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bench setup env + bench setup env --python python3.7 bench pip install -e ./apps/payments bench pip install -e ./apps/erpnext @@ -132,9 +132,8 @@ jobs: git -C "apps/frappe" checkout -q -f "${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-${GITHUB_REF##*/}}" git -C "apps/erpnext" checkout -q -f "$GITHUB_SHA" - pyenv global $(pyenv versions | grep '3.10') rm -rf ~/frappe-bench/env - bench -v setup env + bench -v setup env --python python3.10 bench pip install -e ./apps/payments bench pip install -e ./apps/erpnext diff --git a/.github/workflows/semantic-commits.yml b/.github/workflows/semantic-commits.yml index 1744bc33a9..0e478d551d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/semantic-commits.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/semantic-commits.yml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs: - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: - node-version: 14 + node-version: 18 check-latest: true - name: Check commit titles diff --git a/.github/workflows/server-tests-mariadb.yml b/.github/workflows/server-tests-mariadb.yml index 8959f7fd45..9b4db49d08 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/server-tests-mariadb.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/server-tests-mariadb.yml @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup Node uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: - node-version: 14 + node-version: 18 check-latest: true - name: Add to Hosts diff --git a/.github/workflows/server-tests-postgres.yml b/.github/workflows/server-tests-postgres.yml index df43801478..a688706657 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/server-tests-postgres.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/server-tests-postgres.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup Node uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: - node-version: 14 + node-version: 18 check-latest: true - name: Add to Hosts diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/unverified/co_vauxoo_mx_chart_template.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/unverified/co_vauxoo_mx_chart_template.json deleted file mode 100644 index aa7d5519fd..0000000000 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/unverified/co_vauxoo_mx_chart_template.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3008 +0,0 @@ -{ - "country_code": "co", - "name": "Colombia - Unique Account Chart - PUC", - "tree": { - 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Asset", + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "156099", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + } + }, + "Envases y empaques": { + "account_number": "1562", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset", + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "156299", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + } + }, + "Plantaciones agr\u00edcolas y forestales": { + "account_number": "1564", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset", + "Cultivos en desarrollo": { + "account_number": "156405", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Cultivos amortizables": { + "account_number": "156410", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "156499", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + } + }, + "V\u00edas de comunicaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "1568", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset", + "Pavimentaci\u00f3n y patios": { + "account_number": "156805", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "V\u00edas": { + "account_number": "156810", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + 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"Fixed Asset" + }, + "Flota y equipo fluvial y/o mar\u00edtimo": { + "account_number": "159944", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Flota y equipo a\u00e9reo": { + "account_number": "159948", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Flota y equipo f\u00e9rreo": { + "account_number": "159952", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Acueductos, plantas y redes": { + "account_number": "159956", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Armamento de vigilancia": { + "account_number": "159960", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Envases y empaques": { + "account_number": "159962", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Plantaciones agr\u00edcolas y forestales": { + "account_number": "159964", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "V\u00edas de comunicaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "159968", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Minas y canteras": { + "account_number": "159972", + "account_type": "Fixed Asset" + }, + "Pozos artesianos": { + "account_number": "159980", + 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"2610", + "Cesant\u00edas": { + "account_number": "261005" + }, + "Intereses sobre cesant\u00edas": { + "account_number": "261010" + }, + "Vacaciones": { + "account_number": "261015" + }, + "Prima de servicios": { + "account_number": "261020" + }, + "Prestaciones extralegales": { + "account_number": "261025" + }, + "Vi\u00e1ticos": { + "account_number": "261030" + }, + "Otras": { + "account_number": "261095" + } + }, + "Para obligaciones fiscales": { + "account_number": "2615", + "De renta y complementarios": { + "account_number": "261505" + }, + "De industria y comercio": { + "account_number": "261510" + }, + "Tasa por utilizaci\u00f3n de puertos": { + "account_number": "261515" + }, + "De veh\u00edculos": { + "account_number": "261520" + }, + "De hidrocarburos y minas": { + "account_number": "261525" + }, + "Otros": { + "account_number": "261595" + } + }, + "Pensiones de jubilaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "2620", + "C\u00e1lculo actuarial pensiones de jubilaci\u00f3n": { + 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+ "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Para investigaciones y desarrollo": { + "account_number": "331525", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Para fomento econ\u00f3mico": { + "account_number": "331530", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Para capital de trabajo": { + "account_number": "331535", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Para estabilizaci\u00f3n de rendimientos": { + "account_number": "331540", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "A disposici\u00f3n del m\u00e1ximo \u00f3rgano social": { + "account_number": "331545", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Otras": { + "account_number": "331595", + "account_type": "Equity" + } + } + }, + "Revalorizaci\u00f3n del patrimonio": { + "account_number": "34", + "account_type": "Equity", + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "3405", + "account_type": "Equity", + "De capital social": { + "account_number": "340505", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De super\u00e1vit de capital": { + "account_number": "340510", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De reservas": { + "account_number": "340515", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De resultados de ejercicios anteriores": { + "account_number": "340520", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De activos en per\u00edodo improductivo": { + "account_number": "340525", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De saneamiento fiscal": { + "account_number": "340530", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De ajustes Decreto 3019 de 1989": { + "account_number": "340535", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "De dividendos y participaciones decretadas en acciones, cuotas o partes de inter\u00e9s social": { + "account_number": "340540", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Super\u00e1vit m\u00e9todo de participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "340545", + "account_type": "Equity" + } + }, + "Saneamiento fiscal": { + "account_number": "3410", + "account_type": "Equity" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n Decreto 3019 de 1989": { + "account_number": "3415", + "account_type": "Equity" + } + }, + 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"Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "411595", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "411599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Industrias manufactureras": { + "account_number": "4120", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Producci\u00f3n y procesamiento de carnes y productos c\u00e1rnicos": { + "account_number": "412001", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Productos de pescado": { + "account_number": "412002", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Productos de frutas, legumbres y hortalizas": { + "account_number": "412003", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de aceites y grasas": { + "account_number": "412004", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos l\u00e1cteos": { + "account_number": "412005", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de moliner\u00eda": { + "account_number": "412006", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de almidones y derivados": { + "account_number": "412007", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de alimentos para animales": { + "account_number": "412008", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos para panader\u00eda": { + "account_number": "412009", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de az\u00facar y melazas": { + "account_number": "412010", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de cacao, chocolate y confiter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "412011", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pastas y productos farin\u00e1ceos": { + "account_number": "412012", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de caf\u00e9": { + "account_number": "412013", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos alimenticios": { + "account_number": "412014", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de bebidas alcoh\u00f3licas y alcohol et\u00edlico": { + "account_number": "412015", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de vinos": { + "account_number": "412016", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de bebidas malteadas y de malta": { + "account_number": "412017", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de bebidas no alcoh\u00f3licas": { + "account_number": "412018", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de tabaco": { + "account_number": "412019", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Preparaci\u00f3n e hilatura de fibras textiles y tejedur\u00eda": { + "account_number": "412020", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Acabado de productos textiles": { + "account_number": "412021", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de art\u00edculos de materiales textiles": { + "account_number": "412022", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de tapices y alfombras": { + "account_number": "412023", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de cuerdas, cordeles, bramantes y redes": { + "account_number": "412024", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos textiles": { + "account_number": "412025", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de tejidos": { + "account_number": "412026", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de prendas de vestir": { + "account_number": "412027", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Preparaci\u00f3n, adobo y te\u00f1ido de pieles": { + "account_number": "412028", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Curtido, adobo o preparaci\u00f3n de cuero": { + "account_number": "412029", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de maletas, bolsos y similares": { + "account_number": "412030", + "account_type": "Income 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lavado de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "413504", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de partes, piezas y accesorios de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "413506", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de combustibles s\u00f3lidos, l\u00edquidos, gaseosos": { + "account_number": "413508", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de lubricantes, aditivos, llantas y lujos para automotores": { + "account_number": "413510", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta a cambio de retribuci\u00f3n o por contrata": { + "account_number": "413512", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de insumos, materias primas agropecuarias y flores": { + "account_number": "413514", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de otros insumos y materias primas no agropecuarias": { + "account_number": "413516", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de animales vivos y cueros": { + "account_number": "413518", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos en almacenes no especializados": { + "account_number": "413520", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos agropecuarios": { + "account_number": "413522", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos textiles, de vestir, de cuero y calzado": { + "account_number": "413524", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de papel y cart\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "413526", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de libros, revistas, elementos de papeler\u00eda, \u00fatiles y textos escolares": { + "account_number": "413528", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de juegos, juguetes y art\u00edculos deportivos": { + "account_number": "413530", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de instrumentos quir\u00fargicos y ortop\u00e9dicos": { + "account_number": "413532", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en relojer\u00edas y joyer\u00edas": { + "account_number": "413534", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de electrodom\u00e9sticos y muebles": { + "account_number": "413536", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos de aseo, farmac\u00e9uticos, medicinales, y art\u00edculos de tocador": { + "account_number": "413538", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de cubiertos, vajillas, cristaler\u00eda, porcelanas, cer\u00e1micas y otros art\u00edculos de uso dom\u00e9stico": { + "account_number": "413540", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de materiales de construcci\u00f3n, fontaner\u00eda y calefacci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "413542", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de pinturas y lacas": { + "account_number": "413544", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos de vidrios y marqueter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "413546", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de herramientas y art\u00edculos de ferreter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "413548", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de qu\u00edmicos": { + "account_number": "413550", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de productos intermedios, desperdicios y desechos": { + "account_number": "413552", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de maquinaria, equipo de oficina y programas de computador": { + "account_number": "413554", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en cacharrer\u00edas y miscel\u00e1neas": { + "account_number": "413556", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de instrumentos musicales": { + "account_number": "413558", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en casas de empe\u00f1o y prender\u00edas": { + "account_number": "413560", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de equipo fotogr\u00e1fico": { + "account_number": "413562", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de equipo \u00f3ptico y de precisi\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "413564", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de empaques": { + "account_number": "413566", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de equipo profesional y cient\u00edfico": { + "account_number": "413568", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de loter\u00edas, rifas, chance, apuestas y similares": { + "account_number": "413570", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Reparaci\u00f3n de efectos personales y electrodom\u00e9sticos": { + "account_number": "413572", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Venta de otros productos": { + "account_number": "413595", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "413599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Hoteles y restaurantes": { + "account_number": "4140", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Hoteler\u00eda": { + "account_number": "414005", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Campamento y otros tipos de hospedaje": { + "account_number": "414010", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Restaurantes": { + "account_number": "414015", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Bares y cantinas": { + "account_number": "414020", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "414095", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "414099", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones": { + "account_number": "4145", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Servicio de transporte por carretera": { + "account_number": "414505", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda f\u00e9rrea": { + "account_number": "414510", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda acu\u00e1tica": { + "account_number": "414515", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda a\u00e9rea": { + "account_number": "414520", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por tuber\u00edas": { + "account_number": "414525", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Manipulaci\u00f3n de carga": { + "account_number": "414530", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Almacenamiento y dep\u00f3sito": { + "account_number": "414535", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicios complementarios para el transporte": { + "account_number": "414540", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Agencias de viaje": { + "account_number": "414545", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Otras agencias de transporte": { + "account_number": "414550", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio postal y de correo": { + "account_number": "414555", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio telef\u00f3nico": { + "account_number": "414560", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de tel\u00e9grafo": { + "account_number": "414565", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de transmisi\u00f3n de datos": { + "account_number": "414570", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicio de radio y televisi\u00f3n por cable": { + "account_number": "414575", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Transmisi\u00f3n de sonido e im\u00e1genes por contrato": { + "account_number": "414580", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "414595", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "414599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Actividad financiera": { + "account_number": "4150", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Venta de inversiones": { + "account_number": "415005", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Dividendos de sociedades an\u00f3nimas y/o asimiladas": { + "account_number": "415010", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Participaciones de sociedades limitadas y/o asimiladas": { + "account_number": "415015", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Intereses": { + "account_number": "415020", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Reajuste monetario-UPAC (hoy UVR)": { + "account_number": "415025", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Comisiones": { + "account_number": "415030", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Operaciones de descuento": { + "account_number": "415035", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Cuotas de inscripci\u00f3n-consorcios": { + "account_number": "415040", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Cuotas de administraci\u00f3n-consorcios": { + "account_number": "415045", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Reajuste del sistema-consorcios": { + "account_number": "415050", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Eliminaci\u00f3n de suscriptores-consorcios": { + "account_number": "415055", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Cuotas de ingreso o retiro-sociedad administradora": { + "account_number": "415060", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Servicios a comisionistas": { + "account_number": "415065", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Inscripciones y cuotas": { + "account_number": "415070", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Recuperaci\u00f3n de garant\u00edas": { + "account_number": "415075", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ingresos m\u00e9todo de participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "415080", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "415095", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "415099", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Actividades inmobiliarias, empresariales y de alquiler": { + "account_number": "4155", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Arrendamientos de bienes inmuebles": { + "account_number": "415505", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Inmobiliarias por retribuci\u00f3n o contrata": { + "account_number": "415510", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Alquiler equipo de transporte": { + "account_number": "415515", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Alquiler maquinaria y equipo": { + "account_number": "415520", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Alquiler de efectos personales y enseres dom\u00e9sticos": { + "account_number": "415525", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Consultor\u00eda en equipo y programas de inform\u00e1tica": { + "account_number": "415530", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Procesamiento de datos": { + "account_number": "415535", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaci\u00f3n de maquinaria de oficina": { + "account_number": "415540", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Investigaciones cient\u00edficas y de desarrollo": { + "account_number": "415545", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades empresariales de consultor\u00eda": { + "account_number": "415550", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Publicidad": { + "account_number": "415555", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Dotaci\u00f3n de personal": { + "account_number": "415560", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Investigaci\u00f3n y seguridad": { + "account_number": "415565", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Limpieza de inmuebles": { + "account_number": "415570", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Fotograf\u00eda": { + "account_number": "415575", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Envase