Merge branch 'develop' into staging
@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
"country_code": "ar",
"name": "Argentina - Chart of Accounts",
"tree": {
" - ACTIVO": {
" - CAJAS": {
" - Caja": {},
" - Caja chica": {},
" - Caja en Moneda Extranjera": {},
" - Valores a depositar": {},
" - Tarjetas - Cupones": {},
"account_type": "Cash"
" - BANCOS": {
" - Banco de la Nacio\u0301n Argentina(ejemplo) c/c en": {},
" - Banco del exterior": {},
"account_type": "Bank"
" - Acciones": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Depo\u0301sitos a Plazo Fijo en pesos": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Depo\u0301sitos a Plazo Fijo en moneda": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Deudores locales": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Deudores del exterior": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Deudores Morosos": {
"account_type": "Chargeable"
" - Deudores en Gestio\u0301n Judicial": {}
" - Documentos a cobrar por Vas. de Servicios": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Previsio\u0301n para deudores incobrables": {}
" - Anticipos Impuesto a las Ganancias": {},
" - Anticipos Impuesto a los Ingresos Brutos": {},
" - Percepciones y Retenciones Impto. a las Ganancias": {},
" - Percepciones y Retenciones Impto. a los": {},
" - IVA Cre\u0301dito Fiscal": {},
" - IVA Cre\u0301dito Fiscal Exportacio\u0301n": {},
" - IVA Saldo a Favor Te\u0301cnico": {},
" - IVA Saldo a Favor Te\u0301cnico": {},
" - IVA Saldo a Favor de Libre": {},
" - Percepciones y Retenciones de IVA": {},
" - Cre\u0301ditos por quebrantos impositivos no": {},
" - Activos por Impuesto Diferido (Ctes.)": {}
" - Cuentas Particulares Directores": {},
" - Cuentas Particulares Socios/Accionistas": {},
" - Anticipos a Proveedores (No cong.": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
" - Anticipos de Sueldos": {},
" - Pre\u0301stamos al personal": {},
" - Depo\u0301sitos pendientes de acreditacio\u0301n": {},
" - Arrendamiento pagado por adelantado": {}
"is_group": 1
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 1
" - Ti\u0301tulos Deuda Pu\u0301blica (Pesos)": {
"is_group": 1
" - Bonex": {}
" - Depo\u0301sitos a plazo fijo en pesos (no cte.)": {},
" - Depo\u0301sitos a plazo fijo en moneda": {}
" - Inversiones en Inmuebles Valores": {},
" - Inversiones en Inmuebles": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Inversiones": {}
" - Inmuebles Valores originales": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Inmuebles Actualizaciones": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Inmuebles": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - Maquinarias y Equipos Valores de origen": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Maquinarias y Equipos Actualizaciones": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Maquinarias": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - MUEBLES Y U\u0301TILES": {
" - Muebles y U\u0301tiles Valores de Origen": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Muebles y U\u0301tiles Actualizaciones": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Muebles y": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - RODADOS": {
" - Rodados Valores Originales": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Rodados Actualizaciones": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Rodados": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - TERRENOS": {
" - Terrenos Valores Originales": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Terrenos Actualizaciones": {}
" - Instalaciones Valores Originales": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Instalaciones Ajuste": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - Herramientas Valores Originales": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
" - Herramientas Ajuste": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
" - Marcas y Patentes Valores Originales": {},
" - Marcas y Patentes Actualizaciones": {},
" - Amortizaciones Acumuladas Marcas y": {}
" - Deudores Locales (No Ctes.)": {}
" - Documentos a cobrar por Vtas. de Servicios": {}
" - Activos por Impto. Diferido (No Ctes.)": {},
" - Cre\u0301ditos por Quebrantos Impositivos no": {}
" - Cuentas Particulares Directores (No": {},
" - Cuentas Particulares Socios/Accionistas": {}
" - Llave de Negocio": {}
"root_type": "Asset"
" - PASIVO": {
" - Acreedores Locales (Ctes.)": {
"account_type": "Payable"
" - Jubilaciones a pagar": {},
" - ART a pagar": {},
" - Obra Social a pagar": {},
" - SAC a pagar": {},
" - Vacaciones a pagar": {}
" - Sueldos y Jornales a pagar": {
"account_type": "Chargeable"
" - IVA De\u0301bito Fiscal": {},
" - IVA De\u0301bito Fiscal Sobretasa": {},
" - Percepciones y Retenciones efectuadas": {},
" - IVA a Pagar": {}
" - Impuesto a los Ingresos Brutos a Pagar": {},
" - Percepciones efectuadas Ingresos": {}
" - Impuesto Ganancia Mi\u0301nima Presunta a": {},
" - Impuesto a las Ganancias a Pagar": {},
" - Pasivo por Impuesto Diferido": {},
" - Percepciones y Retenciones efectuadas": {}
" - Pre\u0301stamo Banco de la Nacio\u0301n Argentina (Cte.)": {},
" - Pre\u0301stamo Banco de la Provincia de Bs. As.": {}
" - Dividendos a pagar (Ctes.)": {},
" - Honorarios Directores a Pagar (Ctes.)": {}
" - Provisio\u0301n para despidos": {},
" - Provisio\u0301n para SAC": {}
" - Inventario entrante no facturado": {
"account_type": "Stock Received But Not Billed"
" - Pre\u0301stamo Banco de la Nacio\u0301n Argentina(ejemplo) (No": {}
" - Moratoria": {}
" - Acreedores Locales (No Ctes.)": {}
"is_group": 1
"root_type": "Liability"
" - Acciones en Circulacio\u0301n": {},
" - Aportes Irrevocables": {},
" - Acciones a distribuir": {},
" - Capital": {},
" - Ajuste del Capital": {}
" - RESERVAS": {
" - Reserva Legal": {},
" - Reserva Facultativa": {},
" - Reserva Estatutaria": {},
" - Ajuste Reserva Legal": {}
" - Resultado del Ejercicio": {},
" - Resultado Ejercicios Anteriores": {},
" - A.R.E.A (P)": {},
" - A.R.E.A (G)": {}
"root_type": "Equity"
" - INGRESOS": {
" - Ventas de Servicios": {},
" - Ingresos de fuente extranjera": {}
" - Intereses Ganados": {},
" - Resultado por Tenencia de acciones": {},
" - Diferencia tipo de cambio": {},
" - Resultado por tenencia (positivo)": {}
"is_group": 1
" - Utilidad Venta Bienes de Uso": {},
" - Reintegro de Seguros": {},
" - Otros ingresos extraordinarios": {}
"root_type": "Income"
" - EGRESOS": {
" - Sueldos y Jornales - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Cargas Sociales - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Energi\u0301a - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Honorarios Profesionales - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Ropa de trabajo - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Seguros - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Despidos - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Comida del personal - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Cuota me\u0301dica a cargo del empleador": {},
" - Amortizaciones - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Repuestos y Reparaciones - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Gastos de limpieza - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Mantenimiento - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Combustibles y Lubricantes - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Insumos diversos - Explotacio\u0301n": {},
" - Fletes - Explotacio\u0301n": {}
" - Sueldos - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Cargas Sociales - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Honorarios - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Amortizaciones - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Via\u0301ticos - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Libreri\u0301a y Papeleri\u0301a - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Certificaciones y Sellados": {},
" - Gastos Bancarios - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Gastos Varios - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Insumos Computacio\u0301n - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Correspondencia - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Mantenimiento - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Energi\u0301a - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Seguros - Administracio\u0301n": {},
" - Costo sobre ventas": {
"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
" - Gastos de Valoracion": {
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
" - Sueldos - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Cargas Sociales - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Publicidad - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Amortizaciones - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Seguros - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Honorarios - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Gastos Varios - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Fletes - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - IVA no computable - Comercializacio\u0301n": {},
" - Descuentos otorgados a clientes": {},
" - Comisiones de terceros": {},
" - Quebrantos por deudores": {},
" - Via\u0301ticos - Comercializacio\u0301n": {}
" - Intereses y Gastos bancarios": {},
" - Intereses a Proveedores": {},
" - Intereses y recargos impositivos": {},
" - Diferencia de Cambio": {},
" - Diferencia de Cambio Balance en": {},
" - Resultado por tenencia (negativo)": {},
" - Amortizaciones Inversiones en bienes": {},
" - R.E.C.P.A.M": {},
" - Resultado por tenencia negativo de": {}
" - Impuesto a las Ganancias": {},
" - Impuesto a las Ganancia Mi\u0301nima": {},
" - Impuesto a los Ingresos Brutos": {},
" - Tasa municipal": {},
" - Impuestos Territoriales": {},
" - Impuesto s/ los De\u0301bitos y Cre\u0301ditos": {},
" - Impuestos internos y varios": {}
" - Costo sobre ventas": {
"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
" - Gastos de Valoracion": {
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
" - Ajuste de Existencia": {
"account_type": "Stock Adjustment"
" - Pe\u0301rdida por venta bienes de uso": {},
" - Amortizaciones extraordinarias": {},
" - Ajuste del valor de los bienes": {},
" - Ajuste de Amortizaciones acumuladas de": {}
"root_type": "Expense"
@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
"is_group": 1
"is_group": 1
"All Warehouses": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 1
"Constru\u00e7\u00f5es em Andamento de Im\u00f3veis Destinados \u00e0 Venda": {},
"Constru\u00e7\u00f5es em Andamento de Im\u00f3veis Destinados \u00e0 Venda": {},
"Estoques Destinados \u00e0 Doa\u00e7\u00e3o": {},
"Estoques Destinados \u00e0 Doa\u00e7\u00e3o": {},
"Im\u00f3veis Destinados \u00e0 Venda": {},
"Im\u00f3veis Destinados \u00e0 Venda": {},
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
"country_code": "fr",
"name": "France - Chart of Accounts",
"tree": {
"Frais": {
"601 achats stock\u00e9s, mat premi\u00e8res": {
"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
"6031 variation des stock\u00e9s mat premi\u00e8res": {
"account_type": "Stock Adjustment"
"6081 frais accessoires d'achats mat premi\u00e8res": {
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
"Dotations aux amortissements, d\u00e9pr\u00e9ciations": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
"root_type": "Expense"
"le revenu": {
"701 ventes de produits finis": {},
"root_type": "Income"
"les atouts": {
"Amortissements des immobilisations corporelles ": {
"Autres immobilisations corporelles (m\u00eame ventilation que celle du compte 218)": {
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"Constructions (m\u00eame ventilation que celle du compte 213) ": {
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"Installations mat\u00e9riel et outillage industriels (m\u00eame ventilation que celle du compte 215)": {
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"account_type": "Accumulated Depreciation"
"Banques": {
"51201 Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 g\u00e9n\u00e9rale": {
"account_type": "Bank"
"account_type": "Bank"
"Caisse": {
"5301 Caisse si\u00e8ge social": {
"account_type": "Cash"
"account_type": "Cash"
"Clients et comptes rattach\u00e9s": {
"41119 Autres Clients": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
"account_type": "Receivable"
"Immobilisations corporelles en cours": {
"Autres immobilisations corporelles": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Constructions": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Installations techniques mat\u00e9riel et outillage industriels ": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"Stock": {
"Stock in Hand": {
"account_type": "Stock"
"root_type": "Asset"
"passifs": {
"Fournisseurs - Factures non parvenues ": {
"4081 Fournisseurs - Factures non parvenues ": {
"account_type": "Stock Received But Not Billed"
"account_type": "Stock Received But Not Billed"
"Fournisseurs et comptes rattach\u00e9s": {
"4011 Fournisseurs - Achats de biens et prestations de services": {
"account_type": "Payable"
"account_type": "Payable"
"root_type": "Liability",
"\u00c9tat - Taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires": {
"TVA collect\u00e9e (Taux Normal)": {
"account_type": "Tax"
"account_type": "Tax"
"\u00c9quit\u00e9": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Equity"
@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
"country_code": "hu",
"name": "Hungary - Chart of Accounts",
"tree": {
"1. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY BEFEKTETETT ESZK\u00d6Z\u00d6K": {
"11. IMMATERI\u00c1LIS JAVAK": {
"111. Alap\u00edt\u00e1s-\u00e1tszervez\u00e9s aktiv\u00e1lt \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"112. K\u00eds\u00e9rleti fejleszt\u00e9s aktiv\u00e1lt \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"113. Vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok": {},
"114. Szellemi term\u00e9kek": {},
"115. \u00dczleti vagy c\u00e9g\u00e9rt\u00e9k": {},
"117. Immateri\u00e1lis javak \u00e9rt\u00e9khelyesb\u00edt\u00e9se": {}
"12-16. T\u00c1RGYI ESZK\u00d6Z\u00d6K": {
"12. INGATLANOK \u00c9S KAPCSOL\u00d3D\u00d3 VAGYONI \u00c9RT\u00c9K\u00db JOGOK": {
"121. Telkek, f\u00f6ldter\u00fclet ": {
"1211. Telkek, f\u00f6ldter\u00fcletek brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1218. Telkek, f\u00f6ldter\u00fcletek terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1219. Telkek, f\u00f6ldter\u00fcletek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"122. Ingatlanokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok": {
"1221. Ingatlanokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1228. Ingatlanokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1229. Ingatlanokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"123. \u00c9p\u00fcletek, \u00e9p\u00fcletr\u00e9szek, tulajdoni h\u00e1nyadok ": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset",
"is_group": 1
"124. Egy\u00e9b ingatlanok": {
"is_group": 1
"125. \u00dczemk\u00f6r\u00f6n k\u00edv\u00fcli ingatlanok, \u00e9p\u00fcletek ": {
"is_group": 1
"126. Ingatlanokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok": {
"is_group": 1
"127. Ingatlanok \u00e9rt\u00e9khelyesb\u00edt\u00e9se": {},
"129. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 ingatlanok": {}
"13. M\u00dbSZAKI BERENDEZ\u00c9SEK, G\u00c9PEK, J\u00c1RM\u00dbVEK": {
"131. Termel\u0151 g\u00e9pek, berendez\u00e9sek, szersz\u00e1mok, gy\u00e1rt\u00f3eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k": {
