diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 07dc1c7760..0f916629aa 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the \"Account Manager\" only.",
"Account Details",
"Is PL Account",
+ "Allow Negative Balance",
"Rate at which this tax is applied",
"Credit Limit",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/ar-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/ar-doc.json
index f3bd0e65e7..a88ef34743 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
"Account Type": "\u0646\u0648\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
"Accounts": "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "\u062a\u0633\u0645\u062d \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0635\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0628\u064a",
"Bank or Cash": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0643 \u0623\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0642\u062f\u064a\u0629",
"Chargeable": "\u062a\u062d\u0645\u0644",
"Company": "\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/es-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/es-doc.json
index 763d89dad2..7f66ddeef4 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "Nombre de la cuenta",
"Account Type": "Tipo de Cuenta",
"Accounts": "Cuentas",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Permitir balance negativo",
"Bank or Cash": "Banco o Caja",
"Chargeable": "Cobrable",
"Company": "Empresa",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/fr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/fr-doc.json
index dda5eded6a..b598fafa58 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "Nom du compte",
"Account Type": "Type de compte",
"Accounts": "Comptes",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Laissez solde n\u00e9gatif",
"Bank or Cash": "Bancaire ou en esp\u00e8ces",
"Chargeable": "\u00c0 la charge",
"Company": "Entreprise",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hi-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hi-doc.json
index ce443055d9..7a609c472e 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "\u0916\u093e\u0924\u0947 \u0915\u093e \u0928\u093e\u092e",
"Account Type": "\u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930",
"Accounts": "\u0932\u0947\u0916\u093e",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "\u090b\u0923\u093e\u0924\u094d\u092e\u0915 \u0936\u0947\u0937 \u0915\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0926\u0947\u0902",
"Bank or Cash": "\u092c\u0948\u0902\u0915 \u092f\u093e \u0915\u0948\u0936",
"Chargeable": "\u092a\u094d\u0930\u092d\u093e\u0930\u094d\u092f",
"Company": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5b1cc81f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Account Details": "Account Details",
+ "Account Name": "Naziv ra\u010duna",
+ "Account Type": "Vrsta ra\u010duna",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Dopustite negativan saldo",
+ "Bank or Cash": "Banka ili gotovina",
+ "Chargeable": "Naplativ",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Credit Days": "Kreditne Dani",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditni limit",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Debit or Credit": "Itnim",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Expense Account": "Rashodi ra\u010dun",
+ "Fixed Asset Account": "Dugotrajne imovine ra\u010dun",
+ "Frozen": "Zale\u0111eni",
+ "Group": "Grupa",
+ "Group or Ledger": "Grupa ili knjiga",
+ "Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "\u0160efovi (ili skupine) protiv kojih Ra\u010dunovodstvo upisi su izra\u0111ene i sredstva su odr\u017eavani.",
+ "If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the \"Account Manager\" only.": "Ako je ra\u010dun zamrznut, unosi su dozvoljeni za "Account Manager" jedini.",
+ "If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here.": "Ako se to ra\u010duna predstavlja kupac, dobavlja\u010d ili zaposlenik, postavite ga ovdje.",
+ "Income Account": "Prihodi ra\u010dun",
+ "Is PL Account": "Je PL ra\u010dun",
+ "Ledger": "Glavna knjiga",
+ "Level": "Nivo",
+ "Lft": "LFT",
+ "Master Name": "U\u010ditelj Ime",
+ "Master Type": "Majstor Tip",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Old Parent": "Stari Roditelj",
+ "Parent Account": "Roditelj ra\u010dun",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Rate at which this tax is applied": "Stopa po kojoj je taj porez se primjenjuje",
+ "Rgt": "Usta\u0161a",
+ "Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.": "Postavljanje Vrsta ra\u010duna poma\u017ee u odabiru ovaj ra\u010dun u prometu.",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Tax": "Porez",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/nl-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/nl-doc.json
index baa105f9e8..3b33baee77 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "Accountnaam",
"Account Type": "Account Type",
"Accounts": "Accounts",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Laat negatief saldo",
"Bank or Cash": "Bank of Cash",
"Chargeable": "Oplaadbare",
"Company": "Vennootschap",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/pt-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/pt-doc.json
index 126606290c..598980a999 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"Account Name": "Nome da conta",
"Account Type": "Tipo de conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Permitir saldo negativo",
"Bank or Cash": "Banco ou Caixa",
"Chargeable": "Imput\u00e1vel",
"Company": "Companhia",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56d77b25fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Bank Account": "\u017diro ra\u010dun",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Banka pomirenje",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Entries": "Prijave",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Get Non Reconciled Entries": "Get Non pomirio tekstova",
+ "Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.": "Odaberite ra\u010dun \u0161efa banke gdje je \u010dek bio pohranjen.",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Update Clearance Date": "A\u017eurirajte provjeri datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d47be86946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Against Account": "Protiv ra\u010duna",
+ "Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Banka Pomirenje Detalj",
+ "Cheque Date": "\u010cek Datum",
+ "Cheque Number": "\u010cek Broj",
+ "Clearance Date": "Razmak Datum",
+ "Credit": "Kredit",
+ "Debit": "Zadu\u017eenje",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.",
+ "Voucher ID": "Bon ID"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..941f7ce6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Budget Control": "Prora\u010dun kontrola"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4a61acb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Actual": "Stvaran",
+ "Budget Allocated": "Prora\u010dun Dodijeljeni",
+ "Budget Detail": "Prora\u010dun Detalj",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..752f9488d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**": "Prora\u010dun ** Distribucija ** vam poma\u017ee distribuirati svoj prora\u010dun preko mjeseca, ako imate sezonalnost u va\u0161em business.To distribuirati prora\u010dun koriste\u0107i ovu distribuciju, postavite ovu ** Budget Distribution ** u ** tro\u0161ka **",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Prora\u010dun Distribucija",
+ "Budget Distribution Details": "Prora\u010dun raspodjele Detalji",
+ "Distribution Name": "Distribucija Ime",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Name of the Budget Distribution": "Ime distribucije prora\u010duna",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad99902d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Budget Distribution Detail": "Prora\u010dun Distribucija Detalj",
+ "Month": "Mjesec",
+ "Percentage Allocation": "Postotak Raspodjela"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e61235956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "C-FORM/": "C-FORM /",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "C-Form No": "C-Obrazac br",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "I": "Ja",
+ "II": "II",
+ "III": "III",
+ "IV": "IV",
+ "Invoice Details": "Pojedinosti dostavnice",
+ "Quarter": "\u010cetvrtina",
+ "Received Date": "Datum pozicija",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "State": "Dr\u017eava",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Total Invoiced Amount": "Ukupno Iznos dostavnice"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbddec5936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Obrazac Ra\u010dun Detalj",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Invoice Date": "Ra\u010dun Datum",
+ "Invoice No": "Ra\u010dun br",
+ "Net Total": "Neto Ukupno",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a5075f096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts.": "Dodavanje redaka postaviti godi\u0161nje prora\u010dune na ra\u010dunima.",
+ "Budget": "Bud\u017eet",
+ "Budget Details": "Prora\u010dunski Detalji",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Cost Center Details": "Tro\u0161ka Detalji",
+ "Cost Center Name": "Tro\u0161ka Name",
+ "Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see Company Master": "Odredite prora\u010dun za ovu tro\u0161ka. Da biste postavili prora\u010duna akciju, vidi Tvrtka Master",
+ "Distribution Id": "Distribucija Id",
+ "Group": "Grupa",
+ "Group or Ledger": "Grupa ili knjiga",
+ "Ledger": "Glavna knjiga",
+ "Parent Cost Center": "Roditelj tro\u0161ka",
+ "Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.": "Odaberite Budget Distribution, ako \u017eelite pratiti na temelju sezonalnosti.",
+ "Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Pratite posebnu prihodi i rashodi za proizvode vertikalama ili podjele.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "lft": "LFT",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "usta\u0161a"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84fcc41cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "Fiskalna godina ** ** predstavlja financijsku godinu. Svi ra\u010dunovodstvene unose i druge glavne transakcije su pra\u0107eni od ** fiskalnu godinu **.",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed.": "Prijave nisu dozvoljeni protiv ove fiskalne godine, ako se godina zatvoren.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Fiscal Year Details": "Fiskalna godina Detalji",
+ "For e.g. 2012, 2012-13": "Za npr. 2012, 2012-13",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Year Closed": "Godina Zatvoreno",
+ "Year Name": "Godina Ime",
+ "Year Start Date": "Godina Datum po\u010detka",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3ce50946b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ " is now the default Fiscal Year. \\\t\t\tPlease refresh your browser for the change to take effect.": "Sada je zadana Fiskalna godina. \\ Osvje\u017eite svoj preglednik za promjene stupiti na snagu."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7bfed9bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "GL Control",
+ "Accounts"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/ar-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/ar-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..779b94f3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a",
+ "GL Control": "GL \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0643\u0645"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/es-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/es-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7a8eeecfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Cuentas",
+ "GL Control": "GL control"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/fr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/fr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7d3b17235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Comptes",
+ "GL Control": "GL contr\u00f4le"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hi-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hi-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab677fae45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "\u0932\u0947\u0916\u093e",
+ "GL Control": "\u091c\u0940\u090f\u0932 \u0928\u093f\u092f\u0902\u0924\u094d\u0930\u0923"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd9e5bfd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "GL Control": "GL kontrola"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/nl-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/nl-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af964d5dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Accounts",
+ "GL Control": "GL Controle"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/pt-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/pt-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bac28e175c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Contas",
+ "GL Control": "GL Controle"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_js.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9601ce023f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ",
+ " does not belong to the company: ",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ",
+ " will become ",
+ "Account: ",
+ " is not active",
+ " is not a ledger",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/ar-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5913adce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "\u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0646\u062a\u0645\u064a \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "\u0648\u0642\u062f \u062c\u0645\u062f\u062a. \\ \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0641\u0642\u0637 \u0625\u062f\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0642\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0627\u0645\u0644\u0629 \u0636\u062f \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "\u0625\u0644\u0632\u0627\u0645\u064a \u0644\u062f\u062e\u0648\u0644 GL",
+ " is not a ledger": "\u0644\u064a\u0633 \u062f\u0641\u062a\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0630",
+ " is not active": "\u063a\u064a\u0631 \u0646\u0634\u0637",
+ " will become ": "\u0633\u0648\u0641 \u062a\u0635\u0628\u062d",
+ "Account: ": "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "\u064a\u062c\u0628 \u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0645\u0631\u0643\u0632 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0643\u0644\u0641\u0629 \u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628 PL:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "\u0644\u0641\u062a\u062d \u0631\u0635\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628 \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u062e\u0648\u0644 \u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628 PL",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "GL \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0634\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0643: \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0626\u062a\u0645\u0627\u0646 \u0623\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u062d\u0628 \u0645\u0628\u0644\u063a \u0625\u0644\u0632\u0627\u0645\u064a \u0644\u0644",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "\u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0633\u0645\u062d \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0635\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0628\u064a \u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "\u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0642\u0629 \u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0641\u0631. \\ \u0627\u0644\u0631\u062c\u0627\u0621 \u062a\u0637\u0627\u0628\u0642 \u062a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0642\u0629.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0642\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0642\u0633\u064a\u0645\u0629",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "\u063a\u064a\u0631 \u0645\u0635\u0631\u062d \u0644\u0643 \u0623\u0646 \u062a\u0641\u0639\u0644 / \u062a\u0639\u062f\u064a\u0644 \u0645\u0631\u0629 \u0623\u062e\u0631\u0649 \u0645\u0624\u0631\u062e\u0629 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0645\u0642\u0627\u0644\u0627\u062a"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/es-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6731667fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "no pertenece a la empresa:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "ha sido congelado. \\ S\u00f3lo Administrador de cuentas puede hacer en contra de esta transacci\u00f3n cuenta",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "Es obligatorio para la entrada GL",
+ " is not a ledger": "no es un libro de contabilidad",
+ " is not active": "no est\u00e1 activa",
+ " will become ": "se convertir\u00e1",
+ "Account: ": "Cuenta:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "Centro de costos se debe especificar para la Cuenta PL:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "Para la apertura de cuenta saldo entrada no puede ser una cuenta de PL",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "Entrada GL: cantidad de d\u00e9bito o cr\u00e9dito es obligatoria para",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "Saldo negativo no se permite para la cuenta",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "Pendiente no puede ser menor que cero. \\ Por favor, destacado partido exacto.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "Destaca por Bono",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "Usted no est\u00e1 autorizado a hacer / modificar de nuevo las entradas de fecha anterior"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/fr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7990a05e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "n'appartient pas \u00e0 l'entreprise:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "a \u00e9t\u00e9 gel\u00e9. \\ Seul Accounts Manager peut faire contre cette transaction compte",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "est obligatoire pour l'entr\u00e9e GL",
+ " is not a ledger": "n'est pas un livre",
+ " is not active": "n'est pas actif",
+ " will become ": "deviendra",
+ "Account: ": "Compte:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "Centre de co\u00fbts doivent \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9s pour compte PL:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "Pour ouvrir inscription en compte l'\u00e9quilibre ne peut pas \u00eatre un compte de PL",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "Entr\u00e9e GL: quantit\u00e9 de d\u00e9bit ou de cr\u00e9dit est obligatoire pour",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "Solde n\u00e9gatif n'est pas autoris\u00e9 pour le compte",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "Exceptionnelle ne peut pas \u00eatre inf\u00e9rieur \u00e0 z\u00e9ro. \\ S'il vous pla\u00eet correspondre exacte exceptionnelle.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "Bon exceptionnelle pour",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "Vous n'\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 faire / modifier les entr\u00e9es dat\u00e9es de retour avant"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hi-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa911d796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940 \u0938\u0947 \u0938\u0902\u092c\u0902\u0927\u093f\u0924 \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "freezed \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u0917\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948. \u0915\u0947\u0935\u0932 \\ \u0932\u0947\u0916\u093e \u092a\u094d\u0930\u092c\u0902\u0927\u0915 \u0907\u0938 \u0916\u093e\u0924\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0916\u093f\u0932\u093e\u092b \u0932\u0947\u0928 - \u0926\u0947\u0928 \u0915\u0930 \u0938\u0915\u0924\u0947 \u0939\u0948\u0902",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "\u091c\u0940\u090f\u0932 \u090f\u0902\u091f\u094d\u0930\u0940 \u0915\u0930\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0928\u093f\u0935\u093e\u0930\u094d\u092f \u0939\u0948",
+ " is not a ledger": "\u090f\u0915 \u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948",
+ " is not active": "\u0938\u0915\u094d\u0930\u093f\u092f \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948",
+ " will become ": "\u0939\u094b \u091c\u093e\u090f\u0917\u093e",
+ "Account: ": "\u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "\u0932\u093e\u0917\u0924 \u0915\u0947\u0902\u0926\u094d\u0930 PL \u0916\u093e\u0924\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0928\u093f\u0930\u094d\u0926\u093f\u0937\u094d\u091f \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u091c\u093e\u0928\u093e \u091a\u093e\u0939\u093f\u090f:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "\u0938\u0902\u0924\u0941\u0932\u0928 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0935\u093f\u0937\u094d\u091f\u093f \u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0916\u094b\u0932\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u090f\u0915 pl \u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u094b \u0938\u0915\u0924\u093e",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "\u091c\u0940\u090f\u0932 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0935\u0947\u0936: \u0921\u0947\u092c\u093f\u091f \u092f\u093e \u0915\u094d\u0930\u0947\u0921\u093f\u091f \u0915\u0940 \u0930\u093e\u0936\u093f \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0928\u093f\u0935\u093e\u0930\u094d\u092f \u0939\u0948",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "\u0928\u0915\u093e\u0930\u093e\u0924\u094d\u092e\u0915 \u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0936\u0947\u0937 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "\u092c\u0915\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0936\u0942\u0928\u094d\u092f \u0938\u0947 \u0915\u092e \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u094b \u0938\u0915\u0924\u093e. \\ \u092c\u0915\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0938\u091f\u0940\u0915 \u092e\u0948\u091a.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "\u0935\u093e\u0909\u091a\u0930 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u092c\u0915\u093e\u092f\u093e",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "/ \u0935\u093e\u092a\u0938 \u092a\u0939\u0932\u0947 \u0926\u093f\u0928\u093e\u0902\u0915\u093f\u0924 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0935\u093f\u0937\u094d\u091f\u093f\u092f\u094b\u0902 \u0915\u094b \u0938\u0902\u0936\u094b\u0927\u093f\u0924 \u0915\u0930\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0927\u093f\u0915\u0943\u0924 \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948\u0902"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a79f03679e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Against": "Protiv",
+ "Against Voucher": "Protiv Voucheru",
+ "Against Voucher Type": "Protiv voucher vrsti",
+ "Aging Date": "Starenje Datum",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Credit Amt": "Kreditne Amt",
+ "Debit Amt": "Rashodi Amt",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "GL Entry": "GL Stupanje",
+ "Is Advance": "Je Predujam",
+ "Is Cancelled": "Je Otkazan",
+ "Is Opening": "Je Otvaranje",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transakcija Datum",
+ "Voucher No": "Bon Ne",
+ "Voucher Type": "Bon Tip",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9e5724734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "ne pripadaju tvrtki:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "je freezed. \\ Samo ra\u010duni vlasnici mogu u\u010diniti transakciju protiv tog ra\u010duna",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "je obvezna za upis GL",
+ " is not a ledger": "nije knjiga",
+ " is not active": "nije aktivan",
+ " will become ": "\u0107e postati",
+ "Account: ": "Ra\u010dun:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "Tro\u0161ka mora biti naveden za PL ra\u010duna:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "Za otvaranje ra\u010duna bilance ulaz ne mo\u017ee biti PL ra\u010dun",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "GL Stupanje: itnim iznos je obavezna za",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "Negativna bilanca nije dopu\u0161teno za ra\u010dun",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "Izvanredna ne mo\u017ee biti manja od nule. \\ Molimo odgovarati to\u010dno izvanredan.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "Izvanredna za Voucheru",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "Niste ovla\u0161teni da ne / mijenjati natrag datirane unose prije"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/nl-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16827ade21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "behoort niet tot de onderneming:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "is bevroren. \\ Accounts Manager kan doen transactie tegen deze account",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "is verplicht voor GL Entry",
+ " is not a ledger": "is niet een grootboek",
+ " is not active": "niet actief",
+ " will become ": "zal",
+ "Account: ": "Account:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "Kostenplaats moet worden opgegeven voor PL Account:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "Voor openingsbalans toegang account kan niet worden een PL rekening",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "GL Entry: Debet of Credit bedrag is verplicht voor",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "Negatief saldo is niet toegestaan \u200b\u200bvoor rekening",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "Outstanding kan niet lager zijn dan nul. \\ Gelieve overeenkomen met de exacte uitstekend.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "Uitstekend voor Voucher",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "U bent niet gemachtigd om / niets veranderen aan terug gedateerde gegevens voor het"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/pt-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fa2068cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ " does not belong to the company: ": "n\u00e3o pertence \u00e0 empresa:",
+ " has been freezed. \\\t\t\t\tOnly Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account": "foi congelado. \\ Apenas Gerente de Contas pode fazer transa\u00e7\u00e3o contra essa conta",
+ " is mandatory for GL Entry": "\u00e9 obrigat\u00f3ria para a entrada GL",
+ " is not a ledger": "n\u00e3o \u00e9 um livro",
+ " is not active": "n\u00e3o est\u00e1 ativo",
+ " will become ": "ficar\u00e1",
+ "Account: ": "Conta:",
+ "Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ": "Centro de custos deve ser especificado para Conta PL:",
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "Para a abertura de conta de entrada saldo n\u00e3o pode ser uma conta de PL",
+ "GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ": "GL Entrada: montante de cr\u00e9dito ou d\u00e9bito \u00e9 obrigat\u00f3ria para",
+ "Negative balance is not allowed for account ": "Saldo negativo n\u00e3o \u00e9 permitido por conta",
+ "Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \\\t\t\t\t \tPlease match exact outstanding.": "Excelente n\u00e3o pode ser menor que zero. \\ Por favor correspond\u00eancia exata excelente.",
+ "Outstanding for Voucher ": "Destaque para Vale",
+ "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o est\u00e1 autorizado a fazer / modificar volta entradas datadas antes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68a7afb8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Accounts Payable": "Ra\u010duni naplativo",
+ "Accounts Receivable": "Potra\u017eivanja",
+ "Aging Date": "Starenje Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Bank Voucher": "Banka bon",
+ "Bill Date": "Bill Datum",
+ "Bill No": "Bill Ne",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cash Voucher": "Novac bon",
+ "Clearance Date": "Razmak Datum",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contra Voucher": "Contra bon",
+ "Credit Card Voucher": "Kreditne kartice bon",
+ "Credit Note": "Kreditne Napomena",
+ "Debit Note": "Rashodi Napomena",
+ "Difference": "Razlika",
+ "Due Date": "Datum dospije\u0107a",
+ "Entries": "Prijave",
+ "Excise Voucher": "Tro\u0161arina bon",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "For opening invoice entry, this date will reflect in the period-wise aging report.": "Za otvaranje ra\u010duna ulazak, ovaj datum \u0107e se odraziti na razdoblje-mudar starenja izvje\u0161\u0107u.",
+ "Get Outstanding Invoices": "Nabavite nepla\u0107ene ra\u010dune",
+ "Is Opening": "Je Otvaranje",
+ "JV": "JV",
+ "Journal Entries": "\u010casopis upisi",
+ "Journal Entry": "\u010casopis Stupanje",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Make Difference Entry": "\u010cine razliku Entry",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Pay To / Recd From": "Platiti Da / RecD Od",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje",
+ "Reference Date": "Referentni datum",
+ "Reference Number": "Referentni broj",
+ "Remark": "Primjedba",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Total Amount in Words": "Ukupan iznos u rije\u010di",
+ "Total Credit": "Ukupna kreditna",
+ "Total Debit": "Ukupno zadu\u017eenje",
+ "User Remark": "Upute Zabilje\u0161ka",
+ "User Remark will be added to Auto Remark": "Upute Napomena \u0107e biti dodan Auto Napomena",
+ "Voucher Type": "Bon Tip",
+ "Write Off Amount <=": "Otpis Iznos <=",
+ "Write Off Based On": "Otpis na temelju",
+ "Write Off Voucher": "Napi\u0161ite Off bon",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "eg. Cheque Number": "npr.. \u010cek Broj"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c74556f032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Account Balance": "Stanje ra\u010duna",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Against Account": "Protiv ra\u010duna",
+ "Against Journal Voucher": "Protiv Journal Voucheru",
+ "Against Purchase Invoice": "Protiv Kupnja fakture",
+ "Against Sales Invoice": "Protiv prodaje fakture",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Credit": "Kredit",
+ "Debit": "Zadu\u017eenje",
+ "Is Advance": "Je Predujam",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail": "\u010casopis bon Detalj",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3245428b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "MIS Control": "MIS kontrola"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ac03c1493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Default Account": "Zadani ra\u010dun",
+ "Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected.": "Zadani banka / Nov\u010dani ra\u010dun \u0107e se automatski a\u017euriraju u POS ra\u010dunu, kada je ovaj mod odabran.",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Na\u010din pla\u0107anja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76c520c0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Multi knjiga Izvje\u0161\u0107e Detalj"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
index cd96a13658..c3424251e0 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
"To Date",
"From Date",
+ "Account Type",
"Pull Payment Entries",
- "Company",
+ "Total Amount",
"Journal Voucher",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool",
"Filter By Date",
- "Accounts",
+ "Sales Invoice",
"Purchase Invoice",
- "Voucher Type",
- "Account",
"Amount >=",
+ "Account",
+ "Voucher Type",
"Amount <=",
"Outstanding Amount",
"Payment Entries",
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
"Help HTML",
"Voucher No",
"Filter By Amount",
- "Sales Invoice",
- "Total Amount",
+ "Accounts",
+ "Company",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/ar-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/ar-doc.json
index 52a272d7b3..b131d058ae 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
+ "Account Type": "\u0646\u0648\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628",
"Accounts": "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a",
"Allocate": "\u062a\u062e\u0635\u064a\u0635",
"Amount <=": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0628\u0644\u063a <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/es-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/es-doc.json
index 7de6e42c67..029b4eee6e 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "Cuenta",
+ "Account Type": "Tipo de Cuenta",
"Accounts": "Cuentas",
"Allocate": "Asignar",
"Amount <=": "Importe <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/fr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/fr-doc.json
index 68631415c2..307788e730 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "Compte",
+ "Account Type": "Type de compte",
"Accounts": "Comptes",
"Allocate": "Allouer",
"Amount <=": "Montant <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hi-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hi-doc.json
index b137b0ff1a..81a2d22c74 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "\u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e",
+ "Account Type": "\u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930",
"Accounts": "\u0932\u0947\u0916\u093e",
"Allocate": "\u0906\u0935\u0902\u091f\u093f\u0924",
"Amount <=": "\u0930\u093e\u0936\u093f <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9090b1758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Account Type": "Vrsta ra\u010duna",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Allocate": "Dodijeliti",
+ "Amount <=": "Iznos <=",
+ "Amount >=": "Iznos> =",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Filter By Amount": "Filtriraj po visini",
+ "Filter By Date": "Filter By Date",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Help HTML": "Pomo\u0107 HTML",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Izvanredna Iznos",
+ "Payment Entries": "Pla\u0107anja upisi",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Pla\u0107anje fakture podudaranje alat",
+ "Pull Payment Entries": "Povucite pla\u0107anja tekstova",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Update allocated amount in the above table and then click \"Allocate\" button": "A\u017eurirajte dodijeljeni iznos u gornjoj tablici, a zatim kliknite na "alocirati" gumb",
+ "Voucher No": "Bon Ne",
+ "Voucher Type": "Bon Tip"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/nl-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/nl-doc.json
index 44644c5c45..babc9f0c28 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "Rekening",
+ "Account Type": "Account Type",
"Accounts": "Accounts",
"Allocate": "Toewijzen",
"Amount <=": "Bedrag <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/pt-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/pt-doc.json
index b65a44fa94..71bf5634b3 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Account": "Conta",
+ "Account Type": "Tipo de conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Allocate": "Distribuir",
"Amount <=": "Quantidade <=",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d43d16730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Against Account": "Protiv ra\u010duna",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Dodijeljeni iznos",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Pla\u0107anje fakture podudaranje alat Detalj",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Unmatched Amount": "Nenadma\u0161an Iznos",
+ "Voucher Detail No": "Bon Detalj Ne",
+ "Voucher No": "Bon Ne"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e027f84c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Closing Account Head": "Zatvaranje ra\u010duna \u0161efa",
+ "Closing Fiscal Year": "Zatvaranje Fiskalna godina",
+ "CoA Help": "CoA Pomo\u0107",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Razdoblje Zatvaranje bon",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transakcija Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09e3520664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Cash/Bank Account": "Novac / bankovni ra\u010dun",
+ "Charge": "Naboj",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Stopa konverzije",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Customer Account": "Kupac ra\u010dun",
+ "Income Account": "Prihodi ra\u010dun",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "POS Setting": "POS Pode\u0161avanje",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "User": "Korisnik",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_js.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fe30deff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/ar-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59088009d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u062c\u0627\u0621 \u0625\u062f\u062e\u0627\u0644 \u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e \u0628\u064a\u0644"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/es-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa8678302a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "Por favor introduzca la fecha de facturaci\u00f3n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/fr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aa0d27896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "S'il vous pla\u00eet entrer la date du projet de loi"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hi-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0505149f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "\u092c\u093f\u0932 \u0915\u0940 \u0924\u093e\u0930\u0940\u0916 \u0926\u0930\u094d\u091c \u0915\u0930\u0947\u0902"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ce0a1f97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Add / Edit Taxes and Charges": "Dodaj / Uredi poreza i pristojbi",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Advances": "Napredak",
+ "Against Expense Account": "Protiv Rashodi ra\u010dun",
+ "Aging Date": "Starenje Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "BILL": "Bill",
+ "Bill Date": "Bill Datum",
+ "Bill No": "Bill Ne",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Izra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Razmislite ovom cjeniku za dobavljanje stopu. (Samo \u0161to su "Za kupnju" kao provjereni)",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Credit To": "Kreditne Da",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Currency & Price List": "Valuta & Cjenik",
+ "Due Date": "Datum dospije\u0107a",
+ "Entries": "Prijave",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Te\u010daj",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Advances Paid": "Nabavite pla\u0107enim avansima",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Nabavite poreza Detalj",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Sveukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "If not applicable please enter: NA": "Ako ne odnosi unesite: NA",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words (Import)": "U rije\u010di (Uvoz)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite ulazne fakture.",
+ "Is Opening": "Je Otvaranje",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Na\u010din pla\u0107anja",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Net Total": "Neto Ukupno",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Neto Ukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Izvanredna Iznos",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Cjenik te\u010dajna",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advances": "Kupnja fakture Napredak",
+ "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Ra\u010dun kupnje",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Recalculate": "Prera\u010dunati",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Select Items from Purchase Order": "Odaberite artikle iz narud\u017ebenice",
+ "Select Items from Purchase Receipt": "Odaberite artikle iz kupnje primitka",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier Address": "Dobavlja\u010d Adresa",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Obra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Taxes": "Porezi",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Porezi i naknade Dodano",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Dodano (Uvoz)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Porezi i naknade oduzeti",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Umanjenja (Uvoz)",
+ "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "Ra\u010duna na koji \u0107ete uplatiti (platio) novac.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.",
+ "The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Bill valuta pretvara u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Advance": "Ukupno Predujam",
+ "Total Amount To Pay": "Ukupan iznos platiti",
+ "Total Tax": "Ukupno poreza",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Ho\u0107e li biti izra\u010dunata automatski kada unesete podatke",
+ "Write Off Account": "Napi\u0161ite Off ra\u010dun",
+ "Write Off Amount": "Napi\u0161ite pau\u0161alni iznos",
+ "Write Off Cost Center": "Otpis tro\u0161ka",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8548024102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "Unesite Bill Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/nl-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd447eebcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "Vul Bill Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/pt-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ce4f3b4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "Por favor insira Data Bill"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a43c247e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Advance Amount": "Predujam Iznos",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Dodijeljeni iznos",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail No": "\u010casopis bon Detalj Ne",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advance": "Kupnja fakture Predujam",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index d2e0da073a..5cde9d3397 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges",
+ "Item Tax Amount",
"Purchase Order Item",
"Page Break"
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/ar-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/ar-doc.json
index d8f7cde3e1..93bccd4d60 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "\u0628\u0646\u062f",
"Item Group": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062c\u0645\u0648\u0639\u0629",
"Item Name": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u0645",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0636\u0631\u064a\u0628\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0628\u0644\u063a",
"Item Tax Rate": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0636\u0631\u064a\u0628\u0629",
"PR Detail": "PR \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0641\u0627\u0635\u064a\u0644",
"Page Break": "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0641\u062d\u0629 \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0631\u0627\u062d\u0629",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/es-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/es-doc.json
index 9e269d0f76..4cdbc4b2be 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "Art\u00edculo",
"Item Group": "Grupo de art\u00edculos",
"Item Name": "Nombre del elemento",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Art\u00edculo Cantidad Impuestos",
"Item Tax Rate": "Art\u00edculo Tasa Impositiva",
"PR Detail": "PR Detalle",
"Page Break": "Salto de p\u00e1gina",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/fr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/fr-doc.json
index 0ab1865b32..f8fd2aa6ab 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "Article",
"Item Group": "Groupe d'\u00e9l\u00e9ments",
"Item Name": "Nom d'article",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Taxes article",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taux d'imposition article",
"PR Detail": "D\u00e9tail PR",
"Page Break": "Saut de page",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hi-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hi-doc.json
index 33457e43cf..fea19dad1c 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "\u092e\u0926",
"Item Group": "\u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e \u0938\u092e\u0942\u0939",
"Item Name": "\u092e\u0926 \u0915\u093e \u0928\u093e\u092e",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "\u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e \u0915\u0930 \u0930\u093e\u0936\u093f",
"Item Tax Rate": "\u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e \u0915\u0930 \u0915\u0940 \u0926\u0930",
"PR Detail": "\u092a\u0940\u0906\u0930 \u0935\u093f\u0938\u094d\u0924\u093e\u0930",
"Page Break": "\u092a\u0943\u0937\u094d\u0920\u093e\u0924\u0930",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d8a2a0c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount %": "Popust%",
+ "Expense Head": "Rashodi voditelj",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Stavka Iznos poreza",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "PR Detail": "PR Detalj",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Pur Order": "Pur Naru\u010di",
+ "Pur Receipt": "Pur Potvrda",
+ "Purchase Invoice Item": "Kupnja fakture predmet",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Narud\u017ebenica predmet",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "Rate ": "Stopa",
+ "Rate*": "Ocijeni *",
+ "Ref Rate ": "Ref. Stopa",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref. Ocijeni *",
+ "Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Porezna detalj stol preuzeta iz to\u010dke majstora kao string i pohranjeni u to field.Used za poreze i pristojbe",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/nl-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/nl-doc.json
index 2b9e37ebe8..0d0eb3babf 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "Item",
"Item Group": "Item Group",
"Item Name": "Naam van het punt",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Item BTW-bedrag",
"Item Tax Rate": "Item Belastingtarief",
"PR Detail": "PR Detail",
"Page Break": "Pagina-einde",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/pt-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/pt-doc.json
index 7f44364b49..9c98ede1e3 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Item": "Item",
"Item Group": "Grupo Item",
"Item Name": "Nome do item",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Valor do imposto item",
"Item Tax Rate": "Taxa de Imposto item",
"PR Detail": "Detalhe PR",
"Page Break": "Quebra de p\u00e1gina",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..099f5d8e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Account Head": "Ra\u010dun voditelj",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Actual": "Stvaran",
+ "Add": "Dodati",
+ "Add or Deduct": "Dodavanje ili Oduzmite",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Cheating FieldPlease do not delete ": "Varanje FieldPlease ne brisati",
+ "Consider Tax or Charge for": "Razmislite poreza ili pristojbi za",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Deduct": "Odbiti",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Enter Row": "Unesite Row",
+ "Item Wise Tax Detail ": "Stavka Wise Porezna Detalj",
+ "On Net Total": "Na Net Total",
+ "On Previous Row Amount": "Na prethodnu Row visini",
+ "On Previous Row Total": "Na prethodni redak Ukupno",
+ "Parenttype": "Parenttype",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Tax Amount": "Iznos poreza",
+ "Total": "Ukupan",
+ "Total +Tax": "Ukupno + Porezna",
+ "Type": "Vrsta",
+ "Valuation": "Procjena",
