added portuguese

This commit is contained in:
Rushabh Mehta 2013-01-24 16:31:23 +05:30
parent 6c8cef71a0
commit 4c17718b4c
271 changed files with 5348 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Account Details": "Detalhes da conta",
"Account Name": "Nome da conta",
"Account Type": "Tipo de conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Bank or Cash": "Banco ou Caixa",
"Chargeable": "Imput\u00e1vel",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Credit Days": "Dias de cr\u00e9dito",
"Credit Limit": "Limite de Cr\u00e9dito",
"Customer": "Cliente",
"Debit or Credit": "D\u00e9bito ou cr\u00e9dito",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Expense Account": "Conta Despesa",
"Fixed Asset Account": "Conta de ativo fixo",
"Frozen": "Congelado",
"Group": "Grupo",
"Group or Ledger": "Grupo ou Ledger",
"Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "Chefes (ou grupos) contra o qual as entradas de contabilidade s\u00e3o feitas e os saldos s\u00e3o mantidos.",
"If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the \"Account Manager\" only.": "Se a conta for congelada, as entradas s\u00e3o permitidos para o "Account Manager" apenas.",
"If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here.": "Se essa conta representa um cliente, fornecedor ou funcion\u00e1rio, configur\u00e1-lo aqui.",
"Income Account": "Conta Renda",
"Is PL Account": "\u00c9 Conta PL",
"Ledger": "Livro-raz\u00e3o",
"Level": "N\u00edvel",
"Lft": "Lft",
"Master Name": "Nome mestre",
"Master Type": "Master Classe",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Old Parent": "Pai Velho",
"Parent Account": "Conta pai",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Rate at which this tax is applied": "Taxa em que este imposto \u00e9 aplicado",
"Rgt": "Rgt",
"Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.": "Tipo de conta Definir ajuda na sele\u00e7\u00e3o desta conta em transa\u00e7\u00f5es.",
"Supplier": "Fornecedor",
"Tax": "Imposto",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Bank Account": "Conta banc\u00e1ria",
"Bank Reconciliation": "Banco Reconcilia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Entries": "Entradas",
"From Date": "A partir da data",
"Get Non Reconciled Entries": "Obter entradas n\u00e3o Reconciliados",
"Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.": "Selecione cabe\u00e7a conta do banco onde cheque foi depositado.",
"To Date": "Conhecer",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Update Clearance Date": "Atualize Data Liquida\u00e7\u00e3o"

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Against Account": "Contra Conta",
"Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Banco Detalhe Reconcilia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Cheque Date": "Data Cheque",
"Cheque Number": "N\u00famero de cheques",
"Clearance Date": "Data de Liquida\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Credit": "Cr\u00e9dito",
"Debit": "D\u00e9bito",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "A data em que a entrada de corrente vai ter ou tem realmente executado.",
"Voucher ID": "ID comprovante"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Budget Control": "Controle de Or\u00e7amento"

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Actual": "Real",
"Budget Allocated": "Or\u00e7amento alocado",
"Budget Detail": "Detalhe or\u00e7amento",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal"

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**": "Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o ** ** Or\u00e7amento ajuda a distribuir o seu or\u00e7amento atrav\u00e9s meses se tiver sazonalidade na sua business.To distribuir um or\u00e7amento usando essa distribui\u00e7\u00e3o, definir esta distribui\u00e7\u00e3o do or\u00e7amento ** ** ** no Centro de Custo **",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Budget Distribution": "Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o or\u00e7amento",
"Budget Distribution Details": "Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o Detalhes Or\u00e7amento",
"Distribution Name": "Nome de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Name of the Budget Distribution": "Nome da Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Or\u00e7amento",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Budget Distribution Detail": "Detalhe Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o or\u00e7amento",
"Month": "M\u00eas",
"Percentage Allocation": "Aloca\u00e7\u00e3o percentual"

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"C-FORM/": "C-FORM /",
"C-Form": "C-Form",
"C-Form No": "C-Forma N\u00e3o",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Customer": "Cliente",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"I": "Eu",
"II": "II",
"III": "III",
"IV": "IV",
"Invoice Details": "Detalhes da fatura",
"Quarter": "Trimestre",
"Received Date": "Data de recebimento",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"State": "Estado",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Total Invoiced Amount": "Valor total faturado"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Form Detalhe Fatura",
"Grand Total": "Total geral",
"Invoice Date": "Data da fatura",
"Invoice No": "A factura n \u00ba",
"Net Total": "L\u00edquida Total",
"Territory": "Territ\u00f3rio"

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts.": "Adicionar linhas para definir or\u00e7amentos anuais nas contas.",
"Budget": "Or\u00e7amento",
"Budget Details": "Detalhes Or\u00e7amento",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Company Abbr": "Empresa Abrev",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Cost Center Details": "Custo Detalhes Centro",
"Cost Center Name": "Custo Nome Centro",
"Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see <a href=\"#!List/Company\">Company Master</a>": "Definir Or\u00e7amento para este Centro de Custo. Para definir a\u00e7\u00e3o do or\u00e7amento, consulte <a href=\"#!List/Company\">Mestre Empresa</a>",
"Distribution Id": "Id distribui\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Group": "Grupo",
"Group or Ledger": "Grupo ou Ledger",
"Ledger": "Livro-raz\u00e3o",
"Parent Cost Center": "Centro de Custo pai",
"Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.": "Selecione distribui\u00e7\u00e3o do or\u00e7amento, se voc\u00ea quiser acompanhar baseado em sazonalidade.",
"Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Localizar renda separado e Despesa para verticais de produtos ou divis\u00f5es.",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo",
"lft": "lft",
"old_parent": "old_parent",
"rgt": "rgt"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "Ano Fiscal ** ** representa um Exerc\u00edcio. Todos os lan\u00e7amentos cont\u00e1beis e outras transa\u00e7\u00f5es importantes s\u00e3o monitorados contra ** Ano Fiscal **.",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed.": "Entradas n\u00e3o s\u00e3o permitidos contra este Ano Fiscal se o ano est\u00e1 fechada.",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Fiscal Year Details": "Detalhes fiscais Ano",
"For e.g. 2012, 2012-13": "Para por exemplo 2012, 2012-13",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo",
"Year Closed": "Ano Encerrado",
"Year Name": "Nome Ano",
"Year Start Date": "Data de in\u00edcio do ano",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
" is now the default Fiscal Year. \\\t\t\tPlease refresh your browser for the change to take effect.": "\u00e9 agora o padr\u00e3o de Ano Fiscal. \\ Por favor, atualize seu navegador para que a altera\u00e7\u00e3o tenha efeito."

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"GL Control": "GL Controle"

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Against": "Contra",
"Against Voucher": "Contra Vale",
"Against Voucher Type": "Tipo contra Vale",
"Aging Date": "Envelhecimento Data",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Credit Amt": "Cr\u00e9dito Amt",
"Debit Amt": "D\u00e9bito Amt",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"GL Entry": "Entrada GL",
"Is Advance": "\u00c9 o avan\u00e7o",
"Is Cancelled": "\u00c9 cancelado",
"Is Opening": "Est\u00e1 abrindo",
"Journal Voucher": "Vale Jornal",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Purchase Invoice": "Compre Fatura",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Sales Invoice": "Fatura de vendas",
"The date at which current entry is made in system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 feita no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "A data em que a entrada de corrente vai ter ou tem realmente executado.",
"Transaction Date": "Data Transa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Voucher No": "N\u00e3o vale",
"Voucher Type": "Tipo comprovante",
"Yes": "Sim"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Accounts Payable": "Contas a Pagar",
"Accounts Receivable": "Contas a receber",
"Aging Date": "Envelhecimento Data",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Bank Voucher": "Vale banco",
"Bill Date": "Data Bill",
"Bill No": "Projeto de Lei n",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Cash Voucher": "Comprovante de dinheiro",
"Clearance Date": "Data de Liquida\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Contra Voucher": "Vale Contra",
"Credit Card Voucher": "Comprovante do cart\u00e3o de cr\u00e9dito",
"Credit Note": "Nota de Cr\u00e9dito",
"Debit Note": "Nota de D\u00e9bito",
"Difference": "Diferen\u00e7a",
"Due Date": "Data de Vencimento",
"Entries": "Entradas",
"Excise Voucher": "Vale especiais de consumo",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"For opening invoice entry, this date will reflect in the period-wise aging report.": "Para a abertura de entrada da fatura, esta data vai refletir no relat\u00f3rio per\u00edodo s\u00e1bio envelhecimento.",
"Get Outstanding Invoices": "Obter faturas pendentes",
"Is Opening": "Est\u00e1 abrindo",
"JV": "JV",
"Journal Entries": "Jornal entradas",
"Journal Entry": "Journal Entry",
"Journal Voucher": "Vale Jornal",
"Make Difference Entry": "Fa\u00e7a Entrada Diferen\u00e7a",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Pay To / Recd From": "Para pagar / RECD De",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Reference": "Refer\u00eancia",
"Reference Date": "Data de Refer\u00eancia",
"Reference Number": "N\u00famero de Refer\u00eancia",
"Remark": "Observa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "A data em que a entrada de corrente vai ter ou tem realmente executado.",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Total Amount in Words": "Valor Total em Palavras",
"Total Credit": "Cr\u00e9dito Total",
"Total Debit": "D\u00e9bito total",
"User Remark": "Observa\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio",
"User Remark will be added to Auto Remark": "Observa\u00e7\u00e3o usu\u00e1rio ser\u00e1 adicionado \u00e0 observa\u00e7\u00e3o Auto",
"Voucher Type": "Tipo comprovante",
"Write Off Amount <=": "Escreva Off Valor &lt;=",
"Write Off Based On": "Escreva Off Baseado em",
"Write Off Voucher": "Escreva voucher",
"Yes": "Sim",
"eg. Cheque Number": "por exemplo. N\u00famero de cheques"

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Account Balance": "Saldo em Conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Against Account": "Contra Conta",
"Against Journal Voucher": "Contra Vale Jornal",
"Against Purchase Invoice": "Contra a Nota Fiscal de Compra",
"Against Sales Invoice": "Contra a nota fiscal de venda",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Credit": "Cr\u00e9dito",
"Debit": "D\u00e9bito",
"Is Advance": "\u00c9 o avan\u00e7o",
"Journal Voucher Detail": "Jornal Detalhe Vale",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"MIS Control": "MIS Controle"

