[minor] [fix] opportunity form, queries, stock uom replace utility
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
cur_frm.add_fetch('customer', 'customer_name', 'customer_name');
cur_frm.add_fetch('supplier', 'supplier_name', 'supplier_name');
cur_frm.fields_dict.customer.get_query = erpnext.utils.customer_query;
cur_frm.fields_dict.supplier.get_query = erpnext.utils.supplier_query;
cur_frm.fields_dict.customer.get_query = erpnext.queries.customer;
cur_frm.fields_dict.supplier.get_query = erpnext.queries.supplier;
if(cur_frm.fields_dict.lead) {
cur_frm.fields_dict.lead.get_query = erpnext.utils.lead_query;
cur_frm.fields_dict.lead.get_query = erpnext.queries.lead;
cur_frm.add_fetch('lead', 'lead_name', 'lead_name');
@ -145,20 +145,6 @@ def supplier_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, 'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype, searchfield), 'start': start,
'page_len': page_len})
def item_std(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select tabItem.name,
if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40,
concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name,
if(length(tabItem.description) > 40,
concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription
FROM tabItem
WHERE tabItem.docstatus!=2
and tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%(txt)s"
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """ % {'key': searchfield, 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype, searchfield), 'start': start,
'page_len': page_len})
def account_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
conditions = []
if not filters:
@ -15,154 +15,51 @@
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// searches for enabled profiles
erpnext.utils.profile_query = function() {
return "select name, concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) \
from `tabProfile` where ifnull(enabled, 0)=1 and docstatus < 2 and \
name not in ('Administrator', 'Guest') and (%(key)s like \"%s\" or \
concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) like \"%%%s\") \
order by \
case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) like \"%s%%\" \
then 0 else 1 end, \
name asc limit 50";
// searches for active employees
erpnext.utils.employee_query = function() {
return "select name, employee_name from `tabEmployee` \
where status = 'Active' and docstatus < 2 and \
(%(key)s like \"%s\" or employee_name like \"%%%s\") \
order by \
case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when employee_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
name limit 50";
// searches for leads which are not converted
erpnext.utils.lead_query = function() {
return "select name, lead_name, company_name from `tabLead` \
where docstatus < 2 and ifnull(status, '') != 'Converted' and \
(%(key)s like \"%s\" or lead_name like \"%%%s\" or company_name like \"%%%s\") \
order by \
case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when lead_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when company_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
lead_name asc limit 50";
// searches for customer
erpnext.utils.customer_query = function() {
if(sys_defaults.cust_master_name == "Customer Name") {
var fields = ["name", "customer_group", "territory"];
} else {
var fields = ["name", "customer_name", "customer_group", "territory"];
return "select " + fields.join(", ") + " from `tabCustomer` where docstatus < 2 and \
(%(key)s like \"%s\" or customer_name like \"%%%s\") \
order by \
case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when customer_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
name, customer_name limit 50";
// searches for supplier
erpnext.utils.supplier_query = function() {
if(sys_defaults.supp_master_name == "Supplier Name") {
var fields = ["name", "supplier_type"];
} else {
var fields = ["name", "supplier_name", "supplier_type"];
return "select " + fields.join(", ") + " from `tabSupplier` where docstatus < 2 and \
(%(key)s like \"%s\" or supplier_name like \"%%%s\") \
order by \
case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
case when supplier_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
name, supplier_name limit 50";
erpnext.queries.get_conditions = function(doctype, opts) {
conditions = [];
if (opts) {
$.each(opts, function(key, val) {
var lhs = "`tab" + doctype + "`.`" + key + "`";
if(key.indexOf(doctype)!=-1) {
// with function
lhs = key;
if (esc_quotes(val).charAt(0) != "!")