+ "Valuation and Total": "Vrednovanje i Total"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9d023e259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Default": "Zadani",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.": "Standardni porez predlo\u017eak koji se mogu primijeniti na sve transakcije kupnje. Ovaj predlo\u017eak mo\u017ee sadr\u017eavati popis poreznih glavama i tako\u0111er ostalim tro\u0161kovima glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa mo\u017eete definirati ovdje \u0107e biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** ** . Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju razli\u010dite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u to\u010dki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obra\u010dun Tip: - To mo\u017ee biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez \u0107e se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao \u0161to je spomenuto) 0,2. Ra\u010dun Voditelj: Ra\u010dun knjiga pod kojima taj porez \u0107e biti booked3. Tro\u0161ak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadu\u017een je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv tro\u0161kova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji \u0107e se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" mo\u017eete odabrati broj retka koji \u0107e se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izra\u010dun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Razmislite poreza ili pristojbi za: U ovom dijelu mo\u017eete odrediti ako porez / naknada je samo za vrednovanje (nije dio od ukupnog broja) ili samo za ukupno (ne dodati vrijednost stavke) ili za both.10. Dodavanje ili oduzimamo: \u017eelite li dodati ili odbiti porez.",
+ "Title": "Naslov"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45a1ab3dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Advances": "Napredak",
+ "Advertisement": "Reklama",
+ "Against Income Account": "Protiv ra\u010dunu dohotka",
+ "Aging Date": "Starenje Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Basic Info": "Osnovne informacije",
+ "C-Form Applicable": "C-obrascu",
+ "C-Form No": "C-Obrazac br",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Izra\u010dun poreza i pristojbi",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cash/Bank Account": "Novac / bankovni ra\u010dun",
+ "Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date": "Provjerite je li ponavljaju\u0107i fakture, poni\u0161tite zaustaviti ponavljaju\u0107i ili staviti odgovaraju\u0107i datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Cold Calling": "Hladno pozivanje",
+ "Commission Rate (%)": "Komisija stopa (%)",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Stopa konverzije",
+ "Convert into Recurring Invoice": "Pretvori u Ponavljaju\u0107i fakture",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kupca Prodavatelj",
+ "Debit To": "Rashodi za",
+ "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke",
+ "Due Date": "Datum dospije\u0107a",
+ "End Date": "Datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "End date of current invoice's period": "Kraj datum teku\u0107eg razdoblja dostavnice",
+ "Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date": "Unesite e-mail ID odvojena zarezima, ra\u010dun \u0107e automatski biti poslan na odre\u0111eni datum",
+ "Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice.": "Unesite datum do kojeg isplate kupca se o\u010dekuje protiv ovog ra\u010duna.",
+ "Entries": "Prijave",
+ "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba",
+ "Existing Customer": "Postoje\u0107i Kupac",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Advances Received": "Get Napredak pozicija",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Nabavite porezi i pristojbe",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Grand Total (Export)": "Sveukupno (izvoz)",
+ "Gross Profit": "Ukupan profit",
+ "Gross Profit (%)": "Bruto dobit (%)",
+ "Half-yearly": "Polugodi\u0161nje",
+ "INV": "INV",
+ "INV/10-11/": "INV/10-11 /",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words (Export)": "U rije\u010di (izvoz)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite prodaje fakture.",
+ "Invoice Period From Date": "Ra\u010dun Razdoblje od datuma",
+ "Invoice Period To Date": "Ra\u010dun razdoblju do datuma",
+ "Is Opening": "Je Otvaranje",
+ "Is POS": "Je POS",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Misa mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Na\u010din pla\u0107anja",
+ "Monthly": "Mjese\u010dno",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *",
+ "Next Date": "Sljede\u0107a Datum",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Notification Email Address": "Obavijest E-mail adresa",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Izvanredna Iznos",
+ "Packing Details": "Pakiranje Detalji",
+ "Packing List": "Pakiranje Popis",
+ "Paid Amount": "Pla\u0107eni iznos",
+ "Payments": "Pla\u0107anja",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Posting Time": "Objavljivanje Vrijeme",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Cjenik valuta pretvorbe Stopa",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Cjenik i valuta",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Quarterly": "Tromjese\u010dni",
+ "Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Kupac valuta se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti",
+ "Recurring Id": "Ponavljaju\u0107i Id",
+ "Recurring Invoice": "Ponavljaju\u0107i Ra\u010dun",
+ "Recurring Type": "Ponavljaju\u0107i Tip",
+ "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Repeat on Day of Month": "Ponovite na dan u mjesecu",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "Rounded Total (Export)": "Zaobljeni Ukupno (izvoz)",
+ "Sales BOM Help": "Prodaja BOM Pomo\u0107",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun Predujam",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner",
+ "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team",
+ "Sales Team1": "Prodaja Team1",
+ "Select Items from Delivery Note": "Odaberite artikle iz otpremnici",
+ "Select Items from Sales Order": "Odaberite artikle iz prodajnog naloga",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "Odaberite valutu u kojoj cjenik odr\u017eava",
+ "Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically": "Odaberite razdoblje kada faktura \u0107e biti generiran automatski",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Source": "Izvor",
+ "Start date of current invoice's period": "Po\u010detak datum teku\u0107eg razdoblja dostavnice",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Dobavlja\u010d Referenca",
+ "Taxes and Charges": "Porezi i naknade",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Porezi i naknade Prora\u010dun",
+ "Taxes and Charges1": "Porezi i Charges1",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions Details": "Uvjeti Detalji",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "Ra\u010duna na koji \u0107ete uplatiti (platio) novac.",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.",
+ "The date on which next invoice will be generated. It is generated on submit.": "Datum na koji sljede\u0107i ra\u010dun \u0107e biti generiran. To je generiran na podnijeti.",
+ "The date on which recurring invoice will be stop": "Datum na koji se ponavlja faktura \u0107e se zaustaviti",
+ "The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ": "Dan u mjesecu na koji se automatski ra\u010duna \u0107e biti generiran npr. 05, 28 itd.",
+ "The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices.\u00a0It is generated on submit.": "Jedinstveni ID za pra\u0107enje svih ponavljaju\u0107i fakture. To je generiran na podnijeti.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Advance": "Ukupno Predujam",
+ "Total Commission": "Ukupno komisija",
+ "Total Taxes and Charges": "Ukupno Porezi i naknade",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Track this Sales Invoice against any Project": "Prati ovu Sales fakture protiv bilo Projekta",
+ "Update Stock": "A\u017eurirajte Stock",
+ "Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Ho\u0107e li biti izra\u010dunata automatski kada unesete podatke",
+ "Write Off Account": "Napi\u0161ite Off ra\u010dun",
+ "Write Off Amount": "Napi\u0161ite pau\u0161alni iznos",
+ "Write Off Cost Center": "Otpis tro\u0161ka",
+ "Write Off Outstanding Amount": "Otpisati preostali iznos",
+ "Yearly": "Godi\u0161nje",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-py.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dc54d1df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ": Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice.": ": Obvezni za Ponavljaju\u0107i fakture.",
+ "Invalid Email Address": "Neispravan e-mail adresu",
+ "Please select: ": "Molimo odaberite:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb54bfaffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_advance/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Advance amount": "Predujam iznos",
+ "Allocated amount": "Dodijeljeni iznos",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail No": "\u010casopis bon Detalj Ne",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun Predujam"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..798725815c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Available Qty at Warehouse": "Dostupno Kol na galeriju",
+ "Barcode": "Barkod",
+ "Basic Rate": "Osnovna stopa",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Osnovna stopa *",
+ "Batch No": "Hrpa Ne",
+ "Brand Name": "Brand Name",
+ "Clear Pending": "Vedro \u010dekanju",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kupca Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "DN Detail": "DN Detalj",
+ "Delivered Qty": "Isporu\u010dena Kol",
+ "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount (%)": "Popust (%)",
+ "Income Account": "Prihodi ra\u010dun",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Price List Rate": "Cjenik Stopa",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Cjenik Ocijeni *",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "SO Detail ": "SO Detalj",
+ "Sales Invoice Item": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun artikla",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Serial No": "Serijski br",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d0a65b4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Account Head": "Ra\u010dun voditelj",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Actual": "Stvaran",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Cheating FieldPlease do not delete ": "Varanje FieldPlease ne brisati",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Enter Row": "Unesite Row",
+ "If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount": "Ako je ozna\u010deno, iznos poreza \u0107e se smatrati ve\u0107 uklju\u010dena u Print Rate / Ispis Iznos",
+ "Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?": "Je li ovo pristojba uklju\u010dena u osnovne stope?",
+ "Item Wise Tax Detail ": "Stavka Wise Porezna Detalj",
+ "On Net Total": "Na Net Total",
+ "On Previous Row Amount": "Na prethodnu Row visini",
+ "On Previous Row Total": "Na prethodni redak Ukupno",
+ "Parenttype": "Parenttype",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Total": "Ukupan",
+ "Total Amount": "Ukupan iznos",
+ "Total Tax Amount": "Ukupno Iznos poreza",
+ "Type": "Vrsta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..773037e323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "* Will be calculated in the transaction.": "* Ho\u0107e li biti izra\u010dunata u transakciji.",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Default": "Zadani",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.": "Standardni porez predlo\u017eak koji se mogu primijeniti na svim prodajnim transakcijama. Ovaj predlo\u017eak mo\u017ee sadr\u017eavati popis poreznih glavama i tako\u0111er ostali rashodi / prihodi glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa mo\u017eete definirati ovdje \u0107e biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** **. Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju razli\u010dite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u to\u010dki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obra\u010dun Tip: - To mo\u017ee biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez \u0107e se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao \u0161to je spomenuto) 0,2. Ra\u010dun Voditelj: Ra\u010dun knjiga pod kojima taj porez \u0107e biti booked3. Tro\u0161ak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadu\u017een je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv tro\u0161kova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji \u0107e se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" mo\u017eete odabrati broj retka koji \u0107e se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izra\u010dun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Je li ovo pristojba uklju\u010dena u osnovne stope:? Ako to provjerili, to zna\u010di da taj porez ne\u0107e biti prikazan ispod to\u010dke tablici, ali \u0107e biti uklju\u010deni u osnovne stope u glavnom to\u010dkom tablici. To je korisno gdje \u017eelite dati flat cijenu (uklju\u010duju\u0107i sve poreze) cijenu za kupce.",
+ "Title": "Naslov"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/trend_analyzer_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/trend_analyzer_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18ecc7304c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/trend_analyzer_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Trend Analyzer Control": "Trend Analyzer kontrola"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/_messages_js.json b/accounts/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/accounts/locale/_messages_py.json b/accounts/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..228ade47b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/ar-py.json b/accounts/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9133c41343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "\u062a\u0645 \u062a\u0639\u062f\u064a\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u062e\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0641\u0639 \u0628\u0639\u062f \u0633\u062d\u0628\u0647\u0627. \u064a\u0631\u062c\u0649 \u062a\u0633\u062d\u0628\u0647 \u0645\u0631\u0629 \u0623\u062e\u0631\u0649.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "\u0644\u0627 \u062a\u062f\u062e\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0646\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0629"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/es-py.json b/accounts/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5066fe69d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "Registro de pagos ha sido modificado despu\u00e9s de que lo tir\u00f3. Por favor, tire de \u00e9l otra vez.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "no en el a\u00f1o fiscal"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/fr-py.json b/accounts/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab5088ec46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "Entr\u00e9e paiement a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 apr\u00e8s l'avoir retir\u00e9. S'il vous pla\u00eet tirez \u00e0 nouveau.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "ne rel\u00e8vent pas de l'exercice"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/hi-py.json b/accounts/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d055ab4eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "\u092d\u0941\u0917\u0924\u093e\u0928 \u090f\u0902\u091f\u094d\u0930\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u092c\u093e\u0926 \u0906\u092a \u0907\u0938\u0947 \u0916\u0940\u0902\u091a \u0938\u0902\u0936\u094b\u0927\u093f\u0924 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u0917\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948. \u0915\u0943\u092a\u092f\u093e \u0907\u0938\u0947 \u092b\u093f\u0930 \u0938\u0947 \u0916\u0940\u0902\u091a.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "\u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0935\u093f\u0924\u094d\u0924 \u0935\u0930\u094d\u0937 \u0915\u0947 \u092d\u0940\u0924\u0930"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/hr-py.json b/accounts/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa6dc13fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "Pla\u0107anje Stupanje je izmijenjen nakon \u0161to ga je izvukao. Molimo povucite ga opet.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "nije u fiskalnoj godini"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/nl-py.json b/accounts/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b653064a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "Betaling Bericht is gewijzigd nadat u trok het. Gelieve opnieuw te trekken.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "niet binnen boekjaar"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/locale/pt-py.json b/accounts/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..202a4ac436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. \t\t\tPlease pull it again.": "Entrada de pagamento foi modificada depois que voc\u00ea tirou isso. Por favor, puxe-o novamente.",
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "n\u00e3o dentro de Ano Fiscal"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/module_def/accounts/locale/hr-doc.json b/accounts/module_def/accounts/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd1bf30fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/module_def/accounts/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**": "Prora\u010dun ** Distribucija ** vam poma\u017ee distribuirati svoj prora\u010dun preko mjeseca, ako imate sezonalnost u va\u0161em business.To distribuirati prora\u010dun koriste\u0107i ovu distribuciju, postavite ovu ** Budget Distribution ** u ** tro\u0161ka **",
+ "**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "Fiskalna godina ** ** predstavlja financijsku godinu. Svi ra\u010dunovodstvene unose i druge glavne transakcije su pra\u0107eni od ** fiskalnu godinu **.",
+ "Accounts Browser": "Ra\u010duni preglednik",
+ "Accounts Home": "Ra\u010duni Po\u010detna",
+ "Delivered Items To Be Billed": "Isporu\u010dena Stavke biti napla\u0107eno",
+ "Financial Analytics": "Financijski Analytics",
+ "Financial Statements": "Financijska izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "General Ledger": "Glavna knjiga",
+ "Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "\u0160efovi (ili skupine) protiv kojih Ra\u010dunovodstvo upisi su izra\u0111ene i sredstva su odr\u017eavani.",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Billed": "Naru\u010deni Stavke biti napla\u0107eno",
+ "Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.": "Standardni porez predlo\u017eak koji se mogu primijeniti na sve transakcije kupnje. Ovaj predlo\u017eak mo\u017ee sadr\u017eavati popis poreznih glavama i tako\u0111er ostalim tro\u0161kovima glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa mo\u017eete definirati ovdje \u0107e biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** ** . Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju razli\u010dite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u to\u010dki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obra\u010dun Tip: - To mo\u017ee biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez \u0107e se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao \u0161to je spomenuto) 0,2. Ra\u010dun Voditelj: Ra\u010dun knjiga pod kojima taj porez \u0107e biti booked3. Tro\u0161ak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadu\u017een je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv tro\u0161kova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji \u0107e se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" mo\u017eete odabrati broj retka koji \u0107e se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izra\u010dun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Razmislite poreza ili pristojbi za: U ovom dijelu mo\u017eete odrediti ako porez / naknada je samo za vrednovanje (nije dio od ukupnog broja) ili samo za ukupno (ne dodati vrijednost stavke) ili za both.10. Dodavanje ili oduzimamo: \u017eelite li dodati ili odbiti porez.",
+ "Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.": "Standardni porez predlo\u017eak koji se mogu primijeniti na svim prodajnim transakcijama. Ovaj predlo\u017eak mo\u017ee sadr\u017eavati popis poreznih glavama i tako\u0111er ostali rashodi / prihodi glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa mo\u017eete definirati ovdje \u0107e biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** **. Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju razli\u010dite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u to\u010dki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obra\u010dun Tip: - To mo\u017ee biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez \u0107e se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao \u0161to je spomenuto) 0,2. Ra\u010dun Voditelj: Ra\u010dun knjiga pod kojima taj porez \u0107e biti booked3. Tro\u0161ak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadu\u017een je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv tro\u0161kova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji \u0107e se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" mo\u017eete odabrati broj retka koji \u0107e se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izra\u010dun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Je li ovo pristojba uklju\u010dena u osnovne stope:? Ako to provjerili, to zna\u010di da taj porez ne\u0107e biti prikazan ispod to\u010dke tablici, ali \u0107e biti uklju\u010deni u osnovne stope u glavnom to\u010dkom tablici. To je korisno gdje \u017eelite dati flat cijenu (uklju\u010duju\u0107i sve poreze) cijenu za kupce.",
+ "Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Pratite posebnu prihodi i rashodi za proizvode vertikalama ili podjele.",
+ "Trial Balance": "Pretresno bilanca",
+ "Voucher Import Tool": "Bon Uvoz alat"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/page/accounts_home/locale/hr-js.json b/accounts/page/accounts_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b51dbe7408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/page/accounts_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "Accounting journal entries.": "Ra\u010dunovodstvo unosi u dnevnik.",
+ "Analytics": "Analitika",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Banka pomirenje",
+ "Bills raised by Suppliers.": "Mjenice podigao dobavlja\u010de.",
+ "Bills raised to Customers.": "Mjenice podignuta na kupce.",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Prora\u010dun Distribucija",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "Chart of Accounts": "Kontnog",
+ "Chart of Cost Centers": "Grafikon tro\u0161kovnih centara",
+ "Delivered Items To Be Billed": "Isporu\u010dena Stavke biti napla\u0107eno",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Financial Analytics": "Financijski Analytics",
+ "Financial Statements": "Financijska izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "General Ledger": "Glavna knjiga",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Main Reports": "Glavni Izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "Manage sales or purchase returns": "Upravljanje prodaju ili kupnju vra\u0107a",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.": "Kla\u0111enje na ne-povezane faktura i pla\u0107anja.",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Na\u010din pla\u0107anja",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Billed": "Naru\u010deni Stavke biti napla\u0107eno",
+ "Payment Reconciliation": "Pla\u0107anje pomirenje",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Razdoblje Zatvaranje bon",
+ "Point-of-Sale Setting": "Point-of-Sale Pode\u0161avanje",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Reports": "Izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Tool",
+ "Seasonality for setting budgets.": "Sezonalnost za postavljanje prora\u010duna.",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Structure cost centers for budgeting.": "Struktura tro\u0161ka za bud\u017eetiranja.",
+ "Structure of books of accounts.": "Struktura knjige ra\u010duna.",
+ "Tax Template for Purchase": "Porezna Predlo\u017eak za kupnju",
+ "Tax Template for Sales": "Porezna Predlo\u017eak za prodaju",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Predlo\u017eak termina ili ugovor.",
+ "Terms and Conditions Template": "Uvjeti predlo\u0161ka",
+ "Tools": "Alat",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer",
+ "Trial Balance": "Pretresno bilanca",
+ "Update bank payment dates with journals.": "Update banka datum pla\u0107anja s \u010dasopisima.",
+ "Voucher Import Tool": "Bon Uvoz alat",
+ "e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card": "npr. banka, gotovina, kreditne kartice"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3674b2416c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Purchase Common": "Kupnja Zajedni\u010dka"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-py.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..303667b96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Hey there! You need to put at least one item in \\\t\t\t\tthe item table.": "Hej tamo! Vi trebate da stavite barem jednu stavku u \\ tablicu artikala."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e18b23348d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ "% Billed": "Napla\u0107eno%",
+ "% Received": "% Pozicija",
+ "% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.": "% Materijala napla\u0107eno protiv ove narud\u017ebenice.",
+ "% of materials received against this Purchase Order": "% Materijala dobio protiv ove narud\u017ebenice",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Izra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Razmislite ovom cjeniku za dobavljanje stopu. (Samo \u0161to su "Za kupnju" kao provjereni)",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Currency & Price List": "Valuta & Cjenik",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Te\u010daj",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "Get Last Purchase Rate": "Nabavite Zadnji Ocijeni Kupnja",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Nabavite poreza Detalj",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Sveukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Ako ste stvorili standardni predlo\u017eak za kupnju poreze i pristojbe magisterij, odaberite jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod.",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite narud\u017ebenice.",
+ "In Words(Import)": "U rije\u010di (Uvoz)",
+ "Instructions": "Instrukcije",
+ "Is Subcontracted": "Je podugovarati",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Neto Ukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "PO": "PO",
+ "Payment Terms": "Uvjeti pla\u0107anja",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Cjenik te\u010dajna",
+ "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica",
+ "Purchase Order Date": "Narud\u017ebenica Datum",
+ "Purchase Order Items": "Narud\u017ebenica artikle",
+ "Purchase Order Items Supplied": "Narud\u017ebenica Proizvodi Isporuka",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj supplier valuta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Raw Material Details": "Sirovina Detalji",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti",
+ "Ref SQ": "Ref. SQ",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.": "Potrebna sirovina izdane dobavlja\u010d za proizvodnju pod - ugovoreni predmet.",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Select Purchase Request": "Odaberite zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Select Supplier Quotation": "Odaberite Supplier ponudu",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Zaustavljen",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Dobavlja\u010d (prodavatelja) ime kao u\u0161ao u dobavlja\u010da gospodara",
+ "Supplier Address": "Dobavlja\u010d Adresa",
+ "Supplier's currency": "Dobavlja\u010deva valuta",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Obra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Taxes": "Porezi",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Porezi i naknade Dodano",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Dodano (Uvoz)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Porezi i naknade oduzeti",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Umanjenja (Uvoz)",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML",
+ "Terms and Conditions1": "Odredbe i Conditions1",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Tax*": "Ukupno poreza *",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requests. Select Purchase Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Mo\u017eete napraviti redoslijed kupnje iz vi\u0161e Kupiti zahtjeva. Odaberite kupnje Zahtjevi jednu po jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod.",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Supplier Quotations. Select Supplier Quotations one by one and click on the button below.": "Mo\u017eete napraviti redoslijed kupnje iz vi\u0161e dobavlja\u010dima Citati. Odaberite dobavlja\u010d Citati jedan po jedan i kliknite na gumb ispod."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92c196af5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Billed Quantity": "Napla\u0107eno Koli\u010dina",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount %": "Popust%",
+ "If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Ako Dobavlja\u010d Broj dijela postoji za odre\u0111eni predmet, to dobiva pohranjen ovdje",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DOCTYPE",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Narud\u017ebenica predmet",
+ "Purchase Request Date": "Zahtjev za kupnju Datum",
+ "Purchase Request Detail No": "Zahtjev za kupnju detaljno Ne",
+ "Purchase Requisition No": "Kupnja rekvizicije Ne",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Rate ": "Stopa",
+ "Rate*": "Ocijeni *",
+ "Received Qty": "Pozicija Kol",
+ "Ref Rate ": "Ref. Stopa",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref. Ocijeni *",
+ "Reqd By Date": "Reqd Po datumu",
+ "Stock Qty": "Katalo\u0161ki Kol",
+ "Stock UOM": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM",
+ "Supplier Part Number": "Dobavlja\u010d Broj dijela",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Dobavlja\u010d Ponuda",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Dobavlja\u010d ponudu artikla",
+ "Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Porezna detalj stol preuzeta iz to\u010dke majstora kao string i pohranjeni u to field.Used za poreze i pristojbe",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Conversion Factor": "UOM konverzijski faktor",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..869c9de3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "BOM Detail No": "BOM Detalj Ne",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Konverzijski faktor",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Narud\u017ebenica artikla Isporuka",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Raw Material Item Code": "Sirovine Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Reference Name": "Referenca Ime",
+ "Required Qty": "Potrebna Kol",
+ "Stock Uom": "Katalo\u0161ki Uom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f47454f44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "BOM Detail No": "BOM Detalj Ne",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Consumed Qty": "Potro\u0161eno Kol",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Konverzijski faktor",
+ "Current Stock": "Trenutni Stock",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Kupnja Prijem artikla Isporuka",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Raw Material Item Code": "Sirovine Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Reference Name": "Referenca Ime",
+ "Required Qty": "Potrebna Kol",
+ "Stock Uom": "Katalo\u0161ki Uom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54993f9d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "% Ordered": "% \u017d",
+ "% of materials ordered against this Purchase Requisition": "% Materijala naredio protiv ove kupnje rekvizicije",
+ "Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Requisition. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template": "Dodaj Uvjete za kupnju rekvizicija. Tako\u0111er mo\u017eete pripremiti Uvjeti i odredbe Master i koristiti predlo\u017eak",
+ "After cancelling the Purchase Requisition, a dialog box will ask you reason for cancellation which will be reflected in this field": "Nakon poni\u0161tenja Kupnja rekvizicije, dijalo\u0161ki okvir \u0107e vas pitati razlog za otkaz koji \u0107e se odraziti i na tom polju",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Requisition will help you analyze your data better.": "Podno\u0161enje u dodatne informacije o kupoprodaji rekvizicije \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da analizirati podatke bolje.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "IDT": "IDT",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name of the entity who has requested for the Purchase Requisition": "Naziv subjekta koji je zatra\u017eio za kupnju rekvizicija",
+ "One or multiple Sales Order no which generated this Purchase Requisition": "Jedan ili vi\u0161e prodajnog naloga ne koji generira ovu Kupnja rekvizicije",
+ "Pull Sales Order Items": "Povucite Prodaja Predmeti Naru\u010divanje",
+ "Purchase Request": "Zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Purchase Requisition Details": "Kupnja rekvizicije Detalji",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Requested By": "Tra\u017eeni Do",
+ "Sales Order No": "Prodajnog naloga Ne",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Zaustavljen",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions Content": "Uvjeti sadr\u017eaj",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transakcija Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8c5f2dfeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Lead Time Date": "Olovo Time Date",
+ "Min Order Qty": "Min Red Kol",
+ "Ordered Qty": "\u017d Kol",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Projected Qty": "Predvi\u0111en Kol",
+ "Purchase Request Item": "Zahtjev za kupnju predmeta",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Required Date": "Potrebna Datum",
+ "Sales Order No": "Prodajnog naloga Ne",
+ "Stock UOM": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c94ea9f0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Batch No": "Hrpa Ne",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Dostava Napomena Ne",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Get Specification Details": "Nabavite Specifikacija Detalji",
+ "In Process": "U procesu",
+ "Incoming": "Dolazni",
+ "Inspected By": "Pregledati",
+ "Inspection Type": "Inspekcija Tip",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Serial No": "Stavka rednim brojem",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Outgoing": "Dru\u0161tven",
+ "Purchase Receipt No": "Ra\u010dun kupnje Ne",
+ "QA Inspection": "QA Inspekcija",
+ "QAI/11-12/": "QAI/11-12 /",
+ "Quality Inspection": "Provera kvaliteta",
+ "Quality Inspection Readings": "Inspekcija kvalitete \u010citanja",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Report Date": "Prijavi Datum",
+ "Sample Size": "Veli\u010dina uzorka",
+ "Specification Details": "Specifikacija Detalji",
+ "Verified By": "Ovjeren od strane"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87cff46c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Acceptance Criteria": "Kriterij prihva\u0107anja",
+ "Accepted": "Primljen",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Parameter": "Parametar",
+ "Quality Inspection Reading": "Kvaliteta Inspekcija \u010ditanje",
+ "Reading 1": "\u010citanje 1",
+ "Reading 10": "\u010citanje 10",
+ "Reading 2": "\u010citanje 2",
+ "Reading 3": "\u010citanje 3",
+ "Reading 4": "\u010citanje 4",
+ "Reading 5": "\u010citanje 5",
+ "Reading 6": "\u010citanje 6",
+ "Reading 7": "\u010citanje 7",
+ "Reading 8": "\u010citanje 8",
+ "Reading 9": "\u010citanje 9",
+ "Rejected": "Odbijen",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_js.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0718919110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name",
+ "Created Group ",
+ "Created Account Head: "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/ar-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a507502a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644\u0627\u0621 \u0645\u0646 \u0648\u062c\u0648\u062f \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0645\u0639",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "\u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0621 \u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a:",
+ "Created Group ": "\u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0621 \u0645\u062c\u0645\u0648\u0639\u0629"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/es-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23afbdc12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Un cliente que existe con el mismo nombre",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "Cuenta Creada cabeza:",
+ "Created Group ": "Fecha de creaci\u00f3n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/fr-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5add78190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Une client\u00e8le existe avec le m\u00eame nom",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "Chef Compte cr\u00e9\u00e9:",
+ "Created Group ": "Groupe cr\u00e9\u00e9"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hi-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4cb9b00f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "\u090f\u0915 \u0917\u094d\u0930\u093e\u0939\u0915 \u090f\u0915 \u0939\u0940 \u0928\u093e\u092e \u0915\u0947 \u0938\u093e\u0925 \u092e\u094c\u091c\u0942\u0926 \u0939\u0948",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "\u092c\u0928\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0916\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0938\u093f\u0930:",
+ "Created Group ": "\u0938\u092e\u0942\u0939 \u092c\u0928\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0917\u092f\u093e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2f9fee599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Address & Contacts": "Adresa i kontakti",
+ "Address Desc": "Adresa Desc",
+ "Address HTML": "Adresa HTML",
+ "Basic Info": "Osnovne informacije",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Communication HTML": "Komunikacija HTML",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact Desc": "Kontakt ukratko",
+ "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML",
+ "Credit Days": "Kreditne Dani",
+ "Default Currency": "Zadani valuta",
+ "Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier": "Unesite naziv tvrtke pod kojima ra\u010duna Voditelj \u0107e biti stvoren za tu dobavlja\u010da",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Napomena: mo\u017eete upravljati s vi\u0161e adresa ili kontakti preko adrese i kontakti",
+ "SUPP": "Supp",
+ "SUPP/10-11/": "SUPP/10-11 /",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier": "Zakonska info i druge op\u0107e informacije o va\u0161em Dobavlja\u010du",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier Details": "Dobavlja\u010d Detalji",
+ "Supplier Name": "Dobavlja\u010d Ime",
+ "Supplier Type": "Dobavlja\u010d Tip",
+ "Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Dobavlja\u010d robe ili usluga.",
+ "This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier": "Ova valuta \u0107e se dohvatio u Kupiti transakcija ovog dobavlja\u010da",
+ "Website": "Website"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c27b753fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Kupac postoji s istim imenom",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "Objavljeno ra\u010dun voditelj:",
+ "Created Group ": "Objavljeno Grupa"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/nl-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f86a48a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Een Klant bestaat met dezelfde naam",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "Gemaakt Account Hoofd:",
+ "Created Group ": "Gemaakt Groep"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/pt-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1de36a7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Um cliente existe com mesmo nome",
+ "Created Account Head: ": "Chefe Conta criada:",
+ "Created Group ": "Grupo criado"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ba980a90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Izra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Razmislite ovom cjeniku za dobavljanje stopu. (Samo \u0161to su "Za kupnju" kao provjereni)",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Currency & Price List": "Valuta & Cjenik",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Te\u010daj",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Nabavite poreza Detalj",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Sveukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Ako ste stvorili standardni predlo\u017eak za kupnju poreze i pristojbe magisterij, odaberite jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod.",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite narud\u017ebenice.",
+ "In Words(Import)": "U rije\u010di (Uvoz)",
+ "Is Subcontracted": "Je podugovarati",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Neto Ukupno (Uvoz)",
+ "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Cjenik te\u010dajna",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Quotation Date": "Ponuda Datum",
+ "Quotation Items": "Kotaciji Proizvodi",
+ "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj supplier valuta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "SQTN": "SQTN",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Select Purchase Request": "Odaberite zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Zaustavljen",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Dobavlja\u010d (prodavatelja) ime kao u\u0161ao u dobavlja\u010da gospodara",
+ "Supplier Address": "Dobavlja\u010d Adresa",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Dobavlja\u010d Ponuda",
+ "Supplier's currency": "Dobavlja\u010deva valuta",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Obra\u010dun poreza",
+ "Taxes": "Porezi",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Porezi i naknade Dodano",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Dodano (Uvoz)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Porezi i naknade oduzeti",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Porezi i naknade Umanjenja (Uvoz)",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML",
+ "Terms and Conditions1": "Odredbe i Conditions1",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Tax*": "Ukupno poreza *",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requests. Select Purchase Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Mo\u017eete napraviti redoslijed kupnje iz vi\u0161e Kupiti zahtjeva. Odaberite kupnje Zahtjevi jednu po jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4489807d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount %": "Popust%",
+ "If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Ako Dobavlja\u010d Broj dijela postoji za odre\u0111eni predmet, to dobiva pohranjen ovdje",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DOCTYPE",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Purchase Request Date": "Zahtjev za kupnju Datum",
+ "Purchase Request Detail No": "Zahtjev za kupnju detaljno Ne",
+ "Purchase Request No": "Kupnja Zahtjev Ne",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Rate ": "Stopa",
+ "Rate*": "Ocijeni *",
+ "Ref Rate ": "Ref. Stopa",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref. Ocijeni *",
+ "Supplier Part Number": "Dobavlja\u010d Broj dijela",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Dobavlja\u010d ponudu artikla",
+ "Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges": "Porezna detalj stol preuzeta iz to\u010dke majstora kao string i pohranjeni u to field.Used za poreze i pristojbe",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/module_def/buying/locale/hr-doc.json b/buying/module_def/buying/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa408b09b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/module_def/buying/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Buying Home": "Kupnja Po\u010detna",
+ "Purchase Analytics": "Kupnja Analytics",
+ "Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Dobavlja\u010d robe ili usluga."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/page/buying_home/locale/hr-js.json b/buying/page/buying_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6953a01bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/page/buying_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "All Addresses.": "Sve adrese.",
+ "All Contacts.": "Svi kontakti.",
+ "All Products or Services.": "Svi proizvodi i usluge.",
+ "Analytics": "Analitika",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Helper for managing return of goods (sales or purchase)": "Pomo\u0107nik za upravljanje povrat robe (prodaja ili kupnja)",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Purchase Analytics": "Kupnja Analytics",
+ "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica",
+ "Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.": "Kupnja naloge koje je dao dobavlja\u010de.",
+ "Purchase Request": "Zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Purchase Returns": "Kupnja Povratak",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Request for purchase.": "Zahtjev za kupnju.",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Dobavlja\u010d Ponuda",
+ "Supplier Type": "Dobavlja\u010d Tip",
+ "Supplier classification.": "Dobavlja\u010d klasifikacija.",
+ "Supplier database.": "Dobavlja\u010d baza podataka.",
+ "Tax Template for Purchase": "Porezna Predlo\u017eak za kupnju",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Predlo\u017eak termina ili ugovor.",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Tools": "Alat",
+ "Track Quotations received from Suppliers.": "Pratite primljenih ponuda iz dobavlja\u010de.",
+ "Tree of item classification": "Stablo to\u010dke klasifikaciji",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json b/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
index f59e45ec2f..12025d5154 100644
--- a/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
+++ b/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
- "then",
" cannot be 0",
- "cannot be included in item's rate",
- "should also have",
"Please enter valid ",
"Please specify a valid",
- "checked",
- "Row",
- "is checked for",
- "If"
+ "Row"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/locale/hr-py.json b/controllers/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fa761f86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ " cannot be 0": "ne mo\u017ee biti 0",
+ "Please enter valid ": "Unesite va\u017ee\u0107i",
+ "Please specify a valid": "Navedite va\u017ee\u0107i",
+ "Row": "Red"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/company_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/home/doctype/company_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6069e8cbe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/company_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Company Control": "Tvrtka Kontrola",
+ "Home": "Dom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/feed/locale/hr-doc.json b/home/doctype/feed/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0a0f0149f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/feed/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Color": "Boja",
+ "Doc Name": "Doc Ime",
+ "Doc Type": "Doc Tip",
+ "Feed": "Hraniti",
+ "Feed Type": "Pasi Vid",
+ "Full Name": "Ime i prezime",
+ "Home": "Dom",
+ "Subject": "Predmet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/home_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/home/doctype/home_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07b36131a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/home_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Home": "Dom",
+ "Home Control": "Po\u010detna kontrola"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/module_def/home/locale/hr-doc.json b/home/module_def/home/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83c5679fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/module_def/home/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Activity": "Djelatnost",
+ "Attributions": "Pripisivanje",