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Default Account": "Conta Padr\u00e3o",
"Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected.": "Conta padr\u00e3o Banco / Cash ser\u00e1 atualizado automaticamente na fatura POS quando este modo for selecionado.",
"Mode of Payment": "Modo de Pagamento"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Detalhes do Relat\u00f3rio de multi Ledger"

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"Account": "Conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Allocate": "Distribuir",
"Amount <=": "Quantidade &lt;=",
"Amount >=": "Quantidade&gt; =",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Filter By Amount": "Filtrar por Quantidade",
"Filter By Date": "Filtrar por data",
"From Date": "A partir da data",
"Help HTML": "Ajuda HTML",
"Journal Voucher": "Vale Jornal",
"Outstanding Amount": "Saldo em aberto",
"Payment Entries": "Entradas de pagamento",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Pagamento a ferramenta correspondente fatura",
"Pull Payment Entries": "Puxe as entradas de pagamento",
"Purchase Invoice": "Compre Fatura",
"Sales Invoice": "Fatura de vendas",
"To Date": "Conhecer",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Update allocated amount in the above table and then click \"Allocate\" button": "Atualize montante atribu\u00eddo no quadro acima e clique em &quot;alocar&quot; bot\u00e3o",
"Voucher No": "N\u00e3o vale",
"Voucher Type": "Tipo comprovante"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Against Account": "Contra Conta",
"Allocated Amount": "Montante afectado",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Pagamento a Detalhe Ferramenta fatura correspondente",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Unmatched Amount": "Quantidade incompar\u00e1vel",
"Voucher Detail No": "Detalhe folha no",
"Voucher No": "N\u00e3o vale"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Closing Account Head": "Fechando Chefe Conta",
"Closing Fiscal Year": "Encerramento do exerc\u00edcio social",
"CoA Help": "Ajuda CoA",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Period Closing Voucher": "Comprovante de Encerramento per\u00edodo",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Transaction Date": "Data Transa\u00e7\u00e3o"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Cash/Bank Account": "Caixa / Banco Conta",
"Charge": "Carga",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Conversion Rate": "Taxa de Convers\u00e3o",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Currency": "Moeda",
"Customer Account": "Conta de Cliente",
"Income Account": "Conta Renda",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"POS Setting": "Defini\u00e7\u00e3o POS",
"Price List": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Terms and Conditions": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Territory": "Territ\u00f3rio",
"User": "Usu\u00e1rio",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Add / Edit Taxes and Charges": "Adicionar / Editar Impostos e Taxas",
"Address": "Endere\u00e7o",
"Advances": "Avan\u00e7os",
"Against Expense Account": "Contra a conta de despesas",
"Aging Date": "Envelhecimento Data",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Bill Date": "Data Bill",
"Bill No": "Projeto de Lei n",
"Calculate Tax": "Calcular o imposto",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Considere esta Lista de Pre\u00e7os para a recupera\u00e7\u00e3o de taxa. (S\u00f3 que &quot;para a compra&quot;, como verificado)",
"Contact": "Contato",
"Contact Email": "Contato E-mail",
"Contact Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es para contato",
"Contact Person": "Pessoa de contato",
"Credit To": "Para cr\u00e9dito",
"Currency": "Moeda",
"Currency & Price List": "Moeda e Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Due Date": "Data de Vencimento",
"Entries": "Entradas",
"Exchange Rate": "Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Get Advances Paid": "Obter adiantamentos pagos",
"Get Items": "Obter itens",
"Get Tax Detail": "Obtenha detalhes Imposto",
"Grand Total": "Total geral",
"Grand Total (Import)": "Total Geral (Import)",
"If not applicable please enter: NA": "Se n\u00e3o for aplic\u00e1vel digite: NA",
"In Words": "Em Palavras",
"In Words (Import)": "Em Palavras (Import)",
"In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice.": "Em Palavras ser\u00e1 vis\u00edvel quando voc\u00ea salvar a factura de compra.",
"Is Opening": "Est\u00e1 abrindo",
"Items": "Itens",
"Mobile No": "No m\u00f3vel",
"Mode of Payment": "Modo de Pagamento",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Name": "Nome",
"Net Total": "L\u00edquida Total",
"Net Total (Import)": "Total L\u00edquido (Import)",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Outstanding Amount": "Saldo em aberto",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Price List": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Currency": "Hoje Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Exchange Rate": "Pre\u00e7o Lista de Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"Purchase Invoice": "Compre Fatura",
"Purchase Invoice Advances": "Avan\u00e7os comprar Fatura",
"Purchase Order": "Ordem de Compra",
"Purchase Receipt": "Compra recibo",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos de compra",
"Recalculate": "Recalcular",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Select Items from Purchase Order": "Selecione itens da Ordem de Compra",
"Select Items from Purchase Receipt": "Selecione itens de Recibo de compra",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Supplier": "Fornecedor",
"Supplier Address": "Endere\u00e7o do Fornecedor",
"Tax Calculation": "C\u00e1lculo do imposto",
"Taxes": "Impostos",
"Taxes and Charges Added": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado",
"Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado (Import)",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzidos",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzido (Import)",
"The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "A conta para a qual voc\u00ea vai pagar (paguei) o dinheiro.",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "A data em que a entrada de corrente vai ter ou tem realmente executado.",
"The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency": "A taxa na qual a moeda que Bill \u00e9 convertida em moeda empresa de base",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Total Advance": "Antecipa\u00e7\u00e3o total",
"Total Amount To Pay": "Valor total a pagar",
"Total Tax": "Total de impostos",
"Totals": "Totais",
"Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Ser\u00e1 calculado automaticamente quando voc\u00ea digitar os detalhes",
"Write Off Account": "Escreva Off Conta",
"Write Off Amount": "Escreva Off Quantidade",
"Write Off Cost Center": "Escreva Off Centro de Custos",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Advance Amount": "Quantidade anteced\u00eancia",
"Allocated Amount": "Montante afectado",
"Journal Voucher": "Vale Jornal",
"Journal Voucher Detail No": "Jornal Detalhe folha no",
"Purchase Invoice Advance": "Compra Antecipada Fatura",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Amount (Default Curr.)": "Montante (Curr padr\u00e3o.)",
"Brand": "Marca",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Discount %": "% De desconto",
"Expense Head": "Chefe despesa",
"Item": "Item",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taxa de Imposto item",
"PR Detail": "Detalhe PR",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
"Project Name": "Nome do projeto",
"Pur Order": "Ordem Pur",
"Pur Receipt": "Recibo Pur",
"Purchase Invoice Item": "Comprar item Fatura",
"Purchase Order Item": "Comprar item Ordem",
"Qty": "Qty",
"Rate ": "Taxa",
"Rate *(Default Curr.)": "* Pre\u00e7o (Curr padr\u00e3o.)",
"Ref Rate ": "Taxa de Ref",
"Ref Rate *": "* Taxa de Ref",
"Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Tabela de detalhes fiscal obtido a partir do cadastro de itens como uma string e armazenada neste field.Used dos Impostos e Encargos",
"UOM": "UOM"

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"Account Head": "Chefe conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Actual": "Real",
"Add": "Adicionar",
"Add or Deduct": "Adicionar ou Deduzir",
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Cheating FieldPlease do not delete ": "Engano FieldPlease n\u00e3o exclua",
"Consider Tax or Charge for": "Considere imposto ou encargo para",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Deduct": "Subtrair",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Enter Row": "Digite Row",
"Item Wise Tax Detail ": "Detalhe Imposto item S\u00e1bio",
"On Net Total": "Em L\u00edquida Total",
"On Previous Row Amount": "Quantidade em linha anterior",
"On Previous Row Total": "No total linha anterior",
"Parenttype": "ParentType",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos de compra",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Tax Amount": "Valor do imposto",
"Total": "Total",
"Total +Tax": "Total + Impostos",
"Type": "Tipo",
"Valuation": "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Valuation and Total": "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o e Total"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Default": "Omiss\u00e3o",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos de compra",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Impostos de compra e Master Encargos",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.": "Modelo imposto padr\u00e3o que pode ser aplicado a todas as opera\u00e7\u00f5es de compra. Este modelo pode conter lista de cabe\u00e7as de impostos e tamb\u00e9m chefes de despesas outras como &quot;Frete&quot;, &quot;Seguro&quot;, &quot;Manipula\u00e7\u00e3o&quot;, etc taxa de imposto # # # # Observa\u00e7\u00e3oO voc\u00ea definir aqui ser\u00e1 a taxa normal do IVA para todos os itens ** ** . Se houver ** ** Itens que t\u00eam taxas diferentes, eles devem ser adicionados no Imposto item ** ** tabela no item ** ** mestre. # # # # Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do Columns1. Tipo de C\u00e1lculo: - Isto pode ser em ** Total L\u00edquida ** (que \u00e9 a soma do valor de base). - ** Na linha anterior Total / Montante ** (para impostos cumulativos ou encargos). Se voc\u00ea selecionar esta op\u00e7\u00e3o, o imposto ser\u00e1 aplicado como um percentual da linha anterior (na tabela do imposto) ou montante total. - ** Real ** (como mencionado) .2. Chefe da conta: O livro conta em que este imposto ser\u00e1 booked3. Custo Center: Se o imposto / carga \u00e9 uma renda (como o transporte) ou despesa que precisa ser contabilizadas a um Custo Center.4. Descri\u00e7\u00e3o: Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do imposto (que ser\u00e1 impresso nas faturas / cota\u00e7\u00f5es) .5. Taxa: Imposto rate.6. Quantidade: Imposto amount.7. Total: total acumulado a este point.8. Digite Row: Se com base em &quot;Total linha anterior&quot; voc\u00ea pode escolher o n\u00famero da linha que ser\u00e1 tomado como base para este c\u00e1lculo (o padr\u00e3o \u00e9 a linha anterior) .9. Considere imposto ou encargo para: Nesta se\u00e7\u00e3o, voc\u00ea pode especificar se o imposto / carga \u00e9 apenas para avalia\u00e7\u00e3o (n\u00e3o uma parte do total) ou apenas para total (n\u00e3o adiciona valor ao produto) ou para both.10. Adicionar ou Deduzir: Se voc\u00ea quiser adicionar ou deduzir o imposto.",
"Title": "T\u00edtulo"

