not set for the dashboard chart {0}").format(chart))
if not account and chart_name:
frappe.throw(_("Account is not set for the dashboard chart {0}")
.format(get_link_to_form("Dashboard Chart", chart_name)))
if not frappe.db.exists("Account", account) and chart_name:
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists in the dashboard chart {1}")
.format(account, get_link_to_form("Dashboard Chart", chart_name)))
if not to_date:
to_date = nowdate()
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def validate_service_stop_date(doc):
frappe.throw(_("Service Stop Date cannot be after Service End Date"))
if old_stop_dates and old_stop_dates.get( and item.service_stop_date!=old_stop_dates.get(
frappe.throw(_("Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0}".format(item.idx)))
frappe.throw(_("Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0}").format(item.idx))
def convert_deferred_expense_to_expense(start_date=None, end_date=None):
# book the expense/income on the last day, but it will be trigger on the 1st of month at 12:00 AM
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
"cards": [
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Company (not Customer or Supplier) master.\",\n \"label\": \"Company\",\n \"name\": \"Company\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tree of financial accounts.\",\n \"icon\": \"fa fa-sitemap\",\n \"label\": \"Chart of Accounts\",\n \"name\": \"Account\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"route\": \"#Tree/Account\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Accounts Settings\",\n \"name\": \"Accounts Settings\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Financial / accounting year.\",\n \"label\": \"Fiscal Year\",\n \"name\": \"Fiscal Year\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Accounting Dimension\",\n \"name\": \"Accounting Dimension\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Finance Book\",\n \"name\": \"Finance Book\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Accounting Period\",\n \"name\": \"Accounting Period\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Payment Terms based on conditions\",\n \"label\": \"Payment Term\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Term\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Accounting Masters"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Accounting journal entries.\",\n \"label\": \"Journal Entry\",\n \"name\": \"Journal Entry\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"General Ledger\",\n \"name\": \"General Ledger\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Customer Ledger Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Customer Ledger Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Supplier Ledger Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Ledger Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "General Ledger"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Bills raised to Customers.\",\n \"label\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Customer database.\",\n \"label\": \"Customer\",\n \"name\": \"Customer\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfer\",\n \"label\": \"Payment Entry\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Entry\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Payment Request\",\n \"label\": \"Payment Request\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Request\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Accounts Receivable\",\n \"name\": \"Accounts Receivable\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Accounts Receivable Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Accounts Receivable Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Sales Register\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Item-wise Sales Register\",\n \"name\": \"Item-wise Sales Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Ordered Items To Be Billed\",\n \"name\": \"Ordered Items To Be Billed\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Delivered Items To Be Billed\",\n \"name\": \"Delivered Items To Be Billed\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Accounts Receivable"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Bills raised by Suppliers.\",\n \"label\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Supplier database.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfer\",\n \"label\": \"Payment Entry\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Entry\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Accounts Payable\",\n \"name\": \"Accounts Payable\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Accounts Payable Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Accounts Payable Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Purchase Register\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Item-wise Purchase Register\",\n \"name\": \"Item-wise Purchase Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Purchase Order Items To Be Billed\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Order Items To Be Billed\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Received Items To Be Billed\",\n \"name\": \"Received Items To Be Billed\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Accounts Payable"
"icon": "fa fa-table",
"links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Trial Balance for Party\",\n \"name\": \"Trial Balance for Party\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Journal Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Journal Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Payment Period Based On Invoice Date\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Period Based On Invoice Date\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Sales Partners Commission\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Partners Commission\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Customer\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Customer\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Customer Credit Balance\",\n \"name\": \"Customer Credit Balance\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Sales Payment Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Payment Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Address\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Address\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Address And Contacts\",\n \"name\": \"Address And Contacts\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Reports"
"links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Trial Balance\",\n \"name\": \"Trial Balance\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Profit and Loss Statement\",\n \"name\": \"Profit and Loss Statement\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Balance Sheet\",\n \"name\": \"Balance Sheet\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Cash Flow\",\n \"name\": \"Cash Flow\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Consolidated Financial Statement\",\n \"name\": \"Consolidated Financial Statement\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Financial Statements"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Enable / disable currencies.\",\n \"label\": \"Currency\",\n \"name\": \"Currency\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Currency exchange rate master.\",\n \"label\": \"Currency Exchange\",\n \"name\": \"Currency Exchange\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Exchange Rate Revaluation master.\",\n \"label\": \"Exchange Rate Revaluation\",\n \"name\": \"Exchange Rate Revaluation\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Multi Currency"
"icon": "fa fa-cog",
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Setup Gateway accounts.\",\n \"label\": \"Payment Gateway Account\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Gateway Account\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Template of terms or contract.\",\n \"label\": \"Terms and Conditions Template\",\n \"name\": \"Terms and Conditions\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card\",\n \"label\": \"Mode of Payment\",\n \"name\": \"Mode of Payment\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Settings"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Bank\",\n \"name\": \"Bank\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Bank Account\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Account\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Bank Statement Transaction Entry\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Statement Transaction Entry\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Bank Statement Settings\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Statement Settings\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Bank Statement"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.\",\n \"label\": \"Match Payments with Invoices\",\n \"name\": \"Payment Reconciliation\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Update bank payment dates with journals.\",\n \"label\": \"Update Bank Transaction Dates\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Reconciliation\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Invoice Discounting\",\n \"name\": \"Invoice Discounting\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Journal Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Journal Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Bank Reconciliation Statement\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Reconciliation Statement\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"icon\": \"fa fa-bar-chart\",\n \"label\": \"Bank Reconciliation\",\n \"name\": \"bank-reconciliation\",\n \"type\": \"page\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Journal Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Journal Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Bank Clearance Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Clearance Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Bank Guarantee\",\n \"name\": \"Bank Guarantee\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Setup cheque dimensions for printing\",\n \"label\": \"Cheque Print Template\",\n \"name\": \"Cheque Print Template\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Banking and Payments"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Subscription Plan\",\n \"name\": \"Subscription Plan\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Subscription\",\n \"name\": \"Subscription\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Subscription Settings\",\n \"name\": \"Subscription Settings\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Subscription Management"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"GST Settings\",\n \"name\": \"GST Settings\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"GST HSN Code\",\n \"name\": \"GST HSN Code\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GSTR-1\",\n \"name\": \"GSTR-1\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GSTR-2\",\n \"name\": \"GSTR-2\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"GSTR 3B Report\",\n \"name\": \"GSTR 3B Report\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GST Sales Register\",\n \"name\": \"GST Sales Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GST Purchase Register\",\n \"name\": \"GST Purchase Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GST Itemised Sales Register\",\n \"name\": \"GST Itemised Sales Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"GST Itemised Purchase Register\",\n \"name\": \"GST Itemised Purchase Register\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"country\": \"India\",\n \"description\": \"C-Form records\",\n \"label\": \"C-Form\",\n \"name\": \"C-Form\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Goods and Services Tax (GST India)"
"icon": "fa fa-microchip ",
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"List of available Shareholders with folio numbers\",\n \"label\": \"Shareholder\",\n \"name\": \"Shareholder\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"List of all share transactions\",\n \"label\": \"Share Transfer\",\n \"name\": \"Share Transfer\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Share Transfer\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Share Transfer\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Share Ledger\",\n \"name\": \"Share Ledger\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Share Transfer\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Share Transfer\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Share Balance\",\n \"name\": \"Share Balance\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Share Management"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Tree of financial Cost Centers.\",\n \"icon\": \"fa fa-sitemap\",\n \"label\": \"Chart of Cost Centers\",\n \"name\": \"Cost Center\",\n \"route\": \"#Tree/Cost Center\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Define budget for a financial year.\",\n \"label\": \"Budget\",\n \"name\": \"Budget\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Accounting Dimension\",\n \"name\": \"Accounting Dimension\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Cost Center\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Cost Center\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Budget Variance Report\",\n \"name\": \"Budget Variance Report\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Seasonality for setting budgets, targets etc.\",\n \"label\": \"Monthly Distribution\",\n \"name\": \"Monthly Distribution\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Cost Center and Budgeting"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Opening Invoice Creation Tool\",\n \"name\": \"Opening Invoice Creation Tool\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Chart of Accounts Importer\",\n \"name\": \"Chart of Accounts Importer\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Close Balance Sheet and book Profit or Loss.\",\n \"label\": \"Period Closing Voucher\",\n \"name\": \"Period Closing Voucher\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Opening and Closing"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax template for selling transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Sales Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax template for buying transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax template for item tax rates.\",\n \"label\": \"Item Tax Template\",\n \"name\": \"Item Tax Template\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax Category for overriding tax rates.\",\n \"label\": \"Tax Category\",\n \"name\": \"Tax Category\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax Rule for transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Tax Rule\",\n \"name\": \"Tax Rule\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax Withholding rates to be applied on transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Tax Withholding Category\",\n \"name\": \"Tax Withholding Category\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Taxes"
"links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Gross Profit\",\n \"name\": \"Gross Profit\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"GL Entry\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"GL Entry\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Profitability Analysis\",\n \"name\": \"Profitability Analysis\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Sales Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Sales Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Sales Invoice Trends\",\n \"name\": \"Sales Invoice Trends\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Purchase Invoice\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Purchase Invoice Trends\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Invoice Trends\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Profitability"
"category": "Modules",
"charts": [
"chart_name": "Bank Balance",
"label": "Bank Balance",
"size": "Full"
"creation": "2020-03-02 15:41:59.515192",
"developer_mode_only": 0,
"disable_user_customization": 0,
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "Desk Page",
"extends_another_page": 0,
"icon": "",
"idx": 0,
"is_standard": 1,
"label": "Accounting",
"modified": "2020-03-12 16:30:35.580450",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Accounting",
"owner": "Administrator",
"pin_to_bottom": 0,
"pin_to_top": 0,
"shortcuts": [
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Account",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Journal Entry",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Payment Entry",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 1,
"link_to": "Accounts Receivable",
"type": "Report"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "General Ledger",
"type": "Report"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Profit and Loss Statement",
"type": "Report"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Trial Balance",
"type": "Report"
@ -95,29 +95,29 @@ class Account(NestedSet):
# ignore validation while creating new compnay or while syncing to child companies
if frappe.local.flags.ignore_root_company_validation or self.flags.ignore_root_company_validation:
ancestors = get_root_company(
if ancestors:
if frappe.get_value("Company",, "allow_account_creation_against_child_company"):
if not frappe.db.get_value("Account",
{'account_name': self.account_name, 'company': ancestors[0]}, 'name'):
frappe.throw(_("Please add the account to root level Company - %s" % ancestors[0]))
descendants = get_descendants_of('Company',
if not descendants: return
parent_acc_name_map = {}
parent_acc_name, parent_acc_number = frappe.db.get_value('Account', self.parent_account, \
["account_name", "account_number"])
for d in frappe.db.get_values('Account',
{ "company": ["in", descendants], "account_name": parent_acc_name,
"account_number": parent_acc_number },
["company", "name"], as_dict=True):
filters = {
"company": ["in", descendants],
"account_name": parent_acc_name,
if parent_acc_number:
filters["account_number"] = parent_acc_number
for d in frappe.db.get_values('Account', filters=filters, fieldname=["company", "name"], as_dict=True):
parent_acc_name_map[d["company"]] = d["name"]
if not parent_acc_name_map: return
self.create_account_for_child_company(parent_acc_name_map, descendants, parent_acc_name)
def validate_group_or_ledger(self):
@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ class Account(NestedSet):
filters["account_number"] = self.account_number
child_account = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters, 'name')
if not child_account:
doc = frappe.copy_doc(self)
doc.flags.ignore_root_company_validation = True
@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
"country_code": "de",
"name": "SKR03 mit Kontonummern",
"tree": {
"Aktiva": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Asset",
"A - Anlagevermögen": {
"is_group": 1,
"EDV-Software": {
"account_number": "0027",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Gesch\u00e4ftsausstattung": {
"account_number": "0410",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"B\u00fcroeinrichtung": {
"account_number": "0420",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Darlehen": {
"account_number": "0565"
"Maschinen": {
"account_number": "0210",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Betriebsausstattung": {
"account_number": "0400",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Ladeneinrichtung": {
"account_number": "0430",
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Accumulated Depreciation": {
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"B - Umlaufvermögen": {
"is_group": 1,
"I. Vorräte": {
"is_group": 1,
"Roh-, Hilfs- und Betriebsstoffe (Bestand)": {
"account_number": "3970",
"account_type": "Stock"
"Waren (Bestand)": {
"account_number": "3980",
"account_type": "Stock"
"II. Forderungen und sonstige Vermögensgegenstände": {
"is_group": 1,
"Ford. a. Lieferungen und Leistungen": {
"account_number": "1400",
"account_type": "Receivable"
"Durchlaufende Posten": {
"account_number": "1590"
"Gewinnermittlung \u00a74/3 nicht Ergebniswirksam": {
"account_number": "1371"
"Abziehbare VSt. 7%": {
"account_number": "1571"
"Abziehbare VSt. 19%": {
"account_number": "1576"
"Abziehbare VStr. nach \u00a713b UStG 19%": {
"account_number": "1577"
"Leistungen \u00a713b UStG 19% Vorsteuer, 19% Umsatzsteuer": {
"account_number": "3120"
"III. Wertpapiere": {
"is_group": 1
"IV. Kassenbestand, Bundesbankguthaben, Guthaben bei Kreditinstituten und Schecks.": {
"is_group": 1,
"Kasse": {
"account_type": "Cash",
"is_group": 1,
"Kasse": {
"is_group": 1,
"account_number": "1000",
"account_type": "Cash"
"Bank": {
"is_group": 1,
"account_type": "Bank",
"Postbank": {
"account_number": "1100",
"account_type": "Bank"
"Bankkonto": {
"account_number": "1200",
"account_type": "Bank"
"C - Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Aktive Rechnungsabgrenzung": {
"account_number": "0980"
"D - Aktive latente Steuern": {
"is_group": 1,
"Aktive latente Steuern": {
"account_number": "0983"
"E - Aktiver Unterschiedsbetrag aus der Vermögensverrechnung": {
"is_group": 1
"Passiva": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Liability",
"A. Eigenkapital": {
"is_group": 1,
"I. Gezeichnetes Kapital": {
"is_group": 1
"II. Kapitalrücklage": {
"is_group": 1
"III. Gewinnrücklagen": {
"is_group": 1
"IV. Gewinnvortrag/Verlustvortrag": {
"is_group": 1
"V. Jahresüberschuß/Jahresfehlbetrag": {
"is_group": 1
"B. Rückstellungen": {
"is_group": 1,
"I. Rückstellungen für Pensionen und ähnliche Verpflichtungen": {
"is_group": 1
"II. Steuerrückstellungen": {
"is_group": 1
"III. sonstige Rückstellungen": {
"is_group": 1
"C. Verbindlichkeiten": {
"is_group": 1,
"I. Anleihen": {
"is_group": 1
"II. Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Kreditinstituten": {
"is_group": 1
"III. Erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Bestellungen": {
"is_group": 1
"IV. Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen": {
"is_group": 1,
"Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen u. Leistungen": {
"account_number": "1600",
"account_type": "Payable"
"V. Verbindlichkeiten aus der Annahme gezogener Wechsel und der Ausstellung eigener Wechsel": {
"is_group": 1
"VI. Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen": {
"is_group": 1
"VII. Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Unternehmen, mit denen ein Beteiligungsverhältnis besteht": {
"is_group": 1
"VIII. sonstige Verbindlichkeiten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Sonstige Verbindlichkeiten": {
"account_number": "1700",
"account_type": "Asset Received But Not Billed"
"Sonstige Verbindlichkeiten (1 bis 5 Jahre)": {
"account_number": "1702",
"account_type": "Stock Received But Not Billed"
"Verbindlichkeiten aus Lohn und Gehalt": {
"account_number": "1740",
"account_type": "Payable"
"Umsatzsteuer": {
"is_group": 1,
"Umsatzsteuer 7%": {
"account_number": "1771"
"Umsatzsteuer 19%": {
"account_number": "1776"
"Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlung": {
"account_number": "1780"
"Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlung 1/11": {
"account_number": "1781"
"Umsatzsteuer \u00a7 13b UStG 19%": {
"account_number": "1787"
"Umsatzsteuer Vorjahr": {
"account_number": "1790"
"Umsatzsteuer fr\u00fchere Jahre": {
"account_number": "1791"
"D. Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung": {
"account_number": "0990"
"E. Passive latente Steuern": {
"is_group": 1
"Erl\u00f6se u. Ertr\u00e4ge 2/8": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Income",
"Erl\u00f6skonten 8": {
"is_group": 1,
"Erl\u00f6se": {
"account_number": "8200",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Erl\u00f6se USt. 19%": {
"account_number": "8400",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Erl\u00f6se USt. 7%": {
"account_number": "8300",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Ertragskonten 2": {
"is_group": 1,
"sonstige Zinsen und \u00e4hnliche Ertr\u00e4ge": {
"account_number": "2650",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Au\u00dferordentliche Ertr\u00e4ge": {
"account_number": "2500",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Sonstige Ertr\u00e4ge": {
"account_number": "2700",
"account_type": "Income Account"
"Aufwendungen 2/4": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Expense",
"Wareneingang": {
"account_number": "3200"
"Bezugsnebenkosten": {
"account_number": "3800",
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Asset Valuation"
"Herstellungskosten": {
"account_number": "4996",
"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
"Verluste aus dem Abgang von Gegenständen des Anlagevermögens": {
"account_number": "2320",
"account_type": "Stock Adjustment"
"Verwaltungskosten": {
"account_number": "4997",
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
"Vertriebskosten": {
"account_number": "4998",
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
"Gegenkonto 4996-4998": {
"account_number": "4999"
"Abschreibungen": {
"is_group": 1,
"Abschreibungen auf Sachanlagen (ohne AfA auf Kfz und Gebäude)": {
"account_number": "4830",
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"Abschreibungen auf Gebäude": {
"account_number": "4831",
"account_type": "Depreciation"
"Abschreibungen auf Kfz": {
"account_number": "4832",
"account_type": "Depreciation"
"Sofortabschreibung GWG": {
"account_number": "4855",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Kfz-Kosten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Kfz-Steuer": {
"account_number": "4510",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Kfz-Versicherungen": {
"account_number": "4520",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"laufende Kfz-Betriebskosten": {
"account_number": "4530",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Kfz-Reparaturen": {
"account_number": "4540",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Fremdfahrzeuge": {
"account_number": "4570",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"sonstige Kfz-Kosten": {
"account_number": "4580",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Personalkosten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Geh\u00e4lter": {
"account_number": "4120",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"gesetzliche soziale Aufwendungen": {
"account_number": "4130",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Aufwendungen f\u00fcr Altersvorsorge": {
"account_number": "4165",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Verm\u00f6genswirksame Leistungen": {
"account_number": "4170",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Aushilfsl\u00f6hne": {
"account_number": "4190",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Raumkosten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Miete und Nebenkosten": {
"account_number": "4210",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Gas, Wasser, Strom (Verwaltung, Vertrieb)": {
"account_number": "4240",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Reinigung": {
"account_number": "4250",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Reparatur/Instandhaltung": {
"is_group": 1,
"Reparatur u. Instandh. von Anlagen/Maschinen u. Betriebs- u. Gesch\u00e4ftsausst.": {
"account_number": "4805",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Versicherungsbeitr\u00e4ge": {
"is_group": 1,
"Versicherungen": {
"account_number": "4360",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Beitr\u00e4ge": {
"account_number": "4380",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"sonstige Ausgaben": {
"account_number": "4390",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"steuerlich abzugsf\u00e4hige Versp\u00e4tungszuschl\u00e4ge und Zwangsgelder": {
"account_number": "4396",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Werbe-/Reisekosten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Werbekosten": {
"account_number": "4610",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Aufmerksamkeiten": {
"account_number": "4653",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"nicht abzugsf\u00e4hige Betriebsausg. aus Werbe-, Repr\u00e4s.- u. Reisekosten": {
"account_number": "4665",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Reisekosten Unternehmer": {
"account_number": "4670",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"verschiedene Kosten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Porto": {
"account_number": "4910",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Telekom": {
"account_number": "4920",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Mobilfunk D2": {
"account_number": "4921",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Internet": {
"account_number": "4922",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"B\u00fcrobedarf": {
"account_number": "4930",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Zeitschriften, B\u00fccher": {
"account_number": "4940",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Fortbildungskosten": {
"account_number": "4945",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Buchf\u00fchrungskosten": {
"account_number": "4955",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Abschlu\u00df- u. Pr\u00fcfungskosten": {
"account_number": "4957",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Nebenkosten des Geldverkehrs": {
"account_number": "4970",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Werkzeuge und Kleinger\u00e4te": {
"account_number": "4985",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Zinsaufwendungen": {
"is_group": 1,
"Zinsaufwendungen f\u00fcr kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten": {
"account_number": "2110",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Zinsaufwendungen f\u00fcr KFZ Finanzierung": {
"account_number": "2121",
"account_type": "Expense Account"
"Anfangsbestand 9": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Equity",
"Saldenvortragskonten": {
"is_group": 1,
"Saldenvortrag Sachkonten": {
"account_number": "9000"
"Saldenvortr\u00e4ge Debitoren": {
"account_number": "9008"
"Saldenvortr\u00e4ge Kreditoren": {
"account_number": "9009"
"Privatkonten 1": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Equity",
"Privatentnahmen/-einlagen": {
"is_group": 1,
"Privatentnahme allgemein": {
"account_number": "1800"
"Privatsteuern": {
"account_number": "1810"
"Sonderausgaben beschr\u00e4nkt abzugsf\u00e4hig": {
"account_number": "1820"
"Sonderausgaben unbeschr\u00e4nkt abzugsf\u00e4hig": {
"account_number": "1830"
"Au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Belastungen": {
"account_number": "1850"
"Privateinlagen": {
"account_number": "1890"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"actions": [],
"allow_import": 1,
"allow_rename": 1,
"creation": "2017-05-29 21:35:13.136357",
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@
"default": "0",
"fieldname": "is_default",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Is the Default Account"
"label": "Is Default Account"
"default": "0",
@ -211,7 +212,8 @@
"read_only": 1
"modified": "2019-10-02 01:34:12.417601",
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-01-29 20:42:26.458316",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Bank Account",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TestBankAccount(unittest.TestCase):
except AttributeError:
msg = _('BankAccount.validate_iban() failed for empty IBAN')
msg = 'BankAccount.validate_iban() failed for empty IBAN'
for iban in valid_ibans:
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ class TestBankAccount(unittest.TestCase):
except ValidationError:
msg = _('BankAccount.validate_iban() failed for valid IBAN {}'.format(iban))
msg = 'BankAccount.validate_iban() failed for valid IBAN {}'.format(iban)
for not_iban in invalid_ibans:
bank_account.iban = not_iban
msg = _('BankAccount.validate_iban() accepted invalid IBAN {}'.format(not_iban))
msg = 'BankAccount.validate_iban() accepted invalid IBAN {}'.format(not_iban)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError, msg=msg):
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
frappe.ui.form.on("Bank Reconciliation", {
setup: function(frm) {
frm.add_fetch("bank_account", "account_currency", "account_currency");
frm.add_fetch("account", "account_currency", "account_currency");
onload: function(frm) {
let default_bank_account = frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")?