+ "Desktop": "Desktop",
+ "Event Updates": "Doga\u0111aj a\u017euriranja",
+ "Latest Updates": "Najnovija a\u017euriranja",
+ "My Company": "Moja tvrtka",
+ "dashboard": "kontrolna plo\u010da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00e79acdf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records.": "Svi ostali komentari, zna\u010dajan napor da bi trebao i\u0107i u evidenciji.",
+ "Appraisal": "Procjena",
+ "Appraisal Goals": "Ocjenjivanje Golovi",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak",
+ "Calculate Total Score": "Izra\u010dunajte ukupni rezultat",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Comments": "Komentari",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Completed": "Dovr\u0161en",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Employee Details": "Zaposlenih Detalji",
+ "End Date": "Datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "For Employee": "Za zaposlenom",
+ "For Employee Name": "Za ime zaposlenika",
+ "Goals": "Golovi",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Other Details": "Ostali podaci",
+ "Select template from which you want to get the Goals": "Odaberite predlo\u017eak s kojeg \u017eelite dobiti ciljeva",
+ "Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.": "Odaberite zaposlenika za koga se stvara procjene.",
+ "Start Date": "Datum po\u010detka",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Total Score (Out of 5)": "Ukupna ocjena (od 5)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d17e76dc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Appraisal Goal": "Procjena gol",
+ "Goal": "Cilj",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Key Responsibility Area": "Klju\u010d Odgovornost Povr\u0161ina",
+ "Score (0-5)": "Ocjena (0-5)",
+ "Score Earned": "Ocjena Zara\u0111eni",
+ "Weightage (%)": "Weightage (%)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0d5c3ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Appraisal Template": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak",
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak cilja",
+ "Appraisal Template Title": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak Naslov",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Total Points": "Ukupno bodova"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-py.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59d6cbb4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Not": "Ne",
+ "Total (sum of) points distribution for all goals should be 100.": "Ukupno (zbroj) boda distribucije svih ciljeva trebao biti 100."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc5c6b6984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak cilja",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "KRA": "KRA",
+ "Key Performance Area": "Key Performance Area",
+ "Weightage (%)": "Weightage (%)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74b24d5430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "ATT": "ATT",
+ "Absent": "Odsutan",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Attendance": "Poha\u0111anje",
+ "Attendance Date": "Gledatelja Datum",
+ "Attendance Details": "Gledatelja Detalji",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Half Day": "Pola dana",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Present": "Sada\u0161nje",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc5d4b6382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "All attendance dates inbetween selected Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date will come in the template with employees list.": "Sve stadionu datira izme\u0111u ta dva odabrana Gledatelji od datuma i posje\u0107enost do danas \u0107e do\u0107i u predlo\u0161ku sa zaposlenicima popisu.",
+ "Attendance Control Panel": "Gledatelja Upravlja\u010dka plo\u010da",
+ "Attendance From Date": "Gledatelja Od datuma",
+ "Attendance To Date": "Gledatelja do danas",
+ "Download Template": "Preuzmite predlo\u017eak",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Get Template": "Nabavite predlo\u0161ka",
+ "Get the template of the Attendance for which you want to import in CSV (Comma seperated values) format.Fill data in the template. Save the template in CSV format.All attendance dates inbetween 'Attendance From Date' and 'Attendance To Date' will come in the template with employees list.": "Nabavite slikovni Gledatelji za koje \u017eelite uvesti u CSV (vrijednosti odvojenih zarezom) format.Fill podataka u predlo\u017eak. Spremi predlo\u017eak u CSV format.All prisustvo datira izme\u0111u ta dva 'Gledatelji od datuma' i 'posje\u0107enost do danas' \u0107e do\u0107i u predlo\u0161ku sa zaposlenicima popisu.",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Import": "Uvoz",
+ "Import Date Format ": "Uvoz Datum Format",
+ "Import Log": "Uvoz Prijavite",
+ "Import Log1": "Uvoz Log1",
+ "Overwrite": "Pisati preko",
+ "Selected Attendance date will comes in the attendance template.": "Odabrani posje\u0107enost datum dolazi u posje\u0107enosti predlo\u0161ku.",
+ "To import attendance data, click on \"Add\" button, select the saved CSV file and click on \"Upload\".Select the date format as attendance date format in CSV file.Click on \"Import\".": "Za uvoz poha\u0111anje podatke, kliknite na "Dodaj" gumb, odaberite spremljenu CSV datoteku i kliknite na "Prenesi". Odaberite format datuma kao posje\u0107enosti datumu formatu CSV file.Click na "uvoz".",
+ "Upload Attendance Data": "Prenesi Gledatelji podataka",
+ "dd-mm-yyyy": "dd-mm-yyyy",
+ "dd/mm/yyyy": "dd / mm / gggg",
+ "mm/dd/yy": "dd / mm / gg",
+ "mm/dd/yyyy": "dd / mm / gggg",
+ "yyyy-mm-dd": "gggg-mm-dd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/branch/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/branch/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58e9261753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/branch/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b80ed7570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Deduction Type": "Odbitak Tip",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 7261245b1c..38636d9a20 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
- "Trash Reason"
+ "Trash Reason",
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.",
+ "Holiday Block List"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/ar-doc.json
index 50e5cb6f98..f2aed8e6ee 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "\u064a\u062a\u0645 \u062d\u0638\u0631 \u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0639\u064a\u0627\u062f \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u0644\u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0633\u0645.",
"Department": "\u0642\u0633\u0645",
"HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
"Trash Reason": "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0645\u0627\u0645\u0629"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/es-doc.json
index 3a853eb5a2..bde2c3ab33 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "D\u00edas de fiesta que est\u00e1n bloqueados para este departamento.",
"Department": "Departamento",
"HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday lista de bloqueo",
"Trash Reason": "Trash Raz\u00f3n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/fr-doc.json
index ca8fea6f84..037256dc21 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "Jours f\u00e9ri\u00e9s pour lesquels sont bloqu\u00e9s pour ce d\u00e9partement.",
"Department": "D\u00e9partement",
"HR": "RH",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Block List vacances",
"Trash Reason": "Raison Corbeille"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/hi-doc.json
index 8939cdb0bd..7a47342398 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "\u0926\u093f\u0928 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0901 \u091c\u093f\u0938\u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0907\u0938 \u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0935\u0930\u0941\u0926\u094d\u0927 \u0915\u0930 \u0930\u0939\u0947 \u0939\u0948\u0902.",
"Department": "\u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917",
"HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
"Trash Reason": "\u091f\u094d\u0930\u0948\u0936 \u0915\u093e\u0930\u0923"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f03d269fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "Dani za koje Praznici su blokirane za ovaj odjel.",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/nl-doc.json
index 90e8d93cc6..7d41b804fc 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "Dagen waarvoor feestdagen zijn geblokkeerd voor deze afdeling.",
"Department": "Afdeling",
"HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday Block List",
"Trash Reason": "Trash Reden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/pt-doc.json
index 7d2e3cfa1b..046ef3c430 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/department/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "Dias para que feriados s\u00e3o bloqueados para este departamento.",
"Department": "Departamento",
"HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias",
"Trash Reason": "Raz\u00e3o lixo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/designation/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/designation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16e5e73ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/designation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ef2f32273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Earning Type": "Zarada Vid",
+ "Exemption Limit": "Izuze\u0107e granica",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Taxable": "Oporeziva",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 221b5693b5..e3e304eb79 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@
"Health Details",
"Marital Status",
- "Salary Structure",
"Personal Email",
"System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.",
"Scheduled Confirmation Date",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..663cf87776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ "To setup, please go to Setup > Naming Series": "Za postavljanje, molimo idite na Postavke> Naming serije",
+ "A+": "+",
+ "A-": "-",
+ "AB+": "AB +",
+ "AB-": "AB-",
+ "Active": "Aktivan",
+ "Applicable Holiday List": "Primjenjivo odmor Popis",
+ "B+": "B +",
+ "B-": "B-",
+ "Bank": "Banka",
+ "Bank A/C No.": "Banka / C br",
+ "Bank Name": "Ime banke",
+ "Basic Information": "Osnovne informacije",
+ "Better Prospects": "Bolji izgledi",
+ "Bio": "Bio",
+ "Blood Group": "Krv Grupa",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Career History": "Karijera Povijest",
+ "Cash": "Gotovina",
+ "Cell Number": "Mobitel Broj",
+ "Cheque": "\u010cek",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact Details": "Kontakt podaci",
+ "Contract End Date": "Ugovor Datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Current Accommodation Type": "Trenutni Tip smje\u0161taja",
+ "Current Address": "Trenutna adresa",
+ "Date Of Retirement": "Datum odlaska u mirovinu",
+ "Date of Birth": "Datum ro\u0111enja",
+ "Date of Issue": "Datum izdavanja",
+ "Date of Joining": "Datum Ulazak",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Divorced": "Rastavljen",
+ "EMP/": "EMP /",
+ "Educational Qualification": "Obrazovne kvalifikacije",
+ "Educational Qualification Details": "Obrazovni Pojedinosti kvalifikacije",
+ "Email (By company)": "E-mail (Po mjestu)",
+ "Emergency Contact Details": "Hitna Kontaktni podaci",
+ "Emergency Phone Number": "Hitna Telefonski broj",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Zaposlenik Vanjski Rad Povijest",
+ "Employee Internal Work Historys": "Zaposlenih unutarnji rad Historys",
+ "Employee Number": "Zaposlenik Broj",
+ "Employment Details": "Zapo\u0161ljavanje Detalji",
+ "Employment Type": "Zapo\u0161ljavanje Tip",
+ "Encashment Date": "Encashment Datum",
+ "Exit": "Izlaz",
+ "Exit Interview Details": "Izlaz Intervju Detalji",
+ "Family Background": "Obitelj Pozadina",
+ "Feedback": "Povratna veza",
+ "Female": "\u017denski",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Final Confirmation Date": "Kona\u010dna potvrda Datum",
+ "Full Name": "Ime i prezime",
+ "Gender": "Rod",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "Gratuity LIC ID": "Poklon LIC ID",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Health Concerns": "Zdravlje Zabrinutost",
+ "Health Details": "Zdravlje Detalji",
+ "Held On": "Odr\u017eanoj",
+ "Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children": "Ovdje mo\u017eete odr\u017eavati obiteljske pojedinosti kao \u0161to su ime i okupacije roditelja, supru\u017enika i djecu",
+ "Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc": "Ovdje mo\u017eete odr\u017eavati visina, te\u017eina, alergije, medicinske brige itd.",
+ "History In Company": "Povijest U Dru\u0161tvu",
+ "Holiday List": "Turisti\u010dka Popis",
+ "Image": "Slika",
+ "Image View": "Slika Pogledaj",
+ "Job Profile": "Posao Profil",
+ "Leave Encashed?": "Ostavite Encashed?",
+ "Left": "Lijevo",
+ "Male": "Mu\u0161ki",
+ "Marital Status": "Bra\u010dni status",
+ "Married": "O\u017eenjen",
+ "Mr": "G.",
+ "Ms": "Gospo\u0111a",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "New Workplace": "Novi radnom mjestu",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Notice - Number of Days": "Obavijest - Broj dana",
+ "O+": "O +",
+ "O-": "O-",
+ "Owned": "U vlasni\u0161tvu",
+ "PAN Number": "PAN Broj",
+ "PF Number": "PF Broj",
+ "Passport Number": "Putovnica Broj",
+ "Permanent Accommodation Type": "Stalni Tip smje\u0161taja",
+ "Permanent Address": "Stalna adresa",
+ "Person To Be Contacted": "Osoba biti kontaktirani",
+ "Personal Details": "Osobni podaci",
+ "Personal Email": "Osobni e",
+ "Place of Issue": "Mjesto izdavanja",
+ "Previous Work Experience": "Radnog iskustva",
+ "Provide email id registered in company": "Osigurati e id registriran u tvrtki",
+ "Reason for Leaving": "Razlog za odlazak",
+ "Reason for Resignation": "Razlog za ostavku",
+ "Relation": "Odnos",
+ "Relieving Date": "Rastere\u0107enje Datum",
+ "Rented": "Iznajmljuje",
+ "Reports to": "Izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "Resignation Letter Date": "Ostavka Pismo Datum",
+ "Salary Information": "Pla\u0107a informacije",
+ "Salary Mode": "Pla\u0107a na\u010din",
+ "Salutation": "Pozdrav",
+ "Scheduled Confirmation Date": "Planirano Potvrda Datum",
+ "Short biography for website and other publications.": "Kratka biografija za web stranice i drugih publikacija.",
+ "Single": "Singl",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.": "Sustav Korisni\u010dko (login) ID. Ako je postavljen, to \u0107e postati zadana za sve HR oblicima.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "User ID": "Korisni\u010dki ID",
+ "Valid Upto": "Vrijedi Upto",
+ "Widowed": "Udovi\u010dki",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "You can enter any date manually": "Mo\u017eete unijeti bilo koji datum ru\u010dno"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8093d423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Class / Percentage": "Klasa / Postotak",
+ "Employee Education": "Zaposlenik Obrazovanje",
+ "Graduate": "Diplomski",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Level": "Nivo",
+ "Major/Optional Subjects": "Glavni / Izborni predmeti",
+ "Post Graduate": "Post diplomski",
+ "Qualification": "Kvalifikacija",
+ "School/University": "\u0160kola / Sveu\u010dili\u0161te",
+ "Under Graduate": "Pod diplomski",
+ "Year of Passing": "Godina Prolaze\u0107i"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..943e1fc69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Zaposlenik Vanjski Rad Povijest",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary": "Plata",
+ "Total Experience": "Ukupno Iskustvo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c8f064341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Employee Internal Work History": "Zaposlenik Unutarnji Rad Povijest",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "To Date": "Za datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cc35c8907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Certificate": "Certifikat",
+ "Duration": "Trajanje",
+ "Employee Training": "Zaposlenik Trening",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Institute / Conducted By": "Institut / provela",
+ "Location": "Lokacija",
+ "Program / Seminar Title": "Program / Seminar Naslov"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9138ee6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Employment Type": "Zapo\u0161ljavanje Tip",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb36605b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Approval Status": "Status odobrenja",
+ "Approved": "Odobren",
+ "Approver": "Odobritelj",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "Employees Email Id": "Zaposlenici Email ID",
+ "Expense Claim": "Rashodi polaganja",
+ "Expense Claim Details": "Rashodi Pojedinosti o polaganju",
+ "Expense Details": "Rashodi Detalji",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "From Employee": "Od zaposlenika",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Rejected": "Odbijen",
+ "Remark": "Primjedba",
+ "Total Claimed Amount": "Ukupno Zatra\u017eio Iznos",
+ "Total Sanctioned Amount": "Ukupno ka\u017enjeni Iznos"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f968760bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Claim Amount": "Iznos \u0161tete",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Expense Claim Detail": "Rashodi Zahtjev Detalj",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Rashodi Vrsta polaganja",
+ "Expense Date": "Rashodi Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Sanctioned Amount": "Iznos ka\u017enjeni"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22749a23c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Rashodi Vrsta polaganja",
+ "HR": "HR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/grade/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2b6e64f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2362353f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday": "Odmor"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e521830510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.",
+ "Block Days",
+ "HR",
+ "Company",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates",
+ "Holiday Block List",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.",
+ "Applies to Company",
+ "Holiday Block List Name",
+ "Year",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_js.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2e6ee4d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Date is repeated",
+ "Block Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05fdaea92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0645\u0627\u062d \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645\u064a\u0646",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "\u062a\u0633\u0645\u062d \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645\u064a\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0629 \u0644\u062c\u0639\u0644 \u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642\u0627\u062a \u0625\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0629 \u0644\u0639\u062f\u0629 \u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0643\u062a\u0644\u0629.",
+ "Applies to Company": "\u064a\u0646\u0637\u0628\u0642 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629",
+ "Block Days": "\u0643\u062a\u0644\u0629 \u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0627\u062a \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u0645\u0629.",
+ "Company": "\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0638\u0631 \u0645\u0633\u0645\u0648\u062d",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0639\u064a\u062f \u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "\u0625\u0646 \u0644\u0645 \u064a\u0643\u0646 \u062a\u0645\u060c \u0633\u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0644\u062f\u064a\u0643 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u062a\u0636\u0627\u0641 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0643\u0644 \u0642\u0633\u0645 \u062d\u064a\u062b \u0623\u0646\u0647 \u0644\u0627 \u0628\u062f \u0645\u0646 \u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642\u0647\u0627.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "\u0648\u0642\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645\u064a\u0646 \u0645\u0646 \u0625\u062c\u0631\u0627\u0621 \u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642\u0627\u062a \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0625\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0629.",
+ "Year": "\u0639\u0627\u0645"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e50eb48b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e",
+ "Date is repeated": "\u0648\u064a\u062a\u0643\u0631\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19527dfe70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Permitir que los usuarios",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Permitir a los usuarios realizar las siguientes aplicaciones dejan para los d\u00edas de bloque.",
+ "Applies to Company": "Corresponde a la Empresa",
+ "Block Days": "D\u00edas de bloque",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloque Vacaciones en d\u00edas importantes.",
+ "Company": "Empresa",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday lista de bloqueo",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Holiday Lista de bloqueo animales",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Las fechas de vacaciones de listas de bloqueo",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Bloque de vacaciones Lista de Nombres",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Si no est\u00e1 activada, la lista tendr\u00e1 que ser a\u00f1adido a cada Departamento donde se ha de aplicar.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Deje que los usuarios realicen aplicaciones dejan en los d\u00edas siguientes.",
+ "Year": "A\u00f1o"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c5772b709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Bloque Fecha",
+ "Date is repeated": "La fecha se repite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e01bf44e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Autoriser les utilisateurs",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Autoriser les utilisateurs suivants pour faire demandes d'autorisation pour les jours de bloc.",
+ "Applies to Company": "S'applique \u00e0 l'entreprise",
+ "Block Days": "Bloquer les jours",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloquer les jours f\u00e9ri\u00e9s importants.",
+ "Company": "Entreprise",
+ "HR": "RH",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Block List vacances",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Block List vacances accept\u00e9s",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Dates de vacances de listes rouges d'",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Nom de la liste de vacances Bloquer",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Si ce n'est pas coch\u00e9e, la liste devra \u00eatre ajout\u00e9 \u00e0 chaque d\u00e9partement o\u00f9 il doit \u00eatre appliqu\u00e9.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Emp\u00eacher les utilisateurs de faire des demandes d'autorisation, les jours suivants.",
+ "Year": "Ann\u00e9e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1f5dd380b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Date de bloquer",
+ "Date is repeated": "La date est r\u00e9p\u00e9t\u00e9e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa7fc5a412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "\u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917\u0915\u0930\u094d\u0924\u093e\u0913\u0902 \u0915\u094b \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0926\u0947\u0902",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "\u0928\u093f\u092e\u094d\u0928 \u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917\u0915\u0930\u094d\u0924\u093e\u0913\u0902 \u0915\u094b \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0926\u093f\u0928\u094b\u0902 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092a\u094d\u0930\u092f\u094b\u0917 \u092c\u0928\u093e\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0926\u0947\u0902.",
+ "Applies to Company": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 \u0939\u094b\u0924\u093e \u0939\u0948",
+ "Block Days": "\u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0926\u093f\u0928",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "\u092e\u0939\u0924\u094d\u0935\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0923 \u0926\u093f\u0928 \u092a\u0930 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0901 \u092e\u0948.",
+ "Company": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940",
+ "HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0930\u0916 \u0938\u0915\u0924\u0947 \u0939\u0948",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0902",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u092e\u0947\u0902 \u0928\u093e\u092e",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "\u0905\u0917\u0930 \u091c\u093e\u0901\u091a \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u0917\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948, \u0907\u0938 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0924\u094d\u092f\u0947\u0915 \u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917 \u0939\u0948 \u091c\u0939\u093e\u0902 \u0907\u0938\u0947 \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u0917\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u091c\u094b\u0921\u093c\u093e \u091c\u093e \u0939\u094b\u0917\u093e.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "\u0928\u093f\u092e\u094d\u0928\u0932\u093f\u0916\u093f\u0924 \u0926\u093f\u0928 \u092a\u0930 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092a\u094d\u0930\u092f\u094b\u0917 \u092c\u0928\u093e\u0928\u0947 \u0938\u0947 \u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917\u0915\u0930\u094d\u0924\u093e\u0913\u0902 \u0915\u094b \u092c\u0902\u0926 \u0915\u0930\u094b.",
+ "Year": "\u0935\u0930\u094d\u0937"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca53d8f5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "\u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915",
+ "Date is repeated": "\u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f \u0926\u094b\u0939\u0930\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b872486c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Omogu\u0107iti korisnicima",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Dopusti sljede\u0107i korisnicima da ostavite Prijave za blok dana.",
+ "Applies to Company": "Odnosi se na Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Block Days": "Blok Dani",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blok Odmor o va\u017enim dana.",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis dopu\u0161tenih",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Holiday Block List datumi",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis Ime",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Ako nije ozna\u010deno, popis \u0107e biti dodan u svakom odjela gdje se mora primjenjivati.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Prestani korisnike od izrade ostaviti aplikacija na sljede\u0107im danima.",
+ "Year": "Godina"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba06d74dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blok Datum",
+ "Date is repeated": "Datum se ponavlja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e74a9ce6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Gebruikers toestaan",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Laat de volgende gebruikers te vertrekken Toepassingen maken voor blok dagen.",
+ "Applies to Company": "Geldt voor Bedrijf",
+ "Block Days": "Blokkeren Dagen",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blok Vakantie op belangrijke dagen.",
+ "Company": "Vennootschap",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday Block List",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Holiday toegestaan \u200b\u200bBlock List",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Holiday Block List Data",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Holiday Block List Name",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Indien niet gecontroleerd, wordt de lijst worden toegevoegd aan elk Department waar het moet worden toegepast.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Stop gebruikers van het maken van verlofaanvragen op de volgende dagen.",
+ "Year": "Jaar"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e89506edce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blokkeren Datum",
+ "Date is repeated": "Datum wordt herhaald"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed5ecfa7b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Permitir que os usu\u00e1rios",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Permitir que os usu\u00e1rios a seguir para fazer aplica\u00e7\u00f5es deixam para os dias de bloco.",
+ "Applies to Company": "Aplica-se a Empresa",
+ "Block Days": "Dias bloco",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloquear feriados em dias importantes.",
+ "Company": "Companhia",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Lista de feriado Bloco admitidos",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Datas de f\u00e9rias Lista de Bloqueios",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Nome de f\u00e9rias Lista de Bloqueios",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Se n\u00e3o for controlada, a lista dever\u00e1 ser adicionado a cada departamento onde tem de ser aplicado.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Pare de usu\u00e1rios de fazer aplica\u00e7\u00f5es deixam nos dias seguintes.",
+ "Year": "Ano"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-py.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2b6e696c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Bloquear Data",
+ "Date is repeated": "Data \u00e9 repetido"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac1046f409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "HR",
+ "Allow User",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/ar-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2505f56e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "\u062a\u0633\u0645\u062d \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0638\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0645\u0627\u062d"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/es-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1880afb050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Permitir al usuario",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Lista Casas Bloquear Permitir"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/fr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eb4b70dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Permettre \u00e0 l'utilisateur",
+ "HR": "RH",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Block List vacances Permettez-"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hi-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98457e9a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "\u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917\u0915\u0930\u094d\u0924\u093e \u0915\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f",
+ "HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0915\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0926\u0947\u0902"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f238dfa6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Dopusti korisnika",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Turisti\u010dka Popis Blok Dopustite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/nl-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74f6452be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Door gebruiker toestaan",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Holiday Block List Laat"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/pt-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c1c1fca7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Permitir que o usu\u00e1rio",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias Permitir"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a98b98159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "HR",
+ "Reason",
+ "Holiday Block List Date",
+ "Block Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/ar-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e642ba556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "\u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e \u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
+ "Reason": "\u0633\u0628\u0628"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/es-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d773187250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Bloque Fecha",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Bloque de vacaciones Lista Fecha",
+ "Reason": "Raz\u00f3n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/fr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d4bba7138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Date de bloquer",
+ "HR": "RH",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Liste Date vacances Bloquer",
+ "Reason": "Raison"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hi-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44a9f9ea87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "\u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915",
+ "HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f",
+ "Reason": "\u0915\u093e\u0930\u0923"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa91d53b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blok Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis Datum",
+ "Reason": "Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/nl-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..deaea5ef1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blokkeren Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Holiday Block List Datum",
+ "Reason": "Reden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/pt-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b95487755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Bloquear Data",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Data feriado Lista de Bloqueios",
+ "Reason": "Raz\u00e3o"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8caabc3189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Clear Table": "Jasno Tablica",
+ "Default": "Zadani",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Friday": "Petak",
+ "Get Weekly Off Dates": "Nabavite Tjedno Off datumi",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday List": "Turisti\u010dka Popis",
+ "Holiday List Name": "Turisti\u010dka Popis Ime",
+ "Holidays": "Praznici",
+ "Monday": "Ponedjeljak",
+ "Saturday": "Subota",
+ "Sunday": "Nedjelja",
+ "Thursday": "\u010cetvrtak",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Tuesday": "Utorak",
+ "Wednesday": "Srijeda",
+ "Weekly Off": "Tjedni Off"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ba5ad2bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Applicant Name": "Podnositelj zahtjeva Ime",
+ "Applicant for a Job": "Podnositelj zahtjeva za posao",
+ "Email Id": "E-mail ID",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Hold": "Dr\u017eati",
+ "Job Applicant": "Posao podnositelj",
+ "Job Opening": "Posao Otvaranje",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Rejected": "Odbijen",
+ "Replied": "Odgovorio",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Thread HTML": "Temu HTML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9abd519e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Closed": "Zatvoreno",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Description of a Job Opening": "Opis posla otvorenje",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Job Opening": "Posao Otvaranje",
+ "Job Title": "Titula",
+ "Job profile, qualifications required etc.": "Posao profil, kvalifikacije potrebne, itd.",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d484b8320f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Carry Forward": "Prenijeti",
+ "Carry Forwarded Leaves": "Nosi proslije\u0111en li\u0161\u0107e",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Ostavite Raspodjela",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "New Leaves Allocated": "Novi Leaves Dodijeljeni",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "Total Leaves Allocated": "Ukupno Li\u0161\u0107e Dodijeljeni"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_doc.json
index bba6a4156a..b4afb7a3a1 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
"Leave Type",
"Leave Balance Before Application",
+ "Company",
"From Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_js.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c96cd182b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-doc.json
index 20958be2cc..8dac7682b2 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "\u0639\u062f\u0644 \u0645\u0646",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642 / \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0641\u0642\u0629 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0623\u0648\u0631\u0627\u0642",
"Approved": "\u0648\u0627\u0641\u0642",
+ "Company": "\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629",
"Employee": "\u0639\u0627\u0645\u0644",
"Employee Name": "\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641",
"Fiscal Year": "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0646\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0629",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f13fddd0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u0628:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "\u064a\u0627 \u0647\u0644\u0627! \u0627\u0644\u064a\u0648\u0645 (\u0642) \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u0643\u0646\u062a \u0645\u062a\u0642\u062f\u0645\u0627 \u0644\u0644\u062d\u0635\u0648\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0625\u0630\u0646 \\ \u062a\u062a\u0632\u0627\u0645\u0646 \u0645\u0639 \u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 (\u0642). \u0644\u0627 \u062a\u062d\u062a\u0627\u062c \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642 \u0644\u0644\u062d\u0635\u0648\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0625\u0630\u0646.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "\u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0642\u062f\u0645 \u0644\u0644\u062d\u0635\u0648\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0629 \u0644\u062a\u0645 \u062d\u0638\u0631\u0647"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-doc.json
index dc43cc34e7..8a2351b97e 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "De modificada",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprobar Hojas",
"Approved": "Aprobado",
+ "Company": "Empresa",
"Employee": "Empleado",
"Employee Name": "Nombre del empleado",
"Fiscal Year": "A\u00f1o Fiscal",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b41ef5a982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "Raz\u00f3n:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "\u00a1Hurra! El d\u00eda (s) en el cual usted est\u00e1 solicitando para salir \\ coincidir con d\u00eda de fiesta (s). No es necesario solicitar permiso.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "Usted no puede solicitar una licencia en la siguiente fecha porque est\u00e1 bloqueado"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-doc.json
index 8901691a8f..37e01f4d7f 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "De modifi\u00e9e",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Appliquer / Approuver les feuilles",
"Approved": "Approuv\u00e9",
+ "Company": "Entreprise",
"Employee": "Employ\u00e9",
"Employee Name": "Nom de l'employ\u00e9",
"Fiscal Year": "Exercice",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..107e0c040c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "Raison:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "Hourra! Le jour (s) sur lequel vous faites une demande d'autorisation \\ co\u00efncider avec s\u00e9jour (s). Vous n'avez pas besoin demander un cong\u00e9.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "Vous ne pouvez pas demander un cong\u00e9 \u00e0 la date suivante car il est bloqu\u00e9"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-doc.json
index ed288ff7e6..3f91498cbd 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "\u0938\u0947 \u0938\u0902\u0936\u094b\u0927\u093f\u0924",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u092a\u0924\u094d\u0924\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0902 \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 / \u0938\u094d\u0935\u0940\u0915\u0943\u0924",
"Approved": "\u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u094b\u0926\u093f\u0924",
+ "Company": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940",
"Employee": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940",
"Employee Name": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0915\u093e \u0928\u093e\u092e",
"Fiscal Year": "\u0935\u093f\u0924\u094d\u0924\u0940\u092f \u0935\u0930\u094d\u0937",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fae229739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "\u0915\u093e\u0930\u0923:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "\u0939\u0941\u0930\u094d\u0930\u0947! \u0926\u093f\u0928 (s) \\ \u091c\u093f\u0938 \u092a\u0930 \u0906\u092a \u091b\u094b\u0921\u093c\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0906\u0935\u0947\u0926\u0928 \u0915\u0930 \u0930\u0939\u0947 \u0939\u0948\u0902 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940 (\u090f\u0938) \u0915\u0947 \u0938\u093e\u0925 \u092e\u0947\u0932. \u0906\u092a \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0915\u0940 \u091c\u0930\u0942\u0930\u0924 \u0939\u0948.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "\u0906\u092a \u0928\u093f\u092e\u094d\u0928 \u0926\u093f\u0928\u093e\u0902\u0915 \u092a\u0930 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0939\u0948 \u0915\u094d\u092f\u094b\u0902\u0915\u093f \u092f\u0939 \u092c\u0902\u0926 \u0939\u0948"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e17e64b43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Apply / Approve Leaves": "Nanesite / Odobri li\u0161\u0107e",
+ "Approved": "Odobren",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Half Day": "Pola dana",
+ "Leave Application": "Ostavite aplikaciju",
+ "Leave Approver": "Ostavite odobravatelju",
+ "Leave Balance Before Application": "Ostavite Balance Prije primjene",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Leave can be approved by users with Role, \"Leave Approver\"": "Ostavite mo\u017ee biti odobren od strane korisnika s uloge, "Ostavite odobravatelju"",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum",
+ "Reason": "Razlog",
+ "Rejected": "Odbijen",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Total Leave Days": "Ukupno Ostavite Dani"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aba67b01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "Razlog:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "Ura! Dan (e) na koje se prijavljuje za ostaviti \\ podudara s odmora (s). Vi ne trebate podnijeti zahtjev za dopust.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "Ne mo\u017eete podnijeti zahtjev za dopust na sljede\u0107i dan, jer je blokirana"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-doc.json
index 4146393917..47e8e056d0 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "Gewijzigd Van",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Toepassen / goedkeuren Leaves",
"Approved": "Aangenomen",
+ "Company": "Vennootschap",
"Employee": "Werknemer",
"Employee Name": "Naam werknemer",
"Fiscal Year": "Boekjaar",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba2a476c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "Reden:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "Hoera! De dag (en) waarop u een aanvraag voor verlof \\ samenvallen met vakantie (s). Je moet niet van toepassing voor verlof.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "Je kan niet van toepassing zijn voor een verlof op de volgende datum, omdat het is geblokkeerd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-doc.json
index 2edd869096..c5b96e9187 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Amended From": "Alterado De",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprovar Folhas",
"Approved": "Aprovado",
+ "Company": "Companhia",
"Employee": "Empregado",
"Employee Name": "Nome do Funcion\u00e1rio",
"Fiscal Year": "Exerc\u00edcio fiscal",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62c8dd79ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ " Reason: ": "Motivo:",
+ "Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \\\t\t\t\t\tcoincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.": "Viva! O dia (s) em que voc\u00ea est\u00e1 aplicando para deixar \\ coincidir com feriado (s). Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o precisa pedir licen\u00e7a.",
+ "You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode aplicar para uma licen\u00e7a na seguinte data porque est\u00e1 bloqueado"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f71f5dcda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "Allocate": "Dodijeliti",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Carry Forward": "Prenijeti",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Employee Type": "Zaposlenik Tip",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Control Panel": "Ostavite Upravlja\u010dka plo\u010da",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all branches": "Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve grane",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all departments": "Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve odjele",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all designations": "Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve oznake",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all employee types": "Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve tipove zaposlenika",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all grades": "Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve razrede",
+ "New Leaves Allocated (In Days)": "Novi Li\u0161\u0107e alociran (u danima)",
+ "Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year": "Molimo odaberite prenositi ako \u017eelite uklju\u010diti prethodnoj fiskalnoj godini je ravnote\u017ea ostavlja na ovoj fiskalnoj godini"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37b91a98a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Is Carry Forward": "Je Carry Naprijed",
+ "Is Encash": "Je li unov\u010diti",
+ "Is LWP": "Je lwp",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Leave Type Name": "Ostavite ime tipa",
+ "Max Days Leave Allowed": "Max Dani Ostavite dopu\u0161tenih",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e951130b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Other Income Detail": "Ostali prihodi Detalj"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4c1a223fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "01": "01",
+ "02": "02",
+ "03": "03",
+ "04": "04",
+ "05": "05",
+ "06": "06",
+ "07": "07",
+ "08": "08",
+ "09": "09",
+ "10": "10",
+ "11": "11",
+ "12": "12",
+ "Activity Log": "Aktivnost Prijava",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip": "Provjerite ako \u017eelite poslati pla\u0107e slip u po\u0161ti svakom zaposleniku, dok podno\u0161enje pla\u0107e slip",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria": "Stvaranje Bank bon za ukupne pla\u0107e ispla\u0107ene za gore odabranih kriterija",
+ "Create Salary Slip": "Stvaranje pla\u0107e Slip",
+ "Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria.": "Stvara pla\u0107e slip za gore navedene kriterije.",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Document Description": "Dokument Opis",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Make Bank Voucher": "Napravite Bank bon",
+ "Month": "Mjesec",
+ "Salary Manager": "Pla\u0107a Manager",
+ "Send Email": "Po\u0161aljite e-po\u0161tu",
