feat: Add fallback when redisearch not loaded

This commit is contained in:
Hussain Nagaria 2021-05-28 06:25:49 +05:30 committed by marination
parent 53bb7a9cd1
commit 41a5ebc6c0
2 changed files with 54 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from erpnext.e_commerce.shopping_cart.product_info import set_product_info_for_w
# For SEARCH -------
from redisearch import AutoCompleter, Client, Query
from erpnext.e_commerce.website_item_indexing import (
@ -25,8 +26,15 @@ def get_context(context):
def get_product_list(search=None, start=0, limit=12):
# limit = 12 because we show 12 items in the grid view
data = get_product_data(search, start, limit)
for item in data:
return [get_item_for_list_in_html(r) for r in data]
def get_product_data(search=None, start=0, limit=12):
# limit = 12 because we show 12 items in the grid view
# base query
query = """select I.name, I.item_name, I.item_code, I.route, I.image, I.website_image, I.thumbnail, I.item_group,
I.description, I.web_long_description as website_description, I.is_stock_item,
@ -49,24 +57,25 @@ def get_product_list(search=None, start=0, limit=12):
# order by
query += """ order by I.weightage desc, in_stock desc, I.modified desc limit %s, %s""" % (cint(start), cint(limit))
data = frappe.db.sql(query, {
return frappe.db.sql(query, {
"search": search,
"today": nowdate()
}, as_dict=1)
for item in data:
return [get_item_for_list_in_html(r) for r in data]
def search(query, limit=10, fuzzy_search=True):
search_results = {"from_redisearch": True, "results": []}
if not is_search_module_loaded():
# Redisearch module not loaded
search_results["from_redisearch"] = False
search_results["results"] = get_product_data(query, 0, limit)
return search_results
if not query:
# TODO: return top searches
return []
return search_results
red = frappe.cache()
query = clean_up_query(query)
ac = AutoCompleter(make_key(WEBSITE_ITEM_NAME_AUTOCOMPLETE), conn=red)
@ -88,12 +97,12 @@ def search(query, limit=10, fuzzy_search=True):
print(f"Executing query: {q.query_string()}")
results = client.search(q)
results = list(map(convert_to_dict, results.docs))
search_results['results'] = list(map(convert_to_dict, results.docs))
print("SEARCH RESULTS ------------------\n ", results)
print("SEARCH RESULTS ------------------\n ", search_results)
return results
return search_results
def clean_up_query(query):
return ''.join(c for c in query if c.isalnum() or c.isspace())
@ -103,11 +112,19 @@ def convert_to_dict(redis_search_doc):
def get_category_suggestions(query):
search_results = {"from_redisearch": True, "results": []}
if not is_search_module_loaded():
# Redisearch module not loaded
search_results["from_redisearch"] = False
return search_results
if not query:
# TODO: return top searches
return []
return search_results
ac = AutoCompleter(make_key(WEBSITE_ITEM_CATEGORY_AUTOCOMPLETE), conn=frappe.cache())
suggestions = ac.get_suggestions(query, num=10)
return [s.string for s in suggestions]
search_results['results'] = [s.string for s in suggestions]
return search_results

View File

@ -45,8 +45,18 @@ function populateRecentSearches() {
function populateResults(data) {
if (!data.message.from_redisearch) {
// Data not from redisearch
if (data.message.results.length === 0) {
results.innerHTML = 'No results';
html = ""
for (let res of data.message) {
search_results = data.message.results
for (let res of search_results) {
html += `<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">
<img class="item-thumb" src="${res.thumbnail || 'img/placeholder.png'}" />
<a href="/${res.route}">${res.web_item_name} <span class="brand-line">${showBrandLine && res.brand ? "by " + res.brand : ""}</span></a>
@ -56,13 +66,20 @@ function populateResults(data) {
function populateCategoriesList(data) {
if (data.length === 0) {
categoryList.innerHTML = 'Type something...';
if (!data.message.from_redisearch) {
// Data not from redisearch
categoryList.innerHTML = "Install Redisearch to enable autocompletions.";
if (data.message.results.length === 0) {
categoryList.innerHTML = 'No results';
html = ""
for (let category of data.message) {
search_results = data.message.results
for (let category of search_results) {
html += `<li>${category}</li>`