Fixes to Item Variant Attribute. Fixes #3905

This commit is contained in:
Anand Doshi 2015-08-18 23:30:56 +05:30
parent 1d2bde3b56
commit 2538e51887
3 changed files with 101 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from import get_slide
class WarehouseNotSet(frappe.ValidationError): pass
class ItemTemplateCannotHaveStock(frappe.ValidationError): pass
class ItemVariantExistsError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
class Item(WebsiteGenerator):
website = frappe._dict(
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class Item(WebsiteGenerator):
self.synced_with_hub = 0
if not self.get("__islocal"):
@ -331,11 +332,11 @@ class Item(WebsiteGenerator):
if template_uom != self.stock_uom:
frappe.throw(_("Default Unit of Measure for Variant must be same as Template"))
def validate_template_attributes(self):
if self.has_variants:
def validate_attributes(self):
if self.has_variants or self.variant_of:
attributes = []
if not self.attributes:
frappe.throw(_("Attribute is mandatory for Item Template"))
frappe.throw(_("Attribute table is mandatory"))
for d in self.attributes:
if d.attribute in attributes:
frappe.throw(_("Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes Table".format(d.attribute)))
@ -351,8 +352,8 @@ class Item(WebsiteGenerator):
args[d.attribute] = d.attribute_value
variant = get_variant(self.variant_of, args)
if variant and not variant[0][0] ==
frappe.throw(_("Item variant {0} exists with same attributes".format(variant[0][0]) ))
if variant and variant[0][0] !=
frappe.throw(_("Item variant {0} exists with same attributes").format(variant[0][0]), ItemVariantExistsError)
def validate_end_of_life(item_code, end_of_life=None, verbose=1):
if not end_of_life:
@ -488,45 +489,87 @@ def check_stock_uom_with_bin(item, stock_uom):
def get_variant(item, args):
if not type(args) == dict:
"""Validates Attributes and their Values, then looks for an exactly matching Item Variant
:param item: Template Item
:param args: A dictionary with "Attribute" as key and "Attribute Value" as value
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = json.loads(args)
attributes = {}
numeric_attributes = []
for t in frappe.db.get_all("Item Attribute Value", fields=["parent", "attribute_value"]):
attributes.setdefault(t.parent, []).append(t.attribute_value)
for t in frappe.get_list("Item Attribute", filters={"numeric_values":1}):
if not args:
frappe.throw(_("Please specify at least one attribute in the Attributes table"))
for d in args:
if d in numeric_attributes:
values = frappe.db.sql("""select from_range, to_range, increment from `tabItem Variant Attribute` \
where parent = %s and attribute = %s""", (item, d), as_dict=1)[0]
validate_item_variant_attributes(item, args)
if (not values.from_range < cint(args[d]) < values.to_range) or ((cint(args[d]) - values.from_range) % values.increment != 0):
frappe.throw(_("Attribute value {0} for attribute {1} must be within range of {2} to {3} and in increments of {4}")
.format(args[d], d, values.from_range, values.to_range, values.increment))
if args[d] not in attributes.get(d):
frappe.throw(_("Attribute value {0} for attribute {1} does not exist \
in Item Attribute Master.").format(args[d], d))
return find_variant(item, args)
attributes = ""
for d in args:
if conds:
conds+= " and "
attributes+= ", "
def validate_item_variant_attributes(item, args):
attribute_values = {}
for t in frappe.get_all("Item Attribute Value", fields=["parent", "attribute_value"],
filters={"parent": ["in", args.keys()]}):
(attribute_values.setdefault(t.parent, [])).append(t.attribute_value)
conds += """ exists(select from `tabItem Variant Attribute` iv where iv.parent = and
iv.attribute= "{0}" and iv.attribute_value= "{1}")""".format(d, args[d])
attributes += "'{0}'".format(d)
numeric_attributes = [ for t in frappe.get_list("Item Attribute", filters={"numeric_values":1,
"parent": ["in", args.keys()]})]
conds += """and not exists (select from `tabItem Variant Attribute` iv where iv.parent = and
iv.attribute not in ({0}))""".format(attributes)
template_item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item)
template_item_attributes = frappe._dict((d.attribute, d) for d in template_item.attributes)
variant= frappe.db.sql("""select from tabItem i where {0}""".format(conds))
return variant
for attribute, value in args.items():
if attribute in numeric_attributes:
template_attribute = template_item_attributes[attribute]
if template_attribute.increment == 0:
# defensive validation to prevent ZeroDivisionError
frappe.throw(_("Increment for Attribute {0} cannot be 0").format(attribute))
from_range = template_attribute.from_range
to_range = template_attribute.to_range
increment = template_attribute.increment
if not ( (from_range <= flt(value) <= to_range) and (flt(value) - from_range) % increment == 0 ):
frappe.throw(_("Value for Attribute {0} must be within the range of {1} to {2} in the increments of {3}").format(attribute, from_range, to_range, increment))
elif value not in attribute_values[attribute]:
frappe.throw(_("Value {0} for Attribute {1} does not exist in the list of valid Item Attribute Values").format(
value, attribute))
def find_variant(item, args):
conditions = ["""(iv_attribute.attribute="{0}" and iv_attribute.attribute_value="{1}")"""\
.format(frappe.db.escape(key), frappe.db.escape(value)) for key, value in args.items()]
conditions = " or ".join(conditions)
# use approximate match and shortlist possible variant matches
# it is approximate because we are matching using OR condition
# and it need not be exact match at this stage
# this uses a simpler query instead of using multiple exists conditions
possible_variants = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabItem` item
where variant_of=%s and exists (
select name from `tabItem Variant Attribute` iv_attribute
and ({conditions})
)""".format(conditions=conditions), item)
for variant in possible_variants:
variant = frappe.get_doc("Item", variant)
if len(args.keys()) == len(variant.get("attributes")):
# has the same number of attributes and values
# assuming no duplication as per the validation in Item
match_count = 0
for attribute, value in args.items():
for row in variant.attributes:
if row.attribute==attribute and row.attribute_value==value:
# this row matches
match_count += 1
if match_count == len(args.keys()):
def create_variant(item, param):