+ "Submit Salary Slip": "Slanje pla\u0107e Slip",
+ "Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria": "Slanje sve pla\u0107e ga\u0107ice za gore odabranih kriterija"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb0d61915a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ "01": "01",
+ "02": "02",
+ "03": "03",
+ "04": "04",
+ "05": "05",
+ "06": "06",
+ "07": "07",
+ "08": "08",
+ "09": "09",
+ "10": "10",
+ "11": "11",
+ "12": "12",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Arrear Amount": "Iznos unatrag",
+ "Bank Account No.": "\u017diro ra\u010dun broj",
+ "Bank Name": "Ime banke",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Deduction": "Odbitak",
+ "Deductions": "Odbici",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "ESIC No.": "ESIC broj",
+ "Earning": "Zarada",
+ "Earning & Deduction": "Zarada & Odbitak",
+ "Email": "E-mail",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "Gross Pay": "Bruto pla\u0107e",
+ "Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction": "Bruto pla\u0107e + + zaostatak Iznos Iznos Encashment - Ukupno Odbitak",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Encashment Amount": "Ostavite Encashment Iznos",
+ "Leave Without Pay": "Ostavite bez pla\u0107e",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Month": "Mjesec",
+ "Net Pay": "Neto Pay",
+ "Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip.": "Neto pla\u0107a (u rije\u010dima) \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite pla\u0107e Slip.",
+ "PF No.": "PF broj",
+ "Payment days": "Pla\u0107anja dana",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "Salary Slip": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja",
+ "Salary Structure Earnings": "Pla\u0107a Struktura Zarada",
+ "Total Deduction": "Ukupno Odbitak",
+ "Total days in month": "Ukupno dana u mjesecu",
+ "Total in words": "Ukupno je u rije\u010dima",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1155608ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Depends on LWP": "Ovisi o lwp",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Modified Amount": "Promijenio Iznos",
+ "Salary Slip Deduction": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja Odbitak",
+ "Type": "Vrsta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a62494b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Depends on LWP": "Ovisi o lwp",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Modified Amount": "Promijenio Iznos",
+ "Salary Slip Earning": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja Zarada",
+ "Type": "Vrsta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a26166e674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "CTC": "CTC",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Cost to Company": "Tro\u0161kovi Dru\u0161tva",
+ "Deduction": "Odbitak",
+ "Deduction1": "Deduction1",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Earning": "Zarada",
+ "Earning & Deduction": "Zarada & Odbitak",
+ "Earning1": "Earning1",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Name": "Zaposlenik Ime",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Is Active": "Je aktivna",
+ "Net Pay": "Neto Pay",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Salary Structure": "Pla\u0107a Struktura",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Total Deduction": "Ukupno Odbitak",
+ "Total Earning": "Ukupna zarada",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "You can create more earning and deduction type from Setup --> HR": "Mo\u017eete stvoriti vi\u0161e pla\u0107a i dedukcije tipa iz Setup -> HR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1eb7f60b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Depend on LWP": "Ovise o lwp",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary Structure Deduction": "Pla\u0107a Struktura Odbitak",
+ "Type": "Vrsta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91e730a522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Depend on LWP": "Ovise o lwp",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary Structure Earning": "Pla\u0107a Struktura Zarada",
+ "Type": "Vrsta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0854eb7e7a..bfcee9da49 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Description of a Job Opening",
"Apply / Approve Leaves",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.",
"Applicant for a Job",
"Human Resources Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/ar-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/ar-doc.json
index b7a0e1cebf..f3547fbef3 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "\u0637\u0627\u0644\u0628 \u0648\u0638\u064a\u0641\u0629",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u062a\u0637\u0628\u064a\u0642 / \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0641\u0642\u0629 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0623\u0648\u0631\u0627\u0642",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0627\u062a \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0623\u064a\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u0645\u0629.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "\u0648\u0635\u0641 \u0644\u0641\u062a\u062d \u0641\u0631\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644",
"Human Resources Home": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0631\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0634\u0631\u064a\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/es-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/es-doc.json
index f14fc388e3..0c9bb9b727 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "Pretendiente a un puesto",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprobar Hojas",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloque Vacaciones en d\u00edas importantes.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Descripci\u00f3n de una oferta de trabajo",
"Human Resources Home": "Recursos Humanos Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/fr-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/fr-doc.json
index d118ceaea4..4edeabed03 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "Demandeur d'une offre d'emploi",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Appliquer / Approuver les feuilles",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloquer les jours f\u00e9ri\u00e9s importants.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Description d'un Job Opening",
"Human Resources Home": "Ressources humaines Accueil"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hi-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hi-doc.json
index 8d3f24ac22..8056a3e34a 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "\u090f\u0915 \u0928\u094c\u0915\u0930\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0906\u0935\u0947\u0926\u0915",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u092a\u0924\u094d\u0924\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0902 \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0942 / \u0938\u094d\u0935\u0940\u0915\u0943\u0924",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "\u092e\u0939\u0924\u094d\u0935\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0923 \u0926\u093f\u0928 \u092a\u0930 \u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u093f\u092f\u093e\u0901 \u092e\u0948.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "\u090f\u0915 \u0928\u094c\u0915\u0930\u0940 \u0916\u094b\u0932\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u093e \u0935\u093f\u0935\u0930\u0923",
"Human Resources Home": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0939\u094b\u092e \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hr-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6c8011ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Applicant for a Job": "Podnositelj zahtjeva za posao",
+ "Apply / Approve Leaves": "Nanesite / Odobri li\u0161\u0107e",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blok Odmor o va\u017enim dana.",
+ "Description of a Job Opening": "Opis posla otvorenje",
+ "Human Resources Home": "Ljudski resursi Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/nl-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/nl-doc.json
index 3e9ca3a287..39dd18b166 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "Aanvrager van een baan",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Toepassen / goedkeuren Leaves",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blok Vakantie op belangrijke dagen.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Beschrijving van een vacature",
"Human Resources Home": "Human Resources Startpagina"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/pt-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/pt-doc.json
index 9b31f0c479..626612b6d9 100644
--- a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Applicant for a Job": "Candidato a um emprego",
"Apply / Approve Leaves": "Aplicar / Aprovar Folhas",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Bloquear feriados em dias importantes.",
"Description of a Job Opening": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o de uma vaga de emprego",
"Human Resources Home": "Home Recursos Humanos"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/_messages_js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/_messages_js.json
index 249fcac15a..081d97a324 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/_messages_js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"Attendance record.",
"Employee records.",
- "Type of employment master.",
+ "Holiday Block List",
"Template for employee performance appraisals.",
"Applicant for a Job (extracted from jobs email).",
@@ -27,8 +27,11 @@
"Job Applicant",
"Salary Slip",
"Employment Type",
+ "Block leave applications by department.",
+ "Designation",
"Generate Salary Slips",
+ "Employee Designation.",
"Deduction Type",
"Holiday List",
"Monthly salary template.",
@@ -42,6 +45,7 @@
"Monthly salary statement.",
"Leave Type",
+ "Type of employment master.",
"Salary Structure",
"Company branches.",
"List of holidays.",
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/ar-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/ar-js.json
index cb67198dd6..5eda01890f 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/ar-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/ar-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "\u062a\u0642\u064a\u064a\u0645 \u0642\u0627\u0644\u0628",
"Attendance": "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0636\u0648\u0631",
"Attendance record.": "\u0633\u062c\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0636\u0648\u0631.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u0645\u063a\u0627\u062f\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0644\u0628\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0642\u062f\u0645\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062f\u0627\u0631\u0629.",
"Branch": "\u0641\u0631\u0639",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "\u0645\u0637\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0627\u062a \u0646\u0641\u0642\u0627\u062a \u062a\u0642\u062f\u0645 \u0628\u0647 \u0646\u064a\u0627\u0628\u0629 \u0639\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0638\u0645\u0629.",
"Company branches.": "\u0641\u0631\u0648\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629.",
"Company departments.": "\u0634\u0631\u0643\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062f\u0627\u0631\u0627\u062a.",
"Deduction Type": "\u062e\u0635\u0645 \u0646\u0648\u0639",
"Department": "\u0642\u0633\u0645",
+ "Designation": "\u062a\u0639\u064a\u064a\u0646",
"Documents": "\u0648\u062b\u0627\u0626\u0642",
"Earning Type": "\u0643\u0633\u0628 \u0646\u0648\u0639",
"Employee": "\u0639\u0627\u0645\u0644",
+ "Employee Designation.": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0639\u064a\u064a\u0646.",
"Employee Setup": "\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0639\u062f\u0627\u062f",
"Employee grades": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0631\u062c\u0627\u062a",
"Employee records.": "\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u062c\u0644\u0627\u062a.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0637\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0629 \u0646\u0648\u0639",
"Generate Salary Slips": "\u062a\u0648\u0644\u064a\u062f \u0642\u0633\u0627\u0626\u0645 \u0631\u0627\u062a\u0628",
"Grade": "\u062f\u0631\u062c\u0629",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
"Holiday List": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
"Job Applicant": "\u0637\u0627\u0644\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644",
"Job Opening": "\u0627\u0641\u062a\u062a\u0627\u062d \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644",
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index b8656ebf73..4f5ce613cc 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/es-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/es-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "Evaluaci\u00f3n de plantilla",
"Attendance": "Asistencia",
"Attendance record.": "Asistencia r\u00e9cord.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Bloque dejar aplicaciones por departamento.",
"Branch": "Rama",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "Las reclamaciones por gastos realizados en nombre de la organizaci\u00f3n.",
"Company branches.": "Sucursales de la compa\u00f1\u00eda.",
"Company departments.": "Departamentos de la empresa.",
"Deduction Type": "Deducci\u00f3n Tipo",
"Department": "Departamento",
+ "Designation": "Designaci\u00f3n",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"Earning Type": "Ganando Tipo",
"Employee": "Empleado",
+ "Employee Designation.": "Designaci\u00f3n del Empleado.",
"Employee Setup": "Empleado de configuraci\u00f3n",
"Employee grades": "Los grados de empleados",
"Employee records.": "Registros de empleados.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "Tipo de Reclamaci\u00f3n de Gastos",
"Generate Salary Slips": "Generar las n\u00f3minas",
"Grade": "Grado",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday lista de bloqueo",
"Holiday List": "Holiday lista",
"Job Applicant": "Solicitante de empleo",
"Job Opening": "Job Opening",
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/fr-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/fr-js.json
index 2496e1801d..16497f5a01 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/fr-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/fr-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "Mod\u00e8le d'\u00e9valuation",
"Attendance": "Pr\u00e9sence",
"Attendance record.": "Record de fr\u00e9quentation.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Bloquer les demandes d'autorisation par le minist\u00e8re.",
"Branch": "Branche",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "Les r\u00e9clamations pour d\u00e9penses faites au nom de l'organisation.",
"Company branches.": "Filiales de l'entreprise.",
"Company departments.": "D\u00e9partements de l'entreprise.",
"Deduction Type": "Type de d\u00e9duction",
"Department": "D\u00e9partement",
+ "Designation": "D\u00e9signation",
"Documents": "Documents",
"Earning Type": "Gagner Type d'",
"Employee": "Employ\u00e9",
+ "Employee Designation.": "D\u00e9signation des employ\u00e9s.",
"Employee Setup": "Configuration des employ\u00e9s",
"Employee grades": "Grades du personnel",
"Employee records.": "Les dossiers des employ\u00e9s.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "Type de demande d'indemnit\u00e9",
"Generate Salary Slips": "G\u00e9n\u00e9rer les bulletins de salaire",
"Grade": "Grade",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Block List vacances",
"Holiday List": "Liste de vacances",
"Job Applicant": "Demandeur d'emploi",
"Job Opening": "Offre d'emploi",
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hi-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hi-js.json
index 4dab6841c0..20324fae0a 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hi-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hi-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "\u092e\u0942\u0932\u094d\u092f\u093e\u0902\u0915\u0928 \u091f\u0947\u092e\u094d\u092a\u0932\u0947\u091f",
"Attendance": "\u0909\u092a\u0938\u094d\u0925\u093f\u0924\u093f",
"Attendance record.": "\u0909\u092a\u0938\u094d\u0925\u093f\u0924\u093f \u0930\u093f\u0915\u0949\u0930\u094d\u0921.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "\u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917 \u0926\u094d\u0935\u093e\u0930\u093e \u0906\u0935\u0947\u0926\u0928 \u091b\u094b\u0921\u093c \u092e\u0948.",
"Branch": "\u0936\u093e\u0916\u093e",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "\u0938\u0902\u0917\u0920\u0928 \u0915\u0940 \u0913\u0930 \u0938\u0947 \u0915\u093f\u090f \u0917\u090f \u0916\u0930\u094d\u091a \u0915\u0947 \u0932\u093f\u090f \u0926\u093e\u0935\u093e.",
"Company branches.": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940 \u0936\u093e\u0916\u093e\u090f\u0902.",
"Company departments.": "\u0915\u0902\u092a\u0928\u0940 \u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917\u094b\u0902.",
"Deduction Type": "\u0915\u091f\u094c\u0924\u0940 \u0915\u0947 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930",
"Department": "\u0935\u093f\u092d\u093e\u0917",
+ "Designation": "\u092a\u0926\u0928\u093e\u092e",
"Documents": "\u0926\u0938\u094d\u0924\u093e\u0935\u0947\u091c\u093c",
"Earning Type": "\u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930 \u0915\u092e\u093e\u0908",
"Employee": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940",
+ "Employee Designation.": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u092a\u0926\u0928\u093e\u092e.",
"Employee Setup": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0938\u0947\u091f\u0905\u092a",
"Employee grades": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0917\u094d\u0930\u0947\u0921",
"Employee records.": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0930\u093f\u0915\u0949\u0930\u094d\u0921.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "\u0935\u094d\u092f\u092f \u0926\u093e\u0935\u093e \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930",
"Generate Salary Slips": "\u0935\u0947\u0924\u0928 \u0938\u094d\u0932\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0938 \u0909\u0924\u094d\u092a\u0928\u094d\u0928",
"Grade": "\u0917\u094d\u0930\u0947\u0921",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
"Holiday List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
"Job Applicant": "\u0928\u094c\u0915\u0930\u0940 \u0906\u0935\u0947\u0926\u0915",
"Job Opening": "\u0928\u094c\u0915\u0930\u0940 \u0916\u094b\u0932\u0928\u0947",
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hr-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fce70e5969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ "Allocate leaves for the year.": "Dodjela li\u0161\u0107e za godinu dana.",
+ "Applicant for a Job (extracted from jobs email).": "Podnositelj zahtjeva za posao (izva\u0111en iz radnih e).",
+ "Applications for leave.": "Prijave za odmor.",
+ "Appraisal": "Procjena",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak",
+ "Attendance": "Poha\u0111anje",
+ "Attendance record.": "Gledatelja rekord.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Blok ostaviti aplikacija odjelu.",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "Potra\u017eivanja za tro\u0161kove u\u010dinjene u ime organizacije.",
+ "Company branches.": "Tvrtka grane.",
+ "Company departments.": "Tvrtka odjeli.",
+ "Deduction Type": "Odbitak Tip",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Earning Type": "Zarada Vid",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Designation.": "Zaposlenik Imenovanje.",
+ "Employee Setup": "Zaposlenik konfiguracija",
+ "Employee grades": "Zaposlenih razreda",
+ "Employee records.": "Zaposlenih evidencija.",
+ "Employment Type": "Zapo\u0161ljavanje Tip",
+ "Expense Claim": "Rashodi polaganja",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Rashodi Vrsta polaganja",
+ "Generate Salary Slips": "Generiranje pla\u0107e ga\u0107ice",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis",
+ "Holiday List": "Turisti\u010dka Popis",
+ "Job Applicant": "Posao podnositelj",
+ "Job Opening": "Posao Otvaranje",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Ostavite Raspodjela",
+ "Leave Allocation Tool": "Ostavite raspodjele alat",
+ "Leave Application": "Ostavite aplikaciju",
+ "Leave Setup": "Ostavite Setup",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Leave allocations.": "Ostavite izdvajanja.",
+ "List of holidays.": "Popis blagdana.",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Monthly salary statement.": "Mjese\u010dna pla\u0107a izjava.",
+ "Monthly salary template.": "Mjese\u010dna pla\u0107a predlo\u017eak.",
+ "Opening for a Job.": "Otvaranje za posao.",
+ "Payroll Setup": "Pla\u0107e za postavljanje",
+ "Performance appraisal.": "Ocjenjivanje.",
+ "Process Payroll": "Proces pla\u0107e",
+ "Salary Slip": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja",
+ "Salary Structure": "Pla\u0107a Struktura",
+ "Salary components.": "Pla\u0107a komponente.",
+ "Tax and other salary deductions.": "Porez i drugih isplata pla\u0107a.",
+ "Template for employee performance appraisals.": "Predlo\u017eak za zaposlenika ocjeni rada.",
+ "Type of employment master.": "Vrsta zaposlenja gospodara.",
+ "Type of leaves like casual, sick etc.": "Tip li\u0161\u0107a poput casual, bolovanja i sl.",
+ "Types of Expense Claim.": "Vrste Rashodi zahtjevu.",
+ "Upload attendance": "Prenesi prisustvo",
+ "Upload attendance from a .csv file": "Prenesi dolazak iz. Csv datoteku"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/nl-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/nl-js.json
index 3fa25215d7..16b4121d93 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/nl-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/nl-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "Beoordeling Sjabloon",
"Attendance": "Opkomst",
"Attendance record.": "Aanwezigheid record.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Blok verlaten toepassingen per afdeling.",
"Branch": "Tak",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "Claims voor onkosten die hij in opdracht van de organisatie.",
"Company branches.": "Bedrijfstakken.",
"Company departments.": "Bedrijfsafdelingen.",
"Deduction Type": "Aftrek Type",
"Department": "Afdeling",
+ "Designation": "Benaming",
"Documents": "Documenten",
"Earning Type": "Verdienen Type",
"Employee": "Werknemer",
+ "Employee Designation.": "Medewerker Aanduiding.",
"Employee Setup": "Medewerker Setup",
"Employee grades": "Medewerker cijfers",
"Employee records.": "Employee records.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "Expense Claim Type",
"Generate Salary Slips": "Genereer Salaris Slips",
"Grade": "Graad",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday Block List",
"Holiday List": "Holiday Lijst",
"Job Applicant": "Sollicitant",
"Job Opening": "Vacature",
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/pt-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/pt-js.json
index d450a06a39..2a0f6b0d8e 100644
--- a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/pt-js.json
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/pt-js.json
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
"Appraisal Template": "Modelo de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Attendance": "Comparecimento",
"Attendance record.": "Recorde de p\u00fablico.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Bloquear deixar aplica\u00e7\u00f5es por departamento.",
"Branch": "Ramo",
"Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "As reclama\u00e7\u00f5es por despesas feitas em nome da organiza\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"Company branches.": "Filiais da empresa.",
"Company departments.": "Departamentos da empresa.",
"Deduction Type": "Tipo de dedu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Department": "Departamento",
+ "Designation": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"Earning Type": "Ganhando Tipo",
"Employee": "Empregado",
+ "Employee Designation.": "Designa\u00e7\u00e3o empregado.",
"Employee Setup": "Configura\u00e7\u00e3o empregado",
"Employee grades": "Notas de funcion\u00e1rios",
"Employee records.": "Registros de funcion\u00e1rios.",
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@
"Expense Claim Type": "Tipo de reembolso de despesas",
"Generate Salary Slips": "Gerar folhas de sal\u00e1rios",
"Grade": "Grau",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias",
"Holiday List": "Lista de feriado",
"Job Applicant": "Candidato a emprego",
"Job Opening": "Abertura de emprego",
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c591109dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "BOM": "BOM",
+ "BOM Item": "BOM artikla",
+ "BOM Operations": "BOM operacije",
+ "Costing": "Ko\u0161tanje",
+ "Is Active": "Je aktivna",
+ "Is Default": "Je Default",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Desription": "Stavka Desription",
+ "Item UOM": "Stavka UOM",
+ "Item to be manufactured or repacked": "Stavka biti proizvedeni ili prepakirani",
+ "Last Purchase Rate": "Zadnja Kupnja Ocijenite",
+ "Manage cost of operations": "Upravljanje tro\u0161kove poslovanja",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Materials": "Materijali",
+ "Materials Required (Exploded)": "Materijali Obavezno (eksplodirala)",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Operations": "Operacije",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials": "Koli\u010dina predmeta dobije nakon proizvodnju / pakiranje od navedenih koli\u010dina sirovina",
+ "Rate Of Materials Based On": "Stopa materijali na temelju",
+ "Total Cost": "Ukupan tro\u0161ak",
+ "Total Operating Cost": "Ukupni tro\u0161ak",
+ "Total Raw Material Cost": "Ukupno tro\u0161kova sirovine",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Vrednovanje Stopa",
+ "With Operations": "Uz operacije"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-py.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d867e433cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ " against same operation": "protiv istog radu",
+ ": It is linked to other active BOM(s)": ": To je povezano s drugom aktivnom BOM (e)",
+ "Cannot ": "Nemogu\u0107e",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "cancel": "otkazati",
+ "deactivate": "deaktivirati",
+ "has been entered atleast twice": "je u\u0161ao atleast dva puta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cdedc4fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "BOM Explosion Item": "BOM eksplozije artikla",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Mat Detail No": "Mat Detalj Ne",
+ "Parent BOM": "Roditelj BOM",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Kol Potro\u0161eno po jedinici",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Stock UOM": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4350dc485c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "BOM Item": "BOM artikla",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Ne",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Description": "Stavka Opis",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Operation No": "Operacija Ne",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Kol Potro\u0161eno po jedinici",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Scrap %": "Otpad%",
+ "Stock UOM": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2cd12f315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Operation": "BOM Operacija",
+ "Hour Rate": "Sat Ocijenite",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Operating Cost": "Operativni tro\u0161kovi",
+ "Operation Description": "Operacija Opis",
+ "Operation No": "Operacija Ne",
+ "Operation Time (mins)": "Operacija Vrijeme (min)",
+ "Workstation": "Workstation"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6b432335d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced",
+ "New BOM",
+ "The new BOM after replacement",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM",
+ "Manufacturing",
+ "Current BOM",
+ "Replace"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/ar-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/ar-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f66961541a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644 \u0623\u062f\u0627\u0629",
+ "Current BOM": "BOM \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0627\u0644\u064a",
+ "Manufacturing": "\u062a\u0635\u0646\u064a\u0639",
+ "New BOM": "BOM \u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f\u0629",
+ "Replace": "\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0644",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644 BOM \u062e\u0627\u0635\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u062c\u0645\u064a\u0639 BOMs \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062e\u0631\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u064a\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645 \u0641\u064a\u0647\u0627. \u0648\u0627\u0646\u0647 \u0633\u064a\u062d\u0644 \u0645\u062d\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0627\u0628\u0637 BOM \u0627\u0644\u0642\u062f\u064a\u0645\u0629\u060c \u0648\u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062b \u0648\u062a\u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0643\u0644\u0641\u0629 "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0627\u0646\u0641\u062c\u0627\u0631 BOM" \u0627\u0644\u062c\u062f\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0648\u0641\u0642\u0627 BOM",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "\u0648BOM \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u0633\u064a\u062a\u0645 \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "\u0648BOM \u0627\u0644\u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f\u0629 \u0628\u0639\u062f \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/es-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/es-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc1712d903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Tool Reemplazar",
+ "Current BOM": "BOM actual",
+ "Manufacturing": "Fabricaci\u00f3n",
+ "New BOM": "Nueva lista de materiales",
+ "Replace": "Reemplazar",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Reemplazar un BOM particular en todas las listas de materiales de otros en los que se utiliza. Se sustituir\u00e1 el enlace BOM viejo, actualizar el costo y regenerar "Explosi\u00f3n lista de materiales Item" tabla seg\u00fan nueva lista de materiales",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "La lista de materiales que ser\u00e1 sustituido",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "La lista de materiales nuevo despu\u00e9s de sustituirlo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/fr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/fr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10da202d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "Outil Remplacer BOM",
+ "Current BOM": "Nomenclature actuelle",
+ "Manufacturing": "Fabrication",
+ "New BOM": "Nouvelle nomenclature",
+ "Replace": "Remplacer",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Remplacer une nomenclature particuli\u00e8re dans toutes les nomenclatures d'autres o\u00f9 il est utilis\u00e9. Il remplacera le lien de nomenclature ancienne, mettre \u00e0 jour les co\u00fbts et r\u00e9g\u00e9n\u00e9rer "Explosion de nomenclature article" la table comme pour une nouvelle nomenclature",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "La nomenclature qui sera remplac\u00e9",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "La nouvelle nomenclature apr\u00e8s le remplacement"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hi-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hi-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e60b27b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "\u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u092c\u0926\u0932\u0947\u0902 \u0909\u092a\u0915\u0930\u0923",
+ "Current BOM": "\u0935\u0930\u094d\u0924\u092e\u093e\u0928 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e",
+ "Manufacturing": "\u0935\u093f\u0928\u093f\u0930\u094d\u092e\u093e\u0923",
+ "New BOM": "\u0928\u0908 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e",
+ "Replace": "\u092c\u0926\u0932\u0947\u0902",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "\u0905\u0928\u094d\u092f \u0938\u092d\u0940 BOMs \u091c\u0939\u093e\u0902 \u092f\u0939 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u092f\u094b\u0917 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u091c\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0939\u0948 \u092e\u0947\u0902 \u090f\u0915 \u0935\u093f\u0936\u0947\u0937 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u092c\u0926\u0932\u0947\u0902. \u092f\u0939 \u092a\u0941\u0930\u093e\u0928\u0947 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u0932\u093f\u0902\u0915 \u0915\u0940 \u091c\u0917\u0939, \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0924 \u0905\u0926\u094d\u092f\u0924\u0928 \u0914\u0930 \u0928\u092f\u093e \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u0915\u0947 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u0938\u093e\u0930 "BOM \u0927\u092e\u093e\u0915\u093e \u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e" \u0924\u093e\u0932\u093f\u0915\u093e \u092a\u0941\u0928\u0930\u094d\u091c\u0928\u094d\u092e",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "\u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u091c\u094b \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0924\u093f\u0938\u094d\u0925\u093e\u092a\u093f\u0924 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u091c\u093e\u090f\u0917\u093e",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "\u092c\u0926\u0932\u0928\u0947 \u0915\u0947 \u092c\u093e\u0926 \u0928\u090f \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57c5c88350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Zamijenite alat",
+ "Current BOM": "Trenutni BOM",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "New BOM": "Novi BOM",
+ "Replace": "Zamijeniti",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Zamijenite odre\u0111eni BOM u svim drugim sastavnicama gdje se koriste. To \u0107e zamijeniti staru vezu BOM, a\u017eurirati tro\u0161kove i regenerirati "BOM eksploziju predmeta" stol kao i po novom BOM",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "BOM koji \u0107e biti zamijenjen",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "Novi BOM nakon zamjene"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-py.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..720d0edbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "BOM replaced": "BOM zamijeniti"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/nl-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/nl-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68c5c63acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Replace Tool",
+ "Current BOM": "Actueel BOM",
+ "Manufacturing": "Productie",
+ "New BOM": "Nieuwe BOM",
+ "Replace": "Vervang",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Vervang een bepaalde BOM in alle andere BOMs waar het wordt gebruikt. Deze vervangt de oude BOM link, updaten kosten en regenereren "BOM Explosion Item" tafel als per nieuwe BOM",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "De BOM die zal worden vervangen",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "De nieuwe BOM na vervanging"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/pt-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/pt-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17c4116f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Ferramenta Substituir",
+ "Current BOM": "BOM atual",
+ "Manufacturing": "Fabrico",
+ "New BOM": "Novo BOM",
+ "Replace": "Substituir",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Substituir um BOM particular em todas as BOMs outros onde ele \u00e9 usado. Ele ir\u00e1 substituir o link BOM antigo, atualizar o custo e regenerar "Explos\u00e3o BOM Item" tabela como por novo BOM",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "O BOM que ser\u00e1 substitu\u00eddo",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "O BOM novo ap\u00f3s substitui\u00e7\u00e3o"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52f393616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack": "Automatski a\u017eurira putem burze Unos tipa Proizvodnja / prepakirati",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Ne",
+ "Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing": "Bill of material treba uzeti u obzir za proizvodnju",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Completed": "Dovr\u0161en",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "For Warehouse": "Za galeriju",
+ "If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.": "Ako je ozna\u010deno, BOM za pod-zbor stavke \u0107e biti uzeti u obzir za dobivanje sirovine. Ina\u010de, sve pod-monta\u017ea stavke \u0107e biti tretirani kao sirovinu.",
+ "In Process": "U procesu",
+ "Item To Manufacture": "Stavka za proizvodnju",
+ "Manufacture against Sales Order": "Proizvodnja protiv prodaje Reda",
+ "Manufactured Qty": "Proizvedeno Kol",
+ "Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse": "Proizvedeno koli\u010dina \u0107e biti a\u017eurirana u ovom skladi\u0161tu",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "PRO": "PRO",
+ "Production Order": "Proizvodnja Red",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Qty To Manufacture": "Koli\u010dina za proizvodnju",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock UOM": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM",
+ "Stopped": "Zaustavljen",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Use Multi-Level BOM": "Koristite multi-level BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2e27f8edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "BOM No": "BOM Ne",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Planned Qty": "Planirani Kol",
+ "Production Plan Item": "Proizvodnja plan artikla",
+ "SO Pending Qty": "SO \u010dekanju Kol",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86a3745c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Production Plan Sales Order": "Proizvodnja plan prodajnog naloga",
+ "SO Date": "SO Datum",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7ab56f6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Clear Table": "Jasno Tablica",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Create Production Orders": "Stvaranje radne naloge",
+ "Download Materials Required": "Preuzmite Materijali za",
+ "Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status": "Preuzmite izvje\u0161\u0107e koje sadr\u017ei sve sirovine sa svojim najnovijim inventara statusa",
+ "Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis.": "Unesite stavke i planirani Koli\u010dina za koje \u017eelite pove\u0107ati proizvodne naloge ili preuzimanje sirovine za analizu.",
+ "Filter based on customer": "Filter temelji se na kupca",
+ "Filter based on item": "Filtrirati na temelju to\u010dki",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "Get Sales Orders": "Nabavite narud\u017ebe",
+ "If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.": "Ako je ozna\u010deno, BOM za pod-zbor stavke \u0107e biti uzeti u obzir za dobivanje sirovine. Ina\u010de, sve pod-monta\u017ea stavke \u0107e biti tretirani kao sirovinu.",
+ "Items to be requested which are \"Out of Stock\" considering all warehouses based on projected qty and minimum order qty": "Proizvodi se tra\u017ei \u0161to su "Out of Stock" s obzirom na sve skladi\u0161ta na temelju projicirane Qty i minimalne narud\u017ebe Kol",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)": "Materijali Zahtjev za planiranje (MRP)",
+ "Production Plan Items": "Plan proizvodnje Proizvodi",
+ "Production Plan Sales Orders": "Plan proizvodnje narud\u017ebe",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Planiranje proizvodnje alat",
+ "Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table.": "Povucite stavke iz prodaje Reda navedene u gornjoj tablici.",
+ "Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria": "Povucite prodajne naloge (na \u010dekanju za isporuku) na temelju navedenih kriterija",
+ "Purchase Request For Warehouse": "Kupnja Zahtjev za galeriju",
+ "Raise Production Order": "Podignite proizvodnom nalogu",
+ "Raise Purchase Request": "Podignite zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Select Sales Orders": "Odaberite narud\u017ebe",
+ "Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders.": "Odaberite narud\u017ebe iz koje \u017eelite stvoriti radne naloge.",
+ "Separate production order will be created for each finished good item.": "Poseban proizvodnja kako \u0107e biti izra\u0111en za svakog gotovog dobrom stavke.",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Use Multi-Level BOM": "Koristite multi-level BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c457b6f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "From Date": "Od datuma",
+ "Get Open Sales Order": "Nabavite Otvori prodajnog naloga",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "To Date": "Za datum",
+ "Update Delivery Date": "A\u017eurirajte datum isporuke",
+ "Update Sales Order": "A\u017eurirajte prodajnog naloga"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79534d6ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Capacity": "Kapacitet",
+ "Capacity Units": "Kapacitet jedinice",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Hour Rate": "Sat Ocijenite",
+ "Hour Rate Consumable": "Sat Ocijenite Potro\u0161ni",
+ "Hour Rate Electricity": "Sat Ocijenite Struja",
+ "Hour Rate Labour": "Sat Ocijenite rada",
+ "Hour Rate Rent": "Sat Ocijenite Najam",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Over Heads": "Vi\u0161e od \u0161efova",
+ "Overhead": "Dometnut",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Units/Hour": "Jedinice / sat",
+ "Units/Shifts": "Jedinice / smjene",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te",
+ "Workstation": "Workstation",
+ "Workstation Name": "Ime Workstation"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
index f4be93eba5..b47bc77f1d 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home"
+ "Manufacturing Home",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/ar-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/ar-doc.json
index a363323224..647300662a 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "\u062a\u0635\u0646\u064a\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "\u062a\u0635\u0646\u064a\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644 BOM \u062e\u0627\u0635\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u062c\u0645\u064a\u0639 BOMs \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062e\u0631\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u064a\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645 \u0641\u064a\u0647\u0627. \u0648\u0627\u0646\u0647 \u0633\u064a\u062d\u0644 \u0645\u062d\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0627\u0628\u0637 BOM \u0627\u0644\u0642\u062f\u064a\u0645\u0629\u060c \u0648\u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062b \u0648\u062a\u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0643\u0644\u0641\u0629 "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0646\u062f \u0627\u0646\u0641\u062c\u0627\u0631 BOM" \u0627\u0644\u062c\u062f\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0648\u0641\u0642\u0627 BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/es-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/es-doc.json
index aafcf48cfa..43997d212c 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "Fabricaci\u00f3n Inicio"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "Fabricaci\u00f3n Inicio",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Reemplazar un BOM particular en todas las listas de materiales de otros en los que se utiliza. Se sustituir\u00e1 el enlace BOM viejo, actualizar el costo y regenerar "Explosi\u00f3n lista de materiales Item" tabla seg\u00fan nueva lista de materiales"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/fr-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/fr-doc.json
index f0a49a294f..f2637cc6f2 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "Accueil Fabrication"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "Accueil Fabrication",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Remplacer une nomenclature particuli\u00e8re dans toutes les nomenclatures d'autres o\u00f9 il est utilis\u00e9. Il remplacera le lien de nomenclature ancienne, mettre \u00e0 jour les co\u00fbts et r\u00e9g\u00e9n\u00e9rer "Explosion de nomenclature article" la table comme pour une nouvelle nomenclature"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hi-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hi-doc.json
index 9e128ec0f5..e1aa1db6e1 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "\u0935\u093f\u0928\u093f\u0930\u094d\u092e\u093e\u0923 \u0939\u094b\u092e"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "\u0935\u093f\u0928\u093f\u0930\u094d\u092e\u093e\u0923 \u0939\u094b\u092e",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "\u0905\u0928\u094d\u092f \u0938\u092d\u0940 BOMs \u091c\u0939\u093e\u0902 \u092f\u0939 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u092f\u094b\u0917 \u0915\u093f\u092f\u093e \u091c\u093e\u0924\u093e \u0939\u0948 \u092e\u0947\u0902 \u090f\u0915 \u0935\u093f\u0936\u0947\u0937 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u092c\u0926\u0932\u0947\u0902. \u092f\u0939 \u092a\u0941\u0930\u093e\u0928\u0947 \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u0932\u093f\u0902\u0915 \u0915\u0940 \u091c\u0917\u0939, \u0932\u093e\u0917\u0924 \u0905\u0926\u094d\u092f\u0924\u0928 \u0914\u0930 \u0928\u092f\u093e \u092c\u0940\u0913\u090f\u092e \u0915\u0947 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u0938\u093e\u0930 "BOM \u0927\u092e\u093e\u0915\u093e \u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e" \u0924\u093e\u0932\u093f\u0915\u093e \u092a\u0941\u0928\u0930\u094d\u091c\u0928\u094d\u092e"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hr-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d34d1e830f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Manufacturing Home": "Proizvodnja Po\u010detna",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Zamijenite odre\u0111eni BOM u svim drugim sastavnicama gdje se koriste. To \u0107e zamijeniti staru vezu BOM, a\u017eurirati tro\u0161kove i regenerirati "BOM eksploziju predmeta" stol kao i po novom BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/nl-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/nl-doc.json
index c813d1628a..3aad7b8991 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "Productie Startpagina"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "Productie Startpagina",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Vervang een bepaalde BOM in alle andere BOMs waar het wordt gebruikt. Deze vervangt de oude BOM link, updaten kosten en regenereren "BOM Explosion Item" tafel als per nieuwe BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/pt-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/pt-doc.json
index 6e8f2fd8f4..16aacc9949 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Manufacturing Home": "In\u00edcio de fabrica\u00e7\u00e3o"
+ "Manufacturing Home": "In\u00edcio de fabrica\u00e7\u00e3o",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Substituir um BOM particular em todas as BOMs outros onde ele \u00e9 usado. Ele ir\u00e1 substituir o link BOM antigo, atualizar o custo e regenerar "Explos\u00e3o BOM Item" tabela como por novo BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/hr-js.json b/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4375703521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "All Products or Services.": "Svi proizvodi i usluge.",
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Zamijenite alat",
+ "Bill of Materials": "Bill materijala",
+ "Bill of Materials (BOM)": "Bill materijala (BOM)",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Generate Purchase Requests (MRP) and Production Orders.": "Generirajte Kupnja Upiti (MRP) i radne naloge.",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Orders released for production.": "Narud\u017ebe objavljen za proizvodnju.",