locals[":Company"][frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")]["default_bank_account"]: "";
frm.set_value("bank_account", default_bank_account);
frm.set_value("account", default_bank_account);
frm.set_query("bank_account", function() {
frm.set_query("account", function() {
return {
"filters": {
"account_type": ["in",["Bank","Cash"]],
@ -19,10 +19,9 @@
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"description": "Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.",
"fetch_from": "bank_account_no.account",
"fetch_from": "bank_account.account",
"fetch_if_empty": 1,
"fieldname": "bank_account",
"fieldname": "account",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_list_view": 1,
"in_standard_filter": 0,
"label": "Bank Account",
"label": "Account",
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"options": "Account",
@ -164,7 +163,6 @@
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
"print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
"read_only": 0,
@ -183,8 +181,9 @@
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"description": "Select the Bank Account to reconcile.",
"fetch_if_empty": 0,
"fieldname": "bank_account_no",
"fieldname": "bank_account",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
@ -193,12 +192,11 @@
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_list_view": 0,
"in_standard_filter": 0,
"label": "Bank Account No",
"label": "Bank Account",
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"options": "Bank Account",
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
"print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
"read_only": 0,
@ -450,7 +448,7 @@
"istable": 0,
"max_attachments": 0,
"menu_index": 0,
"modified": "2019-04-09 18:41:06.110453",
"modified": "2020-01-22 00:00:00.000000",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Bank Reconciliation",
@ -483,4 +481,4 @@
"track_changes": 0,
"track_seen": 0,
"track_views": 0
@ -13,17 +13,15 @@ form_grid_templates = {
class BankReconciliation(Document):
def get_payment_entries(self):
if not (self.bank_account and self.from_date and self.to_date):
msgprint(_("Bank Account, From Date and To Date are Mandatory"))
if not (self.from_date and self.to_date):
frappe.throw(_("From Date and To Date are Mandatory"))
if not self.account:
frappe.throw(_("Account is mandatory to get payment entries"))
condition = ""
if not self.include_reconciled_entries:
condition = " and (clearance_date is null or clearance_date='0000-00-00')"
account_cond = ""
if self.bank_account_no:
account_cond = " and t2.bank_account_no = {0}".format(frappe.db.escape(self.bank_account_no))
condition = "and (clearance_date IS NULL or clearance_date='0000-00-00')"
journal_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
@ -34,15 +32,15 @@ class BankReconciliation(Document):
`tabJournal Entry` t1, `tabJournal Entry Account` t2
t2.parent = and t2.account = %s and t1.docstatus=1
and t1.posting_date >= %s and t1.posting_date <= %s
and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' {0} {1}
t2.parent = and t2.account = %(account)s and t1.docstatus=1
and t1.posting_date >= %(from)s and t1.posting_date <= %(to)s
and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' {condition}
group by t2.account,
order by t1.posting_date ASC, DESC
""".format(condition, account_cond), (self.bank_account, self.from_date, self.to_date), as_dict=1)
""".format(condition=condition), {"account": self.account, "from": self.from_date, "to": self.to_date}, as_dict=1)
if self.bank_account_no:
condition = " and bank_account = %(bank_account_no)s"
if self.bank_account:
condition += 'and bank_account = %(bank_account)s'
payment_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
@ -55,12 +53,12 @@ class BankReconciliation(Document):
from `tabPayment Entry`
(paid_from=%(account)s or paid_to=%(account)s) and docstatus=1
and posting_date >= %(from)s and posting_date <= %(to)s {0}
and posting_date >= %(from)s and posting_date <= %(to)s
order by
posting_date ASC, name DESC
{"account":self.bank_account, "from":self.from_date,
"to":self.to_date, "bank_account_no": self.bank_account_no}, as_dict=1)
""".format(condition=condition), {"account": self.account, "from":self.from_date,
"to": self.to_date, "bank_account": self.bank_account}, as_dict=1)
pos_entries = []
if self.include_pos_transactions:
@ -72,11 +70,10 @@ class BankReconciliation(Document):
from `tabSales Invoice Payment` sip, `tabSales Invoice` si, `tabAccount` account
sip.account=%(account)s and si.docstatus=1 and sip.parent =
and = sip.account and si.posting_date >= %(from)s and si.posting_date <= %(to)s {0}
and = sip.account and si.posting_date >= %(from)s and si.posting_date <= %(to)s
order by
si.posting_date ASC, DESC
{"account":self.bank_account, "from":self.from_date, "to":self.to_date}, as_dict=1)
""", {"account":self.account, "from":self.from_date, "to":self.to_date}, as_dict=1)
entries = sorted(list(payment_entries)+list(journal_entries+list(pos_entries)),
key=lambda k: k['posting_date'] or getdate(nowdate()))
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class BankStatementTransactionEntry(Document):
frappe.throw(_("Exception occurred while reconciling {0}".format(payment.reference_name)))
frappe.throw(_("Exception occurred while reconciling {0}").format(payment.reference_name))
def submit_payment_entries(self):
for payment in self.new_transaction_items:
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class BankTransaction(StatusUpdater):
if paid_amount and allocated_amount:
if flt(allocated_amount[0]["allocated_amount"]) > flt(paid_amount):
frappe.throw(_("The total allocated amount ({0}) is greated than the paid amount ({1}).".format(flt(allocated_amount[0]["allocated_amount"]), flt(paid_amount))))
frappe.throw(_("The total allocated amount ({0}) is greated than the paid amount ({1}).").format(flt(allocated_amount[0]["allocated_amount"]), flt(paid_amount)))
if payment_entry.payment_document in ["Payment Entry", "Journal Entry", "Purchase Invoice", "Expense Claim"]:
@ -110,6 +110,15 @@
"set_only_once": 0,
"translatable": 0,
"unique": 0
"depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus==1",
"fieldname": "clearance_date",
"fieldtype": "Date",
"label": "Clearance Date",
"no_copy": 1,
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
"has_web_view": 0,
@ -122,7 +131,7 @@
"issingle": 0,
"istable": 1,
"max_attachments": 0,
"modified": "2018-12-06 10:57:02.635141",
"modified": "2020-01-22 00:00:00.000000",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Bank Transaction Payments",
@ -138,4 +147,4 @@
"track_changes": 1,
"track_seen": 0,
"track_views": 0
@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ def get_requested_amount(args, budget):
item_code = args.get('item_code')
condition = get_other_condition(args, budget, 'Material Request')
data = frappe.db.sql(""" select ifnull((sum(mri.stock_qty - mri.ordered_qty) * rate), 0) as amount
from `tabMaterial Request Item` mri, `tabMaterial Request` mr where = mri.parent and
mri.item_code = %s and mr.docstatus = 1 and mri.stock_qty > mri.ordered_qty and {0} and
mr.material_request_type = 'Purchase' and mr.status != 'Stopped'""".format(condition), item_code, as_list=1)
data = frappe.db.sql(""" select ifnull((sum(child.stock_qty - child.ordered_qty) * rate), 0) as amount
from `tabMaterial Request Item` child, `tabMaterial Request` parent where = child.parent and
child.item_code = %s and parent.docstatus = 1 and child.stock_qty > child.ordered_qty and {0} and
parent.material_request_type = 'Purchase' and parent.status != 'Stopped'""".format(condition), item_code, as_list=1)
return data[0][0] if data else 0
@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ def get_ordered_amount(args, budget):
item_code = args.get('item_code')
condition = get_other_condition(args, budget, 'Purchase Order')
data = frappe.db.sql(""" select ifnull(sum(poi.amount - poi.billed_amt), 0) as amount
from `tabPurchase Order Item` poi, `tabPurchase Order` po where
|||| = poi.parent and poi.item_code = %s and po.docstatus = 1 and poi.amount > poi.billed_amt
and po.status != 'Closed' and {0}""".format(condition), item_code, as_list=1)
data = frappe.db.sql(""" select ifnull(sum(child.amount - child.billed_amt), 0) as amount
from `tabPurchase Order Item` child, `tabPurchase Order` parent where
|||| = child.parent and child.item_code = %s and parent.docstatus = 1 and child.amount > child.billed_amt
and parent.status != 'Closed' and {0}""".format(condition), item_code, as_list=1)
return data[0][0] if data else 0
@ -233,16 +233,15 @@ def get_other_condition(args, budget, for_doc):
budget_against_field = frappe.scrub(args.get("budget_against_field"))
if budget_against_field and args.get(budget_against_field):
condition += " and %s = '%s'" %(budget_against_field, args.get(budget_against_field))
condition += " and child.%s = '%s'" %(budget_against_field, args.get(budget_against_field))
if args.get('fiscal_year'):
date_field = 'schedule_date' if for_doc == 'Material Request' else 'transaction_date'
start_date, end_date = frappe.db.get_value('Fiscal Year', args.get('fiscal_year'),
['year_start_date', 'year_end_date'])
alias = 'mr' if for_doc == 'Material Request' else 'po'
condition += """ and %s.%s
between '%s' and '%s' """ %(alias, date_field, start_date, end_date)
condition += """ and parent.%s
between '%s' and '%s' """ %(date_field, start_date, end_date)
return condition
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class CForm(Document):
`tabSales Invoice` where name = %s and docstatus = 1""", d.invoice_no)
if inv and inv[0][0] != 'Yes':
frappe.throw(_("C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0}".format(d.invoice_no)))
frappe.throw(_("C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0}").format(d.invoice_no))
elif inv and inv[0][1] and inv[0][1] !=
frappe.throw(_("""Invoice {0} is tagged in another C-form: {1}.
@ -17,17 +17,60 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Chart of Accounts Importer', {
if ( && {
// show download template button when company is properly selected
if( {
// download the csv template file
frm.add_custom_button(__("Download template"), function () {
let get_template_url = 'erpnext.accounts.doctype.chart_of_accounts_importer.chart_of_accounts_importer.download_template';
open_url_post(frappe.request.url, { cmd: get_template_url, doctype: frm.doc.doctype });
} else {
frm.set_value("import_file", "");
download_template: function(frm) {
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __("Download Template"),
fields: [
label : "File Type",
fieldname: "file_type",
fieldtype: "Select",
reqd: 1,
options: ["Excel", "CSV"]
label: "Template Type",
fieldname: "template_type",
fieldtype: "Select",
reqd: 1,
options: ["Sample Template", "Blank Template"],
change: () => {
let template_type = d.get_value('template_type');
if (template_type === "Sample Template") {
d.set_df_property('template_type', 'description',
`The Sample Template contains all the required accounts pre filled in the template.
You can add more accounts or change existing accounts in the template as per your choice.`);
} else {
d.set_df_property('template_type', 'description',
`The Blank Template contains just the account type and root type required to build the Chart
of Accounts. Please enter the account names and add more rows as per your requirement.`);
primary_action: function() {
var data = d.get_values();
if (!data.template_type) {
frappe.throw(__('Please select <b>Template Type</b> to download template'));
file_type: data.file_type,
template_type: data.template_type
primary_action_label: __('Download')
import_file: function (frm) {
@ -41,21 +84,24 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Chart of Accounts Importer', {
company: function (frm) {
// validate that no Gl Entry record for the company exists.
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.chart_of_accounts_importer.chart_of_accounts_importer.validate_company",
args: {
callback: function(r) {
if(r.message===false) {
frm.set_value("company", "");
frappe.throw(__("Transactions against the company already exist! "));
} else {
if ( {
// validate that no Gl Entry record for the company exists.
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.chart_of_accounts_importer.chart_of_accounts_importer.validate_company",
args: {
callback: function(r) {
if(r.message===false) {
frm.set_value("company", "");
frappe.throw(__(`Transactions against the company already exist!