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Address": "Endere\u00e7o",
"Advances": "Avan\u00e7os",
"Advertisement": "An\u00fancio",
"Against Income Account": "Contra Conta Renda",
"Aging Date": "Envelhecimento Data",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Basic Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es B\u00e1sicas",
"C-Form Applicable": "C-Form Aplic\u00e1vel",
"C-Form No": "C-Forma N\u00e3o",
"Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Calcular Impostos e Taxas",
"Campaign": "Campanha",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Cash/Bank Account": "Caixa / Banco Conta",
"Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date": "Verifique se factura recorrente, desmarque a parar recorrente ou colocar Data final adequada",
"Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
"Commission Rate (%)": "Comiss\u00e3o Taxa (%)",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Contact": "Contato",
"Contact Email": "Contato E-mail",
"Contact Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es para contato",
"Contact Person": "Pessoa de contato",
"Conversion Rate": "Taxa de Convers\u00e3o",
"Convert into Recurring Invoice": "Converter em fatura Recorrente",
"Currency": "Moeda",
"Customer": "Cliente",
"Customer Address": "Endere\u00e7o do cliente",
"Customer Group": "Grupo de Clientes",
"Customer's Vendor": "Vendedor cliente",
"Debit To": "Para d\u00e9bito",
"Delivery Note": "Guia de remessa",
"Due Date": "Data de Vencimento",
"End Date": "Data final",
"End date of current invoice's period": "Data final do per\u00edodo de fatura atual",
"Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date": "Digite o ID de e-mail separados por v\u00edrgulas, a fatura ser\u00e1 enviada automaticamente em determinada data",
"Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice.": "Digite a data em que os pagamentos de cliente \u00e9 esperado contra esta factura.",
"Entries": "Entradas",
"Exhibition": "Exposi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Existing Customer": "Cliente existente",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Get Advances Received": "Obter adiantamentos recebidos",
"Get Items": "Obter itens",
"Get Taxes and Charges": "Obter Impostos e Taxas",
"Get Terms and Conditions": "Obter os Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Grand Total": "Total geral",
"Grand Total (Export)": "Total Geral (Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o)",
"Gross Profit": "Lucro bruto",
"Gross Profit (%)": "Lucro Bruto (%)",
"Half-yearly": "Semestral",
"INV": "INV",
"INV/10-11/": "INV/10-11 /",
"In Words": "Em Palavras",
"In Words (Export)": "Em Palavras (Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o)",
"In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.": "Em Palavras ser\u00e1 vis\u00edvel quando voc\u00ea salvar a nota fiscal de venda.",
"Invoice Period From Date": "Per\u00edodo fatura do Data",
"Invoice Period To Date": "Per\u00edodo fatura para Data",
"Is Opening": "Est\u00e1 abrindo",
"Is POS": "\u00c9 POS",
"Items": "Itens",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"Mass Mailing": "Divulga\u00e7\u00e3o em massa",
"Mobile No": "No m\u00f3vel",
"Mode of Payment": "Modo de Pagamento",
"Monthly": "Mensal",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Name": "Nome",
"Net Total*": "* Total Net",
"Next Date": "Data pr\u00f3xima",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Notification Email Address": "Endere\u00e7o de email de notifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Outstanding Amount": "Saldo em aberto",
"Packing Details": "Detalhes da embalagem",
"Packing List": "Lista de embalagem",
"Paid Amount": "Valor pago",
"Payments": "Pagamentos",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Posting Time": "Postagem Tempo",
"Price List": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Currency": "Hoje Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "O pre\u00e7o de lista taxa de convers\u00e3o",
"Price List and Currency": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os e Moeda",
"Project Name": "Nome do projeto",
"Quarterly": "Trimestral",
"Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Taxa em que moeda do cliente \u00e9 convertido para a moeda base de cliente",
"Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Taxa em que moeda lista de pre\u00e7os \u00e9 convertido para a moeda base de cliente",
"Re-Calculate Values": "Re-calcular valores",
"Recurring Id": "Id recorrente",
"Recurring Invoice": "Fatura recorrente",
"Recurring Type": "Tipo recorrente",
"Reference": "Refer\u00eancia",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Repeat on Day of Month": "Repita no Dia do M\u00eas",
"Rounded Total": "Total arredondado",
"Rounded Total (Export)": "Total arredondado (Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o)",
"Sales BOM Help": "Vendas Ajuda BOM",
"Sales Invoice": "Fatura de vendas",
"Sales Invoice Advance": "Vendas antecipadas Fatura",
"Sales Order": "Ordem de Vendas",
"Sales Partner": "Parceiro de vendas",
"Sales Team": "Equipe de Vendas",
"Sales Team1": "Vendas team1",
"Select Items from Delivery Note": "Selecione itens da Nota de Entrega",
"Select Items from Sales Order": "Selecione itens da Ordem de Vendas",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Select Terms and Conditions": "Selecione Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "Selecione a moeda na qual a lista de pre\u00e7os \u00e9 mantida",
"Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically": "Selecione o per\u00edodo em que a factura ser\u00e1 gerado automaticamente",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Source": "Fonte",
"Start date of current invoice's period": "A data de in\u00edcio do per\u00edodo de fatura atual",
"Supplier Reference": "Refer\u00eancia fornecedor",
"Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos",
"Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Impostos e Encargos de C\u00e1lculo",
"Taxes and Charges1": "Impostos e Charges1",
"Terms and Conditions": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Terms and Conditions Details": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es Detalhes",
"Terms and Conditions HTML": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es HTML",
"Territory": "Territ\u00f3rio",
"The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "A conta para a qual voc\u00ea vai pagar (paguei) o dinheiro.",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "A data em que a entrada de corrente vai ter ou tem realmente executado.",
"The date on which next invoice will be generated. It is generated on submit.": "A data em que pr\u00f3xima fatura ser\u00e1 gerada. Ele \u00e9 gerado em enviar.",
"The date on which recurring invoice will be stop": "A data em que fatura recorrente ser\u00e1 parar",
"The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ": "O dia do m\u00eas em que factura autom\u00e1tica ser\u00e1 gerada por exemplo, 05, 28 etc",
"The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices.\u00a0It is generated on submit.": "O ID \u00fanico para acompanhar todas as facturas recorrentes. Ele \u00e9 gerado em enviar.",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Total Advance": "Antecipa\u00e7\u00e3o total",
"Total Commission": "Total Comiss\u00e3o",
"Total Taxes and Charges": "Total Impostos e Encargos",
"Totals": "Totais",
"Track this Sales Invoice against any Project": "Acompanhar este factura de venda contra qualquer projeto",
"Update Stock": "Actualiza\u00e7\u00e3o de stock",
"Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Ser\u00e1 calculado automaticamente quando voc\u00ea digitar os detalhes",
"Write Off Account": "Escreva Off Conta",
"Write Off Amount": "Escreva Off Quantidade",
"Write Off Cost Center": "Escreva Off Centro de Custos",
"Write Off Outstanding Amount": "Escreva Off montante em d\u00edvida",
"Yearly": "Anual",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
": Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice.": ": Obrigat\u00f3rio para uma factura Recorrente.",
"Invalid Email Address": "Endere\u00e7o de email inv\u00e1lido",
"Please select: ": "Por favor seleccione:"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Advance amount": "Valor do adiantamento",
"Allocated amount": "Montante atribu\u00eddo",
"Journal Voucher": "Vale Jornal",
"Journal Voucher Detail No": "Jornal Detalhe folha no",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Sales Invoice Advance": "Vendas antecipadas Fatura"

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Amount*": "* Quantidade",
"Available Qty at Warehouse": "Qtde Dispon\u00edvel em Armaz\u00e9m",
"Barcode": "C\u00f3digo de barras",
"Basic Rate": "Taxa B\u00e1sica",
"Basic Rate*": "* Taxa B\u00e1sica",
"Batch No": "No lote",
"Brand Name": "Marca",
"Clear Pending": "Limpar Pendente",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Customer's Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do Cliente item",
"DN Detail": "Detalhe DN",
"Delivered Qty": "Qtde entregue",
"Delivery Note": "Guia de remessa",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Discount (%)": "Desconto (%)",
"Income Account": "Conta Renda",
"Item": "Item",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taxa de Imposto item",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
"Price List Rate": "Taxa de Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Rate*": "Pre\u00e7o * Taxa de lista",
"Qty": "Qty",
"SO Detail ": "SO Detalhe",
"Sales Invoice Item": "Vendas item Fatura",
"Sales Order": "Ordem de Vendas",
"Serial No": "N \u00ba de S\u00e9rie",
"UOM": "UOM",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m"