y empaque": { + "account_number": "415580", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Fotocopiado": { + "account_number": "415585", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaci\u00f3n de maquinaria y equipo": { + "account_number": "415590", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "415595", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por 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Account" + }, + "Actividades veterinarias": { + "account_number": "416525", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades de servicios sociales": { + "account_number": "416530", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "416595", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "416599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Otras actividades de servicios comunitarios, sociales y personales": { + "account_number": "4170", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Eliminaci\u00f3n de desperdicios y aguas residuales": { + "account_number": "417005", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Actividades de asociaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "417010", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Producci\u00f3n y distribuci\u00f3n de filmes y videocintas": { + "account_number": "417015", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Exhibici\u00f3n de filmes y videocintas": { + 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"426099", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Ingresos de ejercicios anteriores": { + "account_number": "4265", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "426599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Devoluciones en otras ventas (DB)": { + "account_number": "4275", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "427599", + "account_type": "Income Account" + } + }, + "Diversos": { + "account_number": "4295", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "CERT": { + "account_number": "429503", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Aprovechamientos": { + "account_number": "429505", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Auxilios": { + "account_number": "429507", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Subvenciones": { + "account_number": "429509", + "account_type": "Income Account" + }, + "Ingresos por investigaci\u00f3n y desarrollo": { + "account_number": "429511", + 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"Expense Account" + }, + "Aportes ICBF": { + "account_number": "510575", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "SENA": { + "account_number": "510578", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Aportes sindicales": { + "account_number": "510581", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Gastos m\u00e9dicos y drogas": { + "account_number": "510584", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Otros": { + "account_number": "510595", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "510599", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + } + }, + "Honorarios": { + "account_number": "5110", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Junta directiva": { + "account_number": "511005", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Revisor\u00eda fiscal": { + "account_number": "511010", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Auditor\u00eda externa": { + "account_number": "511015", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Aval\u00faos": { + 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"Expense Account" + }, + "Fax y t\u00e9lex": { + "account_number": "513545", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Transporte, fletes y acarreos": { + "account_number": "513550", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Gas": { + "account_number": "513555", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Otros": { + "account_number": "513595", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "513599", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + } + }, + "Gastos legales": { + "account_number": "5140", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Notariales": { + "account_number": "514005", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Registro mercantil": { + "account_number": "514010", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Tr\u00e1mites y licencias": { + "account_number": "514015", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Aduaneros": { + "account_number": "514020", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Consulares": { + 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"529999", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + } + } + }, + "No operacionales": { + "account_number": "53", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Financieros": { + "account_number": "5305", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Gastos bancarios": { + "account_number": "530505", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Reajuste monetario-UPAC (hoy UVR)": { + "account_number": "530510", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Comisiones": { + "account_number": "530515", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Intereses": { + "account_number": "530520", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Diferencia en cambio": { + "account_number": "530525", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Gastos en negociaci\u00f3n certificados de cambio": { + "account_number": "530530", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Descuentos comerciales condicionados": { + "account_number": "530535", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Gastos manejo y emisi\u00f3n de bonos": { 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"account_number": "531505", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Actividades culturales y c\u00edvicas": { + "account_number": "531510", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Costos y gastos de ejercicios anteriores": { + "account_number": "531515", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Impuestos asumidos": { + "account_number": "531520", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Otros": { + "account_number": "531595", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "531599", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + } + }, + "Gastos diversos": { + "account_number": "5395", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Demandas laborales": { + "account_number": "539505", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Demandas por incumplimiento de contratos": { + "account_number": "539510", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + "Indemnizaciones": { + "account_number": "539515", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + }, + 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{ + "account_number": "59", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Ganancias y p\u00e9rdidas": { + "account_number": "5905", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Ganancias y p\u00e9rdidas": { + "account_number": "590505", + "account_type": "Expense Account" + } + } + } + }, + "Costos de ventas": { + "account_number": "6", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "root_type": "Expense", + "Costo de ventas y de prestaci\u00f3n de servicios": { + "account_number": "61", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Agricultura, ganader\u00eda, caza y silvicultura": { + "account_number": "6105", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Cultivo de cereales": { + "account_number": "610505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Cultivos de hortalizas, legumbres y plantas ornamentales": { + "account_number": "610510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Cultivos de frutas, nueces y plantas arom\u00e1ticas": { + "account_number": "610515", + "account_type": "Cost of 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"610560", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Cr\u00eda de otros animales": { + "account_number": "610565", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicios agr\u00edcolas y ganaderos": { + "account_number": "610570", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividad de caza": { + "account_number": "610575", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividad de silvicultura": { + "account_number": "610580", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "610595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "610599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Pesca": { + "account_number": "6110", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Actividad de pesca": { + "account_number": "611005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Explotaci\u00f3n de criaderos de peces": { + "account_number": "611010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "611095", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "611099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Explotaci\u00f3n de minas y canteras": { + "account_number": "6115", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Carb\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "611505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Petr\u00f3leo crudo": { + "account_number": "611510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Gas natural": { + "account_number": "611512", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicios relacionados con extracci\u00f3n de petr\u00f3leo y gas": { + "account_number": "611514", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Minerales de hierro": { + "account_number": "611515", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Minerales metal\u00edferos no ferrosos": { + "account_number": "611520", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Piedra, arena y arcilla": { + "account_number": "611525", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Piedras preciosas": { + "account_number": "611527", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Oro": { + "account_number": "611528", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Otras minas y canteras": { + "account_number": "611530", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Prestaci\u00f3n de servicios sector minero": { + "account_number": "611532", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "611595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "611599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Industrias manufactureras": { + "account_number": "6120", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Producci\u00f3n y procesamiento de carnes y productos c\u00e1rnicos": { + "account_number": "612001", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Productos de pescado": { + "account_number": "612002", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Productos de frutas, legumbres y hortalizas": { + "account_number": "612003", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de aceites y grasas": { + "account_number": "612004", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos l\u00e1cteos": { + "account_number": "612005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de moliner\u00eda": { + "account_number": "612006", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de almidones y derivados": { + "account_number": "612007", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de alimentos para animales": { + "account_number": "612008", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos para panader\u00eda": { + "account_number": "612009", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de az\u00facar y melazas": { + "account_number": "612010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de cacao, chocolate y confiter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "612011", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pastas y productos farin\u00e1ceos": { + "account_number": "612012", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de caf\u00e9": { + "account_number": "612013", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos alimenticios": { + "account_number": "612014", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de bebidas alcoh\u00f3licas y alcohol et\u00edlico": { + "account_number": "612015", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de vinos": { + "account_number": "612016", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de bebidas malteadas y de malta": { + "account_number": "612017", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + 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"account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de tejidos": { + "account_number": "612026", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de prendas de vestir": { + "account_number": "612027", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Preparaci\u00f3n, adobo y te\u00f1ido de pieles": { + "account_number": "612028", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Curtido, adobo o preparaci\u00f3n de cuero": { + "account_number": "612029", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de maletas, bolsos y similares": { + "account_number": "612030", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de calzado": { + "account_number": "612031", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Producci\u00f3n de madera, art\u00edculos de madera y corcho": { + "account_number": "612032", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pasta y productos de madera, papel y cart\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612033", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ediciones y publicaciones": { + "account_number": "612034", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Impresi\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612035", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicios relacionados con la edici\u00f3n y la impresi\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612036", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Reproducci\u00f3n de grabaciones": { + "account_number": "612037", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de horno de coque": { + "account_number": "612038", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de la refinaci\u00f3n de petr\u00f3leo": { + "account_number": "612039", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de sustancias qu\u00edmicas b\u00e1sicas": { + "account_number": "612040", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de abonos y compuestos de nitr\u00f3geno": { + "account_number": "612041", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pl\u00e1stico y caucho sint\u00e9tico": { + "account_number": "612042", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos qu\u00edmicos de uso agropecuario": { + "account_number": "612043", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pinturas, tintas y masillas": { + "account_number": "612044", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos farmac\u00e9uticos y bot\u00e1nicos": { + "account_number": "612045", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de jabones, detergentes y preparados de tocador": { + "account_number": "612046", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos qu\u00edmicos": { + "account_number": "612047", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de fibras": { + "account_number": "612048", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos de caucho": { + "account_number": "612049", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de pl\u00e1stico": { + "account_number": "612050", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de vidrio y productos de vidrio": { + "account_number": "612051", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de productos de cer\u00e1mica, loza, piedra, arcilla y porcelana": { + "account_number": "612052", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de cemento, cal y yeso": { + "account_number": "612053", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de art\u00edculos de hormig\u00f3n, cemento y yeso": { + "account_number": "612054", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Corte, tallado y acabado de la piedra": { + "account_number": "612055", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos minerales no met\u00e1licos": { + "account_number": "612056", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Industrias b\u00e1sicas y fundici\u00f3n de hierro y acero": { + "account_number": "612057", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Productos primarios de metales preciosos y de metales no ferrosos": { + "account_number": "612058", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fundici\u00f3n de metales no ferrosos": { + "account_number": "612059", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de productos met\u00e1licos para uso estructural": { + "account_number": "612060", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Forja, prensado, estampado, laminado de metal y pulvimetalurgia": { + "account_number": "612061", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Revestimiento de metales y obras de ingenier\u00eda mec\u00e1nica": { + "account_number": "612062", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de art\u00edculos de ferreter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "612063", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros productos de metal": { + "account_number": "612064", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de maquinaria y equipo": { + "account_number": "612065", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de equipos de elevaci\u00f3n y manipulaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612066", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de aparatos de uso dom\u00e9stico": { + "account_number": "612067", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de equipo de oficina": { + "account_number": "612068", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de pilas y bater\u00edas primarias": { + "account_number": "612069", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de equipo de iluminaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612070", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Elaboraci\u00f3n de otros tipos de equipo el\u00e9ctrico": { + "account_number": "612071", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de equipos de radio, televisi\u00f3n y comunicaciones": { + "account_number": "612072", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de aparatos e instrumentos m\u00e9dicos": { + "account_number": "612073", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de instrumentos de medici\u00f3n y control": { + "account_number": "612074", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de instrumentos de \u00f3ptica y equipo fotogr\u00e1fico": { + "account_number": "612075", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de relojes": { + "account_number": "612076", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "612077", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de carrocer\u00edas para automotores": { + "account_number": "612078", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de partes, piezas y accesorios para automotores": { + "account_number": "612079", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n y reparaci\u00f3n de buques y otras embarcaciones": { + "account_number": "612080", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de locomotoras y material rodante para ferrocarriles": { + "account_number": "612081", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de aeronaves": { + "account_number": "612082", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de motocicletas": { + "account_number": "612083", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de bicicletas y sillas de ruedas": { + "account_number": "612084", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de otros tipos de transporte": { + "account_number": "612085", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de muebles": { + "account_number": "612086", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de joyas y art\u00edculos conexos": { + "account_number": "612087", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de instrumentos de m\u00fasica": { + "account_number": "612088", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de art\u00edculos y equipo para deporte": { + "account_number": "612089", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de juegos y juguetes": { + "account_number": "612090", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Reciclamiento de desperdicios": { + "account_number": "612091", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Productos de otras industrias manufactureras": { + "account_number": "612095", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Suministro de electricidad, gas y agua": { + "account_number": "6125", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Generaci\u00f3n, captaci\u00f3n y distribuci\u00f3n de energ\u00eda el\u00e9ctrica": { + "account_number": "612505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fabricaci\u00f3n de gas y distribuci\u00f3n de combustibles gaseosos": { + "account_number": "612510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Captaci\u00f3n, depuraci\u00f3n y distribuci\u00f3n de agua": { + "account_number": "612515", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "612595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "612599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Construcci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "6130", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Preparaci\u00f3n de terrenos": { + "account_number": "613005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Construcci\u00f3n de edificios y obras de ingenier\u00eda civil": { + "account_number": "613010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Acondicionamiento de edificios": { + "account_number": "613015", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Terminaci\u00f3n de edificaciones": { + "account_number": "613020", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Alquiler de equipo con operario": { + "account_number": "613025", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "613095", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "613099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Comercio al por mayor y al por menor": { + "account_number": "6135", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Venta de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "613502", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Mantenimiento, reparaci\u00f3n y lavado de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "613504", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de partes, piezas y accesorios de veh\u00edculos automotores": { + "account_number": "613506", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de combustibles s\u00f3lidos, l\u00edquidos, gaseosos": { + "account_number": "613508", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de lubricantes, aditivos, llantas y lujos para automotores": { + "account_number": "613510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta a cambio de retribuci\u00f3n o por contrata": { + "account_number": "613512", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de insumos, materias primas agropecuarias y flores": { + "account_number": "613514", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de