Chart Of accounts can be imported for company with no transactions`));
} else {
@ -77,7 +123,7 @@ var validate_csv_data = function(frm) {
var create_import_button = function(frm) {
||||"Start Import"), function () {
||||"Import"), function () {
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.chart_of_accounts_importer.chart_of_accounts_importer.import_coa",
args: {
@ -118,7 +164,8 @@ var generate_tree_preview = function(frm) {
args: {
file_name: frm.doc.import_file,
parent: parent,
doctype: 'Chart of Accounts Importer'
doctype: 'Chart of Accounts Importer',
file_type: frm.doc.file_type
onclick: function(node) {
parent = node.value;
@ -1,226 +1,71 @@
"allow_copy": 1,
"allow_events_in_timeline": 0,
"allow_guest_to_view": 0,
"allow_import": 0,
"allow_rename": 0,
"beta": 0,
"creation": "2019-02-01 12:24:34.761380",
"custom": 0,
"actions": [],
"allow_copy": 1,
"creation": "2019-02-01 12:24:34.761380",
"description": "Import Chart of Accounts from a csv file",
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "DocType",
"document_type": "Other",
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
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"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"fieldname": "company",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
"ignore_xss_filter": 0,
"in_filter": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_list_view": 1,
"in_standard_filter": 0,
"label": "Company",
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"options": "Company",
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
"print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
"read_only": 0,
"remember_last_selected_value": 0,
"report_hide": 0,
"reqd": 0,
"search_index": 0,
"set_only_once": 0,
"translatable": 0,
"unique": 0
"fieldname": "company",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Company",
"options": "Company"
"allow_bulk_edit": 0,
"allow_in_quick_entry": 0,
"allow_on_submit": 0,
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"fieldname": "import_file_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
"ignore_xss_filter": 0,
"in_filter": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
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"in_standard_filter": 0,
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
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"read_only": 0,
"remember_last_selected_value": 0,
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"reqd": 0,
"search_index": 0,
"set_only_once": 0,
"translatable": 0,
"unique": 0
"allow_bulk_edit": 0,
"allow_in_quick_entry": 0,
"allow_on_submit": 0,
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"depends_on": "",
"depends_on": "company",
"fieldname": "import_file",
"fieldtype": "Attach",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
"ignore_xss_filter": 0,
"in_filter": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_list_view": 0,
"in_standard_filter": 0,
"label": "Attach custom Chart of Accounts file",
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"options": "",
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
"print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
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"set_only_once": 0,
"translatable": 0,
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"label": "Attach custom Chart of Accounts file"
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"allow_in_quick_entry": 0,
"allow_on_submit": 0,
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"precision": "",
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"translatable": 0,
"unique": 0
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Chart Preview"
"allow_bulk_edit": 0,
"allow_in_quick_entry": 0,
"allow_on_submit": 0,
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"fieldname": "chart_tree",
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"in_filter": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
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"label": "Chart Tree",
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"precision": "",
"print_hide": 0,
"print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
"read_only": 0,
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"report_hide": 0,
"reqd": 0,
"search_index": 0,
"set_only_once": 0,
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"unique": 0
"label": "Chart Tree"
"depends_on": "company",
"fieldname": "download_template",
"fieldtype": "Button",
"label": "Download Template"
"has_web_view": 0,
"hide_heading": 1,
"hide_toolbar": 1,
"idx": 0,
"image_view": 0,
"in_create": 1,
"is_submittable": 0,
"issingle": 1,
"istable": 0,
"max_attachments": 0,
"modified": "2019-02-04 23:10:30.136807",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Chart of Accounts Importer",
"name_case": "",
"owner": "Administrator",
"hide_toolbar": 1,
"in_create": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-02-28 08:49:11.422846",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Chart of Accounts Importer",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [
"amend": 0,
"cancel": 0,
"create": 1,
"delete": 0,
"email": 0,
"export": 0,
"if_owner": 0,
"import": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"print": 0,
"read": 1,
"report": 0,
"role": "Accounts Manager",
"set_user_permissions": 0,
"share": 1,
"submit": 0,
"create": 1,
"read": 1,
"role": "Accounts Manager",
"share": 1,
"write": 1
"quick_entry": 1,
"read_only": 1,
"read_only_onload": 0,
"show_name_in_global_search": 0,
"sort_field": "",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"track_changes": 0,
"track_seen": 0,
"track_views": 0
"quick_entry": 1,
"read_only": 1,
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC"
@ -4,18 +4,28 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import reduce
import frappe, csv
import frappe, csv, os
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cstr
from frappe.utils import cstr, cint
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.utils.csvutils import UnicodeWriter
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.chart_of_accounts.chart_of_accounts import create_charts, build_tree_from_json
from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import read_xlsx_file_from_attached_file, read_xls_file_from_attached_file
class ChartofAccountsImporter(Document):
def validate_company(company):
parent_company, allow_account_creation_against_child_company = frappe.db.get_value('Company',
{'name': company}, ['parent_company',
if parent_company and (not allow_account_creation_against_child_company):
frappe.throw(_("""{0} is a child company. Please import accounts against parent company
or enable {1} in company master""").format(frappe.bold(company),
frappe.bold('Allow Account Creation Against Child Company')), title='Wrong Company')
if frappe.db.get_all('GL Entry', {"company": company}, "name", limit=1):
return False
@ -25,42 +35,85 @@ def import_coa(file_name, company):
# create accounts
forest = build_forest(generate_data_from_csv(file_name))
file_doc, extension = get_file(file_name)
if extension == 'csv':
data = generate_data_from_csv(file_doc)
data = generate_data_from_excel(file_doc, extension)
forest = build_forest(data)
create_charts(company, custom_chart=forest)
# trigger on_update for company to reset default accounts
def generate_data_from_csv(file_name, as_dict=False):
''' read csv file and return the generated nested tree '''
if not file_name.endswith('.csv'):
frappe.throw("Only CSV files can be used to for importing data. Please check the file format you are trying to upload")
def get_file(file_name):
file_doc = frappe.get_doc("File", {"file_url": file_name})
parts = file_doc.get_extension()
extension = parts[1]
extension = extension.lstrip(".")
if extension not in ('csv', 'xlsx', 'xls'):
frappe.throw("Only CSV and Excel files can be used to for importing data. Please check the file format you are trying to upload")
return file_doc, extension
def generate_data_from_csv(file_doc, as_dict=False):
''' read csv file and return the generated nested tree '''
file_doc = frappe.get_doc('File', {"file_url": file_name})
file_path = file_doc.get_full_path()
data = []
with open(file_path, 'r') as in_file:
csv_reader = list(csv.reader(in_file))
headers = csv_reader[1][1:]
del csv_reader[0:2] # delete top row and headers row
headers = csv_reader[0]
del csv_reader[0] # delete top row and headers row
for row in csv_reader:
if as_dict:
data.append({frappe.scrub(header): row[index+1] for index, header in enumerate(headers)})
data.append({frappe.scrub(header): row[index] for index, header in enumerate(headers)})
if not row[2]: row[2] = row[1]
if not row[1]: row[1] = row[0]
# convert csv data
return data
def generate_data_from_excel(file_doc, extension, as_dict=False):
content = file_doc.get_content()
if extension == "xlsx":
rows = read_xlsx_file_from_attached_file(fcontent=content)
elif extension == "xls":
rows = read_xls_file_from_attached_file(content)
data = []
headers = rows[0]
del rows[0]
for row in rows:
if as_dict:
data.append({frappe.scrub(header): row[index] for index, header in enumerate(headers)})
if not row[1]: row[1] = row[0]
return data
def get_coa(doctype, parent, is_root=False, file_name=None):
''' called by tree view (to fetch node's children) '''
file_doc, extension = get_file(file_name)
parent = None if parent==_('All Accounts') else parent
forest = build_forest(generate_data_from_csv(file_name))
if extension == 'csv':
data = generate_data_from_csv(file_doc)
data = generate_data_from_excel(file_doc, extension)
forest = build_forest(data)
accounts = build_tree_from_json("", chart_data=forest) # returns alist of dict in a tree render-able form
# filter out to show data for the selected node only
@ -91,12 +144,19 @@ def build_forest(data):
# returns the path of any node in list format
def return_parent(data, child):
from frappe import _
for row in data:
account_name, parent_account = row[0:2]
if parent_account == account_name == child:
return [parent_account]
elif account_name == child:
return [child] + return_parent(data, parent_account)
parent_account_list = return_parent(data, parent_account)
if not parent_account_list:
frappe.throw(_("The parent account {0} does not exists in the uploaded template").format(
return [child] + parent_account_list
charts_map, paths = {}, []
@ -110,7 +170,7 @@ def build_forest(data):
error_messages.append("Row {0}: Please enter Account Name".format(line_no))
charts_map[account_name] = {}
if is_group == 1: charts_map[account_name]["is_group"] = is_group
if cint(is_group) == 1: charts_map[account_name]["is_group"] = is_group
if account_type: charts_map[account_name]["account_type"] = account_type
if root_type: charts_map[account_name]["root_type"] = root_type
if account_number: charts_map[account_name]["account_number"] = account_number
@ -128,24 +188,94 @@ def build_forest(data):
return out
def build_response_as_excel(writer):
filename = frappe.generate_hash("", 10)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
f = open(filename)
reader = csv.reader(f)
from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import make_xlsx
xlsx_file = make_xlsx(reader, "Chart Of Accounts Importer Template")
# write out response as a xlsx type
frappe.response['filename'] = 'coa_importer_template.xlsx'
frappe.response['filecontent'] = xlsx_file.getvalue()
frappe.response['type'] = 'binary'
def download_template():
def download_template(file_type, template_type):
data = frappe._dict(frappe.local.form_dict)
writer = get_template(template_type)
if file_type == 'CSV':
# download csv file
frappe.response['result'] = cstr(writer.getvalue())
frappe.response['type'] = 'csv'
frappe.response['doctype'] = 'Chart of Accounts Importer'
def get_template(template_type):
fields = ["Account Name", "Parent Account", "Account Number", "Is Group", "Account Type", "Root Type"]
writer = UnicodeWriter()
writer.writerow([_('Chart of Accounts Template')])
writer.writerow([_("Column Labels : ")] + fields)
writer.writerow([_("Start entering data from here : ")])
if template_type == 'Blank Template':
for root_type in get_root_types():
writer.writerow(['', '', '', 1, '', root_type])
for account in get_mandatory_group_accounts():
writer.writerow(['', '', '', 1, account, "Asset"])
for account_type in get_mandatory_account_types():
writer.writerow(['', '', '', 0, account_type.get('account_type'), account_type.get('root_type')])
writer = get_sample_template(writer)
return writer
def get_sample_template(writer):
template = [
["Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", "", 1, "", "Asset"],
["Sources Of Funds(Liabilities)", "", "", 1, "", "Liability"],
["Equity", "", "", 1, "", "Equity"],
["Expenses", "", "", 1, "", "Expense"],
["Income", "", "", 1, "", "Income"],
["Bank Accounts", "Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", 1, "Bank", "Asset"],
["Cash In Hand", "Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", 1, "Cash", "Asset"],
["Stock Assets", "Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", 1, "Stock", "Asset"],
["Cost Of Goods Sold", "Expenses", "", 0, "Cost of Goods Sold", "Expense"],
["Asset Depreciation", "Expenses", "", 0, "Depreciation", "Expense"],
["Fixed Assets", "Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", 0, "Fixed Asset", "Asset"],
["Accounts Payable", "Sources Of Funds(Liabilities)", "", 0, "Payable", "Liability"],
["Accounts Receivable", "Application Of Funds(Assets)", "", 1, "Receivable", "Asset"],
["Stock Expenses", "Expenses", "", 0, "Stock Adjustment", "Expense"],
["Sample Bank", "Bank Accounts", "", 0, "Bank", "Asset"],
["Cash", "Cash In Hand", "", 0, "Cash", "Asset"],
["Stores", "Stock Assets", "", 0, "Stock", "Asset"],
for row in template:
return writer
# download csv file
frappe.response['result'] = cstr(writer.getvalue())
frappe.response['type'] = 'csv'
frappe.response['doctype'] = data.get('doctype')
def validate_accounts(file_name):
accounts = generate_data_from_csv(file_name, as_dict=True)
file_doc, extension = get_file(file_name)
if extension == 'csv':
accounts = generate_data_from_csv(file_doc, as_dict=True)
accounts = generate_data_from_excel(file_doc, extension, as_dict=True)
accounts_dict = {}
for account in accounts:
@ -170,12 +300,38 @@ def validate_root(accounts):
for account in roots:
if not account.get("root_type") and account.get("account_name"):
error_messages.append("Please enter Root Type for account- {0}".format(account.get("account_name")))
elif account.get("root_type") not in ("Asset", "Liability", "Expense", "Income", "Equity") and account.get("account_name"):
elif account.get("root_type") not in get_root_types() and account.get("account_name"):
error_messages.append("Root Type for {0} must be one of the Asset, Liability, Income, Expense and Equity".format(account.get("account_name")))
if error_messages:
return "<br>".join(error_messages)
def get_root_types():
return ('Asset', 'Liability', 'Expense', 'Income', 'Equity')
def get_report_type(root_type):
if root_type in ('Asset', 'Liability', 'Equity'):
return 'Balance Sheet'
return 'Profit and Loss'
def get_mandatory_group_accounts():
return ('Bank', 'Cash', 'Stock')
def get_mandatory_account_types():
return [
{'account_type': 'Cost of Goods Sold', 'root_type': 'Expense'},
{'account_type': 'Depreciation', 'root_type': 'Expense'},
{'account_type': 'Fixed Asset', 'root_type': 'Asset'},
{'account_type': 'Payable', 'root_type': 'Liability'},
{'account_type': 'Receivable', 'root_type': 'Asset'},
{'account_type': 'Stock Adjustment', 'root_type': 'Expense'},
{'account_type': 'Bank', 'root_type': 'Asset'},
{'account_type': 'Cash', 'root_type': 'Asset'},
{'account_type': 'Stock', 'root_type': 'Asset'}
def validate_account_types(accounts):
account_types_for_ledger = ["Cost of Goods Sold", "Depreciation", "Fixed Asset", "Payable", "Receivable", "Stock Adjustment"]
account_types = [accounts[d]["account_type"] for d in accounts if not accounts[d]['is_group'] == 1]
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"actions": [],
"allow_copy": 1,
"allow_import": 1,
"allow_rename": 1,
@ -123,7 +124,8 @@
"icon": "fa fa-money",
"idx": 1,
"modified": "2019-09-16 14:44:17.103548",
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-01-28 13:50:23.430434",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Cost Center",
@ -162,7 +164,6 @@
"role": "Purchase User"
"quick_entry": 1,
"search_fields": "parent_cost_center, is_group",
"show_name_in_global_search": 1,
"sort_field": "modified",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Invoice",
"options": "Sales Invoice",
"reqd": 1
"reqd": 1,
"search_index": 1
"fetch_from": "sales_invoice.customer",
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
"istable": 1,
"modified": "2019-09-26 11:05:36.016772",
"modified": "2020-02-20 16:16:20.724620",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Discounted Invoice",
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from frappe.model.document import Document
class DiscountedInvoice(Document):
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -232,11 +232,36 @@ def update_outstanding_amt(account, party_type, party, against_voucher_type, aga
if bal < 0 and not on_cancel:
frappe.throw(_("Outstanding for {0} cannot be less than zero ({1})").format(against_voucher, fmt_money(bal)))
# Update outstanding amt on against voucher
if against_voucher_type in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice", "Fees"]:
update_outstanding_amt_in_ref(against_voucher, against_voucher_type, bal)
def update_outstanding_amt_in_ref(against_voucher, against_voucher_type, bal):
data = []
# Update outstanding amt on against voucher
if against_voucher_type == "Fees":
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(against_voucher_type, against_voucher)
ref_doc.db_set('outstanding_amount', bal)
elif against_voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice":
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.purchase_invoice import get_status
data = frappe.db.get_value(against_voucher_type, against_voucher,
["name as purchase_invoice", "outstanding_amount",
"is_return", "due_date", "docstatus"])
elif against_voucher_type == "Sales Invoice":
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.sales_invoice import get_status
data = frappe.db.get_value(against_voucher_type, against_voucher,
["name as sales_invoice", "outstanding_amount", "is_discounted",
"is_return", "due_date", "docstatus"])
precision = frappe.get_precision(against_voucher_type, "outstanding_amount")
data = list(data)
status = get_status(data)
frappe.db.set_value(against_voucher_type, against_voucher, {
'outstanding_amount': bal,
'status': status
def validate_frozen_account(account, adv_adj=None):
frozen_account = frappe.db.get_value("Account", account, "freeze_account")
@ -274,6 +299,9 @@ def update_against_account(voucher_type, voucher_no):
if d.against != new_against:
frappe.db.set_value("GL Entry",, "against", new_against)
def on_doctype_update():
frappe.db.add_index("GL Entry", ["against_voucher_type", "against_voucher"])
frappe.db.add_index("GL Entry", ["voucher_type", "voucher_no"])
def rename_gle_sle_docs():
for doctype in ["GL Entry", "Stock Ledger Entry"]:
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import AccountsController
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_balance_on, get_account_currency
from import get_party_account
from import update_reimbursed_amount
from import update_disbursement_status, update_total_amount_paid
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.invoice_discounting.invoice_discounting import get_party_account_based_on_invoice_discounting
from six import string_types, iteritems
@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
@ -460,8 +457,7 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
for d in self.get('accounts'):
if d.party_type in ['Customer', 'Supplier'] and
if not pay_to_recd_from:
pay_to_recd_from = frappe.db.get_value(d.party_type,,
"customer_name" if d.party_type=="Customer" else "supplier_name")
pay_to_recd_from =
if pay_to_recd_from and pay_to_recd_from ==
party_amount += (d.debit_in_account_currency or d.credit_in_account_currency)
@ -472,7 +468,8 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
bank_account_currency = d.account_currency
if pay_to_recd_from:
self.pay_to_recd_from = pay_to_recd_from
self.pay_to_recd_from = frappe.db.get_value(d.party_type, pay_to_recd_from,
"customer_name" if d.party_type=="Customer" else "supplier_name")
if bank_amount:
total_amount = bank_amount
currency = bank_account_currency
@ -597,17 +594,6 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
doc = frappe.get_doc("Expense Claim", d.reference_name)
def update_loan(self):
if self.paid_loan:
paid_loan = json.loads(self.paid_loan)
value = 1 if self.docstatus < 2 else 0
for name in paid_loan:
frappe.db.set_value("Repayment Schedule", name, "paid", value)
for d in self.accounts:
if d.reference_type=="Loan" and flt(d.debit) > 0:
doc = frappe.get_doc("Loan", d.reference_name)
def validate_expense_claim(self):
for d in self.accounts:
@ -616,7 +602,7 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
d.reference_name, ("total_sanctioned_amount", "total_amount_reimbursed"))
pending_amount = flt(sanctioned_amount) - flt(reimbursed_amount)
if d.debit > pending_amount:
frappe.throw(_("Row No {0}: Amount cannot be greater than Pending Amount against Expense Claim {1}. Pending Amount is {2}".format(d.idx, d.reference_name, pending_amount)))
frappe.throw(_("Row No {0}: Amount cannot be greater than Pending Amount against Expense Claim {1}. Pending Amount is {2}").format(d.idx, d.reference_name, pending_amount))
def validate_credit_debit_note(self):
if self.stock_entry:
@ -624,7 +610,7 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController):
frappe.throw(_("Stock Entry {0} is not submitted").format(self.stock_entry))
if frappe.db.exists({"doctype": "Journal Entry", "stock_entry": self.stock_entry, "docstatus":1}):
frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Another {0} # {1} exists against stock entry {2}".format(self.voucher_type,, self.stock_entry)))
frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Another {0} # {1} exists against stock entry {2}").format(self.voucher_type,, self.stock_entry))
def validate_empty_accounts_table(self):
if not self.get('accounts'):
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class ModeofPayment(Document):
def validate(self):
def validate_repeating_companies(self):
"""Error when Same Company is entered multiple times in accounts"""
@ -27,3 +28,15 @@ class ModeofPayment(Document):
if frappe.db.get_value("Account", entry.default_account, "company") !=
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not match with Company {1} in Mode of Account: {2}")
def validate_pos_mode_of_payment(self):
if not self.enabled:
pos_profiles = frappe.db.sql("""SELECT sip.parent FROM `tabSales Invoice Payment` sip
WHERE sip.parenttype = 'POS Profile' and sip.mode_of_payment = %s""", (
pos_profiles = list(map(lambda x: x[0], pos_profiles))
if pos_profiles:
message = "POS Profile " + frappe.bold(", ".join(pos_profiles)) + " contains \
Mode of Payment " + frappe.bold(str( + ". Please remove them to disable this mode."
