+ );
+ frappe.call({
+ method: "frappe.www.printview.get_html_and_style",
+ args: {
+ doc: frm.doc,
+ print_format: "GST E-Invoice",
+ no_letterhead: 1
+ },
+ callback: function (r) {
+ if (!r.exc) {
+ $preview_wrapper.find(".print-format").html(r.message.html);
+ const style = `
+ .print-format { box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); padding: 0.30in; min-height: 80vh; }
+ .print-preview { min-height: 0px; }
+ .modal-dialog { width: 720px; }`;
+ frappe.dom.set_style(style, "custom-print-style");
+ preview_dialog.show();
+ }
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/utils.py b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0cac90e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import re
+import jwt
+import sys
+import json
+import base64
+import frappe
+import traceback
+from frappe import _, bold
+from pyqrcode import create as qrcreate
+from frappe.integrations.utils import make_post_request, make_get_request
+from erpnext.regional.india.utils import get_gst_accounts, get_place_of_supply
+from frappe.utils.data import cstr, cint, format_date, flt, time_diff_in_seconds, now_datetime, add_to_date, get_link_to_form
+def validate_einvoice_fields(doc):
+ einvoicing_enabled = cint(frappe.db.get_value('E Invoice Settings', 'E Invoice Settings', 'enable'))
+ invalid_doctype = doc.doctype not in ['Sales Invoice']
+ invalid_supply_type = doc.get('gst_category') not in ['Registered Regular', 'SEZ', 'Overseas', 'Deemed Export']
+ company_transaction = doc.get('billing_address_gstin') == doc.get('company_gstin')
+ if not einvoicing_enabled or invalid_doctype or invalid_supply_type or company_transaction: return
+ if doc.docstatus == 0 and doc._action == 'save':
+ if doc.irn:
+ frappe.throw(_('You cannot edit the invoice after generating IRN'), title=_('Edit Not Allowed'))
+ if len(doc.name) > 16:
+ raise_document_name_too_long_error()
+ elif doc.docstatus == 1 and doc._action == 'submit' and not doc.irn:
+ frappe.throw(_('You must generate IRN before submitting the document.'), title=_('Missing IRN'))
+ elif doc.docstatus == 2 and doc._action == 'cancel' and not doc.irn_cancelled:
+ frappe.throw(_('You must cancel IRN before cancelling the document.'), title=_('Cancel Not Allowed'))
+def raise_document_name_too_long_error():
+ title = _('Document ID Too Long')
+ msg = _('As you have E-Invoicing enabled, to be able to generate IRN for this invoice, ')
+ msg += _('document id {} exceed 16 letters. ').format(bold(_('should not')))
+ msg += '
+ msg += _('You must {} your {} in order to have document id of {} length 16. ').format(
+ bold(_('modify')), bold(_('naming series')), bold(_('maximum'))
+ )
+ msg += _('Please account for ammended documents too. ')
+ frappe.throw(msg, title=title)
+def read_json(name):
+ file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '{name}.json'.format(name=name))
+ with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
+ return cstr(f.read())
+def get_transaction_details(invoice):
+ supply_type = ''
+ if invoice.gst_category == 'Registered Regular': supply_type = 'B2B'
+ elif invoice.gst_category == 'SEZ': supply_type = 'SEZWOP'
+ elif invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas': supply_type = 'EXPWOP'
+ elif invoice.gst_category == 'Deemed Export': supply_type = 'DEXP'
+ if not supply_type:
+ rr, sez, overseas, export = bold('Registered Regular'), bold('SEZ'), bold('Overseas'), bold('Deemed Export')
+ frappe.throw(_('GST category should be one of {}, {}, {}, {}').format(rr, sez, overseas, export),
+ title=_('Invalid Supply Type'))
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ tax_scheme='GST',
+ supply_type=supply_type,
+ reverse_charge=invoice.reverse_charge
+ ))
+def get_doc_details(invoice):
+ invoice_type = 'CRN' if invoice.is_return else 'INV'
+ invoice_name = invoice.name
+ invoice_date = format_date(invoice.posting_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ invoice_type=invoice_type,
+ invoice_name=invoice_name,
+ invoice_date=invoice_date
+ ))
+def get_party_details(address_name):
+ d = frappe.get_all('Address', filters={'name': address_name}, fields=['*'])[0]
+ if (not d.gstin
+ or not d.city
+ or not d.pincode
+ or not d.address_title
+ or not d.address_line1
+ or not d.gst_state_number):
+ frappe.throw(
+ msg=_('Address lines, city, pincode, gstin is mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(
+ get_link_to_form('Address', address_name)
+ ),
+ title=_('Missing Address Fields')
+ )
+ if d.gst_state_number == 97:
+ # according to einvoice standard
+ pincode = 999999
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ gstin=d.gstin, legal_name=d.address_title,
+ location=d.city, pincode=d.pincode,
+ state_code=d.gst_state_number,
+ address_line1=d.address_line1,
+ address_line2=d.address_line2
+ ))
+def get_gstin_details(gstin):
+ if not hasattr(frappe.local, 'gstin_cache'):
+ frappe.local.gstin_cache = {}
+ key = gstin
+ details = frappe.local.gstin_cache.get(key)
+ if details:
+ return details
+ details = frappe.cache().hget('gstin_cache', key)
+ if details:
+ frappe.local.gstin_cache[key] = details
+ return details
+ if not details:
+ return GSPConnector.get_gstin_details(gstin)
+def get_overseas_address_details(address_name):
+ address_title, address_line1, address_line2, city = frappe.db.get_value(
+ 'Address', address_name, ['address_title', 'address_line1', 'address_line2', 'city']
+ )
+ if not address_title or not address_line1 or not city:
+ frappe.throw(
+ msg=_('Address lines and city is mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(
+ get_link_to_form('Address', address_name)
+ ),
+ title=_('Missing Address Fields')
+ )
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ gstin='URP', legal_name=address_title, location=city,
+ address_line1=address_line1, address_line2=address_line2,
+ pincode=999999, state_code=96, place_of_supply=96
+ ))
+def get_item_list(invoice):
+ item_list = []
+ for d in invoice.items:
+ einvoice_item_schema = read_json('einv_item_template')
+ item = frappe._dict({})
+ item.update(d.as_dict())
+ item.sr_no = d.idx
+ item.description = d.item_name.replace('"', '\\"')
+ item.qty = abs(item.qty)
+ item.discount_amount = abs(item.discount_amount * item.qty)
+ item.unit_rate = abs(item.base_amount / item.qty)
+ item.gross_amount = abs(item.base_amount)
+ item.taxable_value = abs(item.base_amount)
+ item.batch_expiry_date = frappe.db.get_value('Batch', d.batch_no, 'expiry_date') if d.batch_no else None
+ item.batch_expiry_date = format_date(item.batch_expiry_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') if item.batch_expiry_date else None
+ item.is_service_item = 'N' if frappe.db.get_value('Item', d.item_code, 'is_stock_item') else 'Y'
+ item.serial_no = ""
+ item = update_item_taxes(invoice, item)
+ item.total_value = abs(
+ item.taxable_value + item.igst_amount + item.sgst_amount +
+ item.cgst_amount + item.cess_amount + item.cess_nadv_amount + item.other_charges
+ )
+ einv_item = einvoice_item_schema.format(item=item)
+ item_list.append(einv_item)
+ return ', '.join(item_list)
+def update_item_taxes(invoice, item):
+ gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts(invoice.company)
+ gst_accounts_list = [d for accounts in gst_accounts.values() for d in accounts if d]
+ for attr in [
+ 'tax_rate', 'cess_rate', 'cess_nadv_amount',
+ 'cgst_amount', 'sgst_amount', 'igst_amount',
+ 'cess_amount', 'cess_nadv_amount', 'other_charges'
+ ]:
+ item[attr] = 0
+ for t in invoice.taxes:
+ # this contains item wise tax rate & tax amount (incl. discount)
+ item_tax_detail = json.loads(t.item_wise_tax_detail).get(item.item_code)
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts_list:
+ item_tax_rate = item_tax_detail[0]
+ # item tax amount excluding discount amount
+ item_tax_amount = (item_tax_rate / 100) * item.base_amount
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
+ item_tax_amount_after_discount = item_tax_detail[1]
+ if t.charge_type == 'On Item Quantity':
+ item.cess_nadv_amount += abs(item_tax_amount_after_discount)
+ else:
+ item.cess_rate += item_tax_rate
+ item.cess_amount += abs(item_tax_amount_after_discount)
+ for tax_type in ['igst', 'cgst', 'sgst']:
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
+ item.tax_rate += item_tax_rate
+ item[f'{tax_type}_amount'] += abs(item_tax_amount)
+ return item
+def get_invoice_value_details(invoice):
+ invoice_value_details = frappe._dict(dict())
+ invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(invoice.base_total)
+ invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = invoice.base_discount_amount
+ invoice_value_details.round_off = invoice.base_rounding_adjustment
+ invoice_value_details.base_grand_total = abs(invoice.base_rounded_total) or abs(invoice.base_grand_total)
+ invoice_value_details.grand_total = abs(invoice.rounded_total) or abs(invoice.grand_total)
+ invoice_value_details = update_invoice_taxes(invoice, invoice_value_details)
+ return invoice_value_details
+def update_invoice_taxes(invoice, invoice_value_details):
+ gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts(invoice.company)
+ gst_accounts_list = [d for accounts in gst_accounts.values() for d in accounts if d]
+ invoice_value_details.total_cgst_amt = 0
+ invoice_value_details.total_sgst_amt = 0
+ invoice_value_details.total_igst_amt = 0
+ invoice_value_details.total_cess_amt = 0
+ invoice_value_details.total_other_charges = 0
+ for t in invoice.taxes:
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts_list:
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
+ # using after discount amt since item also uses after discount amt for cess calc
+ invoice_value_details.total_cess_amt += abs(t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
+ for tax_type in ['igst', 'cgst', 'sgst']:
+ if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
+ invoice_value_details[f'total_{tax_type}_amt'] += abs(t.base_tax_amount)
+ else:
+ invoice_value_details.total_other_charges += abs(t.base_tax_amount)
+ return invoice_value_details
+def get_payment_details(invoice):
+ payee_name = invoice.company
+ mode_of_payment = ', '.join([d.mode_of_payment for d in invoice.payments])
+ paid_amount = invoice.base_paid_amount
+ outstanding_amount = invoice.outstanding_amount
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ payee_name=payee_name, mode_of_payment=mode_of_payment,
+ paid_amount=paid_amount, outstanding_amount=outstanding_amount
+ ))
+def get_return_doc_reference(invoice):
+ invoice_date = frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice', invoice.return_against, 'posting_date')
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ invoice_name=invoice.return_against, invoice_date=format_date(invoice_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
+ ))
+def get_eway_bill_details(invoice):
+ if invoice.is_return:
+ frappe.throw(_('E-Way Bill cannot be generated for Credit Notes & Debit Notes'), title=_('E Invoice Validation Failed'))
+ mode_of_transport = { '': '', 'Road': '1', 'Air': '2', 'Rail': '3', 'Ship': '4' }
+ vehicle_type = { 'Regular': 'R', 'Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC)': 'O' }
+ return frappe._dict(dict(
+ gstin=invoice.gst_transporter_id,
+ name=invoice.transporter_name,
+ mode_of_transport=mode_of_transport[invoice.mode_of_transport],
+ distance=invoice.distance or 0,
+ document_name=invoice.lr_no,
+ document_date=format_date(invoice.lr_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),
+ vehicle_no=invoice.vehicle_no,
+ vehicle_type=vehicle_type[invoice.gst_vehicle_type]
+ ))
+def validate_mandatory_fields(invoice):
+ if not invoice.company_address:
+ frappe.throw(_('Company Address is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details.'), title=_('Missing Fields'))
+ if not invoice.customer_address:
+ frappe.throw(_('Customer Address is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details.'), title=_('Missing Fields'))
+ if not frappe.db.get_value('Address', invoice.company_address, 'gstin'):
+ frappe.throw(
+ _('GSTIN is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected company address.'),
+ title=_('Missing Fields')
+ )
+ if not frappe.db.get_value('Address', invoice.customer_address, 'gstin'):
+ frappe.throw(
+ _('GSTIN is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected customer address.'),
+ title=_('Missing Fields')
+ )
+def make_einvoice(invoice):
+ validate_mandatory_fields(invoice)
+ schema = read_json('einv_template')
+ transaction_details = get_transaction_details(invoice)
+ item_list = get_item_list(invoice)
+ doc_details = get_doc_details(invoice)
+ invoice_value_details = get_invoice_value_details(invoice)
+ seller_details = get_party_details(invoice.company_address)
+ if invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas':
+ buyer_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.customer_address)
+ else:
+ buyer_details = get_party_details(invoice.customer_address)
+ place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(invoice, invoice.doctype) or invoice.billing_address_gstin
+ place_of_supply = place_of_supply[:2]
+ buyer_details.update(dict(place_of_supply=place_of_supply))
+ shipping_details = payment_details = prev_doc_details = eway_bill_details = frappe._dict({})
+ if invoice.shipping_address_name and invoice.customer_address != invoice.shipping_address_name:
+ if invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas':
+ shipping_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.shipping_address_name)
+ else:
+ shipping_details = get_party_details(invoice.shipping_address_name)
+ if invoice.is_pos and invoice.base_paid_amount:
+ payment_details = get_payment_details(invoice)
+ if invoice.is_return and invoice.return_against:
+ prev_doc_details = get_return_doc_reference(invoice)
+ if invoice.transporter:
+ eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details(invoice)
+ # not yet implemented
+ dispatch_details = period_details = export_details = frappe._dict({})
+ einvoice = schema.format(
+ transaction_details=transaction_details, doc_details=doc_details, dispatch_details=dispatch_details,
+ seller_details=seller_details, buyer_details=buyer_details, shipping_details=shipping_details,
+ item_list=item_list, invoice_value_details=invoice_value_details, payment_details=payment_details,
+ period_details=period_details, prev_doc_details=prev_doc_details,
+ export_details=export_details, eway_bill_details=eway_bill_details
+ )
+ einvoice = json.loads(einvoice)
+ validations = json.loads(read_json('einv_validation'))
+ errors = validate_einvoice(validations, einvoice)
+ if errors:
+ message = "\n".join([
+ "E Invoice: ", json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4),
+ "-" * 50,
+ "Errors: ", json.dumps(errors, indent=4)
+ ])
+ frappe.log_error(title="E Invoice Validation Failed", message=message)
+ frappe.throw(errors, title=_('E Invoice Validation Failed'), as_list=1)
+ return einvoice
+def validate_einvoice(validations, einvoice, errors=[]):
+ for fieldname, field_validation in validations.items():
+ value = einvoice.get(fieldname, None)
+ if not value or value == "None":
+ # remove keys with empty values
+ einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
+ continue
+ value_type = field_validation.get("type").lower()
+ if value_type in ['object', 'array']:
+ child_validations = field_validation.get('properties')
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ for d in value:
+ validate_einvoice(child_validations, d, errors)
+ if not d:
+ # remove empty dicts
+ einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
+ else:
+ validate_einvoice(child_validations, value, errors)
+ if not value:
+ # remove empty dicts
+ einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
+ continue
+ # convert to int or str
+ if value_type == 'string':
+ einvoice[fieldname] = str(value)
+ elif value_type == 'number':
+ is_integer = '.' not in str(field_validation.get('maximum'))
+ precision = 3 if '.999' in str(field_validation.get('maximum')) else 2
+ einvoice[fieldname] = flt(value, precision) if not is_integer else cint(value)
+ value = einvoice[fieldname]
+ max_length = field_validation.get('maxLength')
+ minimum = flt(field_validation.get('minimum'))
+ maximum = flt(field_validation.get('maximum'))
+ pattern_str = field_validation.get('pattern')
+ pattern = re.compile(pattern_str or '')
+ label = field_validation.get('description') or fieldname
+ if value_type == 'string' and len(value) > max_length:
+ errors.append(_('{} should not exceed {} characters').format(label, max_length))
+ if value_type == 'number' and (value > maximum or value < minimum):
+ errors.append(_('{} {} should be between {} and {}').format(label, value, minimum, maximum))
+ if pattern_str and not pattern.match(value):
+ errors.append(field_validation.get('validationMsg'))
+ return errors
+class RequestFailed(Exception): pass
+class GSPConnector():
+ def __init__(self, doctype=None, docname=None):
+ self.e_invoice_settings = frappe.get_cached_doc('E Invoice Settings')
+ sandbox_mode = self.e_invoice_settings.sandbox_mode
+ self.invoice = frappe.get_cached_doc(doctype, docname) if doctype and docname else None
+ self.credentials = self.get_credentials()
+ # authenticate url is same for sandbox & live
+ self.authenticate_url = 'https://gsp.adaequare.com/gsp/authenticate?grant_type=token'
+ self.base_url = 'https://gsp.adaequare.com' if not sandbox_mode else 'https://gsp.adaequare.com/test'
+ self.cancel_irn_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/cancel'
+ self.irn_details_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/irn'
+ self.generate_irn_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice'
+ self.gstin_details_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/master/gstin'
+ self.cancel_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/ewayapi'
+ self.generate_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/ewaybill'
+ def get_credentials(self):
+ if self.invoice:
+ gstin = self.get_seller_gstin()
+ credentials = next(d for d in self.e_invoice_settings.credentials if d.gstin == gstin)
+ else:
+ credentials = self.e_invoice_settings.credentials[0] if self.e_invoice_settings.credentials else None
+ return credentials
+ def get_seller_gstin(self):
+ gstin = self.invoice.company_gstin or frappe.db.get_value('Address', self.invoice.company_address, 'gstin')
+ if not gstin:
+ frappe.throw(_('Cannot retrieve Company GSTIN. Please select company address with valid GSTIN.'))
+ return gstin
+ def get_auth_token(self):
+ if time_diff_in_seconds(self.e_invoice_settings.token_expiry, now_datetime()) < 150.0:
+ self.fetch_auth_token()
+ return self.e_invoice_settings.auth_token
+ def make_request(self, request_type, url, headers=None, data=None):
+ if request_type == 'post':
+ res = make_post_request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
+ else:
+ res = make_get_request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
+ self.log_request(url, headers, data, res)
+ return res
+ def log_request(self, url, headers, data, res):
+ headers.update({ 'password': self.credentials.password })
+ request_log = frappe.get_doc({
+ "doctype": "E Invoice Request Log",
+ "user": frappe.session.user,
+ "reference_invoice": self.invoice.name if self.invoice else None,
+ "url": url,
+ "headers": json.dumps(headers, indent=4) if headers else None,
+ "data": json.dumps(data, indent=4) if isinstance(data, dict) else data,
+ "response": json.dumps(res, indent=4) if res else None
+ })
+ request_log.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+ frappe.db.commit()
+ def fetch_auth_token(self):
+ headers = {
+ 'gspappid': frappe.conf.einvoice_client_id,
+ 'gspappsecret': frappe.conf.einvoice_client_secret
+ }
+ res = {}
+ try:
+ res = self.make_request('post', self.authenticate_url, headers)
+ self.e_invoice_settings.auth_token = "{} {}".format(res.get('token_type'), res.get('access_token'))
+ self.e_invoice_settings.token_expiry = add_to_date(None, seconds=res.get('expires_in'))
+ self.e_invoice_settings.save()
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error(res)
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def get_headers(self):
+ return {
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'user_name': self.credentials.username,
+ 'password': self.credentials.get_password(),
+ 'gstin': self.credentials.gstin,
+ 'authorization': self.get_auth_token(),
+ 'requestid': str(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(18))),
+ }
+ def fetch_gstin_details(self, gstin):
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ try:
+ params = '?gstin={gstin}'.format(gstin=gstin)
+ res = self.make_request('get', self.gstin_details_url + params, headers)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ return res.get('result')
+ else:
+ self.log_error(res)
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ self.raise_error()
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error()
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_gstin_details(gstin):
+ '''fetch and cache GSTIN details'''
+ if not hasattr(frappe.local, 'gstin_cache'):
+ frappe.local.gstin_cache = {}
+ key = gstin
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+ details = gsp_connector.fetch_gstin_details(gstin)
+ frappe.local.gstin_cache[key] = details
+ frappe.cache().hset('gstin_cache', key, details)
+ return details
+ def generate_irn(self):
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ einvoice = make_einvoice(self.invoice)
+ data = json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4)
+ try:
+ res = self.make_request('post', self.generate_irn_url, headers, data)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ self.set_einvoice_data(res.get('result'))
+ elif '2150' in res.get('message'):
+ # IRN already generated but not updated in invoice
+ # Extract the IRN from the response description and fetch irn details
+ irn = res.get('result')[0].get('Desc').get('Irn')
+ irn_details = self.get_irn_details(irn)
+ if irn_details:
+ self.set_einvoice_data(irn_details)
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed('IRN has already been generated for the invoice but cannot fetch details for the it. \
+ Contact ERPNext support to resolve the issue.')
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error(data)
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def get_irn_details(self, irn):
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ try:
+ params = '?irn={irn}'.format(irn=irn)
+ res = self.make_request('get', self.irn_details_url + params, headers)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ return res.get('result')
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error()
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def cancel_irn(self, irn, reason, remark):
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'Irn': irn,
+ 'Cnlrsn': reason,
+ 'Cnlrem': remark
+ }, indent=4)
+ try:
+ res = self.make_request('post', self.cancel_irn_url, headers, data)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ self.invoice.irn_cancelled = 1
+ self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+ 'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+ 'docname': self.invoice.name,
+ 'label': _('IRN Cancelled - {}').format(remark)
+ }
+ self.update_invoice()
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error(data)
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def generate_eway_bill(self, **kwargs):
+ args = frappe._dict(kwargs)
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details(args)
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'Irn': args.irn,
+ 'Distance': cint(eway_bill_details.distance),
+ 'TransMode': eway_bill_details.mode_of_transport,
+ 'TransId': eway_bill_details.gstin,
+ 'TransName': eway_bill_details.transporter,
+ 'TrnDocDt': eway_bill_details.document_date,
+ 'TrnDocNo': eway_bill_details.document_name,
+ 'VehNo': eway_bill_details.vehicle_no,
+ 'VehType': eway_bill_details.vehicle_type
+ }, indent=4)
+ try:
+ res = self.make_request('post', self.generate_ewaybill_url, headers, data)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ self.invoice.ewaybill = res.get('result').get('EwbNo')
+ self.invoice.eway_bill_cancelled = 0
+ self.invoice.update(args)
+ self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+ 'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+ 'docname': self.invoice.name,
+ 'label': _('E-Way Bill Generated')
+ }
+ self.update_invoice()
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error(data)
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def cancel_eway_bill(self, eway_bill, reason, remark):
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'ewbNo': eway_bill,
+ 'cancelRsnCode': reason,
+ 'cancelRmrk': remark
+ }, indent=4)
+ try:
+ res = self.make_request('post', self.cancel_ewaybill_url, headers, data)
+ if res.get('success'):
+ self.invoice.ewaybill = ''
+ self.invoice.eway_bill_cancelled = 1
+ self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+ 'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+ 'docname': self.invoice.name,
+ 'label': _('E-Way Bill Cancelled - {}').format(remark)
+ }
+ self.update_invoice()
+ else:
+ raise RequestFailed
+ except RequestFailed:
+ errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_error(data)
+ self.raise_error(True)
+ def sanitize_error_message(self, message):
+ '''
+ On validation errors, response message looks something like this:
+ message = '2174 : For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable,
+ 3095 : Supplier GSTIN is inactive'
+ we search for string between ':' to extract the error messages
+ errors = [
+ ': For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable, 3095 ',
+ ': Test'
+ ]
+ then we trim down the message by looping over errors
+ '''
+ errors = re.findall(': [^:]+', message)
+ for idx, e in enumerate(errors):
+ # remove colons
+ errors[idx] = errors[idx].replace(':', '').strip()
+ # if not last
+ if idx != len(errors) - 1:
+ # remove last 7 chars eg: ', 3095 '
+ errors[idx] = errors[idx][:-6]
+ return errors
+ def log_error(self, data={}):
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ data = json.loads(data)
+ seperator = "--" * 50
+ err_tb = traceback.format_exc()
+ err_msg = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ data = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ message = "\n".join([
+ "Error", err_msg, seperator,
+ "Data:", data, seperator,
+ "Exception:", err_tb
+ ])
+ frappe.log_error(title=_('E Invoice Request Failed'), message=message)
+ def raise_error(self, raise_exception=False, errors=[]):
+ title = _('E Invoice Request Failed')
+ if errors:
+ frappe.throw(errors, title=title, as_list=1)
+ else:
+ link_to_error_list = 'Error Log'
+ frappe.msgprint(
+ _('An error occurred while making e-invoicing request. Please check {} for more information.').format(link_to_error_list),
+ title=title,
+ raise_exception=raise_exception,
+ indicator='red'
+ )
+ def set_einvoice_data(self, res):
+ enc_signed_invoice = res.get('SignedInvoice')
+ dec_signed_invoice = jwt.decode(enc_signed_invoice, verify=False)['data']
+ self.invoice.irn = res.get('Irn')
+ self.invoice.ewaybill = res.get('EwbNo')
+ self.invoice.signed_einvoice = dec_signed_invoice
+ self.invoice.signed_qr_code = res.get('SignedQRCode')
+ self.attach_qrcode_image()
+ self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+ 'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+ 'docname': self.invoice.name,
+ 'label': _('IRN Generated')
+ }
+ self.update_invoice()
+ def attach_qrcode_image(self):
+ qrcode = self.invoice.signed_qr_code
+ doctype = self.invoice.doctype
+ docname = self.invoice.name
+ _file = frappe.new_doc('File')
+ _file.update({
+ 'file_name': 'QRCode_{}.png'.format(docname.replace('/', '-')),
+ 'attached_to_doctype': doctype,
+ 'attached_to_name': docname,
+ 'content': 'qrcode',
+ 'is_private': 1
+ })
+ _file.insert()
+ frappe.db.commit()
+ url = qrcreate(qrcode, error='L')
+ abs_file_path = os.path.abspath(_file.get_full_path())
+ url.png(abs_file_path, scale=2, quiet_zone=1)
+ self.invoice.qrcode_image = _file.file_url
+ def update_invoice(self):
+ self.invoice.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
+ self.invoice.flags.ignore_validate = True
+ self.invoice.save()
+def get_einvoice(doctype, docname):
+ invoice = frappe.get_doc(doctype, docname)
+ return make_einvoice(invoice)
+def generate_irn(doctype, docname):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+ gsp_connector.generate_irn()
+def cancel_irn(doctype, docname, irn, reason, remark):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+ gsp_connector.cancel_irn(irn, reason, remark)
+def generate_eway_bill(doctype, docname, **kwargs):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+ gsp_connector.generate_eway_bill(**kwargs)
+def cancel_eway_bill(doctype, docname, eway_bill, reason, remark):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+ gsp_connector.cancel_eway_bill(eway_bill, reason, remark)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/setup.py b/erpnext/regional/india/setup.py
index cbcd6e3203..5321a9a3b5 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/setup.py
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/setup.py
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def add_custom_roles_for_reports():
def add_permissions():
- for doctype in ('GST HSN Code', 'GST Settings', 'GSTR 3B Report', 'Lower Deduction Certificate'):
+ for doctype in ('GST HSN Code', 'GST Settings', 'GSTR 3B Report', 'Lower Deduction Certificate', 'E Invoice Settings'):
add_permission(doctype, 'All', 0)
for role in ('Accounts Manager', 'Accounts User', 'System Manager'):
add_permission(doctype, role, 0)
@@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ def add_permissions():
def add_print_formats():
frappe.reload_doc("regional", "print_format", "gst_tax_invoice")
frappe.reload_doc("accounts", "print_format", "gst_pos_invoice")
+ frappe.reload_doc("accounts", "print_format", "GST E-Invoice")
frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabPrint Format` set disabled = 0 where
- name in('GST POS Invoice', 'GST Tax Invoice') """)
+ name in('GST POS Invoice', 'GST Tax Invoice', 'GST E-Invoice') """)
def make_custom_fields(update=True):
hsn_sac_field = dict(fieldname='gst_hsn_code', label='HSN/SAC',
@@ -351,7 +352,6 @@ def make_custom_fields(update=True):
'label': 'Mode of Transport',
'fieldtype': 'Select',
'options': '\nRoad\nAir\nRail\nShip',
- 'default': 'Road',
'insert_after': 'transporter_name',
'print_hide': 1,
'translatable': 0
@@ -388,13 +388,34 @@ def make_custom_fields(update=True):
'fieldname': 'ewaybill',
'label': 'E-Way Bill No.',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
- 'depends_on': 'eval:(doc.docstatus === 1)',
+ 'depends_on': 'eval:((doc.docstatus === 1 || doc.ewaybill) && doc.eway_bill_cancelled === 0)',
'allow_on_submit': 1,
'insert_after': 'tax_id',
'translatable': 0
+ si_einvoice_fields = [
+ dict(fieldname='irn', label='IRN', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, insert_after='customer', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
+ depends_on='eval:in_list(["Registered Regular", "SEZ", "Overseas", "Deemed Export"], doc.gst_category) && doc.irn_cancelled === 0'),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_no', label='Ack. No.', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='irn', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_date', label='Ack. Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_no', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='irn_cancelled', label='IRN Cancelled', fieldtype='Check', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
+ depends_on='eval:(doc.irn_cancelled === 1)', read_only=1, allow_on_submit=1, insert_after='customer'),
+ dict(fieldname='eway_bill_cancelled', label='E-Way Bill Cancelled', fieldtype='Check', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
+ depends_on='eval:(doc.eway_bill_cancelled === 1)', read_only=1, allow_on_submit=1, insert_after='customer'),
+ dict(fieldname='signed_einvoice', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='signed_qr_code', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='qrcode_image', label='QRCode', fieldtype='Attach Image', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1)
+ ]
custom_fields = {
'Address': [
dict(fieldname='gstin', label='Party GSTIN', fieldtype='Data',
@@ -407,7 +428,7 @@ def make_custom_fields(update=True):
'Purchase Invoice': purchase_invoice_gst_category + invoice_gst_fields + purchase_invoice_itc_fields + purchase_invoice_gst_fields,
'Purchase Order': purchase_invoice_gst_fields,
'Purchase Receipt': purchase_invoice_gst_fields,
- 'Sales Invoice': sales_invoice_gst_category + invoice_gst_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields + sales_invoice_gst_fields + si_ewaybill_fields,
+ 'Sales Invoice': sales_invoice_gst_category + invoice_gst_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields + sales_invoice_gst_fields + si_ewaybill_fields + si_einvoice_fields,
'Delivery Note': sales_invoice_gst_fields + ewaybill_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields,
'Sales Order': sales_invoice_gst_fields,
'Tax Category': inter_state_gst_field,
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/taxes.js b/erpnext/regional/india/taxes.js
index b70b2ec48c..87baece65d 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/taxes.js
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/taxes.js
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ erpnext.setup_auto_gst_taxation = (doctype) => {
tax_category: function(frm) {
+ customer_address: function(frm) {
+ frm.trigger('get_tax_template');
+ },
get_tax_template: function(frm) {
if (!frm.doc.company) return;
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/utils.py b/erpnext/regional/india/utils.py
index f8520c2d00..0d8263835d 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/utils.py
@@ -48,12 +48,15 @@ def validate_gstin_for_india(doc, method):
+ if not doc.gst_state:
+ frappe.throw(_("Please Enter GST state"))
if doc.gst_state_number != doc.gstin[:2]:
frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN! First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}.")