+ "Production Order": "Proizvodnja Red",
+ "Production Planning (MRP)": "Planiranje proizvodnje (MRP)",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Planiranje proizvodnje alat",
+ "Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs": "Zamijenite predmet / BOM u svim sastavnicama",
+ "Utility": "Korisnost",
+ "Where manufacturing operations are carried out.": "Gdje proizvodni postupci provode.",
+ "Workstation": "Workstation"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/production/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json b/production/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6ff6b6e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/production/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Zamijenite alat",
+ "Current BOM": "Trenutni BOM",
+ "New BOM": "Novi BOM",
+ "Production": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Replace": "Zamijeniti",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Zamijenite odre\u0111eni BOM u svim drugim sastavnicama gdje se koriste. To \u0107e zamijeniti staru vezu BOM, a\u017eurirati tro\u0161kove i regenerirati "BOM eksploziju predmeta" stol kao i po novom BOM",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "BOM koji \u0107e biti zamijenjen",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "Novi BOM nakon zamjene"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c7413cd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Aktivnost Tip",
+ "Projects": "Projekti"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f86d4aa86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "Actual Completion Date": "Stvarni datum dovr\u0161enja",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Completed": "Dovr\u0161en",
+ "Completion Date": "Zavr\u0161etak Datum",
+ "Contact No": "Kontaktirajte Ne",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Details": "Korisni\u010dki podaci",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Dates": "Termini",
+ "Email Id": "E-mail ID",
+ "Estimated Material Cost": "Procjena tro\u0161kova materijala",
+ "External": "Vanjski",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Gross Margin %": "Bruto mar\u017ea%",
+ "Gross Margin Value": "Bruto mar\u017ea vrijednost",
+ "High": "Visok",
+ "Important dates and commitments in your project life cycle": "Va\u017eni datumi i obveze u svoj ciklus projekta \u017eivota",
+ "Internal": "Interni",
+ "Is Active": "Je aktivna",
+ "Low": "Nisko",
+ "Margin": "Mar\u017ea",
+ "Medium": "Srednji",
+ "Milestones": "Dostignu\u0107a",
+ "Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar": "Dostignu\u0107a \u0107e biti dodan kao Doga\u0111anja u kalendaru",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Notes": "Bilje\u0161ke",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Other": "Drugi",
+ "Priority": "Prioritet",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Costing": "Projekt Costing",
+ "Project Details": "Projekt Detalji",
+ "Project Milestones": "Projekt Dostignu\u0107a",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Project Start Date": "Projekt datum po\u010detka",
+ "Project Tasks": "Projektni zadaci",
+ "Project Type": "Vrsta projekta",
+ "Project Value": "Projekt Vrijednost",
+ "Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given": "Projekt \u0107e biti spa\u0161en i da \u0107e se mo\u0107i pretra\u017eivati \u200b\u200bs projektom ime dano",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Select name of Customer to whom project belongs": "Odaberite ime kupca kojem projekt pripada",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Tasks": "Zadaci",
+ "Tasks belonging to this Project.": "Zadaci koje pripadaju ovom projektu.",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c559486a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ "0": "0",
+ "10": "10",
+ "100": "100",
+ "15": "15",
+ "20": "20",
+ "25": "25",
+ "30": "30",
+ "35": "35",
+ "40": "40",
+ "45": "45",
+ "5": "5",
+ "50": "50",
+ "55": "55",
+ "60": "60",
+ "65": "65",
+ "70": "70",
+ "75": "75",
+ "80": "80",
+ "85": "85",
+ "90": "90",
+ "95": "95",
+ "Activity Name": "Djelatnost Naziv",
+ "Add": "Dodati",
+ "Hours": "Sati",
+ "Last Update": "Zadnja promjena",
+ "Last Update By": "Zadnji Update",
+ "New Update": "Novi Update",
+ "Percent Complete": "Postotak Cijela",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Activity": "Projekt aktivnost",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Updates": "A\u017euriranja",
+ "Updates HTML": "A\u017euriranja HTML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14ec5cf953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Hours": "Sati",
+ "Project Activity Update": "Projekt Aktivnost Update",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Update": "A\u017eurirati",
+ "e.g. 0.5, 2.5 etc": "npr. 0,5, 2,5 itd."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43eb5eb79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Project Control": "Projekt kontrole",
+ "Projects": "Projekti"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9afa56840d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Completed": "Dovr\u0161en",
+ "Milestone": "Prekretnica",
+ "Milestone Date": "Prekretnica Datum",
+ "Pending": "\u010cekanju",
+ "Project Milestone": "Projekt Prekretnica",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/task/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/task/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b162e76ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/task/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Actual": "Stvaran",
+ "Actual Budget": "Stvarni prora\u010dun",
+ "Actual End Date": "Stvarni Datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Actual Start Date": "Stvarni datum po\u010detka",
+ "Allocated Budget": "Dodijeljeni prora\u010duna",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Closed": "Zatvoreno",
+ "Closing Date": "Datum zatvaranja",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Details": "Detalji",
+ "Expected": "O\u010dekivana",
+ "Expected End Date": "O\u010dekivani Datum zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Expected Start Date": "O\u010dekivani datum po\u010detka",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "High": "Visok",
+ "Low": "Nisko",
+ "Medium": "Srednji",
+ "More Details": "Vi\u0161e pojedinosti",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Pending Review": "U tijeku pregled",
+ "Priority": "Prioritet",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Review Date": "Recenzija Datum",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Subject": "Predmet",
+ "Task": "Zadatak",
+ "Task Details": "Zadatak Detalji",
+ "Time and Budget": "Vrijeme i prora\u010dun",
+ "Total Hours (Expected)": "Ukupno vrijeme (O\u010dekivani)",
+ "Urgent": "Hitan",
+ "Working": "Rad"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f7e1d6ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Notes": "Bilje\u0161ke",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Timesheet": "Kontrolna kartica",
+ "Timesheet By": "Timesheet Do",
+ "Timesheet Date": "Timesheet Datum",
+ "Timesheet Details": "Timesheet Detalji"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d19276ad81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Aktivnost Tip",
+ "Actual End Time": "Stvarni Vrijeme zavr\u0161etka",
+ "Actual Start Time": "Stvarni Vrijeme po\u010detka",
+ "Additional Info": "Dodatne informacije",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Task Id": "Zadatak Id",
+ "Task Name": "Zadatak Ime",
+ "Timesheet Detail": "Timesheet Detalj",
+ "Total Hours (Actual)": "Ukupno vrijeme (Stvarni)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/module_def/projects/locale/hr-doc.json b/projects/module_def/projects/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdf6a7b1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/module_def/projects/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Projects Home": "Projekti Po\u010detna"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/page/projects_home/locale/hr-js.json b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec6afd7af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Aktivnost Tip",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Gantt Chart": "Gantogram",
+ "Gantt chart of all tasks.": "Gantogram svih zadataka.",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project activity / task.": "Projekt aktivnost / zadatak.",
+ "Project master.": "Projekt majstor.",
+ "Task": "Zadatak",
+ "Timesheet": "Kontrolna kartica",
+ "Timesheet for tasks.": "Timesheet za zadatke.",
+ "Tools": "Alat",
+ "Types of activities for Time Sheets": "Vrste aktivnosti za vrijeme listova"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json b/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
index bbe5de7d07..51800794e5 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
"Maintenance Visit Purpose",
"Purchase Invoice",
+ "Product Settings",
"Leave Type",
"Sales and Purchase Return Tool",
"Global Defaults",
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@
"Update Delivery Date",
"Sales Email Settings",
+ "Warehouse User",
"Website Slideshow",
"Profile Control",
"Landed Cost Wizard",
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@
"Activity Type",
"Cost Center",
- "Product Settings",
+ "Holiday Block List",
"Delivery Note Item",
"Company Control",
"Purchase Request Item",
@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@
"Purchase Receipt Item Supplied",
"Customer Group",
"Opportunity Item",
+ "Holiday Block List Date",
"Sales Invoice Item",
"GL Mapper",
@@ -246,7 +249,7 @@
"BOM Item",
"Other Income Detail",
- "Production",
+ "Task",
"Setup Control",
"Expense Claim Type",
"Website Product Category",
@@ -262,9 +265,9 @@
"Trash Control",
"Salary Structure Earning",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow",
"SMS Parameter",
"Maintenance Schedule",
- "Task",
"Event User",
"Stock Reconciliation",
"Purchase Receipt",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/ar-js.json b/public/js/locale/ar-js.json
index 8cc1ba79a7..b02d6167ba 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/ar-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/ar-js.json
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Help": "\u0645\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062f\u0629",
"Holiday": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0638\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0645\u0627\u062d",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "\u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e \u0625\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
"Holiday List": "\u0639\u0637\u0644\u0629 \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629",
"Home": "\u0645\u0646\u0632\u0644",
"Home Control": "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0641\u062d\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0643\u0645",
@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "\u062a\u0642\u064a\u064a\u0645 \u0645\u0631\u0627\u0642\u0628\u0629",
"Warehouse": "\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0648\u062f\u0639",
"Warehouse Type": "\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0648\u062f\u0639 \u0646\u0648\u0639",
+ "Warehouse User": "\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0648\u062f\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0636\u0648",
"Web Page": "\u0635\u0641\u062d\u0629 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062a\u0631\u0646\u062a",
"Website": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0642\u0639",
"Website Item Group": "\u0645\u0648\u0642\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062c\u0645\u0648\u0639\u0629",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/es-js.json b/public/js/locale/es-js.json
index eac0a6832a..2b4b2fe88f 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/es-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/es-js.json
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Help": "Ayudar",
"Holiday": "Fiesta",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday lista de bloqueo",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Lista Casas Bloquear Permitir",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Bloque de vacaciones Lista Fecha",
"Holiday List": "Holiday lista",
"Home": "Casa",
"Home Control": "P\u00e1gina principal Control",
@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "Evaluaci\u00f3n de Control",
"Warehouse": "Almac\u00e9n",
"Warehouse Type": "Dep\u00f3sito de tipo",
+ "Warehouse User": "Almac\u00e9n del usuario",
"Web Page": "P\u00e1gina Web",
"Website": "Sitio web",
"Website Item Group": "Website grupo de elementos",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/fr-js.json b/public/js/locale/fr-js.json
index 26629b7fa2..012ed59b9f 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/fr-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/fr-js.json
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
"HR": "RH",
"Help": "Aider",
"Holiday": "Vacances",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Block List vacances",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Block List vacances Permettez-",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Liste Date vacances Bloquer",
"Holiday List": "Liste de vacances",
"Home": "Maison",
"Home Control": "Home Control",
@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "Contr\u00f4le \u00e9valuation",
"Warehouse": "Entrep\u00f4t",
"Warehouse Type": "Type d'entrep\u00f4t",
+ "Warehouse User": "L'utilisateur d'entrep\u00f4t",
"Web Page": "Page Web",
"Website": "Site Web",
"Website Item Group": "Groupe Article Site",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/hi-js.json b/public/js/locale/hi-js.json
index 38c0a46c97..2062f1b3ee 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/hi-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/hi-js.json
@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@
"HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928",
"Help": "\u092e\u0926\u0926",
"Holiday": "\u091b\u0941\u091f\u094d\u091f\u0940",
+ "Holiday Block List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0915\u0940 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u092e\u0924\u093f \u0926\u0947\u0902",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u092c\u094d\u0932\u0949\u0915 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940 \u0924\u093f\u0925\u093f",
"Holiday List": "\u0905\u0935\u0915\u093e\u0936 \u0938\u0942\u091a\u0940",
"Home": "\u0918\u0930",
"Home Control": "\u0939\u094b\u092e \u0928\u093f\u092f\u0902\u0924\u094d\u0930\u0923",
@@ -303,6 +306,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "\u092e\u0942\u0932\u094d\u092f\u093e\u0902\u0915\u0928 \u0928\u093f\u092f\u0902\u0924\u094d\u0930\u0923",
"Warehouse": "\u0917\u094b\u0926\u093e\u092e",
"Warehouse Type": "\u0935\u0947\u0905\u0930\u0939\u093e\u0909\u0938 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930",
+ "Warehouse User": "\u0935\u0947\u0905\u0930\u0939\u093e\u0909\u0938 \u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917\u0915\u0930\u094d\u0924\u093e \u0915\u0947",
"Web Page": "\u0935\u0947\u092c \u092a\u0947\u091c",
"Website": "\u0935\u0947\u092c\u0938\u093e\u0907\u091f",
"Website Item Group": "\u0935\u0947\u092c\u0938\u093e\u0907\u091f \u0906\u0907\u091f\u092e \u0938\u092e\u0942\u0939",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/hr-js.json b/public/js/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39fe924e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ "About Us Settings": "O nama Postavke",
+ "About Us Team Member": "O nama reprezentativka",
+ "Account": "Ra\u010dun",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "Activity": "Djelatnost",
+ "Activity Type": "Aktivnost Tip",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Answer": "Odgovoriti",
+ "Appraisal": "Procjena",
+ "Appraisal Goal": "Procjena gol",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak",
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Procjena Predlo\u017eak cilja",
+ "Attendance": "Poha\u0111anje",
+ "Attendance Control Panel": "Gledatelja Upravlja\u010dka plo\u010da",
+ "Authorization Control": "Odobrenje kontrole",
+ "Authorization Rule": "Autorizacija Pravilo",
+ "BOM": "BOM",
+ "BOM Explosion Item": "BOM eksplozije artikla",
+ "BOM Item": "BOM artikla",
+ "BOM Operation": "BOM Operacija",
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Zamijenite alat",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Banka pomirenje",
+ "Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Banka Pomirenje Detalj",
+ "Batch": "Serija",
+ "Bin": "Kanta",
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Blog Subscriber": "Blog Pretplatnik",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Budget Control": "Prora\u010dun kontrola",
+ "Budget Detail": "Prora\u010dun Detalj",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Prora\u010dun Distribucija",
+ "Budget Distribution Detail": "Prora\u010dun Distribucija Detalj",
+ "Bulk Email": "Bulk Email",
+ "Buying": "Kupovina",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Obrazac Ra\u010dun Detalj",
+ "Calendar": "Kalendar",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Comment": "Komentirati",
+ "Communication": "Komunikacija",
+ "Communication Log": "Komunikacija Prijava",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Company Control": "Tvrtka Kontrola",
+ "Company History": "Povijest tvrtke",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Control": "Kontaktirajte kontrolu",
+ "Contact Us Settings": "Kontaktirajte nas Settings",
+ "Control Panel": "Upravlja\u010dka plo\u010da",
+ "Core": "Sr\u017e",
+ "Cost Center": "Tro\u0161ka",
+ "Country": "Zemlja",
+ "Cross List Item Group": "Kri\u017e Group stavku popisa",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Custom Field": "Prilago\u0111ena polja",
+ "Custom Script": "Prilago\u0111ena skripta",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Issue": "Kupac Issue",
+ "Customize Form": "Prilagodite obrazac",
+ "Customize Form Field": "Prilagodba polja obrasca",
+ "Deduction Type": "Odbitak Tip",
+ "Default Home Page": "Zadani Po\u010detna stranica",
+ "DefaultValue": "DefaultValue",
+ "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke",
+ "Delivery Note Item": "Otpremnica artikla",
+ "Delivery Note Packing Item": "Dostava Napomena Pakiranje artikla",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "DocField": "DocField",
+ "DocPerm": "DocPerm",
+ "DocType": "DOCTYPE",
+ "DocType Label": "DOCTYPE oznaka",
+ "DocType Mapper": "DOCTYPE Mapper",
+ "Documentation": "Dokumentacija",
+ "Earning Type": "Zarada Vid",
+ "Email Digest": "E-po\u0161ta",
+ "Email Settings": "Postavke e-po\u0161te",
+ "Employee": "Zaposlenik",
+ "Employee Education": "Zaposlenik Obrazovanje",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Zaposlenik Vanjski Rad Povijest",
+ "Employee Internal Work History": "Zaposlenik Unutarnji Rad Povijest",
+ "Employee Training": "Zaposlenik Trening",
+ "Employment Type": "Zapo\u0161ljavanje Tip",
+ "Event": "Doga\u0111aj",
+ "Event Role": "Doga\u0111aj Uloga",
+ "Event User": "Doga\u0111aj Upute",
+ "Expense Claim": "Rashodi polaganja",
+ "Expense Claim Detail": "Rashodi Zahtjev Detalj",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Rashodi Vrsta polaganja",
+ "Featured Item": "Prikazan artikla",
+ "Features Setup": "Zna\u010dajke konfiguracija",
+ "Feed": "Hraniti",
+ "Field Mapper Detail": "Polje Mapper Detalj",
+ "File Data": "File Podaci",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Forum": "Forum",
+ "GL Control": "GL kontrola",
+ "GL Entry": "GL Stupanje",
+ "GL Mapper": "GL Mapper",
+ "GL Mapper Detail": "GL Mapper Detalj",
+ "Global Defaults": "Globalni Zadano",
+ "Grade": "Razred",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Help": "Pomo\u0107i",
+ "Holiday": "Odmor",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Turisti\u010dka Popis Blok Dopustite",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Turisti\u010dka Blok Popis Datum",
+ "Holiday List": "Turisti\u010dka Popis",
+ "Home": "Dom",
+ "Home Control": "Po\u010detna kontrola",
+ "Human Resources": "Ljudski resursi",
+ "Industry Type": "Industrija Tip",
+ "Installation Note": "Instalacija Napomena",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Instalacija Napomena artikla",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Customer Detail": "Stavka Kupac Detalj",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Price": "Stavka Cijena",
+ "Item Quality Inspection Parameter": "Stavka Provera kvaliteta parametara",
+ "Item Supplier": "Stavka Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Item Tax": "Stavka poreza",
+ "Item Website Specification": "Stavka Web Specifikacija",
+ "Job Applicant": "Posao podnositelj",
+ "Job Opening": "Posao Otvaranje",
+ "Jobs Email Settings": "Poslovi Postavke e-po\u0161te",
+ "Journal Voucher": "\u010casopis bon",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail": "\u010casopis bon Detalj",
+ "Knowledge Base": "Baza znanja",
+ "Landed Cost Item": "Sletio Tro\u0161kovi artikla",
+ "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt": "Sletio Tro\u0161ak Kupnja Potvrda",
+ "Landed Cost Wizard": "Sletio Tro\u0161ak \u010carobnjak",
+ "Lead": "Dovesti",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Ostavite Raspodjela",
+ "Leave Application": "Ostavite aplikaciju",
+ "Leave Control Panel": "Ostavite Upravlja\u010dka plo\u010da",
+ "Leave Type": "Ostavite Vid",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Live Chat": "Live Chat",
+ "MIS Control": "MIS kontrola",
+ "Maintenance Schedule": "Odr\u017eavanje Raspored",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Detail": "Odr\u017eavanje Raspored Detalj",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Item": "Odr\u017eavanje Raspored predmeta",
+ "Maintenance Visit": "Odr\u017eavanje Posjetite",
+ "Maintenance Visit Purpose": "Odr\u017eavanje Posjetite Namjena",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Market Segment": "Tr\u017ei\u0161ni segment",
+ "Messages": "Poruke",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Na\u010din pla\u0107anja",
+ "Module Def": "Modul Def",
+ "Modules": "Moduli",
+ "Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Multi knjiga Izvje\u0161\u0107e Detalj",
+ "My Settings": "Moje postavke",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Naming Series Options": "Imenovanje Serija isporuke",
+ "Newsletter": "Bilten",
+ "Notification Control": "Obavijest kontrola",
+ "Opportunity": "Prilika",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Prilika artikla",
+ "Other Income Detail": "Ostali prihodi Detalj",
+ "POS Setting": "POS Pode\u0161avanje",
+ "Packing Slip": "Odreskom",
+ "Packing Slip Item": "Odreskom predmet",
+ "Page": "Stranica",
+ "Page Role": "Stranica Uloga",
+ "Patch Log": "Patch Prijava",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Pla\u0107anje fakture podudaranje alat",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Pla\u0107anje fakture podudaranje alat Detalj",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Razdoblje Zatvaranje bon",
+ "Permission Control": "Dopu\u0161tenje kontrola",
+ "Plot Control": "Zemlji\u0161te kontrola",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Print Format": "Ispis formata",
+ "Print Heading": "Ispis Naslov",
+ "Product": "Proizvod",
+ "Product Group": "Product Group",
+ "Product Settings": "Postavke proizvoda",
+ "Production Order": "Proizvodnja Red",
+ "Production Plan Item": "Proizvodnja plan artikla",
+ "Production Plan Sales Order": "Proizvodnja plan prodajnog naloga",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Planiranje proizvodnje alat",
+ "Products Settings": "Proizvodi Postavke",
+ "Profile": "Profil",
+ "Profile Control": "Profil kontrola",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Activity": "Projekt aktivnost",
+ "Project Activity Update": "Projekt Aktivnost Update",
+ "Project Control": "Projekt kontrole",
+ "Project Milestone": "Projekt Prekretnica",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Property Setter": "Nekretnine seter",
+ "Purchase Common": "Kupnja Zajedni\u010dka",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advance": "Kupnja fakture Predujam",
+ "Purchase Invoice Item": "Kupnja fakture predmet",
+ "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Narud\u017ebenica predmet",
+ "Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Narud\u017ebenica artikla Isporuka",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Ra\u010dun kupnje",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item": "Kupnja Potvrda predmet",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Kupnja Prijem artikla Isporuka",
+ "Purchase Request": "Zahtjev za kupnju",
+ "Purchase Request Item": "Zahtjev za kupnju predmeta",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Quality Inspection": "Provera kvaliteta",
+ "Quality Inspection Reading": "Kvaliteta Inspekcija \u010ditanje",
+ "Question": "Pitanje",
+ "Quotation": "Citat",
+ "Quotation Item": "Citat artikla",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Citat Izgubili razlog",
+ "Related Page": "Vezani Stranica",
+ "Rename Tool": "Preimenovanje alat",
+ "Report": "Prijavi",
+ "Role": "Uloga",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS centar",
+ "SMS Control": "SMS kontrola",
+ "SMS Log": "SMS Prijava",
+ "SMS Parameter": "SMS parametra",
+ "SMS Receiver": "SMS-prijemnik",
+ "SMS Settings": "Postavke SMS",
+ "Salary Manager": "Pla\u0107a Manager",
+ "Salary Slip": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja",
+ "Salary Slip Deduction": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja Odbitak",
+ "Salary Slip Earning": "Pla\u0107a proklizavanja Zarada",
+ "Salary Structure": "Pla\u0107a Struktura",
+ "Salary Structure Deduction": "Pla\u0107a Struktura Odbitak",
+ "Salary Structure Earning": "Pla\u0107a Struktura Zarada",
+ "Sales BOM": "Prodaja BOM",
+ "Sales BOM Item": "Prodaja BOM artikla",
+ "Sales Browser Control": "Prodaja Preglednik kontrole",
+ "Sales Common": "Prodaja Zajedni\u010dke",
+ "Sales Email Settings": "Prodaja Postavke e-po\u0161te",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun Predujam",
+ "Sales Invoice Item": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun artikla",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Sales Order Item": "Prodajnog naloga artikla",
+ "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner",
+ "Sales Person": "Prodaja Osoba",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Item": "Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Stavka",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Tool",
+ "Sandbox": "Kutija s pijeskom",
+ "Scheduler Log": "Planer Prijava",
+ "Search Criteria": "Tra\u017ei Kriteriji",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Serial No": "Serijski br",
+ "Series Detail": "Serija Detalj",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Setup Control": "Postavljanje kontrola",
+ "Shipping Address": "Dostava Adresa",
+ "State": "Dr\u017eava",
+ "Stock": "Zaliha",
+ "Stock Entry": "Katalo\u0161ki Stupanje",
+ "Stock Entry Detail": "Katalo\u0161ki Stupanje Detalj",
+ "Stock Ledger": "Stock Ledger",
+ "Stock Ledger Entry": "Stock Ledger Stupanje",
+ "Stock Reconciliation": "Katalo\u0161ki pomirenje",
+ "Stock UOM Replace Utility": "Katalo\u0161ki UOM Zamjena Utility",
+ "Style Settings": "Stil Postavke",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Dobavlja\u010d Ponuda",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Dobavlja\u010d ponudu artikla",
+ "Supplier Type": "Dobavlja\u010d Tip",
+ "Support": "Podr\u017eati",
+ "Support Ticket": "Podr\u0161ka karata",
+ "System Console": "Sustav konzole",
+ "Table Mapper Detail": "Tablica Mapper Detalj",
+ "Tag": "Privjesak",
+ "Target Detail": "Ciljana Detalj",
+ "Task": "Zadatak",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "Timesheet": "Kontrolna kartica",
+ "Timesheet Detail": "Timesheet Detalj",
+ "To Do": "Da li",
+ "ToDo": "ToDo",
+ "Top Bar Item": "Najbolje Bar artikla",
+ "Trash Control": "Sme\u0107e kontrola",
+ "Trend Analyzer Control": "Trend Analyzer kontrola",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Conversion Detail": "UOM pretvorbe Detalj",
+ "Unread Messages": "Nepro\u010ditane poruke",
+ "Update Delivery Date": "A\u017eurirajte datum isporuke",
+ "UserRole": "UserRole",
+ "Utilities": "Komunalne usluge",
+ "Valuation Control": "Vrednovanje kontrola",
+ "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Skladi\u0161te Tip",
+ "Warehouse User": "Skladi\u0161te Upute",
+ "Web Page": "Web stranica",
+ "Website": "Website",
+ "Website Item Group": "Web stranica artikla Grupa",
+ "Website Product Category": "Web Kategorija proizvoda",
+ "Website Script": "Web Skripta",
+ "Website Settings": "Website Postavke",
+ "Website Slideshow": "Web Slideshow",
+ "Website Slideshow Item": "Web Slideshow artikla",
+ "Workflow": "Workflow",
+ "Workflow Action": "Workflow Akcija",
+ "Workflow Action Detail": "Workflow Akcija Detalj",
+ "Workflow Document State": "Workflow dokument Dr\u017eava",
+ "Workflow Engine": "Workflow motora",
+ "Workflow Rule": "Workflow Pravilo",
+ "Workflow Rule Detail": "Workflow Pravilo Detalj",
+ "Workflow State": "Workflow dr\u017eava",
+ "Workflow Transition": "Tijek tranzicije",
+ "Workstation": "Workstation"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/locale/nl-js.json b/public/js/locale/nl-js.json
index e811f01fc0..814440d03d 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/nl-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/nl-js.json
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Help": "Help",
"Holiday": "Feestdag",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Holiday Block List",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Holiday Block List Laat",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Holiday Block List Datum",
"Holiday List": "Holiday Lijst",
"Home": "Thuis",
"Home Control": "Home Control",
@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "Waardering Controle",
"Warehouse": "Magazijn",
"Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Type",
+ "Warehouse User": "Magazijn Gebruiker",
"Web Page": "Webpagina",
"Website": "Website",
"Website Item Group": "Website Item Group",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/pt-js.json b/public/js/locale/pt-js.json
index 79480259c3..120cbb02f4 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/pt-js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/pt-js.json
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
"HR": "HR",
"Help": "Ajudar",
"Holiday": "F\u00e9rias",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Lista de Bloqueios de f\u00e9rias Permitir",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Data feriado Lista de Bloqueios",
"Holiday List": "Lista de feriado",
"Home": "Casa",
"Home Control": "Home Control",
@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@
"Valuation Control": "Controle de valoriza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"Warehouse": "Armaz\u00e9m",
"Warehouse Type": "Tipo de armaz\u00e9m",
+ "Warehouse User": "Usu\u00e1rio Armaz\u00e9m",
"Web Page": "P\u00e1gina Web",
"Website": "Site",
"Website Item Group": "Grupo Item site",
diff --git a/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36291b8a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Campaign Name": "Naziv kampanje",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ": "Dr\u017eati Trag od prodaje kampanje. Pratite vodi, citati, prodaja reda itd. iz kampanje radi vrjednovanja povrat na investiciju.",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3924760cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Communication Log": "Komunikacija Prijava",
+ "Communication by": "Komunikacija",
+ "Communication type": "Komunikacija putovanja",
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Email": "E-mail",
+ "Notes": "Bilje\u0161ke",
+ "Other": "Drugi",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "SMS": "SMS",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Visit": "Posjetiti"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_js.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0637a088a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee7528453b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/ar-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/ar-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2e3e14913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/ar-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "\u0648\u0647\u0646\u0627\u0643 \u0645\u0648\u0631\u062f \u0645\u0648\u062c\u0648\u062f \u0645\u0639 \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u0645"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/es-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/es-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f9b0d4bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/es-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Un Proveedor existe con el mismo nombre"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/fr-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/fr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6236fa3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/fr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Un Fournisseur existe avec le m\u00eame nom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hi-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hi-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..369039f884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hi-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "\u090f\u0915 \u0938\u092a\u094d\u0932\u093e\u092f\u0930 \u0915\u0947 \u090f\u0915 \u0939\u0940 \u0928\u093e\u092e \u0915\u0947 \u0938\u093e\u0925 \u092e\u094c\u091c\u0942\u0926 \u0939\u0948"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..201e2dcadd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "To manage Customer Groups, click here": "Za upravljati skupine kupaca, kliknite ovdje",
+ "To manage Territory, click here": "Za upravljanje Territory, kliknite ovdje",
+ "Address & Contacts": "Adresa i kontakti",
+ "Address Desc": "Adresa Desc",
+ "Address HTML": "Adresa HTML",
+ "Basic Info": "Osnovne informacije",
+ "Buyer of Goods and Services.": "Kupac robe i usluga.",
+ "CUST": "Cust",
+ "Communication HTML": "Komunikacija HTML",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact Desc": "Kontakt ukratko",
+ "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML",
+ "Credit Days": "Kreditne Dani",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditni limit",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Details": "Korisni\u010dki podaci",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Customer Type": "Vrsta klijenta",
+ "Default Commission Rate": "Zadani komisija Ocijenite",
+ "Default Currency": "Zadani valuta",
+ "Default Price List": "Zadani Cjenik",
+ "Default Sales Partner": "Zadani Prodaja partner",
+ "Fetch lead which will be converted into customer.": "Fetch vodstvo koje \u0107e se pretvoriti u kupca.",
+ "Individual": "Pojedinac",
+ "Lead Ref": "Olovo Ref.",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Napomena: mo\u017eete upravljati s vi\u0161e adresa ili kontakti preko adrese i kontakti",
+ "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team",
+ "Sales Team Details": "Prodaja Team Detalji",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "This currency will get fetched in Sales transactions of this customer": "Ova valuta \u0107e se dohvatio u prodajnim transakcijama ovog kupca",
+ "To create an Account Head under a different company, select the company and save customer.": "Za stvaranje ra\u010duna glavu pod drugom tvrtkom, odaberite tvrtku i spasiti kupca.",
+ "Website": "Website",
+ "Your Customer's TAX registration numbers (if applicable) or any general information": "Va\u0161 klijent je poreznoj registraciji brojevi (ako je primjenjivo) ili bilo op\u0107e informacije"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e25cda7c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Dobavlja\u010d postoji s istim imenom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/nl-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/nl-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a45983bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/nl-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Een leverancier bestaat met dezelfde naam"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/pt-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/pt-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8047920e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/pt-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Um Fornecedor existe com mesmo nome"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a38cfa2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Industry": "Industrija",
+ "Industry Type": "Industrija Tip",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cb09378ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Dostava Napomena Ne",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle",
+ "IN": "U",
+ "Installation Date": "Instalacija Datum",
+ "Installation Note": "Instalacija Napomena",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Instalacija Napomena artikla",
+ "Installation Time": "Instalacija Vrijeme",
+ "Item Details": "Stavka Detalji",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Remarks": "Primjedbe",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki.",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7c26c9a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Against Document Detail No": "Protiv dokumenta Detalj No",
+ "Against Document No": "Protiv dokumentu nema",
+ "Delivery Date": "Dostava Datum",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Document Type": "Document Type",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Instalacija Napomena artikla",
+ "Installed Qty": "Instalirani Kol",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Serial No": "Serijski br"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/get_leads.py b/selling/doctype/lead/get_leads.py
index 64d66d2eb2..c08e5e0a23 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/lead/get_leads.py
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/get_leads.py
@@ -20,6 +20,41 @@ from webnotes.utils import cstr, cint
from webnotes.utils.email_lib.receive import POP3Mailbox
from core.doctype.communication.communication import make
+def add_sales_communication(subject, content, sender, real_name, mail=None):
+ def set_status_open(doctype, name):
+ w = webnotes.model_wrapper(doctype, name)
+ w.ignore_permissions = True
+ w.doc.status = "Open"
+ w.doc.save()
+ if mail:
+ mail.save_attachments_in_doc(w.doc)
+ lead_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Lead", {"email_id": sender})
+ contact_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Contact", {"email_id": sender})
+ is_system_user = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", sender)
+ if not is_system_user:
+ if contact_name:
+ set_status_open("Contact", contact_name)
+ elif lead_name:
+ set_status_open("Lead", lead_name)
+ else:
+ # none, create a new Lead
+ lead = webnotes.model_wrapper({
+ "doctype":"Lead",
+ "lead_name": real_name or sender,
+ "email_id": sender,
+ "status": "Open",
+ "source": "Email"
+ })
+ lead.ignore_permissions = True
+ lead.insert()
+ if mail:
+ mail.save_attachments_in_doc(lead.doc)
+ make(content=content, sender=sender, subject=subject,
+ lead=lead_name, contact=contact_name)
class SalesMailbox(POP3Mailbox):
def setup(self, args=None):
self.settings = args or webnotes.doc("Sales Email Settings", "Sales Email Settings")
@@ -31,26 +66,9 @@ class SalesMailbox(POP3Mailbox):
def process_message(self, mail):
if mail.from_email == self.settings.email_id:
- name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Lead", {"email_id": mail.from_email}, "name")
- if name:
- lead = webnotes.model_wrapper("Lead", name)
- lead.doc.status = "Open"
- lead.doc.save()
- else:
- lead = webnotes.model_wrapper({
- "doctype":"Lead",
- "lead_name": mail.from_real_name or mail.from_email,
- "email_id": mail.from_email,
- "status": "Open",
- "source": "Email"
- })
- lead.insert()
- mail.save_attachments_in_doc(lead.doc)
- make(content=mail.content, sender=mail.from_email,
- doctype="Lead", name=lead.doc.name, lead=lead.doc.name)
+ add_sales_communication(mail.subject, mail.content, mail.form_email,
+ mail.from_real_name, mail)
def get_leads():
if cint(webnotes.conn.get_value('Sales Email Settings', None, 'extract_emails')):
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/lead.py b/selling/doctype/lead/lead.py
index 9423135352..4c76d17e1b 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/lead/lead.py
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/lead.py
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ class DocType(SellingController):
def onload(self):
+ def on_communication_sent(self, comm):
+ webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Replied')
def check_status(self):
chk = sql("select status from `tabLead` where name=%s", self.doc.name)
chk = chk and chk[0][0] or ''
@@ -90,9 +93,6 @@ class DocType(SellingController):
event_user.person = self.doc.contact_by
- def on_communication_sent(self, comm):
- webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Replied')
def get_sender(self, comm):
return webnotes.conn.get_value('Sales Email Settings',None,'email_id')
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1d17087b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ "To manage Territory, click here": "Za upravljanje Territory, kliknite ovdje",
+ "Address Line 1": "Adresa Linija 1",
+ "Address Line 2": "Adresa Linija 2",
+ "Advertisement": "Reklama",
+ "Attempted to Contact": "Poku\u0161aj Kontakt",
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Blog Subscriber": "Blog Pretplatnik",
+ "Call": "Nazvati",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Campaign Name": "Naziv kampanje",
+ "Channel Partner": "Channel Partner",
+ "City": "Grad",
+ "Client": "Klijent",
+ "Communication HTML": "Komunikacija HTML",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Company Name": "Ime tvrtke",
+ "Consultant": "Konzultant",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Name": "Kontakt Naziv",
+ "Contact in Future": "Kontakt u budu\u0107nosti",
+ "Contacted": "Kontaktirao",
+ "Converted": "Pretvoreno",
+ "Country": "Zemlja",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Date on which the lead was last contacted": "Datum na koji je vodstvo zadnje kontaktirao",
+ "Email": "E-mail",
+ "Email Id": "E-mail ID",
+ "Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign.": "Unesite naziv kampanje ukoliko izvor olova je kampanja.",
+ "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba",
+ "Fax": "Fax",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "From Customer": "Od kupca",
+ "Industry": "Industrija",
+ "Interested": "Zainteresiran",
+ "LEAD": "OLOVO",
+ "LEAD/10-11/": "LEAD/10-11 /",
+ "Last Contact Date": "Zadnji kontakt Datum",
+ "Lead": "Dovesti",
+ "Lead Details": "Olovo Detalji",
+ "Lead Lost": "Olovo Lost",
+ "Lead Owner": "Olovo Vlasnik",
+ "Lead Type": "Olovo Vid",
+ "Lost Reason": "Izgubili Razlog",
+ "Lower Income": "Donja Prihodi",
+ "Market Segment": "Tr\u017ei\u0161ni segment",
+ "Middle Income": "Srednji Prihodi",
+ "Mobile No.": "Mobitel broj",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name of organization from where lead has come": "Naziv organizacije odakle je do\u0161ao olovo",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Next Contact By": "Sljede\u0107a Kontakt Do",
+ "Next Contact Date": "Sljede\u0107a Kontakt Datum",
+ "Not interested": "Ne zanima",
+ "Open": "Otvoreno",
+ "Other": "Drugi",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "Pin Code": "Pin Code",
+ "Product Enquiry": "Na upit",
+ "Remark": "Primjedba",
+ "Replied": "Odgovorio",
+ "Request Type": "Zahtjev Tip",
+ "Request for Information": "Zahtjev za informacije",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Source": "Izvor",
+ "Source of th": "Izvor th",
+ "Source of the lead. If via a campaign, select \"Campaign\"": "Izvor olova. Ako putem kampanje, odaberite "kampanja"",
+ "State": "Dr\u017eava",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Suggestions": "Prijedlozi",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Unsubscribed": "Pretplatu",
+ "Upper Income": "Gornja Prihodi",
+ "Website": "Website",
+ "Your sales person who will contact the lead in future": "Va\u0161 prodaje osobi koja \u0107e kontaktirati vodstvo u budu\u0107nosti",
+ "Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the lead": "Va\u0161 prodava\u010d \u0107e dobiti podsjetnik na taj datum da se obratite vodstvo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-py.json b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4d40377b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Email Id must be unique, already exists for: ": "E-mail Id mora biti jedinstvena, ve\u0107 postoji za:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abb5dbb5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ "To manage Territory, click here": "Za upravljanje Territory, kliknite ovdje",
+ "To manage Territory, click here": "Za upravljanje Territory, kliknite ovdje",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Advertisement": "Reklama",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Cold Calling": "Hladno pozivanje",
+ "Communication HTML": "Komunikacija HTML",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Mobile No": "Kontaktirajte Mobile Nema",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kupca Prodavatelj",
+ "Date on which the lead was last contacted": "Datum na koji je vodstvo zadnje kontaktirao",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign": "Unesite naziv kampanje, ako je izvor upit je kampanja",
+ "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba",
+ "Existing Customer": "Postoje\u0107i Kupac",
+ "Filing in Additional Information about the Opportunity will help you analyze your data better.": "Podno\u0161enje u dodatne informacije o Prilika \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da analizirati podatke bolje.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request": "Proizvodi koji ne postoje u artikla gospodara tako\u0111er mo\u017ee unijeti na zahtjev kupca",
+ "Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference.": "Dr\u017eite pratiti komunikacije vezane uz ovaj upit koji \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i za budu\u0107u referencu.",
+ "Last Contact Date": "Zadnji kontakt Datum",
+ "Lead": "Dovesti",
+ "Maintenance": "Odr\u017eavanje",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Misa mailing",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Next Contact By": "Sljede\u0107a Kontakt Do",
+ "Next Contact Date": "Sljede\u0107a Kontakt Datum",
+ "OPPT": "OPPT",
+ "Opportunity": "Prilika",
+ "Opportunity Date": "Prilika Datum",
+ "Opportunity From": "Prilika Od",
+ "Opportunity Items": "Prilika Proizvodi",
+ "Opportunity Lost": "Prilika Izgubili",
+ "Opportunity Type": "Prilika Tip",
+ "Order Confirmed": "Red Potvr\u0111eno",
+ "Potential Sales Deal": "Potencijal Prodaja Deal",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Citat Izgubili razlog",
+ "Quotation Sent": "Citat Sent",
+ "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje",
+ "Sales": "Prodajni",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Source": "Izvor",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Dobavlja\u010d Referenca",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To Discuss": "Za Raspravljajte",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Walk In": "\u0160etnja u",
+ "Your sales person who will contact the customer in future": "Va\u0161 prodaje osobi koja \u0107e kontaktirati kupca u budu\u0107nosti",