frappe.throw(_(message), title="Not Allowed")
@ -253,6 +253,19 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
frappe.throw(__("Party can only be one of "+ party_types.join(", ")));
frm.set_query("party", function() {
if(frm.doc.party_type == 'Employee'){
return {
query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.employee_query"
else if(frm.doc.party_type == 'Customer'){
return {
query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.customer_query"
if( {
$.each(["party", "party_balance", "paid_from", "paid_to",
"paid_from_account_currency", "paid_from_account_balance",
@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
|||| =
self.bank_account_no = bank_data.bank_account_no
self.set(field, bank_data.account)
if not self.get(field):
self.set(field, bank_data.account)
def validate_allocated_amount(self):
for d in self.get("references"):
@ -1003,7 +1005,7 @@ def get_payment_entry(dt, dn, party_amount=None, bank_account=None, bank_amount=
# only Purchase Invoice can be blocked individually
if doc.doctype == "Purchase Invoice" and doc.invoice_is_blocked():
frappe.msgprint(_('{0} is on hold till {1}'.format(, doc.release_date)))
frappe.msgprint(_('{0} is on hold till {1}').format(, doc.release_date))
pe.append("references", {
'reference_doctype': dt,
@ -149,6 +149,49 @@ class TestPaymentEntry(unittest.TestCase):
outstanding_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice",, "outstanding_amount"))
self.assertEqual(outstanding_amount, 0)
def test_payment_against_sales_invoice_to_check_status(self):
si = create_sales_invoice(customer="_Test Customer USD", debit_to="_Test Receivable USD - _TC",
currency="USD", conversion_rate=50)
pe = get_payment_entry("Sales Invoice",, bank_account="_Test Bank USD - _TC")
pe.reference_no = "1"
pe.reference_date = "2016-01-01"
pe.target_exchange_rate = 50
outstanding_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice",, "outstanding_amount"))
self.assertEqual(outstanding_amount, 0)
self.assertEqual(si.status, 'Paid')
outstanding_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice",, "outstanding_amount"))
self.assertEqual(outstanding_amount, 100)
self.assertEqual(si.status, 'Unpaid')
def test_payment_against_purchase_invoice_to_check_status(self):
pi = make_purchase_invoice(supplier="_Test Supplier USD", debit_to="_Test Payable USD - _TC",
currency="USD", conversion_rate=50)
pe = get_payment_entry("Purchase Invoice",, bank_account="_Test Bank USD - _TC")
pe.reference_no = "1"
pe.reference_date = "2016-01-01"
pe.source_exchange_rate = 50
outstanding_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Invoice",, "outstanding_amount"))
self.assertEqual(outstanding_amount, 0)
self.assertEqual(pi.status, 'Paid')
outstanding_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Invoice",, "outstanding_amount"))
self.assertEqual(outstanding_amount, 100)
self.assertEqual(pi.status, 'Unpaid')
def test_payment_entry_against_ec(self):
payable = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', "_Test Company", 'default_payable_account')
@ -566,4 +609,4 @@ class TestPaymentEntry(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected_party_account_balance, party_account_balance)
accounts_settings.allow_cost_center_in_entry_of_bs_account = 0
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document):
FROM `tab{doc}`, `tabGL Entry`
(`tab{doc}`.name = `tabGL Entry`.against_voucher or `tab{doc}`.name = `tabGL Entry`.voucher_no)
and `tab{doc}`.{party_type_field} = %(party)s
and `tab{doc}`.is_return = 1 and `tab{doc}`.return_against IS NULL
and `tabGL Entry`.against_voucher_type = %(voucher_type)s
and `tab{doc}`.docstatus = 1 and `tabGL Entry`.party = %(party)s
@ -99,12 +100,17 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document):
GROUP BY `tab{doc}`.name
amount > 0
""".format(doc=voucher_type, dr_or_cr=dr_or_cr, reconciled_dr_or_cr=reconciled_dr_or_cr), {
'party_type': self.party_type,
'voucher_type': voucher_type,
'account': self.receivable_payable_account
}, as_dict=1)
'party_type': self.party_type,
'voucher_type': voucher_type,
'account': self.receivable_payable_account
}, as_dict=1)
def add_payment_entries(self, entries):
self.set('payments', [])
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ class PaymentRequest(Document):
ref_amount = get_amount(ref_doc)
if existing_payment_request_amount + flt(self.grand_total)> ref_amount:
frappe.throw(_("Total Payment Request amount cannot be greater than {0} amount"
frappe.throw(_("Total Payment Request amount cannot be greater than {0} amount")
def validate_currency(self):
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(self.reference_doctype, self.reference_name)
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ class PaymentRequest(Document):
for subscription_plan in self.subscription_plans:
payment_gateway = frappe.db.get_value("Subscription Plan", subscription_plan.plan, "payment_gateway")
if payment_gateway != self.payment_gateway_account:
frappe.throw(_('The payment gateway account in plan {0} is different from the payment gateway account in this payment request'.format(
frappe.throw(_('The payment gateway account in plan {0} is different from the payment gateway account in this payment request').format(
rate = get_plan_rate(subscription_plan.plan, quantity=subscription_plan.qty)
amount += rate
if amount != self.grand_total:
frappe.msgprint(_("The amount of {0} set in this payment request is different from the calculated amount of all payment plans: {1}. Make sure this is correct before submitting the document.".format(self.grand_total, amount)))
frappe.msgprint(_("The amount of {0} set in this payment request is different from the calculated amount of all payment plans: {1}. Make sure this is correct before submitting the document.").format(self.grand_total, amount))
def on_submit(self):
if self.payment_request_type == 'Outward':
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"autoname": "Prompt",
"creation": "2013-05-24 12:15:51",
"doctype": "DocType",
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
@ -381,11 +383,17 @@
"fieldname": "dimension_col_break",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fieldname": "tax_category",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Tax Category",
"options": "Tax Category"
"icon": "icon-cog",
"idx": 1,
"modified": "2019-05-25 22:56:30.352693",
"modified": "2020-01-24 15:52:03.797701",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "POS Profile",
@ -29,27 +29,29 @@ class TestPOSProfile(unittest.TestCase):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Profile`")
def make_pos_profile():
def make_pos_profile(**args):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Profile`")
args = frappe._dict(args)
pos_profile = frappe.get_doc({
"company": "_Test Company",
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
"currency": "INR",
"company": or "_Test Company",
"cost_center": args.cost_center or "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
"currency": args.currency or "INR",
"doctype": "POS Profile",
"expense_account": "_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC",
"income_account": "Sales - _TC",
"name": "_Test POS Profile",
"expense_account": args.expense_account or "_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC",
"income_account": args.income_account or "Sales - _TC",
"name": or "_Test POS Profile",
"naming_series": "_T-POS Profile-",
"selling_price_list": "_Test Price List",
"territory": "_Test Territory",
"selling_price_list": args.selling_price_list or "_Test Price List",
"territory": args.territory or "_Test Territory",
"customer_group": frappe.db.get_value('Customer Group', {'is_group': 0}, 'name'),
"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"write_off_account": "_Test Write Off - _TC",
"write_off_cost_center": "_Test Write Off Cost Center - _TC"
"warehouse": args.warehouse or "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"write_off_account": args.write_off_account or "_Test Write Off - _TC",
"write_off_cost_center": args.write_off_cost_center or "_Test Write Off Cost Center - _TC"
if not frappe.db.exists("POS Profile", "_Test POS Profile"):
if not frappe.db.exists("POS Profile", or "_Test POS Profile"):
return pos_profile
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ class PricingRule(Document):
if not self.selling and self.applicable_for in ["Customer", "Customer Group",
"Territory", "Sales Partner", "Campaign"]:
throw(_("Selling must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}"
throw(_("Selling must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}")
if not self.buying and self.applicable_for in ["Supplier", "Supplier Group"]:
throw(_("Buying must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}"
throw(_("Buying must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}")
def validate_min_max_qty(self):
if self.min_qty and self.max_qty and flt(self.min_qty) > flt(self.max_qty):
@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ def get_pricing_rule_for_item(args, price_list_rate=0, doc=None, for_validate=Fa
if pricing_rule.coupon_code_based==1 and args.coupon_code==None:
return item_details
if not pricing_rule.validate_applied_rule:
if pricing_rule.price_or_product_discount == "Price":
apply_price_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, args)
get_product_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, doc)
get_product_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, args, doc)
item_details.has_pricing_rule = 1
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ from erpnext.selling.doctype.sales_order.test_sales_order import make_sales_orde
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.test_sales_invoice import create_sales_invoice
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_item_details
from frappe import MandatoryError
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import make_item
from import make_item_price
class TestPricingRule(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -145,6 +147,52 @@ class TestPricingRule(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(details.get("margin_type"), "Percentage")
self.assertEquals(details.get("margin_rate_or_amount"), 10)
def test_mixed_conditions_for_item_group(self):
for item in ["Mixed Cond Item 1", "Mixed Cond Item 2"]:
make_item(item, {"item_group": "Products"})
make_item_price(item, "_Test Price List", 100)
test_record = {
"doctype": "Pricing Rule",
"title": "_Test Pricing Rule for Item Group",
"apply_on": "Item Group",
"item_groups": [
"item_group": "Products",
"item_group": "Seed",
"selling": 1,
"mixed_conditions": 1,
"currency": "USD",
"rate_or_discount": "Discount Percentage",
"discount_percentage": 10,
"applicable_for": "Customer Group",
"customer_group": "All Customer Groups",
"company": "_Test Company"
args = frappe._dict({
"item_code": "Mixed Cond Item 1",
"item_group": "Products",
"company": "_Test Company",
"price_list": "_Test Price List",
"currency": "_Test Currency",
"doctype": "Sales Order",
"conversion_rate": 1,
"price_list_currency": "_Test Currency",
"plc_conversion_rate": 1,
"order_type": "Sales",
"customer": "_Test Customer",
"customer_group": "_Test Customer Group",
"name": None
details = get_item_details(args)
self.assertEquals(details.get("discount_percentage"), 10)
def test_pricing_rule_for_variants(self):
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_item_details
from frappe import MandatoryError
@ -278,6 +326,66 @@ class TestPricingRule(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(item.discount_amount, 110)
self.assertEquals(item.rate, 990)
def test_pricing_rule_for_product_discount_on_same_item(self):
frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('Pricing Rule', '_Test Pricing Rule')
test_record = {
"doctype": "Pricing Rule",
"title": "_Test Pricing Rule",
"apply_on": "Item Code",
"currency": "USD",
"items": [{
"item_code": "_Test Item",
"selling": 1,
"rate_or_discount": "Discount Percentage",
"rate": 0,
"min_qty": 0,
"max_qty": 7,
"discount_percentage": 17.5,
"price_or_product_discount": "Product",
"same_item": 1,
"free_qty": 1,
"company": "_Test Company"
# With pricing rule
so = make_sales_order(item_code="_Test Item", qty=1)
self.assertEqual(so.items[1].is_free_item, 1)
self.assertEqual(so.items[1].item_code, "_Test Item")
def test_pricing_rule_for_product_discount_on_different_item(self):
frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('Pricing Rule', '_Test Pricing Rule')
test_record = {
"doctype": "Pricing Rule",
"title": "_Test Pricing Rule",
"apply_on": "Item Code",
"currency": "USD",
"items": [{
"item_code": "_Test Item",
"selling": 1,
"rate_or_discount": "Discount Percentage",
"rate": 0,
"min_qty": 0,
"max_qty": 7,
"discount_percentage": 17.5,
"price_or_product_discount": "Product",
"same_item": 0,
"free_item": "_Test Item 2",
"free_qty": 1,
"company": "_Test Company"
# With pricing rule
so = make_sales_order(item_code="_Test Item", qty=1)
self.assertEqual(so.items[1].is_free_item, 1)
self.assertEqual(so.items[1].item_code, "_Test Item 2")
def make_pricing_rule(**args):
args = frappe._dict(args)
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rules, doc=None):
def validate_quantity_and_amount_for_suggestion(args, qty, amount, item_code, transaction_type):
fieldname, msg = '', ''
type_of_transaction = 'purcahse' if transaction_type == "buying" else "sale"
type_of_transaction = 'purchase' if transaction_type == 'buying' else 'sale'
for field, value in {'min_qty': qty, 'min_amt': amount}.items():
if (args.get(field) and value < args.get(field)
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ def apply_pricing_rule_on_transaction(doc):
elif d.price_or_product_discount == 'Product':
item_details = frappe._dict({'parenttype': doc.doctype})
get_product_discount_rule(d, item_details, doc)
get_product_discount_rule(d, item_details, doc=doc)
apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, item_details.free_item_data)
@ -443,9 +443,10 @@ def get_applied_pricing_rules(item_row):
return (item_row.get("pricing_rules").split(',')
if item_row.get("pricing_rules") else [])
def get_product_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, doc=None):
free_item = (pricing_rule.free_item
if not pricing_rule.same_item or pricing_rule.apply_on == 'Transaction' else item_details.item_code)
def get_product_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, args=None, doc=None):
free_item = pricing_rule.free_item
if pricing_rule.same_item:
free_item = item_details.item_code or args.item_code
if not free_item:
frappe.throw(_("Free item not set in the pricing rule {0}")
@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ def get_product_discount_rule(pricing_rule, item_details, doc=None):
item_details.free_item_data['uom'] = pricing_rule.free_item_uom or item_data.stock_uom
item_details.free_item_data['conversion_factor'] = get_conversion_factor(free_item,
item_details.free_item_data['conversion_factor'] = get_conversion_factor(free_item,
item_details.free_item_data['uom']).get("conversion_factor", 1)
if item_details.get("parenttype") == 'Purchase Order':
@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ def get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc):
for d in pr_doc.get(pricing_rule_apply_on):
if apply_on == 'item_group':
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ def validate_coupon_code(coupon_name):
frappe.throw(_("Sorry,coupon code validity has not started"))
elif coupon.valid_upto:
if coupon.valid_upto < getdate(today()) :
frappe.throw(_("Sorry,coupon code validity has expired"))
frappe.throw(_("Sorry,coupon code validity has expired"))
elif coupon.used>=coupon.maximum_use:
frappe.throw(_("Sorry,coupon code are exhausted"))
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
@ -418,7 +419,6 @@
"fieldname": "contact_email",
"fieldtype": "Small Text",
"label": "Contact Email",
"options": "Email",
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
@ -1284,6 +1284,14 @@
"fieldname": "dimension_col_break",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"default": "0",
"fetch_from": "supplier.is_internal_supplier",
"fieldname": "is_internal_supplier",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Is Internal Supplier",
"read_only": 1
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
@ -125,6 +125,27 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
self.remarks = _("No Remarks")
def set_status(self, update=False, status=None, update_modified=True):
if self.is_new():
if self.get('amended_from'):
self.status = 'Draft'
if not status:
precision = self.precision("outstanding_amount")
args = [
self.status = get_status(args)
if update:
self.db_set('status', self.status, update_modified = update_modified)
def set_missing_values(self, for_validate=False):
if not self.credit_to:
self.credit_to = get_party_account("Supplier", self.supplier,
@ -224,7 +245,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
for item in self.get("items"):
# in case of auto inventory accounting,
# expense account is always "Stock Received But Not Billed" for a stock item
# except epening entry, drop-ship entry and fixed asset items
# except opening entry, drop-ship entry and fixed asset items
if item.item_code:
asset_category = frappe.get_cached_value("Item", item.item_code, "asset_category")
@ -233,10 +254,22 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
and (not item.po_detail or
not frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Order Item", item.po_detail, "delivered_by_supplier")):
if self.update_stock:
if self.update_stock and (not item.from_warehouse):
item.expense_account = warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"]
item.expense_account = stock_not_billed_account
# check if 'Stock Received But Not Billed' account is credited in Purchase receipt or not
if item.purchase_receipt:
negative_expense_booked_in_pr = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_type='Purchase Receipt' and voucher_no=%s and account = %s""",
(item.purchase_receipt, stock_not_billed_account))
if negative_expense_booked_in_pr:
