Debit/Credit note creation on purchase/sales return
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import flt
from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
def get_default_bank_account():
@ -11,3 +13,208 @@ def get_default_bank_account():
WHERE name=%s AND docstatus<2""", company)
if res: return res[0][0]
def get_new_jv_details():
Get details which will help create new jv on sales/purchase return
doclist = webnotes.form_dict.get('doclist')
fiscal_year = webnotes.form_dict.get('fiscal_year')
if not (isinstance(doclist, basestring) and isinstance(fiscal_year, basestring)): return
import json
doclist = json.loads(doclist)
doc, children = doclist[0], doclist[1:]
if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
if doc.get('sales_invoice_no'):
return get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
elif doc.get('delivery_note_no'):
return get_delivery_note_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
elif doc.get('purchase_receipt_no'):
return get_purchase_receipt_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
def get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
Gets details from an invoice to make new jv
Returns [{
'account': ,
'balance': ,
'debit': ,
'credit': ,
'against_invoice': ,
}, { ... }, ...]
if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
obj = get_obj('Receivable Voucher', doc.get('sales_invoice_no'), with_children=1)
obj = get_obj('Payable Voucher', doc.get('purchase_invoice_no'), with_children=1)
if not obj.doc.docstatus==1: return
# Build invoice account jv detail record
invoice_rec = get_invoice_account_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj)
# Build item accountwise jv detail records
item_accountwise_list = get_item_accountwise_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj)
return [invoice_rec] + item_accountwise_list
def get_invoice_account_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj):
Build customer/supplier account jv detail record
# Calculate total return amount
total_amt = sum([(flt(ch.get('rate')) * flt(ch.get('returned_qty'))) for ch in children])
ret = {}
if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
account = obj.doc.debit_to
ret['against_invoice'] = doc.get('sales_invoice_no')
ret['credit'] = total_amt
account = obj.doc.credit_to
ret['against_voucher'] = doc.get('purchase_invoice_no')
ret['debit'] = total_amt
'account': account,
'balance': get_obj('GL Control').get_bal(account + "~~~" + fiscal_year)
return ret
def get_item_accountwise_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj):
Build item accountwise jv detail records
if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
amt_field = 'debit'
ac_field = 'income_account'
amt_field = 'credit'
ac_field = 'expense_head'
inv_children = dict([[ic.fields.get('item_code'), ic] for ic in obj.doclist if ic.fields.get('item_code')])
accwise_list = []
for ch in children:
inv_ch = inv_children.get(ch.get('item_code'))
if not inv_ch: continue
amount = flt(ch.get('rate')) * flt(ch.get('returned_qty'))
accounts = [[jvd['account'], jvd['cost_center']] for jvd in accwise_list]
if [inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field), inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center')] not in accounts:
rec = {
'account': inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field),
'cost_center': inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center'),
'balance': get_obj('GL Control').get_bal(inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field) + "~~~" + fiscal_year)
rec[amt_field] = amount
rec = accwise_list[accounts.index([inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field), inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center')])]
rec[amt_field] = rec[amt_field] + amount
return accwise_list
def get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list):
Get invoice details and make jv detail records
for inv in inv_list:
if not inv[0]: continue
if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
doc['sales_invoice_no'] = inv[0]
doc['purchase_invoice_no'] = inv[0]
jv_details = get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
if jv_details and len(jv_details)>1: jv_details_list.extend(jv_details)
return jv_details_list
def get_prev_doc_list(obj, prev_doctype):
Returns a list of previous doc's names
prevdoc_list = []
for ch in obj.doclist:
if ch.fields.get('prevdoc_docname') and ch.fields.get('prevdoc_doctype')==prev_doctype:
return prevdoc_list
def get_inv_list(table, field, value):
Returns invoice list
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return webnotes.conn.sql("""\
WHERE %s='%s' AND docstatus=1""" % (table, field, value))
elif isinstance(value, list):
return webnotes.conn.sql("""\
WHERE %s IN ("%s") AND docstatus=1""" % (table, field, '", "'.join(value)))
return []
def get_delivery_note_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