otros insumos y materias primas no agropecuarias": { + "account_number": "613516", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de animales vivos y cueros": { + "account_number": "613518", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos en almacenes no especializados": { + "account_number": "613520", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos agropecuarios": { + "account_number": "613522", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos textiles, de vestir, de cuero y calzado": { + "account_number": "613524", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de papel y cart\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "613526", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de libros, revistas, elementos de papeler\u00eda, \u00fatiles y textos escolares": { + "account_number": "613528", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de juegos, juguetes y art\u00edculos deportivos": { + "account_number": "613530", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de instrumentos quir\u00fargicos y ortop\u00e9dicos": { + "account_number": "613532", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en relojer\u00edas y joyer\u00edas": { + "account_number": "613534", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de electrodom\u00e9sticos y muebles": { + "account_number": "613536", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos de aseo, farmac\u00e9uticos, medicinales y art\u00edculos de tocador": { + "account_number": "613538", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de cubiertos, vajillas, cristaler\u00eda, porcelanas, cer\u00e1micas y otros art\u00edculos de uso dom\u00e9stico": { + "account_number": "613540", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de materiales de construcci\u00f3n, fontaner\u00eda y calefacci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "613542", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de pinturas y lacas": { + "account_number": "613544", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos de vidrios y marqueter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "613546", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de herramientas y art\u00edculos de ferreter\u00eda": { + "account_number": "613548", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de qu\u00edmicos": { + "account_number": "613550", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de productos intermedios, desperdicios y desechos": { + "account_number": "613552", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de maquinaria, equipo de oficina y programas de computador": { + "account_number": "613554", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en cacharrer\u00edas y miscel\u00e1neas": { + "account_number": "613556", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de instrumentos musicales": { + "account_number": "613558", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de art\u00edculos en casas de empe\u00f1o y prender\u00edas": { + "account_number": "613560", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de equipo fotogr\u00e1fico": { + "account_number": "613562", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de equipo \u00f3ptico y de precisi\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "613564", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de empaques": { + "account_number": "613566", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de equipo profesional y cient\u00edfico": { + "account_number": "613568", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de loter\u00edas, rifas, chance, apuestas y similares": { + "account_number": "613570", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Reparaci\u00f3n de efectos personales y electrodom\u00e9sticos": { + "account_number": "613572", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Venta de otros productos": { + "account_number": "613595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "613599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Hoteles y restaurantes": { + "account_number": "6140", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Hoteler\u00eda": { + "account_number": "614005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Campamento y otros tipos de hospedaje": { + "account_number": "614010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Restaurantes": { + "account_number": "614015", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Bares y cantinas": { + "account_number": "614020", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "614095", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "614099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones": { + "account_number": "6145", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Servicio de transporte por carretera": { + "account_number": "614505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda f\u00e9rrea": { + "account_number": "614510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda acu\u00e1tica": { + "account_number": "614515", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por v\u00eda a\u00e9rea": { + "account_number": "614520", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de transporte por tuber\u00edas": { + "account_number": "614525", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Manipulaci\u00f3n de carga": { + "account_number": "614530", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Almacenamiento y dep\u00f3sito": { + "account_number": "614535", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicios complementarios para el transporte": { + "account_number": "614540", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Agencias de viaje": { + "account_number": "614545", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Otras agencias de transporte": { + "account_number": "614550", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio postal y de correo": { + "account_number": "614555", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio telef\u00f3nico": { + "account_number": "614560", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de tel\u00e9grafo": { + "account_number": "614565", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de transmisi\u00f3n de datos": { + "account_number": "614570", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de radio y televisi\u00f3n por cable": { + "account_number": "614575", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Transmisi\u00f3n de sonido e im\u00e1genes por contrato": { + "account_number": "614580", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "614595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "614599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Actividad financiera": { + "account_number": "6150", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "De inversiones": { + "account_number": "615005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "De servicio de bolsa": { + "account_number": "615010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "615099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Actividades inmobiliarias, empresariales y de alquiler": { + "account_number": "6155", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Arrendamientos de bienes inmuebles": { + "account_number": "615505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Inmobiliarias por retribuci\u00f3n o contrata": { + "account_number": "615510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Alquiler equipo de transporte": { + "account_number": "615515", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Alquiler maquinaria y equipo": { + "account_number": "615520", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Alquiler de efectos personales y enseres dom\u00e9sticos": { + "account_number": "615525", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Consultor\u00eda en equipo y programas de inform\u00e1tica": { + "account_number": "615530", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Procesamiento de datos": { + "account_number": "615535", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaci\u00f3n de maquinaria de oficina": { + "account_number": "615540", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Investigaciones cient\u00edficas y de desarrollo": { + "account_number": "615545", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades empresariales de consultor\u00eda": { + "account_number": "615550", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Publicidad": { + "account_number": "615555", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Dotaci\u00f3n de personal": { + "account_number": "615560", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Investigaci\u00f3n y seguridad": { + "account_number": "615565", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Limpieza de inmuebles": { + "account_number": "615570", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fotograf\u00eda": { + "account_number": "615575", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Envase y empaque": { + "account_number": "615580", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Fotocopiado": { + "account_number": "615585", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaci\u00f3n de maquinaria y equipo": { + "account_number": "615590", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "615595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "615599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Ense\u00f1anza": { + "account_number": "6160", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Actividades relacionadas con la educaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "616005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "616095", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "616099", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Servicios sociales y de salud": { + "account_number": "6165", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Servicio hospitalario": { + "account_number": "616505", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio m\u00e9dico": { + "account_number": "616510", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio odontol\u00f3gico": { + "account_number": "616515", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Servicio de laboratorio": { + "account_number": "616520", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades veterinarias": { + "account_number": "616525", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades de servicios sociales": { + "account_number": "616530", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades conexas": { + "account_number": "616595", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "616599", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Otras actividades de servicios comunitarios, sociales y personales": { + "account_number": "6170", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "Eliminaci\u00f3n de desperdicios y aguas residuales": { + "account_number": "617005", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividades de asociaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "617010", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Producci\u00f3n y distribuci\u00f3n de filmes y videocintas": { + "account_number": "617015", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Exhibici\u00f3n de filmes y videocintas": { + "account_number": "617020", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividad de radio y televisi\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "617025", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Actividad teatral, musical y art\u00edstica": { + "account_number": "617030", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + 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"account_type": "Equity", + "is_group": 1 + } + } + }, + "Ingresos": { + "account_number": "4", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "root_type": "Income", + "Operacionales": { + "account_number": "41", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Agricultura, ganader\u00eda, caza y silvicultura": { + "account_number": "4105", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Pesca": { + "account_number": "4110", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Explotaci\u00f3n de minas y canteras": { + "account_number": "4115", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Industrias manufactureras": { + "account_number": "4120", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Suministro de electricidad, gas y agua": { + "account_number": "4125", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Construcci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "4130", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Comercio al por mayor y al por 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"Devoluciones en ventas (DB)": { + "account_number": "4175", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "No operacionales": { + "account_number": "42", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Otras ventas": { + "account_number": "4205", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Financieros": { + "account_number": "4210", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Dividendos y participaciones": { + "account_number": "4215", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Ingresos m\u00e9todo de participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "4218", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Arrendamientos": { + "account_number": "4220", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Comisiones": { + "account_number": "4225", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Honorarios": { + "account_number": "4230", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Servicios": { + "account_number": "4235", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Utilidad en venta de inversiones": { + "account_number": "4240", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Utilidad en venta de propiedades, planta y equipo": { + "account_number": "4245", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Utilidad en venta de otros bienes": { + "account_number": "4248", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Recuperaciones": { + "account_number": "4250", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Indemnizaciones": { + "account_number": "4255", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Participaciones en concesiones": { + "account_number": "4260", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Ingresos de ejercicios anteriores": { + "account_number": "4265", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Devoluciones en otras ventas (DB)": { + "account_number": "4275", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Diversos": { + "account_number": "4295", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "47", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "Correcci\u00f3n monetaria": { + "account_number": "4705", + "account_type": "Income Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + } + }, + "Gastos": { + "account_number": "5", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "root_type": "Expense", + "Operacionales de administraci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "51", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Gastos de personal": { + "account_number": "5105", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Honorarios": { + "account_number": "5110", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Impuestos": { + "account_number": "5115", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Arrendamientos": { + "account_number": "5120", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Contribuciones y afiliaciones": { + "account_number": "5125", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Seguros": { + "account_number": "5130", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Servicios": { + "account_number": "5135", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos legales": { + "account_number": "5140", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaciones": { + "account_number": "5145", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Adecuaci\u00f3n e instalaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "5150", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos de viaje": { + "account_number": "5155", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Depreciaciones": { + "account_number": "5160", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Amortizaciones": { + "account_number": "5165", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Diversos": { + "account_number": "5195", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Provisiones": { + "account_number": "5199", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Operacionales de ventas": { + "account_number": "52", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Gastos de personal": { + "account_number": "5205", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Honorarios": { + "account_number": "5210", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Impuestos": { + "account_number": "5215", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Arrendamientos": { + "account_number": "5220", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Contribuciones y afiliaciones": { + "account_number": "5225", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Seguros": { + "account_number": "5230", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Servicios": { + "account_number": "5235", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos legales": { + "account_number": "5240", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Mantenimiento y reparaciones": { + "account_number": "5245", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Adecuaci\u00f3n e instalaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "5250", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos de viaje": { + "account_number": "5255", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Depreciaciones": { + "account_number": "5260", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Amortizaciones": { + "account_number": "5265", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Financieros-reajuste del sistema": { + "account_number": "5270", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "P\u00e9rdidas m\u00e9todo de participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "5275", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Diversos": { + "account_number": "5295", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Provisiones": { + "account_number": "5299", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "No operacionales": { + "account_number": "53", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "Financieros": { + "account_number": "5305", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "P\u00e9rdida en venta y retiro de bienes": { + "account_number": "5310", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "P\u00e9rdidas m\u00e9todo de participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "5313", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos extraordinarios": { + "account_number": "5315", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Gastos diversos": { + "account_number": "5395", + "account_type": "Expense Account", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + 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"account_number": "6115", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Industrias manufactureras": { + "account_number": "6120", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Suministro de electricidad, gas y agua": { + "account_number": "6125", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Construcci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "6130", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Comercio al por mayor y al por menor": { + "account_number": "6135", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Hoteles y restaurantes": { + "account_number": "6140", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones": { + "account_number": "6145", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Actividad financiera": { + "account_number": "6150", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Actividades inmobiliarias, empresariales y de alquiler": { + "account_number": "6155", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Ense\u00f1anza": { + "account_number": "6160", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Servicios sociales y de salud": { + "account_number": "6165", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Otras actividades de servicios comunitarios, sociales y personales": { + "account_number": "6170", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Compras": { + "account_number": "62", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "De mercanc\u00edas": { + "account_number": "6205", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "De materias primas": { + "account_number": "6210", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "De materiales indirectos": { + "account_number": "6215", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Compra de energ\u00eda": { + "account_number": "6220", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Devoluciones en compras (CR)": { + "account_number": "6225", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "is_group": 1 + } + } + }, + "Costos de producci\u00f3n o de operaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "7", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold", + "root_type": "Expense", + "Materia prima": { + "account_number": "71", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Mano de obra directa": { + "account_number": "72", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Costos indirectos": { + "account_number": "73", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + }, + "Contratos de servicios": { + "account_number": "74", + "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold" + } + }, + "Cuentas de orden deudoras": { + "account_number": "8", + "root_type": "Asset", + "Derechos contingentes": { + "account_number": "81", + "Bienes y valores entregados en custodia": { + "account_number": "8105", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Bienes y valores entregados en garant\u00eda": { + "account_number": "8110", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Bienes y valores en poder de terceros": { + "account_number": "8115", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Litigios y/o demandas": { + "account_number": "8120", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Promesas de compraventa": { + "account_number": "8125" + }, + "Diversas": { + "account_number": "8195", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Deudoras fiscales": { + "account_number": "82" + }, + "Deudoras de control": { + "account_number": "83", + "Bienes recibidos en arrendamiento financiero": { + "account_number": "8305", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "T\u00edtulos de inversi\u00f3n no colocados": { + "account_number": "8310", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Propiedades, planta y equipo totalmente depreciados, agotados y/o amortizados": { + "account_number": "8315", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Cr\u00e9ditos a favor no utilizados": { + "account_number": "8320", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Activos castigados": { + "account_number": "8325", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "T\u00edtulos de inversi\u00f3n