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import unittest
import frappe
from frappe.test_runner import make_test_records
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import WarehouseNotSet, ItemTemplateCannotHaveStock, create_variant
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import WarehouseNotSet, ItemTemplateCannotHaveStock, create_variant, ItemVariantExistsError
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
test_ignore = ["BOM"]
@ -98,13 +98,22 @@ class TestItem(unittest.TestCase):
for key, value in to_check.iteritems():
self.assertEquals(value, details.get(key))
def test_make_item_variant(self):
if not frappe.db.exists("Item", "_Test Variant Item-S"):
variant = create_variant("_Test Variant Item", """{"Test Size": "Small"}""")
variant.item_code = "_Test Variant Item-S"
variant.item_name = "_Test Variant Item-S"
if frappe.db.exists("Item", "_Test Variant Item-L"):
frappe.delete_doc("Item", "_Test Variant Item-L")
frappe.delete_doc("Item", "_Test Variant Item-L2")
variant = create_variant("_Test Variant Item", """{"Test Size": "Large"}""")
variant.item_code = "_Test Variant Item-L"
variant.item_name = "_Test Variant Item-L"
# doing it again should raise error
variant = create_variant("_Test Variant Item", """{"Test Size": "Large"}""")
variant.item_code = "_Test Variant Item-L2"
variant.item_name = "_Test Variant Item-L2"
def make_item_variant():
if not frappe.db.exists("Item", "_Test Variant Item-S"):

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@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ class ItemAttribute(Document):
if self.numeric_values:
self.set("item_attribute_values", [])
if not self.from_range or not self.to_range:
frappe.throw(_("Please specify from/to Range"))
frappe.throw(_("Please specify from/to range"))
elif self.from_range > self.to_range:
frappe.throw(_("From Range cannot be greater than to Range"))
if not self.increment:
frappe.throw(_("Increment cannot be 0"))
self.from_range = self.to_range = self.increment = 0