"1311. Termel\u0151 g\u00e9pek, berendez\u00e9sek brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1318. Termel\u0151 g\u00e9pek, berendez\u00e9sek terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1319. Termel\u0151 g\u00e9pek, berendez\u00e9sek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"132. M\u0171szaki j\u00e1rm\u0171vek": {},
"133. Ki nem emelt m\u0171szaki berendez\u00e9sek, g\u00e9pek, j\u00e1rm\u0171vek": {},
"139. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 m\u0171szaki berendez\u00e9sek, g\u00e9pek, j\u00e1rm\u0171vek": {}
"14. EGY\u00c9B BERENDEZ\u00c9SEK, FELSZEREL\u00c9SEK, J\u00c1RM\u00dbVEK": {
"141. Egy\u00e9b (\u00fczemi \u2013 \u00fczleti), berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek": {
"1411. Egy\u00e9b (\u00fczemi \u2013 \u00fczleti), berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1418. Egy\u00e9b (\u00fczemi \u2013 \u00fczleti), berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1419. Egy\u00e9b (\u00fczemi \u2013 \u00fczleti), berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"142. Egy\u00e9b j\u00e1rm\u0171vek": {
"1421. Egy\u00e9b j\u00e1rm\u0171vek brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1428. Egy\u00e9b j\u00e1rm\u0171vek terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1429. Egy\u00e9b j\u00e1rm\u0171vek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"143. Irodai, igazgat\u00e1si berendez\u00e9sek \u00e9s felszerel\u00e9sek": {
"1431. Irodai, igazgat\u00e1si berendez\u00e9sek \u00e9s felszerel\u00e9sek brutt\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"1438. Irodai, igazgat\u00e1si berendez\u00e9sek \u00e9s felszerel\u00e9sek terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"1439. Irodai, igazgat\u00e1si berendez\u00e9sek \u00e9s felszerel\u00e9sek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"144. Ki nem emelt egy\u00e9b berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"145. J\u00f3l\u00e9ti berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9si t\u00e1rgyak \u00e9s k\u00e9pz\u0151m\u0171v\u00e9szeti alkot\u00e1sok": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"147. Egy\u00e9b berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek, j\u00e1rm\u0171vek \u00e9rt\u00e9khelyesb\u00edt\u00e9se": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"149. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 egy\u00e9b berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek, j\u00e1rm\u0171vek": {
"account_type": "Fixed Asset"
"15. TENY\u00c9SZ\u00c1LLATOK": {
"151. Teny\u00e9sz\u00e1llatok": {}
"16. BERUH\u00c1Z\u00c1SOK, FEL\u00daJ\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"161. Befejezetlen beruh\u00e1z\u00e1sok ": {},
"162. Fel\u00faj\u00edt\u00e1sok": {},
"168. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1sok terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {}
"17-19. BEFEKTETETT P\u00c9NZ\u00dcGYI ESZK\u00d6Z\u00d6K": {
"17. TULAJDONI R\u00c9SZESED\u00c9ST JELENT\u00d5 BEFEKTET\u00c9SEK (R\u00c9SZESED\u00c9SEK)": {
"171. Tart\u00f3s r\u00e9szesed\u00e9s kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"172. Egy\u00e9b tart\u00f3s r\u00e9szesed\u00e9s": {},
"177. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9khelyesb\u00edt\u00e9se": {},
"179. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"18. HITELVISZONYT MEGTESTES\u00cdT\u00d5 \u00c9RT\u00c9KPAP\u00cdROK": {
"181. \u00c1llamk\u00f6tv\u00e9nyek": {},
"182. Kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrjai": {},
"183. Egy\u00e9b v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrjai": {},
"184. Tart\u00f3s diszkont \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok": {},
"189. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"19. TART\u00d3SAN ADOTT K\u00d6LCS\u00d6N\u00d6K (tart\u00f3s bankbet\u00e9tek)": {
"191. Tart\u00f3san adott k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"192. Tart\u00f3s bankbet\u00e9tek": {},
"193. Egy\u00e9b tart\u00f3san adott k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k": {},
"194. Tart\u00f3s bankbet\u00e9tek kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"195. Tart\u00f3s bankbet\u00e9tek egy\u00e9b r\u00e9szesed\u00e9si viszonyban \u00e1ll\u00f3 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"196. Egy\u00e9b tart\u00f3s bankbet\u00e9tek": {},
"197. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi l\u00edzing miatti tart\u00f3s k\u00f6vetel\u00e9s": {},
"199. Tart\u00f3san adott k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k (\u00e9s bankbet\u00e9tek) \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"root_type": "Asset"
"2. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY K\u00c9SZLETEK": {
"21-22. ANYAGOK": {
"211 - 219. Nyers- \u00e9s alapanyagok ": {},
"221. Seg\u00e9danyagok": {},
"222. \u00dczem- \u00e9s f\u0171t\u0151anyagok ": {},
"223. Fenntart\u00e1si anyagok ": {},
"224. \u00c9p\u00edt\u00e9si anyagok": {},
"225. Egy \u00e9ven bel\u00fcl elhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3d\u00f3 anyagi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k ": {},
"226. T\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6z\u00fcl \u00e1tsorolt anyagok": {},
"227. Egy\u00e9b anyagok": {},
"228. Anyagok \u00e1rk\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zete": {},
"229. Anyagok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"23. BEFEJEZETLEN TERMEL\u00c9S \u00c9S F\u00c9LK\u00c9SZ TERM\u00c9KEK": {
"231 - 234. Befejezetlen termel\u00e9s ": {
"231. Befejezetlen termel\u00e9s": {},
"232. F\u00e9lk\u00e9sz term\u00e9kek": {}
"238. F\u00e9lk\u00e9sz term\u00e9kek k\u00e9szlet\u00e9rt\u00e9k-k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zete": {},
"239. Befejezetlen termel\u00e9s \u00e9s f\u00e9lk\u00e9sz term\u00e9kek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"24. N\u00d6VEND\u00c9K-, H\u00cdZ\u00d3- \u00c9S EGY\u00c9B \u00c1LLATOK": {
"is_group": 1
"25. K\u00c9SZTERM\u00c9KEK": {
"251-257. K\u00e9szterm\u00e9kek": {},
"258. K\u00e9szterm\u00e9kek k\u00e9szlet\u00e9rt\u00e9k-k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zete": {},
"259. K\u00e9szterm\u00e9kek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"26-28. \u00c1RUK ": {
"261. Kereskedelmi \u00e1ruk": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 0
"262. Idegen helyen t\u00e1rolt, bizom\u00e1nyba \u00e1tadott \u00e1ruk": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 0
"263. T\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6z\u00fcl \u00e1tsorolt \u00e1ruk": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 0
"264. Bels\u0151 (egys\u00e9gek, tev\u00e9kenys\u00e9gek k\u00f6z\u00f6tti) \u00e1tad\u00e1s-\u00e1tv\u00e9tel \u00fctk\u00f6z\u0151sz\u00e1mla": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 0
"269. Kereskedelmi \u00e1ruk \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {
"account_type": "Stock",
"is_group": 0
"account_type": "Stock"
"27. K\u00d6ZVET\u00cdTETT SZOLG\u00c1LTAT\u00c1SOK ": {
"271. K\u00f6zvet\u00edtett szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok": {},
"279. K\u00f6zvet\u00edtett szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"28. BET\u00c9TD\u00cdJAS G\u00d6NGY\u00d6LEGEK": {
"is_group": 1
"root_type": "Asset"
"3. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK, P\u00c9NZ\u00dcGYI ESZK\u00d6Z\u00d6K \u00c9S AKT\u00cdV ID\u00d5BELI ELHAT\u00c1ROL\u00c1SOK": {
"31. K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK \u00c1RUSZ\u00c1LL\u00cdT\u00c1SB\u00d3L \u00c9S SZOLG\u00c1LTAT\u00c1SB\u00d3L (VEV\u00d5K) ": {
"311. Belf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek (forintban)": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
"312. Belf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek (deviz\u00e1ban)": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
"315. Belf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa ": {},
"316. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek (forintban)": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
"317. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek (deviz\u00e1ban)": {
"account_type": "Receivable"
"319. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"32. K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK KAPCSOLT V\u00c1LLALKOZ\u00c1SSAL SZEMBEN": {
"is_group": 1
"33. K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK EGY\u00c9B R\u00c9SZESED\u00c9SI VISZONYBAN L\u00c9V\u00d5 V\u00c1LLALKOZ\u00c1SSAL SZEMBEN ": {
"is_group": 1
"34. V\u00c1LT\u00d3K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK": {
"is_group": 1
"35. ADOTT EL\u00d5LEGEK": {
"351. Immateri\u00e1lis javakra adott el\u0151legek": {},
"352. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1sokra adott el\u0151legek": {},
"353. K\u00e9szletekre adott el\u0151legek": {},
"358. Jegyzett, de m\u00e9g be nem fizetett t\u0151ke r\u00e9szesed\u00e9si viszonyban nem l\u00e9v\u0151 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1st\u00f3l": {},
"359. Adott el\u0151legek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"36. EGY\u00c9B K\u00d6VETEL\u00c9SEK": {
"361. Munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3kkal szembeni k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {
"3611. Munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3knak foly\u00f3s\u00edtott el\u0151legek": {},
"3612. El\u0151\u00edrt tartoz\u00e1sok": {},
"3613. Egy\u00e9b elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sok a munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3kkal": {}
"362. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gvet\u00e9ssel szembeni k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {
"is_group": 1
"363. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1ratra k\u00f6lcs\u00f6nadott p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k": {
"is_group": 1
"364. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sekkel, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrokkal kapcsolatos k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {
"3641. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k": {},
"3642. Tart\u00f3san adott k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6kb\u0151l \u00e1tsorolt k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {}
"365. V\u00e1s\u00e1rolt \u00e9s kapott k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek ": {
"is_group": 1
"366. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sekkel, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrokkal kapcsolatos k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {},
"367. Hat\u00e1rid\u0151s, opci\u00f3s \u00e9s swap \u00fcgyletekkel kapcsolatos k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {},
"368. K\u00fcl\u00f6nf\u00e9le egy\u00e9b k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek ": {
"3681. Bizom\u00e1nyosi \u00fcgylettel kapcsolatos elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sok": {},
"3682. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edr-elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3683. Import beszerz\u00e9sek \u00e1f\u00e1ja": {},
"3684. Ad\u00f3sok": {},
"3685. Biztos\u00edt\u00f3int\u00e9zettel szembeni k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {},
"3686. Barter \u00fcgylet elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3687. \u00c1rfolyam k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zetek elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3688. Ki nem emelt egy\u00e9b k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek": {}
"369. Egy\u00e9b k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"37. \u00c9RT\u00c9KPAP\u00cdROK": {
"371. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek": {
"3711. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9s anyav\u00e1llalatban": {},
"3712. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9s le\u00e1nyv\u00e1llalatban": {},
"3713. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9s k\u00f6z\u00f6s vezet\u00e9s\u0171 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"3714. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9s t\u00e1rsult v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban": {},
"3719. Kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban l\u00e9v\u0151 r\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"372. Saj\u00e1t r\u00e9szv\u00e9nyek, saj\u00e1t \u00fczletr\u00e9szek": {
"3721. Elad\u00e1sra v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt egy\u00e9b r\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek": {}
"373. Forgat\u00e1si c\u00e9l\u00fa hitelviszonyt megtestes\u00edt\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok ": {
"3741. Elad\u00e1sra v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt hitelviszonyt megtestes\u00edt\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok": {},
"3742. Elad\u00e1sra v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt diszkont \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok": {},
"3749. Forgat\u00e1si c\u00e9l\u00fa hitelviszonyt megtestes\u00edt\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"378. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"379. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edr elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {}
"38. P\u00c9NZESZK\u00d6Z\u00d6K": {
"381. P\u00e9nzt\u00e1r ": {
"3811. P\u00e9nzt\u00e1r-sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3812. Elektronikus p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k ": {},
"account_type": "Cash"
"382. Valutap\u00e9nzt\u00e1r ": {
"3821. Valutap\u00e9nzt\u00e1r-sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3829. Valuta \u00e1rfolyamk\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zeti sz\u00e1mla ": {}
"383. Csekkek": {},
"384. Elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si bet\u00e9tsz\u00e1mla ": {
"account_type": "Bank",
"is_group": 1
"385. Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett bet\u00e9tsz\u00e1ml\u00e1k ": {
"3851. Kamatoz\u00f3 bet\u00e9tsz\u00e1ml\u00e1k": {},
"3852. Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6tv\u00e9nykibocs\u00e1t\u00e1sb\u00f3l ": {},
"3853. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1sra elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k": {},
"3854. Fejleszt\u00e9si c\u00e9lra elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k ": {},
"3855. Egy\u00e9b c\u00e9lra elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k": {},
"3856. Lak\u00e1s\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9si bet\u00e9tsz\u00e1mla": {},
"3857. Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett lak\u00e1s\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9si c\u00e9l\u00fa p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k ": {},
"3858. Lak\u00e1s\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9s \u00faton l\u00e9v\u0151 p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6zei": {}
"386. Devizabet\u00e9t-sz\u00e1mla ": {
"3861. Devizabet\u00e9t-sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3862. K\u00fclf\u00f6ld\u00f6n vezetett devizabet\u00e9t-sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"3863. Devizat\u00f6rzsbet\u00e9t-sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3868. Egy\u00e9b devizabet\u00e9t-sz\u00e1mla": {},
"3869. Devizabet\u00e9t \u00e1rfolyamk\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zeti sz\u00e1mla ": {}
"387. Elektronikus p\u00e9nz": {},
"389. \u00c1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla": {}
"39. AKT\u00cdV ID\u00d5BELI ELHAT\u00c1ROL\u00c1SOK": {
"391. Bev\u00e9telek akt\u00edv id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {
"3911. Diszkont \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok id\u0151ar\u00e1nyos kamat\u00e1nak elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"3912. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok beszerz\u00e9s\u00e9hez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zetb\u0151l az id\u0151ar\u00e1nyos \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9g elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"3913. \u00c1rbev\u00e9tel, egy\u00e9b kamatbev\u00e9tel, egy\u00e9b bev\u00e9tel elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {}
"392. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek, r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok akt\u00edv id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {
"3921. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok, r\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek beszerz\u00e9s\u00e9hez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 bizom\u00e1nyi d\u00edj, v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt v\u00e9teli opci\u00f3 d\u00edj\u00e1nak elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"3922. T\u00f6bbletk\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"3923. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek, egy\u00e9b fizetett kamatok, egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {}
"393. Halasztott r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok ": {
"3931. Tartoz\u00e1s\u00e1tv\u00e1llal\u00e1sok miatti r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"3932. Devizak\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9g\u00e9nek elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {}
"399. A k\u00f6vetel\u00e9s-jelleg\u0171 akt\u00edv id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s annak vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"root_type": "Asset"
"4. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY FORR\u00c1SOK": {
"41. SAJ\u00c1T T\u00d5KE": {
"411. Jegyzett\u0151ke ": {},
"412. T\u0151ketartal\u00e9k": {},
"413. Eredm\u00e9nytartal\u00e9k": {},
"414. Lek\u00f6t\u00f6tt tartal\u00e9k ": {
"4141. Lek\u00f6t\u00f6tt tartal\u00e9k t\u0151ketartal\u00e9kb\u00f3l": {},
"4142. Lek\u00f6t\u00f6tt tartal\u00e9k eredm\u00e9nytartal\u00e9kb\u00f3l": {},
"4143. Lek\u00f6t\u00f6tt tartal\u00e9k p\u00f3tbefizet\u00e9sb\u0151l ": {}
"417. \u00c9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9si tartal\u00e9k": {},
"418. El\u0151z\u0151 \u00e9vek helyesb\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9b\u0151l sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 m\u00e9rleg szerinti eredm\u00e9ny": {},
"419. Ad\u00f3zott eredm\u00e9ny": {}
"42. C\u00c9LTARTAL\u00c9KOK": {
"421. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k a v\u00e1rhat\u00f3 k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gekre ": {},
"422. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k a j\u00f6v\u0151beni k\u00f6lts\u00e9gekre": {},
"424. \u00c1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9g id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa alapj\u00e1n k\u00e9pzett c\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k ": {},
"429. Egy\u00e9b c\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k": {}
"43-47. K\u00d6TELEZETTS\u00c9GEK": {
"43. H\u00c1TRASOROLT K\u00d6TELEZETTS\u00c9GEK": {
"431. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben ": {
"4311. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek anyav\u00e1llalattal szemben ": {},
"4312. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek le\u00e1nyv\u00e1llalattal szemben": {},
"4313. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek k\u00f6z\u00f6s vezet\u00e9s\u0171 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben ": {},
"4314. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek t\u00e1rsult v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben ": {}
"432. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek egy\u00e9b r\u00e9szesed\u00e9si viszonyban l\u00e9v\u0151 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben": {},
"433. H\u00e1trasorolt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek egy\u00e9b gazd\u00e1lkod\u00f3val szemben": {}
"44. HOSSZ\u00da LEJ\u00c1RAT\u00da K\u00d6TELEZETTS\u00c9GEK": {
"441. Hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1ratra kapott k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k": {},
"442. \u00c1tv\u00e1ltoztathat\u00f3 k\u00f6tv\u00e9nyek ": {},
"443. Tartoz\u00e1sok k\u00f6tv\u00e9nykibocs\u00e1t\u00e1sb\u00f3l ": {
"4431. Tartoz\u00e1sok k\u00f6tv\u00e9nykibocs\u00e1t\u00e1sb\u00f3l forintban ": {},
"4432. Tartoz\u00e1sok k\u00f6tv\u00e9nykibocs\u00e1t\u00e1sb\u00f3l deviz\u00e1ban": {}
"444. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si \u00e9s fejleszt\u00e9si hitelek ": {
"4441. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si \u00e9s fejleszt\u00e9si hitelek forintban ": {},
"4442. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si \u00e9s fejleszt\u00e9si hitelek deviz\u00e1ban ": {}
"445. Egy\u00e9b hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek ": {
"4451. Egy\u00e9b hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek forintban ": {},
"4452. Egy\u00e9b hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek deviz\u00e1ban": {}
"446. Tart\u00f3s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben ": {
"is_group": 1
"447. Tart\u00f3s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek egy\u00e9b r\u00e9szesed\u00e9si viszonyban l\u00e9v\u0151 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben": {},
"448. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi l\u00edzing miatti k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {},
"449. Egy\u00e9b hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {
"4491. Kincst\u00e1ri vagyon r\u00e9sz\u00e9t k\u00e9pez\u0151 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k kezel\u00e9sbe v\u00e9tel\u00e9hez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g": {},
"4492. Alap\u00edt\u00f3kkal szembeni hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {}
"4499. Hossz\u00fa lej\u00e1rat\u00fa egy\u00e9b k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {}
"45-47. R\u00d6VID LEJ\u00c1RAT\u00da K\u00d6TELEZETTS\u00c9GEK": {
"451. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k ": {
"4511. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa \u00e1tv\u00e1ltoztathat\u00f3 k\u00f6tv\u00e9nyek ": {},
"4512. Egy\u00e9b r\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6k": {}
"452. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek ": {
"4521. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek forintban ": {},
"4522. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa hitelek deviz\u00e1ban ": {}
"453. Vev\u0151kt\u0151l kapott el\u0151legek": {},
"454-456. K\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek \u00e1rusz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sb\u00f3l \u00e9s szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sb\u00f3l (sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k)": {
"454. Sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {
"4541. Belf\u00f6ldi anyag- \u00e9s \u00e1rusz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {
"account_type": "Payable"
"4542. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi anyag- \u00e9s \u00e1rusz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {
"account_type": "Payable"
"4543. Belf\u00f6ldi szolg\u00e1ltat\u00f3k": {},
"4544. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi szolg\u00e1ltat\u00f3k": {},
"4549. Nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok, szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok ": {
"account_type": "Stock Received But Not Billed"
"455. Beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {
"4551. Belf\u00f6ldi beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {},
"4552. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k": {},
"4559. Nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott beruh\u00e1z\u00e1si sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k ": {}
"456. Nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3k": {}
"457. V\u00e1lt\u00f3tartoz\u00e1sok": {},
"458. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek kapcsolt v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben ": {
"4581. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek anyav\u00e1llalattal szemben ": {},
"4582. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek le\u00e1nyv\u00e1llalattal szemben": {},
"4583. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek k\u00f6z\u00f6s vezet\u00e9s\u0171 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben": {},
"4584. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek t\u00e1rsult v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben": {}
"459. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek egy\u00e9b r\u00e9szesed\u00e9si viszonyban l\u00e9v\u0151 v\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1ssal szemben": {},
"461-479. Egy\u00e9b r\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {
"461. Eredm\u00e9nyt terhel\u0151 ad\u00f3k elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {
"4611. T\u00e1rsas\u00e1gi ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {},
"4612. K\u00fcl\u00f6nad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {},
"4613. Egyszer\u0171s\u00edtett v\u00e1llalkoz\u00f3i ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {}
"462. Szem\u00e9lyi j\u00f6vedelemad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {
"4612. Mag\u00e1nszem\u00e9lyekt\u0151l levont szem\u00e9lyi j\u00f6vedelem ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {},
"4621. Kifizet\u0151t terhel\u0151 szem\u00e9lyi j\u00f6vedelem ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa ": {}
"463. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gvet\u00e9si befizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {
"463-1. Nyugd\u00edjj\u00e1rul\u00e9k ": {},
"463-10. Innov\u00e1ci\u00f3s j\u00e1rul\u00e9k ": {},
"463-11. \u00d6nellen\u0151rz\u00e9si p\u00f3tl\u00e9k ": {},
"463-12. Mulaszt\u00e1si b\u00edrs\u00e1g, ad\u00f3b\u00edrs\u00e1g ": {},
"463-13. K\u00e9sedelmi p\u00f3tl\u00e9k ": {},
"463-14. Egy\u00e9b k\u00f6lts\u00e9gvet\u00e9si befizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {},
"463-2. Eg\u00e9szs\u00e9gbiztos\u00edt\u00e1si- \u00e9s munkaer\u0151 piaci j\u00e1rul\u00e9k ": {},
"463-3. Rehabilit\u00e1ci\u00f3s hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s ": {},
"463-4. Szoci\u00e1lis hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1si ad\u00f3 ": {},
"463-5. Eg\u00e9szs\u00e9g\u00fcgyi szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1si j\u00e1rul\u00e9k ": {},
"463-6. Szakk\u00e9pz\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s ": {},
"463-7. Eg\u00e9szs\u00e9g\u00fcgyi hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s ": {},
"463-8. Egyszer\u0171s\u00edtett foglalkoztat\u00e1s k\u00f6zterhe ": {},
"463-9. C\u00e9gaut\u00f3ad\u00f3 ": {}
"464. G\u00e9pj\u00e1rm\u0171 ad\u00f3 (c\u00e9gaut\u00f3ad\u00f3) elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {
"is_group": 1
"465. V\u00e1m- \u00e9s p\u00e9nz\u00fcgy\u0151rs\u00e9g elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {
"4651. V\u00e1mk\u00f6lts\u00e9gek \u00e9s egy\u00e9b v\u00e1mterhek elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"4652. Importbeszerz\u00e9s ut\u00e1n fizetend\u0151 \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"4653. V\u00e1m- \u00e9s p\u00e9nz\u00fcgy\u0151rs\u00e9ggel kapcsolatos egy\u00e9b elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sok ": {}
"466. El\u0151zetesen felsz\u00e1m\u00edtott \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3 ": {
"4661. Beszerz\u00e9sek el\u0151zetesen felsz\u00e1m\u00edtott \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3ja ": {},
"4662. Ar\u00e1nyos\u00edt\u00e1ssal megosztand\u00f3 el\u0151zetesen felsz\u00e1m\u00edtott \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3": {}
"467. Fizetend\u0151 \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3": {},
"468. \u00c1ltal\u00e1nos forgalmi ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"469. Helyi ad\u00f3k elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {
"4691. \u00c9p\u00edtm\u00e9nyad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4692. Telekad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"4693. Kommun\u00e1lis ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4694. Idegenforgalmi ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4695. Helyi ipar\u0171z\u00e9si ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4696. G\u00e9pj\u00e1rm\u0171ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"4697. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi g\u00e9pj\u00e1rm\u0171ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4699. Egy\u00e9b helyi ad\u00f3 elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {}
"471. J\u00f6vedelemelsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {
"4711. Keresetelsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"4712. T\u00e1rsadalombiztos\u00edt\u00e1si ell\u00e1t\u00e1s ": {},
"4713. Egy\u00e9b kifizet\u00e9sek elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {}
"472. Fel nem vett j\u00e1rand\u00f3s\u00e1gok": {},
"473. Elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1s a t\u00e1rsadalombiztos\u00edt\u00e1ssal ": {},
"474. Szakk\u00e9pz\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {
"4741. K\u00f6zponti m\u0171szaki fejleszt\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"4742. Elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sra kapott p\u00e9nzeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k": {},
"4743. K\u00f6rnyezetv\u00e9delmi term\u00e9k d\u00edjfizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g ": {},
"4749. Egy\u00e9b befizet\u00e9sek az elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett alapokba": {}
"475. Eg\u00e9szs\u00e9g\u00fcgyi hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s (EHO) elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {},
"476. Egy\u00e9b \u00e1llami ad\u00f3hat\u00f3s\u00e1ggal szembeni k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {
"4761. K\u00e1rt\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9s": {},
"4762. B\u00edr\u00f3i letilt\u00e1s": {},
"4763. Banki-elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1s": {},
"4764. Levont szakszervezeti d\u00edj": {},
"4765. Mag\u00e1n nyugd\u00edjp\u00e9nzt\u00e1ri befizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {}
"477. R\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa egy\u00e9b k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3kkal \u00e9s tulajdonosokkal szemben": {},
"478. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sekkel, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrokkal kapcsolatos k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {},
"479. K\u00fcl\u00f6nf\u00e9le r\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa egy\u00e9b befizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {
"4791. Biztos\u00edt\u00f3 int\u00e9zetekkel szembeni k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {},
"4792. Hitelez\u0151k": {},
"4793. \u00c1tv\u00e1llalt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {},
"4794. Beszerz\u00e9si \u00e1rba beletartoz\u00f3 el\u0151\u00edrt egy\u00e9b k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek ": {},
"4795. Egy\u00e9b r\u00f6vid lej\u00e1rat\u00fa el\u0151\u00edrt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek": {}
"48. PASSZ\u00cdV ID\u00d5BELI ELHAT\u00c1ROL\u00c1SOK": {
"481. Bev\u00e9telek passz\u00edv id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {
"4811. Befolyt, elsz\u00e1molt bev\u00e9telek elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"4812. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek ellent\u00e9telez\u00e9s\u00e9re kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1sok elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"4813. Devizaeszk\u00f6z\u00f6k \u00e9s devizak\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek m\u00e9rlegfordul\u00f3napi \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9se \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9g\u00e9nek elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {}
"482. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek, r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok passz\u00edv id\u0151beli elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {
"4821. M\u00e9rlegfordul\u00f3nap el\u0151tti id\u0151szakot terhel\u0151 k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek, r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"4822. \u00c9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok beszerz\u00e9s\u00e9hez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zetb\u0151l az id\u0151ar\u00e1nyos \u00e1rfolyam\u008fvesztes\u00e9g elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa": {},
"4823. Fizetend\u0151 kamatok elhat\u00e1rol\u00e1sa ": {}
"483. Halasztott bev\u00e9telek ": {}
"49. \u00c9VI M\u00c9RLEGSZ\u00c1ML\u00c1K": {
"491. Nyit\u00f3m\u00e9rleg sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"492. Z\u00e1r\u00f3m\u00e9rleg sz\u00e1mla": {},
"493. Ad\u00f3zott eredm\u00e9ny elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"494. El\u0151z\u0151 \u00e9vi ad\u00f3zott eredm\u00e9ny elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1sa": {}
"root_type": "Liability"
"5. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEMEK": {
"51 - 53 ANYAGJELLEG\u00db R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK ": {
"51. ANYAGK\u00d6LTS\u00c9G": {
"511. V\u00e1s\u00e1rolt anyagok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei ": {
"5111. Alapanyag k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"5112. Seg\u00e9danyag k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"5113. \u00dczemanyag k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"5114. Egy \u00e9ven bel\u00fcl elhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3d\u00f3 gy\u00e1rt\u00f3eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k, berendez\u00e9sek, felszerel\u00e9sek \u00e9s egy\u00e9b eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5115. Egy \u00e9ven bel\u00fcl elhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3d\u00f3 munkaruha, v\u00e9d\u0151ruha felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5116. Nyomtatv\u00e1nyok, irodaszerek k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5117. F\u0171t\u0151anyag k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"5118. Villamosenergia felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00e9s v\u00edzfelhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5119. Egy\u00e9b anyagfelhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"512. Egy \u00e9ven bel\u00fcl elhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3d\u00f3 anyagi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei ": {},
"5121. V\u00e1s\u00e1rolt n\u00f6vend\u00e9k\u00e1llatok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5122. V\u00e1s\u00e1rolt h\u00edz\u00f3\u00e1llatok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"5123. V\u00e1s\u00e1rolt egy\u00e9b \u00e1llatok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"513. Egy\u00e9b anyagk\u00f6lts\u00e9g": {},
"519. Anyagk\u00f6lts\u00e9g megt\u00e9r\u00fcl\u00e9s": {}
"52. IG\u00c9NYBE VETT SZOLG\u00c1LTAT\u00c1SOK K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"521. Sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s-rakod\u00e1s, rakt\u00e1roz\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"522. B\u00e9rleti d\u00edjak": {},
"523. Karbantart\u00e1si k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"524. Hirdet\u00e9s, rekl\u00e1m, propaganda k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"525. Oktat\u00e1s \u00e9s tov\u00e1bbk\u00e9pz\u00e9s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"526. Utaz\u00e1si \u00e9s kik\u00fcldet\u00e9si k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek (napid\u00edj n\u00e9lk\u00fcl)": {},
"529. Ig\u00e9nybe vett egy\u00e9b szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {}
"53. EGY\u00c9B SZOLG\u00c1LTAT\u00c1SOK K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"531. Hat\u00f3s\u00e1gi igazgat\u00e1si, szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1si d\u00edjak, illet\u00e9kek": {},
"532. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi, befektet\u00e9si szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1si d\u00edjak": {},
"533. Biztos\u00edt\u00e1si d\u00edj ": {},
"534. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gk\u00e9nt elsz\u00e1moland\u00f3 ad\u00f3k, j\u00e1rul\u00e9kok, term\u00e9kd\u00edjak": {},
"539. K\u00fcl\u00f6nf\u00e9le egy\u00e9b szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {}
"54 - 56. SZEM\u00c9LYI JELLEG\u00db R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"54. B\u00c9RK\u00d6LTS\u00c9G ": {
"541. B\u00e9rk\u00f6lts\u00e9g": {},
"542. Tulajdonos szem\u00e9lyes k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u00e9s\u00e9nek ellen\u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"543. Sz\u00f6vetkezeti tagok munkad\u00edja": {}
"55. SZEM\u00c9LYI JELLEG\u00db EGY\u00c9B KIFIZET\u00c9SEK": {
"551. Munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3knak, tagoknak fizetett szem\u00e9lyi jelleg\u0171 kifizet\u00e9sek ": {
"5511. Betegszabads\u00e1g d\u00edja, munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3t terhel\u0151 t\u00e1pp\u00e9nz, t\u00e1pp\u00e9nz kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9s": {},
"5512. V\u00e9gkiel\u00e9g\u00edt\u00e9s": {},
"5513. Munk\u00e1baj\u00e1r\u00e1ssal kapcsolatos egy\u00e9b k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek t\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9se": {},
"5514. Kik\u00fcldet\u00e9s napid\u00edja": {},
"5515. Megv\u00e1ltozott munkak\u00e9pess\u00e9g\u0171 munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3k keresetkieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se, fizetett seg\u00e9lyek": {},
"5516. \u00dcd\u00fcl\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"5517. Lak\u00e1s\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9sre ny\u00fajtott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, alb\u00e9rleti hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"5518. Jubileumi jutalom, t\u00e1rgyjutalom": {},
"5519. Sorkatonai vagy polg\u00e1ri szolg\u00e1lat teljes\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9t k\u00f6vet\u0151en fizetett szem\u00e9lyi alapb\u00e9r": {}
"552. J\u00f3l\u00e9ti \u00e9s kultur\u00e1lis k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"559. Egy\u00e9b szem\u00e9lyi jelleg\u0171 kifizet\u00e9sek ": {
"5591. Munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3 \u00e1ltal fizetett baleset-, \u00e9let- \u00e9s nyugd\u00edjbiztos\u00edt\u00e1s d\u00edja": {},
"5592. Munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3 \u00e1ltal \u00f6nk\u00e9ntes p\u00e9nzt\u00e1rba befizetett munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3i tagd\u00edj hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"5593. Munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3t terhel\u0151 szem\u00e9lyi j\u00f6vedelemad\u00f3": {},
"5594. Munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3i hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s a korengedm\u00e9nyes nyugd\u00edj ig\u00e9nybev\u00e9tel\u00e9hez": {},
"5595. Tal\u00e1lm\u00e1nyi d\u00edj, szabadalom v\u00e9tel\u00e1ra \u00e9s hasznos\u00edt\u00e1si d\u00edja, az \u00faj\u00edt\u00e1si d\u00edj \u00e9s ezekkel kapcsolatos k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u00e9si d\u00edjak": {},
"5596. Fizetett szerz\u0151i, \u00edr\u00f3i \u00e9s m\u00e1s jogv\u00e9delmet \u00e9lvez\u0151 munk\u00e1k d\u00edjai \u00e9s ezekkel kapcsolatos k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151i d\u00edjak": {},
"5597. Fizetett \u00f6szt\u00f6nd\u00edjak": {},
"5598. Reprezent\u00e1ci\u00f3s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek, \u00e9tkez\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"5599. Munk\u00e1ltat\u00f3 \u00e1ltal fizetett mag\u00e1nnyugd\u00edj-p\u00e9nzt\u00e1ri tagd\u00edj kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9s, munkav\u00e1llal\u00f3kkal kapcsolatos biztos\u00edt\u00e1si d\u00edjak": {}
"56. B\u00c9RJ\u00c1RUL\u00c9KOK": {
"561. Nyugd\u00edjbiztos\u00edt\u00e1si \u00e9s eg\u00e9szs\u00e9gbiztos\u00edt\u00e1si j\u00e1rul\u00e9k ": {},
"562. Eg\u00e9szs\u00e9g\u00fcgyi hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s": {},
"563. Munkaad\u00f3i j\u00e1rul\u00e9k": {},
"564. Szakk\u00e9pz\u00e9si hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s ": {},
"569. Egy\u00e9b hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s ": {}
"57. \u00c9RT\u00c9KCS\u00d6KKEN\u00c9SI LE\u00cdR\u00c1S": {
"571. Terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1s ": {
"5711. Terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1s ": {
"account_type": "Depreciation"
"5712. Kiemelt, kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 (50 eFt egyedi beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9k alatti) eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"57121. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 (50 eFt egyedi beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9k alatti) vagyoni \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 jogok terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"57122. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 (50 eFt egyedi beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9k alatti) szellemi term\u00e9kek terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"57123. Kis \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u0171 (50 eFt egyedi beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9k alatti) t\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k terv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"58. AKTIV\u00c1LT SAJ\u00c1T TELJES\u00cdTM\u00c9NYEK \u00c9RT\u00c9KE": {
"581. Saj\u00e1t termel\u00e9s\u0171 k\u00e9szletek \u00e1llom\u00e1nyv\u00e1ltoz\u00e1sa ": {},
"582. Saj\u00e1t el\u0151\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s\u00fa eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k aktiv\u00e1lt \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"589. Aktiv\u00e1lt saj\u00e1t teljes\u00edtm\u00e9nyek \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla": {}
"59. K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEM ELLENSZ\u00c1MLA (els\u0151dleges k\u00f6lts\u00e9ghely-k\u00f6lts\u00e9gvisel\u0151 elsz\u00e1mol\u00f3s eset\u00e9n) ": {
"is_group": 1
"59. K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEM \u00c1TVEZET\u00c9SI SZ\u00c1MLA (els\u0151dleges k\u00f6lts\u00e9gnem-elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1s eset\u00e9n)": {
"is_group": 1
"59. K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEM \u00c1TVEZET\u00c9SI SZ\u00c1MLA (els\u0151dleges k\u00f6lts\u00e9gnem-elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1s eset\u00e9n, kiz\u00e1r\u00f3lag \u00f6sszk\u00f6lts\u00e9g elj\u00e1r\u00e1ssal)": {
"59/51. Anyagk\u00f6lts\u00e9g \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"59/52. Ig\u00e9nybe vett szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"59/53. Egy\u00e9b szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"59/54. B\u00e9rk\u00f6lts\u00e9g \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"59/55. Szem\u00e9lyi jelleg\u0171 egy\u00e9b kifizet\u00e9sek \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla ": {},
"59/56. B\u00e9rj\u00e1rul\u00e9kok \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla": {},
"59/57. \u00c9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1s \u00e1tvezet\u00e9si sz\u00e1mla ": {}
"59. K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEM \u00c1TVEZET\u00c9SI SZ\u00c1MLA (kiz\u00e1r\u00f3lag k\u00f6lts\u00e9gnem-elsz\u00e1mol\u00e1s \u00e9s forgalmi k\u00f6lts\u00e9g elj\u00e1r\u00e1ssal)": {
"is_group": 1
"root_type": "Expense"
"6. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GHELYEK, \u00c1LTAL\u00c1NOS K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEK": {
"61. JAV\u00cdT\u00d3-KARBANTART\u00d3 \u00dcZEMEK K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {},
"62. SZOLG\u00c1LTAT\u00c1ST V\u00c9GZ\u00d5 \u00dcZEMEK (EGYS\u00c9GEK) K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {},
"63. G\u00c9PK\u00d6LTS\u00c9G": {},
"64-65. \u00dcZEMI IR\u00c1NY\u00cdT\u00c1S \u00c1LTAL\u00c1NOS K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {},
"66. K\u00d6ZPONTI IR\u00c1NY\u00cdT\u00c1S \u00c1LTL\u00c1NOS K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {},
"67. \u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9SI, FORGALMAZ\u00c1SI K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEK": {},
"68. ELK\u00dcL\u00d6N\u00cdTETT EGY\u00c9B \u00c1LTL\u00c1NOS K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEK": {
"681. Alap\u00edt\u00e1s-\u00e1tszervez\u00e9s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"682. Alap- \u00e9s alkalmazott kutat\u00e1s saj\u00e1t k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"683. V\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sban adott alap- \u00e9s alkalmazott kutat\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"684. K\u00eds\u00e9rleti fejleszt\u00e9s saj\u00e1t k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"685. V\u00e1llalkoz\u00e1sba adott k\u00eds\u00e9rleti fejleszt\u00e9s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"686. Kutat\u00e1s-k\u00eds\u00e9rleti fejleszt\u00e9s \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos \u00e9s k\u00f6zvetett k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"687. Kutat\u00e1s-k\u00eds\u00e9rleti fejleszt\u00e9s elsz\u00e1molt \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {},
"688. Garanci\u00e1lis jav\u00edt\u00e1s k\u00f6lts\u00e9gei": {},
"689. Egy\u00e9b elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {}
"69. K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GHELYEK K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GNEMEK \u00c1TVEZET\u00c9SE": {
"691. K\u00f6lts\u00e9ghelyek k\u00f6lts\u00e9geinek \u00e1tvezet\u00e9se": {}
"root_type": "Expense"
"7. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY TEV\u00c9KENYS\u00c9GEKK\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"is_group": 1,
"root_type": "Expense"
"8. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY \u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S ELSZ\u00c1MOLT \u00d6NK\u00d6LTS\u00c9GE \u00c9S R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"81-83. SZ\u00c1MLACSOPORTOK (az \u00f6sszk\u00f6lts\u00e9g elj\u00e1r\u00e1ssal k\u00e9sz\u00fcl\u0151 eredm\u00e9ny-kimutat\u00e1shoz)": {
"81. ANYAGJELLEG\u00db R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"811. Anyagk\u00f6lts\u00e9g ": {},
"812. Ig\u00e9nybe vett szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"813. Egy\u00e9b szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"814. Eladott \u00e1ruk beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"815. Eladott (k\u00f6zvet\u00edtett) szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"82. SZEM\u00c9LYI JELLEG\u00db R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"821. B\u00e9rk\u00f6lts\u00e9g": {},