+ "Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer": "Va\u0161 prodava\u010d \u0107e dobiti podsjetnik na taj datum kontaktirati kupca"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2710a74df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Basic Rate": "Osnovna stopa",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Prilika artikla",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/plot_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/plot_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..944889634b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/plot_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Plot Control": "Zemlji\u0161te kontrola",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d63a17d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ "Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template": "Dodaj Uvjete za kotaciju poput pla\u0107anja, trajanje ponude, itd. Tako\u0111er mo\u017eete pripremiti Uvjeti i odredbe Master i koristiti predlo\u017eak",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Advertisement": "Reklama",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Izra\u010dun poreza i pristojbi",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Cold Calling": "Hladno pozivanje",
+ "Communication HTML": "Komunikacija HTML",
+ "Communication History": "Komunikacija Povijest",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Stopa konverzije",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kupca Prodavatelj",
+ "Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.": "Kupca valuta - Ako \u017eelite odabrati valutu koja nije zadana valuta, onda morate odrediti stopu pretvorbe valuta.",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba",
+ "Existing Customer": "Postoje\u0107i Kupac",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.": "Ispunjavanje dodatne informacije o kotaciju \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da analizirati podatke bolje.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Nabavite porezi i pristojbe",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Grand Total*": "Sveukupno *",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite ponudu.",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Keep a track on communications regarding this Quotation. This will help you remember earlier communications in case the Customer comes back again": "Dr\u017eite pratiti na komunikaciju u vezi ovog ponudu. To \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da zapamtite ranije komunikacije u slu\u010daju Kupac dolazi natrag",
+ "Lead": "Dovesti",
+ "Lead Name": "Olovo Ime",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Maintenance": "Odr\u017eavanje",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Misa mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije",
+ "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Prilika artikla",
+ "Opportunity No": "Prilika Ne",
+ "Order Confirmed": "Red Potvr\u0111eno",
+ "Order Lost": "Red Izgubili",
+ "Order Type": "Vrsta narud\u017ebe",
+ "Organization": "Organizacija",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Cjenik valuta pretvorbe Stopa",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Cjenik i valuta",
+ "Pull Opportunity Detail": "Povucite Opportunity Detalj",
+ "QTN": "QTN",
+ "Quotation": "Citat",
+ "Quotation Date": "Ponuda Datum",
+ "Quotation Items": "Kotaciji Proizvodi",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Citat Izgubili razlog",
+ "Quotation To": "Ponuda za",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj se valuta klijenta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti",
+ "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "Sales": "Prodajni",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "Odaberite valutu u kojoj cjenik odr\u017eava",
+ "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "Odaberite cjenik kao u\u0161ao u "Cjenik" gospodara. To \u0107e povu\u0107i referentne stope predmeta protiv ove cjeniku kao \u0161to je navedeno u "artikla" gospodara.",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki.",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Source": "Izvor",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Dobavlja\u010d Referenca",
+ "Taxes": "Porezi",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Porezi i naknade Prora\u010dun",
+ "Taxes and Charges Total*": "Porezi i naknade Ukupno *",
+ "Term Details": "Oro\u010deni Detalji",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To create Quotation against Opportunity, Select Opportunity No. and click on 'Pull Opportunity Details' ": "Za izradu ponudu protiv Opportunity, odaberite Opportunity broj i kliknite na "povu\u0107i Opportunity podaci '",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Will be fetched from Customer": "Ho\u0107e li biti preuzeta od kupca"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..519cdf3d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Against Docname": "Protiv Docname",
+ "Against Doctype": "Protiv DOCTYPE",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Osnovna stopa *",
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kupca Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount (%)": "Popust (%)",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Price List Rate": "Cjenik Stopa",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Cjenik Ocijeni *",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Quotation Item": "Citat artikla",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d5ba064c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Batch No": "Hrpa Ne",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Detail Name": "Detalj Ime",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Qty": "Kol",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Returned Qty": "Vra\u0107eno Kol",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Item": "Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Stavka",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Serial No": "Serijski br",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a306ffefc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Sales Common": "Prodaja Zajedni\u010dke",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-py.json b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45a68f059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/hr-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "nije u fiskalnoj godini"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06d5bc0368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ "% Delivered": "Isporu\u010dena%",
+ "% Amount Billed": "% Iznos Napla\u0107eno",
+ "% of materials billed against this Sales Order": "% Materijala napla\u0107eno protiv ovog prodajnog naloga",
+ "% of materials delivered against this Sales Order": "% Materijala dostavljenih od ovog prodajnog naloga",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Advertisement": "Reklama",
+ "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od",
+ "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum",
+ "Billed": "Napla\u0107eno",
+ "Billing Status": "Naplata Status",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Izra\u010dun poreza i pristojbi",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog",
+ "Cancelled": "Otkazan",
+ "Category of customer as entered in Customer master": "Kategorija klijenta u\u0161ao u Customer gospodara",
+ "Closed": "Zatvoreno",
+ "Cold Calling": "Hladno pozivanje",
+ "Commission Rate": "Komisija Stopa",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt e",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije",
+ "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Stopa konverzije",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kupca Prodavatelj",
+ "Customer's currency": "Kupca valuta",
+ "Delivered": "Isporu\u010dena",
+ "Delivery Status": "Status isporuke",
+ "Display all the individual items delivered with the main items": "Prika\u017ei sve pojedina\u010dne stavke isporu\u010duju s glavnim stavkama",
+ "Draft": "Skica",
+ "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba",
+ "Existing Customer": "Postoje\u0107i Kupac",
+ "Expected Delivery Date": "O\u010dekivani rok isporuke",
+ "File List": "Popis datoteka",
+ "Filling in additional information about the Sales Order will help you analyze your data better.": "Ispunjavanje dodatne informacije o prodaji Reda \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da analizirati podatke bolje.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Nabavite porezi i pristojbe",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Grand Total (Export)": "Sveukupno (izvoz)",
+ "Grand Total*": "Sveukupno *",
+ "In Words": "U rije\u010di",
+ "In Words (Export)": "U rije\u010di (izvoz)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite prodajnog naloga.",
+ "Items": "Proizvodi",
+ "Letter Head": "Pismo Head",
+ "Maintenance": "Odr\u017eavanje",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Misa mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Name": "Ime",
+ "Name as entered in Sales Partner master": "Ime kao u\u0161ao u prodajni partner gospodara",
+ "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *",
+ "Not Applicable": "Nije primjenjivo",
+ "Not Billed": "Ne Napla\u0107eno",
+ "Not Delivered": "Ne Isporu\u010deno",
+ "Order Type": "Vrsta narud\u017ebe",
+ "P.O. Date": "PO Datum",
+ "P.O. No": "PO Ne",
+ "PI/2011/": "PI/2011 /",
+ "Packing Details": "Pakiranje Detalji",
+ "Packing List": "Pakiranje Popis",
+ "Partly Billed": "Djelomi\u010dno Napla\u0107eno",
+ "Partly Delivered": "Djelomi\u010dno Isporu\u010deno",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Cjenik valuta pretvorbe Stopa",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Cjenik i valuta",
+ "Project Name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "Pull Quotation Items": "Povucite kotaciji artikle",
+ "Purchase Order sent by customer": "Narud\u017ebenica poslao kupca",
+ "Quotation Date": "Ponuda Datum",
+ "Quotation No": "Citat Ne",
+ "Quotation no against which this Sales Order is made ": "Ponuda ne protiv koje ovaj prodajnog naloga se vr\u0161i",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj se valuta klijenta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti",
+ "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje",
+ "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno",
+ "Rounded Total (Export)": "Zaobljeni Ukupno (izvoz)",
+ "SO": "SO",
+ "SO/10-11/": "SO/10-11 /",
+ "SO1112": "SO1112",
+ "Sales": "Prodajni",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Sales Order Date": "Prodaja Datum narud\u017ebe",
+ "Sales Order Items": "Prodaja Narud\u017ebe Proizvodi",
+ "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade",
+ "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team",
+ "Sales Team1": "Prodaja Team1",
+ "Select Customer": "Izaberite klijenta",
+ "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "Odaberite valutu u kojoj cjenik odr\u017eava",
+ "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "Odaberite cjenik kao u\u0161ao u "Cjenik" gospodara. To \u0107e povu\u0107i referentne stope predmeta protiv ove cjeniku kao \u0161to je navedeno u "artikla" gospodara.",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki.",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Series": "Serija",
+ "Shipping Address": "Dostava Adresa",
+ "Shipping Address Name": "Dostava Adresa Ime",
+ "Source": "Izvor",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Zaustavljen",
+ "Submitted": "Prijavljen",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Dobavlja\u010d Referenca",
+ "Taxes": "Porezi",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Porezi i naknade Prora\u010dun",
+ "Taxes and Charges Total*": "Porezi i naknade Ukupno *",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Terms and Conditions Details": "Uvjeti Detalji",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije",
+ "Total Commission": "Ukupno komisija",
+ "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat",
+ "Track this Sales Order against any Project": "Prati ovu prodajni nalog protiv bilo Projekta"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ff17362f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "Actual Qty": "Stvarni Kol",
+ "Amount": "Iznos",
+ "Amount*": "Iznos *",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Osnovna stopa *",
+ "Billed Amt": "Napla\u0107eno Amt",
+ "Brand Name": "Brand Name",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kupca Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Delivered Qty": "Isporu\u010dena Kol",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Discount(%)": "Popust (%)",
+ "For Production": "Za proizvodnju",
+ "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Item Name": "Stavka Ime",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Planned Quantity": "Planirana koli\u010dina",
+ "Price List Rate": "Cjenik Stopa",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Cjenik Ocijeni *",
+ "Produced Quantity": "Proizveden Koli\u010dina",
+ "Projected Qty": "Predvi\u0111en Kol",
+ "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina",
+ "Quotation No.": "Ponuda broj",
+ "Rate": "Stopa",
+ "Reserved Warehouse": "Rezervirano galerija",
+ "Sales Order Date": "Prodaja Datum narud\u017ebe",
+ "Sales Order Item": "Prodajnog naloga artikla",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis se sastoji u sustavu.",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27aeb73658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Allocated (%)": "Dodijeljeni (%)",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Dodijeljeni iznos",
+ "Contact No.": "Kontakt broj",
+ "Designation": "Oznaka",
+ "Incentives": "Poticaji",
+ "Parenttype": "Parenttype",
+ "Sales Person": "Prodaja Osoba",
+ "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbe0c57b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Address": "Kupac Adresa",
+ "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta",
+ "Is Primary Address": "Je Osnovna adresa",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Ship To": "Brod za",
+ "Shipping Address": "Dostava Adresa",
+ "Shipping Details": "Dostava Detalji",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Yes": "Da"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..341482985f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "All Contact": "Sve Kontakt",
+ "All Customer Contact": "Sve Kupac Kontakt",
+ "All Employee (Active)": "Sve zaposlenika (aktivna)",
+ "All Lead (Open)": "Sve Olovo (Otvoreno)",
+ "All Sales Partner Contact": "Sve Kontakt Prodaja partner",
+ "All Sales Person": "Sve Prodaje Osoba",
+ "All Supplier Contact": "Sve Dobavlja\u010d Kontakt",
+ "Branch": "Grana",
+ "Create Receiver List": "Stvaranje Receiver popis",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Department": "Odsjek",
+ "Message": "Poruka",
+ "Message greater than 160 character will be splitted into multiple mesage": "Poruka ve\u0107a od 160 karaktera \u0107e biti splitted u vi\u0161e mesage",
+ "Receiver List": "Prijemnik Popis",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS centar",
+ "Selling": "Prodaja",
+ "Send SMS": "Po\u0161alji SMS",
+ "Send To": "Po\u0161alji",
+ "Supplier": "Dobavlja\u010d"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/module_def/selling/locale/hr-doc.json b/selling/module_def/selling/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..741a4c66bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/module_def/selling/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Buyer of Goods and Services.": "Kupac robe i usluga.",
+ "Customer Addresses And Contacts": "Kupac adrese i kontakti",
+ "Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ": "Dr\u017eati Trag od prodaje kampanje. Pratite vodi, citati, prodaja reda itd. iz kampanje radi vrjednovanja povrat na investiciju.",
+ "Potential Sales Deal": "Potencijal Prodaja Deal",
+ "Sales Analytics": "Prodaja Analitika",
+ "Sales Browser": "Prodaja preglednik",
+ "Sales Dashboard": "Prodaja plo\u010da",
+ "Sales Orders Pending To Be Delivered": "Prodajni nalozi na \u010dekanju biti isporu\u010dena",
+ "Selling Home": "Prodaja Po\u010detna"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/page/selling_home/locale/hr-js.json b/selling/page/selling_home/locale/hr-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99c33ada62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/page/selling_home/locale/hr-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "All Addresses.": "Sve adrese.",
+ "All Contacts.": "Svi kontakti.",
+ "All Products or Services.": "Svi proizvodi i usluge.",
+ "Analytics": "Analitika",
+ "Bundle items at time of sale.": "Bala stavke na vrijeme prodaje.",
+ "Campaign": "Kampanja",
+ "Commission partners and targets": "Komisija partneri i ciljevi",
+ "Confirmed orders from Customers.": "Potvr\u0111eno narud\u017ebe od kupaca.",
+ "Contact": "Kontaktirati",
+ "Customer": "Kupac",
+ "Customer Addresses And Contacts": "Kupac adrese i kontakti",
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer classification tree.": "Kupac klasifikacija stablo.",
+ "Customer database.": "Kupac baze.",
+ "Database of potential customers.": "Baza potencijalnih kupaca.",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenti",
+ "Helper for managing return of goods (sales or purchase)": "Pomo\u0107nik za upravljanje povrat robe (prodaja ili kupnja)",
+ "Item": "Stavka",
+ "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa",
+ "Lead": "Dovesti",
+ "Masters": "Majstori",
+ "Mupltiple Item prices.": "Mupltiple Stavka cijene.",
+ "Opportunity": "Prilika",
+ "Potential opportunities for selling.": "Potencijalni mogu\u0107nosti za prodaju.",
+ "Price List": "Cjenik",
+ "Quotation": "Citat",
+ "Quotes to Leads or Customers.": "Citati na vodi ili kupaca.",
+ "Reports": "Izvje\u0161\u0107a",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS centar",
+ "Sales Analytics": "Prodaja Analitika",
+ "Sales BOM": "Prodaja BOM",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Sales Orders Pending to be Delivered": "Prodajni nalozi na \u010dekanju biti isporu\u010dena",
+ "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner",
+ "Sales Person": "Prodaja Osoba",
+ "Sales Returns": "Prodaja Povratak",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master",
+ "Sales campaigns": "Prodaja kampanje",
+ "Sales persons and targets": "Prodaja osobe i ciljevi",
+ "Sales taxes template.": "Prodaja porezi predlo\u017eak.",
+ "Sales territories.": "Prodaja teritoriji.",
+ "Send mass SMS to your contacts": "Po\u0161alji masovne SMS svojim kontaktima",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Predlo\u017eak termina ili ugovor.",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti",
+ "Territory": "Teritorija",
+ "Tools": "Alat",
+ "Tree of item classification": "Stablo to\u010dke klasifikaciji",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d2338f60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Authorization Control": "Odobrenje kontrole",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/authorization_rule/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/authorization_rule/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3266334a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/authorization_rule/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Above Value": "Iznad Vrijednost",
+ "Applicable To (Designation)": "Odnosi se na (Oznaka)",
+ "Applicable To (Employee)": "Odnosi se na (Radnik)",
+ "Applicable To (Role)": "Odnosi se na (uloga)",
+ "Applicable To (User)": "Odnosi se na (Upute)",
+ "Appraisal": "Procjena",
+ "Approving Role": "Odobravanje ulogu",
+ "Approving User": "Odobravanje korisnika",
+ "Authorization Rule": "Autorizacija Pravilo",
+ "Average Discount": "Prosje\u010dna Popust",
+ "Based On": "Na temelju",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Customer / Item Name": "Kupac / Stavka Ime",
+ "Customerwise Discount": "Customerwise Popust",
+ "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke",
+ "Grand Total": "Sveukupno",
+ "Itemwise Discount": "Itemwise Popust",
+ "Not Applicable": "Nije primjenjivo",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kupnja fakture",
+ "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Ra\u010dun kupnje",
+ "Quotation": "Citat",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture",
+ "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "This will be used for setting rule in HR module": "To \u0107e se koristiti za postavljanje pravilu u HR modula",
+ "Transaction": "Transakcija",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/brand/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/brand/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf10d11708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/brand/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Brand": "Marka",
+ "Brand Name": "Brand Name",
+ "Description": "Opis",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/company/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/company/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86671d560d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/company/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "Abbr": "Abbr",
+ "Address": "Adresa",
+ "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo",
+ "Company Details": "Tvrtka Detalji",
+ "Company Info": "Podaci o tvrtki",
+ "Company registration numbers for your reference. Example: VAT Registration Numbers etc.": "Tvrtka registracijski brojevi za svoju referencu. Primjer: PDV registracijski brojevi i sl.",
+ "Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc.": "Tvrtka registracijski brojevi za svoju referencu. Porezni brojevi itd.",
+ "Credit Days": "Kreditne Dani",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditni limit",
+ "Default Bank Account": "Zadani bankovni ra\u010dun",
+ "Default Currency": "Zadani valuta",
+ "Default Settings": "Tvorni\u010dke postavke",
+ "Email": "E-mail",
+ "Fax": "Fax",
+ "For reference only.": "Za samo kao referenca.",
+ "If Monthly Budget Exceeded": "Ako Mjese\u010dni prora\u010dun Exceeded",
+ "If Yearly Budget Exceeded": "Ako Godi\u0161nji prora\u010dun Exceeded",
+ "Ignore": "Ignorirati",
+ "Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.": "Pravna osoba / Podru\u017enica s odvojenim kontnom planu pripadaju organizaciji.",
+ "Payables Group": "Obveze Grupa",
+ "Phone No": "Telefonski broj",
+ "Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.": "Molimo unesite Skra\u0107enica ili skra\u0107eni naziv ispravno jer \u0107e biti dodan kao sufiks na sve ra\u010duna \u0161efova.",
+ "Receivables Group": "Potra\u017eivanja Grupa",
+ "Registration Details": "Registracija Brodu",
+ "Registration Info": "Registracija Info",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Stop": "Stop",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Warn": "Upozoriti",
+ "Website": "Website"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1692d0be61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Contact Control": "Kontaktirajte kontrolu",
+ "Customer Intro": "Kupac Uvod",
+ "Header": "Kombajn",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Supplier Intro": "Dobavlja\u010d Uvod"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/country/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/country/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d93436be77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/country/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Country": "Zemlja",
+ "Country Name": "Dr\u017eava Ime",
+ "Date Format": "Datum Format",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Time Zones": "Vremenske zone"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c1f1487307..5b8c2a5eff 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Fraction Units",
+ "#,###.###",
"Number Format",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/ar-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/ar-doc.json
index b87e3473e1..3a83d9cf97 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/ar-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/ar-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # # # #",
"#,###": "# # # #",
"#,###.##": "# # # # # #",
+ "#,###.###": "# # # # # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "# # #\u060c # # # # #",
"#.###": "# # # #",
"#.###,##": "# # # #\u060c # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/es-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/es-doc.json
index 86cfc10ed0..8330b38b11 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/es-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/es-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # #. # #",
"#,###": "#, # # #",
"#,###.##": "#, # # #. # #",
+ "#,###.###": "#, # # #. # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #",
"#.###": "#. # # #",
"#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/fr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/fr-doc.json
index e4138e1a91..c98ead124f 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/fr-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/fr-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # #. # #",
"#,###": "# # # #",
"#,###.##": "# # # #. # #",
+ "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #",
"#.###": "#. # # #",
"#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hi-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hi-doc.json
index 9c15ada9e9..0103de2ca7 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hi-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hi-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # # # #",
"#,###": "# # # #",
"#,###.##": "# # # # # #",
+ "#,###.###": "# # # # # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "# # # # # # # #",
"#.###": "# # # #",
"#.###,##": "# # # # # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb918dcc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "# ###.##": "# # # #. # #",
+ "#,###": "# # # #",
+ "#,###.##": "# # # #. # #",
+ "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #",
+ "#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #",
+ "#.###": "#. # # #",
+ "#.###,##": "#. # # # # #",
+ "**Currency** Master": "Valuta ** ** Master",
+ "1 Currency = [?] FractionFor e.g. 1 USD = 100 Cent": "1 valuta = [?] FractionFor npr. 1 USD = 100 centi",
+ "A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $": "Simbol za ovu valutu. Za npr. $",
+ "Currency": "Valuta",
+ "Currency Name": "Valuta Ime",
+ "Enabled": "Omogu\u0107eno",
+ "Fraction": "Frakcija",
+ "Fraction Units": "Frakcije Jedinice",
+ "How should this currency be formatted? If not set, will use system defaults": "Kako bi se to valuta biti formatiran? Ako nije postavljeno, koristit \u0107e zadane postavke sustava",
+ "Number Format": "Broj Format",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Sub-currency. For e.g. \"Cent\"": "Sub-valuta. Za npr. "centi"",
+ "Symbol": "Simbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/nl-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/nl-doc.json
index 1fc499c887..c713e1d3a9 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/nl-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/nl-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # #. # #",
"#,###": "#, # # #",
"#,###.##": "#, # # #. # #",
+ "#,###.###": "#, # # #. # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #",
"#.###": "#. # # #",
"#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/pt-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/pt-doc.json
index fe09135dd7..6147c6e79c 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/pt-doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/pt-doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"# ###.##": "# # # #. # #",
"#,###": "# # # #",
"#,###.##": "# # # #. # #",
+ "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #",
"#,##,###.##": "# # # # # #. # #",
"#.###": "#. # # #",
"#.###,##": "#. # # # # #",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b27da39926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa",
+ "Customer Group Name": "Kupac Grupa Ime",
+ "Default Price List": "Zadani Cjenik",
+ "Has Child Node": "Je li \u010dvor dijete",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Samo leaf \u010dvorovi su dozvoljeni u transakciji",
+ "Parent Customer Group": "Roditelj Kupac Grupa",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "This Price List will be selected as default for all Customers under this Group.": "Ovaj Cjenik \u0107e biti odabran kao uobi\u010dajeni za sve kupce iz ove skupine.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog",
+ "Yes": "Da",
+ "lft": "LFT",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "usta\u0161a"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88e1606f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "Add/Remove Recipients": "Dodaj / Ukloni primatelja",
+ "Bank Balance": "Banka bilanca",
+ "Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest.": "Provjerite sve stavke u nastavku koje \u017eelite poslati u ovom svariti.",
+ "Collections": "Zbirke",
+ "Daily": "Svakodnevno",
+ "Email Digest": "E-po\u0161ta",
+ "Email Digest Settings": "E-po\u0161ta Postavke",
+ "Enabled": "Omogu\u0107eno",
+ "Expenses Booked": "Rashodi Rezervirani",
+ "For Company": "Za tvrtke",
+ "How frequently?": "Kako \u010desto?",
+ "Income": "Dohodak",
+ "Income Year to Date": "Prihodi godine do danas",
+ "Monthly": "Mjese\u010dno",
+ "New Communications": "Novi komunikacije",
+ "New Delivery Notes": "Novi otpremnice",
+ "New Enquiries": "Novi Upiti",
+ "New Leads": "Nova vodi",
+ "New Projects": "Novi projekti",
+ "New Purchase Orders": "Novi narud\u017ebenice",
+ "New Purchase Receipts": "Novi Kupnja Primici",
+ "New Purchase Requests": "Novi Kupnja Upiti",
+ "New Quotations": "Novi Citati",
+ "New Sales Orders": "Nove narud\u017ebe",
+ "New Stock Entries": "Novi Stock upisi",
+ "New Supplier Quotations": "Novi dobavlja\u010d Citati",
+ "New Support Tickets": "Novi Podr\u0161ka Ulaznice",
+ "Next email will be sent on:": "Sljede\u0107a e-mail \u0107e biti poslan na:",
+ "Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users": "Napomena: E-mail ne\u0107e biti poslan invalide",
+ "Open Tickets": "Otvoreni Ulaznice",
+ "Payables": "Obveze",
+ "Payments": "Pla\u0107anja",
+ "Receivables": "Potra\u017eivanja",
+ "Recipients": "Primatelji",
+ "Select Digest Content": "Odaberite Digest sadr\u017eaj",
+ "Send regular summary reports via Email.": "Po\u0161alji redovite sa\u017eetak izvje\u0161\u0107a putem e-po\u0161te.",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Weekly": "Tjedni"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a00e75064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Auto Email Id": "Auto E-mail ID",
+ "Autoreply when a new mail is received": "Automatski kad nova po\u0161ta je dobila",
+ "Check this to pull emails from your mailbox": "Provjerite to povu\u0107i e-po\u0161te iz po\u0161tanskog sandu\u010di\u0107a",
+ "Custom Autoreply Message": "Prilago\u0111ena Automatski Poruka",
+ "Email Settings": "Postavke e-po\u0161te",
+ "Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.": "Postavke e-po\u0161te za odlazne i dolazne e-po\u0161te.",
+ "If non standard port (e.g. 587)": "Ako ne standardni ulaz (npr. 587)",
+ "Incoming Mail Setting": "Dolaznu po\u0161tu Pode\u0161avanje",
+ "Login Id": "Prijavite Id",
+ "Mail Password": "Mail Lozinka",
+ "Mail Port": "Mail luci",
+ "Outgoing Mail Server": "Odlazni Mail Server",
+ "Outgoing Mails": "Odlazni mailova",
+ "POP3 Mail Server": "POP3 Mail Server",
+ "POP3 mail server (e.g. pop.gmail.com)": "POP3 mail server (npr. pop.gmail.com)",
+ "SMTP Server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com)": "SMTP poslu\u017eitelj (npr. smtp.gmail.com)",
+ "Send Autoreply": "Po\u0161alji Automatski",
+ "Set Login and Password if authentication is required.": "Postavite prijavu i lozinku, ako je autorizacija potrebna.",
+ "Set the POP3 email settings to pull emails directly from a mailbox and create Support Tickets": "Postavite POP3 postavke e povu\u0107i e-mailove direktno iz spremnika i stvoriti podr\u0161ku ulaznice",
+ "Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.": "Postavite odlazne postavke SMTP mail ovdje. Svi sustav generira obavijesti, e-mail \u0107e oti\u0107i s ovog poslu\u017eitelja e-po\u0161te. Ako niste sigurni, ostavite prazno za kori\u0161tenje ERPNext poslu\u017eitelja (e-mailove i dalje \u0107e biti poslan na va\u0161 e-mail id) ili se obratite davatelja usluga.",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "Signature": "Potpis",
+ "Signature to be appended at the end of every email": "Potpis se dodaje na kraju svakog e",
+ "Support Email": "Podr\u0161ka e",
+ "Support Password": "Podr\u0161ka Lozinka",
+ "Support Ticket Mail Settings": "Podr\u0161ka Settings Mail ulaznica",
+ "Sync Support Mails": "Sinkronizacija Podr\u0161ka mailova",
+ "System generated mails will be sent from this email id.": "Sustav generira mailova \u0107e biti poslan na ovaj email id.",
+ "To automatically create Support Tickets from your incoming mail, set your POP3 settings here. You must ideally create a separate email id for the erp system so that all emails will be synced into the system from that mail id. If you are not sure, please contact your EMail Provider.": "Da biste automatski stvorili podr\u0161ku ulaznice iz va\u0161eg dolaznog maila, postaviti POP3 postavke ovdje. Vi idealno mora stvoriti zasebnu e-mail ID za ERP sustava, tako da sve e-mailove \u0107e biti sinkronizirane u sustav iz tog mail id. Ako niste sigurni, obratite se davatelju usluge e.",
+ "Use SSL": "Koristite SSL",
+ "User Name": "Korisni\u010dko ime",
+ "Your support email id - must be a valid email - this is where your emails will come!": "Va\u0161a podr\u0161ka e-mail id - mora biti valjana e-mail - ovo je mjesto gdje svoje e-mailove \u0107e do\u0107i!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/hr-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b7b3872ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/hr-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option": "1. Za odr\u017eavanje kupaca mudar \u0160ifra i kako bi ih pretra\u017eivati \u200b\u200bna temelju svog koda koristiti ovu opciju",
+ "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni",
+ "After Sale Installations": "Nakon prodaje postrojenja",
+ "All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in
Delivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.": "Svi izvoz srodnih podru\u010dja kao \u0161to su valute, stopa pretvorbe, izvoz, izvoz ukupno Sveukupno itd su dostupni u
Otpremnica, POS, citat, prodaja Ra\u010dun, prodajnog naloga i sl.",
+ "All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in
Purchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc.": "Sve uvozne srodnih podru\u010dja kao \u0161to su valute, stopa pretvorbe, uvoz, uvoz ukupno Sveukupno itd su dostupni u
Kupnja Primitak, Dobavlja\u010d citat, Otkup fakture, Narud\u017ebenica itd.",
+ "Available in BOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet": "Dostupan u BOM, otpremnici, Otkup fakture, Proizvodnja Red, Narud\u017ebenica, Otkup Potvrda, prodaja Ra\u010dun, prodajnog naloga, Stock Stupanje, timesheet",
+ "Brands": "Marke",
+ "Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.": "Provjerite ako trebate automatske ponavljaju\u0107e fakture. Nakon odavanja prodaje fakturu, ponavljaju\u0107ih sekcija \u0107e biti vidljiv.",
+ "Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice": "Popust Polja \u0107e biti dostupan u narud\u017ebenice, Otkup primitka, Otkup fakturu",
+ "Enables More Info. in all documents": "Omogu\u0107uje Vise Informacija. U svim dokumentima",
+ "Exports": "Izvoz",
+ "Features Setup": "Zna\u010dajke konfiguracija",
+ "Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order": "Polje dostupan u otpremnicu, ponudu, prodaje fakture, prodaja reda",
+ "If Sale BOM is defined, the actual BOM of the Pack is displayed as table.Available in Delivery Note and Sales Order": "Ako Prodaja BOM definiran, stvarna BOM od Pack prikazuje se kao table.Available u otpremnici i prodajnog naloga",
+ "If you follow Quality Inspection
Enables item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt": "Ako slijedite Inspekcija kvalitete
Omogu\u0107uje stavku QA potrebno i QA nema u kupoprodaji primitka",
+ "If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity": "Ako imate prodajnog tima i prodaja partnerima (partneri) mogu biti ozna\u010dene i odr\u017eavati svoj doprinos u prodajne aktivnosti",
+ "If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page": "Ako ste dugo ispis formata, ova zna\u010dajka mo\u017ee se koristiti za podijeliti stranicu na koju se ispisuje vi\u0161e stranica sa svim zaglavljima i podno\u017ejima na svakoj stranici",
+ "If you involve in manufacturing activity
Enables item Is Manufactured": "Ako uklju\u010diti u proizvodnju aktivnosti
Omogu\u0107uje predmet je proizveden",
+ "Imports": "Uvoz",
+ "Item Advanced": "Stavka Napredna",
+ "Item Barcode": "Stavka Barkod",
+ "Item Batch Nos": "Stavka Batch Nos",
+ "Item Groups in Details": "Stavka Grupe u detaljima",
+ "Item Serial Nos": "Stavka Serijski br",
+ "Manufacturing": "Proizvodnja",
+ "Materials": "Materijali",
+ "Miscelleneous": "Miscelleneous",
+ "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija",
+ "Packing Detials": "Pakiranje detials",
+ "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice",
+ "Point of Sale": "Point of Sale",
+ "Projects": "Projekti",
+ "Purchase Discounts": "Kupnja Popusti",
+ "Quality": "Kvalitet",
+ "Recurring Invoice": "Ponavljaju\u0107i Ra\u010dun",
+ "Sales Discounts": "Prodaja Popusti",
+ "Sales Extras": "Prodaja Dodaci",
+ "Sales and Purchase": "Prodaja i kupnja",
+ "Setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "To enable Point of Sale features": "Da biste omogu\u0107ili Point of Sale zna\u010dajke",
+ "To get Item Group in details table": "Da biste dobili predmeta Group u tablici pojedinosti",
+ "To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales": "Za pra\u0107enje bilo koju instalaciju ili pu\u0161tanje vezane raditi nakon prodaje",
+ "To track brand name in the following documents
Delivery Note, Enuiry, Purchase Request, Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Voucher, Purchaser Receipt, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales BOM, Sales Order, Serial No": "Za pra\u0107enje branda u sljede\u0107im dokumentima
Otpremnica, Enuiry, zahtjev za kupnju, to\u010dka, Narud\u017ebenica, Otkup bon, Kupac Potvrda, citat, prodaja Ra\u010dun, prodaja BOM, prodajnog naloga, Serijski br",
+ "To track item in sales and purchase documents based on their serial nos. This is can also used to track warranty details of the product.": "Za pra\u0107enje stavke u prodaji i kupnji dokumenata na temelju njihovih serijskih br. To je tako\u0111er mo\u017ee koristiti za pra\u0107enje jamstvene podatke o proizvodu.",
+ "To track items in sales and purchase documents with batch nos
Preferred Industry: Chemicals etc": "Za pra\u0107enje stavke u prodaji i kupnji dokumenata s batch br
Pro\u0161le Industrija: Kemikalije itd",
+ "To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.": "Za pra\u0107enje stavki pomo\u0107u barkod. Vi \u0107ete biti u mogu\u0107nosti da unesete stavke u otpremnici i prodaje Ra\u010duna skeniranjem barkod stavke."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 640e4e9661..dc12886b81 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"Stock level frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person",
+ "Employee Records to be created by ",
"Purchase Receipt Required",
"Allow Negative Stock",
"Moving Average",
@@ -51,21 +52,22 @@
"Stock Frozen Upto",
- "#,###",
+ "Hide Currency Symbol",
"Customer Name",
"Authourized Role (Frozen Entry)",
"Employee Number",
"Current Fiscal Year",
- "Yes",
+ "# ###.##",
- "Employee Records to be created by ",
+ "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.",
"Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered.
For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units
", "Session Expiry", "Default Customer Group", "TerritoryHelp", + "#,###.###", "Float Precision", "Sales Order Required", "Allowance Percent", @@ -73,10 +75,11 @@ "General", "Delivery Note Required", "Global Defaults", + "#,###", "Accounts", "Authorized Role (Frozen Entry)", "Raise Purchase Request when stock reaches re-order level", "Default Territory", - "# ###.##", + "Yes", "mm/dd/yyyy" ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/ar-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/ar-doc.json index 5e3e892f2e..83977499b9 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/ar-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/ar-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "# # # #", "#,###.##": "# # # # # #", + "#,###.###": "# # # # # # #", "#,##,###.##": "# # #\u060c # # # # #", "#.###": "# # # #", "#.###,##": "# # # #\u060c # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "\u0623\u0633\u0644\u0648\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0642\u064a\u064a\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0641\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0636\u064a", "Default Warehouse Type": "\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0641\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0636\u064a \u0645\u0633\u062a\u0648\u062f\u0639 \u0646\u0648\u0639", "Delivery Note Required": "\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062d\u0638\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0633\u0644\u064a\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0637\u0644\u0648\u0628\u0629", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "\u0644\u0627 \u062a\u0638\u0647\u0631 \u0623\u064a \u0631\u0645\u0632 \u0645\u062b\u0644 $ \u0627\u0644\u062e \u0628\u062c\u0627\u0646\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062a.", "Employee Number": "\u0639\u062f\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641\u064a\u0646", "Employee Records to be created by ": "\u0623\u0646 \u064a\u062a\u0645 \u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0621 \u0633\u062c\u0644\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641\u064a\u0646 \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "\u064a\u062a\u0645 \u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0621 \u0633\u062c\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0638\u0641 \u0628\u0627\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0642\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u062f\u062f.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "\u0639\u0627\u0645", "Global Defaults": "\u0627\u0641\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0636\u064a\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645\u064a\u0629", "HR": "HR", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "\u0625\u062e\u0641\u0627\u0621 \u0631\u0645\u0632 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644\u0629", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u062d\u064a\u0631\u0627\u062a", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0641\u0627\u0638 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0645\u0639\u062f\u0644 \u0637\u0648\u0627\u0644 \u062f\u0648\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0631\u0627\u0621", diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/es-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/es-doc.json index 05aaafadd4..dddf6783ac 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/es-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/es-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "#, # # #", "#,###.##": "#, # # #. # #", + "#,###.###": "#, # # #. # # #", "#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #", "#.###": "#. # # #", "#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "Por defecto M\u00e9todo de Valoraci\u00f3n", "Default Warehouse Type": "Tipo predeterminado Almac\u00e9n", "Delivery Note Required": "Nota de entrega requerida", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "No muestra ning\u00fan s\u00edmbolo como $ etc junto a monedas.", "Employee Number": "N\u00famero de empleado", "Employee Records to be created by ": "Registros de los empleados a ser creado por", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "Registro de empleado se crea utilizando el campo seleccionado.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "General", "Global Defaults": "Predeterminados globales", "HR": "HR", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "Ocultar S\u00edmbolo de moneda", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "Lacs", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Mantener el mismo ritmo durante todo el ciclo de compra", diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/fr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/fr-doc.json index 45acbf4630..7428ec3230 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/fr-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/fr-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "# # # #", "#,###.##": "# # # #. # #", + "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #", "#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #", "#.###": "#. # # #", "#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "M\u00e9thode d'\u00e9valuation par d\u00e9faut", "Default Warehouse Type": "Type d'entrep\u00f4t par d\u00e9faut", "Delivery Note Required": "Remarque livraison requis", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "Ne plus afficher n'importe quel symbole comme $ etc \u00e0 c\u00f4t\u00e9 de devises.", "Employee Number": "Num\u00e9ro d'employ\u00e9", "Employee Records to be created by ": "Dossiers sur les employ\u00e9s \u00e0 \u00eatre cr\u00e9\u00e9 par", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "Dossier de l'employ\u00e9 est cr\u00e9\u00e9 \u00e0 l'aide du champ s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ral", "Global Defaults": "Par d\u00e9faut mondiaux", "HR": "RH", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "Masquer le symbole mon\u00e9taire", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "Lacs", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Maintenir le taux de m\u00eame tout au long du cycle d'achat", diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hi-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hi-doc.json index 3d4e96fb4d..0ffaf4e355 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hi-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hi-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "# # # #", "#,###.##": "# # # # # #", + "#,###.###": "# # # # # # #", "#,##,###.##": "# # # # # # # #", "#.###": "# # # #", "#.###,##": "# # # # # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "\u0921\u093f\u092b\u093c\u0949\u0932\u094d\u091f \u092e\u0942\u0932\u094d\u092f\u0928 \u0935\u093f\u0927\u093f", "Default Warehouse Type": "\u0921\u093f\u092b\u093c\u0949\u0932\u094d\u091f \u0935\u0947\u0905\u0930\u0939\u093e\u0909\u0938 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0915\u093e\u0930", "Delivery Note Required": "\u0921\u093f\u0932\u093f\u0935\u0930\u0940 \u0928\u094b\u091f \u0906\u0935\u0936\u094d\u092f\u0915", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "$ \u092e\u0941\u0926\u094d\u0930\u093e\u0913\u0902 \u0915\u0940 \u092c\u0917\u0932 \u0906\u0926\u093f \u0915\u0940 \u0924\u0930\u0939 \u0915\u093f\u0938\u0940 \u092d\u0940 \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0924\u0940\u0915 \u0928\u0939\u0940\u0902 \u0926\u093f\u0916\u093e.", "Employee Number": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u093f\u092f\u094b\u0902 \u0915\u0940 \u0938\u0902\u0916\u094d\u092f\u093e", "Employee Records to be created by ": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0930\u093f\u0915\u0949\u0930\u094d\u0921\u094d\u0938 \u0926\u094d\u0935\u093e\u0930\u093e \u092c\u0928\u093e\u092f\u093e \u091c\u093e\u0928\u093e", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "\u0915\u0930\u094d\u092e\u091a\u093e\u0930\u0940 \u0930\u093f\u0915\u0949\u0930\u094d\u0921 \u091a\u092f\u0928\u093f\u0924 \u0915\u094d\u0937\u0947\u0924\u094d\u0930 \u0915\u093e \u0909\u092a\u092f\u094b\u0917 \u0915\u0930 \u092c\u0928\u093e\u092f\u093e \u0939\u0948.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "\u0938\u093e\u092e\u093e\u0928\u094d\u092f", "Global Defaults": "\u0935\u0948\u0936\u094d\u0935\u093f\u0915 \u092e\u0942\u0932\u092d\u0942\u0924", "HR": "\u092e\u093e\u0928\u0935 \u0938\u0902\u0938\u093e\u0927\u0928", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "\u092e\u0941\u0926\u094d\u0930\u093e \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0924\u0940\u0915 \u091b\u0941\u092a\u093e\u090f\u0901", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "\u0932\u093e\u0916", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "\u0916\u0930\u0940\u0926 \u091a\u0915\u094d\u0930 \u0915\u0947 \u0926\u094c\u0930\u093e\u0928 \u090f\u0915 \u0939\u0940 \u0926\u0930 \u092c\u0928\u093e\u090f \u0930\u0916\u0947\u0902", diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b46dda83f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "# ###.##": "# # # #. # #", + "#,###": "# # # #", + "#,###.##": "# # # #. # #", + "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #", + "#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #", + "#.###": "#. # # #", + "#.###,##": "#. # # # # #", + "2": "2", + "3": "3", + "4": "4", + "5": "5", + "6": "6", + "Account Info": "Informacije o ra\u010dunu", + "Accounting entry frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person": "Ra\u010dunovodstvo ulazak zamrznuta do tog datuma, nitko ne mo\u017ee u\u010diniti / mijenjati ulazak osim ovla\u0161tene osobe", + "Accounts": "Ra\u010duni", + "Accounts Frozen Upto": "Ra\u010duni Frozen Upto", + "Allow Negative Stock": "Dopustite negativnu Stock", + "Allowance Percent": "Dodatak posto", + "Applicable only if valuation method is moving average": "Primjenjivo samo ako metoda vrednovanja se kre\u0107e prosjek", + "Authorized Role (Frozen Entry)": "Ovla\u0161teni Uloga (Blokiran ulaz)", + "Authourized Role (Frozen Entry)": "Authourized Uloga (Blokiran ulaz)", + "Buying": "Kupovina", + "CGHelp": "CGHelp", + "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo", + "Credit Controller": "Kreditne kontroler", + "Current Fiscal Year": "Teku\u0107e fiskalne godine", + "Customer Master created by ": "Kupac Master stvorio", + "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta", + "Date Format": "Datum Format", + "Default Company": "Zadani Tvrtka", + "Default Currency": "Zadani valuta", + "Default Customer Group": "Zadani Korisnik Grupa", + "Default Item Group": "Zadani artikla Grupa", + "Default Price List": "Zadani Cjenik", + "Default Price List Currency": "Zadani Cjenik valuta", + "Default Stock UOM": "Zadani katalo\u0161ki UOM", + "Default Supplier Type": "Zadani Dobavlja\u010d Tip", + "Default Territory": "Zadani Regija", + "Default Valuation Method": "Zadani metoda vrednovanja", + "Default Warehouse Type": "Zadani galerija Tip", + "Delivery Note Required": "Dostava Napomena Obavezno", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "Ne pokazuju nikakav simbol kao $ itd uz valutama.", + "Employee Number": "Zaposlenik Broj", + "Employee Records to be created by ": "Zaposlenih Zapisi se stvorio", + "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "Zaposlenik rekord je stvorena pomo\u0107u odabranog polja.", + "FIFO": "FIFO", + "Float Precision": "Float Precision", + "General": "Op\u0107i", + "Global Defaults": "Globalni Zadano", + "HR": "HR", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "Sakrij simbol valute", + "IGHelp": "IGHelp", + "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Odr\u017eavanje istu stopu tijekom kupnje ciklusa", + "Moving Average": "Moving Average", + "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije", + "No": "Ne", + "Number Format": "Broj Format", + "Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered.For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units