def validate_tax_category(doc, method):
- if doc.get('gst_state') and frappe.db.get_value('Tax category', {'gst_state': doc.gst_state, 'is_inter_state': doc.is_inter_state}):
+ if doc.get('gst_state') and frappe.db.get_value('Tax Category', {'gst_state': doc.gst_state, 'is_inter_state': doc.is_inter_state}):
if doc.is_inter_state:
frappe.throw(_("Inter State tax category for GST State {0} already exists").format(doc.gst_state))
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
index 661e107e1e..5a0d9c9065 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
frappe.ui.form.on('Quotation', {
setup: function(frm) {
frm.custom_make_buttons = {
- 'Sales Order': 'Make Sales Order'
+ 'Sales Order': 'Sales Order'
frm.set_query("quotation_to", function() {
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.py b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.py
index 20ae19f5db..36b584d488 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.py
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class Quotation(SellingController):
def validate(self):
super(Quotation, self).validate()
- self.update_opportunity()
self.validate_uom_is_integer("stock_uom", "qty")
@@ -50,21 +49,20 @@ class Quotation(SellingController):
lead_name, company_name = frappe.db.get_value("Lead", self.party_name, ["lead_name", "company_name"])
self.customer_name = company_name or lead_name
- def update_opportunity(self):
+ def update_opportunity(self, status):
for opportunity in list(set([d.prevdoc_docname for d in self.get("items")])):
if opportunity:
- self.update_opportunity_status(opportunity)
+ self.update_opportunity_status(status, opportunity)
if self.opportunity:
- self.update_opportunity_status()
+ self.update_opportunity_status(status)
- def update_opportunity_status(self, opportunity=None):
+ def update_opportunity_status(self, status, opportunity=None):
if not opportunity:
opportunity = self.opportunity
opp = frappe.get_doc("Opportunity", opportunity)
- opp.status = None
- opp.set_status(update=True)
+ opp.set_status(status=status, update=True)
def declare_enquiry_lost(self, lost_reasons_list, detailed_reason=None):
if not self.has_sales_order():
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ class Quotation(SellingController):
frappe.throw(_("Invalid lost reason {0}, please create a new lost reason").format(frappe.bold(reason.get('lost_reason'))))
- self.update_opportunity()
+ self.update_opportunity('Lost')
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ class Quotation(SellingController):
self.company, self.base_grand_total, self)
#update enquiry status
- self.update_opportunity()
+ self.update_opportunity('Quotation')
def on_cancel(self):
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ class Quotation(SellingController):
#update enquiry status
- self.update_opportunity()
+ self.update_opportunity('Open')
def print_other_charges(self,docname):
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.py b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.py
index 04d85e575c..1516dd6d95 100755
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.py
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from erpnext.stock.stock_balance import update_bin_qty, get_reserved_qty
from frappe.desk.notifications import clear_doctype_notifications
from frappe.contacts.doctype.address.address import get_company_address
from erpnext.controllers.selling_controller import SellingController
-from frappe.automation.doctype.auto_repeat.auto_repeat import get_next_schedule_date
from erpnext.selling.doctype.customer.customer import check_credit_limit
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import get_item_defaults
from erpnext.setup.doctype.item_group.item_group import get_item_group_defaults
@@ -159,7 +158,6 @@ class SalesOrder(SellingController):
frappe.throw(_("Quotation {0} is cancelled").format(quotation))
- doc.update_opportunity()
def validate_drop_ship(self):
for d in self.get('items'):
@@ -418,8 +416,7 @@ class SalesOrder(SellingController):
def on_recurring(self, reference_doc, auto_repeat_doc):
def _get_delivery_date(ref_doc_delivery_date, red_doc_transaction_date, transaction_date):
- delivery_date = get_next_schedule_date(ref_doc_delivery_date,
- auto_repeat_doc.frequency, auto_repeat_doc.start_date, cint(auto_repeat_doc.repeat_on_day))
+ delivery_date = auto_repeat_doc.get_next_schedule_date(schedule_date=ref_doc_delivery_date)
if delivery_date <= transaction_date:
delivery_date_diff = frappe.utils.date_diff(ref_doc_delivery_date, red_doc_transaction_date)
@@ -832,56 +829,49 @@ def make_purchase_order_for_default_supplier(source_name, selected_items=None, t
frappe.throw(_("Please set a Supplier against the Items to be considered in the Purchase Order."))
for supplier in suppliers:
- po = frappe.get_list("Purchase Order", filters={"sales_order":source_name, "supplier":supplier, "docstatus": ("<", "2")})
- if len(po) == 0:
- doc = get_mapped_doc("Sales Order", source_name, {
- "Sales Order": {
- "doctype": "Purchase Order",
- "field_no_map": [
- "address_display",
- "contact_display",
- "contact_mobile",
- "contact_email",
- "contact_person",
- "taxes_and_charges",
- "shipping_address",
- "terms"
- ],
- "validation": {
- "docstatus": ["=", 1]
- }
- },
- "Sales Order Item": {
- "doctype": "Purchase Order Item",
- "field_map": [
- ["name", "sales_order_item"],
- ["parent", "sales_order"],
- ["stock_uom", "stock_uom"],
- ["uom", "uom"],
- ["conversion_factor", "conversion_factor"],
- ["delivery_date", "schedule_date"]
- ],
- "field_no_map": [
- "rate",
- "price_list_rate",
- "item_tax_template",
- "discount_percentage",
- "discount_amount",
- "pricing_rules"
- ],
- "postprocess": update_item,
- "condition": lambda doc: doc.ordered_qty < doc.stock_qty and doc.supplier == supplier and doc.item_code in items_to_map
+ doc = get_mapped_doc("Sales Order", source_name, {
+ "Sales Order": {
+ "doctype": "Purchase Order",
+ "field_no_map": [
+ "address_display",
+ "contact_display",
+ "contact_mobile",
+ "contact_email",
+ "contact_person",
+ "taxes_and_charges",
+ "shipping_address",
+ "terms"
+ ],
+ "validation": {
+ "docstatus": ["=", 1]
- }, target_doc, set_missing_values)
+ },
+ "Sales Order Item": {
+ "doctype": "Purchase Order Item",
+ "field_map": [
+ ["name", "sales_order_item"],
+ ["parent", "sales_order"],
+ ["stock_uom", "stock_uom"],
+ ["uom", "uom"],
+ ["conversion_factor", "conversion_factor"],
+ ["delivery_date", "schedule_date"]
+ ],
+ "field_no_map": [
+ "rate",
+ "price_list_rate",
+ "item_tax_template",
+ "discount_percentage",
+ "discount_amount",
+ "pricing_rules"
+ ],
+ "postprocess": update_item,
+ "condition": lambda doc: doc.ordered_qty < doc.stock_qty and doc.supplier == supplier and doc.item_code in items_to_map
+ }
+ }, target_doc, set_missing_values)
- doc.insert()
- else:
- suppliers =[]
- if suppliers:
+ doc.insert()
return doc
- else:
- frappe.msgprint(_("Purchase Order already created for all Sales Order items"))
def make_purchase_order(source_name, selected_items=None, target_doc=None):
@@ -1096,4 +1086,4 @@ def update_produced_qty_in_so_item(sales_order, sales_order_item):
if not total_produced_qty and frappe.flags.in_patch: return
- frappe.db.set_value('Sales Order Item', sales_order_item, 'produced_qty', total_produced_qty)
\ No newline at end of file
+ frappe.db.set_value('Sales Order Item', sales_order_item, 'produced_qty', total_produced_qty)
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/test_sales_order.py b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/test_sales_order.py
index 643e7cf38b..e259367e58 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/test_sales_order.py
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/test_sales_order.py
@@ -772,6 +772,59 @@ class TestSalesOrder(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_drop_shipping_partial_order(self):
+ from erpnext.selling.doctype.sales_order.sales_order import make_purchase_order_for_default_supplier, \
+ update_status as so_update_status
+ # make items
+ po_item1 = make_item("_Test Item for Drop Shipping 1", {"is_stock_item": 1, "delivered_by_supplier": 1})
+ po_item2 = make_item("_Test Item for Drop Shipping 2", {"is_stock_item": 1, "delivered_by_supplier": 1})
+ so_items = [
+ {
+ "item_code": po_item1.item_code,
+ "warehouse": "",
+ "qty": 2,
+ "rate": 400,
+ "delivered_by_supplier": 1,
+ "supplier": '_Test Supplier'
+ },
+ {
+ "item_code": po_item2.item_code,
+ "warehouse": "",
+ "qty": 2,
+ "rate": 400,
+ "delivered_by_supplier": 1,
+ "supplier": '_Test Supplier'
+ }
+ ]
+ # create so and po
+ so = make_sales_order(item_list=so_items, do_not_submit=True)
+ so.submit()
+ # create po for only one item
+ po1 = make_purchase_order_for_default_supplier(so.name, selected_items=[so_items[0]])
+ po1.submit()
+ self.assertEqual(so.customer, po1.customer)
+ self.assertEqual(po1.items[0].sales_order, so.name)
+ self.assertEqual(po1.items[0].item_code, po_item1.item_code)
+ #test po item length
+ self.assertEqual(len(po1.items), 1)
+ # create po for remaining item
+ po2 = make_purchase_order_for_default_supplier(so.name, selected_items=[so_items[1]])
+ po2.submit()
+ # teardown
+ so_update_status("Draft", so.name)
+ po1.cancel()
+ po2.cancel()
+ so.load_from_db()
+ so.cancel()
def test_reserved_qty_for_closing_so(self):
bin = frappe.get_all("Bin", filters={"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC"},
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/sales_order_item.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/sales_order_item.json
index eff17f8bc7..159655b74b 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/sales_order_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/sales_order_item.json
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-05-29 20:54:32.309460",
+ "modified": "2020-012-07 20:54:32.309460",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Selling",
"name": "Sales Order Item",
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/report/sales_analytics/sales_analytics.js b/erpnext/selling/report/sales_analytics/sales_analytics.js
index 0e565a3fb6..9089b53fb0 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/report/sales_analytics/sales_analytics.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/report/sales_analytics/sales_analytics.js
@@ -74,67 +74,71 @@ frappe.query_reports["Sales Analytics"] = {
return Object.assign(options, {
checkboxColumn: true,
events: {
- onCheckRow: function(data) {
+ onCheckRow: function (data) {
+ if (!data) return;
+ const data_doctype = $(
+ data[2].html
+ )[0].attributes.getNamedItem("data-doctype").value;
+ const tree_type = frappe.query_report.filters[0].value;
+ if (data_doctype != tree_type) return;
row_name = data[2].content;
length = data.length;
- var tree_type = frappe.query_report.filters[0].value;
- if(tree_type == "Customer") {
- row_values = data.slice(4,length-1).map(function (column) {
- return column.content;
- })
+ if (tree_type == "Customer") {
+ row_values = data
+ .slice(4, length - 1)
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.content;
+ });
} else if (tree_type == "Item") {
- row_values = data.slice(5,length-1).map(function (column) {
- return column.content;
- })
- }
- else {
- row_values = data.slice(3,length-1).map(function (column) {
- return column.content;
- })
+ row_values = data
+ .slice(5, length - 1)
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.content;
+ });
+ } else {
+ row_values = data
+ .slice(3, length - 1)
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.content;
+ });
entry = {
- 'name':row_name,
- 'values':row_values
- }
+ name: row_name,
+ values: row_values,
+ };
let raw_data = frappe.query_report.chart.data;
let new_datasets = raw_data.datasets;
- var found = false;
- for(var i=0; i < new_datasets.length;i++){
- if(new_datasets[i].name == row_name){
- found = true;
- new_datasets.splice(i,1);
- break;
+ let element_found = new_datasets.some((element, index, array)=>{
+ if(element.name == row_name){
+ array.splice(index, 1)
+ return true
- }
+ return false
+ })
- if(!found){
+ if (!element_found) {
let new_data = {
labels: raw_data.labels,
- datasets: new_datasets
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- frappe.query_report.chart.update(new_data)
- }, 500)
- setTimeout(() => {
- frappe.query_report.chart.draw(true);
- }, 1000)
+ datasets: new_datasets,
+ };
+ chart_options = {
+ data: new_data,
+ type: "line",
+ };
+ frappe.query_report.render_chart(chart_options);
frappe.query_report.raw_chart_data = new_data;
- }
- })
+ },
+ });
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/delete_company_transactions.py b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/delete_company_transactions.py
index 566f20cfa1..7a72fe3102 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/delete_company_transactions.py
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/delete_company_transactions.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def delete_company_transactions(company_name):
"Party Account", "Employee", "Sales Taxes and Charges Template",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template", "POS Profile", "BOM",
"Company", "Bank Account", "Item Tax Template", "Mode Of Payment",
- "Item Default"):
+ "Item Default", "Customer", "Supplier"):
delete_for_doctype(doctype, company_name)
# reset company values
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/test_records.json b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/test_records.json
index 21302417d2..9e55702ddc 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/test_records.json
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/test_records.json
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Manufacturing",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "_TC1",
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Retail",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "_TC2",
@@ -27,7 +29,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Retail",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "_TC3",
@@ -38,7 +41,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Manufacturing",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "_TC4",
@@ -50,7 +54,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Manufacturing",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "_TC5",
@@ -61,7 +66,8 @@
"doctype": "Company",
"domain": "Manufacturing",
"chart_of_accounts": "Standard",
- "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List"
+ "default_holiday_list": "_Test Holiday List",
+ "enable_perpetual_inventory": 0
"abbr": "TCP1",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
index c2a3d3c151..e41f1a8aaa 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
@@ -8,13 +8,8 @@ import unittest
from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch import get_batch_qty, UnableToSelectBatchError, get_batch_no
from frappe.utils import cint, flt
-from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import set_perpetual_inventory
class TestBatch(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
def test_item_has_batch_enabled(self):
self.assertRaises(ValidationError, frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Batch",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/bin/bin.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/bin/bin.py
index 7acdec728b..ab19b77ad8 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/bin/bin.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/bin/bin.py
@@ -16,22 +16,30 @@ class Bin(Document):
def update_stock(self, args, allow_negative_stock=False, via_landed_cost_voucher=False):
'''Called from erpnext.stock.utils.update_bin'''
if args.get("actual_qty") or args.get("voucher_type") == "Stock Reconciliation":
- from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import update_entries_after
+ from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import update_entries_after, update_qty_in_future_sle
if not args.get("posting_date"):
args["posting_date"] = nowdate()
+ if args.get("is_cancelled") and via_landed_cost_voucher:
+ return
+ # Reposts only current voucher SL Entries
+ # Updates valuation rate, stock value, stock queue for current transaction
"item_code": self.item_code,
"warehouse": self.warehouse,
"posting_date": args.get("posting_date"),
"posting_time": args.get("posting_time"),
+ "voucher_type": args.get("voucher_type"),
"voucher_no": args.get("voucher_no"),
- "sle_id": args.sle_id
+ "sle_id": args.name
}, allow_negative_stock=allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher=via_landed_cost_voucher)
+ # Update qty_after_transaction in future SLEs of this item and warehouse
+ update_qty_in_future_sle(args)
def update_qty(self, args):
# update the stock values (for current quantities)
if args.get("voucher_type")=="Stock Reconciliation":
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
index 03921c554e..cb1e31b15b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Delivery Note", {
frm.custom_make_buttons = {
'Packing Slip': 'Packing Slip',
'Installation Note': 'Installation Note',
- 'Sales Invoice': 'Invoice',
+ 'Sales Invoice': 'Sales Invoice',
'Stock Entry': 'Return',
+ 'Shipment': 'Shipment'
function(doc) {
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.py
index 3f3407e350..a30cadf0a0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.py
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ class DeliveryNote(SellingController):
# because updating reserved qty in bin depends upon updated delivered qty in SO
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
def on_cancel(self):
super(DeliveryNote, self).on_cancel()
@@ -234,7 +235,8 @@ class DeliveryNote(SellingController):
- self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
+ self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'Repost Item Valuation')
def check_credit_limit(self):
from erpnext.selling.doctype.customer.customer import check_credit_limit
@@ -596,6 +598,9 @@ def make_shipment(source_name, target_doc=None):
pickup_contact_display += ' ' + user.mobile_no
target.pickup_contact = pickup_contact_display
+ # As we are using session user details in the pickup_contact then pickup_contact_person will be session user
+ target.pickup_contact_person = frappe.session.user
contact = frappe.db.get_value("Contact", source.contact_person, ['email_id', 'phone', 'mobile_no'], as_dict=1)
delivery_contact_display = '{}'.format(source.contact_display)
if contact:
@@ -607,6 +612,13 @@ def make_shipment(source_name, target_doc=None):
delivery_contact_display += ' ' + contact.mobile_no
target.delivery_contact = delivery_contact_display
+ if source.shipping_address_name:
+ target.delivery_address_name = source.shipping_address_name
+ target.delivery_address = source.shipping_address
+ elif source.customer_address:
+ target.delivery_address_name = source.customer_address
+ target.delivery_address = source.address_display
doclist = get_mapped_doc("Delivery Note", source_name, {
"Delivery Note": {
"doctype": "Shipment",
@@ -615,9 +627,7 @@ def make_shipment(source_name, target_doc=None):
"company": "pickup_company",
"company_address": "pickup_address_name",
"company_address_display": "pickup_address",
- "address_display": "delivery_address",
"customer": "delivery_customer",
- "shipping_address_name": "delivery_address_name",
"contact_person": "delivery_contact_name",
"contact_email": "delivery_contact_email"
@@ -635,7 +645,7 @@ def make_shipment(source_name, target_doc=None):
}, target_doc, postprocess)
return doclist
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note_dashboard.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note_dashboard.py
index beeb9ebb05..47684d5c6e 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note_dashboard.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note_dashboard.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def get_data():
'label': _('Reference'),
- 'items': ['Sales Order', 'Quality Inspection']
+ 'items': ['Sales Order', 'Shipment', 'Quality Inspection']
'label': _('Returns'),
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/test_delivery_note.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/test_delivery_note.py
index 6b4663a688..559f8be0de 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/test_delivery_note.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/test_delivery_note.py
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import frappe.defaults
from frappe.utils import cint, nowdate, nowtime, cstr, add_days, flt, today
from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_balance_on
-from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt \
- import get_gl_entries, set_perpetual_inventory
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import get_gl_entries
from erpnext.stock.doctype.delivery_note.delivery_note import make_sales_invoice, make_delivery_trip
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry \
import make_stock_entry, make_serialized_item, get_qty_after_transaction
@@ -24,9 +23,6 @@ from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import get_warehouse
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
class TestDeliveryNote(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
def test_over_billing_against_dn(self):
frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock", 1)
@@ -43,7 +39,6 @@ class TestDeliveryNote(unittest.TestCase):
def test_delivery_note_no_gl_entry(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'company')
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, company)
make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=5, basic_rate=100)
stock_queue = json.loads(get_previous_sle({
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/delivery_note_item.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/delivery_note_item.json
index 7b471874af..4bbf3de594 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/delivery_note_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/delivery_note_item.json
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
+ "incoming_rate",
@@ -732,16 +733,22 @@
"depends_on": "returned_qty",
"fieldname": "returned_qty",
"fieldtype": "Float",
- "label": "Returned Qty in Stock UOM",
+ "label": "Returned Qty in Stock UOM"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "incoming_rate",
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "label": "Incoming Rate",
"no_copy": 1,
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
"idx": 1,
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-07-31 20:12:43.054342",
+ "modified": "2020-12-07 19:59:27.119856",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Delivery Note Item",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
index 9ca887c77e..8f437b13f0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
@@ -458,5 +458,15 @@
"item_tax_template": "_Test Item Tax Template 1"
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "_Test",
+ "doctype": "Item",
+ "is_stock_item": 1,
+ "item_code": "138-CMS Shoe",
+ "item_group": "_Test Item Group",
+ "item_name": "138-CMS Shoe",
+ "stock_uom": "_Test UOM",
+ "gst_hsn_code": "999800"
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_alternative/test_item_alternative.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_alternative/test_item_alternative.py
index f045e4f911..d5700fe514 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_alternative/test_item_alternative.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_alternative/test_item_alternative.py
@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.test_stock_reconciliation import
from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.work_order.test_work_order import make_wo_order_test_record
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order import make_purchase_receipt, make_rm_stock_entry
import unittest
-from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import set_perpetual_inventory
class TestItemAlternative(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
def test_alternative_item_for_subcontract_rm(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/item_quality_inspection_parameter.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/item_quality_inspection_parameter.json
index 888bc2de47..3e81619cfd 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/item_quality_inspection_parameter.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/item_quality_inspection_parameter.json
@@ -8,26 +8,32 @@
"field_order": [
+ "non_numeric",
+ "min_value",
+ "max_value",
+ "formula_based_criteria",
"fields": [
"fieldname": "specification",
- "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Parameter",
"oldfieldname": "specification",
"oldfieldtype": "Data",
+ "options": "Quality Inspection Parameter",
"print_width": "200px",
"reqd": 1,
- "width": "200px"
+ "width": "100px"
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && doc.non_numeric)",
"fieldname": "value",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"in_list_view": 1,
- "label": "Acceptance Criteria",
+ "label": "Acceptance Criteria Value",
"oldfieldname": "value",
"oldfieldtype": "Data"
@@ -36,17 +42,45 @@
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
- "description": "Simple Python formula based on numeric Readings. Example 1: reading_1 > 0.2 and reading_1 < 0.5 \nExample 2: (reading_1 + reading_2) / 2 < 10",
+ "depends_on": "formula_based_criteria",
+ "description": "Simple Python formula applied on Reading fields. Numeric eg. 1: reading_1 > 0.2 and reading_1 < 0.5 \nNumeric eg. 2: mean > 3.5 (mean of populated fields) \nValue based eg.: reading_value in (\"A\", \"B\", \"C\")",
"fieldname": "acceptance_formula",
"fieldtype": "Code",
- "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Acceptance Criteria Formula"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "formula_based_criteria",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Formula Based Criteria"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && !doc.non_numeric)",
+ "fieldname": "min_value",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Minimum Value"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && !doc.non_numeric)",
+ "fieldname": "max_value",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Maximum Value"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "non_numeric",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Non-Numeric",
+ "width": "80px"
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-16 16:33:42.421842",
+ "modified": "2021-01-07 21:32:49.866439",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Item Quality Inspection Parameter",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges.json
index 0cc243d4cb..64331c7d57 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges/landed_cost_taxes_and_charges.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ "actions": [],
"creation": "2014-07-11 11:51:00.453717",
"doctype": "DocType",
"editable_grid": 1,
@@ -31,16 +32,19 @@
"reqd": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:cint(erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(parent.company))",
"fieldname": "expense_account",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Expense Account",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:cint(erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(parent.company))",
"options": "Account",
- "reqd": 1
+ "print_hide": 1
"istable": 1,
- "modified": "2019-09-30 18:28:32.070655",
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-12-04 00:22:14.373312",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Landed Cost Taxes and Charges",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.py
index bc3d3266ad..9ec6b8946c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.py
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ class LandedCostVoucher(Document):
company_currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(self.company)
for account in self.taxes:
if get_account_currency(account.expense_account) != company_currency:
- frappe.throw(msg=_(""" Row {0}: Expense account currency should be same as company's default currency.