conditions.push(lhs + "='"+esc_quotes(val)+"'");
conditions.push(lhs + "!='"+esc_quotes(val).substr(1)+"'");
return conditions;
erpnext.queries.account = function(opts) {
opts = {};
opts.group_or_ledger = "Ledger";
$.extend(erpnext.queries, {
profile: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.profile_query" };
lead: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.lead_query" };
customer: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.customer_query" };
supplier: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.supplier_query" };
account: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.account_query" };
item: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.item_query" };
bom: function() {
return { query: "controllers.queries.bom" };
task: function() {
return { query: "projects.utils.query_task" };
customer_filter: function(doc) {
if(!doc.customer) {
wn.throw(wn._("Please specify a") + " " +
wn._(wn.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, "customer", doc.name)));
var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("Account", opts);
return { filters: { customer: doc.customer } };
return 'SELECT tabAccount.name, tabAccount.parent_account, tabAccount.debit_or_credit \
FROM tabAccount \
WHERE tabAccount.docstatus!=2 \
AND tabAccount.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ' + (conditions
? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND "))
: "")
+ " LIMIT 50"
erpnext.queries.item = function(opts) {
var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("Item", opts);
not_a_group_filter: function() {
return { filters: { is_group: "No" } };
return 'SELECT tabItem.name, \
if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name, \
if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription \
FROM tabItem \
WHERE tabItem.docstatus!=2 \
AND (ifnull(`tabItem`.`end_of_life`,"") in ("", "0000-00-00") \
OR `tabItem`.`end_of_life` > NOW()) \
AND (tabItem.%(key)s LIKE \"%s\" OR tabItem.item_name LIKE \"%%%s\")' +
(conditions ? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND ")) : "") + " LIMIT 50"
erpnext.queries.item_std = function() {
return 'SELECT tabItem.name, \
if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name, \
if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription \
FROM tabItem \
WHERE tabItem.docstatus!=2 \
AND tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50';
erpnext.queries.bom = function(opts) {
var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("BOM", opts);
return 'SELECT tabBOM.name, tabBOM.item \
WHERE tabBOM.docstatus=1 \
AND tabBOM.is_active=1 \
AND tabBOM.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ' + (conditions.length
? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND "))
: "")
+ " LIMIT 50"
erpnext.queries.task = function() {
return { query: "projects.utils.query_task" };
@ -19,6 +19,70 @@ wn.require('app/utilities/doctype/sms_control/sms_control.js');
// TODO commonify this code
erpnext.selling.Opportunity = wn.ui.form.Controller.extend({
onload: function() {
if(!this.frm.doc.enquiry_from && this.frm.doc.customer)
this.frm.doc.enquiry_from = "Customer";
if(!this.frm.doc.enquiry_from && this.frm.doc.lead)
this.frm.doc.enquiry_from = "Lead";
hide_field(['customer', 'customer_address', 'contact_person', 'customer_name','lead', 'address_display', 'contact_display', 'contact_mobile', 'contact_email', 'territory', 'customer_group']);
this.frm.doc.transaction_date = date.obj_to_str(new Date());
if(!this.frm.doc.company && sys_defaults.company)
if(!this.frm.doc.fiscal_year && sys_defaults.fiscal_year)
if(this.frm.doc.enquiry_from) {
if(this.frm.doc.enquiry_from == 'Customer') {
else if (this.frm.doc.enquiry_from == 'Lead') {
hide_field(['customer', 'customer_address', 'contact_person', 'customer_group']);
if(!this.frm.doc.__islocal) {
cur_frm.communication_view = new wn.views.CommunicationList({
list: wn.model.get("Communication", {"opportunity": this.frm.doc.name}),
parent: cur_frm.fields_dict.communication_html.wrapper,
doc: this.frm.doc,
recipients: this.frm.doc.contact_email
if(this.frm.doc.customer && !this.frm.doc.customer_name) cur_frm.cscript.customer(doc);
setup_queries: function() {
var me = this;
if(this.frm.fields_dict.contact_by.df.options.match(/^Profile/)) {
this.frm.set_query("contact_by", erpnext.queries.profile);
this.frm.set_query("item_code", "enquiry_details", function() {
var key = (me.frm.doc.enquiry_type === "Maintenance" ? "is_service_item" : "is_sales_item");
return {
query: "controllers.queries.item_query",
filters: { key: "Yes" }
$.each([["lead", "lead"],
["customer", "customer"],
["customer_address", "customer_filter"],
["contact_person", "customer_filter"],
["territory", "not_a_group_filter"]], function(i, opts) {
me.frm.set_query(opts[0], erpnext.queries[opts[1]]);
customer: function() {
var me = this;
if(this.frm.doc.customer) {
@ -70,52 +134,6 @@ cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, cdt, cdn){
// ===============================================================
cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