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"Account Head": "Chefe conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Actual": "Real",
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Cheating FieldPlease do not delete ": "Engano FieldPlease n\u00e3o exclua",
"Cost Center": "Centro de Custos",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Enter Row": "Digite Row",
"If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount": "Se selecionado, o valor do imposto ser\u00e1 considerado como j\u00e1 inclu\u00eddo na tarifa Impress\u00e3o / Quantidade de impress\u00e3o",
"Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?": "\u00c9 este imposto inclu\u00eddo na Taxa B\u00e1sica?",
"Item Wise Tax Detail ": "Detalhe Imposto item S\u00e1bio",
"On Net Total": "Em L\u00edquida Total",
"On Previous Row Amount": "Quantidade em linha anterior",
"On Previous Row Total": "No total linha anterior",
"Parenttype": "ParentType",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vendas Impostos e Taxas",
"Total": "Total",
"Total Amount": "Valor Total",
"Total Tax Amount": "Valor do imposto total",
"Type": "Tipo"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"* Will be calculated in the transaction.": "* Ser\u00e1 calculado na transa\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Default": "Omiss\u00e3o",
"Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vendas Impostos e Encargos mestre",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.": "Modelo imposto padr\u00e3o que pode ser aplicado a todas as suas vendas. Este modelo pode conter lista de cabe\u00e7as de impostos e tamb\u00e9m outras despesas / receitas cabe\u00e7as como &quot;Frete&quot;, &quot;Seguro&quot;, &quot;Manipula\u00e7\u00e3o&quot;, etc taxa de imposto # # # # Observa\u00e7\u00e3oO voc\u00ea definir aqui ser\u00e1 a taxa normal do IVA para todos os itens ** . ** Se houver ** ** Itens que t\u00eam taxas diferentes, eles devem ser adicionados no Imposto item ** ** tabela no item ** ** mestre. # # # # Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do Columns1. Tipo de C\u00e1lculo: - Isto pode ser em ** Total L\u00edquida ** (que \u00e9 a soma do valor de base). - ** Na linha anterior Total / Montante ** (para impostos cumulativos ou encargos). Se voc\u00ea selecionar esta op\u00e7\u00e3o, o imposto ser\u00e1 aplicado como um percentual da linha anterior (na tabela do imposto) ou montante total. - ** Real ** (como mencionado) .2. Chefe da conta: O livro conta em que este imposto ser\u00e1 booked3. Custo Center: Se o imposto / carga \u00e9 uma renda (como o transporte) ou despesa que precisa ser contabilizadas a um Custo Center.4. Descri\u00e7\u00e3o: Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do imposto (que ser\u00e1 impresso nas faturas / cota\u00e7\u00f5es) .5. Taxa: Imposto rate.6. Quantidade: Imposto amount.7. Total: total acumulado a este point.8. Digite Row: Se com base em &quot;Total linha anterior&quot; voc\u00ea pode escolher o n\u00famero da linha que ser\u00e1 tomado como base para este c\u00e1lculo (o padr\u00e3o \u00e9 a linha anterior) .9. \u00c9 este imposto inclu\u00eddo na tarifa b\u00e1sica:? Se voc\u00ea verificar isso, significa que este imposto n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mostrado abaixo da tabela item, mas ser\u00e1 inclu\u00edda na taxa b\u00e1sica em sua mesa principal item. Isso \u00e9 \u00fatil quando voc\u00ea quer dar um pre\u00e7o fixo (incluindo todos os impostos) pre\u00e7o aos clientes.",
"Title": "T\u00edtulo"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Trend Analyzer Control": "Controlo Analyzer tend\u00eancia"

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**": "Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o ** ** Or\u00e7amento ajuda a distribuir o seu or\u00e7amento atrav\u00e9s meses se tiver sazonalidade na sua business.To distribuir um or\u00e7amento usando essa distribui\u00e7\u00e3o, definir esta distribui\u00e7\u00e3o do or\u00e7amento ** ** ** no Centro de Custo **",
"**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "Ano Fiscal ** ** representa um Exerc\u00edcio. Todos os lan\u00e7amentos cont\u00e1beis e outras transa\u00e7\u00f5es importantes s\u00e3o monitorados contra ** Ano Fiscal **.",
"Accounts Browser": "Navegador contas",
"Accounts Home": "In\u00edcio contas",
"Delivered Items To Be Billed": "Itens entregues a ser cobrado",
"Financial Analytics": "An\u00e1lise Financeira",
"Financial Statements": "Demonstra\u00e7\u00f5es Financeiras",
"General Ledger": "General Ledger",
"Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "Chefes (ou grupos) contra o qual as entradas de contabilidade s\u00e3o feitas e os saldos s\u00e3o mantidos.",
"Ordered Items To Be Billed": "Itens ordenados a ser cobrado",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.": "Modelo imposto padr\u00e3o que pode ser aplicado a todas as opera\u00e7\u00f5es de compra. Este modelo pode conter lista de cabe\u00e7as de impostos e tamb\u00e9m chefes de despesas outras como &quot;Frete&quot;, &quot;Seguro&quot;, &quot;Manipula\u00e7\u00e3o&quot;, etc taxa de imposto # # # # Observa\u00e7\u00e3oO voc\u00ea definir aqui ser\u00e1 a taxa normal do IVA para todos os itens ** ** . Se houver ** ** Itens que t\u00eam taxas diferentes, eles devem ser adicionados no Imposto item ** ** tabela no item ** ** mestre. # # # # Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do Columns1. Tipo de C\u00e1lculo: - Isto pode ser em ** Total L\u00edquida ** (que \u00e9 a soma do valor de base). - ** Na linha anterior Total / Montante ** (para impostos cumulativos ou encargos). Se voc\u00ea selecionar esta op\u00e7\u00e3o, o imposto ser\u00e1 aplicado como um percentual da linha anterior (na tabela do imposto) ou montante total. - ** Real ** (como mencionado) .2. Chefe da conta: O livro conta em que este imposto ser\u00e1 booked3. Custo Center: Se o imposto / carga \u00e9 uma renda (como o transporte) ou despesa que precisa ser contabilizadas a um Custo Center.4. Descri\u00e7\u00e3o: Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do imposto (que ser\u00e1 impresso nas faturas / cota\u00e7\u00f5es) .5. Taxa: Imposto rate.6. Quantidade: Imposto amount.7. Total: total acumulado a este point.8. Digite Row: Se com base em &quot;Total linha anterior&quot; voc\u00ea pode escolher o n\u00famero da linha que ser\u00e1 tomado como base para este c\u00e1lculo (o padr\u00e3o \u00e9 a linha anterior) .9. Considere imposto ou encargo para: Nesta se\u00e7\u00e3o, voc\u00ea pode especificar se o imposto / carga \u00e9 apenas para avalia\u00e7\u00e3o (n\u00e3o uma parte do total) ou apenas para total (n\u00e3o adiciona valor ao produto) ou para both.10. Adicionar ou Deduzir: Se voc\u00ea quiser adicionar ou deduzir o imposto.",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.": "Modelo imposto padr\u00e3o que pode ser aplicado a todas as suas vendas. Este modelo pode conter lista de cabe\u00e7as de impostos e tamb\u00e9m outras despesas / receitas cabe\u00e7as como &quot;Frete&quot;, &quot;Seguro&quot;, &quot;Manipula\u00e7\u00e3o&quot;, etc taxa de imposto # # # # Observa\u00e7\u00e3oO voc\u00ea definir aqui ser\u00e1 a taxa normal do IVA para todos os itens ** . ** Se houver ** ** Itens que t\u00eam taxas diferentes, eles devem ser adicionados no Imposto item ** ** tabela no item ** ** mestre. # # # # Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do Columns1. Tipo de C\u00e1lculo: - Isto pode ser em ** Total L\u00edquida ** (que \u00e9 a soma do valor de base). - ** Na linha anterior Total / Montante ** (para impostos cumulativos ou encargos). Se voc\u00ea selecionar esta op\u00e7\u00e3o, o imposto ser\u00e1 aplicado como um percentual da linha anterior (na tabela do imposto) ou montante total. - ** Real ** (como mencionado) .2. Chefe da conta: O livro conta em que este imposto ser\u00e1 booked3. Custo Center: Se o imposto / carga \u00e9 uma renda (como o transporte) ou despesa que precisa ser contabilizadas a um Custo Center.4. Descri\u00e7\u00e3o: Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do imposto (que ser\u00e1 impresso nas faturas / cota\u00e7\u00f5es) .5. Taxa: Imposto rate.6. Quantidade: Imposto amount.7. Total: total acumulado a este point.8. Digite Row: Se com base em &quot;Total linha anterior&quot; voc\u00ea pode escolher o n\u00famero da linha que ser\u00e1 tomado como base para este c\u00e1lculo (o padr\u00e3o \u00e9 a linha anterior) .9. \u00c9 este imposto inclu\u00eddo na tarifa b\u00e1sica:? Se voc\u00ea verificar isso, significa que este imposto n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mostrado abaixo da tabela item, mas ser\u00e1 inclu\u00edda na taxa b\u00e1sica em sua mesa principal item. Isso \u00e9 \u00fatil quando voc\u00ea quer dar um pre\u00e7o fixo (incluindo todos os impostos) pre\u00e7o aos clientes.",
"Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Localizar renda separado e Despesa para verticais de produtos ou divis\u00f5es.",
"Trial Balance": "Balancete",
"Voucher Import Tool": "Ferramenta de Importa\u00e7\u00e3o de comprovante"

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"Buying": "Comprar",
"Purchase Common": "Compre comum"

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"Hey there! You need to put at least one item in \\\t\t\t\tthe item table.": "Hey there! Voc\u00ea precisa colocar pelo menos um item em \\ tabela do item."