amortizados": { + "account_number": "8330", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Capitalizaci\u00f3n por revalorizaci\u00f3n de patrimonio": { + "account_number": "8335" + }, + "Otras cuentas deudoras de control": { + "account_number": "8395", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n activos": { + "account_number": "8399", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Derechos contingentes por contra (CR)": { + "account_number": "84" + }, + "Deudoras fiscales por contra (CR)": { + "account_number": "85" + }, + "Deudoras de control por contra (CR)": { + "account_number": "86" + } + }, + "Cuentas de orden acreedoras": { + "account_number": "9", + "root_type": "Liability", + "Responsabilidades contingentes": { + "account_number": "91", + "Bienes y valores recibidos en custodia": { + "account_number": "9105", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Bienes y valores recibidos en garant\u00eda": { + "account_number": "9110", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Bienes y valores recibidos de terceros": { + "account_number": "9115", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Litigios y/o demandas": { + "account_number": "9120", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Promesas de compraventa": { + "account_number": "9125" + }, + "Contratos de administraci\u00f3n delegada": { + "account_number": "9130" + }, + "Cuentas en participaci\u00f3n": { + "account_number": "9135" + }, + "Otras responsabilidades contingentes": { + "account_number": "9195" + } + }, + "Acreedoras fiscales": { + "account_number": "92" + }, + "Acreedoras de control": { + "account_number": "93", + "Contratos de arrendamiento financiero": { + "account_number": "9305", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Otras cuentas de orden acreedoras de control": { + "account_number": "9395", + "is_group": 1 + }, + "Ajustes por inflaci\u00f3n patrimonio": { + "account_number": "9399", + "is_group": 1 + } + }, + "Responsabilidades contingentes por contra (DB)": { + "account_number": "94" + }, + "Acreedoras fiscales por contra (DB)": { + "account_number": "95" + }, + "Acreedoras de control por contra (DB)": { + "account_number": "96" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.js index 8a6b021b8a..6f0b6fcd91 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.js @@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Accounting Dimension Filter', { frm.refresh_field("dimensions"); frm.trigger('setup_filters'); }, + apply_restriction_on_values: function(frm) { + /** If restriction on values is not applied, we should set "allow_or_restrict" to "Restrict" with an empty allowed dimension table. + * Hence it's not "restricted" on any value. + */ + if (!frm.doc.apply_restriction_on_values) { + frm.set_value("allow_or_restrict", "Restrict"); + frm.clear_table("dimensions"); + frm.refresh_field("dimensions"); + } + } }); frappe.ui.form.on('Allowed Dimension', { diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.json index 0f3fbc0b8d..2bd6c12a0a 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "disabled", "column_break_2", "company", + "apply_restriction_on_values", "allow_or_restrict", "section_break_4", "accounts", @@ -24,94 +25,80 @@ "fieldtype": "Select", "in_list_view": 1, "label": "Accounting Dimension", - "reqd": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "reqd": 1 }, { "fieldname": "column_break_2", - "fieldtype": "Column Break", - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { "fieldname": "section_break_4", "fieldtype": "Section Break", - "hide_border": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "hide_border": 1 }, { "fieldname": "column_break_6", - "fieldtype": "Column Break", - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { + "depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_restriction_on_values == 1;", "fieldname": "allow_or_restrict", "fieldtype": "Select", "label": "Allow Or Restrict Dimension", "options": "Allow\nRestrict", - "reqd": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "reqd": 1 }, { "fieldname": "accounts", "fieldtype": "Table", "label": "Applicable On Account", "options": "Applicable On Account", - "reqd": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "reqd": 1 }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.accounting_dimension", + "depends_on": "eval:doc.accounting_dimension && doc.apply_restriction_on_values", "fieldname": "dimensions", "fieldtype": "Table", "label": "Applicable Dimension", - "options": "Allowed Dimension", - "reqd": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_restriction_on_values == 1;", + "options": "Allowed Dimension" }, { "default": "0", "fieldname": "disabled", "fieldtype": "Check", - "label": "Disabled", - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "label": "Disabled" }, { "fieldname": "company", "fieldtype": "Link", "label": "Company", "options": "Company", - "reqd": 1, - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "reqd": 1 }, { "fieldname": "dimension_filter_help", "fieldtype": "HTML", - "label": "Dimension Filter Help", - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "label": "Dimension Filter Help" }, { "fieldname": "section_break_10", - "fieldtype": "Section Break", - "show_days": 1, - "show_seconds": 1 + "fieldtype": "Section Break" + }, + { + "default": "1", + "fieldname": "apply_restriction_on_values", + "fieldtype": "Check", + "label": "Apply restriction on dimension values" } ], "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2021-02-03 12:04:58.678402", + "modified": "2023-06-07 14:59:41.869117", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Accounting Dimension Filter", + "naming_rule": "Expression", "owner": "Administrator", "permissions": [ { @@ -154,5 +141,6 @@ "quick_entry": 1, "sort_field": "modified", "sort_order": "DESC", + "states": [], "track_changes": 1 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.py index 80f736fa5b..de1b82c1d5 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/accounting_dimension_filter.py @@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ from frappe.model.document import Document class AccountingDimensionFilter(Document): + def before_save(self): + # If restriction is not applied on values, then remove all the dimensions and set allow_or_restrict to Restrict + if not self.apply_restriction_on_values: + self.allow_or_restrict = "Restrict" + self.set("dimensions", []) + def validate(self): self.validate_applicable_accounts() @@ -44,12 +50,12 @@ def get_dimension_filter_map(): a.applicable_on_account, d.dimension_value, p.accounting_dimension, p.allow_or_restrict, a.is_mandatory FROM - `tabApplicable On Account` a, `tabAllowed Dimension` d, + `tabApplicable On Account` a, `tabAccounting Dimension Filter` p + LEFT JOIN `tabAllowed Dimension` d ON d.parent = p.name WHERE p.name = a.parent AND p.disabled = 0 - AND p.name = d.parent """, as_dict=1, ) @@ -76,4 +82,5 @@ def build_map(map_object, dimension, account, filter_value, allow_or_restrict, i (dimension, account), {"allowed_dimensions": [], "is_mandatory": is_mandatory, "allow_or_restrict": allow_or_restrict}, ) - map_object[(dimension, account)]["allowed_dimensions"].append(filter_value) + if filter_value: + map_object[(dimension, account)]["allowed_dimensions"].append(filter_value) diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/test_accounting_dimension_filter.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/test_accounting_dimension_filter.py index f13f2f9f27..6aba2ab253 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/test_accounting_dimension_filter.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounting_dimension_filter/test_accounting_dimension_filter.py @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ def create_accounting_dimension_filter(): "accounting_dimension": "Cost Center", "allow_or_restrict": "Allow", "company": "_Test Company", + "apply_restriction_on_values": 1, "accounts": [ { "applicable_on_account": "Sales - _TC", @@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ def create_accounting_dimension_filter(): "doctype": "Accounting Dimension Filter", "accounting_dimension": "Department", "allow_or_restrict": "Allow", + "apply_restriction_on_values": 1, "company": "_Test Company", "accounts": [{"applicable_on_account": "Sales - _TC", "is_mandatory": 1}], "dimensions": [{"accounting_dimension": "Department", "dimension_value": "Accounts - _TC"}], diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json index 09482d7d30..7cd498da6b 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json @@ -61,7 +61,10 @@ "column_break_25", "frozen_accounts_modifier", "tab_break_dpet", - "show_balance_in_coa" + "show_balance_in_coa", + "banking_tab", + "enable_party_matching", + "enable_fuzzy_matching" ], "fields": [ { @@ -383,6 +386,26 @@ "fieldname": "show_taxes_as_table_in_print", "fieldtype": "Check", "label": "Show Taxes as Table in Print" + }, + { + "fieldname": "banking_tab", + "fieldtype": "Tab Break", + "label": "Banking" + }, + { + "default": "0", + "description": "Auto match and set the Party in Bank Transactions", + "fieldname": "enable_party_matching", + "fieldtype": "Check", + "label": "Enable Automatic Party Matching" + }, + { + "default": "0", + "depends_on": "enable_party_matching", + "description": "Approximately match the description/party name against parties", + "fieldname": "enable_fuzzy_matching", + "fieldtype": "Check", + "label": "Enable Fuzzy Matching" } ], "icon": "icon-cog", @@ -390,7 +413,7 @@ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, "issingle": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2023-06-13 18:47:46.430291", + "modified": "2023-06-15 16:35:45.123456", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Accounts Settings", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_account/bank_account.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_account/bank_account.py index b91f0f9137..363a2776aa 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_account/bank_account.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_account/bank_account.py @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ def make_bank_account(doctype, docname): return doc -@frappe.whitelist() def get_party_bank_account(party_type, party): return frappe.db.get_value(party_type, party, "default_bank_account") diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_tool/bank_reconciliation_tool.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_tool/bank_reconciliation_tool.py index c4a23a640c..0eef3e9a67 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_tool/bank_reconciliation_tool.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_tool/bank_reconciliation_tool.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from frappe.model.document import Document from frappe.query_builder.custom import ConstantColumn from frappe.utils import cint, flt +from erpnext import get_default_cost_center from erpnext.accounts.doctype.bank_transaction.bank_transaction import get_total_allocated_amount from erpnext.accounts.report.bank_reconciliation_statement.bank_reconciliation_statement import ( get_amounts_not_reflected_in_system, @@ -140,6 +141,9 @@ def create_journal_entry_bts( second_account ) ) + + company = frappe.get_value("Account", company_account, "company") + accounts = [] # Multi Currency? accounts.append( @@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ def create_journal_entry_bts( "debit_in_account_currency": bank_transaction.withdrawal, "party_type": party_type, "party": party, + "cost_center": get_default_cost_center(company), } ) @@ -158,11 +163,10 @@ def create_journal_entry_bts( "bank_account": bank_transaction.bank_account, "credit_in_account_currency": bank_transaction.withdrawal, "debit_in_account_currency": bank_transaction.deposit, + "cost_center": get_default_cost_center(company), } ) - company = frappe.get_value("Account", company_account, "company") - journal_entry_dict = { "voucher_type": entry_type, "company": company, diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/auto_match_party.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/auto_match_party.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d94a08f2f --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/auto_match_party.py @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +from typing import Tuple, Union + +import frappe +from frappe.utils import flt +from rapidfuzz import fuzz, process + + +class AutoMatchParty: + """ + Matches by Account/IBAN and then by Party Name/Description sequentially. + Returns when a result is obtained. + + Result (if present) is of the form: (Party Type, Party,) + """ + + def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self.__dict__.update(kwargs) + + def get(self, key): + return self.__dict__.get(key, None) + + def match(self) -> Union[Tuple, None]: + result = None + result = AutoMatchbyAccountIBAN( + bank_party_account_number=self.bank_party_account_number, + bank_party_iban=self.bank_party_iban, + deposit=self.deposit, + ).match() + + fuzzy_matching_enabled = frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_fuzzy_matching") + if not result and fuzzy_matching_enabled: + result = AutoMatchbyPartyNameDescription( + bank_party_name=self.bank_party_name, description=self.description, deposit=self.deposit + ).match() + + return result + + +class AutoMatchbyAccountIBAN: + def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self.__dict__.update(kwargs) + + def get(self, key): + return self.__dict__.get(key, None) + + def match(self): + if not (self.bank_party_account_number or self.bank_party_iban): + return None + + result = self.match_account_in_party() + return result + + def match_account_in_party(self) -> Union[Tuple, None]: + """Check if there is a IBAN/Account No. match in Customer/Supplier/Employee""" + result = None + parties = get_parties_in_order(self.deposit) + or_filters = self.get_or_filters() + + for party in parties: + party_result = frappe.db.get_all( + "Bank Account", or_filters=or_filters, pluck="party", limit_page_length=1 + ) + + if party == "Employee" and not party_result: + # Search in Bank Accounts first for Employee, and then Employee record + if "bank_account_no" in or_filters: + or_filters["bank_ac_no"] = or_filters.pop("bank_account_no") + + party_result = frappe.db.get_all( + party, or_filters=or_filters, pluck="name", limit_page_length=1 + ) + + if party_result: + result = ( + party, + party_result[0], + ) + break + + return result + + def get_or_filters(self) -> dict: + or_filters = {} + if self.bank_party_account_number: + or_filters["bank_account_no"] = self.bank_party_account_number + + if self.bank_party_iban: + or_filters["iban"] = self.bank_party_iban + + return or_filters + + +class AutoMatchbyPartyNameDescription: + def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self.__dict__.update(kwargs) + + def get(self, key): + return self.__dict__.get(key, None) + + def match(self) -> Union[Tuple, None]: + # fuzzy search by customer/supplier & employee + if not (self.bank_party_name or self.description): + return None + + result = self.match_party_name_desc_in_party() + return result + + def match_party_name_desc_in_party(self) -> Union[Tuple, None]: + """Fuzzy search party name and/or description against parties in the system""" + result = None + parties = get_parties_in_order(self.deposit) + + for party in parties: + filters = {"status": "Active"} if party == "Employee" else {"disabled": 0} + names = frappe.get_all(party, filters=filters, pluck=party.lower() + "_name") + + for field in ["bank_party_name", "description"]: + if not self.get(field): + continue + + result, skip = self.fuzzy_search_and_return_result(party, names, field) + if result or skip: + break + + if result or skip: + # Skip If: It was hard to distinguish between close matches and so match is None + # OR if the right match was found + break + + return result + + def fuzzy_search_and_return_result(self, party, names, field) -> Union[Tuple, None]: + skip = False + result = process.extract(query=self.get(field), choices=names, scorer=fuzz.token_set_ratio) + party_name, skip = self.process_fuzzy_result(result) + + if not party_name: + return None, skip + + return ( + party, + party_name, + ), skip + + def process_fuzzy_result(self, result: Union[list, None]): + """ + If there are multiple valid close matches return None as result may be faulty. + Return the result only if one accurate match stands out. + + Returns: Result, Skip (whether or not to discontinue matching) + """ + PARTY, SCORE, CUTOFF = 0, 1, 80 + + if not result or not len(result): + return None, False + + first_result = result[0] + if len(result) == 1: + return (first_result[PARTY] if first_result[SCORE] > CUTOFF else None), True + + second_result = result[1] + if first_result[SCORE] > CUTOFF: + # If multiple matches with the same score, return None but discontinue matching + # Matches were found but were too close to distinguish between + if first_result[SCORE] == second_result[SCORE]: + return None, True + + return first_result[PARTY], True + else: + return None, False + + +def get_parties_in_order(deposit: float) -> list: + parties = ["Supplier", "Employee", "Customer"] # most -> least likely to receive + if flt(deposit) > 0: + parties = ["Customer", "Supplier", "Employee"] # most -> least likely to pay + + return parties diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json index 768d2f0fa4..b32022e6fd 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ "unallocated_amount", "party_section", "party_type", - "party" + "party", + "column_break_3czf", + "bank_party_name", + "bank_party_account_number", + "bank_party_iban" ], "fields": [ { @@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ "fieldtype": "Select", "in_standard_filter": 1, "label": "Status", - "options": "\nPending\nSettled\nUnreconciled\nReconciled" + "options": "\nPending\nSettled\nUnreconciled\nReconciled\nCancelled" }, { "fieldname": "bank_account", @@ -202,11 +206,30 @@ "fieldtype": "Data", "label": "Transaction Type", "length": 50 + }, + { + "fieldname": "column_break_3czf", + "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "fieldname": "bank_party_name", + "fieldtype": "Data", + "label": "Party Name/Account Holder (Bank Statement)" + }, + { + "fieldname": "bank_party_iban", + "fieldtype": "Data", + "label": "Party IBAN (Bank Statement)" + }, + { + "fieldname": "bank_party_account_number", + "fieldtype": "Data", + "label": "Party Account No. (Bank Statement)" } ], "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2022-05-29 18:36:50.475964", + "modified": "2023-06-06 13:58:12.821411", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Bank Transaction", @@ -260,4 +283,4 @@ "states": [], "title_field": "bank_account", "track_changes": 1 -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.py index b441af9660..f82337fbd7 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.py @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ class BankTransaction(StatusUpdater): self.clear_linked_payment_entries() self.set_status() + if frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_party_matching"): + self.auto_set_party() + _saving_flag = False # nosemgrep: frappe-semgrep-rules.rules.frappe-modifying-but-not-comitting @@ -146,6 +149,26 @@ class BankTransaction(StatusUpdater): payment_entry.payment_document, payment_entry.payment_entry, clearance_date, self ) + def auto_set_party(self): + from erpnext.accounts.doctype.bank_transaction.auto_match_party import AutoMatchParty + + if self.party_type and self.party: + return + + result = AutoMatchParty( + bank_party_account_number=self.bank_party_account_number, + bank_party_iban=self.bank_party_iban, + bank_party_name=self.bank_party_name, + description=self.description, + deposit=self.deposit, + ).match() + + if result: + party_type, party = result + frappe.db.set_value( + "Bank Transaction", self.name, field={"party_type": party_type, "party": party} + ) + @frappe.whitelist() def get_doctypes_for_bank_reconciliation(): diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/test_auto_match_party.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/test_auto_match_party.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36ef1fca07 --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/test_auto_match_party.py @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2023, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors +# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt + +import frappe +from frappe.tests.utils import FrappeTestCase +from frappe.utils import nowdate + +from erpnext.accounts.doctype.bank_transaction.test_bank_transaction import create_bank_account + + +class TestAutoMatchParty(FrappeTestCase): + @classmethod + def setUpClass(cls): + create_bank_account() + frappe.db.set_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_party_matching", 1) + frappe.db.set_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_fuzzy_matching", 1) + return super().setUpClass() + + @classmethod + def tearDownClass(cls): + frappe.db.set_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_party_matching", 0) + frappe.db.set_single_value("Accounts Settings", "enable_fuzzy_matching", 0) + + def test_match_by_account_number(self): + create_supplier_for_match(account_no="000000003716541159") + doc = create_bank_transaction( + withdrawal=1200, + transaction_id="562213b0ca1bf838dab8f2c6a39bbc3b", + account_no="000000003716541159", + iban="DE02000000003716541159", + ) + + self.assertEqual(doc.party_type, "Supplier") + self.assertEqual(doc.party, "John Doe & Co.") + + def test_match_by_iban(self): + create_supplier_for_match(iban="DE02000000003716541159") + doc = create_bank_transaction( + withdrawal=1200, + transaction_id="c5455a224602afaa51592a9d9250600d", + account_no="000000003716541159", + iban="DE02000000003716541159", + ) + + self.assertEqual(doc.party_type, "Supplier") + self.assertEqual(doc.party, "John Doe & Co.") + + def test_match_by_party_name(self): + create_supplier_for_match(supplier_name="Jackson Ella W.") + doc = create_bank_transaction( + withdrawal=1200, + transaction_id="1f6f661f347ff7b1ea588665f473adb1", + party_name="Ella Jackson", + iban="DE04000000003716545346", + ) + self.assertEqual(doc.party_type, "Supplier") + self.assertEqual(doc.party, "Jackson Ella W.") + + def test_match_by_description(self): + create_supplier_for_match(supplier_name="Microsoft") + doc = create_bank_transaction( + description="Auftraggeber: microsoft payments Buchungstext: msft ..e3006b5hdy. ref. j375979555927627/5536", + withdrawal=1200, + transaction_id="8df880a2d09c3bed3fea358ca5168c5a", + party_name="", + ) + self.assertEqual(doc.party_type, "Supplier") + self.assertEqual(doc.party, "Microsoft") + + def test_skip_match_if_multiple_close_results(self): + create_supplier_for_match(supplier_name="Adithya Medical & General Stores") + create_supplier_for_match(supplier_name="Adithya Medical And General Stores") + + doc = create_bank_transaction( + description="Paracetamol Consignment, SINV-0009", + withdrawal=24.85, + transaction_id="3a1da4ee2dc5a980138d56ef3460cbd9", + party_name="Adithya Medical & General", + ) + + # Mapping is skipped as both Supplier names have the same match score + self.assertEqual(doc.party_type, None) + self.assertEqual(doc.party, None) + + +def create_supplier_for_match(supplier_name="John Doe & Co.", iban=None, account_no=None): + if frappe.db.exists("Supplier", {"supplier_name": supplier_name}): + # Update related Bank Account details + if not (iban or account_no): + return + + frappe.db.set_value( + dt="Bank Account", + dn={"party": supplier_name}, + field={"iban": iban, "bank_account_no": account_no}, + ) + return + + # Create Supplier and Bank Account for the same + supplier = frappe.new_doc("Supplier") + supplier.supplier_name = supplier_name + supplier.supplier_group = "Services" + supplier.supplier_type = "Company" + supplier.insert() + + if not frappe.db.exists("Bank", "TestBank"): + bank = frappe.new_doc("Bank") + bank.bank_name = "TestBank" + bank.insert(ignore_if_duplicate=True) + + if not frappe.db.exists("Bank Account", supplier.name + " - " + "TestBank"): + bank_account = frappe.new_doc("Bank Account") + bank_account.account_name = supplier.name + bank_account.bank = "TestBank" + bank_account.iban = iban + bank_account.bank_account_no = account_no + bank_account.party_type = "Supplier" + bank_account.party = supplier.name + bank_account.insert() + + +def create_bank_transaction( + description=None, + withdrawal=0, + deposit=0, + transaction_id=None, + party_name=None, + account_no=None, + iban=None, +): + doc = frappe.new_doc("Bank Transaction") + doc.update( + { + "doctype": "Bank Transaction", + "description": description or "1512567 BG/000002918 OPSKATTUZWXXX AT776000000098709837 Herr G", + "date": nowdate(), + "withdrawal": withdrawal, + "deposit": deposit, + "currency": "INR", + "bank_account": "Checking Account - Citi Bank", + "transaction_id": transaction_id, + "bank_party_name": party_name, + "bank_party_account_number": account_no, + "bank_party_iban": iban, + } + ) + doc.insert() + doc.submit() + doc.reload() + + return doc diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.js index f51b90d8f6..1ef5c83740 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.js @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Exchange Rate Revaluation', { validate_rounding_loss: function(frm) { let allowance = frm.doc.rounding_loss_allowance; - if (!