Updated html file to use c3.js instead of Google Charts

This commit is contained in:
Ben Cornwell-Mott 2016-07-25 18:03:01 -07:00
parent fe11e71084
commit 590d2d524b

View File

@ -1,75 +1,96 @@
<head> <head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<link href="/assets/frappe/css/c3.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/frappe/js/lib/d3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/frappe/js/lib/c3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
google.charts.load("current", {"packages":["corechart"]});
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); onReady("#chart_div", function() {
function drawChart() {
var chartData = []; var chartData = [];
{% var q = 0; %} {% var q = 0; %}
{% for(var j=0, m=data.length+1; j<m; j++) { %}
var tempData{%=j%} = [];
{% for(var i=1, l=report.columns.length; i<l; i++) { %} {% for(var i=1, l=report.columns.length; i<l; i++) { %}
{% if(__(report.columns[i].label) != __("Quotation")) { %} {% if(__(report.columns[i].label) != __("Quotation")) { %}
var tempData{%=q%} = [];
var tempData{%=q+1%} = []; {% if(j == 0) { %}
{% if(i == 1) { %} {% if(i == 1) { %}
tempData{%=q%}[0] = \"{%= report.columns[i].label %}\"; tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = \"x\";
{% } else { %}
{% for(var j=0, m=data.length; j<m; j++) { %}
tempData{%=q%}[{%=j%}+1] =\"{%= data[j][report.columns[i].field] %}\";
tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = Math.log(parseInt(\"{%= report.columns[i].label %}\".replace(\"Qty: \",\"\"))) / Math.LN10;
{% } %}
{% } else { %}
{% if(i == 1) { %}
tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = \"{%= data[j-1][report.columns[i].field] %} \";
{% } else { %}
tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = {% if(data[j-1][report.columns[i].field] == "") { if (i > 2) { %}
{% } else { %}
{% } } else { %}
{%= data[j-1][report.columns[i].field] %}
{% } %};
{% } %};
{% } %}
{% } else { %}
{% if(j == 0) { %}
{% if(i < l-1) { %}
tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = Math.log(parseInt(\"{%= report.columns[i+1].label %}\".replace(\"Qty: \",\"\"))-1) / Math.LN10;
{% } else { %}
tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = Math.log(2*parseInt(\"{%= report.columns[i-1].label %}\".replace(\"Qty: \",\"\"))) / Math.LN10;
{% } %} {% } %}
{% } else { %} {% } else { %}
tempData{%=q%}[0] = parseInt(\"{%= report.columns[i].label %}\".replace(\"Qty: \",\"\")); tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-1] = tempData{%=j%}[{%=i%}-2];
{% for(var j=0, m=data.length; j<m; j++) { %}
tempData{%=q%}[{%=j%}+1] = {% if(data[j][report.columns[i].field] == "") { if (i > 2) { %} chartData[{%=q%}-1][{%=j%}+1] {% } else { %} 0 {% } }else { %} {%=data[j][report.columns[i].field] %} {% } %};
{% } %} {% } %}
chartData[{%=q%}] = tempData{%=q%};
{% q= q+1; %}
{% if(i < report.columns.length -2){ %}
tempData{%=q%}[0] = parseInt(\"{%= report.columns[i+2].label %}\".replace(\"Qty: \",\"\")-1);
{% } else { %}
tempData{%=q%}[0] = chartData[{%=q-1%}][0]*2;
{% } %} {% } %}
{% for(var j=0, m=data.length; j<m; j++) { %}
tempData{%=q%}[{%=j%}+1] = {% if(data[j][report.columns[i].field] == "") { if (i > 2) { %} chartData[{%=q-1%}-1][{%=j%}+1] {% } else { %} 0 {% } }else { %} {%=data[j][report.columns[i].field] %} {% } %};
{% } %} {% } %}
chartData[{%=j%}] = tempData{%=j%};
{% } %}
chartData[{%=q%}] = tempData{%=q%};
{% q= q+1; %}
{% } %}
{% } %} {% } %}
console.log(chartData); console.log(chartData);
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(chartData); hold = {
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById("chart_div")); bindto: "#chart_div" ,data: {
x: "x",
var options = { columns: chartData
title: "Item Price Analysis for {%= filters.item %}" , },
vAxis: {title: "Price ($)"}, axis: {
width: 652, x: {
height: 450, tick: {
isStacked: false, format: function (x22) { return Math.pow(10,x22).toFixed(0); },
enableInteractivity: false, culling: {
hAxis: {logScale: true, minValue: 1,viewWindow:{ min: 1 } } max: {%=report.columns.length%} / 2
chart.draw(data, options);
} }
point: {
show: false
var chart = c3.generate(hold);
function onReady(selector, callback) {
var intervalID = window.setInterval(function() {
if (document.querySelector(selector) !== undefined) {
}, 500);}
</script> </script>
</head> </head>
@ -104,7 +125,7 @@
</table> </table>
<h4 class="text-center"> Analysis Chart </h4> <h4 class="text-center"> Analysis Chart </h4>
<div id="chart_div" align="center" style="width: auto; display: inline-block !important; margin: auto !important"></div> <div id="chart_div"></div>