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"% Billed": "Anunciado%",
"% Received": "Recebido%",
"% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.": "% De materiais faturado contra esta Ordem de Compra.",
"% of materials received against this Purchase Order": "% Do material recebido contra esta Ordem de Compra",
"Address": "Endere\u00e7o",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Calculate Tax": "Calcular o imposto",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Cancelled": "Cancelado",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Considere esta Lista de Pre\u00e7os para a recupera\u00e7\u00e3o de taxa. (S\u00f3 que &quot;para a compra&quot;, como verificado)",
"Contact": "Contato",
"Contact Email": "Contato E-mail",
"Contact Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es para contato",
"Contact Person": "Pessoa de contato",
"Currency": "Moeda",
"Currency & Price List": "Moeda e Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Draft": "Rascunho",
"Exchange Rate": "Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Get Items": "Obter itens",
"Get Last Purchase Rate": "Obter Tarifa de Compra \u00daltima",
"Get Tax Detail": "Obtenha detalhes Imposto",
"Get Terms and Conditions": "Obter os Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Grand Total": "Total geral",
"Grand Total (Import)": "Total Geral (Import)",
"If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Se voc\u00ea criou um modelo padr\u00e3o no Imposto de Compra e Master Encargos, selecione um e clique no bot\u00e3o abaixo.",
"In Words": "Em Palavras",
"In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "Em Palavras ser\u00e1 vis\u00edvel quando voc\u00ea salvar a Ordem de Compra.",
"In Words(Import)": "Em Palavras (Import)",
"Instructions": "Instru\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Is Subcontracted": "\u00c9 subcontratada",
"Items": "Itens",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"Mobile No": "No m\u00f3vel",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Name": "Nome",
"Net Total (Import)": "Total L\u00edquido (Import)",
"Net Total*": "* Total Net",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"PO": "PO",
"Payment Terms": "Condi\u00e7\u00f5es de Pagamento",
"Price List": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Currency": "Hoje Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Exchange Rate": "Pre\u00e7o Lista de Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"Purchase Order": "Ordem de Compra",
"Purchase Order Date": "Data da compra Ordem",
"Purchase Order Items": "Comprar Itens Encomendar",
"Purchase Order Items Supplied": "Itens ordem de compra em actualiza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos de compra",
"Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Taxa na qual a moeda que fornecedor \u00e9 convertido para a moeda da empresa de base",
"Raw Material Details": "-Primas detalhes materiais",
"Re-Calculate Values": "Re-calcular valores",
"Ref SQ": "Ref \u00b2",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.": "Mat\u00e9rias-primas necess\u00e1rias emitidos para o fornecedor para a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de um sub - item contratado.",
"Rounded Total": "Total arredondado",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Select Purchase Request": "Selecione Pedido de Compra",
"Select Supplier Quotation": "Selecione cota\u00e7\u00e3o Fornecedor",
"Select Terms and Conditions": "Selecione Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Selecione o nome da empresa em quest\u00e3o, se voc\u00ea tem v\u00e1rias empresas",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Status": "Estado",
"Stopped": "Parado",
"Submitted": "Enviado",
"Supplier": "Fornecedor",
"Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Nome do fornecedor (fornecedor), inscritos no cadastro de fornecedores",
"Supplier Address": "Endere\u00e7o do Fornecedor",
"Supplier's currency": "Moeda fornecedor",
"Tax Calculation": "C\u00e1lculo do imposto",
"Taxes": "Impostos",
"Taxes and Charges Added": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado",
"Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado (Import)",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzidos",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzido (Import)",
"Terms and Conditions": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Terms and Conditions HTML": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es HTML",
"Terms and Conditions1": "Termos e Conditions1",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry is made in system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 feita no sistema.",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Total Tax*": "* Total de impostos",
"Totals": "Totais",
"Yes": "Sim",
"You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requests. Select Purchase Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Voc\u00ea pode fazer uma ordem de compra de pedidos de compras m\u00faltiplas. Selecione pedidos de compra, um por um e clique no bot\u00e3o abaixo.",
"You can make a purchase order from multiple Supplier Quotations. Select Supplier Quotations one by one and click on the button below.": "Voc\u00ea pode fazer uma ordem de compra de Cita\u00e7\u00f5es Fornecedor m\u00faltiplos. Selecione Quotations Fornecedor, um por um e clique no bot\u00e3o abaixo."

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Amount (Default Curr.)": "Montante (Curr padr\u00e3o.)",
"Billed Quantity": "Quantidade faturada",
"Brand": "Marca",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Discount %": "% De desconto",
"If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Se N\u00famero da pe\u00e7a de Fornecedor existe para determinado item, ele fica armazenado aqui",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taxa de Imposto item",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
"Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DocType",
"Project Name": "Nome do projeto",
"Purchase Order Item": "Comprar item Ordem",
"Purchase Request Date": "Data da compra Pedido",
"Purchase Request Detail No": "Detalhe comprar Pedido N\u00e3o",
"Purchase Requisition No": "Requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra N\u00e3o",
"Quantity": "Quantidade",
"Rate ": "Taxa",
"Rate (Default Curr.) *": "Taxa (Curr padr\u00e3o.) *",
"Received Qty": "Qtde recebeu",
"Ref Rate ": "Taxa de Ref",
"Ref Rate *": "* Taxa de Ref",
"Reqd By Date": "Reqd Por Data",
"Stock Qty": "Qtd",
"Stock UOM": "Estoque UOM",
"Supplier Part Number": "N\u00famero da pe\u00e7a de fornecedor",
"Supplier Quotation": "Cota\u00e7\u00e3o fornecedor",
"Supplier Quotation Item": "Cota\u00e7\u00e3o do item fornecedor",
"Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Tabela de detalhes fiscal obtido a partir do cadastro de itens como uma string e armazenada neste field.Used dos Impostos e Encargos",
"UOM": "UOM",
"UOM Conversion Factor": "UOM Fator de Convers\u00e3o",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m"

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"BOM Detail No": "BOM nenhum detalhe",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Conversion Factor": "Fator de Convers\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Item da ordem de compra em actualiza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Raw Material Item Code": "Item C\u00f3digo de mat\u00e9rias-primas",
"Reference Name": "Nome de refer\u00eancia",
"Required Qty": "Quantidade requerida",
"Stock Uom": "Estoque Uom"

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"BOM Detail No": "BOM nenhum detalhe",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Consumed Qty": "Qtde consumida",
"Conversion Factor": "Fator de Convers\u00e3o",
"Current Stock": "Estoque atual",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Recibo de compra do item em actualiza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Raw Material Item Code": "Item C\u00f3digo de mat\u00e9rias-primas",
"Reference Name": "Nome de refer\u00eancia",
"Required Qty": "Quantidade requerida",
"Stock Uom": "Estoque Uom"

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"% Ordered": "Ordenado%",
"% of materials ordered against this Purchase Requisition": "% De materiais encomendados contra esta requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra",
"Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Requisition. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template": "Adicione Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es para a requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra. Voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m pode preparar um Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es mestre e usar o modelo",
"After cancelling the Purchase Requisition, a dialog box will ask you reason for cancellation which will be reflected in this field": "Depois de cancelar a requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra, uma caixa de di\u00e1logo ir\u00e1 pedir-lhe raz\u00e3o para cancelamento que ser\u00e1 refletido neste campo",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Cancelled": "Cancelado",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Draft": "Rascunho",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Requisition will help you analyze your data better.": "Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de informa\u00e7\u00f5es adicionais sobre a requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra vai ajudar a analisar melhor seus dados.",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Get Terms and Conditions": "Obter os Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"IDT": "IDT",
"Items": "Itens",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Name of the entity who has requested for the Purchase Requisition": "Nome da entidade que solicitou para a requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra",
"One or multiple Sales Order no which generated this Purchase Requisition": "Um ou nenhum Ordem m\u00faltipla de vendas que gerou esta requisi\u00e7\u00e3o de compra",
"Pull Sales Order Items": "Puxe itens da ordem",
"Purchase Request": "Pedido de Compra",
"Purchase Requisition Details": "Comprar Detalhes Requisi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Requested By": "Solicitado por",
"Sales Order No": "Vendas decreto n \u00ba",
"Select Terms and Conditions": "Selecione Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Selecione o nome da empresa em quest\u00e3o, se voc\u00ea tem v\u00e1rias empresas",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Status": "Estado",
"Stopped": "Parado",
"Submitted": "Enviado",
"Terms and Conditions": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Terms and Conditions Content": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es conte\u00fado",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry is made in system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 feita no sistema.",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Transaction Date": "Data Transa\u00e7\u00e3o"

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"Brand": "Marca",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
"Lead Time Date": "Chumbo Data Hora",
"Min Order Qty": "Min Qty Ordem",
"Ordered Qty": "Qtde ordenou",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
"Projected Qty": "Qtde Projetada",
"Purchase Request Item": "Comprar item de solicita\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Quantity": "Quantidade",
"Required Date": "Data Obrigat\u00f3rio",
"Sales Order No": "Vendas decreto n \u00ba",
"Stock UOM": "Estoque UOM",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m"

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Batch No": "No lote",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Delivery Note No": "Nota de Entrega N\u00e3o",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Get Specification Details": "Obtenha detalhes Especifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"In Process": "Em Processo",
"Incoming": "Entrada",
"Inspected By": "Inspecionado por",
"Inspection Type": "Tipo de Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Item Serial No": "No item de s\u00e9rie",
"Naming Series": "Nomeando Series",
"Outgoing": "Cessante",
"Purchase Receipt No": "Compra recibo N\u00e3o",
"QA Inspection": "Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o QA",
"QAI/11-12/": "QAI/11-12 /",
"Quality Inspection": "Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o de Qualidade",
"Quality Inspection Readings": "Leituras de inspe\u00e7\u00e3o de qualidade",
"Remarks": "Observa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Report Date": "Relat\u00f3rio Data",
"Sample Size": "Tamanho da amostra",
"Specification Details": "Detalhes especifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Verified By": "Verified By"

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"Acceptance Criteria": "Crit\u00e9rios de Aceita\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Accepted": "Aceito",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Parameter": "Par\u00e2metro",
"Quality Inspection Reading": "Leitura de Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o de Qualidade",
"Reading 1": "Leitura 1",
"Reading 10": "Leitura 10",
"Reading 2": "Leitura 2",
"Reading 3": "Leitura 3",
"Reading 4": "Reading 4",
"Reading 5": "Leitura 5",
"Reading 6": "Leitura 6",
"Reading 7": "Lendo 7",
"Reading 8": "Leitura 8",
"Reading 9": "Leitura 9",
"Rejected": "Rejeitado",
"Status": "Estado"

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"Address & Contacts": "Endere\u00e7o e contatos",
"Address Desc": "Endere\u00e7o Descr",
"Address HTML": "Abordar HTML",
"Basic Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es B\u00e1sicas",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Communication HTML": "Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o HTML",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Contact Desc": "Contato Descr",
"Contact HTML": "Contato HTML",
"Credit Days": "Dias de cr\u00e9dito",
"Default Currency": "Moeda padr\u00e3o",
"Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier": "Digite o nome da empresa em que Chefe da conta ser\u00e1 criada para este fornecedor",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Nota: voc\u00ea pode gerenciar Endere\u00e7o m\u00faltipla ou Contatos atrav\u00e9s de endere\u00e7os e contatos",
"SUPP/10-11/": "SUPP/10-11 /",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es legais e outras informa\u00e7\u00f5es gerais sobre o seu Fornecedor",
"Supplier": "Fornecedor",
"Supplier Details": "Detalhes fornecedor",
"Supplier Name": "Nome do Fornecedor",
"Supplier Type": "Tipo de fornecedor",
"Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Fornecedor de bens ou servi\u00e7os.",
"This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier": "Essa moeda vai ser buscado em transa\u00e7\u00f5es de compra deste fornecedor",
"Website": "Site"