item.expense_account = stock_not_billed_account
# If no purchase receipt present then book expense in 'Stock Received But Not Billed'
# This is done in cases when Purchase Invoice is created before Purchase Receipt
item.expense_account = stock_not_billed_account
elif item.is_fixed_asset and not is_cwip_accounting_enabled(asset_category):
item.expense_account = get_asset_category_account('fixed_asset_account', item=item.item_code,
company =
@ -368,7 +401,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
update_outstanding_amt(self.credit_to, "Supplier", self.supplier,
self.doctype, self.return_against if cint(self.is_return) and self.return_against else
if repost_future_gle and cint(self.update_stock) and self.auto_accounting_for_stock:
if (repost_future_gle or self.flags.repost_future_gle) and cint(self.update_stock) and self.auto_accounting_for_stock:
from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import update_gl_entries_after
items, warehouses = self.get_items_and_warehouses()
update_gl_entries_after(self.posting_date, self.posting_time,
@ -467,16 +500,47 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
warehouse_debit_amount = self.make_stock_adjustment_entry(gl_entries,
item, voucher_wise_stock_value, account_currency)
"account": item.expense_account,
"against": self.supplier,
"debit": warehouse_debit_amount,
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or _("Accounting Entry for Stock"),
if item.from_warehouse:
"account": warehouse_account[item.warehouse]['account'],
"against": warehouse_account[item.from_warehouse]["account"],
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"project": item.project
}, account_currency, item=item)
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or _("Accounting Entry for Stock"),
"debit": warehouse_debit_amount,
}, warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account_currency"], item=item))
# Intentionally passed negative debit amount to avoid incorrect GL Entry validation
"account": warehouse_account[item.from_warehouse]['account'],
"against": warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"],
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or _("Accounting Entry for Stock"),
"debit": -1 * flt(item.base_net_amount, item.precision("base_net_amount")),
}, warehouse_account[item.from_warehouse]["account_currency"], item=item))
"account": item.expense_account,
"against": self.supplier,
"debit": flt(item.base_net_amount, item.precision("base_net_amount")),
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or _("Accounting Entry for Stock"),
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"project": item.project
}, account_currency, item=item)
"account": item.expense_account,
"against": self.supplier,
"debit": warehouse_debit_amount,
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or _("Accounting Entry for Stock"),
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"project": item.project
}, account_currency, item=item)
# Amount added through landed-cost-voucher
if landed_cost_entries:
@ -866,6 +930,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
# because updating ordered qty in bin depends upon updated ordered qty in PO
if self.update_stock == 1:
@ -907,7 +972,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if pi:
pi = pi[0][0]
frappe.throw(_("Supplier Invoice No exists in Purchase Invoice {0}".format(pi)))
frappe.throw(_("Supplier Invoice No exists in Purchase Invoice {0}").format(pi))
def update_billing_status_in_pr(self, update_modified=True):
updated_pr = []
@ -963,6 +1028,34 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
# calculate totals again after applying TDS
def get_status(*args):
purchase_invoice, outstanding_amount, is_return, due_date, docstatus, precision = args[0]
outstanding_amount = flt(outstanding_amount, precision)
due_date = getdate(due_date)
now_date = getdate()
if docstatus == 2:
status = "Cancelled"
elif docstatus == 1:
if outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date < now_date:
status = "Overdue"
elif outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date >= now_date:
status = "Unpaid"
#Check if outstanding amount is 0 due to debit note issued against invoice
elif outstanding_amount <= 0 and is_return == 0 and frappe.db.get_value('Purchase Invoice', {'is_return': 1, 'return_against': purchase_invoice, 'docstatus': 1}):
status = "Debit Note Issued"
elif is_return == 1:
status = "Return"
elif outstanding_amount <=0:
status = "Paid"
status = "Submitted"
status = "Draft"
return status
def get_list_context(context=None):
from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import get_list_context
list_context = get_list_context(context)
@ -1014,7 +1107,7 @@ def unblock_invoice(name):
def block_invoice(name, hold_comment, release_date):
def block_invoice(name, release_date, hold_comment=None):
if frappe.db.exists('Purchase Invoice', name):
pi = frappe.get_doc('Purchase Invoice', name)
pi.block_invoice(hold_comment, release_date)
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
@ -198,7 +199,6 @@
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "UOM",
"options": "UOM",
"print_hide": 1,
"reqd": 1
@ -762,16 +762,22 @@
"fetch_from": "item_code.asset_category",
"fieldname": "asset_category",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"in_preview": 1,
"label": "Asset Category",
"options": "Asset Category",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "from_warehouse",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"ignore_user_permissions": 1,
"label": "Supplier Warehouse",
"options": "Warehouse"
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2019-12-04 12:23:17.046413",
"modified": "2020-03-05 14:20:17.297284",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Invoice Item",
@ -152,8 +152,11 @@ def update_multi_mode_option(doc, pos_profile):
def get_mode_of_payment(doc):
return frappe.db.sql(""" select mpa.default_account, mpa.parent, mp.type as type from `tabMode of Payment Account` mpa, \
`tabMode of Payment` mp where mpa.parent = and = %(company)s""", {'company':}, as_dict=1)
return frappe.db.sql("""
select mpa.default_account, mpa.parent, mp.type as type
from `tabMode of Payment Account` mpa,`tabMode of Payment` mp
where mpa.parent = and = %(company)s and mp.enabled = 1""",
{'company':}, as_dict=1)
def update_tax_table(doc):
@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ def get_customers_list(pos_profile={}):
if pos_profile.get('customer_groups'):
# Get customers based on the customer groups defined in the POS profile
for d in pos_profile.get('customer_groups'):
customer_groups.extend([ for d in get_child_nodes('Customer Group', d.customer_group)])
customer_groups.extend([d.get('name') for d in get_child_nodes('Customer Group', d.get('customer_group'))])
cond = "customer_group in (%s)" % (', '.join(['%s'] * len(customer_groups)))
return frappe.db.sql(""" select name, customer_name, customer_group,
@ -384,7 +387,9 @@ def get_pricing_rule_data(doc):
def make_invoice(doc_list={}, email_queue_list={}, customers_list={}):
def make_invoice(pos_profile, doc_list={}, email_queue_list={}, customers_list={}):
import json
if isinstance(doc_list, string_types):
doc_list = json.loads(doc_list)
@ -418,7 +423,8 @@ def make_invoice(doc_list={}, email_queue_list={}, customers_list={}):
email_queue = make_email_queue(email_queue_list)
customers = get_customers_list()
pos_profile = json.loads(pos_profile)
customers = get_customers_list(pos_profile)
return {
'invoice': name_list,
'email_queue': email_queue,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Invoice", {
if(frm.doc.docstatus == 1 && !frm.is_dirty()
&& !frm.doc.is_return && !frm.doc.ewaybill) {
frm.add_custom_button('e-Way Bill JSON', () => {
frm.add_custom_button('E-Way Bill JSON', () => {
var w =
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Invoice", {
if (!w) {
frappe.msgprint(__("Please enable pop-ups")); return;
}, __("Make"));
}, __("Create"));
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ frappe.listview_settings['Sales Invoice'].onload = function (doclist) {
for (let doc of selected_docs) {
if (doc.docstatus !== 1) {
frappe.throw(__("e-Way Bill JSON can only be generated from a submitted document"));
frappe.throw(__("E-Way Bill JSON can only be generated from a submitted document"));
@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ frappe.listview_settings['Sales Invoice'].onload = function (doclist) {
||||'Generate e-Way Bill JSON'), action, false);
||||'Generate E-Way Bill JSON'), action, false);
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
"actions": [],
"allow_import": 1,
"autoname": "naming_series:",
"creation": "2013-05-24 19:29:05",
@ -154,6 +153,7 @@
@ -373,7 +373,8 @@
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Sales Invoice",
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
"read_only": 1,
"search_index": 1
"fieldname": "column_break_21",
@ -1563,13 +1564,20 @@
"fieldname": "dimension_col_break",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"default": "0",
"fetch_from": "customer.is_internal_customer",
"fieldname": "is_internal_customer",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Is Internal Customer",
"read_only": 1
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
"idx": 181,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2019-12-30 19:15:59.580414",
"modified": "2020-02-10 04:57:11.221180",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Sales Invoice",
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
total_amount_in_payments += payment.amount
invoice_total = self.rounded_total or self.grand_total
if total_amount_in_payments < invoice_total:
frappe.throw(_("Total payments amount can't be greater than {}".format(-invoice_total)))
frappe.throw(_("Total payments amount can't be greater than {}").format(-invoice_total))
def validate_pos_paid_amount(self):
if len(self.payments) == 0 and self.is_pos:
@ -421,6 +421,9 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
if pos:
self.allow_print_before_pay = pos.allow_print_before_pay
if not for_validate:
self.tax_category = pos.get("tax_category")
if not for_validate and not self.customer:
self.customer = pos.customer
@ -720,7 +723,7 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
update_outstanding_amt(self.debit_to, "Customer", self.customer,
self.doctype, self.return_against if cint(self.is_return) and self.return_against else
if repost_future_gle and cint(self.update_stock) \
if (repost_future_gle or self.flags.repost_future_gle) and cint(self.update_stock) \
and cint(auto_accounting_for_stock):
items, warehouses = self.get_items_and_warehouses()
update_gl_entries_after(self.posting_date, self.posting_time,
@ -1041,11 +1044,11 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
si_serial_nos = set(get_serial_nos(serial_nos))
if si_serial_nos - dn_serial_nos:
frappe.throw(_("Serial Numbers in row {0} does not match with Delivery Note".format(item.idx)))
frappe.throw(_("Serial Numbers in row {0} does not match with Delivery Note").format(item.idx))
if item.serial_no and cint(item.qty) != len(si_serial_nos):
frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}.".format(
item.idx, item.qty, item.item_code, len(si_serial_nos))))
frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}.").format(
item.idx, item.qty, item.item_code, len(si_serial_nos)))
def validate_serial_against_sales_invoice(self):
""" check if serial number is already used in other sales invoice """
@ -1064,8 +1067,8 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
and != serial_no_details.sales_invoice:
sales_invoice_company = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice", serial_no_details.sales_invoice, "company")
if sales_invoice_company ==
frappe.throw(_("Serial Number: {0} is already referenced in Sales Invoice: {1}"
.format(serial_no, serial_no_details.sales_invoice)))
frappe.throw(_("Serial Number: {0} is already referenced in Sales Invoice: {1}")
.format(serial_no, serial_no_details.sales_invoice))
def update_project(self):
if self.project:
@ -1214,24 +1217,6 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
self.set_missing_values(for_validate = True)
def get_discounting_status(self):
status = None
if self.is_discounted:
invoice_discounting_list = frappe.db.sql("""
select status
from `tabInvoice Discounting` id, `tabDiscounted Invoice` d
|||| = d.parent
and d.sales_invoice=%s
and id.docstatus=1
and status in ('Disbursed', 'Settled')
for d in invoice_discounting_list:
status = d[0]
if status == "Disbursed":
return status
def set_status(self, update=False, status=None, update_modified=True):
if self.is_new():
if self.get('amended_from'):
@ -1239,32 +1224,77 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
if not status:
if self.docstatus == 2:
status = "Cancelled"
elif self.docstatus == 1:
if flt(self.outstanding_amount) > 0 and getdate(self.due_date) < getdate(nowdate()) and self.is_discounted and self.get_discounting_status()=='Disbursed':
self.status = "Overdue and Discounted"
elif flt(self.outstanding_amount) > 0 and getdate(self.due_date) < getdate(nowdate()):
self.status = "Overdue"
elif flt(self.outstanding_amount) > 0 and getdate(self.due_date) >= getdate(nowdate()) and self.is_discounted and self.get_discounting_status()=='Disbursed':
self.status = "Unpaid and Discounted"
elif flt(self.outstanding_amount) > 0 and getdate(self.due_date) >= getdate(nowdate()):
self.status = "Unpaid"
#Check if outstanding amount is 0 due to credit note issued against invoice
elif flt(self.outstanding_amount) <= 0 and self.is_return == 0 and frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice', {'is_return': 1, 'return_against':, 'docstatus': 1}):
self.status = "Credit Note Issued"
elif self.is_return == 1:
self.status = "Return"
elif flt(self.outstanding_amount)<=0:
self.status = "Paid"
self.status = "Submitted"
self.status = "Draft"
precision = self.precision("outstanding_amount")
args = [
self.status = get_status(args)
if update:
self.db_set('status', self.status, update_modified = update_modified)
def get_discounting_status(sales_invoice):
status = None
invoice_discounting_list = frappe.db.sql("""
select status
from `tabInvoice Discounting` id, `tabDiscounted Invoice` d
|||| = d.parent
and d.sales_invoice=%s
and id.docstatus=1
and status in ('Disbursed', 'Settled')
""", sales_invoice)
for d in invoice_discounting_list:
status = d[0]
if status == "Disbursed":
return status
def get_status(*args):
sales_invoice, outstanding_amount, is_discounted, is_return, due_date, docstatus, precision = args[0]
discounting_status = None
if is_discounted:
discounting_status = get_discounting_status(sales_invoice)
outstanding_amount = flt(outstanding_amount, precision)
due_date = getdate(due_date)
now_date = getdate()
if docstatus == 2:
status = "Cancelled"
elif docstatus == 1:
if outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date < now_date and is_discounted and discounting_status=='Disbursed':
status = "Overdue and Discounted"
elif outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date < now_date:
status = "Overdue"
elif outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date >= now_date and is_discounted and discounting_status=='Disbursed':
status = "Unpaid and Discounted"
elif outstanding_amount > 0 and due_date >= now_date:
status = "Unpaid"
#Check if outstanding amount is 0 due to credit note issued against invoice
elif outstanding_amount <= 0 and is_return == 0 and frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice', {'is_return': 1, 'return_against': sales_invoice, 'docstatus': 1}):
status = "Credit Note Issued"
elif is_return == 1:
status = "Return"
elif outstanding_amount <=0:
status = "Paid"
status = "Submitted"
status = "Draft"
return status
def validate_inter_company_party(doctype, party, company, inter_company_reference):
if not party:
@ -1420,23 +1450,42 @@ def set_account_for_mode_of_payment(self):
data.account = get_bank_cash_account(data.mode_of_payment,"account")
def get_inter_company_details(doc, doctype):
if doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Sales Order"]:
party = frappe.db.get_value("Supplier", {"disabled": 0, "is_internal_supplier": 1, "represents_company":}, "name")
if doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Sales Order", "Delivery Note"]:
parties = frappe.db.get_all("Supplier", fields=["name"], filters={"disabled": 0, "is_internal_supplier": 1, "represents_company":})
company = frappe.get_cached_value("Customer", doc.customer, "represents_company")
party = get_internal_party(parties, "Supplier", doc)
party = frappe.db.get_value("Customer", {"disabled": 0, "is_internal_customer": 1, "represents_company":}, "name")
parties = frappe.db.get_all("Customer", fields=["name"], filters={"disabled": 0, "is_internal_customer": 1, "represents_company":})
company = frappe.get_cached_value("Supplier", doc.supplier, "represents_company")
party = get_internal_party(parties, "Customer", doc)
return {
"party": party,
"company": company
def get_internal_party(parties, link_doctype, doc):
if len(parties) == 1:
party = parties[0].name
# If more than one Internal Supplier/Customer, get supplier/customer on basis of address
if doc.get('company_address') or doc.get('shipping_address'):
party = frappe.db.get_value("Dynamic Link", {"parent": doc.get('company_address') or doc.get('shipping_address'),
"parenttype": "Address", "link_doctype": link_doctype}, "link_name")
if not party:
party = parties[0].name
party = parties[0].name
return party
def validate_inter_company_transaction(doc, doctype):
details = get_inter_company_details(doc, doctype)
price_list = doc.selling_price_list if doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Sales Order"] else doc.buying_price_list
price_list = doc.selling_price_list if doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Sales Order", "Delivery Note"] else doc.buying_price_list
valid_price_list = frappe.db.get_value("Price List", {"name": price_list, "buying": 1, "selling": 1})
if not valid_price_list:
frappe.throw(_("Selected Price List should have buying and selling fields checked."))