"822. Szem\u00e9lyi jelleg\u0171 egy\u00e9b kifizet\u00e9sek": {},
"823. B\u00e9rj\u00e1rul\u00e9kok": {}
"83. \u00c9RT\u00c9KCS\u00d6KKEN\u00c9SI LE\u00cdR\u00c1S": {
"831. \u00c9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9si le\u00edr\u00e1s ": {}
"81-85. SZ\u00c1MLACSOPORTOK (a forgalmi k\u00f6lts\u00e9g elj\u00e1r\u00e1ssal k\u00e9sz\u00fcl\u0151 eredm\u00e9nykimutat\u00e1shoz)": {
"81-82. BELF\u00d6LDI \u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S K\u00d6ZVETLEN K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"811. Belf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s elsz\u00e1molt k\u00f6zvetlen \u00f6nk\u00f6lts\u00e9ge": {
"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
"812. Belf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s eladott \u00e1ruk beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Stock Adjustment"
"813. Belf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s eladott (k\u00f6zvet\u00edtett) szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {
"account_type": "Expenses Included In Valuation"
"83-84. EXPORT\u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S K\u00d6ZVETLEN K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"831. Export\u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s elsz\u00e1molt k\u00f6zvetlen \u00f6nk\u00f6lts\u00e9ge": {},
"832. Export\u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s eladott \u00e1ruk beszerz\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"833. Export\u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s eladott (k\u00f6zvet\u00edtett) szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"85. \u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S K\u00d6ZVETETT K\u00d6LTS\u00c9GEI": {
"851. \u00c9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9si, forgalmaz\u00e1si k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"852. Igazgat\u00e1si k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {},
"853. Egy\u00e9b \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos k\u00f6lts\u00e9gek": {}
"86. EGY\u00c9B R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"861. Egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1snak min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9sek": {
"8611. \u00c9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett immateri\u00e1lis javak, t\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"8612. \u00c9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett, \u00e1truh\u00e1zott (engedm\u00e9nyezett) k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"862. Egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1snak min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 eszk\u00f6z kivezet\u00e9sek": {
"8621. Hi\u00e1nyz\u00f3, megsemmis\u00fclt, kiselejtezett immateri\u00e1lis javak, t\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k nett\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"8622. Hi\u00e1nyz\u00f3, megsemmis\u00fclt, \u00e1llom\u00e1nyb\u00f3l kivezetett k\u00e9szletek k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"863. Behajthatatlan k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek le\u00edrt \u00f6sszege": {},
"864. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k k\u00e9pz\u00e9s": {
"8641. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k-k\u00e9pz\u00e9s a v\u00e1rhat\u00f3 k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gekre": {},
"8642. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k-k\u00e9pz\u00e9s a j\u00f6v\u0151beni k\u00f6lts\u00e9gekre": {},
"8643. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k-k\u00e9pz\u00e9s egy\u00e9b c\u00edmen": {}
"865. Ut\u00f3lag adott, nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott engedm\u00e9ny": {},
"866. Egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sk\u00e9nt elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {
"8661. K\u00f6zponti k\u00f6lts\u00e9gvet\u00e9ssel elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {},
"8662. Helyi \u00f6nkorm\u00e1nyzatokkal elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {},
"8663. Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edtett \u00e1llami p\u00e9nzalapokkal elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {},
"8664. T\u00e1rsadalombiztos\u00edt\u00e1ssal elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {},
"8665. EU p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi alapokkal elsz\u00e1molt ad\u00f3k, illet\u00e9kek, hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1sok": {},
"8666. R\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sk\u00e9nt elsz\u00e1molt egy\u00e9b ad\u00f3k \u00e9s ad\u00f3jelleg\u0171 t\u00e9telek": {}
"867. Egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sk\u00e9nt elsz\u00e1molt, ad\u00f3nak nem min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 kifizet\u00e9sek": {
"8671. K\u00e1resem\u00e9nnyel kapcsolatos fizetett, fizetend\u0151 \u00f6sszegek": {},
"8672. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek (r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok) ellent\u00e9telez\u00e9s\u00e9re visszafizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g n\u00e9lk\u00fcl adott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1": {},
"8673. Fejleszt\u00e9si c\u00e9lra, visszafizet\u00e9si k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g n\u00e9lk\u00fcl adott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"8674. Fejleszt\u00e9si c\u00e9lra kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s visszafizetend\u0151 \u00f6sszege": {},
"8675. Tao \u00e1ltal elismert b\u00edrs\u00e1gok, k\u00f6tb\u00e9rek, k\u00e9sedelmi kamatok, p\u00f3tl\u00e9kok, k\u00e1rt\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9sek, s\u00e9relemd\u00edjak": {},
"8676. Tao \u00e1ltal el nem ismert b\u00edrs\u00e1gok, k\u00f6tb\u00e9rek, k\u00e9sedelmi kamatok, p\u00f3tl\u00e9kok, k\u00e1rt\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9sek, s\u00e9relemd\u00edjak": {}
"868. Terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9sek, \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9sek": {
"8681. Immateri\u00e1lis javak terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {},
"8682. T\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9se": {},
"8683. K\u00e9szletek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se": {},
"8684. K\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se": {}
"869. K\u00fcl\u00f6nf\u00e9le egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok": {
"8691. T\u00e1rsas\u00e1gba bevitt, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrnak vagy r\u00e9szesed\u00e9snek nem min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 vagyont. k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9s l\u00e9t. okir. meghat. veszt. k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6zet": {},
"8692. Ellent\u00e9telez\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl \u00e1tv\u00e1llalt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g szerz\u0151d\u00e9s szerinti \u00f6sszege": {},
"8693. T\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl \u00e1tadott, r\u00e9szesed\u00e9snek vagy \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrnak nem min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1s szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"8694. T\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl ny\u00fajtott szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok beker\u00fcl\u00e9si \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"8695. Elengedett k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"8696. Egy\u00e9b, vagyoncs\u00f6kken\u00e9ssel j\u00e1r\u00f3 r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok": {}
"87. P\u00c9NZ\u00dcGYI M\u0170VELETEK R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SAI": {
"871. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sekb\u0151l sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok, \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9gek": {},
"872. Befektetett p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6kb\u0151l (\u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrokb\u00f3l, k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6kb\u0151l) sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9gek": {},
"873. Hitelint\u00e9zetnek fizetend\u0151 kamatok \u00e9s kamatjelleg\u0171 r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok": {},
"874. Nem hitelint\u00e9zetnek fizetend\u0151 kamatok \u00e9s kamatjelleg\u0171 r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok": {},
"875. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok, bankbet\u00e9tek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se \u00e9s vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {
"8751. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok, bankbet\u00e9tek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9se": {},
"8752. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek, \u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrok, bankbet\u00e9tek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9s\u00e9nek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"876. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi p\u00e9nz\u00e9rt\u00e9kre sz\u00f3l\u00f3 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k \u00e9s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9gei": {
"8761. Deviza- \u00e9s valutak\u00e9szletek forintra \u00e1tv\u00e1lt\u00e1s\u00e1nak \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9ge": {},
"8762. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi p\u00e9nz\u00e9rt\u00e9kre sz\u00f3l\u00f3 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k \u00e9s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyileg rendezett \u00e1rfolyamvesztes\u00e9ge": {}
"877. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi m\u0171veletek egy\u00e9b r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sai": {},
"878. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi rendez\u00e9shez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3an adott engedm\u00e9ny": {},
"879. Egy\u00e9b vagyoncs\u00f6kken\u00e9ssel j\u00e1r\u00f3 p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok": {}
"88. RENDK\u00cdV\u00dcLI R\u00c1FORD\u00cdT\u00c1SOK": {
"881. T\u00e1rsas\u00e1gba bevitt eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1s szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"89. EREDM\u00c9NYT TERHEL\u0150 AD\u00d3K": {
"891. T\u00e1rsas\u00e1gi ad\u00f3": {},
"892. Egyszer\u0171s\u00edtett v\u00e1llalkoz\u00f3i ad\u00f3": {},
"893. Kisv\u00e1llalati ad\u00f3": {},
"899. Eredm\u00e9nyt terhel\u0151 egy\u00e9b ad\u00f3k": {}
"root_type": "Expense"
"9. SZ\u00c1MLAOSZT\u00c1LY BEV\u00c9TELEK": {
"91. BELF\u00d6LDI \u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S \u00c1RBEV\u00c9TELE": {
"911. Belf\u00f6ldinek \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett saj\u00e1t termel\u00e9s\u0171 k\u00e9szletek \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"912. Belf\u00f6ldinek \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt k\u00e9szletek \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"913. Belf\u00f6ldinek ny\u00fajtott szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"918. Belf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9ssel kapcsolatos \u00e1rt\u00e1mogat\u00e1s": {},
"919. Egy\u00e9b belf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {}
"92. EXPORT\u00c9RT\u00c9KES\u00cdT\u00c9S \u00c1RBEV\u00c9TELE": {
"921. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldinek \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett saj\u00e1t termel\u00e9s\u0171 k\u00e9szletek \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"922. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldinek \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt k\u00e9szletek \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"923. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldinek ny\u00fajtott szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {},
"928. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9ssel kapcsolatos \u00e1rt\u00e1mogat\u00e1s": {},
"929. Egy\u00e9b k\u00fclf\u00f6ldi \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9s \u00e1rbev\u00e9tele": {}
"96. EGY\u00c9B BEV\u00c9TELEK": {
"961. Egy\u00e9b bev\u00e9telnek min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9kes\u00edt\u00e9sek": {
"9611. \u00c9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett immateri\u00e1lis javak, t\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k ellen\u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"9612. \u00c9rt\u00e9kes\u00edtett, \u00e1truh\u00e1zott (engedm\u00e9nyezett) k\u00f6vetel\u00e9sek ellen\u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {}
"963. K\u00f6vetel\u00e9s k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t meghalad\u00f3an realiz\u00e1lt \u00f6sszeg": {},
"964. C\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k felold\u00e1s": {
"9651. V\u00e1rhat\u00f3 k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek fedezet\u00e9re k\u00e9pzett c\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1sa ": {},
"9652. J\u00f6v\u0151beni k\u00f6lts\u00e9gekre k\u00e9pzett c\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1sa ": {},
"9653. Egy\u00e9b c\u00edmen k\u00e9pzett c\u00e9ltartal\u00e9k felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1sa ": {}
"965. Ut\u00f3lag kapott, nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott engedm\u00e9ny": {},
"966. Ut\u00f3lag kapott, nem sz\u00e1ml\u00e1zott engedm\u00e9ny": {
"9661. K\u00f6zponti k\u00f6lts\u00e9gvet\u00e9sb\u0151l kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"9662. Helyi \u00f6nkorm\u00e1nyzatokt\u00f3l kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"9663. Eur\u00f3pai Uni\u00f3t\u00f3l kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"9664. Egy\u00e9b forr\u00e1sb\u00f3l kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {}
"967. Egy\u00e9b bev\u00e9telk\u00e9nt elsz\u00e1molt p\u00e9nzbev\u00e9telek": {
"9671. K\u00e1resem\u00e9nnyel kapcsolatos t\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9sek": {},
"9672. K\u00f6lts\u00e9gek (r\u00e1ford\u00edt\u00e1sok) ellent\u00e9telez\u00e9s\u00e9re kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"9673. Fejleszt\u00e9si c\u00e9lra kapott t\u00e1mogat\u00e1s, juttat\u00e1s": {},
"9674. Kapott b\u00edrs\u00e1gok, k\u00f6tb\u00e9rek, fekb\u00e9rek, k\u00e9sedelmi kamatok, k\u00e1rt\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9sek": {}
"968. Terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9sek, \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9sek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {
"9681. Immateri\u00e1lis javak terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9s\u00e9nek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"9682. T\u00e1rgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k terven fel\u00fcli \u00e9rt\u00e9kcs\u00f6kken\u00e9s\u00e9nek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"9683. K\u00e9szletek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9s\u00e9nek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {},
"9684. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sek \u00e9rt\u00e9kveszt\u00e9s\u00e9nek vissza\u00edr\u00e1sa": {}
"969. K\u00fcl\u00f6nf\u00e9le egy\u00e9b bev\u00e9telek": {