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"Address": "Endere\u00e7o",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Calculate Tax": "Calcular o imposto",
"Cancel Reason": "Cancelar Raz\u00e3o",
"Cancelled": "Cancelado",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Considere esta Lista de Pre\u00e7os para a recupera\u00e7\u00e3o de taxa. (S\u00f3 que &quot;para a compra&quot;, como verificado)",
"Contact": "Contato",
"Contact Email": "Contato E-mail",
"Contact Info": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es para contato",
"Contact Person": "Pessoa de contato",
"Currency": "Moeda",
"Currency & Price List": "Moeda e Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Draft": "Rascunho",
"Exchange Rate": "Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Get Items": "Obter itens",
"Get Tax Detail": "Obtenha detalhes Imposto",
"Get Terms and Conditions": "Obter os Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Grand Total": "Total geral",
"Grand Total (Import)": "Total Geral (Import)",
"If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Se voc\u00ea criou um modelo padr\u00e3o no Imposto de Compra e Master Encargos, selecione um e clique no bot\u00e3o abaixo.",
"In Words": "Em Palavras",
"In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "Em Palavras ser\u00e1 vis\u00edvel quando voc\u00ea salvar a Ordem de Compra.",
"In Words(Import)": "Em Palavras (Import)",
"Is Subcontracted": "\u00c9 subcontratada",
"Items": "Itens",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"Mobile No": "No m\u00f3vel",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Name": "Nome",
"Net Total (Import)": "Total L\u00edquido (Import)",
"Net Total*": "* Total Net",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Price List": "Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Currency": "Hoje Lista de Pre\u00e7os",
"Price List Exchange Rate": "Pre\u00e7o Lista de Taxa de C\u00e2mbio",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Impostos e Encargos de compra",
"Quotation Date": "Data cita\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Quotation Items": "Itens cota\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Taxa na qual a moeda que fornecedor \u00e9 convertido para a moeda da empresa de base",
"Re-Calculate Values": "Re-calcular valores",
"Rounded Total": "Total arredondado",
"Select Print Heading": "Selecione Imprimir t\u00edtulo",
"Select Purchase Request": "Selecione Pedido de Compra",
"Select Terms and Conditions": "Selecione Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Selecione o nome da empresa em quest\u00e3o, se voc\u00ea tem v\u00e1rias empresas",
"Series": "S\u00e9rie",
"Status": "Estado",
"Stopped": "Parado",
"Submitted": "Enviado",
"Supplier": "Fornecedor",
"Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Nome do fornecedor (fornecedor), inscritos no cadastro de fornecedores",
"Supplier Address": "Endere\u00e7o do Fornecedor",
"Supplier Quotation": "Cota\u00e7\u00e3o fornecedor",
"Supplier's currency": "Moeda fornecedor",
"Tax Calculation": "C\u00e1lculo do imposto",
"Taxes": "Impostos",
"Taxes and Charges Added": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado",
"Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Adicionado (Import)",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzidos",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Impostos e Encargos Deduzido (Import)",
"Terms and Conditions": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Terms and Conditions HTML": "Termos e Condi\u00e7\u00f5es HTML",
"Terms and Conditions1": "Termos e Conditions1",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"The date at which current entry is made in system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 feita no sistema.",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Para gerenciar v\u00e1rias s\u00e9ries por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; Gerenciar Series",
"Total Tax*": "* Total de impostos",
"Totals": "Totais",
"Yes": "Sim",
"You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requests. Select Purchase Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Voc\u00ea pode fazer uma ordem de compra de pedidos de compras m\u00faltiplas. Selecione pedidos de compra, um por um e clique no bot\u00e3o abaixo."

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"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Amount (Default Curr.)": "Montante (Curr padr\u00e3o.)",
"Brand": "Marca",
"Buying": "Comprar",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Discount %": "% De desconto",
"If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Se N\u00famero da pe\u00e7a de Fornecedor existe para determinado item, ele fica armazenado aqui",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taxa de Imposto item",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
"Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DocType",
"Project Name": "Nome do projeto",
"Purchase Request Date": "Data da compra Pedido",
"Purchase Request Detail No": "Detalhe comprar Pedido N\u00e3o",
"Purchase Request No": "Compre Pedir N\u00e3o",
"Quantity": "Quantidade",
"Rate ": "Taxa",
"Rate (Default Curr.) *": "Taxa (Curr padr\u00e3o.) *",
"Ref Rate ": "Taxa de Ref",
"Ref Rate *": "* Taxa de Ref",
"Supplier Part Number": "N\u00famero da pe\u00e7a de fornecedor",
"Supplier Quotation Item": "Cota\u00e7\u00e3o do item fornecedor",
"Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Tabela de detalhes fiscal obtido a partir do cadastro de itens como uma string e armazenada neste field.Used dos Impostos e Encargos",
"UOM": "UOM",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m"

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"Buying Home": "Compra de casa",
"Purchase Analytics": "Analytics compra",
"Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Fornecedor de bens ou servi\u00e7os."

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
" cannot be 0": "n\u00e3o pode ser 0",
"If": "Se",
"Please enter valid ": "Por favor insira v\u00e1lido",
"Please specify a valid": "Por favor, especifique um v\u00e1lido",
"Row": "Linha",
"cannot be included in item's rate": "n\u00e3o pode ser inclu\u00eddo na taxa do item",
"checked": "verificado",
"is checked for": "est\u00e1 marcada para",
"should also have": "tamb\u00e9m deve ter",
"then": "depois"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Company Control": "Controle da Companhia",
"Home": "Casa"

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"Color": "Cor",
"Doc Name": "Nome Doc",
"Doc Type": "Tipo Doc",
"Feed": "Alimentar",
"Feed Type": "Tipo de feed",
"Full Name": "Nome Completo",
"Home": "Casa",
"Subject": "Assunto"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Home": "Casa",
"Home Control": "Home Control"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Activity": "Atividade",
"Attributions": "Atribui\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Desktop": "\u00c1rea de trabalho",
"Event Updates": "Atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es de eventos",
"Latest Updates": "\u00daltimas Atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es",
"My Company": "Minha Empresa",
"dashboard": "painel de instrumentos"

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records.": "Quaisquer outros coment\u00e1rios, esfor\u00e7o not\u00e1vel que deve ir para os registros.",
"Appraisal": "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Appraisal Goals": "Metas de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Appraisal Template": "Modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Calculate Total Score": "Calcular a pontua\u00e7\u00e3o total",
"Cancelled": "Cancelado",
"Comments": "Coment\u00e1rios",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Completed": "Conclu\u00eddo",
"Draft": "Rascunho",
"Employee Details": "Detalhes do Funcion\u00e1rios",
"End Date": "Data final",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"For Employee": "Para Empregado",
"For Employee Name": "Para Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Goals": "Metas",
"HR": "HR",
"Other Details": "Outros detalhes",
"Select template from which you want to get the Goals": "Selecione o modelo a partir do qual voc\u00ea deseja obter as Metas",
"Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.": "Selecione o funcion\u00e1rio para quem voc\u00ea est\u00e1 criando a Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"Start Date": "Data de In\u00edcio",
"Status": "Estado",
"Submitted": "Enviado",
"Total Score (Out of 5)": "Pontua\u00e7\u00e3o total (em 5)"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Appraisal Goal": "Meta de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Goal": "Meta",
"HR": "HR",
"Key Responsibility Area": "\u00c1rea de Responsabilidade chave",
"Score (0-5)": "Pontua\u00e7\u00e3o (0-5)",
"Score Earned": "Pontua\u00e7\u00e3o Agregado",
"Weightage (%)": "Weightage (%)"

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"Appraisal Template": "Modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Appraisal Template Goal": "Meta Modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Appraisal Template Title": "T\u00edtulo do modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Total Points": "Total de pontos"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Not": "N\u00e3o",
"Total (sum of) points distribution for all goals should be 100.": "Total (soma de) distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de pontos para todos os objetivos deve ser 100."

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Appraisal Template Goal": "Meta Modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"KRA": "KRA",
"Key Performance Area": "\u00c1rea Key Performance",
"Weightage (%)": "Weightage (%)"

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"ATT": "ATT",
"Absent": "Ausente",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Attendance": "Comparecimento",
"Attendance Date": "Data de atendimento",
"Attendance Details": "Detalhes atendimento",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"HR": "HR",
"Half Day": "Meio Dia",
"Leave Type": "Deixar Tipo",
"Naming Series": "Nomeando Series",
"Present": "Apresentar",
"Status": "Estado",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema."

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"All attendance dates inbetween selected Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date will come in the template with employees list.": "Todos atendimento data inbetween Atendimento selecionada De Data e atendimento a Data vir\u00e1 no modelo com lista de funcion\u00e1rios.",
"Attendance Control Panel": "Painel de Controle de Presen\u00e7a",
"Attendance From Date": "Presen\u00e7a de Data",
"Attendance To Date": "Atendimento para a data",
"Download Template": "Baixe Template",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Get Template": "Obter modelo",
"Get the template of the Attendance for which you want to import in CSV (Comma seperated values) format.Fill data in the template. Save the template in CSV format.All attendance dates inbetween 'Attendance From Date' and 'Attendance To Date' will come in the template with employees list.": "Obter o modelo do atendimento para o qual voc\u00ea deseja importar no formato CSV (valores separados por v\u00edrgulas) format.Fill dados no modelo. Salve o modelo na CSV atendimento format.All data &#39;Presen\u00e7a De Data&#39; inbetween e &#39;Atendimento Conhecer&#39; vir\u00e1 no modelo com lista de funcion\u00e1rios.",
"HR": "HR",
"Import": "Importar",
"Import Date Format ": "Formato de data de importa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Import Log": "Importar Log",
"Import Log1": "Importar Log1",
"Overwrite": "Sobrescrever",
"Selected Attendance date will comes in the attendance template.": "Data de comparecimento selecionado vem no modelo de atendimento.",
"To import attendance data, click on \"Add\" button, select the saved CSV file and click on \"Upload\".Select the date format as attendance date format in CSV file.Click on \"Import\".": "Para importar dados de atendimento, clique no bot\u00e3o &quot;Adicionar&quot;, selecione o arquivo CSV salvo e clique em &quot;Upload&quot;. Selecione o formato de data no formato de data em atendimento CSV file.Click em &quot;Importar&quot;.",
"Upload Attendance Data": "Carregar dados do comparecimento",
"dd-mm-yyyy": "dd-mm-aaaa",
"dd/mm/yyyy": "dd / mm / aaaa",
"mm/dd/yy": "dd / mm / aa",
"mm/dd/yyyy": "dd / mm / aaaa",
"yyyy-mm-dd": "aaaa-mm-dd"

