Supplier bill info in accounts payable report

This commit is contained in:
Nabin Hait 2013-12-31 10:24:28 +05:30
parent 2a3d7e660f
commit 424b4a4b36

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ def execute(filters=None):
for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=False)]
account_supplier_type_map = get_account_supplier_type_map()
pi_map = get_pi_map()
voucher_detail_map = get_voucher_details()
# Age of the invoice on this date
age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")
@ -29,14 +29,8 @@ def execute(filters=None):
for gle in entries:
if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:
if gle.voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice":
pi_info = pi_map.get(gle.voucher_no)
due_date = pi_info.get("due_date")
bill_no = pi_info.get("bill_no")
bill_date = pi_info.get("bill_date")
due_date = bill_no = bill_date = ""
voucher_details = voucher_detail_map.get(gle.voucher_type, {}).get(gle.voucher_no, {})
invoiced_amount = > 0 and or 0
outstanding_amount = get_outstanding_amount(gle,
filters.get("report_date") or nowdate())
@ -44,13 +38,15 @@ def execute(filters=None):
if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
paid_amount = invoiced_amount - outstanding_amount
row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, account_supplier.get(gle.account, ""),
gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,
gle.remarks, account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), due_date, bill_no,
bill_date, invoiced_amount, paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, gle.remarks,
voucher_details.get("due_date", ""), voucher_details.get("bill_no", ""),
voucher_details.get("bill_date", ""), invoiced_amount,
paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
# Ageing
if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
ageing_based_on_date = due_date
ageing_based_on_date = voucher_details.get("due_date", "")
ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
@ -112,14 +108,15 @@ def get_account_supplier_type_map():
return account_supplier_type_map
def get_pi_map():
""" get due_date from sales invoice """
pi_map = {}
for t in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date
from `tabPurchase Invoice`""", as_dict=1):
pi_map[] = t
def get_voucher_details():
voucher_details = {}
for dt in ["Purchase Invoice", "Journal Voucher"]:
voucher_details.setdefault(dt, webnotes._dict())
for t in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date
from `tab%s`""" % dt, as_dict=1):
voucher_details[dt].setdefault(, t)
return pi_map
return voucher_details
def get_outstanding_amount(gle, report_date):
payment_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""