- Please select expense account with account currency as {1}""")
- .format(account.idx, frappe.bold(company_currency)), title=_("Invalid Account Currency"))
+ frappe.throw(_("Row {}: Expense account currency should be same as company's default currency.").format(account.idx)
+ + _("Please select expense account with account currency as {}.").format(frappe.bold(company_currency)),
+ title=_("Invalid Account Currency"))
def set_total_taxes_and_charges(self):
self.total_taxes_and_charges = sum([flt(d.amount) for d in self.get("taxes")])
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class LandedCostVoucher(Document):
# set valuation amount in pr item
- doc.update_valuation_rate("items")
+ doc.update_valuation_rate(reset_outgoing_rate=False)
# db_update will update and save landed_cost_voucher_amount and voucher_amount in PR
for item in doc.get("items"):
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ class LandedCostVoucher(Document):
doc.docstatus = 1
doc.update_stock_ledger(allow_negative_stock=True, via_landed_cost_voucher=True)
+ doc.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
def validate_asset_qty_and_status(self, receipt_document_type, receipt_document):
for item in self.get('items'):
@@ -152,14 +153,13 @@ class LandedCostVoucher(Document):
docs = frappe.db.get_all('Asset', filters={ receipt_document_type: item.receipt_document,
'item_code': item.item_code }, fields=['name', 'docstatus'])
if not docs or len(docs) != item.qty:
- frappe.throw(_('There are not enough asset created or linked to {0}. \
- Please create or link {1} Assets with respective document.').format(item.receipt_document, item.qty))
+ frappe.throw(_('There are not enough asset created or linked to {0}.').format(item.receipt_document)
+ + _('Please create or link {0} Assets with respective document.').format(item.qty))
if docs:
for d in docs:
if d.docstatus == 1:
- frappe.throw(_('{2} {0} has submitted Assets.\
- Remove Item {1} from table to continue.').format(
- item.receipt_document, item.item_code, item.receipt_document_type))
+ frappe.throw(_('{0} {1} has submitted Assets. Remove Item {2} from table to continue.')
+ .format(item.receipt_document_type, frappe.bold(item.receipt_document), frappe.bold(item.item_code)))
def update_rate_in_serial_no_for_non_asset_items(self, receipt_document):
for item in receipt_document.get("items"):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/test_landed_cost_voucher.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/test_landed_cost_voucher.py
index 3f2c5daf66..b97213e4fb 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/test_landed_cost_voucher.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/test_landed_cost_voucher.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import unittest
import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt \
- import set_perpetual_inventory, get_gl_entries, test_records as pr_test_records, make_purchase_receipt
+ import get_gl_entries, test_records as pr_test_records, make_purchase_receipt
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.test_purchase_invoice import make_purchase_invoice
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.test_account import get_inventory_account
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class TestLandedCostVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
fieldname=["qty_after_transaction", "stock_value"], as_dict=1)
- submit_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
pr_lc_value = frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Receipt Item", {"parent": pr.name}, "landed_cost_voucher_amount")
self.assertEqual(pr_lc_value, 25.0)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class TestLandedCostVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
fieldname=["qty_after_transaction", "stock_value"], as_dict=1)
- submit_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Invoice", pi.name, pi.company)
+ create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Invoice", pi.name, pi.company)
pi_lc_value = frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Invoice Item", {"parent": pi.name},
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class TestLandedCostVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
serial_no_rate = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", "SN001", "purchase_rate")
- submit_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
serial_no = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", "SN001",
["warehouse", "purchase_rate"], as_dict=1)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class TestLandedCostVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
- lcv = submit_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company, 123.22)
+ lcv = create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company, 123.22)
self.assertEqual(lcv.items[0].applicable_charges, 41.07)
self.assertEqual(lcv.items[2].applicable_charges, 41.08)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def make_landed_cost_voucher(** args):
return lcv
-def submit_landed_cost_voucher(receipt_document_type, receipt_document, company, charges=50):
+def create_landed_cost_voucher(receipt_document_type, receipt_document, company, charges=50):
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(receipt_document_type, receipt_document)
lcv = frappe.new_doc("Landed Cost Voucher")
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/test_material_request.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/test_material_request.py
index 19924b1636..0a29fa05e1 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/test_material_request.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/test_material_request.py
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ from erpnext.stock.doctype.material_request.material_request \
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
class TestMaterialRequest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- erpnext.set_perpetual_inventory(0)
def test_make_purchase_order(self):
mr = frappe.copy_doc(test_records[0]).insert()
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packed_item/packed_item.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packed_item/packed_item.json
index 2ac5c426c0..f1d7f8c8c9 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packed_item/packed_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packed_item/packed_item.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ "actions": [],
"creation": "2013-02-22 01:28:00",
"doctype": "DocType",
"editable_grid": 1,
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
+ "uom",
@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@
- "uom",
+ "incoming_rate",
@@ -199,11 +201,21 @@
"no_copy": 1,
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "incoming_rate",
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "label": "Incoming Rate",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "print_hide": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
"idx": 1,
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
- "modified": "2019-11-26 20:09:59.400960",
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-09-24 09:25:13.050151",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Packed Item",
@@ -212,4 +224,4 @@
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"track_changes": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
index 97e0fa738c..f833fc75c0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController):
update_serial_nos_after_submit(self, "items")
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
def check_next_docstatus(self):
submit_rv = frappe.db.sql("""select t1.name
@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController):
# because updating ordered qty in bin depends upon updated ordered qty in PO
- self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
+ self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'Repost Item Valuation')
def get_current_stock(self):
@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController):
elif d.warehouse not in warehouse_with_no_account or \
d.rejected_warehouse not in warehouse_with_no_account:
- elif d.item_code not in stock_items and flt(d.qty) and auto_accounting_for_non_stock_items:
+ elif d.item_code not in stock_items and not d.is_fixed_asset and flt(d.qty) and auto_accounting_for_non_stock_items:
service_received_but_not_billed_account = self.get_company_default("service_received_but_not_billed")
credit_currency = get_account_currency(service_received_but_not_billed_account)
@@ -406,7 +408,7 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController):
if warehouse_with_no_account:
frappe.msgprint(_("No accounting entries for the following warehouses") + ": \n" +
return process_gl_map(gl_entries)
def get_asset_gl_entry(self, gl_entries):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py
index 9b8eeed1a1..f99ca89f79 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py
@@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ import frappe.defaults
from frappe.utils import cint, flt, cstr, today, random_string, add_days
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import make_purchase_invoice
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
-from erpnext import set_perpetual_inventory
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import SerialNoDuplicateError
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.test_account import get_inventory_account
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import make_item
from six import iteritems
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import create_warehouse
class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
frappe.db.set_value("Buying Settings", None, "allow_multiple_items", 1)
def test_reverse_purchase_receipt_sle(self):
@@ -112,6 +113,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertFalse(get_gl_entries("Purchase Receipt", pr.name))
+ pr.cancel()
def test_batched_serial_no_purchase(self):
item = frappe.db.exists("Item", {'item_name': 'Batched Serialized Item'})
if not item:
@@ -183,22 +186,30 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
rm_supp_cost = sum([d.amount for d in pr.get("supplied_items")])
self.assertEqual(pr.get("items")[0].rm_supp_cost, flt(rm_supp_cost, 2))
+ pr.cancel()
def test_subcontracting_gle_fg_item_rate_zero(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
- set_perpetual_inventory()
frappe.db.set_value("Buying Settings", None, "backflush_raw_materials_of_subcontract_based_on", "BOM")
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Work In Progress - TCP1", qty=100, basic_rate=100, company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item Home Desktop 100", target="Work In Progress - TCP1",
+ se1 = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Work In Progress - TCP1",
qty=100, basic_rate=100, company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
+ se2 = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item Home Desktop 100", target="Work In Progress - TCP1",
+ qty=100, basic_rate=100, company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test FG Item", qty=10, rate=0, is_subcontracted="Yes",
- company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", warehouse='Stores - TCP1', supplier_warehouse='Work In Progress - TCP1')
+ company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", warehouse='Stores - TCP1',
+ supplier_warehouse='Work In Progress - TCP1')
gl_entries = get_gl_entries("Purchase Receipt", pr.name)
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
+ pr.cancel()
+ se1.cancel()
+ se2.cancel()
def test_subcontracting_over_receipt(self):
@@ -216,13 +227,13 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
item_code = "_Test Subcontracted FG Item 1"
- po = create_purchase_order(item_code=item_code, qty=1,
+ po = create_purchase_order(item_code=item_code, qty=1, include_exploded_items=0,
is_subcontracted="Yes", supplier_warehouse="_Test Warehouse 1 - _TC")
#stock raw materials in a warehouse before transfer
- make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC",
- item_code = "Test Extra Item 1", qty=1, basic_rate=100)
- make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC",
+ se1 = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC",
+ item_code = "Test Extra Item 1", qty=10, basic_rate=100)
+ se2 = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC",
item_code = "_Test FG Item", qty=1, basic_rate=100)
rm_items = [
@@ -254,6 +265,13 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, pr2.submit)
+ pr1.cancel()
+ se.cancel()
+ se1.cancel()
+ se2.cancel()
+ po.reload()
+ po.cancel()
def test_serial_no_supplier(self):
pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", qty=1)
self.assertEqual(frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", pr.get("items")[0].serial_no, "supplier"),
@@ -284,6 +302,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, "warehouse"),
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_return_partial(self):
pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
warehouse = "Stores - TCP1", supplier_warehouse = "Work in Progress - TCP1")
@@ -371,6 +391,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pr.per_returned, 100)
self.assertEqual(pr.status, 'Return Issued')
+ return_pr.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_return_for_rejected_qty(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import get_warehouse
@@ -388,6 +411,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(actual_qty, -2)
+ return_pr.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_return_for_serialized_items(self):
def _check_serial_no_values(serial_no, field_values):
@@ -415,6 +441,10 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
"delivery_document_no": return_pr.name
+ return_pr.cancel()
+ pr.reload()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_return_for_multi_uom(self):
item_code = "_Test Purchase Return For Multi-UOM"
if not frappe.db.exists('Item', item_code):
@@ -431,6 +461,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(abs(return_pr.items[0].stock_qty), 1.0)
+ return_pr.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_closed_purchase_receipt(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import update_purchase_receipt_status
@@ -440,6 +473,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
update_purchase_receipt_status(pr.name, "Closed")
self.assertEqual(frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, "status"), "Closed")
+ pr.reload()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_pr_billing_status(self):
# PO -> PR1 -> PI and PO -> PI and PO -> PR2
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.test_purchase_order import create_purchase_order
@@ -482,6 +518,16 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pr2.per_billed, 80)
self.assertEqual(pr2.status, "To Bill")
+ pr2.cancel()
+ pi2.reload()
+ pi2.cancel()
+ pi1.reload()
+ pi1.cancel()
+ pr1.reload()
+ pr1.cancel()
+ po.reload()
+ po.cancel()
def test_serial_no_against_purchase_receipt(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import get_serial_nos
@@ -509,6 +555,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(serial_no, frappe.db.get_value("Serial No",
{"purchase_document_type": "Purchase Receipt", "purchase_document_no": new_pr_doc.name}, "name"))
+ new_pr_doc.cancel()
def test_not_accept_duplicate_serial_no(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
from erpnext.stock.doctype.delivery_note.test_delivery_note import create_delivery_note
@@ -519,15 +567,18 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
item_code = item.name
serial_no = random_string(5)
- make_purchase_receipt(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no)
- create_delivery_note(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no)
+ pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no)
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no)
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no, do_not_submit=True)
- self.assertRaises(SerialNoDuplicateError, pr.submit)
+ pr2 = make_purchase_receipt(item_code=item_code, qty=1, serial_no=serial_no, do_not_submit=True)
+ self.assertRaises(SerialNoDuplicateError, pr2.submit)
se = make_stock_entry(item_code=item_code, target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=1,
serial_no=serial_no, basic_rate=100, do_not_submit=True)
- self.assertRaises(SerialNoDuplicateError, se.submit)
+ se.submit()
+ dn.cancel()
+ pr1.cancel()
def test_auto_asset_creation(self):
asset_item = "Test Asset Item"
@@ -549,7 +600,7 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
'company_name': '_Test Company',
'fixed_asset_account': '_Test Fixed Asset - _TC',
'accumulated_depreciation_account': '_Test Accumulated Depreciations - _TC',
- 'depreciation_expense_account': '_Test Depreciation - _TC'
+ 'depreciation_expense_account': '_Test Depreciations - _TC'
@@ -568,6 +619,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
location = frappe.db.get_value('Asset', assets[0].name, 'location')
self.assertEquals(location, "Test Location")
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_return_with_submitted_asset(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import make_purchase_return
@@ -594,6 +647,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
+ pr_return.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_receipt_cost_center(self):
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.cost_center.test_cost_center import create_cost_center
cost_center = "_Test Cost Center for BS Account - TCP1"
@@ -605,7 +661,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
'location_name': 'Test Location'
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(cost_center=cost_center, company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", warehouse = "Stores - TCP1", supplier_warehouse = "Work in Progress - TCP1")
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(cost_center=cost_center, company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
+ warehouse = "Stores - TCP1", supplier_warehouse = "Work in Progress - TCP1")
stock_in_hand_account = get_inventory_account(pr.company, pr.get("items")[0].warehouse)
gl_entries = get_gl_entries("Purchase Receipt", pr.name)
@@ -623,6 +680,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_values[gle.account]["cost_center"], gle.cost_center)
+ pr.cancel()
def test_purchase_receipt_cost_center_with_balance_sheet_account(self):
if not frappe.db.exists('Location', 'Test Location'):
@@ -648,6 +707,8 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_values[gle.account]["cost_center"], gle.cost_center)
+ pr.cancel()
def test_make_purchase_invoice_from_pr_for_returned_qty(self):
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.test_purchase_order import create_purchase_order, create_pr_against_po
@@ -663,6 +724,12 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
pi = make_purchase_invoice(pr.name)
self.assertEquals(pi.items[0].qty, 3)
+ pr1.cancel()
+ pr.reload()
+ pr.cancel()
+ po.reload()
+ po.cancel()
def test_make_purchase_invoice_from_pr_with_returned_qty_duplicate_items(self):
pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(qty=8, do_not_submit=True)
pr1.append("items", {
@@ -689,8 +756,14 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(pi2.items[0].qty, 2)
self.assertEquals(pi2.items[1].qty, 1)
+ pr2.cancel()
+ pi1.cancel()
+ pr1.reload()
+ pr1.cancel()
def test_stock_transfer_from_purchase_receipt(self):
- pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(warehouse = 'Work In Progress - TCP1', company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
+ pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(warehouse = 'Work In Progress - TCP1',
+ company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
warehouse = "Stores - TCP1", do_not_save=1)
@@ -713,18 +786,20 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
for sle in sl_entries:
self.assertEqual(expected_sle[sle.warehouse], sle.actual_qty)
- def test_stock_transfer_from_purchase_receipt_with_valuation(self):
- warehouse = frappe.get_doc('Warehouse', 'Work In Progress - TCP1')
- warehouse.account = '_Test Account Stock In Hand - TCP1'
- warehouse.save()
+ pr.cancel()
+ pr1.cancel()
- pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(warehouse = 'Work In Progress - TCP1',
+ def test_stock_transfer_from_purchase_receipt_with_valuation(self):
+ create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse for Valuation", company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
+ properties={"account": '_Test Account Stock In Hand - TCP1'})
+ pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(warehouse = '_Test Warehouse for Valuation - TCP1',
company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
warehouse = "Stores - TCP1", do_not_save=1)
- pr.items[0].from_warehouse = 'Work In Progress - TCP1'
+ pr.items[0].from_warehouse = '_Test Warehouse for Valuation - TCP1'
pr.supplier_warehouse = ''
@@ -749,7 +824,7 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
expected_sle = {
- 'Work In Progress - TCP1': -5,
+ '_Test Warehouse for Valuation - TCP1': -5,
'Stores - TCP1': 5
@@ -761,60 +836,9 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(gle.debit, expected_gle[i][1])
self.assertEqual(gle.credit, expected_gle[i][2])
- warehouse.account = ''
- warehouse.save()
+ pr.cancel()
+ pr1.cancel()
- def test_backdated_purchase_receipt(self):
- # make purchase receipt for default company
- make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 4", warehouse="Stores - _TC4")
- # try to make another backdated PR
- posting_date = add_days(today(), -1)
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 4", warehouse="Stores - _TC4",
- do_not_submit=True)
- pr.set_posting_time = 1
- pr.posting_date = posting_date
- pr.save()
- self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, pr.submit)
- # make purchase receipt for other company backdated
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 5", warehouse="Stores - _TC5",
- do_not_submit=True)
- pr.set_posting_time = 1
- pr.posting_date = posting_date
- pr.submit()
- # Allowed to submit for other company's PR
- self.assertEqual(pr.docstatus, 1)
- def test_backdated_purchase_receipt_for_same_company_different_warehouse(self):
- # make purchase receipt for default company
- make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 4", warehouse="Stores - _TC4")
- # try to make another backdated PR
- posting_date = add_days(today(), -1)
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 4", warehouse="Stores - _TC4",
- do_not_submit=True)
- pr.set_posting_time = 1
- pr.posting_date = posting_date
- pr.save()
- self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, pr.submit)
- # make purchase receipt for other company backdated
- pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company 4", warehouse="Finished Goods - _TC4",
- do_not_submit=True)
- pr.set_posting_time = 1
- pr.posting_date = posting_date
- pr.submit()
- # Allowed to submit for other company's PR
- self.assertEqual(pr.docstatus, 1)
def test_subcontracted_pr_for_multi_transfer_batches(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
@@ -877,6 +901,12 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(unittest.TestCase):
+ pr.delete()
+ se.cancel()
+ ste2.cancel()
+ ste1.cancel()
+ po.cancel()
def get_sl_entries(voucher_type, voucher_no):
return frappe.db.sql(""" select actual_qty, warehouse, stock_value_difference
from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s
@@ -972,6 +1002,8 @@ def make_purchase_receipt(**args):
pr.posting_date = args.posting_date or today()
if args.posting_time:
pr.posting_time = args.posting_time
+ if args.posting_date or args.posting_time:
+ pr.set_posting_time = 1
pr.company = args.company or "_Test Company"
pr.supplier = args.supplier or "_Test Supplier"
pr.is_subcontracted = args.is_subcontracted or "No"
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
index 84c64aa8f8..871b255b06 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-02 10:00:38.204294",
+ "modified": "2020-12-07 10:00:38.204294",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Purchase Receipt Item",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.js
index 376848afaa..f7565fd505 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.js
@@ -4,6 +4,60 @@
cur_frm.cscript.refresh = cur_frm.cscript.inspection_type;
frappe.ui.form.on("Quality Inspection", {
+ setup: function(frm) {
+ frm.set_query("batch_no", function() {
+ return {
+ filters: {
+ "item": frm.doc.item_code
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ // Serial No based on item_code
+ frm.set_query("item_serial_no", function() {
+ let filters = {};
+ if (frm.doc.item_code) {
+ filters = {
+ 'item_code': frm.doc.item_code
+ };
+ }
+ return { filters: filters };
+ });
+ // item code based on GRN/DN
+ frm.set_query("item_code", function(doc) {
+ let doctype = doc.reference_type;
+ if (doc.reference_type !== "Job Card") {
+ doctype = (doc.reference_type == "Stock Entry") ?
+ "Stock Entry Detail" : doc.reference_type + " Item";
+ }
+ if (doc.reference_type && doc.reference_name) {
+ let filters = {
+ "from": doctype,
+ "inspection_type": doc.inspection_type
+ };
+ if (doc.reference_type == doctype)
+ filters["reference_name"] = doc.reference_name;
+ else
+ filters["parent"] = doc.reference_name;
+ return {
+ query: "erpnext.stock.doctype.quality_inspection.quality_inspection.item_query",
+ filters: filters
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ refresh: function(frm) {
+ // Ignore cancellation of reference doctype on cancel all.
+ frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = [frm.doc.reference_type];
+ },
item_code: function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.item_code) {
return frm.call({
@@ -26,55 +80,5 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Quality Inspection", {
- }
-// item code based on GRN/DN
-cur_frm.fields_dict['item_code'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
- let doctype = doc.reference_type;
- if (doc.reference_type !== "Job Card") {
- doctype = (doc.reference_type == "Stock Entry") ?
- "Stock Entry Detail" : doc.reference_type + " Item";
- }
- if (doc.reference_type && doc.reference_name) {
- let filters = {
- "from": doctype,
- "inspection_type": doc.inspection_type
- };
- if (doc.reference_type == doctype)
- filters["reference_name"] = doc.reference_name;
- else
- filters["parent"] = doc.reference_name;
- return {
- query: "erpnext.stock.doctype.quality_inspection.quality_inspection.item_query",
- filters: filters
- };
- }
-// Serial No based on item_code
-cur_frm.fields_dict['item_serial_no'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
- var filters = {};
- if (doc.item_code) {
- filters = {
- 'item_code': doc.item_code
- }
- }
- return { filters: filters }
-cur_frm.set_query("batch_no", function(doc) {
- return {
- filters: {
- "item": doc.item_code
- }
- }
-cur_frm.add_fetch('item_code', 'item_name', 'item_name');
-cur_frm.add_fetch('item_code', 'description', 'description');
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.json
index f6d76194d9..edfe7e98b2 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.json
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
"width": "50%"
+ "fetch_from": "item_code.item_name",
"fieldname": "item_name",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"in_global_search": 1,
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "fetch_from": "item_code.description",
"fieldname": "description",
"fieldtype": "Small Text",
"label": "Description",
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-19 17:06:05.409963",
+ "modified": "2020-12-18 19:59:55.710300",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Quality Inspection",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.py
index ae4eb9b995..b3acbc5ba0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/quality_inspection.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc
from frappe import _
-from frappe.utils import flt
+from frappe.utils import flt, cint
from erpnext.stock.doctype.quality_inspection_template.quality_inspection_template \
import get_template_details
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class QualityInspection(Document):
if self.readings:
- self.set_status_based_on_acceptance_formula()
+ self.inspect_and_set_status()
def get_item_specification_details(self):
if not self.quality_inspection_template:
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ class QualityInspection(Document):
parameters = get_template_details(self.quality_inspection_template)
for d in parameters:
child = self.append('readings', {})
- child.specification = d.specification
- child.value = d.value
- child.acceptance_formula = d.acceptance_formula
+ child.update(d)
child.status = "Accepted"
def get_quality_inspection_template(self):
@@ -69,35 +67,98 @@ class QualityInspection(Document):
doctype = 'Stock Entry Detail'
if self.reference_type and self.reference_name:
+ conditions = ""
+ if self.batch_no and self.docstatus == 1:
+ conditions += " and t1.batch_no = '%s'"%(self.batch_no)
+ if self.docstatus == 2: # if cancel, then remove qi link wherever same name
+ conditions += " and t1.quality_inspection = '%s'"%(self.name)
- UPDATE `tab{child_doc}` t1, `tab{parent_doc}` t2
- SET t1.quality_inspection = %s, t2.modified = %s
- WHERE t1.parent = %s and t1.item_code = %s and t1.parent = t2.name
- """.format(parent_doc=self.reference_type, child_doc=doctype),
+ `tab{child_doc}` t1, `tab{parent_doc}` t2
+ t1.quality_inspection = %s, t2.modified = %s
+ t1.parent = %s
+ and t1.item_code = %s
+ and t1.parent = t2.name
+ {conditions}
+ """.format(parent_doc=self.reference_type, child_doc=doctype, conditions=conditions),
(quality_inspection, self.modified, self.reference_name, self.item_code))
- def set_status_based_on_acceptance_formula(self):
+ def inspect_and_set_status(self):
for reading in self.readings:
- if not reading.acceptance_formula: continue
+ if not reading.manual_inspection: # dont auto set status if manual
+ if reading.formula_based_criteria:
+ self.set_status_based_on_acceptance_formula(reading)
+ else:
+ # if not formula based check acceptance values set
+ self.set_status_based_on_acceptance_values(reading)
- condition = reading.acceptance_formula
- data = {}
+ def set_status_based_on_acceptance_values(self, reading):
+ if cint(reading.non_numeric):
+ result = reading.get("reading_value") == reading.get("value")
+ else:
+ # numeric readings
+ result = self.min_max_criteria_passed(reading)
+ reading.status = "Accepted" if result else "Rejected"
+ def min_max_criteria_passed(self, reading):
+ """Determine whether all readings fall in the acceptable range."""
+ for i in range(1, 11):
+ reading_value = reading.get("reading_" + str(i))
+ if reading_value is not None and reading_value.strip():
+ result = flt(reading.get("min_value")) <= flt(reading_value) <= flt(reading.get("max_value"))
+ if not result: return False
+ return True
+ def set_status_based_on_acceptance_formula(self, reading):
+ if not reading.acceptance_formula:
+ frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Acceptance Criteria Formula is required.").format(reading.idx),
+ title=_("Missing Formula"))
+ condition = reading.acceptance_formula
+ data = self.get_formula_evaluation_data(reading)
+ try:
+ result = frappe.safe_eval(condition, None, data)
+ reading.status = "Accepted" if result else "Rejected"
+ except NameError as e:
+ field = frappe.bold(e.args[0].split()[1])
+ frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: {1} is not a valid reading field. Please refer to the field description.")
+ .format(reading.idx, field),
+ title=_("Invalid Formula"))
+ except Exception:
+ frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Acceptance Criteria Formula is incorrect.").format(reading.idx),
+ title=_("Invalid Formula"))
+ def get_formula_evaluation_data(self, reading):
+ data = {}
+ if cint(reading.non_numeric):
+ data = {"reading_value": reading.get("reading_value")}
+ else:
+ # numeric readings
for i in range(1, 11):
field = "reading_" + str(i)
- data[field] = flt(reading.get(field)) or 0
+ data[field] = flt(reading.get(field))
+ data["mean"] = self.calculate_mean(reading)
- try:
- result = frappe.safe_eval(condition, None, data)
- reading.status = "Accepted" if result else "Rejected"
- except SyntaxError:
- frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Acceptance Criteria Formula is incorrect.").format(reading.idx),
- title=_("Invalid Formula"))
- except NameError as e:
- field = frappe.bold(e.args[0].split()[1])
- frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: {1} is not a valid reading field. Please refer to the field description.")
- .format(reading.idx, field),
- title=_("Invalid Formula"))
+ return data
+ def calculate_mean(self, reading):
+ """Calculate mean of all non-empty readings."""