"9691. Gazdas\u00e1gi t\u00e1rsas\u00e1gba bevitt, \u00e9rt\u00e9kp. vagy r\u00e9szesed\u00e9snek nem min\u0151s\u00fcl\u0151 vagyont. \u00e9rt\u00e9ke \u00e9s l\u00e9tes\u00edt\u0151 okir. \u00e9rt. nyer. jell . k\u00fcl\u00f6nb.": {},
"9692. El\u00e9v\u00fclt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g k\u00f6nyv szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"9693. T\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl \u00e1tvett, aj\u00e1nd\u00e9kk\u00e9nt, hagyat\u00e9kk\u00e9nt kapott, fellelt eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k piaci vagy jogszab\u00e1ly szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"9694. T\u00e9r\u00edt\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl kapott szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1sok piaci vagy jogszab\u00e1ly szerinti \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"9695. Elengedett \u00e9s ellent\u00e9telez\u00e9s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl \u00e1tv\u00e1llalt k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9g \u00e9rt\u00e9ke": {},
"9696. Egy\u00e9b, vagyonn\u00f6veked\u00e9ssel j\u00e1r\u00f3 bev\u00e9telek": {}
"97. P\u00c9NZ\u00dcGYI M\u0170VELETEK BEV\u00c9TELEI": {
"971. R\u00e9szesed\u00e9sekb\u0151l sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 bev\u00e9telek, \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9gek": {},
"972. Befektetett p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi eszk\u00f6z\u00f6kb\u0151l (\u00e9rt\u00e9kpap\u00edrokb\u00f3l, k\u00f6lcs\u00f6n\u00f6kb\u0151l) sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 bev\u00e9telek, \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9gek": {},
"973. Hitelint\u00e9zett\u0151l kapott kamatok \u00e9s kamatjelleg\u0171 bev\u00e9telek": {},
"974. Nem hitelint\u00e9zett\u0151l kapott kamatok \u00e9s kamatjelleg\u0171 bev\u00e9telek": {},
"975. Kapott (j\u00e1r\u00f3) osztal\u00e9k \u00e9s r\u00e9szesed\u00e9s": {},
"976. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi p\u00e9nz\u00e9rt\u00e9kre sz\u00f3l\u00f3 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k \u00e9s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9gei": {
"9761. Deviza- \u00e9s valutak\u00e9szletek forintra \u00e1tv\u00e1lt\u00e1s\u00e1nak \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9ge": {},
"9762. K\u00fclf\u00f6ldi p\u00e9nz\u00e9rt\u00e9kre sz\u00f3l\u00f3 eszk\u00f6z\u00f6k \u00e9s k\u00f6telezetts\u00e9gek p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyileg rendezett \u00e1rfolyamnyeres\u00e9ge": {}
"977. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi m\u0171veletek egy\u00e9b bev\u00e9telei": {},
"978. P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi rendez\u00e9shez kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3an kapott engedm\u00e9ny": {},
"979. Egy\u00e9b vagyonn\u00f6veked\u00e9ssel j\u00e1r\u00f3 p\u00e9nz\u00fcgyi bev\u00e9telek": {}
"root_type": "Income"
@ -36,12 +36,15 @@ def make_depreciation_entry(asset_name, date=None):
fixed_asset_account, accumulated_depreciation_account, depreciation_expense_account = \
fixed_asset_account, accumulated_depreciation_account, depreciation_expense_account = \
depreciation_cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "depreciation_cost_center")
depreciation_cost_center, depreciation_series = frappe.db.get_value("Company",,
["depreciation_cost_center", "series_for_depreciation_entry"])
for d in asset.get("schedules"):
for d in asset.get("schedules"):
if not d.journal_entry and getdate(d.schedule_date) <= getdate(date):
if not d.journal_entry and getdate(d.schedule_date) <= getdate(date):
je = frappe.new_doc("Journal Entry")
je = frappe.new_doc("Journal Entry")
je.voucher_type = "Depreciation Entry"
je.voucher_type = "Depreciation Entry"
je.naming_series = depreciation_series
je.posting_date = d.schedule_date
je.posting_date = d.schedule_date
|||||| =
| =
je.remark = "Depreciation Entry against {0} worth {1}".format(asset_name, d.depreciation_amount)
je.remark = "Depreciation Entry against {0} worth {1}".format(asset_name, d.depreciation_amount)
@ -109,8 +112,11 @@ def scrap_asset(asset_name):
elif asset.status in ("Cancelled", "Sold", "Scrapped"):
elif asset.status in ("Cancelled", "Sold", "Scrapped"):
frappe.throw(_("Asset {0} cannot be scrapped, as it is already {1}").format(, asset.status))
frappe.throw(_("Asset {0} cannot be scrapped, as it is already {1}").format(, asset.status))
depreciation_series = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "series_for_depreciation_entry")
je = frappe.new_doc("Journal Entry")
je = frappe.new_doc("Journal Entry")
je.voucher_type = "Journal Entry"
je.voucher_type = "Journal Entry"
je.naming_series = depreciation_series
je.posting_date = today()
je.posting_date = today()
|||||| =
| =
je.remark = "Scrap Entry for asset {0}".format(asset_name)
je.remark = "Scrap Entry for asset {0}".format(asset_name)
@ -150,11 +150,16 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Submitted")
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Submitted")
frappe.db.set_value("Company", "_Test Company", "series_for_depreciation_entry", "DEPR-")
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Partially Depreciated")
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Partially Depreciated")
# check depreciation entry series
self.assertEqual(asset.get("schedules")[0].journal_entry[:4], "DEPR")
expected_gle = (
expected_gle = (
("_Test Accumulated Depreciations - _TC", 0.0, 30000.0),
("_Test Accumulated Depreciations - _TC", 0.0, 30000.0),
("_Test Depreciations - _TC", 30000.0, 0.0)
("_Test Depreciations - _TC", 30000.0, 0.0)
@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ class PaymentRequest(Document):
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(self.reference_doctype, self.reference_name)
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(self.reference_doctype, self.reference_name)
if hasattr(ref_doc, "order_type") and getattr(ref_doc, "order_type") == "Shopping Cart":
if (hasattr(ref_doc, "order_type") and getattr(ref_doc, "order_type") == "Shopping Cart") \
or self.flags.mute_email:
send_mail = False
send_mail = False
if send_mail and not self.flags.mute_email:
if send_mail:
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class PaymentRequest(Document):
def make_invoice(self):
def make_invoice(self):
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(self.reference_doctype, self.reference_name)
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(self.reference_doctype, self.reference_name)
if hasattr(ref_doc, "order_type") and getattr(ref_doc, "order_type") == "Shopping Cart":
if (hasattr(ref_doc, "order_type") and getattr(ref_doc, "order_type") == "Shopping Cart"):
from erpnext.selling.doctype.sales_order.sales_order import make_sales_invoice
from erpnext.selling.doctype.sales_order.sales_order import make_sales_invoice
si = make_sales_invoice(self.reference_name, ignore_permissions=True)
si = make_sales_invoice(self.reference_name, ignore_permissions=True)
si = si.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
si = si.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
@ -216,12 +217,9 @@ def make_payment_request(**args):
"""Make payment request"""
"""Make payment request"""
args = frappe._dict(args)
args = frappe._dict(args)
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(args.dt, args.dn)
ref_doc = frappe.get_doc(args.dt, args.dn)
gateway_account = get_gateway_details(args) or frappe._dict()
grand_total = get_amount(ref_doc, args.dt)
grand_total = get_amount(ref_doc, args.dt)
gateway_account = get_gateway_details(args) or frappe._dict()
existing_payment_request = frappe.db.get_value("Payment Request",
existing_payment_request = frappe.db.get_value("Payment Request",
{"reference_doctype": args.dt, "reference_name": args.dn, "docstatus": ["!=", 2]})
{"reference_doctype": args.dt, "reference_name": args.dn, "docstatus": ["!=", 2]})
@ -244,22 +242,19 @@ def make_payment_request(**args):
"reference_name": args.dn
"reference_name": args.dn
if args.return_doc:
if args.order_type == "Shopping Cart" or args.mute_email:
return pr
if args.mute_email:
pr.flags.mute_email = True
pr.flags.mute_email = True
if args.submit_doc:
if args.submit_doc:
if hasattr(ref_doc, "order_type") and getattr(ref_doc, "order_type") == "Shopping Cart":
if args.order_type == "Shopping Cart":
frappe.local.response["type"] = "redirect"
frappe.local.response["type"] = "redirect"
frappe.local.response["location"] = pr.get_payment_url()
frappe.local.response["location"] = pr.get_payment_url()
if not args.cart:
if args.return_doc:
return pr
return pr
return pr.as_dict()
return pr.as_dict()
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class TestPaymentRequest(unittest.TestCase):
so_inr = make_sales_order(currency="INR")
so_inr = make_sales_order(currency="INR")
pr = make_payment_request(dt="Sales Order",, recipient_id="",
pr = make_payment_request(dt="Sales Order",, recipient_id="",
mute_email=1, submit_doc=1)
mute_email=1, submit_doc=1, return_doc=1)
pe = pr.set_as_paid()
pe = pr.set_as_paid()
so_inr = frappe.get_doc("Sales Order",
so_inr = frappe.get_doc("Sales Order",
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class TestPaymentRequest(unittest.TestCase):
currency="USD", conversion_rate=50)
currency="USD", conversion_rate=50)
pr = make_payment_request(dt="Sales Invoice",, recipient_id="",
pr = make_payment_request(dt="Sales Invoice",, recipient_id="",
mute_email=1, payment_gateway="_Test Gateway - USD", submit_doc=1)
mute_email=1, payment_gateway="_Test Gateway - USD", submit_doc=1, return_doc=1)
pe = pr.set_as_paid()
pe = pr.set_as_paid()
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
QUnit.test("test: supplier", function(assert) {
let done = assert.async();
() => {
return frappe.tests.make('Supplier', [
{supplier_name: 'Test Supplier'},
{supplier_type: 'Hardware'},
{country: 'United States'},
{default_currency: 'USD'},
{default_price_list: 'Test-Buying-USD'},
{credit_days_based_on: 'Fixed Days'},
{accounts: [
{'company': "Test Company"},
{'account': "Creditors - TC"}
() => frappe.timeout(1),
() => frappe.click_button('New Address'),
() => {
return frappe.tests.set_form_values(cur_frm, [
{address_type: "Billing"},
{address_line1: "Billing Street 3"},
{city: "Billing City 3"},
() =>,
() => frappe.timeout(2),
() => frappe.click_button('New Address'),
() => {
return frappe.tests.set_form_values(cur_frm, [
{address_type: "Shipping"},
{address_line1: "Shipping Street 3"},
{city: "Shipping City 3"},
() =>,
() => frappe.timeout(2),
() => frappe.click_button('New Address'),
() => {
return frappe.tests.set_form_values(cur_frm, [
{address_type: "Warehouse"},
{address_line1: "Warehouse Street 3"},
{city: "Warehouse City 3"},
() =>,
() => frappe.timeout(2),
() => frappe.click_button('New Contact'),
() => {
return frappe.tests.set_form_values(cur_frm, [
{first_name: "Contact 3"}
() =>,
() => frappe.timeout(1),
() => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Supplier', 'Test Supplier'),
() => frappe.timeout(0.3),
() => {
assert.ok(cur_frm.doc.supplier_name == 'Test Supplier', "Name correct");
assert.ok(cur_frm.doc.supplier_type == 'Hardware', "Type correct");
assert.ok(cur_frm.doc.default_currency == 'USD', "Currency correct");
assert.ok(cur_frm.doc.accounts[0].account == 'Creditors - '+frappe.get_abbr('Test Company'), " Account Head abbr correct");
assert.ok($('.address-box:nth-child(3) p').text().includes('Shipping City 3'), "Address correct");
assert.ok($('.col-sm-6+ .col-sm-6 .h6').text().includes('Contact 3'), "Contact correct");
() => done()
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ def get_list_context(context=None):
"get_list": get_transaction_list
"get_list": get_transaction_list
def get_transaction_list(doctype, txt=None, filters=None, limit_start=0, limit_page_length=20, order_by="modified"):
def get_transaction_list(doctype, txt=None, filters=None, limit_start=0, limit_page_length=20, order_by="modified"):
from frappe.www.list import get_list
user = frappe.session.user
user = frappe.session.user
key = None
key = None
@ -45,16 +45,41 @@ def get_transaction_list(doctype, txt=None, filters=None, limit_start=0, limit_p
filters.append((doctype, key, "in", parties))
filters.append((doctype, key, "in", parties))
if key:
if key:
return post_process(doctype, get_list(doctype, txt,
return post_process(doctype, get_list_for_transactions(doctype, txt,
filters=filters, fields = "name",
filters=filters, fields="name",limit_start=limit_start,
limit_start=limit_start, limit_page_length=limit_page_length,
order_by="modified desc"))
order_by = "modified desc"))
return []
return []
return post_process(doctype, get_list(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length,
return post_process(doctype, get_list_for_transactions(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length,
fields="name", order_by = "modified desc"))
fields="name", order_by="modified desc"))
def get_list_for_transactions(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length=20, ignore_permissions=False,fields=None, order_by=None):
from frappe.www.list import get_list
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
data = []
or_filters = []
for d in get_list(doctype, txt, filters=filters, fields="name", limit_start=limit_start,
limit_page_length=limit_page_length, ignore_permissions=True, order_by="modified desc"):
if txt:
if meta.get_field('items'):
if meta.get_field('items').options:
child_doctype = meta.get_field('items').options
for item in frappe.get_all(child_doctype, {"item_name": ['like', "%" + txt + "%"]}):
child = frappe.get_doc(child_doctype,
or_filters.append([doctype, "name", "=", child.parent])
if or_filters:
for r in frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields,filters=filters, or_filters=or_filters, limit_start=limit_start,
limit_page_length=limit_page_length, ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions,
return data
def get_party_details(customers, suppliers):
def get_party_details(customers, suppliers):
if customers:
if customers:
@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ QUnit.test("test: item", function (assert) {
() => done()
() => done()
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
"in_filter": 0,
"in_filter": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_global_search": 0,
"in_list_view": 0,
"in_list_view": 0,
"in_standard_filter": 1,
"in_standard_filter": 0,
"label": "Campaign",
"label": "Campaign",
"length": 0,
"length": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
"no_copy": 0,
@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@
"issingle": 0,
"issingle": 0,
"istable": 0,
"istable": 0,
"max_attachments": 0,
"max_attachments": 0,
"modified": "2017-07-10 15:29:23.921967",
"modified": "2017-08-07 21:25:10.836517",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "CRM",
"module": "CRM",
"name": "Opportunity",
"name": "Opportunity",
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 78 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 55 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 182 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 34 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 32 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 430 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 35 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 71 KiB |
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Adjust Withhold Amount Payment Entry
#Adjust Withhold Amount in the Payment Entry
#Adjust Withhold Amount in the Payment Entry
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# C Form
C-Form functionality is only applicable for Indian customers.