(allowance > 0 && allowance < 1)) { + if (!(allowance >= 0 && allowance < 1)) { frappe.throw(__("Rounding Loss Allowance should be between 0 and 1")); } }, diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.json index 2310d1272c..79428d591b 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.json @@ -100,15 +100,16 @@ }, { "default": "0.05", - "description": "Only values between 0 and 1 are allowed. \nEx: If allowance is set at 0.07, accounts that have balance of 0.07 in either of the currencies will be considered as zero balance account", + "description": "Only values between [0,1) are allowed. Like {0.00, 0.04, 0.09, ...}\nEx: If allowance is set at 0.07, accounts that have balance of 0.07 in either of the currencies will be considered as zero balance account", "fieldname": "rounding_loss_allowance", "fieldtype": "Float", - "label": "Rounding Loss Allowance" + "label": "Rounding Loss Allowance", + "precision": "9" } ], "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2023-06-12 21:02:09.818208", + "modified": "2023-06-20 07:29:06.972434", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Exchange Rate Revaluation", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.py index 5d239c91f7..598db642f3 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation/exchange_rate_revaluation.py @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document): self.set_total_gain_loss() def validate_rounding_loss_allowance(self): - if not (self.rounding_loss_allowance > 0 and self.rounding_loss_allowance < 1): + if not (self.rounding_loss_allowance >= 0 and self.rounding_loss_allowance < 1): frappe.throw(_("Rounding Loss Allowance should be between 0 and 1")) def set_total_gain_loss(self): @@ -373,6 +373,24 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document): "credit": 0, } ) + + journal_entry_accounts.append(journal_account) + + journal_entry_accounts.append( + { + "account": unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account, + "balance": get_balance_on(unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account), + "debit": 0, + "credit": 0, + "debit_in_account_currency": abs(d.gain_loss) if d.gain_loss < 0 else 0, + "credit_in_account_currency": abs(d.gain_loss) if d.gain_loss > 0 else 0, + "cost_center": erpnext.get_default_cost_center(self.company), + "exchange_rate": 1, + "reference_type": "Exchange Rate Revaluation", + "reference_name": self.name, + } + ) + elif d.get("balance_in_base_currency") and not d.get("new_balance_in_base_currency"): # Base currency has balance dr_or_cr = "credit" if d.get("balance_in_base_currency") > 0 else "debit" @@ -388,22 +406,22 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document): } ) - journal_entry_accounts.append(journal_account) + journal_entry_accounts.append(journal_account) - journal_entry_accounts.append( - { - "account": unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account, - "balance": get_balance_on(unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account), - "debit": abs(self.gain_loss_booked) if self.gain_loss_booked < 0 else 0, - "credit": abs(self.gain_loss_booked) if self.gain_loss_booked > 0 else 0, - "debit_in_account_currency": abs(self.gain_loss_booked) if self.gain_loss_booked < 0 else 0, - "credit_in_account_currency": self.gain_loss_booked if self.gain_loss_booked > 0 else 0, - "cost_center": erpnext.get_default_cost_center(self.company), - "exchange_rate": 1, - "reference_type": "Exchange Rate Revaluation", - "reference_name": self.name, - } - ) + journal_entry_accounts.append( + { + "account": unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account, + "balance": get_balance_on(unrealized_exchange_gain_loss_account), + "debit": abs(d.gain_loss) if d.gain_loss < 0 else 0, + "credit": abs(d.gain_loss) if d.gain_loss > 0 else 0, + "debit_in_account_currency": 0, + "credit_in_account_currency": 0, + "cost_center": erpnext.get_default_cost_center(self.company), + "exchange_rate": 1, + "reference_type": "Exchange Rate Revaluation", + "reference_name": self.name, + } + ) journal_entry.set("accounts", journal_entry_accounts) journal_entry.set_total_debit_credit() diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation_account/exchange_rate_revaluation_account.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation_account/exchange_rate_revaluation_account.json index 2968359a0d..fd2d931315 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation_account/exchange_rate_revaluation_account.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/exchange_rate_revaluation_account/exchange_rate_revaluation_account.json @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ "fieldname": "current_exchange_rate", "fieldtype": "Float", "label": "Current Exchange Rate", + "precision": "9", "read_only": 1 }, { @@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ "fieldtype": "Float", "in_list_view": 1, "label": "New Exchange Rate", + "precision": "9", "reqd": 1 }, { @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ ], "istable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2022-12-29 19:38:52.915295", + "modified": "2023-06-22 12:39:56.446722", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Exchange Rate Revaluation Account", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js index b31cc3212e..a51e38eefe 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ frappe.provide("erpnext.journal_entry"); frappe.ui.form.on("Journal Entry", { setup: function(frm) { frm.add_fetch("bank_account", "account", "account"); - frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Journal Entry', "Repost Payment Ledger", 'Asset Depreciation Schedule']; + frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Journal Entry', "Repost Payment Ledger", 'Asset', 'Asset Movement', 'Asset Depreciation Schedule']; }, refresh: function(frm) { @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ $.extend(erpnext.journal_entry, { }; if(!frm.doc.multi_currency) { $.extend(filters, { - account_currency: frappe.get_doc(":Company", frm.doc.company).default_currency + account_currency: ['in', [frappe.get_doc(":Company", frm.doc.company).default_currency, null]] }); } return { filters: filters }; diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.py index 74fd559612..83312dbd22 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.py @@ -326,12 +326,10 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController): d.db_update() def unlink_asset_reference(self): - if self.voucher_type != "Depreciation Entry": - return - for d in self.get("accounts"): if ( - d.reference_type == "Asset" + self.voucher_type == "Depreciation Entry" + and d.reference_type == "Asset" and d.reference_name and d.account_type == "Depreciation" and d.debit @@ -370,6 +368,15 @@ class JournalEntry(AccountsController): else: asset.db_set("value_after_depreciation", asset.value_after_depreciation + d.debit) asset.set_status() + elif self.voucher_type == "Journal Entry" and d.reference_type == "Asset" and d.reference_name: + journal_entry_for_scrap = frappe.db.get_value( + "Asset", d.reference_name, "journal_entry_for_scrap" + ) + + if journal_entry_for_scrap == self.name: + frappe.throw( + _("Journal Entry for Asset scrapping cannot be cancelled. Please restore the Asset.") + ) def unlink_inter_company_jv(self): if ( diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_template/journal_entry_template.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_template/journal_entry_template.js index 5ebdf61db2..7d80754e7d 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_template/journal_entry_template.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_template/journal_entry_template.js @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Journal Entry Template", { if(!frm.doc.multi_currency) { $.extend(filters, { - account_currency: frappe.get_doc(":Company", frm.doc.company).default_currency + account_currency: ['in', [frappe.get_doc(":Company", frm.doc.company).default_currency, null]] }); } diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.js index 2843824934..bac84db231 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.js @@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', { frm.events.hide_unhide_fields(frm); frm.events.set_dynamic_labels(frm); frm.events.show_general_ledger(frm); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_accounting_ledger_preview(frm); }, validate_company: (frm) => { @@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', { frm.events.set_unallocated_amount(frm); }, - get_outstanding_invoice: function(frm) { + get_outstanding_invoices_or_orders: function(frm, get_outstanding_invoices, get_orders_to_be_billed) { const today = frappe.datetime.get_today(); const fields = [ {fieldtype:"Section Break", label: __("Posting Date")}, @@ -642,12 +643,29 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', { {fieldtype:"Check", label: __("Allocate Payment Amount"), fieldname:"allocate_payment_amount", default:1}, ]; + let btn_text = ""; + + if (get_outstanding_invoices) { + btn_text = "Get Outstanding Invoices"; + } + else if (get_orders_to_be_billed) { + btn_text = "Get Outstanding Orders"; + } + frappe.prompt(fields, function(filters){ frappe.flags.allocate_payment_amount = true; frm.events.validate_filters_data(frm, filters); frm.doc.cost_center = filters.cost_center; - frm.events.get_outstanding_documents(frm, filters); - }, __("Filters"), __("Get Outstanding Documents")); + frm.events.get_outstanding_documents(frm, filters, get_outstanding_invoices, get_orders_to_be_billed); + }, __("Filters"), __(btn_text)); + }, + + get_outstanding_invoices: function(frm) { + frm.events.get_outstanding_invoices_or_orders(frm, true, false); + }, + + get_outstanding_orders: function(frm) { + frm.events.get_outstanding_invoices_or_orders(frm, false, true); }, validate_filters_data: function(frm, filters) { @@ -673,7 +691,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', { } }, - get_outstanding_documents: function(frm, filters) { + get_outstanding_documents: function(frm, filters, get_outstanding_invoices, get_orders_to_be_billed) { frm.clear_table("references"); if(!frm.doc.party) { @@ -697,6 +715,13 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', { args[key] = filters[key]; } + if (get_outstanding_invoices) { + args["get_outstanding_invoices"] = true; + } + else if (get_orders_to_be_billed) { + args["get_orders_to_be_billed"] = true; + } + frappe.flags.allocate_payment_amount = filters['allocate_payment_amount']; return frappe.call({ diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.json index 3927ecae43..6224d4038d 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.json @@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ "base_received_amount", "base_received_amount_after_tax", "section_break_14", - "get_outstanding_invoice", + "get_outstanding_invoices", + "get_outstanding_orders", "references", "section_break_34", "total_allocated_amount", @@ -355,12 +356,6 @@ "fieldtype": "Section Break", "label": "Reference" }, - { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus==0", - "fieldname": "get_outstanding_invoice", - "fieldtype": "Button", - "label": "Get Outstanding Invoice" - }, { "fieldname": "references", "fieldtype": "Table", @@ -728,12 +723,24 @@ "fieldname": "section_break_60", "fieldtype": "Section Break", "hide_border": 1 + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus==0", + "fieldname": "get_outstanding_invoices", + "fieldtype": "Button", + "label": "Get Outstanding Invoices" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus==0", + "fieldname": "get_outstanding_orders", + "fieldtype": "Button", + "label": "Get Outstanding Orders" } ], "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2023-02-14 04:52:30.478523", + "modified": "2023-06-19 11:38:04.387219", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Payment Entry", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.py index 2bd703f4bc..c7f9759ed0 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/payment_entry.py @@ -151,6 +151,19 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController): if self.payment_type == "Internal Transfer": return + if self.party_type in ("Customer", "Supplier"): + self.validate_allocated_amount_with_latest_data() + else: + fail_message = _("Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.") + for d in self.get("references"): + if (flt(d.allocated_amount)) > 0 and flt(d.allocated_amount) > flt(d.outstanding_amount): + frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) + + # Check for negative outstanding invoices as well + if flt(d.allocated_amount) < 0 and flt(d.allocated_amount) < flt(d.outstanding_amount): + frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) + + def validate_allocated_amount_with_latest_data(self): latest_references = get_outstanding_reference_documents( { "posting_date": self.posting_date, @@ -159,6 +172,8 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController): "payment_type": self.payment_type, "party": self.party, "party_account": self.paid_from if self.payment_type == "Receive" else self.paid_to, + "get_outstanding_invoices": True, + "get_orders_to_be_billed": True, } ) @@ -168,7 +183,7 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController): d = frappe._dict(d) latest_lookup.update({(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no): d}) - for d in self.get("references").copy(): + for d in self.get("references"): latest = latest_lookup.get((d.reference_doctype, d.reference_name)) # The reference has already been fully paid @@ -183,22 +198,18 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController): ): frappe.throw( _( - "{0} {1} has already been partly paid. Please use the 'Get Outstanding Invoice' button to get the latest outstanding amount." + "{0} {1} has already been partly paid. Please use the 'Get Outstanding Invoice' or the 'Get Outstanding Orders' button to get the latest outstanding amounts." ).format(d.reference_doctype, d.reference_name) ) - d.outstanding_amount = latest.outstanding_amount - fail_message = _("Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.") - if (flt(d.allocated_amount)) > 0: - if flt(d.allocated_amount) > flt(d.outstanding_amount): - frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) + if (flt(d.allocated_amount)) > 0 and flt(d.allocated_amount) > flt(latest.outstanding_amount): + frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) # Check for negative outstanding invoices as well - if flt(d.allocated_amount) < 0: - if flt(d.allocated_amount) < flt(d.outstanding_amount): - frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) + if flt(d.allocated_amount) < 0 and flt(d.allocated_amount) < flt(latest.outstanding_amount): + frappe.throw(fail_message.format(d.idx)) def delink_advance_entry_references(self): for reference in self.references: @@ -1347,62 +1358,75 @@ def get_outstanding_reference_documents(args): condition += " and company = {0}".format(frappe.db.escape(args.get("company"))) common_filter.append(ple.company == args.get("company")) - outstanding_invoices = get_outstanding_invoices( - args.get("party_type"), - args.get("party"), - args.get("party_account"), - common_filter=common_filter, - posting_date=posting_and_due_date, - min_outstanding=args.get("outstanding_amt_greater_than"), - max_outstanding=args.get("outstanding_amt_less_than"), - accounting_dimensions=accounting_dimensions_filter, - ) - - outstanding_invoices = split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms(outstanding_invoices) - - for d in outstanding_invoices: - d["exchange_rate"] = 1 - if party_account_currency != company_currency: - if d.voucher_type in frappe.get_hooks("invoice_doctypes"): - d["exchange_rate"] = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "conversion_rate") - elif d.voucher_type == "Journal Entry": - d["exchange_rate"] = get_exchange_rate( - party_account_currency, company_currency, d.posting_date - ) - if d.voucher_type in ("Purchase Invoice"): - d["bill_no"] = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "bill_no") - - # Get all SO / PO which are not fully billed or against which full advance not paid - orders_to_be_billed = [] - orders_to_be_billed = get_orders_to_be_billed( - args.get("posting_date"), - args.get("party_type"), - args.get("party"), - args.get("company"), - party_account_currency, - company_currency, - filters=args, - ) - - # Get negative outstanding sales /purchase invoices + outstanding_invoices = [] negative_outstanding_invoices = [] - if args.get("party_type") != "Employee" and not args.get("voucher_no"): - negative_outstanding_invoices = get_negative_outstanding_invoices( + + if args.get("get_outstanding_invoices"): + outstanding_invoices = get_outstanding_invoices( args.get("party_type"), args.get("party"), args.get("party_account"), + common_filter=common_filter, + posting_date=posting_and_due_date, + min_outstanding=args.get("outstanding_amt_greater_than"), + max_outstanding=args.get("outstanding_amt_less_than"), + accounting_dimensions=accounting_dimensions_filter, + ) + + outstanding_invoices = split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms(outstanding_invoices) + + for d in outstanding_invoices: + d["exchange_rate"] = 1 + if party_account_currency != company_currency: + if d.voucher_type in frappe.get_hooks("invoice_doctypes"): + d["exchange_rate"] = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "conversion_rate") + elif d.voucher_type == "Journal Entry": + d["exchange_rate"] = get_exchange_rate( + party_account_currency, company_currency, d.posting_date + ) + if d.voucher_type in ("Purchase Invoice"): + d["bill_no"] = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "bill_no") + + # Get negative outstanding sales /purchase invoices + if args.get("party_type") != "Employee" and not args.get("voucher_no"): + negative_outstanding_invoices = get_negative_outstanding_invoices( + args.get("party_type"), + args.get("party"), + args.get("party_account"), + party_account_currency, + company_currency, + condition=condition, + ) + + # Get all SO / PO which are not fully billed or against which full advance not paid + orders_to_be_billed = [] + if args.get("get_orders_to_be_billed"): + orders_to_be_billed = get_orders_to_be_billed( + args.get("posting_date"), + args.get("party_type"), + args.get("party"), + args.get("company"), party_account_currency, company_currency, - condition=condition, + filters=args, ) data = negative_outstanding_invoices + outstanding_invoices + orders_to_be_billed if not data: + if args.get("get_outstanding_invoices") and args.get("get_orders_to_be_billed"): + ref_document_type = "invoices or orders" + elif args.get("get_outstanding_invoices"): + ref_document_type = "invoices" + elif args.get("get_orders_to_be_billed"): + ref_document_type = "orders" + frappe.msgprint( _( - "No outstanding invoices found for the {0} {1} which qualify the filters you have specified." - ).format(_(args.get("party_type")).lower(), frappe.bold(args.get("party"))) + "No outstanding {0} found for the {1} {2} which qualify the filters you have specified." + ).format( + ref_document_type, _(args.get("party_type")).lower(), frappe.bold(args.get("party")) + ) ) return data @@ -1711,7 +1735,7 @@ def get_reference_details(reference_doctype, reference_name, party_account_curre if not total_amount: if party_account_currency == company_currency: # for handling cases that don't have multi-currency (base field) - total_amount = ref_doc.get("grand_total") or ref_doc.get("base_grand_total") + total_amount = ref_doc.get("base_grand_total") or ref_doc.get("grand_total") exchange_rate = 1 else: total_amount = ref_doc.get("grand_total") diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/test_payment_entry.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/test_payment_entry.py index 278b12f659..ae2625b653 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/test_payment_entry.