Gets sales invoice numbers from delivery note details
and returns detail records for jv
jv_details_list = []
dn_obj = get_obj('Delivery Note', doc['delivery_note_no'], with_children=1)
inv_list = get_inv_list('tabRV Detail', 'delivery_note', doc['delivery_note_no'])
if inv_list:
jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
if not (inv_list and jv_details_list):
so_list = get_prev_doc_list(dn_obj, 'Sales Order')
inv_list = get_inv_list('tabRV Detail', 'sales_order', so_list)
if inv_list:
jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
return jv_details_list
def get_purchase_receipt_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
Gets purchase invoice numbers from purchase receipt details
and returns detail records for jv
jv_details_list = []
pr_obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', doc['purchase_receipt_no'], with_children=1)
inv_list = get_inv_list('tabPV Detail', 'purchase_receipt', doc['purchase_receipt_no'])
if inv_list:
jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
if not (inv_list and jv_details_list):
po_list = get_prev_doc_list(pr_obj, 'Purchase Order')
inv_list = get_inv_list('tabPV Detail', 'purchase_order', po_list)
if inv_list:
jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
return jv_details_list
@ -1,176 +1,213 @@
// Onload
cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc,dt,dn){
if(!doc.return_date) set_multiple(dt,dn,{return_date:get_today()});
doc.delivery_note_no = '';
doc.purchase_receipt_no = '';
doc.sales_invoice_no = '';
doc.return_type ='';
refresh_many(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'purchase_receipt_no', 'return_type']);
if(!doc.return_date) set_multiple(dt,dn,{return_date:get_today()});
doc.delivery_note_no = '';
doc.purchase_receipt_no = '';
doc.sales_invoice_no = '';
doc.return_type ='';
refresh_many(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'purchase_receipt_no', 'return_type']);
// Link field query
cur_frm.fields_dict.delivery_note_no.get_query = function(doc) {
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabDelivery Note`.name FROM `tabDelivery Note` WHERE `tabDelivery Note`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabDelivery Note`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabDelivery Note`.name desc LIMIT 50';
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabDelivery Note`.name FROM `tabDelivery Note` WHERE `tabDelivery Note`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabDelivery Note`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabDelivery Note`.name desc LIMIT 50';
cur_frm.fields_dict.sales_invoice_no.get_query = function(doc) {
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabReceivable Voucher`.name FROM `tabReceivable Voucher` WHERE `tabReceivable Voucher`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabReceivable Voucher`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabReceivable Voucher`.name desc LIMIT 50';
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabReceivable Voucher`.name FROM `tabReceivable Voucher` WHERE `tabReceivable Voucher`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabReceivable Voucher`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabReceivable Voucher`.name desc LIMIT 50';
cur_frm.fields_dict.purchase_receipt_no.get_query = function(doc) {
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabPurchase Receipt`.name FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` WHERE `tabPurchase Receipt`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabPurchase Receipt`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabPurchase Receipt`.name desc LIMIT 50';
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabPurchase Receipt`.name FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` WHERE `tabPurchase Receipt`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabPurchase Receipt`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabPurchase Receipt`.name desc LIMIT 50';
// Hide/unhide based on return type
cur_frm.cscript.return_type = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
hide_field(['purchase_receipt_no', 'delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'return_details', 'Get Items', 'Make Excise Invoice', 'Make Stock Entry', 'Make Debit Note', 'Make Credit Note']);
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return')
unhide_field(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'Get Items', 'return_details', 'Make Credit Note', 'Make Stock Entry', 'Make Excise Invoice']);
else if(doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return')
unhide_field(['purchase_receipt_no', 'Get Items', 'return_details', 'Make Debit Note', 'Make Stock Entry', 'Make Excise Invoice']);
var cp = locals['Control Panel']['Control Panel'];
hide_field(['purchase_receipt_no', 'delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no',