if(!doc.enquiry_from && doc.customer)
doc.enquiry_from = "Customer";
if(!doc.enquiry_from && doc.lead)
doc.enquiry_from = "Lead";
hide_field(['customer', 'customer_address', 'contact_person', 'customer_name','lead', 'address_display', 'contact_display', 'contact_mobile', 'contact_email', 'territory', 'customer_group']);
doc.transaction_date = date.obj_to_str(new Date());
if(!doc.company && sys_defaults.company)
if(!doc.fiscal_year && sys_defaults.fiscal_year)
if(doc.enquiry_from) {
if(doc.enquiry_from == 'Customer') {
else if (doc.enquiry_from == 'Lead') {
hide_field(['customer', 'customer_address', 'contact_person', 'customer_group']);
if(!doc.__islocal) {
cur_frm.communication_view = new wn.views.CommunicationList({
list: wn.model.get("Communication", {"opportunity": doc.name}),
parent: cur_frm.fields_dict.communication_html.wrapper,
doc: doc,
recipients: doc.contact_email
if(cur_frm.fields_dict.contact_by.df.options.match(/^Profile/)) {
cur_frm.fields_dict.contact_by.get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
return { query:"controllers.queries.profile_query" } }
if(doc.customer && !doc.customer_name) cur_frm.cscript.customer(doc);
cur_frm.cscript.onload_post_render = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
if(doc.enquiry_from == 'Lead' && doc.lead) {
@ -153,26 +171,6 @@ cur_frm.cscript.customer_address = cur_frm.cscript.contact_person = function(doc
if(doc.customer) get_server_fields('get_customer_address', JSON.stringify({customer: doc.customer, address: doc.customer_address, contact: doc.contact_person}),'', doc, dt, dn, 1);
cur_frm.fields_dict['customer_address'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
return {
cur_frm.fields_dict['contact_person'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
if (!doc.customer) msgprint("Please select customer first");
else {
// lead
cur_frm.fields_dict['lead'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
return {
query: "selling.doctype.opportunity.opportunity.get_lead"
cur_frm.cscript.lead = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
cur_frm.toggle_display("contact_info", doc.customer || doc.lead);
@ -185,19 +183,7 @@ cur_frm.cscript.lead = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
'contact_email', 'territory']);
cur_frm.fields_dict['enquiry_details'].grid.get_field('item_code').get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
if (doc.enquiry_type == 'Maintenance') {
return {
filters:{ 'is_service_item': 'Yes' }
} else {
return {
filters:{ 'is_sales_item': 'Yes' }
cur_frm.cscript['Declare Opportunity Lost'] = function(){
var dialog = new wn.ui.Dialog({
@ -229,16 +215,4 @@ cur_frm.cscript['Declare Opportunity Lost'] = function(){
//get query select Territory
cur_frm.fields_dict['territory'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
filters:{'is_group': 'No'}
cur_frm.fields_dict.lead.get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
return { query:"controllers.queries.lead_query" } }
cur_frm.fields_dict.customer.get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
return { query:"controllers.queries.customer_query" } }
@ -197,14 +197,4 @@ def make_quotation(source_name, target_doclist=None):
}, target_doclist)
return [d.fields for d in doclist]
def get_lead(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
from controllers.queries import get_match_cond
return webnotes.conn.sql ("""select `tabLead`.name, `tabLead`.lead_name FROM `tabLead`
where `tabLead`.%(key)s like "%(txt)s"
order by `tabLead`.`name` asc
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """ % {'key': searchfield,
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, 'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype, searchfield),
'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
return [d.fields for d in doclist]
@ -14,15 +14,17 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
cur_frm.fields_dict['item_code'].get_query = function(doc) {
return {
query: "controllers.queries.item_std"
//==================== Get Items Stock UOM =====================================================
cur_frm.cscript.item_code = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
if (doc.item_code) {
get_server_fields('get_stock_uom', doc.item_code, '', doc, cdt, cdn, 1);
$.extend(cur_frm.cscript, {
onload: function() {
cur_frm.set_query("item_code", erpnext.queries.item);
item_code: function() {
if(cur_frm.doc.item_code) {
method: "get_stock_uom",
args: { item_code: cur_frm.doc.item_code }
@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ class DocType:
def __init__(self, d, dl=[]):
self.doc, self.doclist = d,dl
def get_stock_uom(self, item_code):
return {'current_stock_uom': cstr(webnotes.conn.get_value('Item', item_code, 'stock_uom'))}
def validate_mandatory(self):
if not cstr(self.doc.item_code):
msgprint("Please Enter an Item.")
@ -111,3 +108,8 @@ class DocType:
get_obj("Item", self.doc.item_code).on_update()
def get_stock_uom(item_code):
return { 'current_stock_uom': cstr(webnotes.conn.get_value('Item', item_code, 'stock_uom')) }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user