": "Postotak li je dozvoljeno primiti ili isporu\u010diti vi\u0161e od koli\u010dine naredio.Na primjer: Ako ste naru\u010dili 100 jedinica. i tvoj ispravak je 10% onda je dozvoljeno primiti 110 jedinica
", + "Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc) only for display. Floats will still be calculated up to 6 decimals.": "Precizna za Float polja (koli\u010dina, popusti, postoci itd.) samo za prikaz. Pluta i dalje \u0107e biti izra\u010dunata do \u0161est decimala.", + "Purchase Order Required": "Narud\u017ebenica Obvezno", + "Purchase Receipt Required": "Kupnja Potvrda Obvezno", + "Raise Purchase Request when stock reaches re-order level": "Podignite zahtjev za kupnju dionica kada dosegne ponovno poredak razinu", + "SMS Sender Name": "SMS Sender Ime", + "Sales Order Required": "Prodajnog naloga Obvezno", + "Selling": "Prodaja", + "Session Expiry": "Sjednica isteka", + "Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00": "Sjednica Rok u Hours npr. 06:00", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "Stock Frozen Upto": "Katalo\u0161ki Frozen Upto", + "Stock level frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person": "Stock razina zamrznuta do tog datuma, nitko ne mo\u017ee u\u010diniti / mijenjati ulazak osim ovla\u0161tene osobe", + "Supplier Master created by ": "Dobavlja\u010d Master stvorio", + "Supplier Name": "Dobavlja\u010d Ime", + "System": "Sistem", + "TerritoryHelp": "TerritoryHelp", + "Users with this role are allowed to do / modify accounting entry before frozen date": "Korisnici s tom ulogom smiju raditi / mijenjati ra\u010dunovodstvenu ulazak prije zamrznute dana", + "Users with this role are allowed to do / modify stock entry before frozen date": "Korisnici s tom ulogom smiju raditi / mijenjati stock ulazak prije zamrznute dana", + "Yes": "Da", + "dd-mm-yyyy": "dd-mm-yyyy", + "dd/mm/yyyy": "dd / mm / gggg", + "mm-dd-yyyy": "dd-mm-yyyy", + "mm/dd/yyyy": "dd / mm / gggg", + "yyyy-mm-dd": "gggg-mm-dd" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/nl-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/nl-doc.json index c2d84a3f50..f234b2f4bb 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/nl-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/nl-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "#, # # #", "#,###.##": "#, # # #. # #", + "#,###.###": "#, # # #. # # #", "#,##,###.##": "#, # #, # # #. # #", "#.###": "#. # # #", "#.###,##": "#. # # #, # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "Standaard Valuation Method", "Default Warehouse Type": "Standaard type magazijn", "Delivery Note Required": "Levering Opmerking Verplicht", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "Vertonen geen symbool zoals $, enz. naast valuta.", "Employee Number": "Medewerker Aantal", "Employee Records to be created by ": "Medewerker Records worden gecre\u00eberd door", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "Medewerker record wordt gemaakt met behulp van geselecteerde veld.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "Algemeen", "Global Defaults": "Global Standaardwaarden", "HR": "HR", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "Verberg Valutasymbool", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "Lacs", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Handhaaf dezelfde snelheid gedurende aankoop cyclus", diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/pt-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/pt-doc.json index 2fcfda178c..2669b6207e 100644 --- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/pt-doc.json +++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/pt-doc.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "######": "# # # # # #", "#,###": "# # # #", "#,###.##": "# # # #. # #", + "#,###.###": "# # # #. # # #", "#,##,###.##": "# # # # # #. # #", "#.###": "#. # # #", "#.###,##": "#. # # # # #", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "Default Valuation Method": "M\u00e9todo de Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o padr\u00e3o", "Default Warehouse Type": "Tipo Armaz\u00e9m padr\u00e3o", "Delivery Note Required": "Nota de Entrega Obrigat\u00f3rio", + "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "N\u00e3o mostrar qualquer s\u00edmbolo como US $ etc ao lado de moedas.", "Employee Number": "N\u00famero empregado", "Employee Records to be created by ": "Registros de empregados a serem criados por", "Employee record is created using selected field. ": "Registro de empregado \u00e9 criado usando campo selecionado.", @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ "General": "Geral", "Global Defaults": "Padr\u00f5es globais", "HR": "HR", + "Hide Currency Symbol": "Ocultar S\u00edmbolo de Moeda", "IGHelp": "IGHelp", "Lacs": "Lacs", "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Manter mesmo ritmo durante todo o ciclo de compra", diff --git a/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e9205aac --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "Check this if you want to show in website": "Ozna\u010dite ovo ako \u017eelite pokazati u web", + "Description": "Opis", + "File List": "Popis datoteka", + "HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list.": "HTML / bannera koji \u0107e se prikazivati \u200b\u200bna vrhu liste proizvoda.", + "Has Child Node": "Je li \u010dvor dijete", + "Item Classification": "Stavka klasifikacija", + "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa", + "Item Group Name": "Stavka Ime grupe", + "No": "Ne", + "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Samo leaf \u010dvorovi su dozvoljeni u transakciji", + "Page Name": "Stranica Ime", + "Parent Item Group": "Roditelj artikla Grupa", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Show in Website": "Prika\u017ei u web", + "Show this slideshow at the top of the page": "Prika\u017ei ovaj slideshow na vrhu stranice", + "Slideshow": "Slideshow", + "Website Settings": "Website Postavke", + "Yes": "Da", + "lft": "LFT", + "old_parent": "old_parent", + "rgt": "usta\u0161a" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ac3166a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "Check to activate": "Provjerite za aktiviranje", + "Email Id": "E-mail ID", + "Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. \"jobs@example.com\"": "E-mail Id gdje posao zahtjeva \u0107e e-mail npr. "jobs@example.com"", + "Email settings for jobs email id \"jobs@example.com\"": "E-mail postavke za poslove email id "jobs@example.com"", + "Extract Emails": "Ekstrakt e-po\u0161te", + "Host": "Doma\u0107in", + "Jobs Email Settings": "Poslovi Postavke e-po\u0161te", + "POP3 Mail Settings": "POP3 Mail Postavke", + "POP3 server e.g. (pop.gmail.com)": "POP3 poslu\u017eitelj npr. (pop.gmail.com)", + "Password": "Lozinka", + "Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. \"jobs@example.com\"": "Postavke za izdvajanje posao zahtjeva iz spremnika npr. "jobs@example.com"", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Use SSL": "Koristite SSL", + "Username": "Korisni\u010dko ime" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a0f324359 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Active: Will extract emails from ": "Aktivnost: Ho\u0107e li izdvojiti e-po\u0161te iz", + "Not Active": "Ne aktivna" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5cd19f58 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled": "Doma\u0107in, e-mail i lozinka potrebni ako e-mailove su se izvukao" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a3f5df2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "Details": "Detalji", + "Market Segment": "Tr\u017ei\u0161ni segment", + "Segment Name": "Segment Ime", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..009d2463cb --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series.": "Promjena polaznu / teku\u0107i redni broj postoje\u0107e serije.", + "Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this.": "Ozna\u010dite ovo ako \u017eelite prisiliti korisniku odabir seriju prije spremanja. Tu \u0107e biti zadana ako to provjerili.", + "Current Value": "Trenutna vrijednost", + "Help HTML": "Pomo\u0107 HTML", + "Naming Series": "Imenovanje serije", + "Prefix": "Prefiks", + "Select Transaction": "Odaberite transakcija", + "Series List for this Transaction": "Serija Popis za ovu transakciju", + "Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions": "Postavite prefiks za numeriranje niza na svoje transakcije", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Setup Series": "Postavljanje Serija", + "This is the number of the last created transaction with this prefix": "To je broj zadnjeg stvorio transakcije s ovim prefiksom", + "Update": "A\u017eurirati", + "Update Series": "Update serija", + "Update Series Number": "Update serije Broj", + "User must always select": "Korisni\u010dko uvijek mora odabrati" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dc2fb6f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Doc Type": "Doc Tip", + "Naming Series Options": "Imenovanje Serija isporuke", + "Series Options": "Serija Opcije", + "Setup": "Postavljanje" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10345faa93 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + "Custom Message": "Prilago\u0111ena poruka", + "Customize the Notification": "Prilagodite Obavijest", + "Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text.": "Prilagodite uvodni tekst koji ide kao dio tog e-maila. Svaka transakcija ima zaseban uvodni tekst.", + "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke", + "Delivery Note Message": "Otpremnica Poruka", + "Expense Claim": "Rashodi polaganja", + "Expense Claim Approved": "Rashodi Zahtjev odobren", + "Expense Claim Approved Message": "Rashodi Zahtjev Odobren poruku", + "Expense Claim Rejected": "Rashodi Zahtjev odbijen", + "Expense Claim Rejected Message": "Rashodi Zahtjev odbijen poruku", + "Notification Control": "Obavijest kontrola", + "Prompt for Email on Submission of": "Pitaj za e-po\u0161tu na podno\u0161enje", + "Purchase": "Kupiti", + "Purchase Order": "Narud\u017ebenica", + "Purchase Order Message": "Narud\u017ebenica poruku", + "Purchase Receipt": "Ra\u010dun kupnje", + "Purchase Receipt Message": "Kupnja Potvrda poruku", + "Quotation": "Citat", + "Quotation Message": "Citat Poruka", + "Sales": "Prodajni", + "Sales Invoice": "Prodaja fakture", + "Sales Invoice Message": "Prodaja Ra\u010dun Poruka", + "Sales Order": "Prodajnog naloga", + "Sales Order Message": "Prodajnog naloga Poruka", + "Select Transaction": "Odaberite transakcija", + "Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.": "Po\u0161alji automatske poruke u Kontakte o podno\u0161enju transakcije.", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Update": "A\u017eurirati", + "When any of the checked transactions are \"Submitted\", an email pop-up automatically opened to send an email to the associated \"Contact\" in that transaction, with the transaction as an attachment. The user may or may not send the email.": "Kada bilo koji od provjerenih transakcija "Postavio", e-mail pop-up automatski otvorio poslati e-mail na povezane "Kontakt" u toj transakciji, s transakcijom u privitku. Korisnik mo\u017ee ili ne mo\u017ee poslati e-mail." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f2e06ee35 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Permission Control": "Dopu\u0161tenje kontrola", + "Setup": "Postavljanje" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee3764150c --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "File List": "Popis datoteka", + "How to upload": "Kako prenijeti", + "Price List": "Cjenik", + "Price List Master": "Cjenik Master", + "Price List Name": "Cjenik Ime", + "Setup": "Postavljanje" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45c94a3cf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Description": "Opis", + "Print Heading": "Ispis Naslov", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..427da07cfb --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "Quotation Lost Reason": "Citat Izgubili razlog", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fcdc335aa --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Sales Browser Control": "Prodaja Preglednik kontrole", + "Setup": "Postavljanje" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c11f1b5078 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "Check to activate": "Provjerite za aktiviranje", + "Email Id": "E-mail ID", + "Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. \"jobs@example.com\"": "E-mail Id gdje posao zahtjeva \u0107e e-mail npr. "jobs@example.com"", + "Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. \"sales@example.com\"": "E-mail postavke za izdvajanje vodi od prodaje email id npr. "sales@example.com"", + "Extract Emails": "Ekstrakt e-po\u0161te", + "Host": "Doma\u0107in", + "POP3 Mail Settings": "POP3 Mail Postavke", + "POP3 server e.g. (pop.gmail.com)": "POP3 poslu\u017eitelj npr. (pop.gmail.com)", + "Password": "Lozinka", + "Sales Email Settings": "Prodaja Postavke e-po\u0161te", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Use SSL": "Koristite SSL", + "Username": "Korisni\u010dko ime" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a0f324359 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-js.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Active: Will extract emails from ": "Aktivnost: Ho\u0107e li izdvojiti e-po\u0161te iz", + "Not Active": "Ne aktivna" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5cd19f58 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/hr-py.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled": "Doma\u0107in, e-mail i lozinka potrebni ako e-mailove su se izvukao" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d6e131cfb --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.": "Tre\u0107a strana distributer / prodava\u010d / komisionar / suradnik / prodava\u010d koji prodaje tvrtke proizvode za proviziju.", + "Address & Contacts": "Adresa i kontakti", + "Address Desc": "Adresa Desc", + "Address HTML": "Adresa HTML", + "Agent": "Agent", + "Channel Partner": "Channel Partner", + "Commission Rate": "Komisija Stopa", + "Contact Desc": "Kontakt ukratko", + "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML", + "Dealer": "Trgovac", + "Distributor": "Distributer", + "Implementation Partner": "Provedba partner", + "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Napomena: mo\u017eete upravljati s vi\u0161e adresa ili kontakti preko adrese i kontakti", + "Partner Target Detail": "Partner Ciljana Detalj", + "Partner Type": "Partner Tip", + "Reseller": "Prodava\u010d", + "Retailer": "Prodava\u010d na malo", + "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner", + "Sales Partner Details": "Prodaja Partner Detalji", + "Sales Partner Name": "Prodaja Ime partnera", + "Sales Partner Target": "Prodaja partner Target", + "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "Odaberite Budget distribuciju neravnomjerno raspodijeliti ciljeve diljem mjeseci.", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Target Distribution": "Ciljana Distribucija", + "Territory": "Teritorija" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea7d66727c --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.": "Sve transakcije prodaje mogu biti ozna\u010dene protiv vi\u0161e osoba ** prodajnim **, tako da mo\u017eete postaviti i pratiti ciljeve.", + "Employee": "Zaposlenik", + "Has Child Node": "Je li \u010dvor dijete", + "No": "Ne", + "Parent Sales Person": "Roditelj Prodaja Osoba", + "Sales Person": "Prodaja Osoba", + "Sales Person Name": "Prodaja Osoba Ime", + "Sales Person Targets": "Prodaje osobi Mete", + "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "Odaberite Budget distribuciju neravnomjerno raspodijeliti ciljeve diljem mjeseci.", + "Select company name first.": "Odaberite naziv tvrtke prvi.", + "Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person.": "Set cilja predmet Grupa-mudar za ovaj prodava\u010d.", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Target Details1": "Ciljana Details1", + "Target Distribution": "Ciljana Distribucija", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog", + "Yes": "Da", + "lft": "LFT", + "old_parent": "old_parent", + "rgt": "usta\u0161a" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6255275189 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Remove": "Ukloniti", + "Series": "Serija", + "Series Detail": "Serija Detalj", + "Setup": "Postavljanje" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..439cb1bd5d --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Setup Control": "Postavljanje kontrola" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f3e876200c --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Parameter": "Parametar", + "SMS Parameter": "SMS parametra", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Value": "Vrijednost" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/sms_settings/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sms_settings/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55f3a8f00e --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/sms_settings/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "Eg. smsgateway.com/api/send_sms.cgi": "Npr.. smsgateway.com / api / send_sms.cgi", + "Enter static url parameters here (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.)": "Unesite stati\u010dke parametre URL ovdje (npr. po\u0161iljatelj = ERPNext, username = ERPNext, lozinkom = 1234 itd.)", + "Enter url parameter for message": "Unesite URL parametar za poruke", + "Enter url parameter for receiver nos": "Unesite URL parametar za prijemnike br", + "Message Parameter": "Poruka parametra", + "Receiver Parameter": "Prijemnik parametra", + "SMS Gateway URL": "SMS Gateway URL", + "SMS Parameters": "SMS Parametri", + "SMS Settings": "Postavke SMS", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Static Parameters": "Stati\u010dki parametri" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/state/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/state/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..30e6e84993 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/state/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Country": "Zemlja", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "State": "Dr\u017eava", + "State Name": "Dr\u017eava Ime" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0320e3e10d --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Supplier Type": "Dobavlja\u010d Tip", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a72110de5f --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina", + "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Target Amount": "Ciljana Iznos", + "Target Detail": "Ciljana Detalj", + "Target Qty": "Ciljana Kol" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09ac9c16dc --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.Examples:1. Validity of the offer.1. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).1. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).1. Safety / usage warning.1. Warranty if any.1. Returns Policy.1. Terms of shipping, if applicable.1. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.1. Address and Contact of your Company.": "Standardni uvjeti da se mo\u017ee dodati prodaje i Purchases.Examples: 1. Valjanost offer.1. Uvjeti pla\u0107anja (unaprijed, na kredit, dio unaprijed i sl) 0,1. \u0160to je ekstra (ili pla\u0107a kupac) 0,1. Sigurnost / kori\u0161tenje warning.1. Jamstvo ako any.1. Vra\u0107a Policy.1. Uvjeti shipping, ako applicable.1. Na\u010dinima rje\u0161avanja sporova, od\u0161teta, odgovornost, etc.1. Adresu i kontakt va\u0161e tvrtke.", + "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti", + "Title": "Naslov", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/territory/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/territory/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ad34ed2b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/territory/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "Classification of Customers by region": "Klasifikacija kupaca po regiji", + "For reference": "Za referencu", + "Has Child Node": "Je li \u010dvor dijete", + "No": "Ne", + "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Samo leaf \u010dvorovi su dozvoljeni u transakciji", + "Parent Territory": "Roditelj Regija", + "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "Odaberite Budget distribuciju neravnomjerno raspodijeliti ciljeve diljem mjeseci.", + "Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution.": "Postavite Stavka Grupa-mudre prora\u010dune na ovom podru\u010dju. Tako\u0111er mo\u017eete uklju\u010diti sezonalnost postavljanjem Distribution.", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Target Details": "Ciljane Detalji", + "Target Distribution": "Ciljana Distribucija", + "Territory": "Teritorija", + "Territory Manager": "Teritorij Manager", + "Territory Name": "Regija Ime", + "Territory Targets": "Teritorij Mete", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog", + "Yes": "Da", + "lft": "LFT", + "old_parent": "old_parent", + "rgt": "usta\u0161a" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/uom/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f1eac7f28 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog", + "UOM": "UOM", + "UOM Details": "UOM Detalji", + "UOM Name": "UOM Ime" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18579a69c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog", + "Warehouse Type": "Skladi\u0161te Tip" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..75df7b777c --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Field": "Polje", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Value": "Vrijednost", + "Workflow Action Detail": "Workflow Akcija Detalj" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3003627ee1 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Workflow Engine": "Workflow motora" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..731d73339a --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "Action Detail": "Akcija Detalj", + "Action html": "Akcija html", + "Active": "Aktivan", + "Define Rule": "Definiranje pravila", + "Enter message": "Unesite poruku", + "Extra Condition": "Dodatni hotela", + "Inactive": "Neaktivan", + "Intro HTML": "Uvod HTML", + "No": "Ne", + "Raise Exception": "Podignite Iznimka", + "Reject HTML": "Odbaciti HTML", + "Rule Definition": "Pravilo Definicija", + "Rule Name": "Pravilo Ime", + "Rule Priority": "Pravilo Prioritet", + "Rule Status": "Pravilo Status", + "Select Form": "Odaberite obrazac", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Workflow Action Details": "Workflow Akcija Detalji", + "Workflow Rule": "Workflow Pravilo", + "Workflow Rule Details": "Workflow Pravilo Detalji", + "Yes": "Da" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a523b06ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "Field": "Polje", + "Field from other forms": "Podru\u010dje od drugih oblika", + "Message when Cond. False": "Poruka kad Uslov. La\u017ean", + "No": "Ne", + "Operator": "Operator", + "Raise Exception": "Podignite Iznimka", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Value": "Vrijednost", + "Workflow Rule Detail": "Workflow Pravilo Detalj", + "Yes": "Da", + "[]": "[]", + "equal": "jednak", + "greater than": "ve\u0107i od", + "greater than equal": "ve\u0107e od jednako", + "less than": "manje od", + "less than equal": "manje od jednako", + "not equal": "nije jednako" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/locale/hr-py.json b/setup/locale/hr-py.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ad3e28890 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/locale/hr-py.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Please specify Default Currency in Company Master \\\t\t\tand Global Defaults": "Navedite Default valutu u trgova\u010dkim dru\u0161tvima Master \\ i Global defaultno" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/module_def/setup/locale/hr-doc.json b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ce39acb27 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "**Currency** Master": "Valuta ** ** Master", + "A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.": "Tre\u0107a strana distributer / prodava\u010d / komisionar / suradnik / prodava\u010d koji prodaje tvrtke proizvode za proviziju.", + "All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.": "Sve transakcije prodaje mogu biti ozna\u010dene protiv vi\u0161e osoba ** prodajnim **, tako da mo\u017eete postaviti i pratiti ciljeve.", + "Classification of Customers by region": "Klasifikacija kupaca po regiji", + "Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.": "Postavke e-po\u0161te za odlazne i dolazne e-po\u0161te.", + "Email settings for jobs email id \"jobs@example.com\"": "E-mail postavke za poslove email id "jobs@example.com"", + "Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. \"sales@example.com\"": "E-mail postavke za izdvajanje vodi od prodaje email id npr. "sales@example.com"", + "Item Classification": "Stavka klasifikacija", + "Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.": "Pravna osoba / Podru\u017enica s odvojenim kontnom planu pripadaju organizaciji.", + "Modules Setup": "Moduli za postavljanje", + "Permission Engine": "Dopu\u0161tenje motora", + "Price List Master": "Cjenik Master", + "Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.": "Po\u0161alji automatske poruke u Kontakte o podno\u0161enju transakcije.", + "Send regular summary reports via Email.": "Po\u0161alji redovite sa\u017eetak izvje\u0161\u0107a putem e-po\u0161te.", + "Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions": "Postavite prefiks za numeriranje niza na svoje transakcije", + "Setup": "Postavljanje", + "Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.Examples:1. Validity of the offer.1. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).1. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).1. Safety / usage warning.1. Warranty if any.1. Returns Policy.1. Terms of shipping, if applicable.1. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.1. Address and Contact of your Company.": "Standardni uvjeti da se mo\u017ee dodati prodaje i Purchases.Examples: 1. Valjanost offer.1. Uvjeti pla\u0107anja (unaprijed, na kredit, dio unaprijed i sl) 0,1. \u0160to je ekstra (ili pla\u0107a kupac) 0,1. Sigurnost / kori\u0161tenje warning.1. Jamstvo ako any.1. Vra\u0107a Policy.1. Uvjeti shipping, ako applicable.1. Na\u010dinima rje\u0161avanja sporova, od\u0161teta, odgovornost, etc.1. Adresu i kontakt va\u0161e tvrtke.", + "Webforms": "Web-obrasci" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/setup/page/setup/locale/hr-js.json b/setup/page/setup/locale/hr-js.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa9e939f14 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/page/setup/locale/hr-js.json @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +{ + "Add custom code to forms": "Dodaj prilago\u0111eni kod oblika", + "Add fields to forms": "Dodaj polja na obrascima", + "Add headers for standard print formats": "Dodaj zaglavlja za standardne formate ispisa", + "Add/remove users, set roles, passwords etc": "Dodavanje / uklanjanje korisnika, postaviti uloge, lozinke i sl.", + "Authorization Rule": "Autorizacija Pravilo", + "Branding and Printing": "Branding i ispis", + "Change background fonts etc": "Promjena pozadine fontovi itd", + "Change entry properties (hide fields, make mandatory etc)": "Promjena ulazne svojstva (skrivanje polja, \u010dine obaveznu itd.)", + "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo", + "Currency": "Valuta", + "Custom Field": "Prilago\u0111ena polja", + "Custom Script": "Prilago\u0111ena skripta", + "Customize": "Prilagodite", + "Customize Form": "Prilagodite obrazac", + "Daily, weekly, monthly email Digests": "Dnevno, tjedno, mjese\u010dno e Razgradni", + "Data": "Podaci", + "Data Import": "Uvoz podataka", + "Email Digest": "E-po\u0161ta", + "Email Settings": "Postavke e-po\u0161te", + "Enable / disable currencies.": "Omogu\u0107ite / onemogu\u0107ite valute.", + "Extract Job Applicant from jobs email id e.g. jobs@example.com": "Ekstrakt posao podnositelja zahtjeva iz radnih email id npr. jobs@example.com", + "Extract Leads from sales email id e.g. sales@example.com": "Ekstrakt vodi od prodaje email id npr. sales@example.com", + "Features Setup": "Zna\u010dajke konfiguracija", + "Financial Years for books of accounts": "Financijska godina za knjigama ra\u010duna", + "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina", + "Global Defaults": "Globalni Zadano", + "HTML print formats for quotes, invoices etc": "HTML ispis formata za citati, fakture, itd.", + "Import data from spreadsheet (csv) files": "Uvoz podataka iz prora\u010dunske tablice (CSV) datoteka", + "Jobs Email Settings": "Poslovi Postavke e-po\u0161te", + "Letter Head": "Pismo Head", + "Letter heads for print": "Pismo glave za ispis", + "List of companies (not customers / suppliers)": "Popis tvrtki (ne kupci / dobavlja\u010di)", + "Manage numbering series": "Upravljanje broje niz", + "Notification Control": "Obavijest kontrola", + "Organization": "Organizacija", + "Out going mail server and support ticket mailbox": "Od odlaska mail server i podr\u0161ku ulaznica spremnik", + "Permission Manager": "Dopu\u0161tenje Manager", + "Print Format": "Ispis formata", + "Print Heading": "Ispis Naslov", + "Profile": "Profil", + "Prompt email sending to customers and suppliers": "Brz e-mail slanje kupcima i dobavlja\u010dima", + "Restrict submission rights based on amount": "Zabraniti podno\u0161enje prava na temelju iznosa", + "SMS Center": "SMS centar", + "SMS Settings": "Postavke SMS", + "Sales Email Settings": "Prodaja Postavke e-po\u0161te", + "Send bulk SMS to leads, customers, contacts": "Po\u0161alji bulk SMS vodi, klijentima, kontaktima", + "Set default values for entry": "Postavljanje zadanih vrijednosti za ulazak", + "Set default values for users (also used for permissions).": "Postavljanje zadanih vrijednosti za korisnike (tako\u0111er se koristi za dozvole).", + "Set multiple numbering series for transactions": "Postavite vi\u0161e brojeva seriju transakcija", + "Set permissions on transactions / masters": "Postavite dozvole na transakcije / Masters", + "Set workflow rules.": "Postavite tijeka pravila.", + "Setup outgoing SMS via your bulk SMS provider": "Postava odlaznih SMS putem svog bulk SMS usluga", + "Show / Hide Modules": "Prika\u017ei / sakrij modula", + "Show, hide modules": "Show, skrivanje module", + "Simplify entry forms by disabling features": "Pojednostavite prijavnice onemogu\u0107avanjem zna\u010dajke", + "Style Settings": "Stil Postavke", + "User Properties": "Svojstva korisnika", + "Users": "Korisnici", + "Workfow": "Workfow" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/startup/__init__.py b/startup/__init__.py index 3b6bfcf721..08a243c7cc 100644 --- a/startup/__init__.py +++ b/startup/__init__.py @@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ lang_names = { "nederlands": "nl", "српски":"sr", "தமிழ்": "ta", + "Hrvatski": "hr", "العربية":"ar" } -lang_list = ["ar", "en", "hi", "es", "fr", "pt", "nl"] +lang_list = ["ar", "en", "hi", "es", "fr", "pt", "nl", "hr"] product_name = "ERPNext" profile_defaults = { diff --git a/startup/open_count.py b/startup/open_count.py index a5fcc77559..a273151c9a 100644 --- a/startup/open_count.py +++ b/startup/open_count.py @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ queries = { "Customer Issue": {"status":"Open"}, "Task": {"status":"Open"}, "Lead": {"status":"Open"}, + "Contact": {"status":"Open"}, "Opportunity": {"docstatus":0}, "Quotation": {"docstatus":0}, "Sales Order": {"docstatus":0}, diff --git a/stock/doctype/batch/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/_messages_doc.json index 2153c3fa52..41004a7433 100644 --- a/stock/doctype/batch/locale/_messages_doc.json +++ b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/_messages_doc.json @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ "Trash Reason", "Expiry Date", "Description", - "Item", + "Batch Finished Date", "Batch Started Date", "Batch", "Batch ID", - "Batch Finished Date", + "Item", "Stock" ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/batch/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0725741854 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "Batch": "Serija", + "Batch Finished Date": "Hrpa Zavr\u0161io Datum", + "Batch ID": "Hrpa ID", + "Batch Started Date": "Hrpa Autor Date", + "Description": "Opis", + "Expiry Date": "Datum isteka", + "Item": "Stavka", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "Trash Reason": "Otpad Razlog" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/bin/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af9290d253 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "Actual Quantity": "Stvarni Koli\u010dina", + "Bin": "Kanta", + "FCFS Rate": "FCFS Stopa", + "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra", + "Moving Average Rate": "Premje\u0161tanje prosje\u010dna stopa", + "Ordered Quantity": "Koli\u010dina \u017d", + "Planned Qty": "Planirani Kol", + "Projected Qty": "Predvi\u0111en Kol", + "Quantity Requested for Purchase": "Koli\u010dina Tra\u017eeni za kupnju", + "Reserved Quantity": "Rezervirano Koli\u010dina", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "Stock Value": "Stock vrijednost", + "UOM": "UOM", + "Valuation Rate": "Vrednovanje Stopa", + "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te", + "Warehouse Type": "Skladi\u0161te Tip" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65577f4a42 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +{ + "% Amount Billed": "% Iznos Napla\u0107eno", + "% Installed": "Instalirani%", + "% of materials billed against this Delivery Note": "% Materijala napla\u0107eno protiv ove otpremnici", + "% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note": "% Materijala dostavljenih protiv ove otpremnici", + "Advertisement": "Reklama", + "Amended From": "Izmijenjena Od", + "Amendment Date": "Amandman Datum", + "Billing Status": "Naplata Status", + "Calculate Charges": "Izra\u010dun tro\u0161kova", + "Campaign": "Kampanja", + "Cancel Reason": "Odustani razlog", + "Cancelled": "Otkazan", + "Challan Date": "Challan Datum", + "Challan No": "Challan Ne", + "Cold Calling": "Hladno pozivanje", + "Commission Rate (%)": "Komisija stopa (%)", + "Company": "Dru\u0161tvo", + "Contact": "Kontaktirati", + "Contact Email": "Kontakt e", + "Contact Info": "Kontakt Informacije", + "Contact Person": "Kontakt osoba", + "Conversion Rate": "Stopa konverzije", + "Currency": "Valuta", + "Customer": "Kupac", + "Customer Group": "Kupac Grupa", + "Customer Name": "Naziv klijenta", + "Customer's Currency": "Kupca valuta", + "Customer's Vendor": "Kupca Prodavatelj", + "DN": "DN", + "Date on which lorry started from your warehouse": "Datum na koji je kamion po\u010deo iz skladi\u0161ta", + "Delivery Note": "Obavje\u0161tenje o primanji po\u0161iljke", + "Delivery Note Items": "Na\u010din Napomena Stavke", + "Draft": "Skica", + "Excise Page Number": "Tro\u0161arina Broj stranice", + "Exhibition": "Izlo\u017eba", + "Existing Customer": "Postoje\u0107i Kupac", + "File List": "Popis datoteka", + "Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.": "Ispunjavanje Dodatne informacije o otpremnici \u0107e vam pomo\u0107i da analizirati podatke bolje.", + "Fiscal Year": "Fiskalna godina", + "Fully Billed": "Potpuno Napla\u0107eno", + "Get Items": "Nabavite artikle", + "Get Taxes and Charges": "Nabavite porezi i pristojbe", + "Get Terms and Conditions": "Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila", + "Grand Total": "Sveukupno", + "Grand Total (Export)": "Sveukupno (izvoz)", + "If you have created a standard template in Sales Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Ako ste stvorili standardni predlo\u017eak u prodaji poreze i pristojbe magisterij, odaberite jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod.", + "In Words": "U rije\u010di", + "In Words (Export)": "U rije\u010di (izvoz)", + "In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.": "U rije\u010di (izvoz) \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite otpremnici.", + "In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.": "U rije\u010di \u0107e biti vidljiv nakon \u0161to spremite otpremnici.", + "Installation Status": "Instalacija Status", + "Instructions": "Instrukcije", + "Items": "Proizvodi", + "LR Date": "LR Datum", + "LR No": "LR Ne", + "Letter Head": "Pismo Head", + "Mass Mailing": "Misa mailing", + "Mobile No": "Mobitel Nema", + "More Info": "Vi\u0161e informacija", + "Net Total*": "Neto Ukupno *", + "Not Billed": "Ne Napla\u0107eno", + "P.O. Date": "PO Datum", + "P.O. No": "PO Ne", + "Packing Details": "Pakiranje Detalji", + "Packing List": "Pakiranje Popis", + "Partly Billed": "Djelomi\u010dno Napla\u0107eno", + "Posting Date": "Objavljivanje Datum", + "Posting Time": "Objavljivanje Vrijeme", + "Price List": "Cjenik", + "Price List Currency": "Cjenik valuta", + "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Cjenik valuta pretvorbe Stopa", + "Price List and Currency": "Cjenik i valuta", + "Print Without Amount": "Ispis Bez visini", + "Project Name": "Naziv projekta", + "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute", + "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Stopa po kojoj se valuta klijenta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute", + "Re-Calculate Values": "Ponovno izra\u010dunati vrijednosti", + "Reference": "Upu\u0107ivanje", + "Required only for sample item.": "Potrebna je samo za primjer stavke.", + "Rounded Total": "Zaobljeni Ukupno", + "Rounded Total (Export)": "Zaobljeni Ukupno (izvoz)", + "Sales BOM Help": "Prodaja BOM Pomo\u0107", + "Sales Order No": "Prodajnog naloga Ne", + "Sales Partner": "Prodaja partner", + "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Prodaja Porezi i naknade", + "Sales Team": "Prodaja Team", + "Sales Team1": "Prodaja Team1", + "Select Print Heading": "Odaberite Ispis Naslov", + "Select Shipping Address": "Odaberite otprema adresu", + "Select Terms and Conditions": "Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila", + "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "Odaberite valutu u kojoj cjenik odr\u017eava", + "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "Odaberite cjenik kao u\u0161ao u "Cjenik" gospodara. To \u0107e povu\u0107i referentne stope predmeta protiv ove cjeniku kao \u0161to je navedeno u "artikla" gospodara.", + "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "Odaberite odgovaraju\u0107i naziv tvrtke ako imate vi\u0161e tvrtki", + "Series": "Serija", + "Shipping Address": "Dostava Adresa", + "Source": "Izvor", + "Status": "Status", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "Submitted": "Prijavljen", + "Supplier Reference": "Dobavlja\u010d Referenca", + "Taxes": "Porezi", + "Taxes and Charges": "Porezi i naknade", + "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Porezi i naknade Prora\u010dun", + "Taxes and Charges Total": "Porezi i naknade Ukupno", + "Terms and Conditions": "Odredbe i uvjeti", + "Terms and Conditions Details": "Uvjeti Detalji", + "Terms and Conditions HTML": "Uvjeti HTML", + "Territory": "Teritorija", + "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis ispravljen u sustavu.", + "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Datum na koji teku\u0107i zapis \u0107e dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen.", + "Time at which items were delivered from warehouse": "Vrijeme na stavke koje su isporu\u010dena iz skladi\u0161ta", + "To Warehouse": "Za galeriju", + "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Za upravljati s vi\u0161e niz molimo idite na Postavke> Upravljanje serije", + "Total Commission": "Ukupno komisija", + "Totals": "Ukupan rezultat", + "Track this Delivery Note against any Project": "Prati ovu napomenu isporuke protiv bilo Projekta", + "Transporter Info": "Transporter Info", + "Transporter Name": "Transporter Ime", + "Transporter lorry number": "Transporter kamion broj", + "You can make a delivery note from multiple sales orders. Select sales orders one by one and click on the button below.": "Mo\u017eete napraviti bilje\u0161ku isporuke iz vi\u0161e prodajnih naloga. Odaberite narud\u017ebe, jednu po jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89da737e1e --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +{ + "Against Document Date": "Protiv dokumenta Datum", + "Against Document Detail No": "Protiv dokumenta Detalj No", + "Against Document No": "Protiv dokumentu nema", + "Amount": "Iznos", + "Amount*": "Iznos *", + "Available Qty at Warehouse": "Dostupno Kol na galeriju", + "Barcode": "Barkod", + "Batch No": "Hrpa Ne", + "Billed Amt": "Napla\u0107eno Amt", + "Brand Name": "Brand Name", + "Customer's Item Code": "Kupca Stavka \u0160ifra", + "Delivery Note Item": "Otpremnica artikla", + "Description": "Opis", + "Discount (%)": "Popust (%)", + "Document Type": "Document Type", + "Installed Qty": "Instalirani Kol", + "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra", + "Item Group": "Stavka Grupa", + "Item Name": "Stavka Ime", + "Item Tax Rate": "Stavka Porezna stopa", + "Packed Quantity": "Prepuna Koli\u010dina", + "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice", + "Price List Rate": "Cjenik Stopa", + "Price List Rate*": "Cjenik Ocijeni *", + "Quantity": "Koli\u010dina", + "Rate": "Stopa", + "Rate*": "Ocijeni *", + "Serial No": "Serijski br", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "UOM": "UOM", + "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c2992ed00 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "Actual Qty": "Stvarni Kol", + "Batch No": "Hrpa Ne", + "Delivery Note Packing Item": "Dostava Napomena Pakiranje artikla", + "Description": "Opis", + "Item Code": "Stavka \u0160ifra", + "Item Name": "Stavka Ime", + "Page Break": "Prijelom stranice", + "Parent Detail docname": "Roditelj Detalj docname", + "Parent Item": "Roditelj artikla", + "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DOCTYPE", + "Projected Qty": "Predvi\u0111en Kol", + "Qty": "Kol", + "Serial No": "Serijski br", + "Stock": "Zaliha", + "UOM": "UOM", + "Warehouse": "Skladi\u0161te" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4e50ea839 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "Featured Item": "Prikazan artikla", + "Featured Item in Item Group": "Prikazan artikla u to\u010dki Grupe", + "Item": "Stavka", + "Stock": "Zaliha" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stock/doctype/item/locale/hr-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item/locale/hr-doc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77b2065be8 --- /dev/null +++ b/stock/doctype/item/locale/hr-doc.json @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +{ + "Manage Item Groups": "Upravljanje Stavka Grupe", + "A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.": "Proizvod ili usluga koji je kupio, prodao ili \u010duva u skladi\u0161tu.", + "Allow Bill of Materials": "Dopustite Bill materijala", + "Allow Production Order": "Dopustite proizvodnom nalogu", + "Allow Samples": "Dopustite Uzorci", + "Allowance Percent": "Dodatak posto", + "Barcode": "Barkod", + "Brand": "Marka", + "Buying Cost": "Kupnja tro\u0161kova", + "Buying Cost will be updated from Purchase Orders and Purchase Receipts.For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units
,Postotak li je dozvoljeno primiti ili isporučiti više od količine naredio.Na primjer: Ako ste naručili 100 jedinica. i tvoj ispravak je 10% onda je dozvoljeno primiti 110 jedinica