'return_details', 'Get Items', 'Make Excise Invoice', 'Make Stock Entry',
'Make Debit Note', 'Make Credit Note']);
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return') {
unhide_field(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'Get Items',
'return_details', 'Make Credit Note', 'Make Stock Entry']);
if( == 'India') { unhide_field(['Make Excise Invoice']); }
} else if(doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return') {
unhide_field(['purchase_receipt_no', 'Get Items', 'return_details',
'Make Debit Note', 'Make Stock Entry']);
if( == 'India') { unhide_field(['Make Excise Invoice']); }
// Create item table
cur_frm.cscript['Get Items'] = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
flag = 0
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return') {
if (doc.delivery_note_no && doc.sales_invoice_no) {
msgprint("You can not enter both Delivery Note No and Sales Invoice No. Please enter any one.");
flag = 1;
} else if (!doc.delivery_note_no && !doc.sales_invoice_no) {
msgprint("Please enter Delivery Note No or Sales Invoice No to proceed");
flag = 1;
} else if (doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return' && !doc.purchase_receipt_no) {
msgprint("Please enter Purchase Receipt No to proceed");
flag = 1;
if (!flag)
$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,,'pull_item_details','', function(r, rt) {
refresh_many(['return_details', 'cust_supp', 'cust_supp_name', 'cust_supp_address']);
flag = 0
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return') {
if (doc.delivery_note_no && doc.sales_invoice_no) {
msgprint("You can not enter both Delivery Note No and Sales Invoice No. Please enter any one.");
flag = 1;
} else if (!doc.delivery_note_no && !doc.sales_invoice_no) {
msgprint("Please enter Delivery Note No or Sales Invoice No to proceed");
flag = 1;
} else if (doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return' && !doc.purchase_receipt_no) {
msgprint("Please enter Purchase Receipt No to proceed");
flag = 1;
if (!flag)
$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,,'pull_item_details','', function(r, rt) {
refresh_many(['return_details', 'cust_supp', 'cust_supp_name', 'cust_supp_address']);
// Clear fields
cur_frm.cscript.clear_fields = function(doc) {
doc.purchase_receipt_no, doc.delivery_note_no, doc.sales_invoice_no = '', '', '';
var cl = getchildren('Return Detail',, 'return_details')
if(cl.length) $c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,,'clear_return_table','', function(r, rt) {refresh_field('return_details')});
refresh_many(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'purchase_receipt_no', 'return_details']);
doc.purchase_receipt_no, doc.delivery_note_no, doc.sales_invoice_no = '', '', '';
var cl = getchildren('Return Detail',, 'return_details')
if(cl.length) $c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,,'clear_return_table','', function(r, rt) {refresh_field('return_details')});
refresh_many(['delivery_note_no', 'sales_invoice_no', 'purchase_receipt_no', 'return_details']);
// Make Stock Entry
cur_frm.cscript['Make Stock Entry'] = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
var cl = getchildren('Return Detail',, 'return_details');
if (!cl.length)
msgprint("Item table can not be blank. Please click on 'Get Items'.");
else if (!cur_frm.cscript.validate_returned_qty(cl)) {
se = cur_frm.cscript.map_parent_fields(doc,cdt,cdn);
cur_frm.cscript.map_child_fields(cl, se);
loaddoc('Stock Entry',;
var cl = getchildren('Return Detail',, 'return_details');
if (!cl.length)
msgprint("Item table can not be blank. Please click on 'Get Items'.");
else if (!cur_frm.cscript.validate_returned_qty(cl)) {
se = cur_frm.cscript.map_parent_fields(doc,cdt,cdn);
cur_frm.cscript.map_child_fields(cl, se);
loaddoc('Stock Entry',;
// Validate returned qty
cur_frm.cscript.validate_returned_qty = function(cl) {
flag = 0
for(var i = 0; i<cl.length; i++){
if(cl[i].returned_qty > cl[i].qty) {
msgprint("Returned Qty can not be greater than qty. Please check for item: " + cl[i].item_code);
flag = 1
return flag
flag = 0
for(var i = 0; i<cl.length; i++){
if(cl[i].returned_qty > cl[i].qty) {
msgprint("Returned Qty can not be greater than qty. Please check for item: " + cl[i].item_code);
flag = 1
return flag
// map parent fields of stock entry
cur_frm.cscript.map_parent_fields = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
var se = LocalDB.create('Stock Entry');
se = locals['Stock Entry'][se];
se.posting_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
se.transfer_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
se.fiscal_year = sys_defaults.fiscal_year;
se.purpose = doc.return_type;
se.remarks = doc.return_type + ' of ' + (doc.delivery_note_no || doc.sales_invoice_no || doc.purchase_receipt_no);
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return'){