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/test_payment_entry.py @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from frappe.utils import flt, nowdate from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.payment_entry import ( InvalidPaymentEntry, get_payment_entry, + get_reference_details, ) from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.test_purchase_invoice import ( make_purchase_invoice, @@ -1037,6 +1038,29 @@ class TestPaymentEntry(FrappeTestCase): self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, pe_draft.submit) + def test_details_update_on_reference_table(self): + so = make_sales_order( + customer="_Test Customer USD", currency="USD", qty=1, rate=100, do_not_submit=True + ) + so.conversion_rate = 50 + so.submit() + pe = get_payment_entry("Sales Order", so.name) + pe.references.clear() + pe.paid_from = "Debtors - _TC" + pe.paid_from_account_currency = "INR" + pe.source_exchange_rate = 50 + pe.save() + + ref_details = get_reference_details(so.doctype, so.name, pe.paid_from_account_currency) + expected_response = { + "total_amount": 5000.0, + "outstanding_amount": 5000.0, + "exchange_rate": 1.0, + "due_date": None, + "bill_no": None, + } + self.assertDictEqual(ref_details, expected_response) + def create_payment_entry(**args): payment_entry = frappe.new_doc("Payment Entry") diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js index 2283677634..89fa15172f 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js @@ -85,25 +85,29 @@ erpnext.accounts.PaymentReconciliationController = class PaymentReconciliationCo // check for any running reconciliation jobs if (this.frm.doc.receivable_payable_account) { - frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "auto_reconcile_payments").then((enabled) => { - if(enabled) { - this.frm.call({ - 'method': "erpnext.accounts.doctype.process_payment_reconciliation.process_payment_reconciliation.is_any_doc_running", - "args": { - for_filter: { - company: this.frm.doc.company, - party_type: this.frm.doc.party_type, - party: this.frm.doc.party, - receivable_payable_account: this.frm.doc.receivable_payable_account + this.frm.call({ + doc: this.frm.doc, + method: 'is_auto_process_enabled', + callback: (r) => { + if (r.message) { + this.frm.call({ + 'method': "erpnext.accounts.doctype.process_payment_reconciliation.process_payment_reconciliation.is_any_doc_running", + "args": { + for_filter: { + company: this.frm.doc.company, + party_type: this.frm.doc.party_type, + party: this.frm.doc.party, + receivable_payable_account: this.frm.doc.receivable_payable_account + } } - } - }).then(r => { - if (r.message) { - let doc_link = frappe.utils.get_form_link("Process Payment Reconciliation", r.message, true); - let msg = __("Payment Reconciliation Job: {0} is running for this party. Can't reconcile now.", [doc_link]); - this.frm.dashboard.add_comment(msg, "yellow"); - } - }); + }).then(r => { + if (r.message) { + let doc_link = frappe.utils.get_form_link("Process Payment Reconciliation", r.message, true); + let msg = __("Payment Reconciliation Job: {0} is running for this party. Can't reconcile now.", [doc_link]); + this.frm.dashboard.add_comment(msg, "yellow"); + } + }); + } } }); } diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py index 2c8faecf4b..216d4eccac 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py @@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document): return difference_amount + @frappe.whitelist() + def is_auto_process_enabled(self): + return frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "auto_reconcile_payments") + @frappe.whitelist() def calculate_difference_on_allocation_change(self, payment_entry, invoice, allocated_amount): invoice_exchange_map = self.get_invoice_exchange_map(invoice, payment_entry) @@ -343,7 +347,10 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document): payment_details = self.get_payment_details(row, dr_or_cr) reconciled_entry.append(payment_details) - if payment_details.difference_amount: + if payment_details.difference_amount and row.reference_type not in [ + "Sales Invoice", + "Purchase Invoice", + ]: self.make_difference_entry(payment_details) if entry_list: @@ -429,6 +436,8 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document): journal_entry.save() journal_entry.submit() + return journal_entry + def get_payment_details(self, row, dr_or_cr): return frappe._dict( { @@ -594,6 +603,16 @@ class PaymentReconciliation(Document): def reconcile_dr_cr_note(dr_cr_notes, company): + def get_difference_row(inv): + if inv.difference_amount != 0 and inv.difference_account: + difference_row = { + "account": inv.difference_account, + inv.dr_or_cr: abs(inv.difference_amount) if inv.difference_amount > 0 else 0, + reconcile_dr_or_cr: abs(inv.difference_amount) if inv.difference_amount < 0 else 0, + "cost_center": erpnext.get_default_cost_center(company), + } + return difference_row + for inv in dr_cr_notes: voucher_type = "Credit Note" if inv.voucher_type == "Sales Invoice" else "Debit Note" @@ -638,5 +657,9 @@ def reconcile_dr_cr_note(dr_cr_notes, company): ], } ) + + if difference_entry := get_difference_row(inv): + jv.append("accounts", difference_entry) + jv.flags.ignore_mandatory = True jv.submit() diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/test_payment_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/test_payment_reconciliation.py index 3be11ae31a..2ac7df0e39 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/test_payment_reconciliation.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/test_payment_reconciliation.py @@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ from frappe.utils import add_days, flt, nowdate from erpnext import get_default_cost_center from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.payment_entry import get_payment_entry from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.test_payment_entry import create_payment_entry +from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.test_purchase_invoice import make_purchase_invoice from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.test_sales_invoice import create_sales_invoice from erpnext.accounts.party import get_party_account from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item +test_dependencies = ["Item"] + class TestPaymentReconciliation(FrappeTestCase): def setUp(self): @@ -163,7 +166,9 @@ class TestPaymentReconciliation(FrappeTestCase): def create_payment_reconciliation(self): pr = frappe.new_doc("Payment Reconciliation") pr.company = self.company - pr.party_type = "Customer" + pr.party_type = ( + self.party_type if hasattr(self, "party_type") and self.party_type else "Customer" + ) pr.party = self.customer pr.receivable_payable_account = get_party_account(pr.party_type, pr.party, pr.company) pr.from_invoice_date = pr.to_invoice_date = pr.from_payment_date = pr.to_payment_date = nowdate() @@ -890,6 +895,42 @@ class TestPaymentReconciliation(FrappeTestCase): self.assertEqual(pr.allocation[0].allocated_amount, 85) self.assertEqual(pr.allocation[0].difference_amount, 0) + def test_reconciliation_purchase_invoice_against_return(self): + pi = make_purchase_invoice( + supplier="_Test Supplier USD", currency="USD", conversion_rate=50 + ).submit() + + pi_return = frappe.get_doc(pi.as_dict()) + pi_return.name = None + pi_return.docstatus = 0 + pi_return.is_return = 1 + pi_return.conversion_rate = 80 + pi_return.items[0].qty = -pi_return.items[0].qty + pi_return.submit() + + self.company = "_Test Company" + self.party_type = "Supplier" + self.customer = "_Test Supplier USD" + + pr = self.create_payment_reconciliation() + pr.get_unreconciled_entries() + + invoices = [] + payments = [] + for invoice in pr.invoices: + if invoice.invoice_number == pi.name: + invoices.append(invoice.as_dict()) + break + for payment in pr.payments: + if payment.reference_name == pi_return.name: + payments.append(payment.as_dict()) + break + + pr.allocate_entries(frappe._dict({"invoices": invoices, "payments": payments})) + + # Should not raise frappe.exceptions.ValidationError: Total Debit must be equal to Total Credit. + pr.reconcile() + def make_customer(customer_name, currency=None): if not frappe.db.exists("Customer", customer_name): diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.js index ea18adefa3..6046c13e14 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.js @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ // For license information, please see license.txt frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Terms Template', { - setup: function(frm) { + refresh: function(frm) { + frm.fields_dict.terms.grid.toggle_reqd("payment_term", frm.doc.allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms); + }, + allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms: function(frm) { + frm.fields_dict.terms.grid.toggle_reqd("payment_term", frm.doc.allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms); } }); diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.py index ea3b76c524..7b04a68e89 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_terms_template/payment_terms_template.py @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from frappe.utils import flt class PaymentTermsTemplate(Document): def validate(self): self.validate_invoice_portion() - self.check_duplicate_terms() + self.validate_terms() def validate_invoice_portion(self): total_portion = 0 @@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ class PaymentTermsTemplate(Document): _("Combined invoice portion must equal 100%"), raise_exception=1, indicator="red" ) - def check_duplicate_terms(self): + def validate_terms(self): terms = [] for term in self.terms: + if self.allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms and not term.payment_term: + frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: Payment Term is mandatory").format(term.idx)) + term_info = (term.payment_term, term.credit_days, term.credit_months, term.due_date_based_on) if term_info in terms: frappe.msgprint( diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_closing_entry/pos_closing_entry.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_closing_entry/pos_closing_entry.js index e6d9fe2b54..a6c0102a7f 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_closing_entry/pos_closing_entry.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_closing_entry/pos_closing_entry.js @@ -123,22 +123,29 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('POS Closing Entry', { row.expected_amount = row.opening_amount; } - const pos_inv_promises = frm.doc.pos_transactions.map( - row => frappe.db.get_doc("POS Invoice", row.pos_invoice) - ); - - const pos_invoices = await Promise.all(pos_inv_promises); - - for (let doc of pos_invoices) { - frm.doc.grand_total += flt(doc.grand_total); - frm.doc.net_total += flt(doc.net_total); - frm.doc.total_quantity += flt(doc.total_qty); - refresh_payments(doc, frm); - refresh_taxes(doc, frm); - refresh_fields(frm); - set_html_data(frm); - } - + await Promise.all([ + frappe.call({ + method: 'erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_closing_entry.pos_closing_entry.get_pos_invoices', + args: { + start: frappe.datetime.get_datetime_as_string(frm.doc.period_start_date), + end: frappe.datetime.get_datetime_as_string(frm.doc.period_end_date), + pos_profile: frm.doc.pos_profile, + user: frm.doc.user + }, + callback: (r) => { + let pos_invoices = r.message; + for (let doc of pos_invoices) { + frm.doc.grand_total += flt(doc.grand_total); + frm.doc.net_total += flt(doc.net_total); + frm.doc.total_quantity += flt(doc.total_qty); + refresh_payments(doc, frm); + refresh_taxes(doc, frm); + refresh_fields(frm); + set_html_data(frm); + } + } + }) + ]) frappe.dom.unfreeze(); } }); diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html index 03abc93e0b..5307ccb193 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- {% if letter_head %} + {% if letter_head.content %}
{{ letter_head.content }}

{% endif %} diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js index 7dd5ef36f2..cec48c1d56 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js @@ -65,6 +65,20 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Process Statement Of Accounts', { frm.set_value('to_date', frappe.datetime.get_today()); } }, + report: function(frm){ + let filters = { + 'company': frm.doc.company, + } + if(frm.doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable'){ + filters['account_type'] = 'Receivable'; + } + frm.set_query("account", function() { + return { + filters: filters + }; + }); + + }, customer_collection: function(frm){ frm.set_value('collection_name', ''); if(frm.doc.customer_collection){ diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.json index e23620fd4e..8004659065 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.json @@ -6,17 +6,24 @@ "editable_grid": 1, "engine": "InnoDB", "field_order": [ + "report", "section_break_11", "from_date", + "posting_date", "company", "account", "group_by", "cost_center", + "territory", "column_break_14", "to_date", "finance_book", "currency", "project", + "payment_terms_template", + "sales_partner", + "sales_person", + "based_on_payment_terms", "section_break_3", "customer_collection", "collection_name", @@ -67,14 +74,14 @@ "reqd": 1 }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.enable_auto_email == 0;", + "depends_on": "eval:(doc.enable_auto_email == 0 && doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "from_date", "fieldtype": "Date", "label": "From Date", "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.frequency == '';" }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.enable_auto_email == 0;", + "depends_on": "eval:(doc.enable_auto_email == 0 && doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "to_date", "fieldtype": "Date", "label": "To Date", @@ -87,6 +94,7 @@ "options": "PSOA Cost Center" }, { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "project", "fieldtype": "Table MultiSelect", "label": "Project", @@ -104,7 +112,7 @@ { "fieldname": "section_break_11", "fieldtype": "Section Break", - "label": "General Ledger Filters" + "label": "Report Filters" }, { "fieldname": "column_break_14", @@ -164,12 +172,14 @@ }, { "default": "Group by Voucher (Consolidated)", + "depends_on": "eval:(doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "group_by", "fieldtype": "Select", "label": "Group By", "options": "\nGroup by Voucher\nGroup by Voucher (Consolidated)" }, { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "currency", "fieldtype": "Link", "label": "Currency", @@ -297,6 +307,7 @@ }, { "default": "0", + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'General Ledger');", "fieldname": "show_net_values_in_party_account", "fieldtype": "Check", "label": "Show Net Values in Party Account" @@ -310,10 +321,59 @@ { "fieldname": "column_break_ocfq", "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "fieldname": "report", + "fieldtype": "Select", + "label": "Report", + "options": "General Ledger\nAccounts Receivable", + "reqd": 1 + }, + { + "default": "Today", + "depends_on": "eval:(doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "posting_date", + "fieldtype": "Date", + "label": "Posting Date" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "payment_terms_template", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "label": "Payment Terms Template", + "options": "Payment Terms Template" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "sales_partner", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "label": "Sales Partner", + "options": "Sales Partner" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "sales_person", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "label": "Sales Person", + "options": "Sales Person" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval: (doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "territory", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "label": "Territory", + "options": "Territory" + }, + { + "default": "0", + "depends_on": "eval:(doc.report == 'Accounts Receivable');", + "fieldname": "based_on_payment_terms", + "fieldtype": "Check", + "label": "Based On Payment Terms" } ], "links": [], - "modified": "2023-04-26 12:46:43.645455", + "modified": "2023-06-23 10:13:15.051950", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Process Statement Of Accounts", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.py index 67dbe09d0d..08f4cf45d6 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.py @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from frappe.www.printview import get_print_style from erpnext import get_company_currency from erpnext.accounts.party import get_party_account_currency +from erpnext.accounts.report.accounts_receivable.accounts_receivable import execute as get_ar_soa from erpnext.accounts.report.accounts_receivable_summary.accounts_receivable_summary import ( execute as get_ageing, ) @@ -43,29 +44,10 @@ class ProcessStatementOfAccounts(Document): def get_report_pdf(doc, consolidated=True): statement_dict = {} ageing = "" - base_template_path = "frappe/www/printview.html" - template_path = ( - "erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html" - ) for entry in doc.customers: if doc.include_ageing: - ageing_filters = frappe._dict( - { - "company": doc.company, - "report_date": doc.to_date, - "ageing_based_on": doc.ageing_based_on, - "range1": 30, - "range2": 60, - "range3": 90, - "range4": 120, - "customer": entry.customer, - } - ) - col1, ageing = get_ageing(ageing_filters) - - if ageing: - ageing[0]["ageing_based_on"] = doc.ageing_based_on + ageing = set_ageing(doc, entry) tax_id = frappe.get_doc("Customer", entry.customer).tax_id presentation_currency = ( @@ -73,60 +55,25 @@ def get_report_pdf(doc, consolidated=True): or doc.currency or get_company_currency(doc.company) ) - if doc.letter_head: - from frappe.www.printview import get_letter_head - letter_head = get_letter_head(doc, 0) + filters = get_common_filters(doc) - filters = frappe._dict( - { - "from_date": doc.from_date, - "to_date": doc.to_date, - "company": doc.company, - "finance_book": doc.finance_book if doc.finance_book else None, - "account": [doc.account] if doc.account else None, - "party_type": "Customer", - "party": [entry.customer], - "party_name": [entry.customer_name] if entry.customer_name else None, - "presentation_currency": presentation_currency, - "group_by": doc.group_by, - "currency": doc.currency, - "cost_center": [cc.cost_center_name for cc in doc.cost_center], - "project": [p.project_name for p in doc.project], - "show_opening_entries": 0, - "include_default_book_entries": 0, - "tax_id": tax_id if tax_id else None, - "show_net_values_in_party_account": doc.show_net_values_in_party_account, - } - ) - col, res = get_soa(filters) + if doc.report == "General Ledger": + filters.update(get_gl_filters(doc, entry, tax_id, presentation_currency)) + else: + filters.update(get_ar_filters(doc, entry)) - for x in [0, -2, -1]: - res[x]["account"] = res[x]["account"].replace("'", "") + if doc.report == "General Ledger": + col, res = get_soa(filters) + for x in [0, -2, -1]: + res[x]["account"] = res[x]["account"].replace("'", "") + if len(res) == 3: + continue + else: + ar_res = get_ar_soa(filters) + col, res = ar_res[0], ar_res[1] - if len(res) == 3: - continue - - html = frappe.render_template( - template_path, - { - "filters": filters, - "data": res, - "ageing": ageing[0] if (doc.include_ageing and ageing) else None, - "letter_head": letter_head if doc.letter_head else None, - "terms_and_conditions": frappe.db.get_value( - "Terms and Conditions", doc.terms_and_conditions, "terms" - ) - if doc.terms_and_conditions - else None, - }, - ) - - html = frappe.render_template( - base_template_path, - {"body": html, "css": get_print_style(), "title": "Statement For " + entry.customer}, - ) - statement_dict[entry.customer] = html + statement_dict[entry.customer] = get_html(doc, filters, entry, col, res, ageing) if not bool(statement_dict): return False @@ -140,6 +87,110 @@ def get_report_pdf(doc, consolidated=True): return statement_dict +def set_ageing(doc, entry): + ageing_filters = frappe._dict( + { + "company": doc.company, + "report_date": doc.to_date, + "ageing_based_on": doc.ageing_based_on, + "range1": 30, + "range2": 60, + "range3": 90, + "range4": 120, + "customer": entry.customer, + } + ) + col1, ageing = get_ageing(ageing_filters) + + if ageing: + ageing[0]["ageing_based_on"] = doc.ageing_based_on + + return ageing + + +def get_common_filters(doc): + return frappe._dict( + { + "company": doc.company, + "finance_book": doc.finance_book if doc.finance_book else None, + "account": [doc.account] if doc.account else None, + "cost_center": [cc.cost_center_name for cc in doc.cost_center], + } + ) + + +def get_gl_filters(doc, entry, tax_id, presentation_currency): + return { + "from_date": doc.from_date, + "to_date": doc.to_date, + "party_type": "Customer", + "party": [entry.customer], + "party_name": [entry.customer_name] if entry.customer_name else None, + "presentation_currency": presentation_currency, + "group_by": doc.group_by, + "currency": doc.currency, + "project": [p.project_name for p in doc.project], + "show_opening_entries": 0, + "include_default_book_entries": 0, + "tax_id": tax_id if tax_id else None, + "show_net_values_in_party_account": doc.show_net_values_in_party_account, + } + + +def get_ar_filters(doc, entry): + return { + "report_date": doc.posting_date if doc.posting_date else None, + "customer_name": entry.customer, + "payment_terms_template": doc.payment_terms_template if doc.payment_terms_template else None, + "sales_partner": doc.sales_partner if doc.sales_partner else None, + "sales_person": doc.sales_person if doc.sales_person else None, + "territory": doc.territory if doc.territory else None, + "based_on_payment_terms": doc.based_on_payment_terms, + "report_name": "Accounts Receivable", + "ageing_based_on": doc.ageing_based_on, + "range1": 30, + "range2": 60, + "range3": 90, + "range4": 120, + } + + +def get_html(doc, filters, entry, col, res, ageing): + base_template_path = "frappe/www/printview.html" + template_path = ( + "erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html" + if doc.report == "General Ledger" + else "erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts_accounts_receivable.html" + ) + + if doc.letter_head: + from frappe.www.printview import get_letter_head + + letter_head = get_letter_head(doc, 0) + + html = frappe.render_template( + template_path, + { + "filters": filters, + "data": res, + "report": {"report_name": doc.report, "columns": col}, + "ageing": ageing[0] if (doc.include_ageing and ageing) else None, + "letter_head": letter_head if doc.letter_head else None, + "terms_and_conditions": frappe.db.get_value( + "Terms and Conditions", doc.terms_and_conditions, "terms" + ) + if doc.terms_and_conditions + else None, + }, + ) + + html = frappe.render_template( + base_template_path, + {"body": html, "css": get_print_style(), "title": "Statement For " + entry.customer}, + ) + return html + + def get_customers_based_on_territory_or_customer_group(customer_collection, collection_name): fields_dict = { "Customer Group": "customer_group", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts_accounts_receivable.html b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts_accounts_receivable.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07e1896292 --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts_accounts_receivable.html @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ + + +

{{ _(report.report_name) }}


+ {% if (filters.customer_name) %} + {{ filters.customer_name }} + {% else %} + {{ filters.customer ~ filters.supplier }} + {% endif %} +

+ {% if (filters.tax_id) %} + {{ _("Tax Id: ") }}{{ filters.tax_id }} + {% endif %} +
+ {{ _(filters.ageing_based_on) }} + {{ _("Until") }} + {{ frappe.format(filters.report_date, 'Date') }} +
+ +
+ {% if(filters.payment_terms) %} + {{ _("Payment Terms") }}: {{ filters.payment_terms }} + {% endif %} +
+ {% if(filters.credit_limit) %} + {{ _("Credit Limit") }}: {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(filters.credit_limit) }} + {% endif %} +
+ + {% if(filters.show_future_payments) %} + {% set balance_row = data.slice(-1).pop() %} + {% for i in report.columns %} + {% if i.fieldname == 'age' %} + {% set elem = i %} + {% endif %} + {% endfor %} + {% set start = report.columns.findIndex(elem) %} + {% set range1 = report.columns[start].label %} + {% set range2 = report.columns[start+1].label %} + {% set range3 = report.columns[start+2].label %} + {% set range4 = report.columns[start+3].label %} + {% set range5 = report.columns[start+4].label %} + {% set range6 = report.columns[start+5].label %} + + {% if(balance_row) %} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Amount in {{ data[0]["currency"] ~ "" }})
{{ _(" ") }}{{ _(range1) }}{{ _(range2) }}{{ _(range3) }}{{ _(range4) }}{{ _(range5) }}{{ _(range6) }}{{ _("Total") }}
{{ _("Total Outstanding") }} + {{ format_number(balance_row["age"], null, 2) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(balance_row["range1"], data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(balance_row["range2"], data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(balance_row["range3"], data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(balance_row["range4"], data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(balance_row["range5"], data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} + + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(flt(balance_row["outstanding"]), data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} +