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"Branch": "Ramo",
"HR": "HR",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Deduction Type": "Tipo de dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Name": "Nome",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Department": "Departamento",
"HR": "HR",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Earning Type": "Ganhando Tipo",
"Exemption Limit": "Limite de isen\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Name": "Nome",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Taxable": "Tribut\u00e1vel",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo",
"Yes": "Sim"

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
"<span class=\"sys_manager\">To setup, please go to Setup > Naming Series</span>": "<span class=\"sys_manager\">Para configurar, por favor, v\u00e1 para Configura\u00e7\u00e3o&gt; S\u00e9rie Nomeando</span>",
"A+": "A +",
"A-": "A-",
"AB+": "AB +",
"AB-": "AB-",
"Active": "Ativo",
"Applicable Holiday List": "Lista de f\u00e9rias aplic\u00e1vel",
"B+": "B +",
"B-": "B-",
"Bank": "Banco",
"Bank A/C No.": "Bank A / C N \u00ba",
"Bank Name": "Nome do banco",
"Basic Information": "Informa\u00e7\u00f5es B\u00e1sicas",
"Better Prospects": "Melhores perspectivas",
"Bio": "Bio",
"Blood Group": "Grupo sangu\u00edneo",
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Career History": "Hist\u00f3rico",
"Cash": "Numer\u00e1rio",
"Cell Number": "N\u00famero de c\u00e9lulas",
"Cheque": "Cheque",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Contact Details": "Contacto",
"Contract End Date": "Data final do contrato",
"Current Accommodation Type": "Tipo de Alojamento atual",
"Current Address": "Endere\u00e7o Atual",
"Date Of Retirement": "Data da aposentadoria",
"Date of Birth": "Data de Nascimento",
"Date of Issue": "Data de Emiss\u00e3o",
"Date of Joining": "Data da Unir",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Divorced": "Divorciado",
"EMP/": "EMP /",
"ESIC CARD No": "CART\u00c3O ESIC N\u00e3o",
"Educational Qualification": "Qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o Educacional",
"Educational Qualification Details": "Detalhes educacionais de qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Email (By company)": "E-mail (por empresa)",
"Emergency Contact Details": "Detalhes de contato de emerg\u00eancia",
"Emergency Phone Number": "N\u00famero de telefone de emerg\u00eancia",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee External Work History": "Empregado hist\u00f3ria de trabalho externo",
"Employee Internal Work Historys": "Historys funcion\u00e1rio interno de trabalho",
"Employee Number": "N\u00famero empregado",
"Employment Details": "Detalhes de emprego",
"Employment Type": "Tipo de emprego",
"Encashment Date": "Data cobran\u00e7a",
"Exit": "Sair",
"Exit Interview Details": "Sair Detalhes Entrevista",
"Family Background": "Antecedentes familiares",
"Feedback": "Coment\u00e1rios",
"Female": "Feminino",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"Final Confirmation Date": "Data final de confirma\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Full Name": "Nome Completo",
"Gender": "Sexo",
"Grade": "Grau",
"Gratuity LIC ID": "ID LIC gratuidade",
"HR": "HR",
"Health Concerns": "Preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es com a Sa\u00fade",
"Health Details": "Detalhes sa\u00fade",
"Held On": "Realizada em",
"Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children": "Aqui voc\u00ea pode manter detalhes como o nome da fam\u00edlia e ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o do c\u00f4njuge, pai e filhos",
"Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc": "Aqui voc\u00ea pode manter a altura, peso, alergias, etc preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es m\u00e9dica",
"History In Company": "Hist\u00f3ria In Company",
"Holiday List": "Lista de feriado",
"Image": "Imagem",
"Image View": "Ver imagem",
"Job Profile": "Perfil trabalho",
"Leave Encashed?": "Deixe cobradas?",
"Left": "Esquerda",
"Male": "Masculino",
"Marital Status": "Estado civil",
"Married": "Casado",
"Mr": "Sr.",
"Ms": "Ms",
"Naming Series": "Nomeando Series",
"New Workplace": "Novo local de trabalho",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Notice - Number of Days": "Aviso - n\u00famero de dias",
"O+": "O +",
"O-": "O-",
"Owned": "Possu\u00eddo",
"PAN Number": "N\u00famero PAN",
"PF Number": "N\u00famero PF",
"Passport Number": "N\u00famero do Passaporte",
"Permanent Accommodation Type": "Tipo de Alojamento Permanente",
"Permanent Address": "Endere\u00e7o permanente",
"Person To Be Contacted": "Pessoa a ser contatada",
"Personal Details": "Detalhes pessoais",
"Personal Email": "E-mail pessoal",
"Place of Issue": "Local de Emiss\u00e3o",
"Previous Work Experience": "Experi\u00eancia anterior de trabalho",
"Provide email id registered in company": "Fornecer ID e-mail registrado na empresa",
"Reason for Leaving": "Motivo da sa\u00edda",
"Reason for Resignation": "Motivo para Demiss\u00e3o",
"Relation": "Rela\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Relieving Date": "Aliviar Data",
"Rented": "Alugado",
"Reports to": "Relat\u00f3rios para",
"Resignation Letter Date": "Data carta de demiss\u00e3o",
"Salary Information": "Informa\u00e7\u00e3o sal\u00e1rio",
"Salary Mode": "Modo de sal\u00e1rio",
"Salary Structure": "Estrutura Salarial",
"Salutation": "Sauda\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Scheduled Confirmation Date": "Confirma\u00e7\u00e3o Data programada",
"Short biography for website and other publications.": "Breve biografia para o site e outras publica\u00e7\u00f5es.",
"Single": "\u00danico",
"Status": "Estado",
"System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.": "Sistema de identifica\u00e7\u00e3o do usu\u00e1rio (login). Se for definido, ele vai se tornar padr\u00e3o para todas as formas de RH.",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo",
"User ID": "ID de usu\u00e1rio",
"Valid Upto": "V\u00e1lido Upto",
"Widowed": "Vi\u00fava",
"Yes": "Sim",
"You can enter any date manually": "Voc\u00ea pode entrar em qualquer data manualmente"

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"Class / Percentage": "Classe / Percentual",
"Employee Education": "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o empregado",
"Graduate": "P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Level": "N\u00edvel",
"Major/Optional Subjects": "Assuntos Principais / Opcional",
"Post Graduate": "P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Qualification": "Qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"School/University": "Escola / Universidade",
"Under Graduate": "Sob gradua\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Year of Passing": "Ano de Passagem"

