Filter out pending orders based on company

This commit is contained in:
Shreya 2018-07-09 12:11:50 +05:30
parent 0b9129e519
commit 83ad646af4

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@ -417,8 +417,9 @@ class EmailDigest(Document):
value, count, billed_value, delivered_value = frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(sum(grand_total),0), count(*),
ifnull(sum(grand_total*per_billed/100),0), ifnull(sum(grand_total*{0}/100),0) from `tab{1}`
where (transaction_date <= %(to_date)s)
and status not in ('Closed','Cancelled', 'Completed') """.format(getfield, doc_type),
{"to_date": self.future_to_date})[0]
and status not in ('Closed','Cancelled', 'Completed')
and company = %(company)s """.format(getfield, doc_type),
{"to_date": self.future_to_date, "company":})[0]
return {
"label": self.meta.get_label(fieldname),
@ -432,11 +433,13 @@ class EmailDigest(Document):
value, count = frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(sum(grand_total),0), count(*) from `tabQuotation`
where (transaction_date <= %(to_date)s)
and status not in ('Ordered','Cancelled', 'Lost') """,{"to_date": self.future_to_date})[0]
and company = %(company)s
and status not in ('Ordered','Cancelled', 'Lost') """,{"to_date": self.future_to_date, "company":})[0]
last_value = frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(sum(grand_total),0) from `tabQuotation`
where (transaction_date <= %(to_date)s)
and status not in ('Ordered','Cancelled', 'Lost') """,{"to_date": self.past_to_date})[0][0]
and company = %(company)s
and status not in ('Ordered','Cancelled', 'Lost') """,{"to_date": self.past_to_date, "company":})[0][0]
return {
"label": self.meta.get_label(fieldname),
@ -462,8 +465,9 @@ class EmailDigest(Document):
def get_total_on(self, doc_type, from_date, to_date):
return frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(sum(grand_total),0), count(*) from `tab{0}`
where (transaction_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s) and status not in ('Cancelled')""".format(doc_type),
{"from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date})[0]
where (transaction_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s) and company=%(company)s
and status not in ('Cancelled')""".format(doc_type),
{"from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date, "company":})[0]
def get_from_to_date(self):
today = now_datetime().date()