@ -1520,6 +1569,9 @@ def get_loyalty_programs(customer):
return lp_details
def on_doctype_update():
frappe.db.add_index("Sales Invoice", ["customer", "is_return", "return_against"])
def create_invoice_discounting(source_name, target_doc=None):
invoice = frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", source_name)
@ -705,6 +705,64 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.pos_gl_entry(si, pos, 50)
def test_pos_returns_without_repayment(self):
pos_profile = make_pos_profile()
pos = create_sales_invoice(qty = 10, do_not_save=True)
pos.is_pos = 1
pos.pos_profile =
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Bank Draft', 'account': '_Test Bank - _TC', 'amount': 500})
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Cash', 'account': 'Cash - _TC', 'amount': 500})
pos_return = create_sales_invoice(is_return=1,
||||, qty=-5, do_not_save=True)
pos_return.is_pos = 1
pos_return.pos_profile =
def test_pos_returns_with_repayment(self):
pos_profile = make_pos_profile()
pos_profile.append('payments', {
'default': 1,
'mode_of_payment': 'Cash',
'amount': 0.0
pos = create_sales_invoice(qty = 10, do_not_save=True)
pos.is_pos = 1
pos.pos_profile =
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Bank Draft', 'account': '_Test Bank - _TC', 'amount': 500})
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Cash', 'account': 'Cash - _TC', 'amount': 500})
pos_return = create_sales_invoice(is_return=1,
||||, qty=-5, do_not_save=True)
pos_return.is_pos = 1
pos_return.pos_profile =
self.assertEqual(pos_return.get('payments')[0].amount, -500)
pos_profile.payments = []
def test_pos_change_amount(self):
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ShippingRule(Document):
if not shipping_country:
frappe.throw(_('Shipping Address does not have country, which is required for this Shipping Rule'))
if shipping_country not in [ for d in self.countries]:
frappe.throw(_('Shipping rule not applicable for country {0}'.format(shipping_country)))
frappe.throw(_('Shipping rule not applicable for country {0}').format(shipping_country))
def add_shipping_rule_to_tax_table(self, doc, shipping_amount):
shipping_charge = {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"actions": [],
"autoname": "ACC-SUB-.YYYY.-.#####",
"creation": "2017-07-18 17:50:43.967266",
"doctype": "DocType",
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
"fieldname": "apply_additional_discount",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"label": "Apply Additional Discount On",
"options": "\nGrand Total\nNet total"
"options": "\nGrand Total\nNet Total"
"fieldname": "cb_2",
@ -196,7 +197,8 @@
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"modified": "2019-07-25 18:45:38.579579",
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-01-27 14:37:32.845173",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Subscription",
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class Subscription(Document):
doc = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice', current.invoice)
return doc
frappe.throw(_('Invoice {0} no longer exists'.format(current.invoice)))
frappe.throw(_('Invoice {0} no longer exists').format(current.invoice))
def is_new_subscription(self):
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class Subscription(Document):
if self.additional_discount_percentage or self.additional_discount_amount:
discount_on = self.apply_additional_discount
invoice.apply_additional_discount = discount_on if discount_on else 'Grand Total'
invoice.apply_discount_on = discount_on if discount_on else 'Grand Total'
# Subscription period
invoice.from_date = self.current_invoice_start
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class Subscription(Document):
# Check invoice dates and make sure it doesn't have outstanding invoices
return getdate(nowdate()) >= getdate(self.current_invoice_start) and not self.has_outstanding_invoice()
def is_current_invoice_paid(self):
if self.is_new_subscription():
return False
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class Subscription(Document):
last_invoice = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice', self.invoices[-1].invoice)
if getdate(last_invoice.posting_date) == getdate(self.current_invoice_start) and last_invoice.status == 'Paid':
return True
return False
def process_for_active(self):
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ class Subscription(Document):
current_invoice = self.get_current_invoice()
if not current_invoice:
frappe.throw(_('Current invoice {0} is missing'.format(current_invoice.invoice)))
frappe.throw(_('Current invoice {0} is missing').format(current_invoice.invoice))
if self.is_not_outstanding(current_invoice):
self.status = 'Active'
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TaxRule(Document):
if tax_rule:
if tax_rule[0].priority == self.priority:
frappe.throw(_("Tax Rule Conflicts with {0}".format(tax_rule[0].name)), ConflictingTaxRule)
frappe.throw(_("Tax Rule Conflicts with {0}").format(tax_rule[0].name), ConflictingTaxRule)
def validate_use_for_shopping_cart(self):
'''If shopping cart is enabled and no tax rule exists for shopping cart, enable this one'''
@ -140,8 +140,11 @@ def make_entry(args, adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost=False):
gle = frappe.get_doc(args)
gle.flags.ignore_permissions = 1
gle.flags.from_repost = from_repost
gle.flags.ignore_permissions = True
gle.run_method("on_update_with_args", adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost)
gle.flags.ignore_validate = True
def validate_account_for_perpetual_inventory(gl_map):
@ -1769,6 +1769,7 @@ erpnext.pos.PointOfSale = erpnext.taxes_and_totals.extend({
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.pos.make_invoice",
freeze: true,
args: {
pos_profile: me.pos_profile_data,
doc_list: me.si_docs,
email_queue_list: me.email_queue_list,
customers_list: me.customers_list
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ def get_party_details(party=None, account=None, party_type="Customer", company=N
def _get_party_details(party=None, account=None, party_type="Customer", company=None, posting_date=None,
bill_date=None, price_list=None, currency=None, doctype=None, ignore_permissions=False,
fetch_payment_terms_template=True, party_address=None, company_address=None,shipping_address=None, pos_profile=None):
fetch_payment_terms_template=True, party_address=None, company_address=None, shipping_address=None, pos_profile=None):
party_details = frappe._dict(set_account_and_due_date(party, account, party_type, company, posting_date, bill_date, doctype))
party = party_details[party_type.lower()]
@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Payable"] = {
"reqd": 1,
"default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
"label": __("Posting Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"label": __("Ageing Based On"),
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": 'Posting Date\nDue Date\nSupplier Invoice Date',
"default": "Posting Date"
"label": __("As on Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"default": "Due Date"
@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Payable"] = {
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Supplier Group"
"fieldname": "group_by_party",
"label": __("Group By Supplier"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"label": __("Based On Payment Terms"),
@ -112,6 +117,16 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Payable"] = {
"hidden": 1
"formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
if (data && data.bold) {
value = value.bold();
return value;
onload: function(report) {
||||"Accounts Payable Summary"), function() {
var filters = report.get_values();
@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Payable Summary"] = {
"options": "Company",
"default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
"label": __("Posting Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"label": __("Ageing Based On"),
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": 'Posting Date\nDue Date',
"default": "Posting Date"
"label": __("Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"default": "Due Date"
@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable"] = {
"reqd": 1,
"default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
"label": __("Posting Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"label": __("Ageing Based On"),
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": 'Posting Date\nDue Date',
"default": "Posting Date"
"label": __("As on Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"default": "Due Date"
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable"] = {
frappe.query_report.set_filter_value('payment_terms', value["payment_terms"]);
frappe.db.get_value('Customer Credit Limit', {'parent': customer, 'company': company},
frappe.db.get_value('Customer Credit Limit', {'parent': customer, 'company': company},
["credit_limit"], function(value) {
if (value) {
frappe.query_report.set_filter_value('credit_limit', value["credit_limit"]);
@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable"] = {
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Sales Person"
"fieldname": "group_by_party",
"label": __("Group By Customer"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"label": __("Based On Payment Terms"),
@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable"] = {
"label": __("Show Delivery Notes"),
"label": __("Show Linked Delivery Notes"),
"fieldtype": "Check",
@ -177,6 +182,15 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable"] = {
"formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
if (data && data.bold) {
value = value.bold();
return value;
onload: function(report) {
||||"Accounts Receivable Summary"), function() {
var filters = report.get_values();
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
return self.columns,, None, self.chart
return self.columns,, None, self.chart, None, self.skip_total_row
def set_defaults(self):
if not self.filters.get("company"):
@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
self.party_type = self.filters.party_type
self.party_details = {}
self.invoices = set()
self.skip_total_row = 0
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
self.total_row_map = {}
self.skip_total_row = 1
def get_data(self):
@ -102,6 +108,12 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
def get_invoices(self, gle):
if gle.voucher_type in ('Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'):
if self.filters.get("sales_person"):
@ -111,6 +123,20 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
def init_subtotal_row(self, party):
if not self.total_row_map.get(party):
self.total_row_map.setdefault(party, {
'party': party,
'bold': 1
for field in self.get_currency_fields():
self.total_row_map[party][field] = 0.0
def get_currency_fields(self):
return ['invoiced', 'paid', 'credit_note', 'outstanding', 'range1',
'range2', 'range3', 'range4', 'range5']
def update_voucher_balance(self, gle):
# get the row where this balance needs to be updated
# if its a payment, it will return the linked invoice or will be considered as advance
@ -135,6 +161,18 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
# advance / unlinked payment or other adjustment
row.paid -= gle_balance
def update_sub_total_row(self, row, party):
total_row = self.total_row_map.get(party)
for field in self.get_currency_fields():
total_row[field] += row.get(field, 0.0)
def append_subtotal_row(self, party):
sub_total_row = self.total_row_map.get(party)
self.update_sub_total_row(sub_total_row, 'Total')
def get_voucher_balance(self, gle):
if self.filters.get("sales_person"):
against_voucher = gle.against_voucher or gle.voucher_no
@ -192,11 +230,22 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
def append_row(self, row):
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
if self.previous_party and (self.previous_party !=
self.previous_party =
def set_invoice_details(self, row):
@ -503,6 +552,7 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
# get all the GL entries filtered by the given filters
conditions, values = self.prepare_conditions()
order_by = self.get_order_by_condition()
if self.filters.get(scrub(self.party_type)):
select_fields = "debit_in_account_currency as debit, credit_in_account_currency as credit"
@ -520,9 +570,8 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
and party_type=%s
and (party is not null and party != '')
and posting_date <= %s
order by posting_date, party"""
.format(select_fields, conditions), values, as_dict=True)
{1} {2}"""
.format(select_fields, conditions, order_by), values, as_dict=True)
def get_sales_invoices_or_customers_based_on_sales_person(self):
if self.filters.get("sales_person"):
@ -557,6 +606,12 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
return " and ".join(conditions), values
def get_order_by_condition(self):
if self.filters.get('group_by_party'):
return "order by party, posting_date"
return "order by posting_date, party"
def add_common_filters(self, conditions, values, party_type_field):
@ -736,11 +791,13 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
def get_chart_data(self):
rows = []
for row in
values = [row.range1, row.range2, row.range3, row.range4, row.range5]
precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 2
'values': [flt(val, precision) for val in values]
row = frappe._dict(row)
if not cint(row.bold):
values = [row.range1, row.range2, row.range3, row.range4, row.range5]
precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 2
'values': [flt(val, precision) for val in values]
self.chart = {
"data": {
@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ frappe.query_reports["Accounts Receivable Summary"] = {
"options": "Company",
"default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
"label": __("Posting Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"label": __("Ageing Based On"),
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": 'Posting Date\nDue Date',
"default": "Posting Date"
"label": __("Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"default": frappe.datetime.get_today()
"default": "Due Date"
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def get_data(filters):
row.update(next(asset for asset in assets if asset["asset_category"] == asset_category.get("asset_category", "")))
row.accumulated_depreciation_as_on_to_date = (flt(row.accumulated_depreciation_as_on_from_date) +
flt(row.depreciation_amount_during_the_period) - flt(row.depreciation_eliminated))
flt(row.depreciation_amount_during_the_period) - flt(row.depreciation_eliminated_during_the_period))
row.net_asset_value_as_on_from_date = (flt(row.cost_as_on_from_date) -
@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ def get_asset_categories(filters):
group by asset_category
""", {"to_date": filters.to_date, "from_date": filters.from_date, "company":}, as_dict=1)
def get_assets(filters):
return frappe.db.sql("""
SELECT results.asset_category,
@ -94,9 +93,7 @@ def get_assets(filters):
sum(results.depreciation_eliminated_during_the_period) as depreciation_eliminated_during_the_period,
sum(results.depreciation_amount_during_the_period) as depreciation_amount_during_the_period
from (SELECT a.asset_category,
ifnull(sum(a.opening_accumulated_depreciation +
case when ds.schedule_date < %(from_date)s and
(ifnull(a.disposal_date, 0) = 0 or a.disposal_date >= %(from_date)s) then
ifnull(sum(case when ds.schedule_date < %(from_date)s then
@ -107,7 +104,6 @@ def get_assets(filters):
end), 0) as depreciation_eliminated_during_the_period,
ifnull(sum(case when ds.schedule_date >= %(from_date)s and ds.schedule_date <= %(to_date)s
and (ifnull(a.disposal_date, 0) = 0 or ds.schedule_date <= a.disposal_date) then
@ -120,7 +116,8 @@ def get_assets(filters):
SELECT a.asset_category,
ifnull(sum(case when ifnull(a.disposal_date, 0) != 0
and (a.disposal_date < %(from_date)s or a.disposal_date > %(to_date)s) then
and (a.disposal_date < %(from_date)s or a.disposal_date > %(to_date)s)
@ -133,7 +130,6 @@ def get_assets(filters):
0 as depreciation_amount_during_the_period
from `tabAsset` a
where a.docstatus=1 and and a.purchase_date <= %(to_date)s
and not exists(select * from `tabDepreciation Schedule` ds where = ds.parent)
group by a.asset_category) as results
group by results.asset_category
""", {"to_date": filters.to_date, "from_date": filters.from_date, "company":}, as_dict=1)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/financial_statements.js", function() {
frappe.query_reports["Balance Sheet"]["filters"].push({
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/financial_statements.js", function() {
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint
from frappe.utils import cint, cstr
from import (get_period_list, get_columns, get_data)
from import get_net_profit_loss
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ def get_account_type_based_gl_data(company, start_date, end_date, account_type,
cond = ""
filters = frappe._dict(filters)
if filters.finance_book:
cond = " and finance_book = %s" %(frappe.db.escape(filters.finance_book))
if filters.include_default_book_entries:
company_fb = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, 'default_finance_book')
if filters.include_default_book_entries:
company_fb = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, 'default_finance_book')
cond = """ AND (finance_book in (%s, %s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)
""" %(frappe.db.escape(filters.finance_book), frappe.db.escape(company_fb))
cond = " AND (finance_book in (%s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)" %(frappe.db.escape(cstr(filters.finance_book)))
cond = """ and finance_book in (%s, %s)
""" %(frappe.db.escape(filters.finance_book), frappe.db.escape(company_fb))
gl_sum = frappe.db.sql_list("""
select sum(credit) - sum(debit)
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ frappe.query_reports["Consolidated Financial Statement"] = {
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
@ -387,11 +387,10 @@ def get_additional_conditions(from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters):
if from_date:
additional_conditions.append("gl.posting_date >= %(from_date)s")
if filters.get("finance_book"):
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
additional_conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s)")
additional_conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s)")
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
additional_conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
additional_conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
return " and {}".format(" and ".join(additional_conditions)) if additional_conditions else ""
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import frappe, erpnext
from import get_currency, convert_to_presentation_currency
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import (flt, getdate, get_first_day, add_months, add_days, formatdate)
from frappe.utils import (flt, getdate, get_first_day, add_months, add_days, formatdate, cstr)
from six import itervalues
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import get_accounting_dimensions
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def calculate_values(
d = accounts_by_name.get(entry.account)
if not d:
_("Could not retrieve information for {0}.".format(entry.account)), title="Error",
_("Could not retrieve information for {0}.").format(entry.account), title="Error",
for period in period_list:
@ -348,40 +348,42 @@ def set_gl_entries_by_account(
additional_conditions = get_additional_conditions(from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters)
accounts = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabAccount`
where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s""", (root_lft, root_rgt))
additional_conditions += " and account in ({})"\
.format(", ".join([frappe.db.escape(d) for d in accounts]))
where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and company = %s""", (root_lft, root_rgt, company))
gl_filters = {
"company": company,
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"finance_book": filters.get("finance_book")
if accounts:
additional_conditions += " and account in ({})"\
.format(", ".join([frappe.db.escape(d) for d in accounts]))
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
gl_filters["company_fb"] = frappe.db.get_value("Company",
company, 'default_finance_book')
gl_filters = {
"company": company,
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"finance_book": cstr(filters.get("finance_book"))
for key, value in filters.items():
if value:
key: value
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
gl_filters["company_fb"] = frappe.db.get_value("Company",
company, 'default_finance_book')
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select posting_date, account, debit, credit, is_opening, fiscal_year, debit_in_account_currency, credit_in_account_currency, account_currency from `tabGL Entry`
where company=%(company)s
and posting_date <= %(to_date)s
order by account, posting_date""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions), gl_filters, as_dict=True) #nosec
for key, value in filters.items():
if value:
key: value
if filters and filters.get('presentation_currency'):
convert_to_presentation_currency(gl_entries, get_currency(filters))
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select posting_date, account, debit, credit, is_opening, fiscal_year, debit_in_account_currency, credit_in_account_currency, account_currency from `tabGL Entry`
where company=%(company)s
and posting_date <= %(to_date)s
order by account, posting_date""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions), gl_filters, as_dict=True) #nosec
for entry in gl_entries:
gl_entries_by_account.setdefault(entry.account, []).append(entry)
if filters and filters.get('presentation_currency'):
convert_to_presentation_currency(gl_entries, get_currency(filters))
return gl_entries_by_account
for entry in gl_entries:
gl_entries_by_account.setdefault(entry.account, []).append(entry)
return gl_entries_by_account
def get_additional_conditions(from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters):
@ -406,12 +408,11 @@ def get_additional_conditions(from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters):
filters.cost_center = get_cost_centers_with_children(filters.cost_center)
additional_conditions.append("cost_center in %(cost_center)s")
if filters.get("finance_book"):
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
additional_conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s)")
additional_conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s)")
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
additional_conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
additional_conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
if accounting_dimensions:
for dimension in accounting_dimensions:
if filters.get(dimension):
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ def get_cost_centers_with_children(cost_centers):
children = frappe.get_all("Cost Center", filters={"lft": [">=", lft], "rgt": ["<=", rgt]})
all_cost_centers += [ for c in children]
frappe.throw(_("Cost Center: {0} does not exist".format(d)))
frappe.throw(_("Cost Center: {0} does not exist").format(d))
return list(set(all_cost_centers))
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ frappe.query_reports["General Ledger"] = {
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def get_gl_entries(filters):
select_fields = """, debit, credit, debit_in_account_currency,
credit_in_account_currency """
order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, account"
order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, account, creation"
if filters.get("group_by") == _("Group by Voucher"):
order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, voucher_type, voucher_no"
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
if filters.get("finance_book"):
if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s)")
conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
conditions.append("finance_book in (%(finance_book)s)")
@ -373,19 +373,19 @@ def get_columns(filters):
"width": 180
"label": _("Debit ({0})".format(currency)),
"label": _("Debit ({0})").format(currency),
"fieldname": "debit",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"width": 100
"label": _("Credit ({0})".format(currency)),
"label": _("Credit ({0})").format(currency),
"fieldname": "credit",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"width": 100
"label": _("Balance ({0})".format(currency)),
"label": _("Balance ({0})").format(currency),
"fieldname": "balance",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"width": 130
@ -34,6 +34,20 @@ frappe.query_reports["Item-wise Purchase Register"] = {
"label": __("Mode of Payment"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Mode of Payment"
"label": __("Group By"),
"fieldname": "group_by",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": ["Supplier", "Item Group", "Item", "Invoice"]
"formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
if (data && data.bold) {
value = value.bold();
return value;
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, erpnext
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt
from import get_tax_accounts
from import (get_tax_accounts,