{{ _("Future Payments") }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(flt(balance_row[("future_amount")]), data[data.length-1]["currency"]) }} +
+ {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + + + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" or report.report_name == "Accounts Payable") %} + + + + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" and filters.show_sales_person) %} + + + {% else %} + + {% endif %} + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + + {% endif %} + + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + + + {% endif %} + + {% if(filters.show_future_payments) %} + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable") %} + + {% endif %} + + + + {% endif %} + {% else %} + + + + + + {% endif %} + + + + {% for i in range(data|length) %} + + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" or report.report_name == "Accounts Payable") %} + {% if(data[i]["party"]) %} + + + + + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" and filters.show_sales_person) %} + + {% endif %} + + {% if not (filters.show_future_payments) %} + + {% endif %} + + + + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + + + {% endif %} + + + {% if(filters.show_future_payments) %} + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable") %} + + {% endif %} + + + + {% endif %} + {% else %} + + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + + {% endif %} + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" and filters.show_sales_person) %} + + {% endif %} + + + + + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + + + {% endif %} + + + {% if(filters.show_future_payments) %} + {% if(report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable") %} + + {% endif %} + + + + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% if(data[i]["party"] or " ") %} + {% if not(data[i]["is_total_row"]) %} + + {% else %} + + {% endif %} + + + + + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% endfor %} + + + + + + + + + +
{{ _("Date") }}{{ _("Age (Days)") }}{{ _("Reference") }}{{ _("Sales Person") }}{{ _("Reference") }} + {% if (filters.customer or filters.supplier or filters.customer_name) %} + {{ _("Remarks") }} + {% else %} + {{ _("Party") }} + {% endif %} + {{ _("Invoiced Amount") }}{{ _("Paid Amount") }} + {% if report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable" %} + {{ _('Credit Note') }} + {% else %} + {{ _('Debit Note') }} + {% endif %} + {{ _("Outstanding Amount") }}{{ _("Customer LPO No.") }}{{ _("Future Payment Ref") }}{{ _("Future Payment Amount") }}{{ _("Remaining Balance") }} + {% if (filters.customer or filters.supplier or filters.customer_name) %} + {{ _("Remarks")}} + {% else %} + {{ _("Party") }} + {% endif %} + {{ _("Total Invoiced Amount") }}{{ _("Total Paid Amount") }} + {% if report.report_name == "Accounts Receivable Summary" %} + {{ _('Credit Note Amount') }} + {% else %} + {{ _('Debit Note Amount') }} + {% endif %} + {{ _("Total Outstanding Amount") }}
{{ (data[i]["posting_date"]) }}{{ data[i]["age"] }} + {% if not(filters.show_future_payments) %} + {{ data[i]["voucher_type"] }} +
+ {% endif %} + {{ data[i]["voucher_no"] }} +
{{ data[i]["sales_person"] }} + {% if(not(filters.customer or filters.supplier or filters.customer_name)) %} + {{ data[i]["party"] }} + {% if(data[i]["customer_name"] and data[i]["customer_name"] != data[i]["party"]) %} +
{{ data[i]["customer_name"] }} + {% elif(data[i]["supplier_name"] != data[i]["party"]) %} +
{{ data[i]["supplier_name"] }} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} +
+ {% if data[i]["remarks"] %} + {{ _("Remarks") }}: + {{ data[i]["remarks"] }} + {% endif %} +
+ {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["invoiced"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["paid"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["credit_note"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["outstanding"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ data[i]["po_no"] }}{{ data[i]["future_ref"] }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["future_amount"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["remaining_balance"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ _("Total") }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["invoiced"], data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["paid"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["credit_note"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["outstanding"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {{ data[i]["po_no"] }}{{ data[i]["future_ref"] }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["future_amount"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["remaining_balance"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }} + {% if(not(filters.customer | filters.supplier)) %} + {{ data[i]["party"] }} + {% if(data[i]["customer_name"] and data[i]["customer_name"] != data[i]["party"]) %} +
{{ data[i]["customer_name"] }} + {% elif(data[i]["supplier_name"] != data[i]["party"]) %} +
{{ data[i]["supplier_name"] }} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} +
{{ _("Remarks") }}: + {{ data[i]["remarks"] }} +
{{ _("Total") }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["invoiced"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["paid"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["credit_note"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data[i]["outstanding"], currency=data[i]["currency"]) }}
{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data|sum(attribute="invoiced"), currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data|sum(attribute="paid"), currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data|sum(attribute="credit_note"), currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(data|sum(attribute="outstanding"), currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}
+ {% if ageing %} +

{{ _("Ageing Report based on ") }} {{ ageing.ageing_based_on }} + {{ _("up to " ) }} {{ frappe.format(filters.report_date, 'Date')}} +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
30 Days60 Days90 Days120 Days
{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(ageing.range1, currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(ageing.range2, currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(ageing.range3, currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(ageing.range4, currency=data[0]["currency"]) }}
+ {% endif %} +

{{ _("Printed On ") }}{{ frappe.utils.now() }}

diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js index ab7884d520..6a558ca606 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js @@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ erpnext.accounts.PurchaseInvoice = class PurchaseInvoice extends erpnext.buying. hide_fields(this.frm.doc); // Show / Hide button this.show_general_ledger(); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_accounting_ledger_preview(this.frm); - if(doc.update_stock==1 && doc.docstatus==1) { + if(doc.update_stock==1) { this.show_stock_ledger(); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_stock_ledger_preview(this.frm); } if(!doc.is_return && doc.docstatus == 1 && doc.outstanding_amount != 0){ diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js index 6b0c2ee76f..053b1a324c 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js @@ -88,8 +88,12 @@ erpnext.accounts.SalesInvoiceController = class SalesInvoiceController extends e } this.show_general_ledger(); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_accounting_ledger_preview(this.frm); - if(doc.update_stock) this.show_stock_ledger(); + if(doc.update_stock){ + this.show_stock_ledger(); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_stock_ledger_preview(this.frm); + } if (doc.docstatus == 1 && doc.outstanding_amount!=0 && !(cint(doc.is_return) && doc.return_against)) { diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json index 7b68dd41d9..f0d3f72094 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ }, { "default": "0", + "depends_on": "eval: !doc.is_debit_note", "fieldname": "is_return", "fieldtype": "Check", "hide_days": 1, @@ -1960,6 +1961,7 @@ }, { "default": "0", + "depends_on": "eval: !doc.is_return", "description": "Issue a debit note with 0 qty against an existing Sales Invoice", "fieldname": "is_debit_note", "fieldtype": "Check", @@ -2155,7 +2157,7 @@ "link_fieldname": "consolidated_invoice" } ], - "modified": "2023-06-03 16:22:16.219333", + "modified": "2023-06-21 16:02:18.988799", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Sales Invoice", diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/shareholder/shareholder.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/shareholder/shareholder.json index e94aea94b7..e80b05720e 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/shareholder/shareholder.json +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/shareholder/shareholder.json @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ { + "actions": [], "autoname": "naming_series:", "creation": "2017-12-25 16:50:53.878430", "doctype": "DocType", @@ -111,11 +112,12 @@ "read_only": 1 } ], - "modified": "2019-11-17 23:24:11.395882", + "links": [], + "modified": "2023-04-10 22:02:20.406087", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Shareholder", - "name_case": "Title Case", + "naming_rule": "By \"Naming Series\" field", "owner": "Administrator", "permissions": [ { @@ -158,6 +160,7 @@ "search_fields": "folio_no", "sort_field": "modified", "sort_order": "DESC", + "states": [], "title_field": "title", "track_changes": 1 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/tax_withholding_category.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/tax_withholding_category.py index c2b7ff0f35..58792d1d8a 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/tax_withholding_category.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/tax_withholding_category.py @@ -585,7 +585,9 @@ def get_tds_amount_from_ldc(ldc, parties, tax_details, posting_date, net_total): "supplier": ("in", parties), "apply_tds": 1, "docstatus": 1, + "tax_withholding_category": ldc.tax_withholding_category, "posting_date": ("between", (ldc.valid_from, ldc.valid_upto)), + "company": ldc.company, }, "sum(tax_withholding_net_total)", ) @@ -615,7 +617,7 @@ def is_valid_certificate( ): valid = False - available_amount = flt(certificate_limit) - flt(deducted_amount) - flt(current_amount) + available_amount = flt(certificate_limit) - flt(deducted_amount) if (getdate(valid_from) <= getdate(posting_date) <= getdate(valid_upto)) and available_amount > 0: valid = True diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.html b/erpnext/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.html index f2bf9424f7..ed3b991559 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.html +++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.html @@ -284,4 +284,4 @@ {% } %} -

{{ __("Printed On ") }}{%= frappe.datetime.str_to_user(frappe.datetime.get_datetime_as_string()) %}


{{ __("Printed On ") }}{%= frappe.datetime.str_to_user(frappe.datetime.get_datetime_as_string()) %}

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_purchase_register/item_wise_purchase_register.py b/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_purchase_register/item_wise_purchase_register.py index d34c21348c..6fdb2f337c 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_purchase_register/item_wise_purchase_register.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_purchase_register/item_wise_purchase_register.py @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from erpnext.accounts.report.item_wise_sales_register.item_wise_sales_register i get_group_by_conditions, get_tax_accounts, ) -from erpnext.selling.report.item_wise_sales_history.item_wise_sales_history import get_item_details def execute(filters=None): @@ -40,6 +39,16 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum tax_doctype="Purchase Taxes and Charges", ) + scrubbed_tax_fields = {} + + for tax in tax_columns: + scrubbed_tax_fields.update( + { + tax + " Rate": frappe.scrub(tax + " Rate"), + tax + " Amount": frappe.scrub(tax + " Amount"), + } + ) + po_pr_map = get_purchase_receipts_against_purchase_order(item_list) data = [] @@ -50,11 +59,7 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum if filters.get("group_by"): grand_total = get_grand_total(filters, "Purchase Invoice") - item_details = get_item_details() - for d in item_list: - item_record = item_details.get(d.item_code) - purchase_receipt = None if d.purchase_receipt: purchase_receipt = d.purchase_receipt @@ -67,8 +72,8 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum row = { "item_code": d.item_code, - "item_name": item_record.item_name if item_record else d.item_name, - "item_group": item_record.item_group if item_record else d.item_group, + "item_name": d.pi_item_name if d.pi_item_name else d.i_item_name, + "item_group": d.pi_item_group if d.pi_item_group else d.i_item_group, "description": d.description, "invoice": d.parent, "posting_date": d.posting_date, @@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum "project": d.project, "company": d.company, "purchase_order": d.purchase_order, - "purchase_receipt": d.purchase_receipt, + "purchase_receipt": purchase_receipt, "expense_account": expense_account, "stock_qty": d.stock_qty, "stock_uom": d.stock_uom, @@ -101,8 +106,8 @@ def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_colum item_tax = itemised_tax.get(d.name, {}).get(tax, {}) row.update( { - frappe.scrub(tax + " Rate"): item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), - frappe.scrub(tax + " Amount"): item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0), + scrubbed_tax_fields[tax + " Rate"]: item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), + scrubbed_tax_fields[tax + " Amount"]: item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0), } ) total_tax += flt(item_tax.get("tax_amount")) @@ -241,7 +246,7 @@ def get_columns(additional_table_columns, filters): }, { "label": _("Purchase Receipt"), - "fieldname": "Purchase Receipt", + "fieldname": "purchase_receipt", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Purchase Receipt", "width": 100, @@ -325,15 +330,17 @@ def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns): `tabPurchase Invoice`.supplier, `tabPurchase Invoice`.remarks, `tabPurchase Invoice`.base_net_total, `tabPurchase Invoice`.unrealized_profit_loss_account, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_code`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.description, - `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_name`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_group`, + `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_name` as pi_item_name, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_group` as pi_item_group, + `tabItem`.`item_name` as i_item_name, `tabItem`.`item_group` as i_item_group, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`project`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`purchase_order`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`purchase_receipt`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`po_detail`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`expense_account`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`stock_qty`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`stock_uom`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`base_net_amount`, `tabPurchase Invoice`.`supplier_name`, `tabPurchase Invoice`.`mode_of_payment` {0} - from `tabPurchase Invoice`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item` + from `tabPurchase Invoice`, `tabPurchase Invoice Item`, `tabItem` where `tabPurchase Invoice`.name = `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`parent` and - `tabPurchase Invoice`.docstatus = 1 %s + `tabItem`.name = `tabPurchase Invoice Item`.`item_code` and + `tabPurchase Invoice`.docstatus = 1 %s """.format( additional_query_columns ) diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_sales_register/item_wise_sales_register.py b/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_sales_register/item_wise_sales_register.py index 0ebe13f4f3..bd7d02e043 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_sales_register/item_wise_sales_register.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/item_wise_sales_register/item_wise_sales_register.py @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import handle_html from erpnext.accounts.report.sales_register.sales_register import get_mode_of_payments from erpnext.selling.report.item_wise_sales_history.item_wise_sales_history import ( get_customer_details, - get_item_details, ) @@ -35,6 +34,16 @@ def _execute( if item_list: itemised_tax, tax_columns = get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency) + scrubbed_tax_fields = {} + + for tax in tax_columns: + scrubbed_tax_fields.update( + { + tax + " Rate": frappe.scrub(tax + " Rate"), + tax + " Amount": frappe.scrub(tax + " Amount"), + } + ) + mode_of_payments = get_mode_of_payments(set(d.parent for d in item_list)) so_dn_map = get_delivery_notes_against_sales_order(item_list) @@ -47,11 +56,9 @@ def _execute( grand_total = get_grand_total(filters, "Sales Invoice") customer_details = get_customer_details() - item_details = get_item_details() for d in item_list: customer_record = customer_details.get(d.customer) - item_record = item_details.get(d.item_code) delivery_note = None if d.delivery_note: @@ -64,8 +71,8 @@ def _execute( row = { "item_code": d.item_code, - "item_name": item_record.item_name if item_record else d.item_name, - "item_group": item_record.item_group if item_record else d.item_group, + "item_name": d.si_item_name if d.si_item_name else d.i_item_name, + "item_group": d.si_item_group if d.si_item_group else d.i_item_group, "description": d.description, "invoice": d.parent, "posting_date": d.posting_date, @@ -107,8 +114,8 @@ def _execute( item_tax = itemised_tax.get(d.name, {}).get(tax, {}) row.update( { - frappe.scrub(tax + " Rate"): item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), - frappe.scrub(tax + " Amount"): item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0), + scrubbed_tax_fields[tax + " Rate"]: item_tax.get("tax_rate", 0), + scrubbed_tax_fields[tax + " Amount"]: item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0), } ) if item_tax.get("is_other_charges"): @@ -404,15 +411,18 @@ def get_items(filters, additional_query_columns, additional_conditions=None): `tabSales Invoice Item`.project, `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_code, `tabSales Invoice Item`.description, `tabSales Invoice Item`.`item_name`, `tabSales Invoice Item`.`item_group`, + `tabSales Invoice Item`.`item_name` as si_item_name, `tabSales Invoice Item`.`item_group` as si_item_group, + `tabItem`.`item_name` as i_item_name, `tabItem`.`item_group` as i_item_group, `tabSales Invoice Item`.sales_order, `tabSales Invoice Item`.delivery_note, `tabSales Invoice Item`.income_account, `tabSales Invoice Item`.cost_center, `tabSales Invoice Item`.stock_qty, `tabSales Invoice Item`.stock_uom, `tabSales Invoice Item`.base_net_rate, `tabSales Invoice Item`.base_net_amount, `tabSales Invoice`.customer_name, `tabSales Invoice`.customer_group, `tabSales Invoice Item`.so_detail, `tabSales Invoice`.update_stock, `tabSales Invoice Item`.uom, `tabSales Invoice Item`.qty {0} - from `tabSales Invoice`, `tabSales Invoice Item` - where `tabSales Invoice`.name = `tabSales Invoice Item`.parent - and `tabSales Invoice`.docstatus = 1 {1} + from `tabSales Invoice`, `tabSales Invoice Item`, `tabItem` + where `tabSales Invoice`.name = `tabSales Invoice Item`.parent and + `tabItem`.name = `tabSales Invoice Item`.`item_code` and + `tabSales Invoice`.docstatus = 1 {1} """.format( additional_query_columns or "", conditions ), diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py index 0ee06e8239..a5cb324762 100644 --- a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py +++ b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py @@ -237,11 +237,6 @@ def get_balance_on( if not (frappe.flags.ignore_account_permission or ignore_account_permission): acc.check_permission("read") - if report_type == "Profit and Loss": - # for pl accounts, get balance within a fiscal year - cond.append( - "posting_date >= '%s' and voucher_type != 'Period Closing Voucher'" % year_start_date - ) # different filter for group and ledger - improved performance if acc.is_group: cond.append( diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset/depreciation.py b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset/depreciation.py index bfef57e494..259568a24b 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset/depreciation.py +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset/depreciation.py @@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ def make_depreciation_entry(asset_depr_schedule_name, date=None): je.flags.ignore_permissions = True je.flags.planned_depr_entry = True je.save() - if not je.meta.get_workflow(): - je.submit() d.db_set("journal_entry", je.name) - idx = cint(asset_depr_schedule_doc.finance_book_id) - row = asset.get("finance_books")[idx - 1] - row.value_after_depreciation -= d.depreciation_amount - row.db_update() + if not je.meta.get_workflow(): + je.submit() + idx = cint(asset_depr_schedule_doc.finance_book_id) + row = asset.get("finance_books")[idx - 1] + row.value_after_depreciation -= d.depreciation_amount + row.db_update() asset.db_set("depr_entry_posting_status", "Successful") diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.js b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.js index 96f4438ef7..6d55d7772b 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.js +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.js @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ erpnext.assets.AssetCapitalization = class AssetCapitalization extends erpnext.s } refresh() { - erpnext.hide_company(); this.show_general_ledger(); if ((this.frm.doc.stock_items && this.frm.doc.stock_items.length) || !this.frm.doc.target_is_fixed_asset) { this.show_stock_ledger(); @@ -112,16 +111,23 @@ erpnext.assets.AssetCapitalization = class AssetCapitalization extends erpnext.s } }; }); + + let sbb_field = me.frm.get_docfield('stock_items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'warehouse': row.doc.warehouse, + 'voucher_type': me.frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } } target_item_code() { return this.get_target_item_details(); } - target_asset() { - return this.get_target_asset_details(); - } - item_code(doc, cdt, cdn) { var row = frappe.get_doc(cdt, cdn); if (cdt === "Asset Capitalization Stock Item") { @@ -236,26 +242,6 @@ erpnext.assets.AssetCapitalization = class AssetCapitalization extends erpnext.s } } - get_target_asset_details() { - var me = this; - - if (me.frm.doc.target_asset) { - return me.frm.call({ - method: "erpnext.assets.doctype.asset_capitalization.asset_capitalization.get_target_asset_details", - child: me.frm.doc, - args: { - asset: me.frm.doc.target_asset, - company: me.frm.doc.company, - }, - callback: function (r) { - if (!r.exc) { - me.frm.refresh_fields(); - } - } - }); - } - } - get_consumed_stock_item_details(row) { var me = this; diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.json