+ from statistics import mean
+ readings_list = []
+ for i in range(1, 11):
+ reading_value = reading.get("reading_" + str(i))
+ if reading_value is not None and reading_value.strip():
+ readings_list.append(flt(reading_value))
+ actual_mean = mean(readings_list) if readings_list else 0
+ return actual_mean
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/test_quality_inspection.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/test_quality_inspection.py
index 2c40009426..8c5a04b3f0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/test_quality_inspection.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection/test_quality_inspection.py
@@ -44,24 +44,61 @@ class TestQualityInspection(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_value_based_qi_readings(self):
+ # Test QI based on acceptance values (Non formula)
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Item with QA", do_not_submit=True)
+ readings = [{
+ "specification": "Iron Content", # numeric reading
+ "min_value": 0.1,
+ "max_value": 0.9,
+ "reading_1": "0.4"
+ },
+ {
+ "specification": "Particle Inspection Needed", # non-numeric reading
+ "non_numeric": 1,
+ "value": "Yes",
+ "reading_value": "Yes"
+ }]
+ qa = create_quality_inspection(reference_type="Delivery Note", reference_name=dn.name,
+ readings=readings, do_not_save=True)
+ qa.save()
+ # status must be auto set as per formula
+ self.assertEqual(qa.readings[0].status, "Accepted")
+ self.assertEqual(qa.readings[1].status, "Accepted")
+ qa.delete()
+ dn.delete()
def test_formula_based_qi_readings(self):
dn = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Item with QA", do_not_submit=True)
readings = [{
- "specification": "Iron Content",
+ "specification": "Iron Content", # numeric reading
+ "formula_based_criteria": 1,
"acceptance_formula": "reading_1 > 0.35 and reading_1 < 0.50",
- "reading_1": 0.4
+ "reading_1": "0.4"
- "specification": "Calcium Content",
+ "specification": "Calcium Content", # numeric reading
+ "formula_based_criteria": 1,
"acceptance_formula": "reading_1 > 0.20 and reading_1 < 0.50",
- "reading_1": 0.7
+ "reading_1": "0.7"
- "specification": "Mg Content",
- "acceptance_formula": "(reading_1 + reading_2 + reading_3) / 3 < 0.9",
- "reading_1": 0.5,
- "reading_2": 0.7,
+ "specification": "Mg Content", # numeric reading
+ "formula_based_criteria": 1,
+ "acceptance_formula": "mean < 0.9",
+ "reading_1": "0.5",
+ "reading_2": "0.7",
"reading_3": "random text" # check if random string input causes issues
+ },
+ {
+ "specification": "Calcium Content", # non-numeric reading
+ "formula_based_criteria": 1,
+ "non_numeric": 1,
+ "acceptance_formula": "reading_value in ('Grade A', 'Grade B', 'Grade C')",
+ "reading_value": "Grade B"
qa = create_quality_inspection(reference_type="Delivery Note", reference_name=dn.name,
@@ -72,6 +109,7 @@ class TestQualityInspection(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(qa.readings[0].status, "Accepted")
self.assertEqual(qa.readings[1].status, "Rejected")
self.assertEqual(qa.readings[2].status, "Accepted")
+ self.assertEqual(qa.readings[3].status, "Accepted")
@@ -86,11 +124,20 @@ def create_quality_inspection(**args):
qa.item_code = args.item_code or "_Test Item with QA"
qa.sample_size = 1
qa.inspected_by = frappe.session.user
+ qa.status = args.status or "Accepted"
- readings = args.readings or {"specification": "Size", "status": args.status}
+ if not args.readings:
+ create_quality_inspection_parameter("Size")
+ readings = {"specification": "Size", "min_value": 0, "max_value": 10}
+ else:
+ readings = args.readings
+ if args.status == "Rejected":
+ readings["reading_1"] = "12" # status is auto set in child on save
if isinstance(readings, list):
for entry in readings:
+ create_quality_inspection_parameter(entry["specification"])
qa.append("readings", entry)
qa.append("readings", readings)
@@ -101,3 +148,11 @@ def create_quality_inspection(**args):
return qa
+def create_quality_inspection_parameter(parameter):
+ if not frappe.db.exists("Quality Inspection Parameter", parameter):
+ frappe.get_doc({
+ "doctype": "Quality Inspection Parameter",
+ "parameter": parameter,
+ "description": parameter
+ }).insert()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/__init__.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47c7e11d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+frappe.ui.form.on('Quality Inspection Parameter', {
+ // refresh: function(frm) {
+ // }
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b5a9b5b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ "actions": [],
+ "autoname": "field:parameter",
+ "creation": "2020-12-28 17:06:00.254129",
+ "doctype": "DocType",
+ "editable_grid": 1,
+ "engine": "InnoDB",
+ "field_order": [
+ "parameter",
+ "description"
+ ],
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "fieldname": "parameter",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Parameter",
+ "unique": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "description",
+ "fieldtype": "Text Editor",
+ "label": "Description"
+ }
+ ],
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-12-28 18:06:54.897317",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Stock",
+ "name": "Quality Inspection Parameter",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "permissions": [
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "System Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Stock User",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Quality Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Manufacturing User",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "quick_entry": 1,
+ "sort_field": "modified",
+ "sort_order": "DESC",
+ "track_changes": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86784221a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/quality_inspection_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# import frappe
+from frappe.model.document import Document
+class QualityInspectionParameter(Document):
+ pass
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/test_quality_inspection_parameter.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/test_quality_inspection_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cefdc0867b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_parameter/test_quality_inspection_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# import frappe
+import unittest
+class TestQualityInspectionParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/quality_inspection_reading.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/quality_inspection_reading.json
index c1976dd1fb..30ff1fea3a 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/quality_inspection_reading.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/quality_inspection_reading.json
@@ -7,21 +7,28 @@
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
- "value",
+ "value",
+ "non_numeric",
+ "manual_inspection",
+ "min_value",
+ "max_value",
+ "formula_based_criteria",
+ "reading_value",
+ "section_break_14",
- "column_break_10",
+ "column_break_10",
- "column_break_14",
+ "column_break_14",
@@ -29,19 +36,20 @@
"columns": 3,
"fieldname": "specification",
- "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Parameter",
"oldfieldname": "specification",
"oldfieldtype": "Data",
+ "options": "Quality Inspection Parameter",
"reqd": 1
"columns": 2,
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && doc.non_numeric)",
"fieldname": "value",
"fieldtype": "Data",
- "in_list_view": 1,
- "label": "Acceptance Criteria",
+ "label": "Acceptance Criteria Value",
"oldfieldname": "value",
"oldfieldtype": "Data"
@@ -67,7 +75,6 @@
"columns": 1,
"fieldname": "reading_3",
"fieldtype": "Data",
- "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Reading 3",
"oldfieldname": "reading_3",
"oldfieldtype": "Data"
@@ -130,18 +137,21 @@
"label": "Status",
"oldfieldname": "status",
"oldfieldtype": "Select",
- "options": "Accepted\nRejected"
+ "options": "\nAccepted\nRejected"
+ "depends_on": "non_numeric",
"fieldname": "section_break_3",
- "fieldtype": "Section Break"
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Value Based Inspection"
"fieldname": "column_break_4",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
- "description": "Simple Python formula based on numeric Readings. Example 1: reading_1 > 0.2 and reading_1 < 0.5 \nExample 2: (reading_1 + reading_2) / 2 < 10",
+ "depends_on": "formula_based_criteria",
+ "description": "Simple Python formula applied on Reading fields. Numeric eg. 1: reading_1 > 0.2 and reading_1 < 0.5 \nNumeric eg. 2: mean > 3.5 (mean of populated fields) \nValue based eg.: reading_value in (\"A\", \"B\", \"C\")",
"fieldname": "acceptance_formula",
"fieldtype": "Code",
"label": "Acceptance Criteria Formula"
@@ -153,12 +163,59 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_14",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "formula_based_criteria",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Formula Based Criteria"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && !doc.non_numeric)",
+ "description": "Applied on each reading.",
+ "fieldname": "min_value",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "label": "Minimum Value"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:(!doc.formula_based_criteria && !doc.non_numeric)",
+ "description": "Applied on each reading.",
+ "fieldname": "max_value",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "label": "Maximum Value"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "non_numeric",
+ "fieldname": "reading_value",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Reading Value"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.non_numeric",
+ "fieldname": "section_break_14",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Numeric Inspection"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "non_numeric",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Non-Numeric"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "description": "Set the status manually.",
+ "fieldname": "manual_inspection",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Manual Inspection"
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-16 16:34:29.947856",
+ "modified": "2021-01-07 22:16:53.978410",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Quality Inspection Reading",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_template/quality_inspection_template.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_template/quality_inspection_template.py
index e2848469b8..c5a7974a73 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_template/quality_inspection_template.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/quality_inspection_template/quality_inspection_template.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ def get_template_details(template):
if not template: return []
return frappe.get_all('Item Quality Inspection Parameter',
- fields=["specification", "value", "acceptance_formula"],
+ fields=["specification", "value", "acceptance_formula",
+ "non_numeric", "formula_based_criteria", "min_value", "max_value"],
filters={'parenttype': 'Quality Inspection Template', 'parent': template},
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/__init__.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e429cd5e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+frappe.ui.form.on('Repost Item Valuation', {
+ setup: function(frm) {
+ frm.set_query("warehouse", () => {
+ let filters = {
+ 'is_group': 0
+ };
+ if (frm.doc.company) filters['company'] = frm.doc.company;
+ return {filters: filters};
+ });
+ frm.set_query("voucher_type", () => {
+ return {
+ filters: {
+ name: ['in', ['Purchase Receipt', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Delivery Note',
+ 'Sales Invoice', 'Stock Entry', 'Stock Reconciliation']]
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ if (frm.doc.company) {
+ frm.set_query("voucher_no", () => {
+ return {
+ filters: {
+ company: frm.doc.company
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ refresh: function(frm) {
+ if (frm.doc.status == "Failed") {
+ frm.add_custom_button(__('Restart'), function () {
+ frm.trigger("restart_reposting");
+ }).addClass("btn-primary");
+ }
+ },
+ restart_reposting: function(frm) {
+ frappe.call({
+ method: "restart_reposting",
+ doc: frm.doc,
+ callback: function(r) {
+ if (!r.exc) {
+ frm.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..071fc86d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ "actions": [],
+ "autoname": "REPOST-ITEM-VAL-.######",
+ "creation": "2020-10-22 22:27:07.742161",
+ "doctype": "DocType",
+ "editable_grid": 1,
+ "engine": "InnoDB",
+ "field_order": [
+ "based_on",
+ "voucher_type",
+ "voucher_no",
+ "item_code",
+ "warehouse",
+ "posting_date",
+ "posting_time",
+ "column_break_5",
+ "status",
+ "company",
+ "allow_negative_stock",
+ "via_landed_cost_voucher",
+ "allow_zero_rate",
+ "amended_from",
+ "error_section",
+ "error_log"
+ ],
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Item and Warehouse'",
+ "fieldname": "item_code",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Item Code",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Item and Warehouse'",
+ "options": "Item"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Item and Warehouse'",
+ "fieldname": "warehouse",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Warehouse",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Item and Warehouse'",
+ "options": "Warehouse"
+ },
+ {
+ "fetch_from": "voucher_no.posting_date",
+ "fieldname": "posting_date",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Posting Date",
+ "reqd": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fetch_from": "voucher_no.posting_time",
+ "fieldname": "posting_time",
+ "fieldtype": "Time",
+ "label": "Posting Time"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "Queued",
+ "fieldname": "status",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "in_standard_filter": 1,
+ "label": "Status",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "options": "Queued\nIn Progress\nCompleted\nFailed",
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "amended_from",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Amended From",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "options": "Repost Item Valuation",
+ "print_hide": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_5",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.status=='Failed'",
+ "fieldname": "error_section",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Error"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "error_log",
+ "fieldtype": "Long Text",
+ "label": "Error Log",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fetch_from": "warehouse.company",
+ "fieldname": "company",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Company",
+ "options": "Company"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Transaction'",
+ "fieldname": "voucher_type",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "in_standard_filter": 1,
+ "label": "Voucher Type",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Transaction'",
+ "options": "DocType"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Transaction'",
+ "fieldname": "voucher_no",
+ "fieldtype": "Dynamic Link",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "in_standard_filter": 1,
+ "label": "Voucher No",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.based_on=='Transaction'",
+ "options": "voucher_type"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "Transaction",
+ "fieldname": "based_on",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "label": "Based On",
+ "options": "Transaction\nItem and Warehouse",
+ "reqd": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "allow_negative_stock",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Allow Negative Stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "via_landed_cost_voucher",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Via Landed Cost Voucher"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "allow_zero_rate",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Allow Zero Rate"
+ }
+ ],
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
+ "is_submittable": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-12-10 07:52:12.476589",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Stock",
+ "name": "Repost Item Valuation",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "permissions": [
+ {
+ "cancel": 1,
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "System Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "submit": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cancel": 1,
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Stock User",
+ "share": 1,
+ "submit": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cancel": 1,
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Stock Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "submit": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cancel": 1,
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Accounts User",
+ "share": 1,
+ "submit": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "sort_field": "modified",
+ "sort_order": "DESC"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba2c2c6f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe, erpnext
+from frappe.model.document import Document
+from frappe.utils import cint, get_link_to_form
+from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import repost_future_sle
+from erpnext.accounts.utils import update_gl_entries_after, check_if_stock_and_account_balance_synced
+from frappe.utils.user import get_users_with_role
+from frappe import _
+class RepostItemValuation(Document):
+ def validate(self):
+ self.set_status()
+ self.reset_field_values()
+ self.set_company()
+ def reset_field_values(self):
+ if self.based_on == 'Transaction':
+ self.item_code = None
+ self.warehouse = None
+ else:
+ self.voucher_type = None
+ self.voucher_no = None
+ def set_company(self):
+ if self.voucher_type and self.voucher_no:
+ self.company = frappe.get_cached_value(self.voucher_type, self.voucher_no, "company")
+ elif self.warehouse:
+ self.company = frappe.get_cached_value("Warehouse", self.warehouse, "company")
+ def set_status(self, status=None):
+ if not status:
+ status = 'Queued'
+ self.db_set('status', status)
+ def on_submit(self):
+ frappe.enqueue(repost, timeout=1800, queue='long',
+ job_name='repost_sle', now=frappe.flags.in_test, doc=self)
+ def restart_reposting(self):
+ self.set_status('Queued')
+ frappe.enqueue(repost, timeout=1800, queue='long',
+ job_name='repost_sle', now=True, doc=self)
+def repost(doc):
+ try:
+ doc.set_status('In Progress')
+ frappe.db.commit()
+ repost_sl_entries(doc)
+ repost_gl_entries(doc)
+ check_if_stock_and_account_balance_synced(doc.posting_date, doc.company)
+ doc.set_status('Completed')
+ except Exception:
+ frappe.db.rollback()
+ traceback = frappe.get_traceback()
+ frappe.log_error(traceback)
+ message = frappe.message_log.pop()
+ if traceback:
+ message += " " + "Traceback: " + traceback
+ frappe.db.set_value(doc.doctype, doc.name, 'error_log', message)
+ notify_error_to_stock_managers(doc)
+ doc.set_status('Failed')
+ raise
+ finally:
+ frappe.db.commit()
+def repost_sl_entries(doc):
+ if doc.based_on == 'Transaction':
+ repost_future_sle(voucher_type=doc.voucher_type, voucher_no=doc.voucher_no,
+ allow_negative_stock=doc.allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher=doc.via_landed_cost_voucher)
+ else:
+ repost_future_sle(args=[frappe._dict({
+ "item_code": doc.item_code,
+ "warehouse": doc.warehouse,
+ "posting_date": doc.posting_date,
+ "posting_time": doc.posting_time
+ })], allow_negative_stock=doc.allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher=doc.via_landed_cost_voucher)
+def repost_gl_entries(doc):
+ if not cint(erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(doc.company)):
+ return
+ if doc.based_on == 'Transaction':
+ ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(doc.voucher_type, doc.voucher_no)
+ items, warehouses = ref_doc.get_items_and_warehouses()
+ else:
+ items = [doc.item_code]
+ warehouses = [doc.warehouse]
+ update_gl_entries_after(doc.posting_date, doc.posting_time,
+ warehouses, items, company=doc.company)
+def notify_error_to_stock_managers(doc, traceback):
+ recipients = get_users_with_role("Stock Manager")
+ if not recipients:
+ get_users_with_role("System Manager")
+ subject = _("Error while reposting item valuation")
+ message = (_("Hi,") + " "
+ + _("An error has been appeared while reposting item valuation via {0}")
+ .format(get_link_to_form(doc.doctype, doc.name)) + " "
+ + _("Please check the error message and take necessary actions to fix the error and then restart the reposting again.")
+ )
+ frappe.sendmail(recipients=recipients, subject=subject, message=message)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13ceb68669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# import frappe
+import unittest
+class TestRepostItemValuation(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/serial_no.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/serial_no.py
index 295149e238..6bacf1f8a3 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/serial_no.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/serial_no.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import frappe
import json
from frappe.model.naming import make_autoname
-from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, flt, add_days, nowdate, getdate
+from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, flt, add_days, nowdate, getdate, get_link_to_form
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_reserved_qty_for_so
from frappe import _, ValidationError
@@ -134,17 +134,13 @@ class SerialNo(StockController):
sle_dict = self.get_stock_ledger_entries(serial_no)
if sle_dict:
if sle_dict.get("incoming", []):
- sle_list = [sle for sle in sle_dict["incoming"] if sle.is_cancelled == 0]
- if sle_list:
- entries["purchase_sle"] = sle_list[0]
+ entries["purchase_sle"] = sle_dict["incoming"][0]
if len(sle_dict.get("incoming", [])) - len(sle_dict.get("outgoing", [])) > 0:
entries["last_sle"] = sle_dict["incoming"][0]
entries["last_sle"] = sle_dict["outgoing"][0]
- sle_list = [sle for sle in sle_dict["outgoing"] if sle.is_cancelled == 0]
- if sle_list:
- entries["delivery_sle"] = sle_list[0]
+ entries["delivery_sle"] = sle_dict["outgoing"][0]
return entries
@@ -155,11 +151,12 @@ class SerialNo(StockController):
for sle in frappe.db.sql("""
SELECT voucher_type, voucher_no,
- posting_date, posting_time, incoming_rate, actual_qty, serial_no, is_cancelled
+ posting_date, posting_time, incoming_rate, actual_qty, serial_no
`tabStock Ledger Entry`
item_code=%s AND company = %s
+ AND is_cancelled = 0
AND (serial_no = %s
OR serial_no like %s
OR serial_no like %s
@@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ class SerialNo(StockController):
def on_trash(self):
sl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select serial_no from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- where serial_no like %s and item_code=%s""",
+ where serial_no like %s and item_code=%s and is_cancelled=0""",
("%%%s%%" % self.name, self.item_code), as_dict=True)
# Find the exact match
@@ -229,7 +226,7 @@ def validate_serial_no(sle, item_det):
if serial_nos:
frappe.throw(_("Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Column must be blank").format(sle.item_code),
- else:
+ elif not sle.is_cancelled:
if serial_nos:
if cint(sle.actual_qty) != flt(sle.actual_qty):
frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} quantity {1} cannot be a fraction").format(sle.item_code, sle.actual_qty))
@@ -244,21 +241,18 @@ def validate_serial_no(sle, item_det):
for serial_no in serial_nos:
if frappe.db.exists("Serial No", serial_no):
sr = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, ["name", "item_code", "batch_no", "sales_order",
- "delivery_document_no", "delivery_document_type", "warehouse",
+ "delivery_document_no", "delivery_document_type", "warehouse", "purchase_document_type",
"purchase_document_no", "company"], as_dict=1)
- if sr and cint(sle.actual_qty) < 0 and sr.warehouse != sle.warehouse:
- frappe.throw(_("Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3}")
- .format(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, serial_no, sle.warehouse), SerialNoWarehouseError)
if sr.item_code!=sle.item_code:
if not allow_serial_nos_with_different_item(serial_no, sle):
frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} does not belong to Item {1}").format(serial_no,
sle.item_code), SerialNoItemError)
- if cint(sle.actual_qty) > 0 and has_duplicate_serial_no(sr, sle):
- frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} has already been received").format(serial_no),
- SerialNoDuplicateError)
+ if cint(sle.actual_qty) > 0 and has_serial_no_exists(sr, sle):
+ doc_name = frappe.bold(get_link_to_form(sr.purchase_document_type, sr.purchase_document_no))
+ frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} has already been received in the {1} #{2}")
+ .format(frappe.bold(serial_no), sr.purchase_document_type, doc_name), SerialNoDuplicateError)
if (sr.delivery_document_no and sle.voucher_type not in ['Stock Entry', 'Stock Reconciliation']
and sle.voucher_type == sr.delivery_document_type):
@@ -277,7 +271,7 @@ def validate_serial_no(sle, item_det):
frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} does not belong to Batch {1}").format(serial_no,
sle.batch_no), SerialNoBatchError)
- if not sr.warehouse:
+ if not sle.is_cancelled and not sr.warehouse:
frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} does not belong to any Warehouse")
.format(serial_no), SerialNoWarehouseError)
@@ -327,6 +321,12 @@ def validate_serial_no(sle, item_det):
elif cint(sle.actual_qty) < 0 or not item_det.serial_no_series:
frappe.throw(_("Serial Nos Required for Serialized Item {0}").format(sle.item_code),
+ elif serial_nos:
+ for serial_no in serial_nos:
+ sr = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, ["name", "warehouse"], as_dict=1)
+ if sr and cint(sle.actual_qty) < 0 and sr.warehouse != sle.warehouse:
+ frappe.throw(_("Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3}")
+ .format(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, serial_no, sle.warehouse))
def validate_material_transfer_entry(sle_doc):
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ def validate_material_transfer_entry(sle_doc):
"skip_serial_no_validaiton": False
- if (sle_doc.voucher_type == "Stock Entry" and
+ if (sle_doc.voucher_type == "Stock Entry" and not sle_doc.is_cancelled and
frappe.get_cached_value("Stock Entry", sle_doc.voucher_no, "purpose") == "Material Transfer"):
if sle_doc.actual_qty < 0:
sle_doc.skip_update_serial_no = True
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ def validate_so_serial_no(sr, sales_order):
frappe.throw(_("""{0} Serial No {1} cannot be delivered""")
.format(msg, sr.name))
-def has_duplicate_serial_no(sn, sle):
+def has_serial_no_exists(sn, sle):
if (sn.warehouse and not sle.skip_serial_no_validaiton
and sle.voucher_type != 'Stock Reconciliation'):
return True
@@ -359,12 +359,13 @@ def has_duplicate_serial_no(sn, sle):
status = False
if sn.purchase_document_no:
- if sle.voucher_type in ['Purchase Receipt', 'Stock Entry', "Purchase Invoice"] and \
- sn.delivery_document_type not in ['Purchase Receipt', 'Stock Entry', "Purchase Invoice"]:
+ if (sle.voucher_type in ['Purchase Receipt', 'Stock Entry', "Purchase Invoice"] and
+ sn.delivery_document_type not in ['Purchase Receipt', 'Stock Entry', "Purchase Invoice"]):
status = True
- if status and sle.voucher_type == 'Stock Entry' and \
- frappe.db.get_value('Stock Entry', sle.voucher_no, 'purpose') != 'Material Receipt':
+ # If status is receipt then system will allow to in-ward the delivered serial no
+ if (status and sle.voucher_type == "Stock Entry" and frappe.db.get_value("Stock Entry",
+ sle.voucher_no, "purpose") in ("Material Receipt", "Material Transfer")):
status = False
return status
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ def allow_serial_nos_with_different_item(sle_serial_no, sle):
stock_entry = frappe.get_cached_doc("Stock Entry", sle.voucher_no)
if stock_entry.purpose in ("Repack", "Manufacture"):
for d in stock_entry.get("items"):
- if d.serial_no and (d.s_warehouse or d.t_warehouse):
+ if d.serial_no and (d.s_warehouse if not sle.is_cancelled else d.t_warehouse):
serial_nos = get_serial_nos(d.serial_no)
if sle_serial_no in serial_nos:
allow_serial_nos = True
@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ def allow_serial_nos_with_different_item(sle_serial_no, sle):
def update_serial_nos(sle, item_det):
if sle.skip_update_serial_no: return
- if not sle.serial_no and cint(sle.actual_qty) > 0 \
+ if not sle.is_cancelled and not sle.serial_no and cint(sle.actual_qty) > 0 \
and item_det.has_serial_no == 1 and item_det.serial_no_series:
serial_nos = get_auto_serial_nos(item_det.serial_no_series, sle.actual_qty)
frappe.db.set(sle, "serial_no", serial_nos)
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ def auto_make_serial_nos(args):
if is_new:
- form_links = list(map(lambda d: frappe.utils.get_link_to_form('Serial No', d), created_numbers))
+ form_links = list(map(lambda d: get_link_to_form('Serial No', d), created_numbers))
# Setting up tranlated title field for all cases
singular_title = _("Serial Number Created")
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/test_serial_no.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/test_serial_no.py
index ab061076e5..ed70790b2c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/test_serial_no.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/test_serial_no.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import make_pu
from erpnext.stock.doctype.delivery_note.test_delivery_note import create_delivery_note
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import get_serial_nos
from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import create_warehouse
-from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import set_perpetual_inventory
test_dependencies = ["Item"]
test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Serial No')
@@ -38,8 +37,6 @@ class TestSerialNo(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError, sr.save)
def test_inter_company_transfer(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, "_Test Company 1")
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
se = make_serialized_item(target_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
serial_nos = get_serial_nos(se.get("items")[0].serial_no)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
index 37a9cc6c02..76c331c5c2 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
@@ -345,7 +345,8 @@
"label": "Status",
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Draft\nSubmitted\nBooked\nCancelled\nCompleted",
- "print_hide": 1
+ "print_hide": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
"fieldname": "tracking_url",
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-12-02 15:43:44.607039",
+ "modified": "2020-12-25 15:02:34.891976",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Shipment",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.py
index de0c243b05..4697a7b323 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
-from frappe.utils import flt
+from frappe.utils import flt, get_time
from frappe.model.document import Document
from erpnext.accounts.party import get_party_shipping_address
from frappe.contacts.doctype.contact.contact import get_default_contact
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from frappe.contacts.doctype.contact.contact import get_default_contact
class Shipment(Document):
def validate(self):
+ self.validate_pickup_time()
if self.docstatus == 0:
self.status = 'Draft'
@@ -32,6 +33,10 @@ class Shipment(Document):
if flt(parcel.weight) <= 0:
frappe.throw(_('Parcel weight cannot be 0'))
+ def validate_pickup_time(self):
+ if self.pickup_from and self.pickup_to and get_time(self.pickup_to) < get_time(self.pickup_from):
+ frappe.throw(_("Pickup To time should be greater than Pickup From time"))
def set_value_of_goods(self):
value_of_goods = 0
for entry in self.get("shipment_delivery_note"):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
index 27fcbb7e2a..f75e8b727d 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
@@ -510,22 +510,31 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Stock Entry', {
calculate_amount: function(frm) {
- const total_basic_amount = frappe.utils.sum(
- (frm.doc.items || []).map(function(i) { return i.t_warehouse ? flt(i.basic_amount) : 0; })
- );
+ let total_basic_amount = 0;
+ if (in_list(["Repack", "Manufacture"], frm.doc.purpose)) {
+ total_basic_amount = frappe.utils.sum(
+ (frm.doc.items || []).map(function(i) {
+ return i.is_finished_item ? flt(i.basic_amount) : 0;
+ })
+ );
+ } else {
+ total_basic_amount = frappe.utils.sum(
+ (frm.doc.items || []).map(function(i) {
+ return i.t_warehouse ? flt(i.basic_amount) : 0;
+ })
+ );
+ }
for (let i in frm.doc.items) {
let item = frm.doc.items[i];
- if (item.t_warehouse && total_basic_amount) {
+ if (((in_list(["Repack", "Manufacture"], frm.doc.purpose) && item.is_finished_item) || item.t_warehouse) && total_basic_amount) {
item.additional_cost = (flt(item.basic_amount) / total_basic_amount) * frm.doc.total_additional_costs;
} else {
item.additional_cost = 0;
- item.amount = flt(item.basic_amount + flt(item.additional_cost),
- precision("amount", item));
+ item.amount = flt(item.basic_amount + flt(item.additional_cost), precision("amount", item));
if (flt(item.transfer_qty)) {
item.valuation_rate = flt(flt(item.basic_rate) + (flt(item.additional_cost) / flt(item.transfer_qty)),
@@ -666,7 +675,13 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Stock Entry Detail', {
- if (!d.serial_no) {
+ let no_batch_serial_number_value = !d.serial_no;
+ if (d.has_batch_no && !d.has_serial_no) {
+ // check only batch_no for batched item
+ no_batch_serial_number_value = !d.batch_no;
+ }
+ if (no_batch_serial_number_value) {
erpnext.stock.select_batch_and_serial_no(frm, d);
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json
index 61e0df6723..5aed08102c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json
@@ -644,9 +644,10 @@
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
"idx": 1,
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-08-11 19:10:07.954981",
+ "modified": "2020-09-09 12:59:02.508943",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Stock Entry",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
index 32d7e6eb34..2fc7da8389 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from erpnext.stock.utils import get_bin
from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import update_serial_nos_after_submit, get_serial_nos
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.stock_reconciliation import OpeningEntryAccountError
+from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import process_gl_map
import json
from six import string_types, itervalues, iteritems
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
+ self.mark_finished_and_scrap_items()
@@ -75,13 +76,11 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
set_batch_nos(self, 's_warehouse')
- self.set_incoming_rate()
- self.calculate_rate_and_amount(update_finished_item_rate=False)
+ self.calculate_rate_and_amount()
def on_submit(self):
update_serial_nos_after_submit(self, "items")
@@ -89,11 +88,15 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
if self.purchase_order and self.purpose == "Send to Subcontractor":
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
if self.work_order and self.purpose == "Manufacture":
@@ -113,9 +116,10 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
- self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
+ self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'Repost Item Valuation')
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
@@ -255,12 +259,16 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
def validate_fg_completed_qty(self):
+ item_wise_qty = {}
if self.purpose == "Manufacture" and self.work_order:
- production_item = frappe.get_value('Work Order', self.work_order, 'production_item')
- for item in self.items:
- if item.item_code == production_item and item.t_warehouse and item.qty != self.fg_completed_qty:
- frappe.throw(_("Finished product quantity {0} and For Quantity {1} cannot be different")
- .format(item.qty, self.fg_completed_qty))
+ for d in self.items:
+ if d.is_finished_item:
+ item_wise_qty.setdefault(d.item_code, []).append(d.qty)
+ for item_code, qty_list in iteritems(item_wise_qty):
+ if self.fg_completed_qty != sum(qty_list):
+ frappe.throw(_("The finished product {0} quantity {1} and For Quantity {2} cannot be different")
+ .format(frappe.bold(item_code), frappe.bold(sum(qty_list)), frappe.bold(self.fg_completed_qty)))
def validate_difference_account(self):
if not cint(erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(self.company)):
@@ -316,7 +324,7 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
if self.purpose == "Manufacture":
if validate_for_manufacture:
- if d.bom_no:
+ if d.is_finished_item or d.is_scrap_item:
d.s_warehouse = None
if not d.t_warehouse:
frappe.throw(_("Target warehouse is mandatory for row {0}").format(d.idx))
@@ -382,21 +390,6 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
frappe.throw(_("Stock Entries already created for Work Order ")
+ self.work_order + ":" + ", ".join(other_ste), DuplicateEntryForWorkOrderError)
- def set_incoming_rate(self):
- if self.purpose == "Repack":
- self.set_basic_rate_for_finished_goods()
- for d in self.items:
- if d.s_warehouse:
- args = self.get_args_for_incoming_rate(d)
- d.basic_rate = get_incoming_rate(args)
- elif d.allow_zero_valuation_rate and not d.s_warehouse:
- d.basic_rate = 0.0
- elif d.t_warehouse and not d.basic_rate:
- d.basic_rate = get_valuation_rate(d.item_code, d.t_warehouse,
- self.doctype, self.name, d.allow_zero_valuation_rate,
- currency=erpnext.get_company_currency(self.company), company=self.company)
def set_actual_qty(self):
allow_negative_stock = cint(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock"))
@@ -432,57 +425,65 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
d.serial_no = transferred_serial_no
def get_stock_and_rate(self):
+ """
+ Updates rate and availability of all the items.