get_grand_total, add_total_row, get_display_value, get_group_by_and_display_fields, add_sub_total_row,
def execute(filters=None):
return _execute(filters)
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ def execute(filters=None):
def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_columns=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
filters.update({"from_date": filters.get("date_range")[0], "to_date": filters.get("date_range")[1]})
columns = get_columns(additional_table_columns)
columns = get_columns(additional_table_columns, filters)
company_currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(
@ -23,16 +25,16 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum
itemised_tax, tax_columns = get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency,
doctype="Purchase Invoice", tax_doctype="Purchase Taxes and Charges")
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 80
po_pr_map = get_purchase_receipts_against_purchase_order(item_list)
data = []
total_row_map = {}
skip_total_row = 0
prev_group_by_value = ''
if filters.get('group_by'):
grand_total = get_grand_total(filters, 'Purchase Invoice')
for d in item_list:
if not d.stock_qty:
@ -44,51 +46,243 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum
purchase_receipt = ", ".join(po_pr_map.get(d.po_detail, []))
expense_account = d.expense_account or aii_account_map.get(
row = [d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group, d.description, d.parent, d.posting_date, d.supplier,
row = {
'item_code': d.item_code,
'item_name': d.item_name,
'item_group': d.item_group,
'description': d.description,
'invoice': d.parent,
'posting_date': d.posting_date,
'supplier': d.supplier,
'supplier_name': d.supplier_name
if additional_query_columns:
for col in additional_query_columns:
col: d.get(col)
row += [
d.credit_to, d.mode_of_payment, d.project,, d.purchase_order,
purchase_receipt, expense_account, d.stock_qty, d.stock_uom, d.base_net_amount / d.stock_qty, d.base_net_amount
'credit_to': d.credit_to,
'mode_of_payment': d.mode_of_payment,
'project': d.project,
'purchase_order': d.purchase_order,
'purchase_receipt': d.purchase_receipt,
'expense_account': expense_account,
'stock_qty': d.stock_qty,
'stock_uom': d.stock_uom,
'rate': d.base_net_amount / d.stock_qty,
'amount': d.base_net_amount
total_tax = 0
for tax in tax_columns:
item_tax = itemised_tax.get(, {}).get(tax, {})
row += [item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0)]
frappe.scrub(tax + ' Rate'): item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0),
frappe.scrub(tax + ' Amount'): item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0),
total_tax += flt(item_tax.get("tax_amount"))
row += [total_tax, d.base_net_amount + total_tax, company_currency]
'total_tax': total_tax,
'total': d.base_net_amount + total_tax,
'currency': company_currency
if filters.get('group_by'):
row.update({'percent_gt': flt(row['total']/grand_total) * 100})
group_by_field, subtotal_display_field = get_group_by_and_display_fields(filters)
data, prev_group_by_value = add_total_row(data, filters, prev_group_by_value, d, total_row_map,
group_by_field, subtotal_display_field, grand_total, tax_columns)
add_sub_total_row(row, total_row_map, d.get(group_by_field, ''), tax_columns)
return columns, data
if filters.get('group_by'):
total_row = total_row_map.get(prev_group_by_value or d.get('item_name'))
total_row['percent_gt'] = flt(total_row['total']/grand_total * 100)
add_sub_total_row(total_row, total_row_map, 'total_row', tax_columns)
skip_total_row = 1
return columns, data, None, None, None, skip_total_row
def get_columns(additional_table_columns):
columns = [
_("Item Code") + ":Link/Item:120", _("Item Name") + "::120",
_("Item Group") + ":Link/Item Group:100", "Description::150", _("Invoice") + ":Link/Purchase Invoice:120",
_("Posting Date") + ":Date:80", _("Supplier") + ":Link/Supplier:120",
"Supplier Name::120"
def get_columns(additional_table_columns, filters):
columns = []
if filters.get('group_by') != ('Item'):
'label': _('Item Code'),
'fieldname': 'item_code',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Item',
'width': 120
'label': _('Item Name'),
'fieldname': 'item_name',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') not in ('Item', 'Item Group'):
'label': _('Item Group'),
'fieldname': 'item_group',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Item Group',
'width': 120
'label': _('Description'),
'fieldname': 'description',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 150
'label': _('Invoice'),
'fieldname': 'invoice',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Purchase Invoice',
'width': 120
'label': _('Posting Date'),
'fieldname': 'posting_date',
'fieldtype': 'Date',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') != 'Supplier':
'label': _('Supplier'),
'fieldname': 'supplier',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Supplier',
'width': 120
'label': _('Supplier Name'),
'fieldname': 'supplier_name',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
if additional_table_columns:
columns += additional_table_columns
columns += [
"Payable Account:Link/Account:120",
_("Mode of Payment") + ":Link/Mode of Payment:80", _("Project") + ":Link/Project:80",
_("Company") + ":Link/Company:100", _("Purchase Order") + ":Link/Purchase Order:100",
_("Purchase Receipt") + ":Link/Purchase Receipt:100", _("Expense Account") + ":Link/Account:140",
_("Stock Qty") + ":Float:120", _("Stock UOM") + "::100",
_("Rate") + ":Currency/currency:120", _("Amount") + ":Currency/currency:120"
'label': _('Payable Account'),
'fieldname': 'credit_to',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Account',
'width': 80
'label': _('Mode Of Payment'),
'fieldname': 'mode_of_payment',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
'label': _('Project'),
'fieldname': 'project',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Project',
'width': 80
'label': _('Company'),
'fieldname': 'company',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Company',
'width': 80
'label': _('Purchase Order'),
'fieldname': 'purchase_order',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Purchase Order',
'width': 100
'label': _("Purchase Receipt"),
'fieldname': 'Purchase Receipt',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Purchase Receipt',
'width': 100
'label': _('Expense Account'),
'fieldname': 'expense_account',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Account',
'width': 100
'label': _('Stock Qty'),
'fieldname': 'stock_qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': 100
'label': _('Stock UOM'),
'fieldname': 'stock_uom',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'UOM',
'width': 100
'label': _('Rate'),
'fieldname': 'rate',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
'label': _('Amount'),
'fieldname': 'amount',
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
'fieldname': 'currency',
'label': _('Currency'),
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'width': 80,
'hidden': 1
if filters.get('group_by'):
'label': _('% Of Grand Total'),
'fieldname': 'percent_gt',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': 80
return columns
def get_conditions(filters):
@ -103,14 +297,15 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
if filters.get(opts[0]):
conditions += opts[1]
if not filters.get("group_by"):
conditions += "ORDER BY `tabPurchase Invoice`.posting_date desc, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.item_code desc"
conditions += get_group_by_conditions(filters, 'Purchase Invoice')
return conditions
def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns):
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
match_conditions = frappe.build_match_conditions("Purchase Invoice")
if match_conditions:
match_conditions = " and {0} ".format(match_conditions)
if additional_query_columns:
additional_query_columns = ', ' + ', '.join(additional_query_columns)
@ -128,9 +323,8 @@ def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns):
`tabPurchase Invoice`.supplier_name, `tabPurchase Invoice`.mode_of_payment {0}
from `tabPurchase Invoice`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where `tabPurchase Invoice`.name = `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`parent` and
`tabPurchase Invoice`.docstatus = 1 %s %s
order by `tabPurchase Invoice`.posting_date desc, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.item_code desc
""".format(additional_query_columns) % (conditions, match_conditions), filters, as_dict=1)
`tabPurchase Invoice`.docstatus = 1 %s
""".format(additional_query_columns) % (conditions), filters, as_dict=1)
def get_aii_accounts():
return dict(frappe.db.sql("select name, stock_received_but_not_billed from tabCompany"))
@ -4,48 +4,62 @@
frappe.query_reports["Item-wise Sales Register"] = {
"filters": [
"fieldname": "date_range",
"label": __("Date Range"),
"fieldtype": "DateRange",
"default": [frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.get_today(),-1), frappe.datetime.get_today()],
"reqd": 1
"fieldname": "customer",
"label": __("Customer"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Customer"
"fieldname": "company",
"label": __("Company"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Company",
"default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
"fieldname": "mode_of_payment",
"label": __("Mode of Payment"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Mode of Payment"
"fieldname": "warehouse",
"label": __("Warehouse"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Warehouse"
"fieldname": "brand",
"label": __("Brand"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Brand"
"fieldname": "item_group",
"label": __("Item Group"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Item Group"
"label": __("Group By"),
"fieldname": "group_by",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": ["Customer Group", "Customer", "Item Group", "Item", "Territory", "Invoice"]
"formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
if (data && data.bold) {
value = value.bold();
return value;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, erpnext
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt
from frappe.utils import flt, cstr
from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import handle_html
from import get_mode_of_payments
@ -15,23 +15,25 @@ def execute(filters=None):
def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_columns=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
filters.update({"from_date": filters.get("date_range") and filters.get("date_range")[0], "to_date": filters.get("date_range") and filters.get("date_range")[1]})
columns = get_columns(additional_table_columns)
columns = get_columns(additional_table_columns, filters)
company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', filters.get("company"), "default_currency")
item_list = get_items(filters, additional_query_columns)
if item_list:
itemised_tax, tax_columns = get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency)
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 80
mode_of_payments = get_mode_of_payments(set([d.parent for d in item_list]))
so_dn_map = get_delivery_notes_against_sales_order(item_list)
data = []
total_row_map = {}
skip_total_row = 0
prev_group_by_value = ''
if filters.get('group_by'):
grand_total = get_grand_total(filters, 'Sales Invoice')
for d in item_list:
delivery_note = None
if d.delivery_note:
@ -42,57 +44,285 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum
if not delivery_note and d.update_stock:
delivery_note = d.parent
row = [d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group, d.description, d.parent, d.posting_date, d.customer, d.customer_name]
row = {
'item_code': d.item_code,
'item_name': d.item_name,
'item_group': d.item_group,
'description': d.description,
'invoice': d.parent,
'posting_date': d.posting_date,
'customer': d.customer,
'customer_name': d.customer_name,
'customer_group': d.customer_group,
if additional_query_columns:
for col in additional_query_columns:
col: d.get(col)
row += [
d.customer_group, d.debit_to, ", ".join(mode_of_payments.get(d.parent, [])),
d.territory, d.project,, d.sales_order,
delivery_note, d.income_account, d.cost_center, d.stock_qty, d.stock_uom
'debit_to': d.debit_to,
'mode_of_payment': ", ".join(mode_of_payments.get(d.parent, [])),
'territory': d.territory,
'project': d.project,
'sales_order': d.sales_order,
'delivery_note': d.delivery_note,
'income_account': d.income_account,
'cost_center': d.cost_center,
'stock_qty': d.stock_qty,
'stock_uom': d.stock_uom
if d.stock_uom != d.uom and d.stock_qty:
row += [(d.base_net_rate * d.qty)/d.stock_qty, d.base_net_amount]
'rate': (d.base_net_rate * d.qty)/d.stock_qty,
'amount': d.base_net_amount
row += [d.base_net_rate, d.base_net_amount]
'rate': d.base_net_rate,
'amount': d.base_net_amount
total_tax = 0
for tax in tax_columns:
item_tax = itemised_tax.get(, {}).get(tax, {})
row += [item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0)]
frappe.scrub(tax + ' Rate'): item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0),
frappe.scrub(tax + ' Amount'): item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0),
total_tax += flt(item_tax.get("tax_amount"))
row += [total_tax, d.base_net_amount + total_tax, company_currency]
'total_tax': total_tax,
'total': d.base_net_amount + total_tax,
'currency': company_currency
if filters.get('group_by'):
row.update({'percent_gt': flt(row['total']/grand_total) * 100})
group_by_field, subtotal_display_field = get_group_by_and_display_fields(filters)
data, prev_group_by_value = add_total_row(data, filters, prev_group_by_value, d, total_row_map,
group_by_field, subtotal_display_field, grand_total, tax_columns)
add_sub_total_row(row, total_row_map, d.get(group_by_field, ''), tax_columns)
return columns, data
if filters.get('group_by'):
total_row = total_row_map.get(prev_group_by_value or d.get('item_name'))
total_row['percent_gt'] = flt(total_row['total']/grand_total * 100)
add_sub_total_row(total_row, total_row_map, 'total_row', tax_columns)
skip_total_row = 1
def get_columns(additional_table_columns):
columns = [
_("Item Code") + ":Link/Item:120", _("Item Name") + "::120",
_("Item Group") + ":Link/Item Group:100", "Description::150", _("Invoice") + ":Link/Sales Invoice:120",
_("Posting Date") + ":Date:80", _("Customer") + ":Link/Customer:120",
_("Customer Name") + "::120"]
return columns, data, None, None, None, skip_total_row
def get_columns(additional_table_columns, filters):
columns = []
if filters.get('group_by') != ('Item'):
'label': _('Item Code'),
'fieldname': 'item_code',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Item',
'width': 120
'label': _('Item Name'),
'fieldname': 'item_name',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') not in ('Item', 'Item Group'):
'label': _('Item Group'),
'fieldname': 'item_group',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Item Group',
'width': 120
'label': _('Description'),
'fieldname': 'description',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 150
'label': _('Invoice'),
'fieldname': 'invoice',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Sales Invoice',
'width': 120
'label': _('Posting Date'),
'fieldname': 'posting_date',
'fieldtype': 'Date',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') != 'Customer':
'label': _('Customer Group'),
'fieldname': 'customer_group',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Customer Group',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') not in ('Customer', 'Customer Group'):
'label': _('Customer'),
'fieldname': 'customer',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Customer',
'width': 120
'label': _('Customer Name'),
'fieldname': 'customer_name',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
if additional_table_columns:
columns += additional_table_columns
columns += [
_("Customer Group") + ":Link/Customer Group:120",
_("Receivable Account") + ":Link/Account:120",
_("Mode of Payment") + "::120", _("Territory") + ":Link/Territory:80",
_("Project") + ":Link/Project:80", _("Company") + ":Link/Company:100",
_("Sales Order") + ":Link/Sales Order:100", _("Delivery Note") + ":Link/Delivery Note:100",
_("Income Account") + ":Link/Account:140", _("Cost Center") + ":Link/Cost Center:140",
_("Stock Qty") + ":Float:120", _("Stock UOM") + "::100",
_("Rate") + ":Currency/currency:120",
_("Amount") + ":Currency/currency:120"
'label': _('Receivable Account'),
'fieldname': 'debit_to',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Account',
'width': 80
'label': _('Mode Of Payment'),
'fieldname': 'mode_of_payment',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'width': 120
if filters.get('group_by') != 'Terriotory':
'label': _("Territory"),
'fieldname': 'territory',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Territory',
'width': 80
columns += [
'label': _('Project'),
'fieldname': 'project',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Project',
'width': 80
'label': _('Company'),
'fieldname': 'company',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Company',
'width': 80
'label': _('Sales Order'),
'fieldname': 'sales_order',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Sales Order',
'width': 100
'label': _("Delivery Note"),
'fieldname': 'delivery_note',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Delivery Note',
'width': 100
'label': _('Income Account'),
'fieldname': 'income_account',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Account',
'width': 100
'label': _("Cost Center"),
'fieldname': 'cost_center',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Cost Center',
'width': 100
'label': _('Stock Qty'),
'fieldname': 'stock_qty',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': 100
'label': _('Stock UOM'),
'fieldname': 'stock_uom',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'UOM',
'width': 100
'label': _('Rate'),
'fieldname': 'rate',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
'label': _('Amount'),
'fieldname': 'amount',
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
'fieldname': 'currency',
'label': _('Currency'),
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'width': 80,
'hidden': 1
if filters.get('group_by'):
'label': _('% Of Grand Total'),
'fieldname': 'percent_gt',
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': 80
return columns
def get_conditions(filters):
@ -112,30 +342,34 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Payment`.mode_of_payment, '') = %(mode_of_payment)s)"""
if filters.get("warehouse"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabSales Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabSales Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.warehouse, '') = %(warehouse)s)"""
conditions += """and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.warehouse, '') = %(warehouse)s"""
if filters.get("brand"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabSales Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabSales Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.brand, '') = %(brand)s)"""
conditions += """and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.brand, '') = %(brand)s"""
if filters.get("item_group"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabSales Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabSales Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.item_group, '') = %(item_group)s)"""
conditions += """and ifnull(`tabSales Invoice Item`.item_group, '') = %(item_group)s"""
if not filters.get("group_by"):
conditions += "ORDER BY `tabSales Invoice`.posting_date desc, `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_group desc"
conditions += get_group_by_conditions(filters, 'Sales Invoice')
return conditions
def get_group_by_conditions(filters, doctype):
if filters.get("group_by") == 'Invoice':
return "ORDER BY `tab{0} Item`.parent desc".format(doctype)
elif filters.get("group_by") == 'Item':
return "ORDER BY `tab{0} Item`.`item_code`".format(doctype)
elif filters.get("group_by") == 'Item Group':
return "ORDER BY `tab{0} Item`.{1}".format(doctype, frappe.scrub(filters.get('group_by')))
elif filters.get("group_by") in ('Customer', 'Customer Group', 'Territory', 'Supplier'):
return "ORDER BY `tab{0}`.{1}".format(doctype, frappe.scrub(filters.get('group_by')))
def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns):
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
match_conditions = frappe.build_match_conditions("Sales Invoice")
if match_conditions:
match_conditions = " and {0} ".format(match_conditions)
if additional_query_columns:
additional_query_columns = ', ' + ', '.join(additional_query_columns)
@ -156,9 +390,8 @@ def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns):
`tabSales Invoice`.update_stock, `tabSales Invoice Item`.uom, `tabSales Invoice Item`.qty {0}
from `tabSales Invoice`, `tabSales Invoice Item`
where `tabSales Invoice`.name = `tabSales Invoice Item`.parent
and `tabSales Invoice`.docstatus = 1 %s %s
order by `tabSales Invoice`.posting_date desc, `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_code desc
""".format(additional_query_columns or '') % (conditions, match_conditions), filters, as_dict=1)
and `tabSales Invoice`.docstatus = 1 {1}
""".format(additional_query_columns or '', conditions), filters, as_dict=1) #nosec
def get_delivery_notes_against_sales_order(item_list):
so_dn_map = frappe._dict()
@ -177,6 +410,15 @@ def get_delivery_notes_against_sales_order(item_list):
return so_dn_map
def get_grand_total(filters, doctype):
return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT
FROM `tab{0}`
WHERE `tab{0}`.docstatus = 1
and posting_date between %s and %s
""".format(doctype), (filters.get('from_date'), filters.get('to_date')))[0][0] #nosec
def get_deducted_taxes():
return frappe.db.sql_list("select name from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where add_deduct_tax = 'Deduct'")
@ -264,9 +506,117 @@ def get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency,
for desc in tax_columns:
columns.append(desc + " Rate:Data:80")
columns.append(desc + " Amount:Currency/currency:100")
'label': _(desc + ' Rate'),
'fieldname': frappe.scrub(desc + ' Rate'),
'fieldtype': 'Float',
'width': 100
columns += ["Total Tax:Currency/currency:80", "Total:Currency/currency:100"]
'label': _(desc + ' Amount'),
'fieldname': frappe.scrub(desc + ' Amount'),
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
columns += [
'label': _('Total Tax'),
'fieldname': 'total_tax',
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
'label': _('Total'),
'fieldname': 'total',
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'options': 'currency',
'width': 100
return itemised_tax, tax_columns
def add_total_row(data, filters, prev_group_by_value, item, total_row_map,
group_by_field, subtotal_display_field, grand_total, tax_columns):
if prev_group_by_value != item.get(group_by_field, ''):
if prev_group_by_value:
total_row = total_row_map.get(prev_group_by_value)
add_sub_total_row(total_row, total_row_map, 'total_row', tax_columns)
prev_group_by_value = item.get(group_by_field, '')
total_row_map.setdefault(item.get(group_by_field, ''), {
subtotal_display_field: get_display_value(filters, group_by_field, item),
'stock_qty': 0.0,
'amount': 0.0,
'bold': 1,
'total_tax': 0.0,
'total': 0.0,
'percent_gt': 0.0
total_row_map.setdefault('total_row', {
subtotal_display_field: "Total",
'stock_qty': 0.0,
'amount': 0.0,
'bold': 1,
'total_tax': 0.0,
'total': 0.0,
'percent_gt': 0.0
return data, prev_group_by_value
def get_display_value(filters, group_by_field, item):
if filters.get('group_by') == 'Item':
if item.get('item_code') != item.get('item_name'):
value = cstr(item.get('item_code')) + "<br><br>" + \
"<span style='font-weight: normal'>" + cstr(item.get('item_name')) + "</span>"
value = item.get('item_code', '')
elif filters.get('group_by') in ('Customer', 'Supplier'):
party = frappe.scrub(filters.get('group_by'))
if item.get(party) != item.get(party+'_name'):
value = item.get(party) + "<br><br>" + \
"<span style='font-weight: normal'>" + item.get(party+'_name') + "</span>"
value = item.get(party)
value = item.get(group_by_field)
return value
def get_group_by_and_display_fields(filters):
if filters.get('group_by') == 'Item':
group_by_field = 'item_code'
subtotal_display_field = 'invoice'
elif filters.get('group_by') == 'Invoice':
group_by_field = 'parent'
subtotal_display_field = 'item_code'
group_by_field = frappe.scrub(filters.get('group_by'))
subtotal_display_field = 'item_code'
return group_by_field, subtotal_display_field
def add_sub_total_row(item, total_row_map, group_by_value, tax_columns):
total_row = total_row_map.get(group_by_value)
total_row['stock_qty'] += item['stock_qty']
total_row['amount'] += item['amount']
total_row['total_tax'] += item['total_tax']
total_row['total'] += item['total']
total_row['percent_gt'] += item['percent_gt']
for tax in tax_columns:
total_row.setdefault(frappe.scrub(tax + ' Amount'), 0.0)
total_row[frappe.scrub(tax + ' Amount')] += flt(item[frappe.scrub(tax + ' Amount')])
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/financial_statements.js", function() {
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
@ -31,7 +31,52 @@ def execute(filters=None):
chart = get_chart_data(filters, columns, income, expense, net_profit_loss)
return columns, data, None, chart
report_summary = get_report_summary(columns, income, expense, net_profit_loss, filters.periodicity, period_list)