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"Address": "Endere\u00e7o",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Contact": "Contato",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Employee External Work History": "Empregado hist\u00f3ria de trabalho externo",
"HR": "HR",
"Salary": "Sal\u00e1rio",
"Total Experience": "Experi\u00eancia total"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Employee Internal Work History": "Empregado Hist\u00f3ria Trabalho Interno",
"From Date": "A partir da data",
"Grade": "Grau",
"HR": "HR",
"To Date": "Conhecer"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Certificate": "Certid\u00e3o",
"Duration": "Dura\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Employee Training": "Treinamento de funcion\u00e1rios",
"HR": "HR",
"Institute / Conducted By": "Instituto / conduzido por",
"Location": "Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Program / Seminar Title": "Programa / Semin\u00e1rio T\u00edtulo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Employment Type": "Tipo de emprego",
"HR": "HR",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Approval Status": "Status de Aprova\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Approved": "Aprovado",
"Approver": "Aprovador",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Draft": "Rascunho",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Employees Email Id": "Funcion\u00e1rios ID e-mail",
"Expense Claim": "Relat\u00f3rio de Despesas",
"Expense Claim Details": "Reivindica\u00e7\u00e3o detalhes da despesa",
"Expense Details": "Detalhes despesas",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"From Employee": "De Empregado",
"HR": "HR",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Rejected": "Rejeitado",
"Remark": "Observa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Total Claimed Amount": "Montante reclamado total",
"Total Sanctioned Amount": "Valor total Sancionada"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"Claim Amount": "Quantidade reivindica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Expense Claim Detail": "Detalhe de Despesas",
"Expense Claim Type": "Tipo de reembolso de despesas",
"Expense Date": "Data despesa",
"HR": "HR",
"Sanctioned Amount": "Quantidade sancionada"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Expense Claim Type": "Tipo de reembolso de despesas",
"HR": "HR"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Grade": "Grau",
"HR": "HR",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Date": "Data",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HR": "HR",
"Holiday": "F\u00e9rias"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"Clear Table": "Tabela clara",
"Default": "Omiss\u00e3o",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Friday": "Sexta-feira",
"Get Weekly Off Dates": "Obter semanal Datas Off",
"HR": "HR",
"Holiday List": "Lista de feriado",
"Holiday List Name": "Nome da lista f\u00e9rias",
"Holidays": "F\u00e9rias",
"Monday": "Segunda-feira",
"Saturday": "S\u00e1bado",
"Sunday": "Domingo",
"Thursday": "Quinta-feira",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo",
"Tuesday": "Ter\u00e7a-feira",
"Wednesday": "Quarta-feira",
"Weekly Off": "Weekly Off"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"Applicant Name": "Nome do requerente",
"Applicant for a Job": "Candidato a um emprego",
"Email Id": "Id e-mail",
"File List": "Lista de Arquivos",
"HR": "HR",
"Hold": "Segurar",
"Job Applicant": "Candidato a emprego",
"Job Opening": "Abertura de emprego",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Rejected": "Rejeitado",
"Replied": "Respondeu",
"Status": "Estado",
"Thread HTML": "T\u00f3pico HTML"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Closed": "Fechado",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o de uma vaga de emprego",
"HR": "HR",
"Job Opening": "Abertura de emprego",
"Job Title": "Cargo",
"Job profile, qualifications required etc.": "Profiss\u00e3o de perfil, qualifica\u00e7\u00f5es exigidas, etc",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Status": "Estado"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Carry Forward": "Transportar",
"Carry Forwarded Leaves": "Carry Folhas encaminhadas",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"HR": "HR",
"Leave Allocation": "Deixe Aloca\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Leave Type": "Deixar Tipo",
"New Leaves Allocated": "Nova Folhas alocado",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "A data em que a entrada actual \u00e9 corrigido no sistema.",
"Total Leaves Allocated": "Folhas total atribu\u00eddo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprovar Folhas",
"Approved": "Aprovado",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"From Date": "A partir da data",
"HR": "HR",
"Half Day": "Meio Dia",
"Leave Application": "Deixe Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Leave Approver": "Deixe Aprovador",
"Leave Balance Before Application": "Deixe Equil\u00edbrio Antes da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Leave Type": "Deixar Tipo",
"Leave can be approved by users with Role, \"Leave Approver\"": "A licen\u00e7a pode ser aprovado por usu\u00e1rios com papel, &quot;Deixe Aprovador&quot;",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Posting Date": "Data da Publica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Reason": "Raz\u00e3o",
"Rejected": "Rejeitado",
"Status": "Estado",
"To Date": "Conhecer",
"Total Leave Days": "Total de dias de f\u00e9rias"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"Allocate": "Distribuir",
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Carry Forward": "Transportar",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Employee Type": "Tipo de empregado",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Grade": "Grau",
"HR": "HR",
"Leave Control Panel": "Deixe Painel de Controle",
"Leave Type": "Deixar Tipo",
"Leave blank if considered for all branches": "Deixe em branco se considerado para todos os ramos",
"Leave blank if considered for all departments": "Deixe em branco se considerado para todos os departamentos",
"Leave blank if considered for all designations": "Deixe em branco se considerado para todas as designa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Leave blank if considered for all employee types": "Deixe em branco se considerado para todos os tipos de empregados",
"Leave blank if considered for all grades": "Deixe em branco se considerado para todos os graus",
"New Leaves Allocated (In Days)": "Folhas novas atribu\u00eddo (em dias)",
"Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year": "Por favor seleccione Carry Forward se voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m quer incluir equil\u00edbrio ano fiscal anterior deixa para este ano fiscal"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Is Carry Forward": "\u00c9 Carry Forward",
"Is Encash": "\u00c9 cobrar",
"Is LWP": "\u00c9 LWP",
"Leave Type": "Deixar Tipo",
"Leave Type Name": "Deixe Nome Tipo",
"Max Days Leave Allowed": "Dias Max Deixe admitidos",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Other Income Detail": "Detalhe Outras Receitas"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"01": "01",
"02": "02",
"03": "03",
"04": "04",
"05": "05",
"06": "06",
"07": "07",
"08": "08",
"09": "09",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12",
"Activity Log": "Registro de Atividade",
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip": "Verifique se voc\u00ea quiser enviar folha de sal\u00e1rio no correio a cada empregado ao enviar folha de sal\u00e1rio",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria": "Criar Vale do Banco Mundial para o sal\u00e1rio total pago para os crit\u00e9rios acima selecionados",
"Create Salary Slip": "Criar folha de sal\u00e1rio",
"Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria.": "Cria folha de sal\u00e1rio para os crit\u00e9rios acima mencionados.",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Document Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o documento",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Grade": "Grau",
"HR": "HR",
"Make Bank Voucher": "Fa\u00e7a Vale Banco",
"Month": "M\u00eas",
"Salary Manager": "Gerente de sal\u00e1rio",
"Send Email": "Enviar E-mail",
"Submit Salary Slip": "Enviar folha de sal\u00e1rio",
"Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria": "Submeter todas as folhas de sal\u00e1rios para os crit\u00e9rios acima selecionados"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"01": "01",
"02": "02",
"03": "03",
"04": "04",
"05": "05",
"06": "06",
"07": "07",
"08": "08",
"09": "09",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12",
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Amendment Date": "Data emenda",
"Arrear Amount": "Quantidade atraso",
"Bank Account No.": "Banco Conta N \u00ba",
"Bank Name": "Nome do banco",
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Deductions": "Dedu\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"ESIC No.": "ESIC N\u00e3o.",
"Earning": "Ganhando",
"Earning & Deduction": "Ganhar &amp; Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
"Grade": "Grau",
"Gross Pay": "Sal\u00e1rio bruto",
"Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction": "Sal\u00e1rio bruto + Valor + Valor vencido cobran\u00e7a - Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o Total",
"HR": "HR",
"Leave Encashment Amount": "Deixe Quantidade cobran\u00e7a",
"Leave Without Pay": "Licen\u00e7a sem vencimento",
"Letter Head": "Cabe\u00e7a letra",
"Month": "M\u00eas",
"Net Pay": "Pagamento Net",
"Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip.": "Pagamento l\u00edquido (em palavras) ser\u00e1 vis\u00edvel quando voc\u00ea salvar a folha de sal\u00e1rio.",
"PF No.": "PF N\u00e3o.",
"Payment days": "Dia de pagamento",
"Rounded Total": "Total arredondado",
"Salary Slip": "Folha de sal\u00e1rio",
"Salary Structure Earnings": "Estrutura Lucros Sal\u00e1rio",
"Total Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o Total",
"Total days in month": "Total de dias no m\u00eas",
"Total in words": "Total em palavras",
"Totals": "Totais"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Depends on LWP": "Depende LWP",
"HR": "HR",
"Modified Amount": "Quantidade modificado",
"Salary Slip Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o folha de sal\u00e1rio",
"Type": "Tipo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Depends on LWP": "Depende LWP",
"HR": "HR",
"Modified Amount": "Quantidade modificado",
"Salary Slip Earning": "Folha de sal\u00e1rio Ganhando",
"Type": "Tipo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"Branch": "Ramo",
"CTC": "CTC",
"Company": "Companhia",
"Cost to Company": "Custo para empresa",
"Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Deduction1": "Deduction1",
"Department": "Departamento",
"Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Earning": "Ganhando",
"Earning & Deduction": "Ganhar &amp; Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Earning1": "Earning1",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"From Date": "A partir da data",
"Grade": "Grau",
"HR": "HR",
"Is Active": "\u00c9 Ativo",
"Net Pay": "Pagamento Net",
"No": "N\u00e3o",
"Salary Structure": "Estrutura Salarial",
"To Date": "Conhecer",
"Total Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o Total",
"Total Earning": "Ganhar total",
"Yes": "Sim",
"You can create more earning and deduction type from Setup --> HR": "Voc\u00ea pode criar mais sal\u00e1rio e tipo de dedu\u00e7\u00e3o do Setup -&gt; HR"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Depend on LWP": "Dependem LWP",
"HR": "HR",
"Salary Structure Deduction": "Dedu\u00e7\u00e3o Estrutura Salarial",
"Type": "Tipo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"Depend on LWP": "Dependem LWP",
"HR": "HR",
"Salary Structure Earning": "Estrutura salarial Ganhando",
"Type": "Tipo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "Candidato a um emprego",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprovar Folhas",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o de uma vaga de emprego",
"Human Resources Home": "Home Recursos Humanos"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"BOM": "BOM",
"BOM Item": "Item BOM",
"BOM Operations": "Opera\u00e7\u00f5es BOM",
"Costing": "Custeio",
"Is Active": "\u00c9 Ativo",
"Is Default": "\u00c9 Default",
"Item": "Item",
"Item Desription": "Desription item",
"Item UOM": "Item UOM",
"Item to be manufactured or repacked": "Item a ser fabricados ou reembalados",
"Last Purchase Rate": "Compra de \u00faltima",
"Manage cost of operations": "Gerenciar custo das opera\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Manufacturing": "Fabrico",
"Materials": "Materiais",
"Materials Required (Exploded)": "Materiais necess\u00e1rios (explodida)",
"More Info": "Mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Operations": "Opera\u00e7\u00f5es",
"Project Name": "Nome do projeto",
"Quantity": "Quantidade",
"Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials": "Quantidade do item obtido ap\u00f3s a fabrica\u00e7\u00e3o / reembalagem de determinadas quantidades de mat\u00e9rias-primas",
"Rate Of Materials Based On": "Taxa de materiais com base",
"Total Cost": "Custo Total",
"Total Operating Cost": "Custo Operacional Total",
"Total Raw Material Cost": "Custo total das mat\u00e9rias-primas",
"Valuation Rate": "Taxa de valoriza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"With Operations": "Com Opera\u00e7\u00f5es"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
" against same operation": "contra a mesma opera\u00e7\u00e3o",
": It is linked to other active BOM(s)": ": Est\u00e1 ligado ao BOM ativa outro (s)",
"Cannot ": "N\u00e3o pode",
"Item": "Item",
"cancel": "cancelar",
"deactivate": "desativar",
"has been entered atleast twice": "foi inserido pelo menos duas vezes"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"BOM Explosion Item": "BOM item explos\u00e3o",
"Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Manufacturing": "Fabrico",
"Mat Detail No": "Detalhe Mat N\u00e3o",
"Parent BOM": "BOM pai",
"Qty": "Qty",
"Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Qtde consumida por unidade",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Stock UOM": "Estoque UOM"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"Amount": "Quantidade",
"BOM Item": "Item BOM",
"BOM No": "BOM N\u00e3o",
"Item Code": "C\u00f3digo do artigo",
"Item Description": "Item Descri\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Manufacturing": "Fabrico",
"Operation No": "Nenhuma opera\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Qty": "Qty",
"Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Qtde consumida por unidade",
"Rate": "Taxa",
"Scrap %": "Sucata%",
"Stock UOM": "Estoque UOM"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"BOM Operation": "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o BOM",
"Hour Rate": "Taxa de hora",
"Manufacturing": "Fabrico",
"Operating Cost": "Custo de Opera\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Operation Description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o da opera\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Operation No": "Nenhuma opera\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Operation Time (mins)": "Tempo de Opera\u00e7\u00e3o (minutos)",
"Workstation": "Esta\u00e7\u00e3o de trabalho"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"BOM replaced": "BOM substitu\u00eddo"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More