+Performance appraisal.,Ocjenjivanje. +Period Closing Voucher,Razdoblje Zatvaranje bon +Periodicity,Periodičnost +Perm Level,Perm Level +Permanent Accommodation Type,Stalni Tip smještaja +Permanent Address,Stalna adresa +Permission Control,Dopuštenje kontrola +Permission Engine,Dopuštenje motora +Permission Level,Dopuštenje Razina +Permission Levels,Razine dozvola +Permission Manager,Dopuštenje Manager +Permission Rules,Dopuštenje Pravila +Permissions,Dopuštenja +Permissions Settings,Dozvole Postavke +Permissions are automatically translated to Standard Reports and Searches,Dozvole automatski su prevedeni na standardnih izvješća i traži +"Permissions are set on Roles and Document Types (called DocTypes) by restricting read, edit, make new, submit, cancel, amend and report rights.","Dozvole su postavljene na ulogama i vrstama dokumenata (zove DocTypes) ograničavanjem čitati, uređivati, napraviti novi, podnijeti, otkazati, izmijeniti i prijaviti prava." +Permissions at higher levels are 'Field Level' permissions. All Fields have a 'Permission Level' set against them and the rules defined at that permissions apply to the field. This is useful incase you want to hide or make certain field read-only.,Dozvole na višim razinama 'terenu' dozvole. Svi Polja imaju 'razinu dozvole' set protiv njih i pravilima definiranim u to dozvole primjenjuju se na terenu. To je korisno obložiti želite sakriti ili napraviti određenu polje samo za čitanje. +"Permissions at level 0 are 'Document Level' permissions, i.e. they are primary for access to the document.","Dozvole na razini 0 su 'dokument razini' dozvole, odnosno oni su primarni za pristup dokumentu." +Permissions translate to Users based on what Role they are assigned,Dozvole prevesti na korisnike na temelju onoga što Uloga im se dodjeljuju +Permissions will be based on this DocType,Dozvole će se na temelju ovog DOCTYPE +Person,Osoba +Person To Be Contacted,Osoba biti kontaktirani +Personal Details,Osobni podaci +Personal Email,Osobni e +Phone,Telefon +Phone No,Telefonski broj +Phone No.,Telefonski broj +Pick Columns,Pick stupce +Pin Code,Pin Code +Pincode,Pincode +Place of Issue,Mjesto izdavanja +Plan for scheduled maintenance contracts.,Plan rasporedu održavanja ugovora. +Planned Qty,Planirani Kol +Planned Quantity,Planirana količina +Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.,Molimo unesite Skraćenica ili skraćeni naziv ispravno jer će biti dodan kao sufiks na sve računa šefova. +Please check,Molimo provjerite +Please click on another report from the menu.,Molimo kliknite na drugom izvješću iz izbornika. +Please enter Bill Date,Unesite Bill Datum +Please enter valid ,Unesite važeći +Please save the Newsletter before sending.,Molimo spremite Newsletter prije slanja. +Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year,Molimo odaberite prenositi ako želite uključiti prethodnoj fiskalnoj godini je ravnoteža ostavlja na ovoj fiskalnoj godini +Please select: ,Molimo odaberite: +Please specify Default Currency in Company Master \ and Global Defaults,Navedite Default valutu u trgovačkim društvima Master \ i Global defaultno +Please specify a valid,Navedite važeći +Plot Control,Zemljište kontrola +Point of Sale,Point of Sale +Point-of-Sale Setting,Point-of-Sale Podešavanje +Points,Bodovi +Post Graduate,Post diplomski +Post Topic,Post Tema +Posting Date,Objavljivanje Datum +Posting Time,Objavljivanje Vrijeme +Potential Sales Deal,Potencijal Prodaja Deal +Potential opportunities for selling.,Potencijalni mogućnosti za prodaju. +"Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc) only for display. Floats will still be calculated up to 6 decimals.","Precizna za Float polja (količina, popusti, postoci itd.) samo za prikaz. Pluta i dalje će biti izračunata do šest decimala." +Prefix,Prefiks +Present,Sadašnje +Prevdoc DocType,Prevdoc DOCTYPE +Prevdoc Doctype,Prevdoc DOCTYPE +Preview,Prikaz +Previous Work Experience,Radnog iskustva +Price List,Cjenik +Price List Currency,Cjenik valuta +Price List Currency Conversion Rate,Cjenik valuta pretvorbe Stopa +Price List Exchange Rate,Cjenik tečajna +Price List Master,Cjenik Master +Price List Name,Cjenik Ime +Price List Rate,Cjenik Stopa +Price List Rate*,Cjenik Ocijeni * +Price List and Currency,Cjenik i valuta +Price Lists and Rates,Cjenike i cijene +Primary,Osnovni +Print Format,Ispis formata +Print Heading,Ispis Naslov +Print Hide,Ispis Sakrij +Print Width,Širina ispisa +Print Without Amount,Ispis Bez visini +Priority,Prioritet +Private,Privatan +Process,Proces +Process Payroll,Proces plaće +Produced Quantity,Proizveden Količina +Product,Proizvod +Product Categories,Kategorije proizvoda +Product Category for website,Proizvod Kategorija za web stranicu +Product Enquiry,Na upit +Product Group,Product Group +"Product Groups that are listed on the website. The first product group from this list will be listed by default on the ""Products Page""",Proizvod Grupe koje su navedene na web stranici. Prva grupa proizvoda iz ovog popisa će biti navedeni po defaultu na "Proizvodi stranice" +Product Settings,Postavke proizvoda +Production,Proizvodnja +Production Order,Proizvodnja Red +Production Plan Item,Proizvodnja plan artikla +Production Plan Items,Plan proizvodnje Proizvodi +Production Plan Sales Order,Proizvodnja plan prodajnog naloga +Production Plan Sales Orders,Plan proizvodnje narudžbe +Production Planning (MRP),Planiranje proizvodnje (MRP) +Production Planning Tool,Planiranje proizvodnje alat +Products Settings,Proizvodi Postavke +"Products will be sorted by weight-age in default searches. More the weight-age, higher the product will appear in the list.","Proizvodi će biti razvrstani po težine dobi u zadane pretraživanja. Više težina-dob, veća proizvod će se pojaviti na popisu." +Profile,Profil +Profile Control,Profil kontrola +Profile Defaults,Profil Zadano +Profile Represents a User in the system.,Profil Predstavlja korisnika u sustavu. +Program / Seminar Title,Program / Seminar Naslov +Project,Projekt +Project Activity,Projekt aktivnost +Project Activity Update,Projekt Aktivnost Update +Project Control,Projekt kontrole +Project Costing,Projekt Costing +Project Details,Projekt Detalji +Project Milestone,Projekt Prekretnica +Project Milestones,Projekt Dostignuća +Project Name,Naziv projekta +Project Start Date,Projekt datum početka +Project Tasks,Projektni zadaci +Project Type,Vrsta projekta +Project Value,Projekt Vrijednost +Project activity / task.,Projekt aktivnost / zadatak. +Project master.,Projekt majstor. +Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given,Projekt će biti spašen i da će se moći pretraživati s projektom ime dano +Projected Qty,Predviđen Kol +Projects,Projekti +Projects Home,Projekti Početna +Prompt email sending to customers and suppliers,Brz e-mail slanje kupcima i dobavljačima +Prompt for Email on Submission of,Pitaj za e-poštu na podnošenje +Properties,Nekretnine +Property,Vlasništvo +Property Setter,Nekretnine seter +Property Setter overrides a standard DocType or Field property,Nekretnine seter nadjačava standardni DOCTYPE ili polja nekretnine +Property Type,Vrsta nekretnine +Provide email id registered in company,Osigurati e id registriran u tvrtki +Public,Javni +Published,Objavljen +Pull Emails from the Inbox and attach them as Communication records (for known contacts).,"Povucite e-pošte iz mape Primljeno, te ih priložiti kao Communication zapisa (za poznate kontakte)." +Pull Opportunity Detail,Povucite Opportunity Detalj +Pull Payment Entries,Povucite plaćanja tekstova +Pull Purchase Order Details,Povucite Detalji narudžbe Kupnja +Pull Quotation Items,Povucite kotaciji artikle +Pull Sales Order Items,Povucite Prodaja Predmeti Naručivanje +Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table.,Povucite stavke iz prodaje Reda navedene u gornjoj tablici. +Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria,Povucite prodajne naloge (na čekanju za isporuku) na temelju navedenih kriterija +Pur Order,Pur Naruči +Pur Receipt,Pur Potvrda +Purchase,Kupiti +Purchase Analytics,Kupnja Analytics +Purchase Common,Kupnja Zajednička +Purchase Date,Kupnja Datum +Purchase Details,Kupnja Detalji +Purchase Discounts,Kupnja Popusti +Purchase Document No,Kupnja Dokument br +Purchase Document Type,Kupnja Document Type +Purchase Invoice,Kupnja fakture +Purchase Invoice Advance,Kupnja fakture Predujam +Purchase Invoice Advances,Kupnja fakture Napredak +Purchase Invoice Item,Kupnja fakture predmet +Purchase Order,Narudžbenica +Purchase Order Date,Narudžbenica Datum +Purchase Order Item,Narudžbenica predmet +Purchase Order Item No,Narudžbenica Br. +Purchase Order Item Supplied,Narudžbenica artikla Isporuka +Purchase Order Items,Narudžbenica artikle +Purchase Order Items Supplied,Narudžbenica Proizvodi Isporuka +Purchase Order Items To Be Received,Narudžbenica Proizvodi treba primiti +Purchase Order Message,Narudžbenica poruku +Purchase Order Required,Narudžbenica Obvezno +Purchase Order sent by customer,Narudžbenica poslao kupca +Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.,Kupnja naloge koje je dao dobavljače. +Purchase Receipt,Račun kupnje +Purchase Receipt Item,Kupnja Potvrda predmet +Purchase Receipt Item Supplied,Kupnja Prijem artikla Isporuka +Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds,Kupnja Supplieds Stavka primitka +Purchase Receipt Items,Kupnja primitka artikle +Purchase Receipt Message,Kupnja Potvrda poruku +Purchase Receipt No,Račun kupnje Ne +Purchase Receipt Required,Kupnja Potvrda Obvezno +Purchase Request,Zahtjev za kupnju +Purchase Request Date,Zahtjev za kupnju Datum +Purchase Request Detail No,Zahtjev za kupnju detaljno Ne +Purchase Request For Warehouse,Kupnja Zahtjev za galeriju +Purchase Request Item,Zahtjev za kupnju predmeta +Purchase Request No,Kupnja Zahtjev Ne +Purchase Requisition Details,Kupnja rekvizicije Detalji +Purchase Requisition No,Kupnja rekvizicije Ne +Purchase Return,Kupnja Povratak +Purchase Returned,Kupnja Vraćeno +Purchase Returns,Kupnja Povratak +Purchase Taxes and Charges,Kupnja Porezi i naknade +Purchase Taxes and Charges Master,Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master +Purpose,Svrha +Purpose must be one of ,Svrha mora biti jedan od +QA Inspection,QA Inspekcija +QA No,QA Ne +QAI/11-12/,QAI/11-12 / +QTN,QTN +Qty,Kol +Qty Consumed Per Unit,Kol Potrošeno po jedinici +Qty To Manufacture,Količina za proizvodnju +Qty as per Stock UOM,Količina po burzi UOM +Qualification,Kvalifikacija +Quality,Kvalitet +Quality Inspection,Provera kvaliteta +Quality Inspection Parameters,Inspekcija kvalitete Parametri +Quality Inspection Reading,Kvaliteta Inspekcija čitanje +Quality Inspection Readings,Inspekcija kvalitete Čitanja +Quantity,Količina +Quantity Requested for Purchase,Količina Traženi za kupnju +Quantity already manufactured,Količina je već proizvedeni +Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials,Količina predmeta dobije nakon proizvodnju / pakiranje od navedenih količina sirovina +Quantity should be equal to Manufacturing Quantity. ,Količina trebala bi biti jednaka Manufacturing količina. +Quarter,Četvrtina +Quarterly,Tromjesečni +Query,Pitanje +Query Options,Upita Mogućnosti +Query Report,Izvješće upita +Question,Pitanje +Quick Help for Setting Permissions,Brza pomoć za postavljanje dopuštenja +Quick Help for User Properties,Brza pomoć za korisnike Nekretnine +Quotation,Citat +Quotation Date,Ponuda Datum +Quotation Item,Citat artikla +Quotation Items,Kotaciji Proizvodi +Quotation Lost Reason,Citat Izgubili razlog +Quotation Message,Citat Poruka +Quotation No,Citat Ne +Quotation No.,Ponuda broj +Quotation Sent,Citat Sent +Quotation To,Ponuda za +Quotation no against which this Sales Order is made ,Ponuda ne protiv koje ovaj prodajnog naloga se vrši +Quotes to Leads or Customers.,Citati na vodi ili kupaca. +Raise Exception,Podignite Iznimka +Raise Production Order,Podignite proizvodnom nalogu +Raise Purchase Request,Podignite zahtjev za kupnju +Raise Purchase Request when stock reaches re-order level,Podignite zahtjev za kupnju dionica kada dosegne ponovno poredak razinu +Raised By,Povišena Do +Raised By (Email),Povišena Do (e) +Random,Slučajan +Range,Domet +Rate,Stopa +Rate ,Stopa +Rate Of Materials Based On,Stopa materijali na temelju +Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency,Stopa po kojoj Kupac valuta se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute +Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency,Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute +Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency,Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute +Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency,Stopa po kojoj se valuta klijenta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute +Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency,Stopa po kojoj supplier valuta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute +Rate at which this tax is applied,Stopa po kojoj je taj porez se primjenjuje +Rate*,Ocijeni * +Raw Material Details,Sirovina Detalji +Raw Material Item Code,Sirovine Stavka Šifra +Raw Materials Supplied Cost,Sirovine Isporuka Troškovi +Re-Calculate Values,Ponovno izračunati vrijednosti +Re-Order Level,Re-Order Razina +Re-Order Qty,Re-Order Kol +Read,Čitati +Read Only,Read Only +Reading 1,Čitanje 1 +Reading 10,Čitanje 10 +Reading 2,Čitanje 2 +Reading 3,Čitanje 3 +Reading 4,Čitanje 4 +Reading 5,Čitanje 5 +Reading 6,Čitanje 6 +Reading 7,Čitanje 7 +Reading 8,Čitanje 8 +Reading 9,Čitanje 9 +Reason,Razlog +Reason for Leaving,Razlog za odlazak +Reason for Resignation,Razlog za ostavku +Recalculate,Preračunati +Recd Quantity,RecD Količina +Receivables,Potraživanja +Receivables Group,Potraživanja Grupa +Received Date,Datum pozicija +Received Qty,Pozicija Kol +Receiver List,Prijemnik Popis +Receiver Name,Primatelj Ime +Receiver Parameter,Prijemnik parametra +Recent,Nedavni +Recipient,Primalac +Recipients,Primatelji +Reconciliation Data,Pomirenje podataka +Reconciliation HTML,Pomirenje HTML +Reconciliation JSON,Pomirenje JSON +Recurring Id,Ponavljajući Id +Recurring Invoice,Ponavljajući Račun +Recurring Type,Ponavljajući Tip +Ref Code,Ref. Šifra +Ref Doc should be submitted?,Ref. Doc treba predati? +Ref DocType,Ref. DOCTYPE +Ref Name,Ref. Ime +Ref Rate,Ref. Stopa +Ref Rate ,Ref. Stopa +Ref Rate*,Ref. Ocijeni * +Ref SQ,Ref. SQ +Ref Type,Ref. Tip +Reference,Upućivanje +Reference Date,Referentni datum +Reference DocType Key,Referenca DOCTYPE Ključ +Reference Docname Key,Referenca Docname Ključ +Reference Name,Referenca Ime +Reference Number,Referentni broj +Reference Type,Referentna Tip +Refresh,Osvježiti +Registration Details,Registracija Brodu +Registration Info,Registracija Info +Reject HTML,Odbaciti HTML +Rejected,Odbijen +Rejected Quantity,Odbijen Količina +Rejected Serial No,Odbijen Serijski br +Rejected Warehouse,Odbijen galerija +Related Page,Vezani Stranica +Relation,Odnos +Relieving Date,Rasterećenje Datum +Remark,Primjedba +Remarks,Primjedbe +Remove,Ukloniti +Remove Bookmark,Uklonite Bookmark +Rename,Preimenovati +Rename Tool,Preimenovanje alat +Rented,Iznajmljuje +Repeat on Day of Month,Ponovite na dan u mjesecu +Replace,Zamijeniti +Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs,Zamijenite predmet / BOM u svim sastavnicama +"Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate ""BOM Explosion Item"" table as per new BOM","Zamijenite određeni BOM u svim drugim sastavnicama gdje se koriste. To će zamijeniti staru vezu BOM, ažurirati troškove i regenerirati "BOM eksploziju predmeta" stol kao i po novom BOM" +Replied,Odgovorio +Report,Prijavi +Report Date,Prijavi Datum +Report Hide,Prijavi Sakrij +Report Name,Naziv izvješća +Report Saved,Prijavi Spremljeno +Report Script,Izvješće Skripta +Report Server Script,Prijavi Server Skripta +Report was not saved (there were errors),Izvješće nije spašen (bilo pogrešaka) +Reports,Izvješća +Reports to,Izvješća +Represents the states allowed in one document and role assigned to change the state.,Predstavlja stanja dopušteni u jednom dokumentu i uloge dodijeljene promijeniti stanje. +Reqd,Reqd +Reqd By Date,Reqd Po datumu +Request Type,Zahtjev Tip +Request for Information,Zahtjev za informacije +Request for purchase.,Zahtjev za kupnju. +Requested By,Traženi Do +Required By,Potrebna Do +Required Date,Potrebna Datum +Required Qty,Potrebna Kol +Required only for sample item.,Potrebna je samo za primjer stavke. +Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.,Potrebna sirovina izdane dobavljač za proizvodnju pod - ugovoreni predmet. +Reseller,Prodavač +Reserved Quantity,Rezervirano Količina +Reserved Warehouse,Rezervirano galerija +Resignation Letter Date,Ostavka Pismo Datum +Resolution,Rezolucija +Resolution Date,Rezolucija Datum +Resolution Details,Rezolucija o Brodu +Resolved By,Riješen Do +Restrict IP,Zabraniti IP +Restrict submission rights based on amount,Zabraniti podnošenje prava na temelju iznosa +Restrict user from this IP address only. Multiple IP addresses can be added by separating with commas. Also accepts partial IP addresses like (111.111.111),Zabraniti korisnika iz ove IP adrese samo. Višestruki IP adrese može biti dodan odvajajući zarezima. Također prihvaća djelomične IP adrese kao što su (111.111.111) +Restricting By User,Ograničavanje strane korisnika +Retailer,Prodavač na malo +Return Date,Povratak Datum +Return Type,Povratak Vid +Returned Qty,Vraćeno Kol +Review Date,Recenzija Datum +Rgt,Ustaša +Right,Desno +Role,Uloga +Role Name,Uloga Ime +Roles,Uloge +Roles HTML,Uloge HTML +Rounded Total,Zaobljeni Ukupno +Rounded Total (Export),Zaobljeni Ukupno (izvoz) +Row,Red +Row #,Redak # +Row # ,Redak # +Rule Definition,Pravilo Definicija +Rule Name,Pravilo Ime +Rule Priority,Pravilo Prioritet +Rule Status,Pravilo Status +Rules defining transition of state in the workflow.,Pravila definiraju prijelaz stanja u tijek rada. +"Rules for how states are transitions, like next state and which role is allowed to change state etc.","Pravila za koliko su države prijelaza, kao i sljedeći države i koja uloga je dozvoljeno da promijeni stanje itd." +Run,Trčanje +SLE Exists,SLE Exists +SMS,SMS +SMS Center,SMS centar +SMS Control,SMS kontrola +SMS Gateway URL,SMS Gateway URL +SMS Log,SMS Prijava +SMS Parameter,SMS parametra +SMS Parameters,SMS Parametri +SMS Receiver,SMS-prijemnik +SMS Sender Name,SMS Sender Ime +SMS Settings,Postavke SMS +SMTP Server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com),SMTP poslužitelj (npr. smtp.gmail.com) +SO,SO +SO Date,SO Datum +SO Detail ,SO Detalj +SO Pending Qty,SO čekanju Kol +SO/10-11/,SO/10-11 / +SO1112,SO1112 +SQTN,SQTN +STE,Ste +SUP,SUP +SUPP,Supp +SUPP/10-11/,SUPP/10-11 / +Salary,Plata +Salary Information,Plaća informacije +Salary Manager,Plaća Manager +Salary Mode,Plaća način +Salary Slip,Plaća proklizavanja +Salary Slip Deduction,Plaća proklizavanja Odbitak +Salary Slip Earning,Plaća proklizavanja Zarada +Salary Structure,Plaća Struktura +Salary Structure Deduction,Plaća Struktura Odbitak +Salary Structure Earning,Plaća Struktura Zarada +Salary Structure Earnings,Plaća Struktura Zarada +Salary components.,Plaća komponente. +Sales,Prodajni +Sales Analytics,Prodaja Analitika +Sales BOM,Prodaja BOM +Sales BOM Help,Prodaja BOM Pomoć +Sales BOM Item,Prodaja BOM artikla +Sales BOM Items,Prodaja BOM Proizvodi +Sales Browser,Prodaja preglednik +Sales Browser Control,Prodaja Preglednik kontrole +Sales Common,Prodaja Zajedničke +Sales Dashboard,Prodaja ploča +Sales Details,Prodaja Detalji +Sales Discounts,Prodaja Popusti +Sales Email Settings,Prodaja Postavke e-pošte +Sales Extras,Prodaja Dodaci +Sales Invoice,Prodaja fakture +Sales Invoice Advance,Prodaja Račun Predujam +Sales Invoice Item,Prodaja Račun artikla +Sales Invoice Message,Prodaja Račun Poruka +Sales Invoice No,Prodaja Račun br +Sales Order,Prodajnog naloga +Sales Order Date,Prodaja Datum narudžbe +Sales Order Item,Prodajnog naloga artikla +Sales Order Items,Prodaja Narudžbe Proizvodi +Sales Order Message,Prodajnog naloga Poruka +Sales Order No,Prodajnog naloga Ne +Sales Order Required,Prodajnog naloga Obvezno +Sales Orders Pending To Be Delivered,Prodajni nalozi na čekanju biti isporučena +Sales Orders Pending to be Delivered,Prodajni nalozi na čekanju biti isporučena +Sales Partner,Prodaja partner +Sales Partner Details,Prodaja Partner Detalji +Sales Partner Name,Prodaja Ime partnera +Sales Partner Target,Prodaja partner Target +Sales Person,Prodaja Osoba +Sales Person Name,Prodaja Osoba Ime +Sales Person Targets,Prodaje osobi Mete +Sales Rate,Prodaja Stopa +Sales Return,Prodaje Povratak +Sales Returns,Prodaja Povratak +Sales Taxes and Charges,Prodaja Porezi i naknade +Sales Taxes and Charges Master,Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master +Sales Team,Prodaja Team +Sales Team Details,Prodaja Team Detalji +Sales Team1,Prodaja Team1 +Sales and Purchase,Prodaja i kupnja +Sales and Purchase Return Item,Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Stavka +Sales and Purchase Return Items,Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Stavke +Sales and Purchase Return Tool,Prodaja i kupnja Povratak Tool +Sales campaigns,Prodaja kampanje +Sales persons and targets,Prodaja osobe i ciljevi +Sales taxes template.,Prodaja porezi predložak. +Sales territories.,Prodaja teritoriji. +Salutation,Pozdrav +Sample Size,Veličina uzorka +Sanctioned Amount,Iznos kažnjeni +Sandbox,Kutija s pijeskom +Saturday,Subota +Save,Spasiti +Schedule,Raspored +Scheduled,Planiran +Scheduled Confirmation Date,Planirano Potvrda Datum +Scheduled Date,Planirano Datum +Scheduler Log,Planer Prijava +School/University,Škola / Sveučilište +Score (0-5),Ocjena (0-5) +Score Earned,Ocjena Zarađeni +Scrap %,Otpad% +Script,Skripta +Script Type,Skripta Tip +Script to attach to all web pages.,Skripta se priključiti na svim web stranicama. +Search,Traži +Search Criteria,Traži Kriteriji +Search Fields,Search Polja +Search Help,Traži Pomoć +Seasonality for setting budgets.,Sezonalnost za postavljanje proračuna. +Section Break,Odjeljak Break +Security Settings,Sigurnosne postavke +Segment Name,Segment Ime +Select,Odabrati +"Select ""Yes"" for sub - contracting items",Odaberite "Da" za pod - ugovorne stavke +"Select ""Yes"" if this item is to be sent to a customer or received from a supplier as a sample. Delivery notes and Purchase Receipts will update stock levels but there will be no invoice against this item.","Odaberite "Da" ako je ova stavka će biti poslan na kupca ili dobio od dobavljača kao uzorak. Otpremnice i kupnju primitke će ažurirati burzovne razinama, ali neće biti faktura protiv ove stavke." +"Select ""Yes"" if this item is used for some internal purpose in your company.",Odaberite "Da" ako ova stavka se koristi za neke unutarnje potrebe u vašoj tvrtki. +"Select ""Yes"" if this item represents some work like training, designing, consulting etc.","Odaberite "Da" ako ova stavka predstavlja neki posao poput treninga, projektiranje, konzalting i sl." +"Select ""Yes"" if you are maintaining stock of this item in your Inventory.",Odaberite "Da" ako ste održavanju zaliha ove točke u vašem inventaru. +"Select ""Yes"" if you supply raw materials to your supplier to manufacture this item.",Odaberite "Da" ako opskrbu sirovina na svoj dobavljača za proizvodnju ovu stavku. +Select All,Odaberite sve +Select Attachments,Odaberite privitke +Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.,Odaberite Budget distribuciju neravnomjerno raspodijeliti ciljeve diljem mjeseci. +"Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.","Odaberite Budget Distribution, ako želite pratiti na temelju sezonalnosti." +Select Customer,Izaberite klijenta +Select Digest Content,Odaberite Digest sadržaj +Select DocType,Odaberite DOCTYPE +Select Document Type,Odaberite vrstu dokumenta +Select Document Type or Role to start.,Odaberite vrstu dokumenta ili ulogu za početak. +Select Form,Odaberite obrazac +Select Items from Delivery Note,Odaberite artikle iz otpremnici +Select Items from Purchase Order,Odaberite artikle iz narudžbenice +Select Items from Purchase Receipt,Odaberite artikle iz kupnje primitka +Select Items from Sales Order,Odaberite artikle iz prodajnog naloga +Select PR,Odaberite PR +Select Print Format,Odaberite Print Format +Select Print Heading,Odaberite Ispis Naslov +Select Purchase Request,Odaberite zahtjev za kupnju +Select Report Name,Odaberite Naziv izvješća +Select Role,Odaberite Uloga +Select Sales Orders,Odaberite narudžbe +Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders.,Odaberite narudžbe iz koje želite stvoriti radne naloge. +Select Shipping Address,Odaberite otprema adresu +Select Supplier Quotation,Odaberite Supplier ponudu +Select Terms and Conditions,Odaberite Uvjeti i pravila +Select Transaction,Odaberite transakcija +Select Type,Odaberite Vid +Select User or Property to start.,Odaberite korisnika ili imovina za početak. +Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.,Odaberite račun šefa banke gdje je ček bio pohranjen. +Select company name first.,Odaberite naziv tvrtke prvi. +Select name of Customer to whom project belongs,Odaberite ime kupca kojem projekt pripada +Select template from which you want to get the Goals,Odaberite predložak s kojeg želite dobiti ciljeva +Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.,Odaberite zaposlenika za koga se stvara procjene. +Select the currency in which price list is maintained,Odaberite valutu u kojoj cjenik održava +Select the label after which you want to insert new field.,Odaberite oznaku nakon što želite umetnuti novo polje. +Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically,Odaberite razdoblje kada faktura će biti generiran automatski +"Select the price list as entered in ""Price List"" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in ""Item"" master.",Odaberite cjenik kao ušao u "Cjenik" gospodara. To će povući referentne stope predmeta protiv ove cjeniku kao što je navedeno u "artikla" gospodara. +Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies,Odaberite odgovarajući naziv tvrtke ako imate više tvrtki +Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.,Odaberite odgovarajući naziv tvrtke ako imate više tvrtki. +Select who you want to send this newsletter to,Odaberite koji želite poslati ovu newsletter +Selected Attendance date will comes in the attendance template.,Odabrani posjećenost datum dolazi u posjećenosti predlošku. +"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow this item to appear in Purchase Order , Purchase Receipt.","Odabir "Da" omogućit će ovu stavku da se pojavi u narudžbenice, Otkup primitka." +"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow this item to figure in Sales Order, Delivery Note","Odabir "Da" omogućit će ovaj predmet shvatiti u prodajni nalog, otpremnici" +"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow you to create Bill of Material showing raw material and operational costs incurred to manufacture this item.",Odabir "Da" će vam omogućiti da stvorite Bill materijala pokazuje sirovina i operativne troškove nastale za proizvodnju ovu stavku. +"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.",Odabir "Da" će vam omogućiti da napravite proizvodnom nalogu za tu stavku. +"Selecting ""Yes"" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master.",Odabir "Da" će dati jedinstveni identitet svakog entiteta ove točke koja se može vidjeti u rednim brojem učitelja. +Selling,Prodaja +Selling Home,Prodaja Početna +Send,Poslati +Send Autoreply,Pošalji Automatski +Send Email,Pošaljite e-poštu +Send From,Pošalji Iz +Send Me A Copy,Pošaljite mi kopiju +"Send Newsletters to your contacts, leads.","Pošaljite newslettere svojim kontaktima, vodi." +Send SMS,Pošalji SMS +Send To,Pošalji +"Send an email to users of role ""Material Manager"" and ""Purchase Manager"" when re-order level is crossed.","Pošaljite e-mail za korisnike ulogu "Material Manager" i "Kupnja Manager", kada ponovno bi se razina prešli." +Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.,Pošalji automatske poruke u Kontakte o podnošenju transakcije. +"Send bulk SMS to leads, customers, contacts","Pošalji bulk SMS vodi, klijentima, kontaktima" +Send mass SMS to your contacts,Pošalji masovne SMS svojim kontaktima +Send regular summary reports via Email.,Pošalji redovite sažetak izvješća putem e-pošte. +Send to this list,Pošalji na ovom popisu +Sender,Pošiljalac +Sender Name,Pošiljatelj Ime +"Sending newsletters is not allowed for Trial users, \ to prevent abuse of this feature.","Slanje biltene nije dopušteno za suđenje korisnike, \ spriječiti zloupotrebe ove značajke." +Sent Mail,Poslana pošta +Sent On,Poslan Na +Sent Quotation,Sent Ponuda +Separate production order will be created for each finished good item.,Poseban proizvodnja kako će biti izrađen za svakog gotovog dobrom stavke. +Serial No,Serijski br +Serial No Details,Serijski nema podataka +Serial No Service Contract Expiry,Serijski Bez isteka Ugovor o pružanju usluga +Serial No Status,Serijski Bez Status +Serial No Warranty Expiry,Serijski Nema jamstva isteka +Serialized Item: ',Serijaliziranom artikla: ' +Series,Serija +Series Detail,Serija Detalj +Series List for this Transaction,Serija Popis za ovu transakciju +Series Options,Serija Opcije +Server,Server +Server Script,Server Skripta +Service Address,Usluga Adresa +Service Person,Usluga osoba +Session Expired. Logging you out,Sjednica je istekao. Odjavljivanje +Session Expires in (time),Sjednica Istječe u (vrijeme) +Session Expiry,Sjednica isteka +Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00,Sjednica Rok u Hours npr. 06:00 +Set From Image,Postavite Od Slika +Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution.,Postavite Stavka Grupa-mudre proračune na ovom području. Također možete uključiti sezonalnost postavljanjem Distribution. +Set Login and Password if authentication is required.,"Postavite prijavu i lozinku, ako je autorizacija potrebna." +Set New Password,Set New Password +Set Value,Postavite vrijednost +"Set a new password and ""Save""",Postavite novu lozinku i "Save" +Set default values for entry,Postavljanje zadanih vrijednosti za ulazak +Set default values for users (also used for permissions).,Postavljanje zadanih vrijednosti za korisnike (također se koristi za dozvole). +Set multiple numbering series for transactions,Postavite više brojeva seriju transakcija +Set permissions on transactions / masters,Postavite dozvole na transakcije / Masters +Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions,Postavite prefiks za numeriranje niza na svoje transakcije +Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person.,Set cilja predmet Grupa-mudar za ovaj prodavač. +Set the POP3 email settings to pull emails directly from a mailbox and create Support Tickets,Postavite POP3 postavke e povući e-mailove direktno iz spremnika i stvoriti podršku ulaznice +Set workflow rules.,Postavite tijeka pravila. +"Set your background color, font and image (tiled)","Postavite boju pozadine, font i sliku (popločan)" +"Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.","Postavite odlazne postavke SMTP mail ovdje. Svi sustav generira obavijesti, e-mail će otići s ovog poslužitelja e-pošte. Ako niste sigurni, ostavite prazno za korištenje ERPNext poslužitelja (e-mailove i dalje će biti poslan na vaš e-mail id) ili se obratite davatelja usluga." +Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.,Postavljanje Vrsta računa pomaže u odabiru ovaj račun u prometu. +Settings for About Us Page.,Postavke za O nama Page. +Settings for Contact Us Page,Postavke za Kontaktirajte nas stranicu +Settings for Contact Us Page.,Postavke za Kontaktirajte nas stranicu. +Settings for Product Catalog on the website,Postavke za Katalog proizvoda na web stranici +Settings for Product Catalog on the website.,Postavke za Katalog proizvoda na web stranici. +Settings for the About Us Page,Postavke za O nama Page +"Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. ""jobs@example.com""",Postavke za izdvajanje posao zahtjeva iz spremnika npr. "jobs@example.com" +Setup,Postavljanje +Setup Control,Postavljanje kontrola +Setup Series,Postavljanje Serija +Setup of fonts and background.,Postavljanje fontova i pozadine. +"Setup of top navigation bar, footer and logo.","Postavljanje gornjoj navigacijskoj traci, podnožje i logo." +Setup outgoing SMS via your bulk SMS provider,Postava odlaznih SMS putem svog bulk SMS usluga +Setup to pull emails from support email account,Postava povući e-mailove od podrške email računa +Ship To,Brod za +Shipping Address,Dostava Adresa +Shipping Address Name,Dostava Adresa Ime +Shipping Details,Dostava Detalji +Short biography for website and other publications.,Kratka biografija za web stranice i drugih publikacija. +Shortcut,Prečac +"Show ""In Stock"" or ""Not in Stock"" based on stock available in this warehouse.",Show "na lageru" ili "Nije u skladištu" temelji se na skladištu dostupna u tom skladištu. +Show / Hide Modules,Prikaži / sakrij modula +Show Details,Prikaži pojedinosti +Show Filters,Pokaži pretrage +Show Price in Website (if set),Prikaži Cijena u web (ako je postavljen) +Show Print First,Pokaži Ispis Prvo +Show a slideshow at the top of the page,Prikaži slideshow na vrhu stranice +Show in Website,Prikaži u web +Show rows with zero values,Prikaži retke s nula vrijednosti +Show this slideshow at the top of the page,Prikaži ovaj slideshow na vrhu stranice +"Show, hide modules","Show, skrivanje module" +Showing only for,Prikaz samo za +Signature,Potpis +Signature to be appended at the end of every email,Potpis se dodaje na kraju svakog e +Simplify entry forms by disabling features,Pojednostavite prijavnice onemogućavanjem značajke +Single,Singl +Single unit of an Item.,Jedna jedinica stavku. +Sky,Nebo +Slideshow,Slideshow +Slideshow Items,Slideshow Proizvodi +Slideshow Name,SLIKA Naziv +Slideshow like display for the website,Slideshow kao prikaz za web +Small Text,Mali Tekst +Snow,Snijeg +Solid background color (default light gray),Čvrsta boja pozadine (zadano svijetlo siva) +Sorry we were unable to find what you were looking for.,Nažalost nismo uspjeli pronaći ono što su tražili. +Sorry you are not permitted to view this page.,Žao nam je što nije dozvoljeno da vidite ovu stranicu. +Sorry! We can only allow upto 100 rows for Stock Reconciliation.,Žao nam je! Mi samo možemo dopustiti upto 100 redova za burze pomirenja. +Sort By,Sortiraj po +Sort Order,Sortiranja +Source,Izvor +Source Warehouse,Izvor galerija +Source and Target Warehouse cannot be same,Izvor i Target galerije ne mogu biti isti +Source of th,Izvor th +"Source of the lead. If via a campaign, select ""Campaign""","Izvor olova. Ako putem kampanje, odaberite "kampanja"" +Special Page Settings,Posebni stranica Postavke +Specification Details,Specifikacija Detalji +Split Delivery Note into packages.,Split otpremnici u paketima. +Standard,Standard +Standard Rate,Standardna stopa +"Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.Examples:1. Validity of the offer.1. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).1. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).1. Safety / usage warning.1. Warranty if any.1. Returns Policy.1. Terms of shipping, if applicable.1. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.1. Address and Contact of your Company.","Standardni uvjeti da se može dodati prodaje i Purchases.Examples: 1. Valjanost offer.1. Uvjeti plaćanja (unaprijed, na kredit, dio unaprijed i sl) 0,1. Što je ekstra (ili plaća kupac) 0,1. Sigurnost / korištenje warning.1. Jamstvo ako any.1. Vraća Policy.1. Uvjeti shipping, ako applicable.1. Načinima rješavanja sporova, odšteta, odgovornost, etc.1. Adresu i kontakt vaše tvrtke." +"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like ""Shipping"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on ""Previous Row Total"" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.","Standardni porez predložak koji se mogu primijeniti na sve transakcije kupnje. Ovaj predložak može sadržavati popis poreznih glavama i također ostalim troškovima glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa možete definirati ovdje će biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** ** . Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju različite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u točki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obračun Tip: - To može biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez će se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao što je spomenuto) 0,2. Račun Voditelj: Račun knjiga pod kojima taj porez će biti booked3. Trošak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadužen je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv troškova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji će se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" možete odabrati broj retka koji će se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izračun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Razmislite poreza ili pristojbi za: U ovom dijelu možete odrediti ako porez / naknada je samo za vrednovanje (nije dio od ukupnog broja) ili samo za ukupno (ne dodati vrijednost stavke) ili za both.10. Dodavanje ili oduzimamo: želite li dodati ili odbiti porez." +"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like ""Shipping"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on ""Previous Row Total"" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.","Standardni porez predložak koji se mogu primijeniti na svim prodajnim transakcijama. Ovaj predložak može sadržavati popis poreznih glavama i također ostali rashodi / prihodi glave poput "brodova", "osiguranje", "Rukovanje" itd. # # # # NoteThe porezna stopa možete definirati ovdje će biti standardna stopa poreza za sve stavke ** **. Ako postoje ** Proizvodi ** koji imaju različite cijene, one moraju biti dodan u ** artikla porezu ** tablice u točki ** ** majstor. # # # # Opis Columns1. Obračun Tip: - To može biti na ** Neto Ukupno ** (koja je zbroj osnovnog iznosa). - ** Na prethodni redak Ukupni / Iznos ** (za kumulativne poreza ili pristojbi). Ako odaberete ovu opciju, porez će se primijeniti kao postotak prethodnog reda (u poreznom tablici) iznos ili ukupno. - ** Stvarni ** (kao što je spomenuto) 0,2. Račun Voditelj: Račun knjiga pod kojima taj porez će biti booked3. Trošak Centar: Ako pristojba / zadužen je prihod (kao shipping) ili rashod to treba biti rezervirano protiv troškova Center.4. Opis: Opis poreza (koji će se tiskati u fakturama / citati) 0,5. Ocijeni: Porezna rate.6. Iznos: Porezna amount.7. Ukupno: Kumulativna ukupno ove point.8. Unesite Row: Ako se temelji na "Prethodni Row Totala" možete odabrati broj retka koji će se uzeti kao osnova za ovaj izračun (default je prethodni redak) 0,9. Je li ovo pristojba uključena u osnovne stope:? Ako to provjerili, to znači da taj porez neće biti prikazan ispod točke tablici, ali će biti uključeni u osnovne stope u glavnom točkom tablici. To je korisno gdje želite dati flat cijenu (uključujući sve poreze) cijenu za kupce." +Start Date,Datum početka +Start Report For,Početak izvješće za +Start date of current invoice's period,Početak datum tekućeg razdoblja dostavnice +Startup,Stavljanje u pogon +State,Država +State Name,Država Ime +States,Države +Static Parameters,Statički parametri +Status,Status +Status must be one of ,Status mora biti jedan od +Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier,Zakonska info i druge opće informacije o vašem Dobavljaču +Stock,Zaliha +Stock Ageing,Kataloški Starenje +Stock Analytics,Stock Analytics +Stock Balance,Kataloški bilanca +Stock Entry,Kataloški Stupanje +Stock Entry Detail,Kataloški Stupanje Detalj +Stock Frozen Upto,Kataloški Frozen Upto +Stock Home,Kataloški Početna +Stock Ledger,Stock Ledger +Stock Ledger Entry,Stock Ledger Stupanje +Stock Level,Kataloški Razina +Stock Qty,Kataloški Kol +Stock Queue (FIFO),Kataloški red (FIFO) +Stock Reconciliation,Kataloški pomirenje +Stock Reconciliation file not uploaded,Kataloški Pomirenje datoteka nije ustupio +Stock UOM,Kataloški UOM +Stock UOM Replace Utility,Kataloški UOM Zamjena Utility +Stock Uom,Kataloški Uom +Stock Value,Stock vrijednost +"Stock level frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person","Stock razina zamrznuta do tog datuma, nitko ne može učiniti / mijenjati ulazak osim ovlaštene osobe" +Stop,Stop +Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.,Prestani korisnike od izrade ostaviti aplikacija na sljedećim danima. +Stopped,Zaustavljen +Structure cost centers for budgeting.,Struktura troška za budžetiranja. +Structure of books of accounts.,Struktura knjige računa. +Style,Stil +Style Settings,Stil Postavke +"Style represents the button color: Success - Green, Danger - Red, Inverse - Black, Primary - Dark Blue, Info - Light Blue, Warning - Orange","Stil predstavlja boju gumba: Uspjeh - zelena, opasnosti - Crvena, Inverzni - crna, Primarni - tamnoplava, info - svjetlo plava, upozorenje - Orange" +"Sub-currency. For e.g. ""Cent""",Sub-valuta. Za npr. "centi" +Sub-domain provided by erpnext.com,Pod-domene pruža erpnext.com +Subcontract,Podugovor +Subdomain,Poddomena +Subject,Predmet +Submit,Podnijeti +Submit Salary Slip,Slanje plaće Slip +Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria,Slanje sve plaće gaćice za gore odabranih kriterija +Submitted,Prijavljen +Success,Uspjeh +Suggestion,Prijedlog +Suggestions,Prijedlozi +Sunday,Nedjelja +Sunny,Sunčani +Supplier,Dobavljač +Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master,Dobavljač (prodavatelja) ime kao ušao u dobavljača gospodara +Supplier Address,Dobavljač Adresa +Supplier Details,Dobavljač Detalji +Supplier Intro,Dobavljač Uvod +Supplier Master created by ,Dobavljač Master stvorio +Supplier Name,Dobavljač Ime +Supplier Part Number,Dobavljač Broj dijela +Supplier Quotation,Dobavljač Ponuda +Supplier Quotation Item,Dobavljač ponudu artikla +Supplier Reference,Dobavljač Referenca +Supplier Type,Dobavljač Tip +Supplier Warehouse,Dobavljač galerija +Supplier classification.,Dobavljač klasifikacija. +Supplier database.,Dobavljač baza podataka. +Supplier of Goods or Services.,Dobavljač robe ili usluga. +Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting,Dobavljač skladište gdje ste izdali sirovine za pod - ugovaranje +Supplier's currency,Dobavljačeva valuta +Support,Podržati +Support Analytics,Podrška Analytics +Support Email,Podrška e +Support Email Id,Podrška Email ID +Support Home,Podrška Početna +Support Password,Podrška Lozinka +Support Ticket,Podrška karata +Support Ticket Mail Settings,Podrška Settings Mail ulaznica +Support queries from customers via email or website.,Podrška upita od klijenata putem e-maila ili web stranicu. +Symbol,Simbol +Sync Inbox,Sync inbox +Sync Support Mails,Sinkronizacija Podrška mailova +System,Sistem +System Console,Sustav konzole +System Defaults,Sustav Zadano +System User,Sustav Upute +"System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.","Sustav Korisničko (login) ID. Ako je postavljen, to će postati zadana za sve HR oblicima." +System generated mails will be sent from this email id.,Sustav generira mailova će biti poslan na ovaj email id. +Table,Stol +Table Field,Tablica Polje +Table Mapper Detail,Tablica Mapper Detalj +Table Mapper Details,Tablica Mapper Detalji +Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site,Tablica za predmet koji će biti prikazan u web stranice +Tag,Privjesak +Tag Name,Oznaka Ime +Tags,Oznake +Tahoma,Tahoma +Target,Meta +Target Amount,Ciljana Iznos +Target Detail,Ciljana Detalj +Target Details,Ciljane Detalji +Target Details1,Ciljana Details1 +Target Distribution,Ciljana Distribucija +Target Qty,Ciljana Kol +Target Warehouse,Ciljana galerija +Task,Zadatak +Task Details,Zadatak Detalji +Task Id,Zadatak Id +Task Name,Zadatak Ime +Tasks,Zadaci +Tasks belonging to this Project.,Zadaci koje pripadaju ovom projektu. +Tax,Porez +Tax Amount,Iznos poreza +Tax Calculation,Obračun poreza +Tax Rate,Porezna stopa +Tax Template for Purchase,Porezna Predložak za kupnju +Tax Template for Sales,Porezna Predložak za prodaju +Tax and other salary deductions.,Porez i drugih isplata plaća. +Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges,Porezna detalj stol preuzeta iz točke majstora kao string i pohranjeni u to field.Used za poreze i pristojbe +Taxable,Oporeziva +Taxes,Porezi +Taxes and Charges,Porezi i naknade +Taxes and Charges Added,Porezi i naknade Dodano +Taxes and Charges Added (Import),Porezi i naknade Dodano (Uvoz) +Taxes and Charges Calculation,Porezi i naknade Proračun +Taxes and Charges Deducted,Porezi i naknade oduzeti +Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import),Porezi i naknade Umanjenja (Uvoz) +Taxes and Charges Total,Porezi i naknade Ukupno +Taxes and Charges Total*,Porezi i naknade Ukupno * +Taxes and Charges1,Porezi i Charges1 +Team Members,Članovi tima +Team Members Heading,Članovi tima Naslov +Template for employee performance appraisals.,Predložak za zaposlenika ocjeni rada. +Template of terms or contract.,Predložak termina ili ugovor. +Term Details,Oročeni Detalji +Terms and Conditions,Odredbe i uvjeti +Terms and Conditions Content,Uvjeti sadržaj +Terms and Conditions Details,Uvjeti Detalji +Terms and Conditions HTML,Uvjeti HTML +Terms and Conditions Template,Uvjeti predloška +Terms and Conditions1,Odredbe i Conditions1 +Territory,Teritorija +Territory Manager,Teritorij Manager +Territory Name,Regija Ime +Territory Targets,Teritorij Mete +TerritoryHelp,TerritoryHelp +Test,Test +Test Data,Test podataka +Test Date,Test Datum +Test Email Id,Test E-mail ID +Test Link,Test linkova +Test Select,Test Odaberite +Test Text,Test Tekst +Test the Newsletter,Test Newsletter +Text,Tekst +Text Align,Tekst Poravnajte +Text Editor,Tekst Editor +"The ""Web Page"" that is the website home page","Web stranica" da je stranica web kući +The BOM which will be replaced,BOM koji će biti zamijenjen +"The Item that represents the Package. This Item must have ""Is Stock Item"" as ""No"" and ""Is Sales Item"" as ""Yes""",Stavka koja predstavlja paket. Ova stavka mora imati "Je kataloški Stavka" kao "Ne" i "Je li prodaja artikla" kao "Da" +The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.,Računa na koji ćete uplatiti (platio) novac. +The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.,Datum na koji tekući zapis ispravljen u sustavu. +The date at which current entry is made in system.,Datum na koji tekući zapis se sastoji u sustavu. +The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.,Datum na koji tekući zapis će dobiti ili zapravo je pogubljen. +The date on which next invoice will be generated. It is generated on submit.,Datum na koji sljedeći račun će biti generiran. To je generiran na podnijeti. +The date on which recurring invoice will be stop,Datum na koji se ponavlja faktura će se zaustaviti +"The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ","Dan u mjesecu na koji se automatski računa će biti generiran npr. 05, 28 itd." +The gross weight of the package. Usually net weight + packaging material weight. (for print),Bruto težina paketa. Obično neto težina + ambalaža težina. (Za tisak) +The name of your company / website as you want to appear on browser title bar. All pages will have this as the prefix to the title.,Naziv tvrtke / web stranice kao što želite da se pojavi na naslovnoj traci preglednika. Sve stranice će imati to kao prefiks na naslov. +The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items),Neto težina tog paketa. (Automatski izračunava kao zbroj neto težini predmeta) +The new BOM after replacement,Novi BOM nakon zamjene +The quantity for the Purchase Request when the stock goes below re-order level.,Količina za zahtjev za kupnju kad dionica ide ispod ponovno bi razina. +The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency,Stopa po kojoj Bill valuta pretvara u tvrtke bazne valute +"The system provides pre-defined roles, but you can add new roles to set finer permissions","Sustav pruža unaprijed definiranim ulogama, ali možete dodati nove uloge postaviti finije dozvole" +"The system will generate a Purchase Request automatically when stock quantity goes below re-order level in warehouse of type ""Stores"" or ""Reserved Warehouse"".",Sustav će generirati zahtjev Kupnja automatski kada dioničko količina ide ispod ponovno bi razina u skladištu tipa "prodavaonice" ili "Reserved skladištu". +The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices. It is generated on submit.,Jedinstveni ID za praćenje svih ponavljajući fakture. To je generiran na podnijeti. +Theme,Tema +Then By (optional),Zatim Do (opcionalno) +These properties are Link Type fields from all Documents.,Ta svojstva su Link Tip polja iz svih dokumenata. +"These properties can also be used to 'assign' a particular document, whose property matches with the User's property to a User. These can be set using the Permission Manager","Ta svojstva se također može koristiti za 'dodijeliti' određeni dokument, čija imovina utakmice s Korisničkom imovine korisniku. To se može podesiti pomoću dozvolu Manager" +These properties will appear as values in forms that contain them.,Ta svojstva će se pojaviti kao vrijednosti u oblicima koji ih sadrže. +These values will be automatically updated in transactions and also will be useful to restrict permissions for this user on transactions containing these values.,"Ove vrijednosti će se automatski ažuriraju u prometu, te će također biti korisno ograničiti dozvole za ovog korisnika o transakcijama koje sadrže te vrijednosti." +"This Item Group represents ""products.html""",Ova točka Grupa predstavlja "products.html" +This Price List will be selected as default for all Customers under this Group.,Ovaj Cjenik će biti odabran kao uobičajeni za sve kupce iz ove skupine. +This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier,Ova valuta će se dohvatio u Kupiti transakcija ovog dobavljača +This currency will get fetched in Sales transactions of this customer,Ova valuta će se dohvatio u prodajnim transakcijama ovog kupca +"This feature is for merging duplicate warehouses. It will replace all the links of this warehouse by ""Merge With"" warehouse. After merging you can delete this warehouse, as stock level for this warehouse will be zero.","Ova je značajka za spajanje duple skladišta. To će zamijeniti sve linkove u ovom skladištu strane "spojiti s" skladišta. Nakon spajanja možete izbrisati ovaj skladište, kao dioničko razina za ovaj skladište će biti nula." +This field will appear only if the fieldname defined here has value OR the rules are true (examples):