return columns, data, None, chart, report_summary
def get_report_summary(columns, income, expense, net_profit_loss, period_list, periodicity):
income_data, expense_data, net_profit = [], [], []
for p in columns[2:]:
if income:
if expense:
if net_profit_loss:
if (len(period_list) == 1 and periodicity== 'Yearly'):
profit_label = _("Profit This Year")
income_label = _("Total Income This Year")
expense_label = _("Total Expense This Year")
profit_label = _("Net Profit")
income_label = _("Total Income")
expense_label = _("Total Expense")
return [
"value": net_profit[-1],
"indicator": "Green" if net_profit[-1] > 0 else "Red",
"label": profit_label,
"datatype": "Currency",
"currency": net_profit_loss.get("currency")
"value": income_data[-1],
"label": income_label,
"datatype": "Currency",
"currency": income[-1].get('currency')
"value": expense_data[-1],
"label": expense_label,
"datatype": "Currency",
"currency": expense[-1].get('currency')
def get_net_profit_loss(income, expense, period_list, company, currency=None, consolidated=False):
total = 0
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def get_columns(invoice_list, additional_table_columns):
columns +=[
'label': _("Custmer Group"),
'label': _("Customer Group"),
'fieldname': 'customer_group',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'Customer Group',
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def get_columns(invoice_list, additional_table_columns):
'label': _("Project"),
'fieldname': 'project',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'options': 'project',
'options': 'Project',
'width': 80
@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/financial_statements.js", function() {
"fieldname": "include_default_book_entries",
"label": __("Include Default Book Entries"),
"fieldtype": "Check"
"fieldtype": "Check",
"default": 1
"formatter": erpnext.financial_statements.formatter,
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ def get_rootwise_opening_balances(filters, report_type):
where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s)""" % (lft, rgt)
if filters.finance_book:
fb_conditions = " and finance_book = %(finance_book)s"
fb_conditions = " AND finance_book = %(finance_book)s"
if filters.include_default_book_entries:
fb_conditions = " and (finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s))"
fb_conditions = " AND (finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, %(company_fb)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)"
additional_conditions += fb_conditions
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ def remove_ref_doc_link_from_jv(ref_type, ref_no):
where reference_type=%s and reference_name=%s
and docstatus < 2""", (now(), frappe.session.user, ref_type, ref_no))
frappe.msgprint(_("Journal Entries {0} are un-linked".format("\n".join(linked_jv))))
frappe.msgprint(_("Journal Entries {0} are un-linked").format("\n".join(linked_jv)))
def remove_ref_doc_link_from_pe(ref_type, ref_no):
linked_pe = frappe.db.sql_list("""select parent from `tabPayment Entry Reference`
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ def remove_ref_doc_link_from_pe(ref_type, ref_no):
where name=%s""", (pe_doc.total_allocated_amount, pe_doc.base_total_allocated_amount,
pe_doc.unallocated_amount, now(), frappe.session.user, pe))
frappe.msgprint(_("Payment Entries {0} are un-linked".format("\n".join(linked_pe))))
frappe.msgprint(_("Payment Entries {0} are un-linked").format("\n".join(linked_pe)))
def get_company_default(company, fieldname):
@ -640,8 +640,9 @@ def get_outstanding_invoices(party_type, party, account, condition=None, filters
precision = frappe.get_precision("Sales Invoice", "outstanding_amount") or 2
if account:
root_type = frappe.get_cached_value("Account", account, "root_type")
root_type, account_type = frappe.get_cached_value("Account", account, ["root_type", "account_type"])
party_account_type = "Receivable" if root_type == "Asset" else "Payable"
party_account_type = account_type or party_account_type
party_account_type = erpnext.get_party_account_type(party_type)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"cards": [
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Crop\",\n \"name\": \"Crop\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Crop Cycle\",\n \"name\": \"Crop Cycle\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Location\",\n \"name\": \"Location\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Crops & Lands"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Plant Analysis\",\n \"name\": \"Plant Analysis\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Soil Analysis\",\n \"name\": \"Soil Analysis\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Water Analysis\",\n \"name\": \"Water Analysis\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Soil Texture\",\n \"name\": \"Soil Texture\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Weather\",\n \"name\": \"Weather\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Agriculture Analysis Criteria\",\n \"name\": \"Agriculture Analysis Criteria\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Analytics"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Disease\",\n \"name\": \"Disease\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Fertilizer\",\n \"name\": \"Fertilizer\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Diseases & Fertilizers"
"category": "Domains",
"charts": [],
"creation": "2020-03-02 17:23:34.339274",
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"extends_another_page": 0,
"idx": 0,
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"label": "Agriculture",
"modified": "2020-03-12 16:30:37.565413",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Agriculture",
"name": "Agriculture",
"owner": "Administrator",
"pin_to_bottom": 0,
"pin_to_top": 0,
"restrict_to_domain": "Agriculture",
"shortcuts": []
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class CropCycle(Document):
self.import_disease_tasks(disease.disease, disease.start_date)
disease.tasks_created = True
frappe.msgprint(_("Tasks have been created for managing the {0} disease (on row {1})".format(disease.disease, disease.idx)))
frappe.msgprint(_("Tasks have been created for managing the {0} disease (on row {1})").format(disease.disease, disease.idx))
def import_disease_tasks(self, disease, start_date):
disease_doc = frappe.get_doc('Disease', disease)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"cards": [
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Asset\",\n \"name\": \"Asset\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Location\",\n \"name\": \"Location\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"Asset Category\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Category\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Transfer an asset from one warehouse to another\",\n \"label\": \"Asset Movement\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Movement\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Assets"
"links": "[\n {\n \"label\": \"Asset Maintenance Team\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Maintenance Team\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset Maintenance Team\"\n ],\n \"label\": \"Asset Maintenance\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Maintenance\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset Maintenance\"\n ],\n \"label\": \"Asset Maintenance Log\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Maintenance Log\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset\"\n ],\n \"label\": \"Asset Value Adjustment\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Value Adjustment\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset\"\n ],\n \"label\": \"Asset Repair\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Repair\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Maintenance"
"icon": "fa fa-table",
"links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Asset\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Asset Depreciation Ledger\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Depreciation Ledger\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Asset\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Asset Depreciations and Balances\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Depreciations and Balances\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Asset Maintenance\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Asset Maintenance\",\n \"label\": \"Asset Maintenance\",\n \"name\": \"Asset Maintenance\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Reports"
"category": "Modules",
"charts": [],
"creation": "2020-03-02 15:43:27.634865",
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"extends_another_page": 0,
"icon": "",
"idx": 0,
"is_standard": 1,
"label": "Assets",
"modified": "2020-03-12 16:30:38.651019",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Assets",
"name": "Assets",
"owner": "Administrator",
"pin_to_bottom": 0,
"pin_to_top": 0,
"shortcuts": [
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Asset",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Asset Movement",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Fixed Asset Register",
"type": "Report"
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ def transfer_asset(args):
frappe.msgprint(_("Asset Movement record {0} created").format("<a href='#Form/Asset Movement/{0}'>{0}</a>".format(
frappe.msgprint(_("Asset Movement record {0} created").format("<a href='#Form/Asset Movement/{0}'>{0}</a>").format(
def get_item_details(item_code, asset_category):
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ def get_asset_account(account_name, asset=None, asset_category=None, company=Non
if asset:
account = get_asset_category_account(account_name, asset=asset,
asset_category = asset_category, company = company)
if not asset and not account:
account = get_asset_category_account(account_name, asset_category = asset_category, company = company)
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ def get_asset_account(account_name, asset=None, asset_category=None, company=Non
if not account:
if not asset_category:
frappe.throw(_("Set {0} in company {2}").format(account_name.replace('_', ' ').title(), company))
frappe.throw(_("Set {0} in company {1}").format(account_name.replace('_', ' ').title(), company))
frappe.throw(_("Set {0} in asset category {1} or company {2}")
.format(account_name.replace('_', ' ').title(), asset_category, company))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import g
def post_depreciation_entries(date=None):
# Return if automatic booking of asset depreciation is disabled
if not cint(frappe.db.get_value("Accounts Settings", None, "book_asset_depreciation_entry_automatically")):
if not cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "book_asset_depreciation_entry_automatically")):
if not date:
@ -1,580 +1,146 @@
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@ -582,127 +148,80 @@
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@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ frappe.query_reports["Fixed Asset Register"] = {
default: 'In Location',
reqd: 1
label: __("Purchase Date"),
fieldtype: "Date"
label: __("Available For Use Date"),
fieldtype: "Date"
label: __("Finance Book"),
@ -27,10 +37,15 @@ frappe.query_reports["Fixed Asset Register"] = {
options: "Finance Book"
label: __("Date"),
fieldtype: "Date",
default: frappe.datetime.get_today()
label: __("Asset Category"),
fieldtype: "Link",
options: "Asset Category"
label: __("Is Existing Asset"),
fieldtype: "Check"
@ -40,6 +40,42 @@ def get_columns(filters):
"fieldname": "status",
"width": 90
"label": _("Purchase Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"fieldname": "purchase_date",
"width": 90
"label": _("Available For Use Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"fieldname": "available_for_use_date",
"width": 90
"label": _("Gross Purchase Amount"),
"fieldname": "gross_purchase_amount",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Asset Value"),
"fieldname": "asset_value",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Opening Accumulated Depreciation"),
"fieldname": "opening_accumulated_depreciation",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Depreciated Amount"),
"fieldname": "depreciated_amount",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Cost Center"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
@ -54,25 +90,6 @@ def get_columns(filters):
"options": "Department",
"width": 100
"label": _("Location"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"fieldname": "location",
"options": "Location",
"width": 100
"label": _("Purchase Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"fieldname": "purchase_date",
"width": 90
"label": _("Gross Purchase Amount"),
"fieldname": "gross_purchase_amount",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Vendor Name"),
"fieldtype": "Data",
@ -80,25 +97,29 @@ def get_columns(filters):
"width": 100
"label": _("Available For Use Date"),
"fieldtype": "Date",
"fieldname": "available_for_use_date",
"width": 90
"label": _("Asset Value"),
"fieldname": "asset_value",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 90
"label": _("Location"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"fieldname": "location",
"options": "Location",
"width": 100
def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = {'docstatus': 1}
conditions = { 'docstatus': 1 }
status = filters.status
date =
if filters.get('company'):
conditions["company"] =
if filters.get('purchase_date'):
conditions["purchase_date"] = ('<=', filters.get('purchase_date'))
if filters.get('available_for_use_date'):
conditions["available_for_use_date"] = ('<=', filters.get('available_for_use_date'))
if filters.get('is_existing_asset'):
conditions["is_existing_asset"] = filters.get('is_existing_asset')
if filters.get('asset_category'):
conditions["asset_category"] = filters.get('asset_category')
# In Store assets are those that are not sold or scrapped
operand = 'not in'
@ -114,7 +135,7 @@ def get_data(filters):
data = []
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
depreciation_amount_map = get_finance_book_value_map(, filters.finance_book)
depreciation_amount_map = get_finance_book_value_map(filters)
pr_supplier_map = get_purchase_receipt_supplier_map()
pi_supplier_map = get_purchase_invoice_supplier_map()
@ -136,6 +157,8 @@ def get_data(filters):
"cost_center": asset.cost_center,
"vendor_name": pr_supplier_map.get(asset.purchase_receipt) or pi_supplier_map.get(asset.purchase_invoice),
"gross_purchase_amount": asset.gross_purchase_amount,
"opening_accumulated_depreciation": asset.opening_accumulated_depreciation,
"depreciated_amount": depreciation_amount_map.get( or 0.0,
"available_for_use_date": asset.available_for_use_date,
"location": asset.location,
"asset_category": asset.asset_category,
@ -146,9 +169,9 @@ def get_data(filters):
return data
def get_finance_book_value_map(date, finance_book=''):
if not date:
date = today()
def get_finance_book_value_map(filters):
date = filters.get('purchase_date') or filters.get('available_for_use_date') or today()
return frappe._dict(frappe.db.sql(''' Select
parent, SUM(depreciation_amount)
FROM `tabDepreciation Schedule`
@ -157,7 +180,7 @@ def get_finance_book_value_map(date, finance_book=''):
AND schedule_date<=%s
AND journal_entry IS NOT NULL
AND ifnull(finance_book, '')=%s
GROUP BY parent''', (date, cstr(finance_book))))
GROUP BY parent''', (date, cstr(filters.finance_book or ''))))
def get_purchase_receipt_supplier_map():
return frappe._dict(frappe.db.sql(''' Select
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
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"icon": "fa fa-star",
"links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Item\",\n \"Supplier\"\n ],\n \"description\": \"Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.\",\n \"label\": \"Purchase Order\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Order\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Item\",\n \"Supplier\"\n ],\n \"label\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Invoice\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Item\"\n ],\n \"description\": \"Request for purchase.\",\n \"label\": \"Material Request\",\n \"name\": \"Material Request\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Item\",\n \"Supplier\"\n ],\n \"description\": \"Request for quotation.\",\n \"label\": \"Request for Quotation\",\n \"name\": \"Request for Quotation\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Item\",\n \"Supplier\"\n ],\n \"description\": \"Quotations received from Suppliers.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier Quotation\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Quotation\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Purchasing"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"All Products or Services.\",\n \"label\": \"Item\",\n \"name\": \"Item\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Multiple Item prices.\",\n \"label\": \"Item Price\",\n \"name\": \"Item Price\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"route\": \"#Report/Item Price\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Price List master.\",\n \"label\": \"Price List\",\n \"name\": \"Price List\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Bundle items at time of sale.\",\n \"label\": \"Product Bundle\",\n \"name\": \"Product Bundle\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tree of Item Groups.\",\n \"icon\": \"fa fa-sitemap\",\n \"label\": \"Item Group\",\n \"link\": \"Tree/Item Group\",\n \"name\": \"Item Group\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Rules for applying different promotional schemes.\",\n \"label\": \"Promotional Scheme\",\n \"name\": \"Promotional Scheme\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Rules for applying pricing and discount.\",\n \"label\": \"Pricing Rule\",\n \"name\": \"Pricing Rule\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Items and Pricing"
"icon": "fa fa-cog",
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"Default settings for buying transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Buying Settings\",\n \"name\": \"Buying Settings\",\n \"settings\": 1,\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Tax template for buying transactions.\",\n \"label\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Template of terms or contract.\",\n \"label\": \"Terms and Conditions Template\",\n \"name\": \"Terms and Conditions\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Settings"
"links": "[\n {\n \"description\": \"All Supplier scorecards.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier Scorecard\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Scorecard\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Templates of supplier scorecard variables.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier Scorecard Variable\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Scorecard Variable\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Templates of supplier scorecard criteria.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier Scorecard Criteria\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Scorecard Criteria\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n },\n {\n \"description\": \"Templates of supplier standings.\",\n \"label\": \"Supplier Scorecard Standing\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier Scorecard Standing\",\n \"type\": \"doctype\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Supplier Scorecard"
"icon": "fa fa-table",
"links": "[\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Purchase Analytics\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Analytics\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Purchase Order\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics\",\n \"name\": \"Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Stock Ledger Entry\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Purchase Order Trends\",\n \"name\": \"Purchase Order Trends\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Purchase Order\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Procurement Tracker\",\n \"name\": \"Procurement Tracker\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Purchase Order\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Requested Items To Be Ordered\",\n \"name\": \"Requested Items To Be Ordered\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Material Request\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Key Reports"
"icon": "fa fa-list",
"links": "[\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Items To Be Requested\",\n \"name\": \"Items To Be Requested\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Item\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Item-wise Purchase History\",\n \"name\": \"Item-wise Purchase History\",\n \"onboard\": 1,\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Item\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Material Requests for which Supplier Quotations are not created\",\n \"name\": \"Material Requests for which Supplier Quotations are not created\",\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Material Request\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Supplier Addresses And Contacts\",\n \"name\": \"Address And Contacts\",\n \"reference_doctype\": \"Address\",\n \"route_options\": {\n \"party_type\": \"Supplier\"\n },\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]",
"title": "Other Reports"
"category": "Modules",
"charts": [
"chart_name": "Expenses",
"label": "Expenses",
"size": "Full"
"creation": "2020-01-28 11:50:26.195467",
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"label": "Buying",
"modified": "2020-03-12 16:30:40.779078",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Buying",
"name": "Buying",
"owner": "Administrator",
"pin_to_bottom": 0,
"pin_to_top": 0,
"shortcuts": [
"format": "{} Unpaid",
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Purchase Invoice",
"stats_filter": "{\n \"company\": [\"like\", '%' + frappe.defaults.get_global_default(\"company\") + '%'],\n \"status\": \"Unpaid\"\n}",
"type": "DocType"
"format": "{} to receive",
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Purchase Order",
"stats_filter": "{\n \"company\": [\"like\", '%' + frappe.defaults.get_global_default(\"company\") + '%'],\n \"status\": \"To Receive\"\n}",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Supplier Quotation",
"type": "DocType"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Accounts Payable",
"type": "Report"
"is_query_report": 0,
"link_to": "Purchase Register",
"type": "Report"
@ -180,10 +180,20 @@ erpnext.buying.PurchaseOrderController = erpnext.buying.BuyingController.extend(
get_items_from_open_material_requests: function() {
method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.material_request.material_request.make_purchase_order_based_on_supplier",
args: {
supplier: this.frm.doc.supplier
source_doctype: "Material Request",
source_name: this.frm.doc.supplier,
target: this.frm,
setters: {
get_query_filters: {
docstatus: ["!=", 2],
supplier: this.frm.doc.supplier
get_query_method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.material_request.material_request.get_material_requests_based_on_supplier"
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
"search_index": 1
"description": "Fetch items based on Default Supplier.",
"depends_on": "eval:doc.supplier && doc.docstatus===0 && (!(doc.items && doc.items.length) || (doc.items.length==1 && !doc.items[0].item_code))",
"fieldname": "get_items_from_open_material_requests",
"fieldtype": "Button",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ cur_frm.add_fetch('contact', 'email_id', 'email_id')
frappe.ui.form.on("Request for Quotation",{
setup: function(frm) {
frm.custom_make_buttons = {
'Supplier Quotation': 'Supplier Quotation'
'Supplier Quotation': 'Create'
frm.fields_dict["suppliers"].grid.get_field("contact").get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ class Supplier(TransactionBase):
frappe.db.set(self, "supplier_name", newdn)
def create_onboarding_docs(self, args):
defaults = frappe.defaults.get_defaults()
company = frappe.defaults.get_defaults().get('company') or \
frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company')
for i in range(1, args.get('max_count')):
supplier = args.get('supplier_name_' + str(i))
if supplier:
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ class Supplier(TransactionBase):
'doctype': self.doctype,
'supplier_name': supplier,
'supplier_group': _('Local'),
'company': defaults.get('company')
'company': company
if args.get('supplier_email_' + str(i)):
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ def get_data():
'heatmap_message': _('This is based on transactions against this Supplier. See timeline below for details'),
'fieldname': 'supplier',
'non_standard_fieldnames': {
'Payment Entry': 'party_name'
'Payment Entry': 'party_name',
'Bank Account': 'party'
'transactions': [
@ -24,6 +25,10 @@ def get_data():
'label': _('Payments'),
'items': ['Payment Entry']
'label': _('Bank'),
'items': ['Bank Account']
'label': _('Pricing'),
'items': ['Pricing Rule']
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Block a user