+ Called from Update Rate and Availability button.
+ """
- def calculate_rate_and_amount(self, force=False,
- update_finished_item_rate=True, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
- self.set_basic_rate(force, update_finished_item_rate, raise_error_if_no_rate)
+ def calculate_rate_and_amount(self, reset_outgoing_rate=True, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
+ self.set_basic_rate(reset_outgoing_rate, raise_error_if_no_rate)
- def set_basic_rate(self, force=False, update_finished_item_rate=True, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
- """get stock and incoming rate on posting date"""
- raw_material_cost = 0.0
- scrap_material_cost = 0.0
- fg_basic_rate = 0.0
+ def set_basic_rate(self, reset_outgoing_rate=True, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
+ """
+ Set rate for outgoing, scrapped and finished items
+ """
+ # Set rate for outgoing items
+ outgoing_items_cost = self.set_rate_for_outgoing_items(reset_outgoing_rate)
+ finished_item_qty = sum([d.transfer_qty for d in self.items if d.is_finished_item])
+ # Set basic rate for incoming items
for d in self.get('items'):
- if d.t_warehouse: fg_basic_rate = flt(d.basic_rate)
- args = self.get_args_for_incoming_rate(d)
+ if d.s_warehouse or d.set_basic_rate_manually: continue
- # get basic rate
- if not d.bom_no:
- if (not flt(d.basic_rate) and not d.allow_zero_valuation_rate) or d.s_warehouse or force:
- basic_rate = flt(get_incoming_rate(args, raise_error_if_no_rate), self.precision("basic_rate", d))
- if basic_rate > 0:
- d.basic_rate = basic_rate
+ if d.allow_zero_valuation_rate:
+ d.basic_rate = 0.0
+ elif d.is_finished_item:
+ if self.purpose == "Manufacture":
+ d.basic_rate = self.get_basic_rate_for_manufactured_item(finished_item_qty, outgoing_items_cost)
+ elif self.purpose == "Repack":
+ d.basic_rate = self.get_basic_rate_for_repacked_items(d.transfer_qty, outgoing_items_cost)
+ if not d.basic_rate and not d.allow_zero_valuation_rate:
+ d.basic_rate = get_valuation_rate(d.item_code, d.t_warehouse,
+ self.doctype, self.name, d.allow_zero_valuation_rate,
+ currency=erpnext.get_company_currency(self.company), company=self.company,
+ raise_error_if_no_rate=raise_error_if_no_rate)
+ d.basic_rate = flt(d.basic_rate, d.precision("basic_rate"))
+ d.basic_amount = flt(flt(d.transfer_qty) * flt(d.basic_rate), d.precision("basic_amount"))
+ def set_rate_for_outgoing_items(self, reset_outgoing_rate=True):
+ outgoing_items_cost = 0.0
+ for d in self.get('items'):
+ if d.s_warehouse:
+ if reset_outgoing_rate:
+ args = self.get_args_for_incoming_rate(d)
+ rate = get_incoming_rate(args)
+ if rate > 0:
+ d.basic_rate = rate
d.basic_amount = flt(flt(d.transfer_qty) * flt(d.basic_rate), d.precision("basic_amount"))
if not d.t_warehouse:
- raw_material_cost += flt(d.basic_amount)
- # get scrap items basic rate
- if d.bom_no:
- if not flt(d.basic_rate) and not d.allow_zero_valuation_rate and \
- getattr(self, "pro_doc", frappe._dict()).scrap_warehouse == d.t_warehouse:
- basic_rate = flt(get_incoming_rate(args, raise_error_if_no_rate),
- self.precision("basic_rate", d))
- if basic_rate > 0:
- d.basic_rate = basic_rate
- d.basic_amount = flt(flt(d.transfer_qty) * flt(d.basic_rate), d.precision("basic_amount"))
- if getattr(self, "pro_doc", frappe._dict()).scrap_warehouse == d.t_warehouse:
- scrap_material_cost += flt(d.basic_amount)
- number_of_fg_items = len([t.t_warehouse for t in self.get("items") if t.t_warehouse])
- if (fg_basic_rate == 0.0 and number_of_fg_items == 1) or update_finished_item_rate:
- self.set_basic_rate_for_finished_goods(raw_material_cost, scrap_material_cost)
+ outgoing_items_cost += flt(d.basic_amount)
+ return outgoing_items_cost
def get_args_for_incoming_rate(self, item):
return frappe._dict({
@@ -498,44 +499,44 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
"allow_zero_valuation": item.allow_zero_valuation_rate,
- def set_basic_rate_for_finished_goods(self, raw_material_cost=0, scrap_material_cost=0):
- total_fg_qty = 0
- if not raw_material_cost and self.get("items"):
- raw_material_cost = sum([flt(row.basic_amount) for row in self.items
- if row.s_warehouse and not row.t_warehouse])
+ def get_basic_rate_for_repacked_items(self, finished_item_qty, outgoing_items_cost):
+ finished_items = [d.item_code for d in self.get("items") if d.is_finished_item]
+ if len(finished_items) == 1:
+ return flt(outgoing_items_cost / finished_item_qty)
+ else:
+ unique_finished_items = set(finished_items)
+ if len(unique_finished_items) == 1:
+ total_fg_qty = sum([flt(d.transfer_qty) for d in self.items if d.is_finished_item])
+ return flt(outgoing_items_cost / total_fg_qty)
- total_fg_qty = sum([flt(row.qty) for row in self.items
- if row.t_warehouse and not row.s_warehouse])
+ def get_basic_rate_for_manufactured_item(self, finished_item_qty, outgoing_items_cost=0):
+ scrap_items_cost = sum([flt(d.basic_amount) for d in self.get("items") if d.is_scrap_item])
- if self.purpose in ["Manufacture", "Repack"]:
- for d in self.get("items"):
- if (d.transfer_qty and (d.bom_no or d.t_warehouse)
- and (getattr(self, "pro_doc", frappe._dict()).scrap_warehouse != d.t_warehouse)):
+ # Get raw materials cost from BOM if multiple material consumption entries
+ if frappe.db.get_single_value("Manufacturing Settings", "material_consumption"):
+ bom_items = self.get_bom_raw_materials(finished_item_qty)
+ outgoing_items_cost = sum([flt(row.qty)*flt(row.rate) for row in bom_items.values()])
- if (self.work_order and self.purpose == "Manufacture"
- and frappe.db.get_single_value("Manufacturing Settings", "material_consumption")):
- bom_items = self.get_bom_raw_materials(d.transfer_qty)
- raw_material_cost = sum([flt(row.qty)*flt(row.rate) for row in bom_items.values()])
- if raw_material_cost and self.purpose == "Manufacture":
- d.basic_rate = flt((raw_material_cost - scrap_material_cost) / flt(d.transfer_qty), d.precision("basic_rate"))
- d.basic_amount = flt((raw_material_cost - scrap_material_cost), d.precision("basic_amount"))
- elif self.purpose == "Repack" and total_fg_qty and not d.set_basic_rate_manually:
- d.basic_rate = flt(raw_material_cost) / flt(total_fg_qty)
- d.basic_amount = d.basic_rate * flt(d.qty)
+ return flt((outgoing_items_cost - scrap_items_cost) / finished_item_qty)
def distribute_additional_costs(self):
- if self.purpose == "Material Issue":
+ # If no incoming items, set additional costs blank
+ if not any([d.item_code for d in self.items if d.t_warehouse]):
self.additional_costs = []
self.total_additional_costs = sum([flt(t.amount) for t in self.get("additional_costs")])
- total_basic_amount = sum([flt(t.basic_amount) for t in self.get("items") if t.t_warehouse])
- for d in self.get("items"):
- if d.t_warehouse and total_basic_amount:
- d.additional_cost = (flt(d.basic_amount) / total_basic_amount) * self.total_additional_costs
- else:
- d.additional_cost = 0
+ if self.purpose in ("Repack", "Manufacture"):
+ incoming_items_cost = sum([flt(t.basic_amount) for t in self.get("items") if t.is_finished_item])
+ else:
+ incoming_items_cost = sum([flt(t.basic_amount) for t in self.get("items") if t.t_warehouse])
+ if incoming_items_cost:
+ for d in self.get("items"):
+ if (self.purpose in ("Repack", "Manufacture") and d.is_finished_item) or d.t_warehouse:
+ d.additional_cost = (flt(d.basic_amount) / incoming_items_cost) * self.total_additional_costs
+ else:
+ d.additional_cost = 0
def update_valuation_rate(self):
for d in self.get("items"):
@@ -638,71 +639,115 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
item_code = d.original_item or d.item_code
validate_bom_no(item_code, d.bom_no)
+ def mark_finished_and_scrap_items(self):
+ if self.purpose in ("Repack", "Manufacture"):
+ if any([d.item_code for d in self.items if (d.is_finished_item and d.t_warehouse)]):
+ return
+ finished_item = self.get_finished_item()
+ for d in self.items:
+ if d.t_warehouse and not d.s_warehouse:
+ if self.purpose=="Repack" or d.item_code == finished_item:
+ d.is_finished_item = 1
+ else:
+ d.is_scrap_item = 1
+ else:
+ d.is_finished_item = 0
+ d.is_scrap_item = 0
+ def get_finished_item(self):
+ finished_item = None
+ if self.work_order:
+ finished_item = frappe.db.get_value("Work Order", self.work_order, "production_item")
+ elif self.bom_no:
+ finished_item = frappe.db.get_value("BOM", self.bom_no, "item")
+ return finished_item
def validate_finished_goods(self):
"""validation: finished good quantity should be same as manufacturing quantity"""
if not self.work_order: return
- items_with_target_warehouse = []
- allowance_percentage = flt(frappe.db.get_single_value("Manufacturing Settings",
- "overproduction_percentage_for_work_order"))
production_item, wo_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Work Order",
self.work_order, ["production_item", "qty"])
+ finished_items = []
for d in self.get('items'):
- if (self.purpose != "Send to Subcontractor" and d.bom_no
- and flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(self.fg_completed_qty) and d.item_code == production_item):
- frappe.throw(_("Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2}"). \
- format(d.idx, d.transfer_qty, self.fg_completed_qty))
+ if d.is_finished_item:
+ if d.item_code != production_item:
+ frappe.throw(_("Finished Item {0} does not match with Work Order {1}")
+ .format(d.item_code, self.work_order))
+ elif flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(self.fg_completed_qty):
+ frappe.throw(_("Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2}"). \
+ format(d.idx, d.transfer_qty, self.fg_completed_qty))
+ finished_items.append(d.item_code)
- if self.work_order and self.purpose == "Manufacture" and d.t_warehouse:
- items_with_target_warehouse.append(d.item_code)
+ if len(set(finished_items)) > 1:
+ frappe.throw(_("Multiple items cannot be marked as finished item"))
+ if self.purpose == "Manufacture":
+ allowance_percentage = flt(frappe.db.get_single_value("Manufacturing Settings",
+ "overproduction_percentage_for_work_order"))
- if self.work_order and self.purpose == "Manufacture":
allowed_qty = wo_qty + (allowance_percentage/100 * wo_qty)
if self.fg_completed_qty > allowed_qty:
frappe.throw(_("For quantity {0} should not be greater than work order quantity {1}")
.format(flt(self.fg_completed_qty), wo_qty))
- if production_item not in items_with_target_warehouse:
- frappe.throw(_("Finished Item {0} must be entered for Manufacture type entry")
- .format(production_item))
def update_stock_ledger(self):
sl_entries = []
+ finished_item_row = self.get_finished_item_row()
- # make sl entries for source warehouse first, then do for target warehouse
- for d in self.get('items'):
- if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
- sl_entries.append(self.get_sl_entries(d, {
- "warehouse": cstr(d.s_warehouse),
- "actual_qty": -flt(d.transfer_qty),
- "incoming_rate": 0
- }))
+ # make sl entries for source warehouse first
+ self.get_sle_for_source_warehouse(sl_entries, finished_item_row)
- for d in self.get('items'):
- if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
- sl_entries.append(self.get_sl_entries(d, {
- "warehouse": cstr(d.t_warehouse),
- "actual_qty": flt(d.transfer_qty),
- "incoming_rate": flt(d.valuation_rate)
- }))
- # On cancellation, make stock ledger entry for
- # target warehouse first, to update serial no values properly
- # if cstr(d.s_warehouse) and self.docstatus == 2:
- # sl_entries.append(self.get_sl_entries(d, {
- # "warehouse": cstr(d.s_warehouse),
- # "actual_qty": -flt(d.transfer_qty),
- # "incoming_rate": 0
- # }))
+ # SLE for target warehouse
+ self.get_sle_for_target_warehouse(sl_entries, finished_item_row)
+ # reverse sl entries if cancel
if self.docstatus == 2:
+ def get_finished_item_row(self):
+ finished_item_row = None
+ if self.purpose in ("Manufacture", "Repack"):
+ for d in self.get('items'):
+ if d.is_finished_item:
+ finished_item_row = d
+ return finished_item_row
+ def get_sle_for_source_warehouse(self, sl_entries, finished_item_row):
+ for d in self.get('items'):
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ sle = self.get_sl_entries(d, {
+ "warehouse": cstr(d.s_warehouse),
+ "actual_qty": -flt(d.transfer_qty),
+ "incoming_rate": 0
+ })
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ sle.dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no = d.name
+ elif finished_item_row and (finished_item_row.item_code != d.item_code or finished_item_row.t_warehouse != d.s_warehouse):
+ sle.dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no = finished_item_row.name
+ sl_entries.append(sle)
+ def get_sle_for_target_warehouse(self, sl_entries, finished_item_row):
+ for d in self.get('items'):
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ sle = self.get_sl_entries(d, {
+ "warehouse": cstr(d.t_warehouse),
+ "actual_qty": flt(d.transfer_qty),
+ "incoming_rate": flt(d.valuation_rate)
+ })
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse) or (finished_item_row and d.name == finished_item_row.name):
+ sle.recalculate_rate = 1
+ sl_entries.append(sle)
def get_gl_entries(self, warehouse_account):
gl_entries = super(StockEntry, self).get_gl_entries(warehouse_account)
@@ -747,7 +792,7 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
"credit": -1 * amount # put it as negative credit instead of debit purposefully
}, item=d))
- return gl_entries
+ return process_gl_map(gl_entries)
def update_work_order(self):
def _validate_work_order(pro_doc):
@@ -996,6 +1041,7 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
"stock_uom": item.stock_uom,
"expense_account": item.get("expense_account"),
"cost_center": item.get("buying_cost_center"),
+ "is_finished_item": 1
}, bom_no = self.bom_no)
@@ -1034,6 +1080,7 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
for item in itervalues(item_dict):
item.from_warehouse = ""
+ item.is_scrap_item = 1
return item_dict
def get_unconsumed_raw_materials(self):
@@ -1246,6 +1293,8 @@ class StockEntry(StockController):
se_child.subcontracted_item = item_dict[d].get("main_item_code")
se_child.cost_center = (item_dict[d].get("cost_center") or
get_default_cost_center(item_dict[d], company = self.company))
+ se_child.is_finished_item = item_dict[d].get("is_finished_item", 0)
+ se_child.is_scrap_item = item_dict[d].get("is_scrap_item", 0)
for field in ["idx", "po_detail", "original_item",
"expense_account", "description", "item_name"]:
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/test_stock_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/test_stock_entry.py
index 9b6744ca3c..123f0c8647 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/test_stock_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/test_stock_entry.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import frappe, unittest
import frappe.defaults
from frappe.utils import flt, nowdate, nowtime
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import *
-from erpnext import set_perpetual_inventory
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_ledger_entry.stock_ledger_entry import StockFreezeError
from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle
from frappe.permissions import add_user_permission, remove_user_permission
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ def get_sle(**args):
class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(0)
def test_fifo(self):
frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock", 1)
@@ -181,22 +179,20 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def test_material_transfer_gl_entry(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', 'Stores - TCP1', 'company')
- create_stock_reconciliation(qty=100, rate=100)
mtn = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", source="Stores - TCP1",
- target="Finished Goods - TCP1", qty=45)
+ target="Finished Goods - TCP1", qty=45, company=company)
self.check_stock_ledger_entries("Stock Entry", mtn.name,
[["_Test Item", "Stores - TCP1", -45.0], ["_Test Item", "Finished Goods - TCP1", 45.0]])
- stock_in_hand_account = get_inventory_account(mtn.company, mtn.get("items")[0].s_warehouse)
+ source_warehouse_account = get_inventory_account(mtn.company, mtn.get("items")[0].s_warehouse)
- fixed_asset_account = get_inventory_account(mtn.company, mtn.get("items")[0].t_warehouse)
+ target_warehouse_account = get_inventory_account(mtn.company, mtn.get("items")[0].t_warehouse)
- if stock_in_hand_account == fixed_asset_account:
+ if source_warehouse_account == target_warehouse_account:
# no gl entry as both source and target warehouse has linked to same account.
self.assertFalse(frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabGL Entry`
- where voucher_type='Stock Entry' and voucher_no=%s""", mtn.name))
+ where voucher_type='Stock Entry' and voucher_no=%s""", mtn.name, as_dict=1))
stock_value_diff = abs(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Stock Entry",
@@ -204,8 +200,8 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_gl_entries("Stock Entry", mtn.name,
- [stock_in_hand_account, 0.0, stock_value_diff],
- [fixed_asset_account, stock_value_diff, 0.0],
+ [source_warehouse_account, 0.0, stock_value_diff],
+ [target_warehouse_account, stock_value_diff, 0.0],
@@ -213,7 +209,6 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def test_repack_no_change_in_valuation(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'company')
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, company)
make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100)
make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item Home Desktop 100", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC",
@@ -235,8 +230,6 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
order by account desc""", repack.name, as_dict=1)
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, repack.company)
def test_repack_with_additional_costs(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', 'Stores - TCP1', 'company')
@@ -474,7 +467,6 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def test_warehouse_company_validation(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse 2 - _TC1', 'company')
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, company)
frappe.get_doc("User", "test2@example.com")\
.add_roles("Sales User", "Sales Manager", "Stock User", "Stock Manager")
@@ -500,7 +492,7 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
st1 = frappe.copy_doc(test_records[0])
st1.company = "_Test Company 1"
- set_perpetual_inventory(0, st1.company)
st1.get("items")[0].t_warehouse="_Test Warehouse 2 - _TC1"
self.assertRaises(frappe.PermissionError, st1.insert)
@@ -698,47 +690,54 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, repack.submit)
- def test_material_consumption(self):
- from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.work_order.work_order \
- import make_stock_entry as _make_stock_entry
- bom_no = frappe.db.get_value("BOM", {"item": "_Test FG Item 2",
- "is_default": 1, "docstatus": 1})
+ # def test_material_consumption(self):
+ # frappe.db.set_value("Manufacturing Settings", None, "backflush_raw_materials_based_on", "BOM")
+ # frappe.db.set_value("Manufacturing Settings", None, "material_consumption", "0")
- work_order = frappe.new_doc("Work Order")
- work_order.update({
- "company": "_Test Company",
- "fg_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse 1 - _TC",
- "production_item": "_Test FG Item 2",
- "bom_no": bom_no,
- "qty": 4.0,
- "stock_uom": "_Test UOM",
- "wip_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
- "additional_operating_cost": 1000
- })
- work_order.insert()
- work_order.submit()
+ # from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.work_order.work_order \
+ # import make_stock_entry as _make_stock_entry
+ # bom_no = frappe.db.get_value("BOM", {"item": "_Test FG Item 2",
+ # "is_default": 1, "docstatus": 1})
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100)
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item 2", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=20)
+ # work_order = frappe.new_doc("Work Order")
+ # work_order.update({
+ # "company": "_Test Company",
+ # "fg_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse 1 - _TC",
+ # "production_item": "_Test FG Item 2",
+ # "bom_no": bom_no,
+ # "qty": 4.0,
+ # "stock_uom": "_Test UOM",
+ # "wip_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
+ # "additional_operating_cost": 1000,
+ # "use_multi_level_bom": 1
+ # })
+ # work_order.insert()
+ # work_order.submit()
- item_quantity = {
- '_Test Item': 10.0,
- '_Test Item 2': 12.0,
- '_Test Serialized Item With Series': 6.0
- }
+ # make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100)
+ # make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item 2", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=20)
- stock_entry = frappe.get_doc(_make_stock_entry(work_order.name, "Material Consumption for Manufacture", 2))
- for d in stock_entry.get('items'):
- self.assertEqual(item_quantity.get(d.item_code), d.qty)
+ # item_quantity = {
+ # '_Test Item': 2.0,
+ # '_Test Item 2': 12.0,
+ # '_Test Serialized Item With Series': 6.0
+ # }
+ # stock_entry = frappe.get_doc(_make_stock_entry(work_order.name, "Material Consumption for Manufacture", 2))
+ # for d in stock_entry.get('items'):
+ # self.assertEqual(item_quantity.get(d.item_code), d.qty)
def test_customer_provided_parts_se(self):
create_item('CUST-0987', is_customer_provided_item = 1, customer = '_Test Customer', is_purchase_item = 0)
- se = make_stock_entry(item_code='CUST-0987', purpose = 'Material Receipt', qty=4, to_warehouse = "_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ se = make_stock_entry(item_code='CUST-0987', purpose = 'Material Receipt',
+ qty=4, to_warehouse = "_Test Warehouse - _TC")
self.assertEqual(se.get("items")[0].allow_zero_valuation_rate, 1)
self.assertEqual(se.get("items")[0].amount, 0)
def test_gle_for_opening_stock_entry(self):
- mr = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Stores - TCP1", company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory",qty=50, basic_rate=100, expense_account="Stock Adjustment - TCP1", is_opening="Yes", do_not_save=True)
+ mr = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Stores - TCP1",
+ company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", qty=50, basic_rate=100,
+ expense_account="Stock Adjustment - TCP1", is_opening="Yes", do_not_save=True)
self.assertRaises(OpeningEntryAccountError, mr.save)
@@ -753,37 +752,37 @@ class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def test_total_basic_amount_zero(self):
se = frappe.get_doc({"doctype":"Stock Entry",
- "purpose":"Material Receipt",
- "stock_entry_type":"Material Receipt",
- "posting_date": nowdate(),
- "company":"_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
- "items":[
- {
- "item_code":"Basil Leaves",
- "description":"Basil Leaves",
- "qty": 1,
- "basic_rate": 0,
- "uom":"Nos",
- "t_warehouse": "Stores - TCP1",
- "allow_zero_valuation_rate": 1,
- "cost_center": "Main - TCP1"
- },
- {
- "item_code":"Basil Leaves",
- "description":"Basil Leaves",
- "qty": 2,
- "basic_rate": 0,
- "uom":"Nos",
- "t_warehouse": "Stores - TCP1",
- "allow_zero_valuation_rate": 1,
- "cost_center": "Main - TCP1"
- },
- ],
- "additional_costs":[
- {"expense_account":"Miscellaneous Expenses - TCP1",
- "amount":100,
- "description": "miscellanous"}
- ]
+ "purpose":"Material Receipt",
+ "stock_entry_type":"Material Receipt",
+ "posting_date": nowdate(),
+ "company":"_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
+ "items":[
+ {
+ "item_code":"_Test Item",
+ "description":"_Test Item",
+ "qty": 1,
+ "basic_rate": 0,
+ "uom":"Nos",
+ "t_warehouse": "Stores - TCP1",
+ "allow_zero_valuation_rate": 1,
+ "cost_center": "Main - TCP1"
+ },
+ {
+ "item_code":"_Test Item",
+ "description":"_Test Item",
+ "qty": 2,
+ "basic_rate": 0,
+ "uom":"Nos",
+ "t_warehouse": "Stores - TCP1",
+ "allow_zero_valuation_rate": 1,
+ "cost_center": "Main - TCP1"
+ },
+ ],
+ "additional_costs":[
+ {"expense_account":"Miscellaneous Expenses - TCP1",
+ "amount":100,
+ "description": "miscellanous"
+ }]
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/stock_entry_detail.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/stock_entry_detail.json
index 79e8f9af8f..b78ae6d79b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/stock_entry_detail.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/stock_entry_detail.json
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
- "col_break2",
+ "col_break2",
+ "is_finished_item",
+ "is_scrap_item",
@@ -22,35 +24,37 @@
- "quantity_and_rate",
- "set_basic_rate_manually",
+ "quantity_section",
- "basic_rate",
- "basic_amount",
- "additional_cost",
- "amount",
- "valuation_rate",
- "col_break3",
- "uom",
- "conversion_factor",
- "stock_uom",
+ "column_break_20",
+ "uom",
+ "stock_uom",
+ "conversion_factor",
+ "rates_section",
+ "basic_rate",
+ "additional_cost",
+ "valuation_rate",
+ "allow_zero_valuation_rate",
+ "col_break3",
+ "set_basic_rate_manually",
+ "basic_amount",
+ "amount",
- "quality_inspection",
- "col_break5",
+ "project",
- "allow_zero_valuation_rate",
+ "transferred_qty",
@@ -62,9 +66,8 @@
- "transferred_qty",
- "project"
+ "quality_inspection"
"fields": [
@@ -159,11 +162,6 @@
"options": "image",
"print_hide": 1
- {
- "fieldname": "quantity_and_rate",
- "fieldtype": "Section Break",
- "label": "Quantity and Rate"
- },
"bold": 1,
"fieldname": "qty",
@@ -321,10 +319,6 @@
"options": "Account",
"print_hide": 1
- {
- "fieldname": "col_break5",
- "fieldtype": "Column Break"
- },
"default": ":Company",
"depends_on": "eval:cint(erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(parent.company))",
@@ -335,6 +329,7 @@
"print_hide": 1
+ "collapsible": 1,
"fieldname": "more_info",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "More Information"
@@ -456,6 +451,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "collapsible": 1,
"fieldname": "accounting_dimensions_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Accounting Dimensions"
@@ -498,13 +494,39 @@
"fieldname": "set_basic_rate_manually",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Set Basic Rate Manually"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "quantity_section",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Quantity"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_20",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "rates_section",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Rates"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "is_scrap_item",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Is Scrap Item"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "is_finished_item",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Is Finished Item"
"idx": 1,
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-09-23 17:55:03.384138",
+ "modified": "2020-12-23 17:55:03.384138",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Stock Entry Detail",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.json
index fda17e08ab..2463a21ed6 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.json
@@ -8,26 +8,33 @@
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
- "serial_no",
- "batch_no",
+ "column_break_6",
+ "dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no",
+ "recalculate_rate",
+ "section_break_11",
+ "qty_after_transaction",
- "stock_uom",
- "qty_after_transaction",
+ "column_break_17",
- "project",
+ "section_break_21",
+ "stock_uom",
+ "project",
+ "batch_no",
+ "column_break_26",
+ "serial_no",
@@ -50,7 +57,6 @@
"fieldname": "serial_no",
"fieldtype": "Long Text",
- "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Serial No",
"print_width": "100px",
"read_only": 1,
@@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"fieldname": "batch_no",
"fieldtype": "Data",
- "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Batch No",
"oldfieldname": "batch_no",
"oldfieldtype": "Data",
@@ -119,6 +124,7 @@
"fieldname": "voucher_no",
"fieldtype": "Dynamic Link",
"in_filter": 1,
+ "in_list_view": 1,
"in_standard_filter": 1,
"label": "Voucher No",
"oldfieldname": "voucher_no",
@@ -142,6 +148,7 @@
"fieldname": "actual_qty",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"in_filter": 1,
+ "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Actual Quantity",
"oldfieldname": "actual_qty",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency",
@@ -152,6 +159,7 @@
"fieldname": "incoming_rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Incoming Rate",
"oldfieldname": "incoming_rate",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency",
@@ -217,13 +225,11 @@
"fieldname": "stock_queue",
"fieldtype": "Text",
- "hidden": 1,
"label": "Stock Queue (FIFO)",
"oldfieldname": "fcfs_stack",
"oldfieldtype": "Text",
"print_hide": 1,
- "read_only": 1,
- "report_hide": 1
+ "read_only": 1
"fieldname": "project",
@@ -269,14 +275,48 @@
"hidden": 1,
"label": "To Rename",
"search_index": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Dependant SLE Voucher Detail No"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_6",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "section_break_11",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_17",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "section_break_21",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_26",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "recalculate_rate",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Recalculate Incoming/Outgoing Rate",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
"hide_toolbar": 1,
"icon": "fa fa-list",
"idx": 1,
"in_create": 1,
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-04-23 05:57:03.985520",
+ "modified": "2020-09-07 11:10:35.318872",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Stock Ledger Entry",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
index bb356f694a..a5c303ccb4 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ from frappe.model.document import Document
from datetime import date
from erpnext.controllers.item_variant import ItemTemplateCannotHaveStock
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
+from frappe.core.doctype.role.role import get_users
class StockFreezeError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
+class BackDatedStockTransaction(frappe.ValidationError): pass
exclude_from_linked_with = True
@@ -34,7 +36,6 @@ class StockLedgerEntry(Document):
- self.validate_future_posting()
def on_submit(self):
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ class StockLedgerEntry(Document):
def calculate_batch_qty(self):
if self.batch_no:
batch_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
- {"docstatus": 1, "batch_no": self.batch_no},
+ {"docstatus": 1, "batch_no": self.batch_no, "is_cancelled": 0},
"sum(actual_qty)") or 0
frappe.db.set_value("Batch", self.batch_no, "batch_qty", batch_qty)
@@ -88,14 +89,14 @@ class StockLedgerEntry(Document):
# check if batch number is required
if self.voucher_type != 'Stock Reconciliation':
- if item_det.has_batch_no ==1:
+ if item_det.has_batch_no == 1:
batch_item = self.item_code if self.item_code == item_det.item_name else self.item_code + ":" + item_det.item_name
if not self.batch_no:
frappe.throw(_("Batch number is mandatory for Item {0}").format(batch_item))
elif not frappe.db.get_value("Batch",{"item": self.item_code, "name": self.batch_no}):
frappe.throw(_("{0} is not a valid Batch Number for Item {1}").format(self.batch_no, batch_item))
- elif item_det.has_batch_no ==0 and self.batch_no:
+ elif item_det.has_batch_no == 0 and self.batch_no and self.is_cancelled == 0:
frappe.throw(_("The Item {0} cannot have Batch").format(self.item_code))
if item_det.has_variants:
@@ -142,28 +143,28 @@ class StockLedgerEntry(Document):
def validate_with_last_transaction_posting_time(self):
- last_transaction_time = frappe.db.sql("""
- select MAX(timestamp(posting_date, posting_time)) as posting_time
- from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- where docstatus = 1 and item_code = %s
- and warehouse = %s""", (self.item_code, self.warehouse))[0][0]
+ authorized_role = frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings", "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions")
+ if authorized_role:
+ authorized_users = get_users(authorized_role)
+ if authorized_users and frappe.session.user not in authorized_users:
+ last_transaction_time = frappe.db.sql("""
+ select MAX(timestamp(posting_date, posting_time)) as posting_time
+ from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+ where docstatus = 1 and item_code = %s
+ and warehouse = %s""", (self.item_code, self.warehouse))[0][0]
- cur_doc_posting_datetime = "%s %s" % (self.posting_date, self.get("posting_time") or "00:00:00")
+ cur_doc_posting_datetime = "%s %s" % (self.posting_date, self.get("posting_time") or "00:00:00")
- if last_transaction_time and get_datetime(cur_doc_posting_datetime) < get_datetime(last_transaction_time):
- msg = _("Last Stock Transaction for item {0} under warehouse {1} was on {2}.").format(frappe.bold(self.item_code),
- frappe.bold(self.warehouse), frappe.bold(last_transaction_time))
+ if last_transaction_time and get_datetime(cur_doc_posting_datetime) < get_datetime(last_transaction_time):
+ msg = _("Last Stock Transaction for item {0} under warehouse {1} was on {2}.").format(frappe.bold(self.item_code),
+ frappe.bold(self.warehouse), frappe.bold(last_transaction_time))
- msg += "
" + _("Stock Transactions for Item {0} under warehouse {1} cannot be posted before this time.").format(
- frappe.bold(self.item_code), frappe.bold(self.warehouse))
+ msg += "
" + _("You are not authorized to make/edit Stock Transactions for Item {0} under warehouse {1} before this time.").format(
+ frappe.bold(self.item_code), frappe.bold(self.warehouse))
- msg += "
" + _("Please remove this item and try to submit again or update the posting time.")
- frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Backdated Stock Entry"))
- def validate_future_posting(self):
- if date_diff(self.posting_date, getdate()) > 0:
- msg = _("Posting future stock transactions are not allowed due to Immutable Ledger")
- frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Future Posting Not Allowed"))
+ msg += "
" + _("Please contact any of the following users to {} this transaction.")
+ msg += " " + " ".join(authorized_users)
+ frappe.throw(msg, BackDatedStockTransaction, title=_("Backdated Stock Entry"))
def on_doctype_update():
if not frappe.db.has_index('tabStock Ledger Entry', 'posting_sort_index'):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/test_stock_ledger_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/test_stock_ledger_entry.py
index 04dae83447..59f1f3961b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/test_stock_ledger_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/test_stock_ledger_entry.py
@@ -5,8 +5,397 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
import unittest
-# test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Stock Ledger Entry')
+from frappe.utils import today, add_days
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils import make_stock_entry
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.test_stock_reconciliation \
+ import create_stock_reconciliation
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import make_item
+from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import make_purchase_receipt
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.landed_cost_voucher.test_landed_cost_voucher import create_landed_cost_voucher
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.delivery_note.test_delivery_note import create_delivery_note
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_ledger_entry.stock_ledger_entry import BackDatedStockTransaction
class TestStockLedgerEntry(unittest.TestCase):
- pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ items = create_items()
+ # delete SLE and BINs for all items
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code in (%s)" % (', '.join(['%s']*len(items))), items)
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabBin` where item_code in (%s)" % (', '.join(['%s']*len(items))), items)
+ def test_item_cost_reposting(self):
+ company = "_Test Company"
+ # _Test Item for Reposting at Stores warehouse on 10-04-2020: Qty = 50, Rate = 100
+ create_stock_reconciliation(
+ item_code="_Test Item for Reposting",
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC",
+ qty=50,
+ rate=100,
+ company=company,
+ expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ posting_date='2020-04-10',
+ posting_time='14:00'
+ )
+ # _Test Item for Reposting at FG warehouse on 20-04-2020: Qty = 10, Rate = 200
+ create_stock_reconciliation(
+ item_code="_Test Item for Reposting",
+ warehouse="Finished Goods - _TC",
+ qty=10,
+ rate=200,
+ company=company,
+ expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ posting_date='2020-04-20',
+ posting_time='14:00'
+ )
+ # _Test Item for Reposting transferred from Stores to FG warehouse on 30-04-2020
+ make_stock_entry(
+ item_code="_Test Item for Reposting",
+ source="Stores - _TC",
+ target="Finished Goods - _TC",
+ company=company,
+ qty=10,
+ expense_account="Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ posting_date='2020-04-30',
+ posting_time='14:00'
+ )
+ target_wh_sle = get_previous_sle({
+ "item_code": "_Test Item for Reposting",
+ "warehouse": "Finished Goods - _TC",
+ "posting_date": '2020-04-30',
+ "posting_time": '14:00'
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(target_wh_sle.get("valuation_rate"), 150)
+ # Repack entry on 5-5-2020
+ repack = create_repack_entry(company=company, posting_date='2020-05-05', posting_time='14:00')
+ finished_item_sle = get_previous_sle({
+ "item_code": "_Test Finished Item for Reposting",
+ "warehouse": "Finished Goods - _TC",
+ "posting_date": '2020-05-05',
+ "posting_time": '14:00'
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(finished_item_sle.get("incoming_rate"), 540)
+ self.assertEqual(finished_item_sle.get("valuation_rate"), 540)
+ # Reconciliation for _Test Item for Reposting at Stores on 12-04-2020: Qty = 50, Rate = 150
+ create_stock_reconciliation(
+ item_code="_Test Item for Reposting",
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC",
+ qty=50,
+ rate=150,
+ company=company,
+ expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ posting_date='2020-04-12',
+ posting_time='14:00'
+ )
+ # Check valuation rate of finished goods warehouse after back-dated entry at Stores
+ target_wh_sle = get_previous_sle({
+ "item_code": "_Test Item for Reposting",
+ "warehouse": "Finished Goods - _TC",
+ "posting_date": '2020-04-30',
+ "posting_time": '14:00'
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(target_wh_sle.get("incoming_rate"), 150)
+ self.assertEqual(target_wh_sle.get("valuation_rate"), 175)
+ # Check valuation rate of repacked item after back-dated entry at Stores
+ finished_item_sle = get_previous_sle({
+ "item_code": "_Test Finished Item for Reposting",
+ "warehouse": "Finished Goods - _TC",
+ "posting_date": '2020-05-05',
+ "posting_time": '14:00'
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(finished_item_sle.get("incoming_rate"), 790)
+ self.assertEqual(finished_item_sle.get("valuation_rate"), 790)
+ # Check updated rate in Repack entry
+ repack.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(repack.items[0].get("basic_rate"), 150)
+ self.assertEqual(repack.items[1].get("basic_rate"), 750)
+ def test_purchase_return_valuation_reposting(self):
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company", posting_date='2020-04-10',
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC", item_code="_Test Item for Reposting", qty=5, rate=100)
+ return_pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company", posting_date='2020-04-15',
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC", item_code="_Test Item for Reposting", is_return=1, return_against=pr.name, qty=-2)
+ # check sle
+ outgoing_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Purchase Receipt",
+ "voucher_no": return_pr.name}, ["outgoing_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, -200)
+ create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ outgoing_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Purchase Receipt",
+ "voucher_no": return_pr.name}, ["outgoing_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 110)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, -220)
+ def test_sales_return_valuation_reposting(self):
+ company = "_Test Company"
+ item_code="_Test Item for Reposting"
+ # Purchase Return: Qty = 5, Rate = 100
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(company=company, posting_date='2020-04-10',
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC", item_code=item_code, qty=5, rate=100)
+ #Delivery Note: Qty = 5, Rate = 150
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code=item_code, qty=5, rate=150, warehouse="Stores - _TC",
+ company=company, expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - _TC", cost_center="Main - _TC")
+ # check outgoing_rate for DN
+ outgoing_rate = abs(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note",
+ "voucher_no": dn.name}, "stock_value_difference") / 5)
+ self.assertEqual(dn.items[0].incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 100)
+ # Return Entry: Qty = -2, Rate = 150
+ return_dn = create_delivery_note(is_return=1, return_against=dn.name, item_code=item_code, qty=-2, rate=150,
+ company=company, warehouse="Stores - _TC", expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - _TC", cost_center="Main - _TC")
+ # check incoming rate for Return entry
+ incoming_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
+ {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note", "voucher_no": return_dn.name},
+ ["incoming_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(return_dn.items[0].incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, 200)
+ #-------------------------------
+ # Landed Cost Voucher to update the rate of incoming Purchase Return: Additional cost = 50
+ lcv = create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ # check outgoing_rate for DN after reposting
+ outgoing_rate = abs(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note",
+ "voucher_no": dn.name}, "stock_value_difference") / 5)
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 110)
+ dn.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(dn.items[0].incoming_rate, 110)
+ # check incoming rate for Return entry after reposting
+ incoming_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
+ {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note", "voucher_no": return_dn.name},
+ ["incoming_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(incoming_rate, 110)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, 220)
+ return_dn.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(return_dn.items[0].incoming_rate, 110)
+ # Cleanup data
+ return_dn.cancel()
+ dn.cancel()
+ lcv.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
+ def test_reposting_of_sales_return_for_packed_item(self):
+ company = "_Test Company"
+ packed_item_code="_Test Item for Reposting"
+ bundled_item = "_Test Bundled Item for Reposting"
+ create_product_bundle_item(bundled_item, [[packed_item_code, 4]])
+ # Purchase Return: Qty = 50, Rate = 100
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(company=company, posting_date='2020-04-10',
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC", item_code=packed_item_code, qty=50, rate=100)
+ #Delivery Note: Qty = 5, Rate = 150
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code=bundled_item, qty=5, rate=150, warehouse="Stores - _TC",
+ company=company, expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - _TC", cost_center="Main - _TC")
+ # check outgoing_rate for DN
+ outgoing_rate = abs(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note",
+ "voucher_no": dn.name}, "stock_value_difference") / 20)
+ self.assertEqual(dn.packed_items[0].incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 100)
+ # Return Entry: Qty = -2, Rate = 150
+ return_dn = create_delivery_note(is_return=1, return_against=dn.name, item_code=bundled_item, qty=-2, rate=150,
+ company=company, warehouse="Stores - _TC", expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - _TC", cost_center="Main - _TC")
+ # check incoming rate for Return entry
+ incoming_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
+ {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note", "voucher_no": return_dn.name},
+ ["incoming_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(return_dn.packed_items[0].incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(incoming_rate, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, 800)
+ #-------------------------------
+ # Landed Cost Voucher to update the rate of incoming Purchase Return: Additional cost = 50
+ lcv = create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ # check outgoing_rate for DN after reposting
+ outgoing_rate = abs(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note",
+ "voucher_no": dn.name}, "stock_value_difference") / 20)
+ self.assertEqual(outgoing_rate, 101)
+ dn.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(dn.packed_items[0].incoming_rate, 101)
+ # check incoming rate for Return entry after reposting
+ incoming_rate, stock_value_difference = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
+ {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note", "voucher_no": return_dn.name},
+ ["incoming_rate", "stock_value_difference"])
+ self.assertEqual(incoming_rate, 101)
+ self.assertEqual(stock_value_difference, 808)
+ return_dn.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(return_dn.packed_items[0].incoming_rate, 101)
+ # Cleanup data
+ return_dn.cancel()
+ dn.cancel()
+ lcv.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
+ def test_sub_contracted_item_costing(self):
+ from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.production_plan.test_production_plan import make_bom
+ company = "_Test Company"
+ rm_item_code="_Test Item for Reposting"
+ subcontracted_item = "_Test Subcontracted Item for Reposting"
+ frappe.db.set_value("Buying Settings", None, "backflush_raw_materials_of_subcontract_based_on", "BOM")
+ make_bom(item = subcontracted_item, raw_materials =[rm_item_code], currency="INR")
+ # Purchase raw materials on supplier warehouse: Qty = 50, Rate = 100
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(company=company, posting_date='2020-04-10',
+ warehouse="Stores - _TC", item_code=rm_item_code, qty=10, rate=100)
+ # Purchase Receipt for subcontracted item
+ pr1 = make_purchase_receipt(company=company, posting_date='2020-04-20',
+ warehouse="Finished Goods - _TC", supplier_warehouse="Stores - _TC",
+ item_code=subcontracted_item, qty=10, rate=20, is_subcontracted="Yes")
+ self.assertEqual(pr1.items[0].valuation_rate, 120)
+ # Update raw material's valuation via LCV, Additional cost = 50
+ lcv = create_landed_cost_voucher("Purchase Receipt", pr.name, pr.company)
+ pr1.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(pr1.items[0].valuation_rate, 125)
+ # check outgoing_rate for DN after reposting
+ incoming_rate = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Purchase Receipt",
+ "voucher_no": pr1.name, "item_code": subcontracted_item}, "incoming_rate")
+ self.assertEqual(incoming_rate, 125)
+ # cleanup data
+ pr1.cancel()
+ lcv.cancel()
+ pr.cancel()
+ def test_back_dated_entry_not_allowed(self):
+ # Back dated stock transactions are only allowed to stock managers
+ frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None,
+ "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions", "Stock Manager")
+ # Set User with Stock User role but not Stock Manager
+ frappe.set_user("test@example.com")
+ user = frappe.get_doc("User", "test@example.com")
+ user.add_roles("Stock User")
+ user.remove_roles("Stock Manager")
+ stock_entry_on_today = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=10, basic_rate=100)
+ back_dated_se_1 = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=10, basic_rate=100,
+ posting_date=add_days(today(), -1), do_not_submit=True)
+ # Block back-dated entry
+ self.assertRaises(BackDatedStockTransaction, back_dated_se_1.submit)
+ user.add_roles("Stock Manager")
+ # Back dated entry allowed to Stock Manager
+ back_dated_se_2 = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=10, basic_rate=100,
+ posting_date=add_days(today(), -1))
+ back_dated_se_2.cancel()
+ stock_entry_on_today.cancel()
+ frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions", None)
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
+def create_repack_entry(**args):
+ args = frappe._dict(args)
+ repack = frappe.new_doc("Stock Entry")
+ repack.stock_entry_type = "Repack"
+ repack.company = args.company or "_Test Company"
+ repack.posting_date = args.posting_date
+ repack.set_posting_time = 1
+ repack.append("items", {
+ "item_code": "_Test Item for Reposting",
+ "s_warehouse": "Stores - _TC",
+ "qty": 5,
+ "conversion_factor": 1,
+ "expense_account": "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ "cost_center": "Main - _TC"
+ })
+ repack.append("items", {
+ "item_code": "_Test Finished Item for Reposting",
+ "t_warehouse": "Finished Goods - _TC",
+ "qty": 1,
+ "conversion_factor": 1,
+ "expense_account": "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ "cost_center": "Main - _TC"
+ })
+ repack.append("additional_costs", {
+ "expense_account": "Freight and Forwarding Charges - _TC",
+ "description": "transport cost",
+ "amount": 40
+ })
+ repack.save()
+ repack.submit()
+ return repack
+def create_product_bundle_item(new_item_code, packed_items):
+ if not frappe.db.exists("Product Bundle", new_item_code):
+ item = frappe.new_doc("Product Bundle")
+ item.new_item_code = new_item_code
+ for d in packed_items:
+ item.append("items", {
+ "item_code": d[0],
+ "qty": d[1]
+ })
+ item.save()
+def create_items():
+ items = ["_Test Item for Reposting", "_Test Finished Item for Reposting",
+ "_Test Subcontracted Item for Reposting", "_Test Bundled Item for Reposting"]
+ for d in items:
+ properties = {"valuation_method": "FIFO"}
+ if d == "_Test Bundled Item for Reposting":
+ properties.update({"is_stock_item": 0})
+ elif d == "_Test Subcontracted Item for Reposting":
+ properties.update({"is_sub_contracted_item": 1})
+ make_item(d, properties=properties)
+ return items
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
index 00b8f69c08..5b40292ea8 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@ class StockReconciliation(StockController):
def on_submit(self):
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import update_serial_nos_after_submit
update_serial_nos_after_submit(self, "items")
def on_cancel(self):
- self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
+ self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'Repost Item Valuation')
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
def remove_items_with_no_change(self):
"""Remove items if qty or rate is not changed"""
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/test_stock_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/test_stock_reconciliation.py
index 23d48d4ac7..088456f865 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/test_stock_reconciliation.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/test_stock_reconciliation.py
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, unittest
from frappe.utils import flt, nowdate, nowtime
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_stock_and_account_balance
-from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import set_perpetual_inventory
from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle, update_entries_after
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.stock_reconciliation import EmptyStockReconciliationItemsError, get_items
from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import create_warehouse
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
-from erpnext.stock.utils import get_stock_balance, get_incoming_rate, get_available_serial_nos, get_stock_value_on
+from erpnext.stock.utils import get_incoming_rate, get_stock_value_on, get_valuation_method
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import get_serial_nos
class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -29,16 +28,17 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
self._test_reco_sle_gle("Moving Average")
def _test_reco_sle_gle(self, valuation_method):
- insert_existing_sle(warehouse='Stores - TCP1')
+ se1, se2, se3 = insert_existing_sle(warehouse='Stores - TCP1')
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', 'Stores - TCP1', 'company')
# [[qty, valuation_rate, posting_date,
# posting_time, expected_stock_value, bin_qty, bin_valuation]]
input_data = [
- [50, 1000],
- [25, 900],
- ["", 1000],
- [20, ""],
- [0, ""]
+ [50, 1000, "2012-12-26", "12:00"],
+ [25, 900, "2012-12-26", "12:00"],
+ ["", 1000, "2012-12-20", "12:05"],
+ [20, "", "2012-12-26", "12:05"],
+ [0, "", "2012-12-31", "12:10"]
for d in input_data:
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
last_sle = get_previous_sle({
"item_code": "_Test Item",
"warehouse": "Stores - TCP1",
- "posting_date": nowdate(),
- "posting_time": nowtime()
+ "posting_date": d[2],
+ "posting_time": d[3]
# submit stock reconciliation
stock_reco = create_stock_reconciliation(qty=d[0], rate=d[1],
- posting_date=nowdate(), posting_time=nowtime(), warehouse="Stores - TCP1",
+ posting_date=d[2], posting_time=d[3], warehouse="Stores - TCP1",
company=company, expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - TCP1")
# check stock value
@@ -81,10 +81,15 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
+ se3.cancel()
+ se2.cancel()
+ se1.cancel()
def test_get_items(self):
- create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Group 1", {"is_group": 1})
+ create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Group 1",
+ {"is_group": 1, "company": "_Test Company", "parent_warehouse": "All Warehouses - _TC"})
create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Ledger 1",
- {"is_group": 0, "parent_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse Group 1 - _TC"})
+ {"is_group": 0, "parent_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse Group 1 - _TC", "company": "_Test Company"})
create_item("_Test Stock Reco Item", is_stock_item=1, valuation_rate=100,
warehouse="_Test Warehouse Ledger 1 - _TC", opening_stock=100)
@@ -95,8 +100,6 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
[items[0]["item_code"], items[0]["warehouse"], items[0]["qty"]])
def test_stock_reco_for_serialized_item(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory()
to_delete_records = []
to_delete_serial_nos = []
@@ -148,8 +151,6 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
def test_stock_reco_for_batch_item(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory()
to_delete_records = []
to_delete_serial_nos = []
@@ -196,15 +197,17 @@ class TestStockReconciliation(unittest.TestCase):
def insert_existing_sle(warehouse):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
- make_stock_entry(posting_date=nowdate(), posting_time=nowtime(), item_code="_Test Item",
+ se1 = make_stock_entry(posting_date="2012-12-15", posting_time="02:00", item_code="_Test Item",
target=warehouse, qty=10, basic_rate=700)
- make_stock_entry(posting_date=nowdate(), posting_time=nowtime(), item_code="_Test Item",
+ se2 = make_stock_entry(posting_date="2012-12-25", posting_time="03:00", item_code="_Test Item",
source=warehouse, qty=15)
- make_stock_entry(posting_date=nowdate(), posting_time=nowtime(), item_code="_Test Item",
+ se3 = make_stock_entry(posting_date="2013-01-05", posting_time="07:00", item_code="_Test Item",
target=warehouse, qty=15, basic_rate=1200)
+ return se1, se2, se3
def create_batch_or_serial_no_items():
create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse for Stock Reco1",
{"is_group": 0, "parent_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse Group - _TC"})
@@ -256,6 +259,10 @@ def create_stock_reconciliation(**args):
return sr
def set_valuation_method(item_code, valuation_method):
+ existing_valuation_method = get_valuation_method(item_code)
+ if valuation_method == existing_valuation_method:
+ return
frappe.db.set_value("Item", item_code, "valuation_method", valuation_method)
for warehouse in frappe.get_all("Warehouse", filters={"company": "_Test Company"}, fields=["name", "is_group"]):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
index a1666579d1..3ff396ba77 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
- "freeze_stock_entries",
+ "control_historical_stock_transactions_section",
+ "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions",
+ "column_break_26",
@@ -156,21 +158,20 @@
"label": "Notify by Email on Creation of Automatic Material Request"
- "fieldname": "freeze_stock_entries",
- "fieldtype": "Section Break",
- "label": "Freeze Stock Entries"
- },
- {
+ "description": "No stock transactions can be created or modified before this date.",
"fieldname": "stock_frozen_upto",
"fieldtype": "Date",
"label": "Stock Frozen Upto"
+ "description": "Stock transactions that are older than the mentioned days cannot be modified.",
"fieldname": "stock_frozen_upto_days",
"fieldtype": "Int",
"label": "Freeze Stocks Older Than (Days)"
+ "depends_on": "eval:(doc.stock_frozen_upto || doc.stock_frozen_upto_days)",
+ "description": "The users with this Role are allowed to create/modify a stock transaction, even though the transaction is frozen.",
"fieldname": "stock_auth_role",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Role Allowed to Edit Frozen Stock",
@@ -210,6 +211,22 @@
"fieldname": "allow_from_pr",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Allow Material Transfer from Purchase Receipt to Purchase Invoice"
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "If mentioned, the system will allow only the users with this Role to create or modify any stock transaction earlier than the latest stock transaction for a specific item and warehouse. If set as blank, it allows all users to create/edit back-dated transactions.",
+ "fieldname": "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Role Allowed to Create/Edit Back-dated Transactions",
+ "options": "Role"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_26",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "control_historical_stock_transactions_section",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Control Historical Stock Transactions"
"icon": "icon-cog",
@@ -217,7 +234,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-23 15:26:54.225608",
+ "modified": "2020-12-29 12:53:31.162247",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Stock Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/test_warehouse.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/test_warehouse.py
index 3101e8af4c..95478f61f0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/test_warehouse.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/test_warehouse.py
@@ -10,13 +10,10 @@ from frappe.test_runner import make_test_records
import erpnext
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils import make_stock_entry
-from erpnext import set_perpetual_inventory
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.test_account import get_inventory_account, create_account
test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Warehouse')
class TestWarehouse(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
if not frappe.get_value('Item', '_Test Item'):
@@ -37,63 +34,63 @@ class TestWarehouse(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(child_warehouse.is_group, 0)
def test_warehouse_renaming(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(1)
- create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Renaming 1")
- account = get_inventory_account("_Test Company", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - _TC")