se.delivery_note_no = doc.delivery_note_no;
se.sales_invoice_no = doc.sales_invoice_no;
se.customer = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.customer_name = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.customer_address = doc.cust_supp_address;
else if(doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return'){
se.purchase_receipt_no = doc.purchase_receipt_no;
se.supplier = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.supplier_name = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.supplier_address = doc.cust_supp_address;
return se
var se = LocalDB.create('Stock Entry');
se = locals['Stock Entry'][se];
se.posting_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
se.transfer_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
se.fiscal_year = sys_defaults.fiscal_year;
se.purpose = doc.return_type;
se.remarks = doc.return_type + ' of ' + (doc.delivery_note_no || doc.sales_invoice_no || doc.purchase_receipt_no);
if(doc.return_type == 'Sales Return'){
se.delivery_note_no = doc.delivery_note_no;
se.sales_invoice_no = doc.sales_invoice_no;
se.customer = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.customer_name = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.customer_address = doc.cust_supp_address;
else if(doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return'){
se.purchase_receipt_no = doc.purchase_receipt_no;
se.supplier = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.supplier_name = doc.cust_supp_name;
se.supplier_address = doc.cust_supp_address;
return se
// map child fields of stock entry
cur_frm.cscript.map_child_fields = function(cl, se) {
for(var i = 0; i<cl.length; i++){
if (cl[i].returned_qty) {
var d1 = LocalDB.add_child(se, 'Stock Entry Detail', 'mtn_details');
d1.detail_name = cl[i].detail_name;
d1.item_code = cl[i].item_code;
d1.description = cl[i].description;
d1.transfer_qty = cl[i].returned_qty;
d1.qty = cl[i].returned_qty;
d1.stock_uom = cl[i].uom;
d1.uom = cl[i].uom;
d1.conversion_factor = 1;
d1.incoming_rate = cl[i].rate;
d1.serial_no = cl[i].serial_no;
d1.batch_no = cl[i].batch_no;
for(var i = 0; i<cl.length; i++){
if (cl[i].returned_qty) {
var d1 = LocalDB.add_child(se, 'Stock Entry Detail', 'mtn_details');
d1.detail_name = cl[i].detail_name;
d1.item_code = cl[i].item_code;
d1.description = cl[i].description;
d1.transfer_qty = cl[i].returned_qty;
d1.qty = cl[i].returned_qty;
d1.stock_uom = cl[i].uom;
d1.uom = cl[i].uom;
d1.conversion_factor = 1;
d1.incoming_rate = cl[i].rate;
d1.serial_no = cl[i].serial_no;
d1.batch_no = cl[i].batch_no;
// Make excise voucher
cur_frm.cscript['Make Excise Invoice'] = function(doc) {
var excise = LocalDB.create('Journal Voucher');
excise = locals['Journal Voucher'][excise];
excise.voucher_type = 'Excise Voucher';
loaddoc('Journal Voucher',;
var excise = LocalDB.create('Journal Voucher');
excise = locals['Journal Voucher'][excise];
excise.voucher_type = 'Excise Voucher';
loaddoc('Journal Voucher',;
// Make debit note
cur_frm.cscript['Make Debit Note'] = function(doc) {
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv(doc, 'Debit Note');
var doclist = make_doclist(doc.doctype,;
$c('accounts.get_new_jv_details', {
doclist: JSON.stringify(doclist),
fiscal_year: sys_defaults.fiscal_year
}, function(r, rt) {
if(!r.exc) {
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv(doc, 'Debit Note', r.message);
// Make credit note
cur_frm.cscript['Make Credit Note'] = function(doc) {
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv(doc, 'Credit Note');
var doclist = make_doclist(doc.doctype,;
$c('accounts.get_new_jv_details', {
doclist: JSON.stringify(doclist),
fiscal_year: sys_defaults.fiscal_year
}, function(r, rt) {
if(!r.exc) {
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv(doc, 'Credit Note', r.message);
// Make JV
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv = function(doc, dr_or_cr) {
var jv = LocalDB.create('Journal Voucher');
jv = locals['Journal Voucher'][jv];
jv.voucher_type = dr_or_cr;
|||| =;
jv.fiscal_year = sys_defaults.fiscal_year;
jv.is_opening = 'No';
jv.posting_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
jv.voucher_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
cur_frm.cscript.make_jv = function(doc, dr_or_cr, children) {
var jv = LocalDB.create('Journal Voucher');
jv = locals['Journal Voucher'][jv];
jv.voucher_type = dr_or_cr;
|||| =;
jv.fiscal_year = sys_defaults.fiscal_year;
jv.is_opening = 'No';
jv.posting_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
jv.voucher_date = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
loaddoc('Journal Voucher',;
// Add children
if(children) {
for(var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
var ch = LocalDB.add_child(jv, 'Journal Voucher Detail', 'entries');
$.extend(ch, children[i]);
loaddoc('Journal Voucher',;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user