C-Form functionality is only applicable for Indian customers.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Changing Parent Account
#Changing Parent Account
#Changing Parent Account
Chart of Account has hierarchical structure. Each account has a parent it is listed under.
Chart of Account has hierarchical structure. Each account has a parent it is listed under.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Difference Entry Button
#Difference Entry
#Difference Entry
As per accounting standards, debit in a accounting entry must be equal to credit. If not, system does allow submission of accounting transaction, thereby stops ledger posting. In ERPNext, on saving accounting entry, system validates if debit and credit is tallying.
As per accounting standards, debit in a accounting entry must be equal to credit. If not, system does allow submission of accounting transaction, thereby stops ledger posting. In ERPNext, on saving accounting entry, system validates if debit and credit is tallying.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Freeze Accounting Entries
#Freeze Accounting Entries
#Freeze Accounting Entries
To freeze accounting entries upto a certain date, follow below given steps.
To freeze accounting entries upto a certain date, follow below given steps.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# How To Freeze Accounting Ledger
#How To Freeze Accounting Ledger?
#How To Freeze Accounting Ledger?
If you want to discontinue using specific Account, you can freeze it.
If you want to discontinue using specific Account, you can freeze it.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Managing Transactions In Multiple Currency
#Managing Transactions In Multiple Currency
#Managing Transactions In Multiple Currency
In ERPNext, transactions can be created in the base currency as well as in parties (customer or supplier) currency. If transaction is created in the parties currency, their currency symbol is updated in the print format as well.
In ERPNext, transactions can be created in the base currency as well as in parties (customer or supplier) currency. If transaction is created in the parties currency, their currency symbol is updated in the print format as well.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Post Dated Cheque Entry
#Post Dated Cheque Entry
#Post Dated Cheque Entry
Post Dated Cheque is a cheque dated on future date. Party generally give post dated cheque, as advance payment. This cheque would be cleared only when cheque date arrives.
Post Dated Cheque is a cheque dated on future date. Party generally give post dated cheque, as advance payment. This cheque would be cleared only when cheque date arrives.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Tracking Project Profitability Using Cost Center
#Tracking Project Profibitability using Cost Center
#Tracking Project Profibitability using Cost Center
To track expenses and profibility for a project, you can use Cost Centers. You should create separate Cost Center for each Project. This will allow you to.
To track expenses and profibility for a project, you can use Cost Centers. You should create separate Cost Center for each Project. This will allow you to.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Update Stock Option In Sales Invoice
#Delivery from Sales Invoice
#Delivery from Sales Invoice
If you have items delivery and invoicing happening at the same time, you can create delivery from with Sales Invoice itself. Sales Invoice has field called **Update Stock**, just before Item table. If this field is checked, on submission of Sales Invoice, stock of Item will be deducted from selected Warehouse.
If you have items delivery and invoicing happening at the same time, you can create delivery from with Sales Invoice itself. Sales Invoice has field called **Update Stock**, just before Item table. If this field is checked, on submission of Sales Invoice, stock of Item will be deducted from selected Warehouse.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# What Is The Differences Of Total And Valuation In Tax And Charges
#Purchase Tax or Charges Categories
#Purchase Tax or Charges Categories
Consider Tax or Charge field in Purchase Taxes and Charges master has three values.
Consider Tax or Charge field in Purchase Taxes and Charges master has three values.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Withdrawing Salary From Owners Equity Account
#Withdrawing Salary from Owner's Equity Account
#Withdrawing Salary from Owner's Equity Account
### Question
### Question
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Opening Accounts
#Updating Opening Balance in Accounts
#Updating Opening Balance in Accounts
If you are a new company you can start using ERPNext accounting module by going to chart of accounts. However, if you are migrating from a legacy accounting system like Tally or a Fox Pro based software
If you are a new company you can start using ERPNext accounting module by going to chart of accounts. However, if you are migrating from a legacy accounting system like Tally or a Fox Pro based software
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Pricing Rule
#Pricing Rule
#Pricing Rule
Pricing Rule is a master where you can define rules based on which discount is applied to specific Customer or Supplier.
Pricing Rule is a master where you can define rules based on which discount is applied to specific Customer or Supplier.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Recurring Orders And Invoices
#Recurring Orders and Invoices
#Recurring Orders and Invoices
If you have a contract with a **Customer** where you bill the Customer on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, you should use recurring feature in orders and invoices.
If you have a contract with a **Customer** where you bill the Customer on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, you should use recurring feature in orders and invoices.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Maintaining Suppliers Part No In Item
#Maintaining Supplier's Item Code in the Item master
#Maintaining Supplier's Item Code in the Item master
For each item, code assigned might differ from the code your supplier has given to that same item. ERPNext allows you to track Supplier's Item Code in the item master. Also you can fetch Supplier's Item Code in your purchase transactions, so that they can easily recognize item referring to their Item Code.
For each item, code assigned might differ from the code your supplier has given to that same item. ERPNext allows you to track Supplier's Item Code in the item master. Also you can fetch Supplier's Item Code in your purchase transactions, so that they can easily recognize item referring to their Item Code.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Pull Items In Purchase Order Based On Supplier
#Pull Items in Purchase Order based on Supplier
#Pull Items in Purchase Order based on Supplier
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Purchasing In Different Unit
#Purchasing in Different Unit (UoM)
#Purchasing in Different Unit (UoM)
Each item has stock unit of measument (UoM) associated to it. For example UoM of pen could be numbers (Nos) and sand could be stocked kgs. However, when we place an order with Supplier, UoM for an item could change. Like we can order 1 set/box of Pen, or one truck of sand to our Supplier. When creating purchase transacton, you can change Purchase UoM for an item.
Each item has stock unit of measument (UoM) associated to it. For example UoM of pen could be numbers (Nos) and sand could be stocked kgs. However, when we place an order with Supplier, UoM for an item could change. Like we can order 1 set/box of Pen, or one truck of sand to our Supplier. When creating purchase transacton, you can change Purchase UoM for an item.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Allow Fields To Be Changed After Submit
#Editing Value in Submitted Document
#Editing Value in Submitted Document
Once document is submitted, fields are frozen, and no editing is allowd. Still there are certain standard fields like Letter Head, Print Heading which can still be edited. For the custom field, if **Allow on Submit** property is checked, it will be editable even after document is submitted.
Once document is submitted, fields are frozen, and no editing is allowd. Still there are certain standard fields like Letter Head, Print Heading which can still be edited. For the custom field, if **Allow on Submit** property is checked, it will be editable even after document is submitted.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Creating Custom Link Field
#Creating Custom Link Fields
#Creating Custom Link Fields
Links field are the ones linked to another document type. For example, customer field is a link field in Sales Order. This field is linked to the Customer master.
Links field are the ones linked to another document type. For example, customer field is a link field in Sales Order. This field is linked to the Customer master.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Customizing Sorting Order In The List View
#Customizing Sorting Order in the List View
#Customizing Sorting Order in the List View
**Question:** I want records in my Item List sorted based on Desc Order of Item Code.
**Question:** I want records in my Item List sorted based on Desc Order of Item Code.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Deleting Custom Reports
#Deleting Custom Reports
#Deleting Custom Reports
ERPNext has several [types of reports](/docs/user/manual/en/customize-erpnext/articles/making-custom-reports-in-erpnext) which can be customize as per the companies/users requirement.
ERPNext has several [types of reports](/docs/user/manual/en/customize-erpnext/articles/making-custom-reports-in-erpnext) which can be customize as per the companies/users requirement.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Disable Rounded Total
#Disable Rounded Total
#Disable Rounded Total
All the sales transactions like Sales Order, Sales Invoice has Rounded Total in it. It calculated based on the value of Grand Total. Also Rounded Total is also visible in the Standard Print Formats.
All the sales transactions like Sales Order, Sales Invoice has Rounded Total in it. It calculated based on the value of Grand Total. Also Rounded Total is also visible in the Standard Print Formats.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Field Types
#Field Types
#Field Types
Following are the types of fields you can define while creating new ones, or while amend standard ones.
Following are the types of fields you can define while creating new ones, or while amend standard ones.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Increase Max Attachments
#Increase Max Attachments
#Increase Max Attachments
In ERPNext, you can limit how many files can be attached to specific Document. Using Custmize Form, you can set **Max(imum) Attachments** which can be added to a particular documents.
In ERPNext, you can limit how many files can be attached to specific Document. Using Custmize Form, you can set **Max(imum) Attachments** which can be added to a particular documents.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Make Field Visible In Print Format
#Make Fields Visible In Print Format
#Make Fields Visible In Print Format
Each transaction has Standard Print Format. In the Standard format, only certain fields are displayed by default. If user needs field in the Standard format to be visible, it can be customized by using Customize Form tool.
Each transaction has Standard Print Format. In the Standard format, only certain fields are displayed by default. If user needs field in the Standard format to be visible, it can be customized by using Customize Form tool.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Making Custom Reports In Erpnext
#Reports in ERPNext
#Reports in ERPNext
There are three kind of reports in ERPNext.
There are three kind of reports in ERPNext.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Managing Dynamic Link Fields
#Managing Dynamic Link Fields
#Managing Dynamic Link Fields
Dynamic Link field is one which can search and hold value of any document/doctype. Let's consider an example to learn how Dynamic Link field works.
Dynamic Link field is one which can search and hold value of any document/doctype. Let's consider an example to learn how Dynamic Link field works.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Module Visibility
#Module Visibility
#Module Visibility
If you have permission on specific module, but it is still not visible, following are the possibilities of issues you should look at. Let's consider a scenario that user is permission of Website module, but not able to access it.
If you have permission on specific module, but it is still not visible, following are the possibilities of issues you should look at. Let's consider a scenario that user is permission of Website module, but not able to access it.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Perm Level Error In Permission Manager
#Perm Level Error in Permission Manager
#Perm Level Error in Permission Manager
While customizing rules in the [Permission Manager](/docs/user/erpnext/user/manual/en/setting-up/users-and-permissions/role-based-permissions), you might receive an error message saying:
While customizing rules in the [Permission Manager](/docs/user/erpnext/user/manual/en/setting-up/users-and-permissions/role-based-permissions), you might receive an error message saying:
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Search Record By Specific Field
#Search Record by Specific Field
#Search Record by Specific Field
While creating any document (say Sales Invoice), you have to select other document id in it (say Serial No). For ease in selection, you can also make value of other field of that visible in the search result. Search By functionality enables to define field whos value will be visible in the search result.
While creating any document (say Sales Invoice), you have to select other document id in it (say Serial No). For ease in selection, you can also make value of other field of that visible in the search result. Search By functionality enables to define field whos value will be visible in the search result.
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Set Language
#Change the Language
#Change the Language
ERPNext is an multi-lingual application. It allows each user to select preferred lannguage. Following is how User can customize language in one's account.
ERPNext is an multi-lingual application. It allows each user to select preferred lannguage. Following is how User can customize language in one's account.
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# Set Precision
#Set Precision
#Set Precision
In ERPNext, default precision for `Float`, `Currency` and `Percent` field is three. It allows you to enter value having value upto three decimal places.
In ERPNext, default precision for `Float`, `Currency` and `Percent` field is three. It allows you to enter value having value upto three decimal places.
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# Kanban Board
#Kanban Board
#Kanban Board
Kanban is a Japanese manufacturing system in which the supply of components is regulated through the use of an instruction card sent along the production line.
Kanban is a Japanese manufacturing system in which the supply of components is regulated through the use of an instruction card sent along the production line.
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# Holiday List
#Holiday List
#Holiday List
Holiday List is a list which contains the dates of holidays.
Holiday List is a list which contains the dates of holidays.
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# Leave
This section enables you to manage leave schedule of your organization. It also explains the way employees can apply for leaves.
This section enables you to manage leave schedule of your organization. It also explains the way employees can apply for leaves.
Employees create leave request and manager (leave approver) approves or rejects the request. You can select from a number of leave types such as sick leave, casual leave, privilege leave and so on. You can also allocate leaves to your employees and generate reports to track leaves record.
Employees create leave request and manager (leave approver) approves or rejects the request. You can select from a number of leave types such as sick leave, casual leave, privilege leave and so on. You can also allocate leaves to your employees and generate reports to track leaves record.
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# Nested Bom Structure
#Nested BOM Structure
#Nested BOM Structure
**Question:** Our manufacturing process involves producing sub-assembly items before final product. How should we manage BOM master in this scenario?
**Question:** Our manufacturing process involves producing sub-assembly items before final product. How should we manage BOM master in this scenario?
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# Production Planning Subassembly
#Production Planning & Subassembly
#Production Planning & Subassembly
if you need Production Planning Tool to consider raw-materials required for the manufacturing of sub-assembly items selected in the BOM, please check following instructions to achieve the same.
if you need Production Planning Tool to consider raw-materials required for the manufacturing of sub-assembly items selected in the BOM, please check following instructions to achieve the same.
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# Valuation Based On Field In Bom
#Valuation Based On in BOM
#Valuation Based On in BOM
**Question:** What are for various options in `Valuation Based On` in the Bill Of Materials (BOM)?
**Question:** What are for various options in `Valuation Based On` in the Bill Of Materials (BOM)?
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# Manufacturing Settings
#Manufacturing Settings
#Manufacturing Settings
Manufacturing Settings can be found at:
Manufacturing Settings can be found at:
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# Salary Slip From Timesheet
#Salary Slip from Timesheet
#Salary Slip from Timesheet
If salary / wages for your employees are calculated based on number of hours worked, you can use Timesheet to track actual hours worked, and for creating Salary Slip.