+ create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Renaming 1", company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory")
+ account = get_inventory_account("_Test Company with perpetual inventory", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - TCP1")
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.get_value("Warehouse", filters={"account": account}))
# Rename with abbr
- if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - _TC"):
- frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - _TC")
- frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - _TC", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - _TC")
+ if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - TCP1"):
+ frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - TCP1")
+ frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - TCP1", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - TCP1")
- filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - _TC"}))
+ filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - TCP1"}))
# Rename without abbr
- if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - _TC"):
- frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - _TC")
+ if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - TCP1"):
+ frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - TCP1")
- frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - _TC", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3")
+ frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 2 - TCP1", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3")
- filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - _TC"}))
+ filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Renaming 1 - TCP1"}))
# Another rename with multiple dashes
- if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test - Warehouse - Company - _TC"):
- frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test - Warehouse - Company - _TC")
- frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - _TC", "Test - Warehouse - Company")
+ if frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test - Warehouse - Company - TCP1"):
+ frappe.delete_doc("Warehouse", "Test - Warehouse - Company - TCP1")
+ frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Renaming 3 - TCP1", "Test - Warehouse - Company")
def test_warehouse_merging(self):
- set_perpetual_inventory(1)
+ company = "_Test Company with perpetual inventory"
+ create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Merging 1", company=company,
+ properties={"parent_warehouse": "All Warehouses - TCP1"})
+ create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Merging 2", company=company,
+ properties={"parent_warehouse": "All Warehouses - TCP1"})
- create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Merging 1")
- create_warehouse("Test Warehouse for Merging 2")
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - _TC",
- qty=1, rate=100)
- make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - _TC",
- qty=1, rate=100)
+ make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - TCP1",
+ qty=1, rate=100, company=company)
+ make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - TCP1",
+ qty=1, rate=100, company=company)
existing_bin_qty = (
- {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - _TC"}, "actual_qty"))
+ {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - TCP1"}, "actual_qty"))
+ cint(frappe.db.get_value("Bin",
- {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - _TC"}, "actual_qty"))
+ {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - TCP1"}, "actual_qty"))
- frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - _TC",
- "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - _TC", merge=True)
+ frappe.rename_doc("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - TCP1",
+ "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - TCP1", merge=True)
- self.assertFalse(frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - _TC"))
+ self.assertFalse(frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", "Test Warehouse for Merging 1 - TCP1"))
bin_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Bin",
- {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - _TC"}, "actual_qty")
+ {"item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - TCP1"}, "actual_qty")
self.assertEqual(bin_qty, existing_bin_qty)
- filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - _TC"}))
+ filters={"account": "Test Warehouse for Merging 2 - TCP1"}))
def create_warehouse(warehouse_name, properties=None, company=None):
if not company:
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.py
index cd86be3115..6c84f168fd 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class Warehouse(NestedSet):
self.set_onload('account', account)
def on_update(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
index 08f7a83b89..bf45251c9d 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ def get_item_details(args, doc=None, for_validate=False, overwrite_warehouse=Tru
update_party_blanket_order(args, out)
- get_price_list_rate(args, item, out)
+ if not doc or cint(doc.get('is_return')) == 0:
+ # get price list rate only if the invoice is not a credit or debit note
+ get_price_list_rate(args, item, out)
if args.customer and cint(args.is_pos):
out.update(get_pos_profile_item_details(args.company, args))
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_analytics/stock_analytics.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_analytics/stock_analytics.py
index 54eefdfaaa..0cc8ca48aa 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_analytics/stock_analytics.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_analytics/stock_analytics.py
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ from frappe import _, scrub
from frappe.utils import getdate, flt
from erpnext.stock.report.stock_balance.stock_balance import (get_items, get_stock_ledger_entries, get_item_details)
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
+from erpnext.stock.utils import is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress
from six import iteritems
def execute(filters=None):
+ is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress()
filters = frappe._dict(filters or {})
columns = get_columns(filters)
data = get_data(filters)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_and_account_value_comparison/stock_and_account_value_comparison.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_and_account_value_comparison/stock_and_account_value_comparison.py
index 1af68dd7f2..14d543b174 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_and_account_value_comparison/stock_and_account_value_comparison.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_and_account_value_comparison/stock_and_account_value_comparison.py
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ def get_gl_data(report_filters, filters):
if report_filters.account:
stock_accounts = [report_filters.account]
- stock_accounts = [k.name
- for k in get_stock_accounts(report_filters.company)]
+ stock_accounts = get_stock_accounts(report_filters.company)
"account": ("in", stock_accounts)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/stock_balance.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/stock_balance.py
index ccd01001bb..e5d4d626c4 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/stock_balance.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/stock_balance.py
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, cint, getdate, now, date_diff
from erpnext.stock.utils import add_additional_uom_columns
from erpnext.stock.report.stock_ledger.stock_ledger import get_item_group_condition
+from erpnext.stock.utils import is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress
from erpnext.stock.report.stock_ageing.stock_ageing import get_fifo_queue, get_average_age
from six import iteritems
def execute(filters=None):
+ is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress()
if not filters: filters = {}
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
index 86af5e0c86..7b5701a993 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import cint, flt
-from erpnext.stock.utils import update_included_uom_in_report
+from erpnext.stock.utils import update_included_uom_in_report, is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress
from frappe import _
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import get_serial_nos
def execute(filters=None):
+ is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress()
include_uom = filters.get("include_uom")
columns = get_columns()
items = get_items(filters)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_projected_qty/stock_projected_qty.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_projected_qty/stock_projected_qty.py
index c8efb1637f..1183e41d04 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_projected_qty/stock_projected_qty.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_projected_qty/stock_projected_qty.py
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, today
-from erpnext.stock.utils import update_included_uom_in_report
+from erpnext.stock.utils import update_included_uom_in_report, is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress
def execute(filters=None):
+ is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress()
filters = frappe._dict(filters or {})
include_uom = filters.get("include_uom")
columns = get_columns()
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value.py b/erpnext/stock/report/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value.py
index ebcb106b02..04f7d347ba 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value/warehouse_wise_item_balance_age_and_value.py
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ from frappe.utils import flt, cint, getdate
from erpnext.stock.report.stock_balance.stock_balance import (get_item_details,
get_item_reorder_details, get_item_warehouse_map, get_items, get_stock_ledger_entries)
from erpnext.stock.report.stock_ageing.stock_ageing import get_fifo_queue, get_average_age
+from erpnext.stock.utils import is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress
from six import iteritems
def execute(filters=None):
+ is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress()
if not filters: filters = {}
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/stock_balance.py b/erpnext/stock/stock_balance.py
index b5ae1b78eb..8ba1f1ca5c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/stock_balance.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/stock_balance.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt, cstr, nowdate, nowtime
from erpnext.stock.utils import update_bin
from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import update_entries_after
+from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import create_repost_item_valuation_entry
def repost(only_actual=False, allow_negative_stock=False, allow_zero_rate=False, only_bin=False):
@@ -56,12 +57,18 @@ def repost_stock(item_code, warehouse, allow_zero_rate=False,
update_bin_qty(item_code, warehouse, qty_dict)
def repost_actual_qty(item_code, warehouse, allow_zero_rate=False, allow_negative_stock=False):
- update_entries_after({ "item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse },
- allow_zero_rate=allow_zero_rate, allow_negative_stock=allow_negative_stock)
+ create_repost_item_valuation_entry({
+ "item_code": item_code,
+ "warehouse": warehouse,
+ "posting_date": "1900-01-01",
+ "posting_time": "00:01",
+ "allow_negative_stock": allow_negative_stock,
+ "allow_zero_rate": allow_zero_rate
+ })
def get_balance_qty_from_sle(item_code, warehouse):
balance_qty = frappe.db.sql("""select qty_after_transaction from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s
+ where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s and is_cancelled=0
order by posting_date desc, posting_time desc, creation desc
limit 1""", (item_code, warehouse))
@@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ def set_stock_balance_as_per_serial_no(item_code=None, posting_date=None, postin
print(d[0], d[1], d[2], serial_nos[0][0])
sle = frappe.db.sql("""select valuation_rate, company from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s
+ where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s and is_cancelled = 0
order by posting_date desc limit 1""", (d[0], d[1]))
sle_dict = {
@@ -223,7 +230,8 @@ def set_stock_balance_as_per_serial_no(item_code=None, posting_date=None, postin
- update_entries_after({
+ create_repost_item_valuation_entry({
"item_code": d[0],
"warehouse": d[1],
"posting_date": posting_date,
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py b/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
index f4490f1b01..5b9ada0ee5 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, erpnext
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint, flt, cstr, now, now_datetime
+from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
from erpnext.stock.utils import get_valuation_method, get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel
+from erpnext.stock.utils import get_bin
import json
from six import iteritems
# future reposting
@@ -25,32 +26,23 @@ def make_sl_entries(sl_entries, allow_negative_stock=False, via_landed_cost_vouc
set_as_cancel(sl_entries[0].get('voucher_type'), sl_entries[0].get('voucher_no'))
for sle in sl_entries:
- sle_id = None
- if via_landed_cost_voucher or cancel:
- sle['posting_date'] = now_datetime().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- sle['posting_time'] = now_datetime().strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')
+ if cancel:
+ sle['actual_qty'] = -flt(sle.get('actual_qty'))
- if cancel:
- sle['actual_qty'] = -flt(sle.get('actual_qty'))
- if sle['actual_qty'] < 0 and not sle.get('outgoing_rate'):
- sle['outgoing_rate'] = get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel(sle.item_code,
- sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.voucher_detail_no)
- sle['incoming_rate'] = 0.0
- if sle['actual_qty'] > 0 and not sle.get('incoming_rate'):
- sle['incoming_rate'] = get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel(sle.item_code,
- sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.voucher_detail_no)
- sle['outgoing_rate'] = 0.0
+ if sle['actual_qty'] < 0 and not sle.get('outgoing_rate'):
+ sle['outgoing_rate'] = get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel(sle.item_code,
+ sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.voucher_detail_no)
+ sle['incoming_rate'] = 0.0
+ if sle['actual_qty'] > 0 and not sle.get('incoming_rate'):
+ sle['incoming_rate'] = get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel(sle.item_code,
+ sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.voucher_detail_no)
+ sle['outgoing_rate'] = 0.0
if sle.get("actual_qty") or sle.get("voucher_type")=="Stock Reconciliation":
- sle_id = make_entry(sle, allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher)
- args = sle.copy()
- args.update({
- "sle_id": sle_id
- })
+ sle_doc = make_entry(sle, allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher)
+ args = sle_doc.as_dict()
update_bin(args, allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher)
@@ -68,8 +60,36 @@ def make_entry(args, allow_negative_stock=False, via_landed_cost_voucher=False):
sle.via_landed_cost_voucher = via_landed_cost_voucher
- return sle.name
+ return sle
+def repost_future_sle(args=None, voucher_type=None, voucher_no=None, allow_negative_stock=False, via_landed_cost_voucher=False):
+ if not args and voucher_type and voucher_no:
+ args = get_args_for_voucher(voucher_type, voucher_no)
+ distinct_item_warehouses = [(d.item_code, d.warehouse) for d in args]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(args):
+ obj = update_entries_after({
+ "item_code": args[i].item_code,
+ "warehouse": args[i].warehouse,
+ "posting_date": args[i].posting_date,
+ "posting_time": args[i].posting_time
+ }, allow_negative_stock=allow_negative_stock, via_landed_cost_voucher=via_landed_cost_voucher)
+ for item_wh, new_sle in iteritems(obj.new_items):
+ if item_wh not in distinct_item_warehouses:
+ args.append(new_sle)
+ i += 1
+def get_args_for_voucher(voucher_type, voucher_no):
+ return frappe.db.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry",
+ filters={"voucher_type": voucher_type, "voucher_no": voucher_no},
+ fields=["item_code", "warehouse", "posting_date", "posting_time"],
+ order_by="creation asc",
+ group_by="item_code, warehouse"
+ )
class update_entries_after(object):
@@ -86,141 +106,299 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
def __init__(self, args, allow_zero_rate=False, allow_negative_stock=None, via_landed_cost_voucher=False, verbose=1):
- from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
- self.exceptions = []
+ self.exceptions = {}
self.verbose = verbose
self.allow_zero_rate = allow_zero_rate
- self.allow_negative_stock = allow_negative_stock
self.via_landed_cost_voucher = via_landed_cost_voucher
- if not self.allow_negative_stock:
- self.allow_negative_stock = cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings",
- "allow_negative_stock"))
+ self.allow_negative_stock = allow_negative_stock \
+ or cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings", "allow_negative_stock"))
- self.args = args
- for key, value in iteritems(args):
- setattr(self, key, value)
+ self.args = frappe._dict(args)
+ self.item_code = args.get("item_code")
+ if self.args.sle_id:
+ self.args['name'] = self.args.sle_id
- self.previous_sle = self.get_sle_before_datetime()
- self.previous_sle = self.previous_sle[0] if self.previous_sle else frappe._dict()
+ self.company = frappe.get_cached_value("Warehouse", self.args.warehouse, "company")
+ self.get_precision()
+ self.valuation_method = get_valuation_method(self.item_code)
+ self.new_items = {}
+ self.data = frappe._dict()
+ self.initialize_previous_data(self.args)
+ self.build()
+ def get_precision(self):
+ company_base_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', self.company, "default_currency")
+ self.precision = get_field_precision(frappe.get_meta("Stock Ledger Entry").get_field("stock_value"),
+ currency=company_base_currency)
+ def initialize_previous_data(self, args):
+ """
+ Get previous sl entries for current item for each related warehouse
+ and assigns into self.data dict
+ :Data Structure:
+ self.data = {
+ warehouse1: {
+ 'previus_sle': {},
+ 'qty_after_transaction': 10,
+ 'valuation_rate': 100,
+ 'stock_value': 1000,
+ 'prev_stock_value': 1000,
+ 'stock_queue': '[[10, 100]]',
+ 'stock_value_difference': 1000
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ self.data.setdefault(args.warehouse, frappe._dict())
+ warehouse_dict = self.data[args.warehouse]
+ previous_sle = self.get_sle_before_datetime(args)
+ warehouse_dict.previous_sle = previous_sle
for key in ("qty_after_transaction", "valuation_rate", "stock_value"):
- setattr(self, key, flt(self.previous_sle.get(key)))
+ setattr(warehouse_dict, key, flt(previous_sle.get(key)))
- self.company = frappe.db.get_value("Warehouse", self.warehouse, "company")
- self.precision = get_field_precision(frappe.get_meta("Stock Ledger Entry").get_field("stock_value"),
- currency=frappe.get_cached_value('Company', self.company, "default_currency"))
+ warehouse_dict.update({
+ "prev_stock_value": previous_sle.stock_value or 0.0,
+ "stock_queue": json.loads(previous_sle.stock_queue or "[]"),
+ "stock_value_difference": 0.0
+ })
- self.prev_stock_value = self.previous_sle.stock_value or 0.0
- self.stock_queue = json.loads(self.previous_sle.stock_queue or "[]")
- self.valuation_method = get_valuation_method(self.item_code)
- self.stock_value_difference = 0.0
- self.build(args.get('sle_id'))
- def build(self, sle_id):
- if sle_id:
- sle = get_sle_by_id(sle_id)
- self.process_sle(sle)
+ def build(self):
+ if self.args.get("sle_id"):
+ self.process_sle_against_current_voucher()
- # includes current entry!
- entries_to_fix = self.get_sle_after_datetime()
- for sle in entries_to_fix:
+ entries_to_fix = self.get_future_entries_to_fix()
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(entries_to_fix):
+ sle = entries_to_fix[i]
+ i += 1
+ if sle.dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no:
+ self.get_dependent_entries_to_fix(entries_to_fix, sle)
if self.exceptions:
- def update_bin(self):
- # update bin
- bin_name = frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {
- "item_code": self.item_code,
- "warehouse": self.warehouse
- })
+ def process_sle_against_current_voucher(self):
+ sl_entries = self.get_sle_against_current_voucher()
+ for sle in sl_entries:
+ self.process_sle(sle)
- if not bin_name:
- bin_doc = frappe.get_doc({
- "doctype": "Bin",
- "item_code": self.item_code,
- "warehouse": self.warehouse
- })
- bin_doc.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
- else:
- bin_doc = frappe.get_doc("Bin", bin_name)
+ def get_sle_against_current_voucher(self):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""
+ select
+ *, timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as "timestamp"
+ from
+ `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+ where
+ item_code = %(item_code)s
+ and warehouse = %(warehouse)s
+ and voucher_type = %(voucher_type)s
+ and voucher_no = %(voucher_no)s
+ order by
+ creation ASC
+ for update
+ """, self.args, as_dict=1)
- bin_doc.update({
- "valuation_rate": self.valuation_rate,
- "actual_qty": self.qty_after_transaction,
- "stock_value": self.stock_value
- })
- bin_doc.flags.via_stock_ledger_entry = True
+ def get_future_entries_to_fix(self):
+ # includes current entry!
+ args = self.data[self.args.warehouse].previous_sle \
+ or frappe._dict({"item_code": self.item_code, "warehouse": self.args.warehouse})
+ return list(self.get_sle_after_datetime(args))
- bin_doc.save(ignore_permissions=True)
+ def get_dependent_entries_to_fix(self, entries_to_fix, sle):
+ dependant_sle = get_sle_by_voucher_detail_no(sle.dependant_sle_voucher_detail_no,
+ excluded_sle=sle.name)
+ if not dependant_sle:
+ return
+ elif dependant_sle.item_code == self.item_code and dependant_sle.warehouse == self.args.warehouse:
+ return
+ elif dependant_sle.item_code != self.item_code \
+ and (dependant_sle.item_code, dependant_sle.warehouse) not in self.new_items:
+ self.new_items[(dependant_sle.item_code, dependant_sle.warehouse)] = dependant_sle
+ return
+ self.initialize_previous_data(dependant_sle)
+ args = self.data[dependant_sle.warehouse].previous_sle \
+ or frappe._dict({"item_code": self.item_code, "warehouse": dependant_sle.warehouse})
+ future_sle_for_dependant = list(self.get_sle_after_datetime(args))
+ entries_to_fix.extend(future_sle_for_dependant)
+ entries_to_fix = sorted(entries_to_fix, key=lambda k: k['timestamp'])
def process_sle(self, sle):
+ # previous sle data for this warehouse
+ self.wh_data = self.data[sle.warehouse]
if (sle.serial_no and not self.via_landed_cost_voucher) or not cint(self.allow_negative_stock):
# validate negative stock for serialized items, fifo valuation
# or when negative stock is not allowed for moving average
if not self.validate_negative_stock(sle):
- self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ # Get dynamic incoming/outgoing rate
+ self.get_dynamic_incoming_outgoing_rate(sle)
if sle.serial_no:
- self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
if sle.voucher_type == "Stock Reconciliation":
- self.qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
- self.stock_value = flt(self.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.valuation_rate)
+ self.wh_data.stock_value = flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.wh_data.valuation_rate)
if sle.voucher_type=="Stock Reconciliation" and not sle.batch_no:
# assert
- self.valuation_rate = sle.valuation_rate
- self.qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
- self.stock_queue = [[self.qty_after_transaction, self.valuation_rate]]
- self.stock_value = flt(self.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.valuation_rate)
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = sle.valuation_rate
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue = [[self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction, self.wh_data.valuation_rate]]
+ self.wh_data.stock_value = flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.wh_data.valuation_rate)
if self.valuation_method == "Moving Average":
- self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
- self.stock_value = flt(self.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.valuation_rate)
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ self.wh_data.stock_value = flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) * flt(self.wh_data.valuation_rate)
- self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
- self.stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
+ self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ self.wh_data.stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue))
# rounding as per precision
- self.stock_value = flt(self.stock_value, self.precision)
- stock_value_difference = self.stock_value - self.prev_stock_value
- self.prev_stock_value = self.stock_value
+ self.wh_data.stock_value = flt(self.wh_data.stock_value, self.precision)
+ stock_value_difference = self.wh_data.stock_value - self.wh_data.prev_stock_value
+ self.wh_data.prev_stock_value = self.wh_data.stock_value
# update current sle
- sle.qty_after_transaction = self.qty_after_transaction
- sle.valuation_rate = self.valuation_rate
- sle.stock_value = self.stock_value
- sle.stock_queue = json.dumps(self.stock_queue)
+ sle.qty_after_transaction = self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction
+ sle.valuation_rate = self.wh_data.valuation_rate
+ sle.stock_value = self.wh_data.stock_value
+ sle.stock_queue = json.dumps(self.wh_data.stock_queue)
sle.stock_value_difference = stock_value_difference
sle.doctype="Stock Ledger Entry"
+ self.update_outgoing_rate_on_transaction(sle)
def validate_negative_stock(self, sle):
validate negative stock for entries current datetime onwards
will not consider cancelled entries
- diff = self.qty_after_transaction + flt(sle.actual_qty)
+ diff = self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction + flt(sle.actual_qty)
if diff < 0 and abs(diff) > 0.0001:
# negative stock!
exc = sle.copy().update({"diff": diff})
- self.exceptions.append(exc)
+ self.exceptions.setdefault(sle.warehouse, []).append(exc)
return False
return True
+ def get_dynamic_incoming_outgoing_rate(self, sle):
+ # Get updated incoming/outgoing rate from transaction
+ if sle.recalculate_rate:
+ rate = self.get_incoming_outgoing_rate_from_transaction(sle)
+ if flt(sle.actual_qty) >= 0:
+ sle.incoming_rate = rate
+ else:
+ sle.outgoing_rate = rate
+ def get_incoming_outgoing_rate_from_transaction(self, sle):
+ rate = 0
+ # Material Transfer, Repack, Manufacturing
+ if sle.voucher_type == "Stock Entry":
+ rate = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Entry Detail", sle.voucher_detail_no, "valuation_rate")
+ # Sales and Purchase Return
+ elif sle.voucher_type in ("Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice", "Delivery Note", "Sales Invoice"):
+ if frappe.get_cached_value(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, "is_return"):
+ from erpnext.controllers.sales_and_purchase_return import get_rate_for_return # don't move this import to top
+ rate = get_rate_for_return(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.item_code, voucher_detail_no=sle.voucher_detail_no)
+ else:
+ if sle.voucher_type in ("Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice"):
+ rate_field = "valuation_rate"
+ else:
+ rate_field = "incoming_rate"
+ # check in item table
+ item_code, incoming_rate = frappe.db.get_value(sle.voucher_type + " Item",
+ sle.voucher_detail_no, ["item_code", rate_field])
+ if item_code == sle.item_code:
+ rate = incoming_rate
+ else:
+ if sle.voucher_type in ("Delivery Note", "Sales Invoice"):
+ ref_doctype = "Packed Item"
+ else:
+ ref_doctype = "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied"
+ rate = frappe.db.get_value(ref_doctype, {"parent_detail_docname": sle.voucher_detail_no,
+ "item_code": sle.item_code}, rate_field)
+ return rate
+ def update_outgoing_rate_on_transaction(self, sle):
+ """
+ Update outgoing rate in Stock Entry, Delivery Note, Sales Invoice and Sales Return
+ In case of Stock Entry, also calculate FG Item rate and total incoming/outgoing amount
+ """
+ if sle.actual_qty and sle.voucher_detail_no:
+ outgoing_rate = abs(flt(sle.stock_value_difference)) / abs(sle.actual_qty)
+ if flt(sle.actual_qty) < 0 and sle.voucher_type == "Stock Entry":
+ self.update_rate_on_stock_entry(sle, outgoing_rate)
+ elif sle.voucher_type in ("Delivery Note", "Sales Invoice"):
+ self.update_rate_on_delivery_and_sales_return(sle, outgoing_rate)
+ elif flt(sle.actual_qty) < 0 and sle.voucher_type in ("Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice"):
+ self.update_rate_on_purchase_receipt(sle, outgoing_rate)
+ def update_rate_on_stock_entry(self, sle, outgoing_rate):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Stock Entry Detail", sle.voucher_detail_no, "basic_rate", outgoing_rate)
+ # Update outgoing item's rate, recalculate FG Item's rate and total incoming/outgoing amount
+ stock_entry = frappe.get_doc("Stock Entry", sle.voucher_no)
+ stock_entry.calculate_rate_and_amount(reset_outgoing_rate=False, raise_error_if_no_rate=False)
+ stock_entry.db_update()
+ for d in stock_entry.items:
+ d.db_update()
+ def update_rate_on_delivery_and_sales_return(self, sle, outgoing_rate):
+ # Update item's incoming rate on transaction
+ item_code = frappe.db.get_value(sle.voucher_type + " Item", sle.voucher_detail_no, "item_code")
+ if item_code == sle.item_code:
+ frappe.db.set_value(sle.voucher_type + " Item", sle.voucher_detail_no, "incoming_rate", outgoing_rate)
+ else:
+ # packed item
+ frappe.db.set_value("Packed Item",
+ {"parent_detail_docname": sle.voucher_detail_no, "item_code": sle.item_code},
+ "incoming_rate", outgoing_rate)
+ def update_rate_on_purchase_receipt(self, sle, outgoing_rate):
+ if frappe.db.exists(sle.voucher_type + " Item", sle.voucher_detail_no):
+ frappe.db.set_value(sle.voucher_type + " Item", sle.voucher_detail_no, "base_net_rate", outgoing_rate)
+ else:
+ frappe.db.set_value("Purchase Receipt Item Supplied", sle.voucher_detail_no, "rate", outgoing_rate)
+ # Recalculate subcontracted item's rate in case of subcontracted purchase receipt/invoice
+ if frappe.db.get_value(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, "is_subcontracted"):
+ doc = frappe.get_cached_doc(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no)
+ doc.update_valuation_rate(reset_outgoing_rate=False)
+ for d in (doc.items + doc.supplied_items):
+ d.db_update()
def get_serialized_values(self, sle):
incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
@@ -228,7 +406,7 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
if incoming_rate < 0:
# wrong incoming rate
- incoming_rate = self.valuation_rate
+ incoming_rate = self.wh_data.valuation_rate
stock_value_change = 0
if incoming_rate:
@@ -236,22 +414,25 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
elif actual_qty < 0:
# In case of delivery/stock issue, get average purchase rate
# of serial nos of current entry
- outgoing_value = self.get_incoming_value_for_serial_nos(sle, serial_nos)
- stock_value_change = -1 * outgoing_value
+ if not sle.is_cancelled:
+ outgoing_value = self.get_incoming_value_for_serial_nos(sle, serial_nos)
+ stock_value_change = -1 * outgoing_value
+ else:
+ stock_value_change = actual_qty * sle.outgoing_rate
- new_stock_qty = self.qty_after_transaction + actual_qty
+ new_stock_qty = self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction + actual_qty
if new_stock_qty > 0:
- new_stock_value = (self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate) + stock_value_change
+ new_stock_value = (self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction * self.wh_data.valuation_rate) + stock_value_change
if new_stock_value >= 0:
# calculate new valuation rate only if stock value is positive
# else it remains the same as that of previous entry
- self.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
- if not self.valuation_rate and sle.voucher_detail_no:
+ if not self.wh_data.valuation_rate and sle.voucher_detail_no:
allow_zero_rate = self.check_if_allow_zero_valuation_rate(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_detail_no)
if not allow_zero_rate:
- self.valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse,
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse,
sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, self.allow_zero_rate,
@@ -287,39 +468,39 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
def get_moving_average_values(self, sle):
actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
- new_stock_qty = flt(self.qty_after_transaction) + actual_qty
+ new_stock_qty = flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) + actual_qty
if new_stock_qty >= 0:
if actual_qty > 0:
- if flt(self.qty_after_transaction) <= 0:
- self.valuation_rate = sle.incoming_rate
+ if flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) <= 0:
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = sle.incoming_rate
- new_stock_value = (self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate) + \
+ new_stock_value = (self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction * self.wh_data.valuation_rate) + \
(actual_qty * sle.incoming_rate)
- self.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
elif sle.outgoing_rate:
if new_stock_qty:
- new_stock_value = (self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate) + \
+ new_stock_value = (self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction * self.wh_data.valuation_rate) + \
(actual_qty * sle.outgoing_rate)
- self.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
- self.valuation_rate = sle.outgoing_rate
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = sle.outgoing_rate
- if flt(self.qty_after_transaction) >= 0 and sle.outgoing_rate:
- self.valuation_rate = sle.outgoing_rate
+ if flt(self.wh_data.qty_after_transaction) >= 0 and sle.outgoing_rate:
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = sle.outgoing_rate
- if not self.valuation_rate and actual_qty > 0:
- self.valuation_rate = sle.incoming_rate
+ if not self.wh_data.valuation_rate and actual_qty > 0:
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = sle.incoming_rate
# Get valuation rate from previous SLE or Item master, if item does not have the
# allow zero valuration rate flag set
- if not self.valuation_rate and sle.voucher_detail_no:
+ if not self.wh_data.valuation_rate and sle.voucher_detail_no:
allow_zero_valuation_rate = self.check_if_allow_zero_valuation_rate(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_detail_no)
if not allow_zero_valuation_rate:
- self.valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse,
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse,
sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, self.allow_zero_rate,
@@ -329,22 +510,22 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
outgoing_rate = flt(sle.outgoing_rate)
if actual_qty > 0:
- if not self.stock_queue:
- self.stock_queue.append([0, 0])
+ if not self.wh_data.stock_queue:
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.append([0, 0])
# last row has the same rate, just updated the qty
- if self.stock_queue[-1][1]==incoming_rate:
- self.stock_queue[-1][0] += actual_qty
+ if self.wh_data.stock_queue[-1][1]==incoming_rate:
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue[-1][0] += actual_qty
- if self.stock_queue[-1][0] > 0:
- self.stock_queue.append([actual_qty, incoming_rate])
+ if self.wh_data.stock_queue[-1][0] > 0:
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.append([actual_qty, incoming_rate])
- qty = self.stock_queue[-1][0] + actual_qty
- self.stock_queue[-1] = [qty, incoming_rate]
+ qty = self.wh_data.stock_queue[-1][0] + actual_qty
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue[-1] = [qty, incoming_rate]
qty_to_pop = abs(actual_qty)
while qty_to_pop:
- if not self.stock_queue:
+ if not self.wh_data.stock_queue:
# Get valuation rate from last sle if exists or from valuation rate field in item master
allow_zero_valuation_rate = self.check_if_allow_zero_valuation_rate(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_detail_no)
if not allow_zero_valuation_rate:
@@ -354,35 +535,35 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
_rate = 0
- self.stock_queue.append([0, _rate])
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.append([0, _rate])
index = None
if outgoing_rate > 0:
# Find the entry where rate matched with outgoing rate
- for i, v in enumerate(self.stock_queue):
+ for i, v in enumerate(self.wh_data.stock_queue):
if v[1] == outgoing_rate:
index = i
# If no entry found with outgoing rate, collapse stack
if index == None:
- new_stock_value = sum((d[0]*d[1] for d in self.stock_queue)) - qty_to_pop*outgoing_rate
- new_stock_qty = sum((d[0] for d in self.stock_queue)) - qty_to_pop
- self.stock_queue = [[new_stock_qty, new_stock_value/new_stock_qty if new_stock_qty > 0 else outgoing_rate]]
+ new_stock_value = sum((d[0]*d[1] for d in self.wh_data.stock_queue)) - qty_to_pop*outgoing_rate
+ new_stock_qty = sum((d[0] for d in self.wh_data.stock_queue)) - qty_to_pop
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue = [[new_stock_qty, new_stock_value/new_stock_qty if new_stock_qty > 0 else outgoing_rate]]
index = 0
# select first batch or the batch with same rate
- batch = self.stock_queue[index]
+ batch = self.wh_data.stock_queue[index]
if qty_to_pop >= batch[0]:
# consume current batch
qty_to_pop = qty_to_pop - batch[0]
- self.stock_queue.pop(index)
- if not self.stock_queue and qty_to_pop:
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.pop(index)
+ if not self.wh_data.stock_queue and qty_to_pop:
# stock finished, qty still remains to be withdrawn
# negative stock, keep in as a negative batch
- self.stock_queue.append([-qty_to_pop, outgoing_rate or batch[1]])
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.append([-qty_to_pop, outgoing_rate or batch[1]])
@@ -391,14 +572,14 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
batch[0] = batch[0] - qty_to_pop
qty_to_pop = 0
- stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
- stock_qty = sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
+ stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue))
+ stock_qty = sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue))
if stock_qty:
- self.valuation_rate = stock_value / flt(stock_qty)
+ self.wh_data.valuation_rate = stock_value / flt(stock_qty)
- if not self.stock_queue:
- self.stock_queue.append([0, sle.incoming_rate or sle.outgoing_rate or self.valuation_rate])
+ if not self.wh_data.stock_queue:
+ self.wh_data.stock_queue.append([0, sle.incoming_rate or sle.outgoing_rate or self.wh_data.valuation_rate])
def check_if_allow_zero_valuation_rate(self, voucher_type, voucher_detail_no):
ref_item_dt = ""
@@ -413,39 +594,56 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
return 0
- def get_sle_before_datetime(self):
+ def get_sle_before_datetime(self, args):
"""get previous stock ledger entry before current time-bucket"""
- if self.args.get('sle_id'):
- self.args['name'] = self.args.get('sle_id')
+ sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(args, "<", "desc", "limit 1", for_update=False)
+ sle = sle[0] if sle else frappe._dict()
+ return sle
- return get_stock_ledger_entries(self.args, "<=", "desc", "limit 1", for_update=False)
- def get_sle_after_datetime(self):
+ def get_sle_after_datetime(self, args):
"""get Stock Ledger Entries after a particular datetime, for reposting"""
- return get_stock_ledger_entries(self.previous_sle or frappe._dict({
- "item_code": self.args.get("item_code"), "warehouse": self.args.get("warehouse") }),
- ">", "asc", for_update=True, check_serial_no=False)
+ return get_stock_ledger_entries(args, ">", "asc", for_update=True, check_serial_no=False)
def raise_exceptions(self):
- deficiency = min(e["diff"] for e in self.exceptions)
+ msg_list = []
+ for warehouse, exceptions in iteritems(self.exceptions):
+ deficiency = min(e["diff"] for e in exceptions)
- if ((self.exceptions[0]["voucher_type"], self.exceptions[0]["voucher_no"]) in
- frappe.local.flags.currently_saving):
+ if ((exceptions[0]["voucher_type"], exceptions[0]["voucher_no"]) in
+ frappe.local.flags.currently_saving):
- msg = _("{0} units of {1} needed in {2} to complete this transaction.").format(
- abs(deficiency), frappe.get_desk_link('Item', self.item_code),
- frappe.get_desk_link('Warehouse', self.warehouse))
- else:
- msg = _("{0} units of {1} needed in {2} on {3} {4} for {5} to complete this transaction.").format(
- abs(deficiency), frappe.get_desk_link('Item', self.item_code),
- frappe.get_desk_link('Warehouse', self.warehouse),
- self.exceptions[0]["posting_date"], self.exceptions[0]["posting_time"],
- frappe.get_desk_link(self.exceptions[0]["voucher_type"], self.exceptions[0]["voucher_no"]))
+ msg = _("{0} units of {1} needed in {2} to complete this transaction.").format(
+ abs(deficiency), frappe.get_desk_link('Item', self.item_code),
+ frappe.get_desk_link('Warehouse', warehouse))
+ else:
+ msg = _("{0} units of {1} needed in {2} on {3} {4} for {5} to complete this transaction.").format(
+ abs(deficiency), frappe.get_desk_link('Item', self.item_code),
+ frappe.get_desk_link('Warehouse', warehouse),
+ exceptions[0]["posting_date"], exceptions[0]["posting_time"],
+ frappe.get_desk_link(exceptions[0]["voucher_type"], exceptions[0]["voucher_no"]))
- if self.verbose:
- frappe.throw(msg, NegativeStockError, title='Insufficient Stock')
- else:
- raise NegativeStockError(msg)
+ if msg:
+ msg_list.append(msg)
+ if msg_list:
+ message = "\n\n".join(msg_list)
+ if self.verbose:
+ frappe.throw(message, NegativeStockError, title='Insufficient Stock')
+ else:
+ raise NegativeStockError(message)
+ def update_bin(self):
+ # update bin for each warehouse
+ for warehouse, data in iteritems(self.data):
+ bin_doc = get_bin(self.item_code, warehouse)
+ bin_doc.update({
+ "valuation_rate": data.valuation_rate,
+ "actual_qty": data.qty_after_transaction,
+ "stock_value": data.stock_value
+ })
+ bin_doc.flags.via_stock_ledger_entry = True
+ bin_doc.save(ignore_permissions=True)
def get_previous_sle(args, for_update=False):
@@ -489,6 +687,7 @@ def get_stock_ledger_entries(previous_sle, operator=None,
select *, timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as "timestamp"
from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
where item_code = %%(item_code)s
+ and is_cancelled = 0
order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) %(order)s, creation %(order)s
%(limit)s %(for_update)s""" % {
@@ -498,10 +697,11 @@ def get_stock_ledger_entries(previous_sle, operator=None,
"order": order
}, previous_sle, as_dict=1, debug=debug)
-def get_sle_by_id(sle_id):
- return frappe.db.get_all('Stock Ledger Entry',
- fields=['*', 'timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as timestamp'],
- filters={'name': sle_id})[0]
+def get_sle_by_voucher_detail_no(voucher_detail_no, excluded_sle=None):
+ return frappe.db.get_value('Stock Ledger Entry',
+ {'voucher_detail_no': voucher_detail_no, 'name': ['!=', excluded_sle]},
+ ['item_code', 'warehouse', 'posting_date', 'posting_time', 'timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as timestamp'],
+ as_dict=1)
def get_valuation_rate(item_code, warehouse, voucher_type, voucher_no,
allow_zero_rate=False, currency=None, company=None, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
@@ -529,7 +729,7 @@ def get_valuation_rate(item_code, warehouse, voucher_type, voucher_no,
order by posting_date desc, posting_time desc, name desc limit 1""", (item_code, voucher_no, voucher_type))
if last_valuation_rate:
- return flt(last_valuation_rate[0][0]) # as there is previous records, it might come with zero rate
+ return flt(last_valuation_rate[0][0])
# If negative stock allowed, and item delivered without any incoming entry,
# system does not found any SLE, then take valuation rate from Item
@@ -561,3 +761,54 @@ def get_valuation_rate(item_code, warehouse, voucher_type, voucher_no,
frappe.throw(msg=msg, title=_("Valuation Rate Missing"))
return valuation_rate
+def update_qty_in_future_sle(args, allow_negative_stock=None):
+ frappe.db.sql("""
+ update `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+ set qty_after_transaction = qty_after_transaction + {qty}
+ where
+ item_code = %(item_code)s
+ and warehouse = %(warehouse)s
+ and voucher_no != %(voucher_no)s
+ and is_cancelled = 0
+ and (timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) > timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)
+ or (
+ timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) = timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)
+ and creation > %(creation)s
+ )
+ )
+ """.format(qty=args.actual_qty), args)
+ validate_negative_qty_in_future_sle(args, allow_negative_stock)
+def validate_negative_qty_in_future_sle(args, allow_negative_stock=None):
+ allow_negative_stock = allow_negative_stock \
+ or cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings", "allow_negative_stock"))
+ if args.actual_qty < 0 and not allow_negative_stock:
+ sle = get_future_sle_with_negative_qty(args)
+ if sle:
+ message = _("{0} units of {1} needed in {2} on {3} {4} for {5} to complete this transaction.").format(
+ abs(sle[0]["qty_after_transaction"]),
+ frappe.get_desk_link('Item', args.item_code),
+ frappe.get_desk_link('Warehouse', args.warehouse),
+ sle[0]["posting_date"], sle[0]["posting_time"],
+ frappe.get_desk_link(sle[0]["voucher_type"], sle[0]["voucher_no"]))
+ frappe.throw(message, NegativeStockError, title='Insufficient Stock')
+def get_future_sle_with_negative_qty(args):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""
+ select
+ qty_after_transaction, posting_date, posting_time,
+ voucher_type, voucher_no
+ from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+ where
+ item_code = %(item_code)s
+ and warehouse = %(warehouse)s
+ and voucher_no != %(voucher_no)s
+ and timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) >= timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)
+ and is_cancelled = 0
+ and qty_after_transaction < 0
+ limit 1
+ """, args, as_dict=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/utils.py b/erpnext/stock/utils.py
index f9ac25443e..4ea7e4fcd6 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/utils.py
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ def get_stock_value_on(warehouse=None, posting_date=None, item_code=None):
SELECT item_code, stock_value, name, warehouse
FROM `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle
WHERE posting_date <= %s {0}
+ and is_cancelled = 0
ORDER BY timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) DESC, creation DESC
""".format(condition), values, as_dict=1)
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ def get_incoming_rate(args, raise_error_if_no_rate=True):
currency=erpnext.get_company_currency(args.get('company')), company=args.get('company'),
- return in_rate
+ return flt(in_rate)
def get_avg_purchase_rate(serial_nos):
"""get average value of serial numbers"""
@@ -375,4 +376,10 @@ def get_incoming_outgoing_rate_for_cancel(item_code, voucher_type, voucher_no, v
outgoing_rate = outgoing_rate[0][0] if outgoing_rate else 0.0
- return outgoing_rate
\ No newline at end of file
+ return outgoing_rate
+def is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress():
+ reposting_in_progress = frappe.db.exists("Repost Item Valuation",
+ {'docstatus': 1, 'status': ['in', ['Queued','In Progress']]})
+ if reposting_in_progress:
+ frappe.msgprint(_("Item valuation reposting in progress. Report might show incorrect item valuation."), alert=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/support/desk_page/support/support.json b/erpnext/support/desk_page/support/support.json
index 28410f3a71..18cf87ab0b 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/desk_page/support/support.json
+++ b/erpnext/support/desk_page/support/support.json
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"hidden": 0,
"label": "Reports",
- "links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Issue\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Issue\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"First Response Time for Issues\",\n \"name\": \"First Response Time for Issues\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]"
+ "links": "[\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Issue\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Issue\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"First Response Time for Issues\",\n \"name\": \"First Response Time for Issues\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n },\n {\n \"dependencies\": [\n \"Issue\"\n ],\n \"doctype\": \"Issue\",\n \"is_query_report\": true,\n \"label\": \"Issue Summary\",\n \"name\": \"Issue Summary\",\n \"type\": \"report\"\n }\n]"
"category": "Modules",
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"idx": 0,
"is_standard": 1,
"label": "Support",
- "modified": "2020-08-11 15:49:34.307341",
+ "modified": "2020-10-12 18:40:22.252915",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Support",
"name": "Support",
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/__init__.py b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..684482ac8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+/* eslint-disable */
+frappe.query_reports["Issue Summary"] = {
+ "filters": [
+ {
+ fieldname: "company",
+ label: __("Company"),
+ fieldtype: "Link",
+ options: "Company",
+ default: frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
+ reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "based_on",
+ label: __("Based On"),
+ fieldtype: "Select",
+ options: ["Customer", "Issue Type", "Issue Priority", "Assigned To"],
+ default: "Customer",
+ reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "from_date",
+ label: __("From Date"),
+ fieldtype: "Date",
+ default: frappe.defaults.get_global_default("year_start_date"),
+ reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname:"to_date",
+ label: __("To Date"),
+ fieldtype: "Date",
+ default: frappe.defaults.get_global_default("year_end_date"),
+ reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "status",
+ label: __("Status"),
+ fieldtype: "Select",
+ options:[
+ {label: __('Open'), value: 'Open'},
+ {label: __('Replied'), value: 'Replied'},
+ {label: __('Resolved'), value: 'Resolved'},
+ {label: __('Closed'), value: 'Closed'}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "priority",
+ label: __("Issue Priority"),
+ fieldtype: "Link",
+ options: "Issue Priority"
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "customer",
+ label: __("Customer"),
+ fieldtype: "Link",
+ options: "Customer"
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "project",
+ label: __("Project"),
+ fieldtype: "Link",
+ options: "Project"
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "assigned_to",
+ label: __("Assigned To"),
+ fieldtype: "Link",
+ options: "User"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.json b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8a580ccef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "add_total_row": 0,
+ "columns": [],
+ "creation": "2020-10-12 01:01:55.181777",
+ "disable_prepared_report": 0,
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Report",
+ "filters": [],
+ "idx": 0,
+ "is_standard": "Yes",
+ "modified": "2020-10-12 14:54:55.655920",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Support",
+ "name": "Issue Summary",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "prepared_report": 0,
+ "ref_doctype": "Issue",
+ "report_name": "Issue Summary",
+ "report_type": "Script Report",
+ "roles": [
+ {
+ "role": "Support Team"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.py b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d735314f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+import json
+from six import iteritems
+from frappe import _, scrub
+from frappe.utils import flt
+def execute(filters=None):
+ return IssueSummary(filters).run()
+class IssueSummary(object):
+ def __init__(self, filters=None):
+ self.filters = frappe._dict(filters or {})
+ def run(self):
+ self.get_columns()
+ self.get_data()
+ self.get_chart_data()
+ self.get_report_summary()
+ return self.columns, self.data, None, self.chart, self.report_summary
+ def get_columns(self):
+ self.columns = []
+ if self.filters.based_on == 'Customer':
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _('Customer'),
+ 'options': 'Customer',
+ 'fieldname': 'customer',
+ 'fieldtype': 'Link',
+ 'width': 200
+ })
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Assigned To':
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _('User'),
+ 'fieldname': 'user',
+ 'fieldtype': 'Link',
+ 'options': 'User',
+ 'width': 200
+ })
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Issue Type':
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _('Issue Type'),
+ 'fieldname': 'issue_type',
+ 'fieldtype': 'Link',
+ 'options': 'Issue Type',
+ 'width': 200
+ })
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Issue Priority':
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _('Issue Priority'),
+ 'fieldname': 'priority',
+ 'fieldtype': 'Link',
+ 'options': 'Issue Priority',
+ 'width': 200
+ })
+ self.statuses = ['Open', 'Replied', 'Resolved', 'Closed']
+ for status in self.statuses:
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _(status),
+ 'fieldname': scrub(status),
+ 'fieldtype': 'Int',
+ 'width': 80
+ })
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _('Total Issues'),
+ 'fieldname': 'total_issues',
+ 'fieldtype': 'Int',
+ 'width': 100
+ })
+ self.sla_status_map = {
+ 'SLA Failed': 'failed',
+ 'SLA Fulfilled': 'fulfilled',
+ 'SLA Ongoing': 'ongoing'
+ }
+ for label, fieldname in self.sla_status_map.items():
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _(label),
+ 'fieldname': fieldname,
+ 'fieldtype': 'Int',
+ 'width': 100
+ })
+ self.metrics = ['Avg First Response Time', 'Avg Response Time', 'Avg Hold Time',
+ 'Avg Resolution Time', 'Avg User Resolution Time']
+ for metric in self.metrics:
+ self.columns.append({
+ 'label': _(metric),
+ 'fieldname': scrub(metric),
+ 'fieldtype': 'Duration',
+ 'width': 170
+ })
+ def get_data(self):
+ self.get_issues()
+ self.get_rows()
+ def get_issues(self):
+ filters = self.get_common_filters()
+ self.field_map = {
+ 'Customer': 'customer',
+ 'Issue Type': 'issue_type',
+ 'Issue Priority': 'priority',
+ 'Assigned To': '_assign'
+ }
+ self.entries = frappe.db.get_all('Issue',
+ fields=[self.field_map.get(self.filters.based_on), 'name', 'opening_date', 'status', 'avg_response_time',
+ 'first_response_time', 'total_hold_time', 'user_resolution_time', 'resolution_time', 'agreement_status'],
+ filters=filters
+ )
+ def get_common_filters(self):
+ filters = {}
+ filters['opening_date'] = ('between', [self.filters.from_date, self.filters.to_date])
+ if self.filters.get('assigned_to'):
+ filters['_assign'] = ('like', '%' + self.filters.get('assigned_to') + '%')
+ for entry in ['company', 'status', 'priority', 'customer', 'project']:
+ if self.filters.get(entry):
+ filters[entry] = self.filters.get(entry)
+ return filters
+ def get_rows(self):
+ self.data = []
+ self.get_summary_data()
+ for entity, data in iteritems(self.issue_summary_data):
+ if self.filters.based_on == 'Customer':
+ row = {'customer': entity}
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Assigned To':
+ row = {'user': entity}
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Issue Type':
+ row = {'issue_type': entity}
+ elif self.filters.based_on == 'Issue Priority':
+ row = {'priority': entity}
+ for status in self.statuses:
+ count = flt(data.get(status, 0.0))
+ row[scrub(status)] = count
+ row['total_issues'] = data.get('total_issues', 0.0)
+ for sla_status in self.sla_status_map.values():
+ value = flt(data.get(sla_status), 0.0)
+ row[sla_status] = value
+ for metric in self.metrics:
+ value = flt(data.get(scrub(metric)), 0.0)
+ row[scrub(metric)] = value
+ self.data.append(row)
+ def get_summary_data(self):
+ self.issue_summary_data = frappe._dict()
+ for d in self.entries:
+ status = d.status
+ agreement_status = scrub(d.agreement_status)
+ if self.filters.based_on == 'Assigned To':
+ if d._assign:
+ for entry in json.loads(d._assign):
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(entry, frappe._dict()).setdefault(status, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(entry, frappe._dict()).setdefault(agreement_status, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(entry, frappe._dict()).setdefault('total_issues', 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry][status] += 1
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry][agreement_status] += 1
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['total_issues'] += 1
+ else:
+ field = self.field_map.get(self.filters.based_on)
+ value = d.get(field)
+ if not value:
+ value = _('Not Specified')
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(value, frappe._dict()).setdefault(status, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(value, frappe._dict()).setdefault(agreement_status, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(value, frappe._dict()).setdefault('total_issues', 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data[value][status] += 1
+ self.issue_summary_data[value][agreement_status] += 1
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['total_issues'] += 1
+ self.get_metrics_data()
+ def get_metrics_data(self):
+ issues = []
+ metrics_list = ['avg_response_time', 'avg_first_response_time', 'avg_hold_time',
+ 'avg_resolution_time', 'avg_user_resolution_time']
+ for entry in self.entries:
+ issues.append(entry.name)
+ field = self.field_map.get(self.filters.based_on)
+ if issues:
+ if self.filters.based_on == 'Assigned To':
+ assignment_map = frappe._dict()
+ for d in self.entries:
+ if d._assign:
+ for entry in json.loads(d._assign):
+ for metric in metrics_list:
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(entry, frappe._dict()).setdefault(metric, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['avg_response_time'] += d.get('avg_response_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['avg_first_response_time'] += d.get('first_response_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['avg_hold_time'] += d.get('total_hold_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['avg_resolution_time'] += d.get('resolution_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry]['avg_user_resolution_time'] += d.get('user_resolution_time') or 0.0
+ if not assignment_map.get(entry):
+ assignment_map[entry] = 0
+ assignment_map[entry] += 1
+ for entry in assignment_map:
+ for metric in metrics_list:
+ self.issue_summary_data[entry][metric] /= flt(assignment_map.get(entry))
+ else:
+ data = frappe.db.sql("""
+ {0}, AVG(first_response_time) as avg_frt,
+ AVG(avg_response_time) as avg_resp_time,
+ AVG(total_hold_time) as avg_hold_time,
+ AVG(resolution_time) as avg_resolution_time,
+ AVG(user_resolution_time) as avg_user_resolution_time
+ FROM `tabIssue`
+ name IN %(issues)s
+ GROUP BY {0}
+ """.format(field), {'issues': issues}, as_dict=1)
+ for entry in data:
+ value = entry.get(field)
+ if not value:
+ value = _('Not Specified')
+ for metric in metrics_list:
+ self.issue_summary_data.setdefault(value, frappe._dict()).setdefault(metric, 0.0)
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['avg_response_time'] = entry.get('avg_resp_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['avg_first_response_time'] = entry.get('avg_frt') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['avg_hold_time'] = entry.get('avg_hold_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['avg_resolution_time'] = entry.get('avg_resolution_time') or 0.0
+ self.issue_summary_data[value]['avg_user_resolution_time'] = entry.get('avg_user_resolution_time') or 0.0
+ def get_chart_data(self):
+ if not self.data:
+ return None
+ labels = []
+ open_issues = []
+ replied_issues = []
+ resolved_issues = []
+ closed_issues = []
+ entity = self.filters.based_on
+ entity_field = self.field_map.get(entity)
+ if entity == 'Assigned To':
+ entity_field = 'user'
+ for entry in self.data:
+ labels.append(entry.get(entity_field))
+ open_issues.append(entry.get('open'))
+ replied_issues.append(entry.get('replied'))
+ resolved_issues.append(entry.get('resolved'))
+ closed_issues.append(entry.get('closed'))
+ self.chart = {
+ 'data': {
+ 'labels': labels[:30],
+ 'datasets': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Open',
+ 'values': open_issues[:30]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Replied',
+ 'values': replied_issues[:30]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Resolved',
+ 'values': resolved_issues[:30]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Closed',
+ 'values': closed_issues[:30]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'type': 'bar',
+ 'barOptions': {
+ 'stacked': True
+ }
+ }
+ def get_report_summary(self):
+ if not self.data:
+ return None
+ open_issues = 0
+ replied = 0
+ resolved = 0
+ closed = 0
+ for entry in self.data:
+ open_issues += entry.get('open')
+ replied += entry.get('replied')
+ resolved += entry.get('resolved')
+ closed += entry.get('closed')
+ self.report_summary = [
+ {
+ 'value': open_issues,
+ 'indicator': 'Red',
+ 'label': _('Open'),
+ 'datatype': 'Int',
+ },
+ {
+ 'value': replied,
+ 'indicator': 'Grey',
+ 'label': _('Replied'),
+ 'datatype': 'Int',
+ },
+ {
+ 'value': resolved,
+ 'indicator': 'Green',
+ 'label': _('Resolved'),
+ 'datatype': 'Int',
+ },
+ {
+ 'value': closed,
+ 'indicator': 'Green',
+ 'label': _('Closed'),
+ 'datatype': 'Int',
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/generators/item_group.html b/erpnext/templates/generators/item_group.html
index 40a064fc76..74b2ae3c51 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/generators/item_group.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/generators/item_group.html
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
{% extends "templates/web.html" %}
+{% block breadcrumbs %}
+ {% include "templates/includes/breadcrumbs.html" %}
+{% endblock %}
{% block header %}