If salary / wages for your employees are calculated based on number of hours worked, you can use Timesheet to track actual hours worked, and for creating Salary Slip.
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# Sales Invoice From Timesheet
#Sales Invoice from Timesheet
#Sales Invoice from Timesheet
Customer can be invoiced based on total no. of hours your Employees has worked for that Customer. Timesheet can be used to track actual no. of hours Employee has worked. For example, in the IT services domain, clients are billed based on man-hour bases, where per hour billing cost is pre-determined.s
Customer can be invoiced based on total no. of hours your Employees has worked for that Customer. Timesheet can be used to track actual no. of hours Employee has worked. For example, in the IT services domain, clients are billed based on man-hour bases, where per hour billing cost is pre-determined.s
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# Timesheet Against Production Order
#Timesheet based on Production Order
#Timesheet based on Production Order
Creating Timesheet for Production Order helps in capacity planning for the Workstations. Also it helps in tracking actual time consumed the Workstation for completing specific operation.
Creating Timesheet for Production Order helps in capacity planning for the Workstations. Also it helps in tracking actual time consumed the Workstation for completing specific operation.
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# Timesheet Against Project
#Timesheet against Project and Task
#Timesheet against Project and Task
Timesheets can be tracked against Project and Tasks so that you can get reports on how much time was spent on each Task or Project.
Timesheets can be tracked against Project and Tasks so that you can get reports on how much time was spent on each Task or Project.
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# Assessment Criteria
#Assessment Criteria
#Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria is the parameter based on which you assess the Student.
Assessment Criteria is the parameter based on which you assess the Student.
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# Assessment Group
#Assessment Group
#Assessment Group
Assessment Group tree is a master where you can define the hierarchy for examination conducted in your education institute.
Assessment Group tree is a master where you can define the hierarchy for examination conducted in your education institute.
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# Assessment Plan
#Assessment Plan
#Assessment Plan
To schedule an assessment/examination for a Student Group, for specific Course, create Assessment Plan. In the Assessment Plan, you can also capture details like:
To schedule an assessment/examination for a Student Group, for specific Course, create Assessment Plan. In the Assessment Plan, you can also capture details like:
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# Assessment Result
#Assessment Result
#Assessment Result
Assessment Result is a log of marks/grades earned by the student for specific Assessment. Assessment Result is created in the backend based on the marks entered in the [Assessment Result Tool](/docs/user/manual/en/schools/assessment/assessment_result_tool.html).
Assessment Result is a log of marks/grades earned by the student for specific Assessment. Assessment Result is created in the backend based on the marks entered in the [Assessment Result Tool](/docs/user/manual/en/schools/assessment/assessment_result_tool.html).
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# Assessment Result Tool
#Assessment Result Tool
#Assessment Result Tool
Assessment Result Tool help you entering marks earned by the Students for specific course. In this tool, based on the Assessment Plan, all the Student will be fetched into Assessment Result Tool. Also, Columns for Assessment Criteria will be where marks earned can be entered for each Student.
Assessment Result Tool help you entering marks earned by the Students for specific course. In this tool, based on the Assessment Plan, all the Student will be fetched into Assessment Result Tool. Also, Columns for Assessment Criteria will be where marks earned can be entered for each Student.
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# Grading Scale
#Grading Scale
#Grading Scale
In the Grading Scale, you can define various grades and threshold for them. Based on the score earned by an Student for an Assessment, Grade will be assigned.
In the Grading Scale, you can define various grades and threshold for them. Based on the score earned by an Student for an Assessment, Grade will be assigned.
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# Assessment
Every education institute organizes assessment / examination to evaluates progress of their Students. In ERPNext, you can manage complete assessment processing for your ERPNext account.
Every education institute organizes assessment / examination to evaluates progress of their Students. In ERPNext, you can manage complete assessment processing for your ERPNext account.
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# Selling In Different Uom
#Selling in Different Unit (UoM)
#Selling in Different Unit (UoM)
A sell price unit of measure (UOM) is the UOM with which you price items. You can have multiple sell price UOMs for any inventory item. However, when Customer places, UoM for an item could change.
A sell price unit of measure (UOM) is the UOM with which you price items. You can have multiple sell price UOMs for any inventory item. However, when Customer places, UoM for an item could change.
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# Adding Margin
#Adding Margin
#Adding Margin
User Can apply the margin on Quotation Item and Sales Order Item using following two options.
User Can apply the margin on Quotation Item and Sales Order Item using following two options.
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# Applying Discount
#Applying Discount
#Applying Discount
There are several ways Discount can be applied on an item in the sales transactions.
There are several ways Discount can be applied on an item in the sales transactions.
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# Close Sales Order
#Close Sales Order
#Close Sales Order
In the submitted Sales Orders, you will find **Stop** option. Stopping Sales Order will restrict user from creating Delivery Note and Sales Invoice against it.
In the submitted Sales Orders, you will find **Stop** option. Stopping Sales Order will restrict user from creating Delivery Note and Sales Invoice against it.
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# Drop Shipping
#Drop Ship
#Drop Ship
**Drop shipping** is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock. Instead they transfer customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer
**Drop shipping** is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock. Instead they transfer customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer
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# Erpnext For Services Organization
#ERPNext for Service Organization
#ERPNext for Service Organization
**Question:** ERPNext looks primarily designed for the traders and manufacturers. Is ERPNext used by companies offering servies?
**Question:** ERPNext looks primarily designed for the traders and manufacturers. Is ERPNext used by companies offering servies?
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# Sales Persons In The Sales Transactions
#Sales Persons in the Sales Transactions
#Sales Persons in the Sales Transactions
In ERPNext, Sales Person master is maintained in [tree structure](/docs/user/manual/en/setting-up/articles/managing-tree-structure-masters.html). Sales Person is selectable in all the sales transactions.
In ERPNext, Sales Person master is maintained in [tree structure](/docs/user/manual/en/setting-up/articles/managing-tree-structure-masters.html). Sales Person is selectable in all the sales transactions.
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# Shipping Rule
#Shipping Rule
#Shipping Rule
Shipping Rule master helps in defining a rule based on which shipping charge is applied on a sales transactions.
Shipping Rule master helps in defining a rule based on which shipping charge is applied on a sales transactions.
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# Product Bundle
#Product Bundle
#Product Bundle
Product Bundle can be seen as something like a "Bill-of-Material" on the Sales side. It's a master where you can list existing items which are bundled together and sold as a set (or bundle). For instance, when you sell a laptop, you need to ensure that charger, mouse and laptop bag are delivered with it and stock levels of these items get affected.
Product Bundle can be seen as something like a "Bill-of-Material" on the Sales side. It's a master where you can list existing items which are bundled together and sold as a set (or bundle). For instance, when you sell a laptop, you need to ensure that charger, mouse and laptop bag are delivered with it and stock levels of these items get affected.
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# Change Password
#Change User Password
#Change User Password
Each ERPNext user can customize password for his/her ERPNext account. Also user with System Manager role will be able to reset password for himself as well as for other users. Following are the steps to go about changing your password.
Each ERPNext user can customize password for his/her ERPNext account. Also user with System Manager role will be able to reset password for himself as well as for other users. Following are the steps to go about changing your password.
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# Delete A Company And All Related Transactions
#Delete All Related Transactions for a Company
#Delete All Related Transactions for a Company
Often, users setup all the master data and then create a few dummy records. Then they want to delete the dummy records and the company and start over again, keeping the other master data like Customers, Items, BOMs intact.
Often, users setup all the master data and then create a few dummy records. Then they want to delete the dummy records and the company and start over again, keeping the other master data like Customers, Items, BOMs intact.
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# Edit Submitted Document
#Edit Submitted Document
#Edit Submitted Document
To edit submitted document, you need to cancel it first. Followings are steps to edit submitted document.
To edit submitted document, you need to cancel it first. Followings are steps to edit submitted document.
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# Integrating Erpnext With Other Application
#Integrating ERPNext with other Applications
#Integrating ERPNext with other Applications
For now, ERPNext has out-of-the-box integration available for some applications like Shopify, your SMS gateway and payment gateway. To integrate ERPNext with other application, you can use REST API of Frappé. Check following links to learn more about REST API of Frappé.
For now, ERPNext has out-of-the-box integration available for some applications like Shopify, your SMS gateway and payment gateway. To integrate ERPNext with other application, you can use REST API of Frappé. Check following links to learn more about REST API of Frappé.
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# Manage Header And Footer
#Manage Header And Footer
#Manage Header And Footer
Check following to learn how to setup Letter Head in ERPNext.
Check following to learn how to setup Letter Head in ERPNext.
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# Managing Multiple Companies
#Managing Multiple Companies
#Managing Multiple Companies
ERPNext allows you to create multiple companies in a single ERPNext instance.
ERPNext allows you to create multiple companies in a single ERPNext instance.
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# Managing Perm Level
#Managing Perm Level in Permission Manager
#Managing Perm Level in Permission Manager
In each document, you can group fields by "levels". Each group of field is denoted by a unique number (0, 1, 2, 3 etc.). A separate set of permission rules can be applied to each field group. By default all fields are of level 0.
In each document, you can group fields by "levels". Each group of field is denoted by a unique number (0, 1, 2, 3 etc.). A separate set of permission rules can be applied to each field group. By default all fields are of level 0.
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# Managing Tree Structure Masters
#Managing Tree Structure Masters
#Managing Tree Structure Masters
Some of the masters in ERPNext are maintained in tree structure. Tree structured masters allow you to set Parent master, and Child masters under those Parents. Setting up this structure allows you creating intelligent report, and track growth at each level in the hierarchy.
Some of the masters in ERPNext are maintained in tree structure. Tree structured masters allow you to set Parent master, and Child masters under those Parents. Setting up this structure allows you creating intelligent report, and track growth at each level in the hierarchy.
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# Naming Series Current Value
#Setting the Current Value for Naming Series
#Setting the Current Value for Naming Series
Naming Series feature allows you to define prefix for naming of a documents. For example, if a Sales Order has prefix "SO", then the series will be generated as SO-00001, SO-00002... and so on. Click [here](/docs/user/manual/en/setting-up/settings/naming-series.html) to learn how you can customize Number Series for a transaction/master in ERPNext.
Naming Series feature allows you to define prefix for naming of a documents. For example, if a Sales Order has prefix "SO", then the series will be generated as SO-00001, SO-00002... and so on. Click [here](/docs/user/manual/en/setting-up/settings/naming-series.html) to learn how you can customize Number Series for a transaction/master in ERPNext.
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# Overwriting Data From Data Import Tool
#Overwriting Data from Data Import Tool
#Overwriting Data from Data Import Tool
Data Import Tool allows importing documents (like customers, Suppliers, Orders, Invoices etc.) from spreadsheet file into ERPNext. The very same tool can also be used for overwrite values in the existing documents.
Data Import Tool allows importing documents (like customers, Suppliers, Orders, Invoices etc.) from spreadsheet file into ERPNext. The very same tool can also be used for overwrite values in the existing documents.
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# Rename User
#Rename User
#Rename User
Renaming functionality allows you to edit id of specific record. User is saved with person's Email Address. Only User with System Manager's role will be able to rename User IDs.
Renaming functionality allows you to edit id of specific record. User is saved with person's Email Address. Only User with System Manager's role will be able to rename User IDs.
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#Setup Two Factor Authentication
##Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Activate two factor authentication by running the command.
`bench --site [sitename] enable_two_factor_auth true`
Specify the following in System Settings
* The method of OTP validation (OTP App = TOTP using Soft or Hard Token while Email/SMS = HOTP using Email or SMS
* The expiry time for the QR Code on the server if OTP App is specified
* The OTP Issuer Name.
<img alt="Enable Two Factor Auth" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-1.png">
On activation of 2FA from setup, it is also activated for the Role "All". In this way, all users including the Administrator have to perform a 2nd level authentication with a token. By unchecking the "Two Factor Authentication" checkbox in the "All" role and enabling it in other roles, the need to login with a token can be limited to specific roles. 2FA does not apply to login by Web Users and API login
<img alt="Role Enable Two Factor Auth" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-2.png">
If using SMS authentication, please make sure that your SMS settings are updated
<img alt="SMS Settings" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-3.png">
If using Email, make sure that your outgoing Email account settings are updated
<img alt="Email Settings" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-4.png">
When the new user tries to log in for the first time in a system that has two-factor authentication enabled and which has the authentication option as OTP App, an email is sent containing a link to the QR Code.
<img alt="Email Notify Two Factor" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-5.png">
<img alt="QR Code Page" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-6.png">
Scanning the QR Code with an authentication app like Google Authenticator registers the access for the user and automatically starts to generate tokens that can be used to login
<img alt="Two Factor Scan App" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor_app.jpeg">
If either of Email/SMS is used as the authentication method, you get notifications also
<img alt="Email and SMS" class="screenshot" src="/docs/assets/img/articles/twofactor/twofactor-8.png">
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# Dropbox Backup
#Setting Up Dropbox Backups
#Setting Up Dropbox Backups
We always recommend customers to maintain backup of their data in ERPNext. The database backup is downloaded in the form of an SQL file. If needed, this SQL file of backup can be restored in the another ERPNext account as well.
We always recommend customers to maintain backup of their data in ERPNext. The database backup is downloaded in the form of an SQL file. If needed, this SQL file of backup can be restored in the another ERPNext account as well.
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# Ldap Integration
#Setting up LDAP
#Setting up LDAP
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a centralised access controll system used by many small medium scale organisations.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a centralised access controll system used by many small medium scale organisations.