b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.json index 01b35f64ab..04b0c4e513 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.json +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.json @@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ "naming_series", "entry_type", "target_item_code", + "target_asset", "target_item_name", "target_is_fixed_asset", "target_has_batch_no", "target_has_serial_no", "column_break_9", - "target_asset", "target_asset_name", + "target_asset_location", "target_warehouse", "target_qty", "target_stock_uom", @@ -85,14 +86,13 @@ "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'", "fieldname": "target_asset", "fieldtype": "Link", "in_standard_filter": 1, "label": "Target Asset", - "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'", "no_copy": 1, - "options": "Asset" + "options": "Asset", + "read_only": 1 }, { "depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'", @@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { - "fetch_from": "asset.company", "fieldname": "company", "fieldtype": "Link", "label": "Company", "options": "Company", + "remember_last_selected_value": 1, "reqd": 1 }, { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ "read_only": 1 }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus == 0 || (doc.stock_items && doc.stock_items.length)", + "depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization' && (doc.docstatus == 0 || (doc.stock_items && doc.stock_items.length))", "fieldname": "section_break_16", "fieldtype": "Section Break", "label": "Consumed Stock Items" @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ "fieldname": "target_qty", "fieldtype": "Float", "label": "Target Qty", - "read_only_depends_on": "target_is_fixed_asset" + "read_only_depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'" }, { "fetch_from": "target_item_code.stock_uom", @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus == 0 || (doc.asset_items && doc.asset_items.length)", "fieldname": "section_break_26", "fieldtype": "Section Break", - "label": "Consumed Asset Items" + "label": "Consumed Assets" }, { "fieldname": "asset_items", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "options": "Finance Book" }, { - "depends_on": "eval:doc.docstatus == 0 || (doc.service_items && doc.service_items.length)", + "depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization' && (doc.docstatus == 0 || (doc.service_items && doc.service_items.length))", "fieldname": "service_expenses_section", "fieldtype": "Section Break", "label": "Service Expenses" @@ -329,12 +329,20 @@ "label": "Target Fixed Asset Account", "options": "Account", "read_only": 1 + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'", + "fieldname": "target_asset_location", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "label": "Target Asset Location", + "mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.entry_type=='Capitalization'", + "options": "Location" } ], "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2022-10-12 15:09:40.771332", + "modified": "2023-06-22 14:17:07.995120", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Assets", "name": "Asset Capitalization", diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.py b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.py index 6841c56b10..a883bec71b 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.py +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/asset_capitalization.py @@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.depreciation import ( reverse_depreciation_entry_made_after_disposal, ) from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset_category.asset_category import get_asset_category_account -from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset_depreciation_schedule.asset_depreciation_schedule import ( - make_new_active_asset_depr_schedules_and_cancel_current_ones, -) from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import StockController from erpnext.setup.doctype.brand.brand import get_brand_defaults from erpnext.setup.doctype.item_group.item_group import get_item_group_defaults @@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ force_fields = [ "target_has_batch_no", "target_stock_uom", "stock_uom", - "target_fixed_asset_account", "fixed_asset_account", "valuation_rate", ] @@ -56,7 +52,6 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): self.validate_posting_time() self.set_missing_values(for_validate=True) self.validate_target_item() - self.validate_target_asset() self.validate_consumed_stock_item() self.validate_consumed_asset_item() self.validate_service_item() @@ -71,11 +66,12 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): def before_submit(self): self.validate_source_mandatory() + if self.entry_type == "Capitalization": + self.create_target_asset() def on_submit(self): self.update_stock_ledger() self.make_gl_entries() - self.update_target_asset() def on_cancel(self): self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ( @@ -86,7 +82,7 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): ) self.update_stock_ledger() self.make_gl_entries() - self.update_target_asset() + self.restore_consumed_asset_items() def set_title(self): self.title = self.target_asset_name or self.target_item_name or self.target_item_code @@ -97,15 +93,6 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): if self.meta.has_field(k) and (not self.get(k) or k in force_fields): self.set(k, v) - # Remove asset if item not a fixed asset - if not self.target_is_fixed_asset: - self.target_asset = None - - target_asset_details = get_target_asset_details(self.target_asset, self.company) - for k, v in target_asset_details.items(): - if self.meta.has_field(k) and (not self.get(k) or k in force_fields): - self.set(k, v) - for d in self.stock_items: args = self.as_dict() args.update(d.as_dict()) @@ -157,9 +144,6 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): if not target_item.is_stock_item: self.target_warehouse = None - if not target_item.is_fixed_asset: - self.target_asset = None - self.target_fixed_asset_account = None if not target_item.has_batch_no: self.target_batch_no = None if not target_item.has_serial_no: @@ -170,17 +154,6 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): self.validate_item(target_item) - def validate_target_asset(self): - if self.target_asset: - target_asset = self.get_asset_for_validation(self.target_asset) - - if target_asset.item_code != self.target_item_code: - frappe.throw( - _("Asset {0} does not belong to Item {1}").format(self.target_asset, self.target_item_code) - ) - - self.validate_asset(target_asset) - def validate_consumed_stock_item(self): for d in self.stock_items: if d.item_code: @@ -386,7 +359,11 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): gl_entries, target_account, target_against, precision ) + if not self.stock_items and not self.service_items and self.are_all_asset_items_non_depreciable: + return [] + self.get_gl_entries_for_target_item(gl_entries, target_against, precision) + return gl_entries def get_target_account(self): @@ -429,11 +406,14 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): def get_gl_entries_for_consumed_asset_items( self, gl_entries, target_account, target_against, precision ): + self.are_all_asset_items_non_depreciable = True + # Consumed Assets for item in self.asset_items: - asset = self.get_asset(item) + asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", item.asset) if asset.calculate_depreciation: + self.are_all_asset_items_non_depreciable = False notes = _( "This schedule was created when Asset {0} was consumed through Asset Capitalization {1}." ).format( @@ -519,40 +499,46 @@ class AssetCapitalization(StockController): ) ) - def update_target_asset(self): + def create_target_asset(self): total_target_asset_value = flt(self.total_value, self.precision("total_value")) - if self.docstatus == 1 and self.entry_type == "Capitalization": - asset_doc = frappe.get_doc("Asset", self.target_asset) - asset_doc.purchase_date = self.posting_date - asset_doc.gross_purchase_amount = total_target_asset_value - asset_doc.purchase_receipt_amount = total_target_asset_value - notes = _( - "This schedule was created when target Asset {0} was updated through Asset Capitalization {1}." - ).format( - get_link_to_form(asset_doc.doctype, asset_doc.name), get_link_to_form(self.doctype, self.name) - ) - make_new_active_asset_depr_schedules_and_cancel_current_ones(asset_doc, notes) - asset_doc.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True - asset_doc.save() - elif self.docstatus == 2: - for item in self.asset_items: - asset = self.get_asset(item) - asset.db_set("disposal_date", None) - self.set_consumed_asset_status(asset) + asset_doc = frappe.new_doc("Asset") + asset_doc.company = self.company + asset_doc.item_code = self.target_item_code + asset_doc.is_existing_asset = 1 + asset_doc.location = self.target_asset_location + asset_doc.available_for_use_date = self.posting_date + asset_doc.purchase_date = self.posting_date + asset_doc.gross_purchase_amount = total_target_asset_value + asset_doc.purchase_receipt_amount = total_target_asset_value + asset_doc.flags.ignore_validate = True + asset_doc.insert() - if asset.calculate_depreciation: - reverse_depreciation_entry_made_after_disposal(asset, self.posting_date) - notes = _( - "This schedule was created when Asset {0} was restored on Asset Capitalization {1}'s cancellation." - ).format( - get_link_to_form(asset.doctype, asset.name), get_link_to_form(self.doctype, self.name) - ) - reset_depreciation_schedule(asset, self.posting_date, notes) + self.target_asset = asset_doc.name - def get_asset(self, item): - asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", item.asset) - self.check_finance_books(item, asset) - return asset + self.target_fixed_asset_account = get_asset_category_account( + "fixed_asset_account", item=self.target_item_code, company=asset_doc.company + ) + + frappe.msgprint( + _( + "Asset {0} has been created. Please set the depreciation details if any and submit it." + ).format(get_link_to_form("Asset", asset_doc.name)) + ) + + def restore_consumed_asset_items(self): + for item in self.asset_items: + asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", item.asset) + asset.db_set("disposal_date", None) + self.set_consumed_asset_status(asset) + + if asset.calculate_depreciation: + reverse_depreciation_entry_made_after_disposal(asset, self.posting_date) + notes = _( + "This schedule was created when Asset {0} was restored on Asset Capitalization {1}'s cancellation." + ).format( + get_link_to_form(asset.doctype, asset.name), get_link_to_form(self.doctype, self.name) + ) + reset_depreciation_schedule(asset, self.posting_date, notes) def set_consumed_asset_status(self, asset): if self.docstatus == 1: @@ -602,33 +588,6 @@ def get_target_item_details(item_code=None, company=None): return out -@frappe.whitelist() -def get_target_asset_details(asset=None, company=None): - out = frappe._dict() - - # Get Asset Details - asset_details = frappe._dict() - if asset: - asset_details = frappe.db.get_value("Asset", asset, ["asset_name", "item_code"], as_dict=1) - if not asset_details: - frappe.throw(_("Asset {0} does not exist").format(asset)) - - # Re-set item code from Asset - out.target_item_code = asset_details.item_code - - # Set Asset Details - out.asset_name = asset_details.asset_name - - if asset_details.item_code: - out.target_fixed_asset_account = get_asset_category_account( - "fixed_asset_account", item=asset_details.item_code, company=company - ) - else: - out.target_fixed_asset_account = None - - return out - - @frappe.whitelist() def get_consumed_stock_item_details(args): if isinstance(args, str): diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/test_asset_capitalization.py b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/test_asset_capitalization.py index 5345d0e7f2..6e0a6856f5 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/test_asset_capitalization.py +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_capitalization/test_asset_capitalization.py @@ -47,13 +47,6 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): total_amount = 103000 - # Create assets - target_asset = create_asset( - asset_name="Asset Capitalization Target Asset", - submit=1, - warehouse="Stores - TCP1", - company=company, - ) consumed_asset = create_asset( asset_name="Asset Capitalization Consumable Asset", asset_value=consumed_asset_value, @@ -65,7 +58,8 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): # Create and submit Asset Captitalization asset_capitalization = create_asset_capitalization( entry_type="Capitalization", - target_asset=target_asset.name, + target_item_code="Macbook Pro", + target_asset_location="Test Location", stock_qty=stock_qty, stock_rate=stock_rate, consumed_asset=consumed_asset.name, @@ -94,7 +88,7 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): self.assertEqual(asset_capitalization.target_incoming_rate, total_amount) # Test Target Asset values - target_asset.reload() + target_asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", asset_capitalization.target_asset) self.assertEqual(target_asset.gross_purchase_amount, total_amount) self.assertEqual(target_asset.purchase_receipt_amount, total_amount) @@ -142,13 +136,6 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): total_amount = 103000 - # Create assets - target_asset = create_asset( - asset_name="Asset Capitalization Target Asset", - submit=1, - warehouse="Stores - _TC", - company=company, - ) consumed_asset = create_asset( asset_name="Asset Capitalization Consumable Asset", asset_value=consumed_asset_value, @@ -160,7 +147,8 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): # Create and submit Asset Captitalization asset_capitalization = create_asset_capitalization( entry_type="Capitalization", - target_asset=target_asset.name, + target_item_code="Macbook Pro", + target_asset_location="Test Location", stock_qty=stock_qty, stock_rate=stock_rate, consumed_asset=consumed_asset.name, @@ -189,7 +177,7 @@ class TestAssetCapitalization(unittest.TestCase): self.assertEqual(asset_capitalization.target_incoming_rate, total_amount) # Test Target Asset values - target_asset.reload() + target_asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", asset_capitalization.target_asset) self.assertEqual(target_asset.gross_purchase_amount, total_amount) self.assertEqual(target_asset.purchase_receipt_amount, total_amount) @@ -364,6 +352,7 @@ def create_asset_capitalization(**args): "posting_time": args.posting_time or now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"), "target_item_code": target_item_code, "target_asset": target_asset.name, + "target_asset_location": "Test Location", "target_warehouse": target_warehouse, "target_qty": flt(args.target_qty) or 1, "target_batch_no": args.target_batch_no, diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_maintenance/asset_maintenance.py b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_maintenance/asset_maintenance.py index 83031415ec..641d35fa04 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_maintenance/asset_maintenance.py +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_maintenance/asset_maintenance.py @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ class AssetMaintenance(Document): maintenance_log.db_set("maintenance_status", "Cancelled") -@frappe.whitelist() def assign_tasks(asset_maintenance_name, assign_to_member, maintenance_task, next_due_date): team_member = frappe.db.get_value("User", assign_to_member, "email") args = { diff --git a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_repair/asset_repair.js b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_repair/asset_repair.js index b2ab82cbfb..dae993a283 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_repair/asset_repair.js +++ b/erpnext/assets/doctype/asset_repair/asset_repair.js @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Asset Repair', { } } }); + + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('stock_items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } }, refresh: function(frm) { diff --git a/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.js b/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.js index 4f7b836107..b788a32d6a 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.js +++ b/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.js @@ -19,56 +19,6 @@ frappe.query_reports["Fixed Asset Register"] = { options: "\nIn Location\nDisposed", default: 'In Location' }, - { - "fieldname":"filter_based_on", - "label": __("Period Based On"), - "fieldtype": "Select", - "options": ["Fiscal Year", "Date Range"], - "default": "Fiscal Year", - "reqd": 1 - }, - { - "fieldname":"from_date", - "label": __("Start Date"), - "fieldtype": "Date", - "default": frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.nowdate(), -12), - "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Date Range'", - "reqd": 1 - }, - { - "fieldname":"to_date", - "label": __("End Date"), - "fieldtype": "Date", - "default": frappe.datetime.nowdate(), - "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Date Range'", - "reqd": 1 - }, - { - "fieldname":"from_fiscal_year", - "label": __("Start Year"), - "fieldtype": "Link", - "options": "Fiscal Year", - "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("fiscal_year"), - "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Fiscal Year'", - "reqd": 1 - }, - { - "fieldname":"to_fiscal_year", - "label": __("End Year"), - "fieldtype": "Link", - "options": "Fiscal Year", - "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("fiscal_year"), - "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Fiscal Year'", - "reqd": 1 - }, - { - "fieldname":"date_based_on", - "label": __("Date Based On"), - "fieldtype": "Select", - "options": ["Purchase Date", "Available For Use Date"], - "default": "Purchase Date", - "reqd": 1 - }, { fieldname:"asset_category", label: __("Asset Category"), @@ -89,22 +39,67 @@ frappe.query_reports["Fixed Asset Register"] = { default: "--Select a group--", reqd: 1 }, - { - fieldname:"finance_book", - label: __("Finance Book"), - fieldtype: "Link", - options: "Finance Book", - depends_on: "eval: doc.filter_by_finance_book == 1", - }, - { - fieldname:"filter_by_finance_book", - label: __("Filter by Finance Book"), - fieldtype: "Check" - }, { fieldname:"only_existing_assets", label: __("Only existing assets"), fieldtype: "Check" }, + { + fieldname:"finance_book", + label: __("Finance Book"), + fieldtype: "Link", + options: "Finance Book", + }, + { + "fieldname": "include_default_book_assets", + "label": __("Include Default Book Assets"), + "fieldtype": "Check", + "default": 1 + }, + { + "fieldname":"filter_based_on", + "label": __("Period Based On"), + "fieldtype": "Select", + "options": ["--Select a period--", "Fiscal Year", "Date Range"], + "default": "--Select a period--", + }, + { + "fieldname":"from_date", + "label": __("Start Date"), + "fieldtype": "Date", + "default": frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.nowdate(), -12), + "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Date Range'", + }, + { + "fieldname":"to_date", + "label": __("End Date"), + "fieldtype": "Date", + "default": frappe.datetime.nowdate(), + "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Date Range'", + }, + { + "fieldname":"from_fiscal_year", + "label": __("Start Year"), + "fieldtype": "Link", + "options": "Fiscal Year", + "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("fiscal_year"), + "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Fiscal Year'", + }, + { + "fieldname":"to_fiscal_year", + "label": __("End Year"), + "fieldtype": "Link", + "options": "Fiscal Year", + "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("fiscal_year"), + "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Fiscal Year'", + }, + { + "fieldname":"date_based_on", + "label": __("Date Based On"), + "fieldtype": "Select", + "options": ["Purchase Date", "Available For Use Date"], + "default": "Purchase Date", + "depends_on": "eval: doc.filter_based_on == 'Date Range' || doc.filter_based_on == 'Fiscal Year'", + }, ] }; diff --git a/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.py b/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.py index 984b3fd982..6911f94bbb 100644 --- a/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.py +++ b/erpnext/assets/report/fixed_asset_register/fixed_asset_register.py @@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ # For license information, please see license.txt +from itertools import chain + import frappe from frappe import _ -from frappe.query_builder.functions import Sum +from frappe.query_builder.functions import IfNull, Sum from frappe.utils import cstr, flt, formatdate, getdate from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import ( @@ -13,7 +15,6 @@ from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import ( validate_fiscal_year, ) from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.asset import get_asset_value_after_depreciation -from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.depreciation import get_depreciation_accounts def execute(filters=None): @@ -64,11 +65,9 @@ def get_conditions(filters): def get_data(filters): - data = [] conditions = get_conditions(filters) - depreciation_amount_map = get_finance_book_value_map(filters) pr_supplier_map = get_purchase_receipt_supplier_map() pi_supplier_map = get_purchase_invoice_supplier_map() @@ -102,20 +101,31 @@ def get_data(filters): ] assets_record = frappe.db.get_all("Asset", filters=conditions, fields=fields) - assets_linked_to_fb = None + assets_linked_to_fb = get_assets_linked_to_fb(filters) - if filters.filter_by_finance_book: - assets_linked_to_fb = frappe.db.get_all( - doctype="Asset Finance Book", - filters={"finance_book": filters.finance_book or ("is", "not set")}, - pluck="parent", - ) + company_fb = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", filters.company, "default_finance_book") + + if filters.include_default_book_assets and company_fb: + finance_book = company_fb + elif filters.finance_book: + finance_book = filters.finance_book + else: + finance_book = None + + depreciation_amount_map = get_asset_depreciation_amount_map(filters, finance_book) for asset in assets_record: - if assets_linked_to_fb and asset.asset_id not in assets_linked_to_fb: + if ( + assets_linked_to_fb + and asset.calculate_depreciation + and asset.asset_id not in assets_linked_to_fb + ): continue - asset_value = get_asset_value_after_depreciation(asset.asset_id, filters.finance_book) + asset_value = get_asset_value_after_depreciation( + asset.asset_id, finance_book + ) or get_asset_value_after_depreciation(asset.asset_id) + row = { "asset_id": asset.asset_id, "asset_name": asset.asset_name, @@ -126,7 +136,7 @@ def get_data(filters): or pi_supplier_map.get(asset.purchase_invoice), "gross_purchase_amount": asset.gross_purchase_amount, "opening_accumulated_depreciation": asset.opening_accumulated_depreciation, - "depreciated_amount": get_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, depreciation_amount_map, filters), + "depreciated_amount": get_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, depreciation_amount_map), "available_for_use_date": asset.available_for_use_date, "location": asset.location, "asset_category": asset.asset_category, @@ -140,14 +150,23 @@ def get_data(filters): def prepare_chart_data(data, filters): labels_values_map = {} - date_field = frappe.scrub(filters.date_based_on) + if filters.filter_based_on not in ("Date Range", "Fiscal Year"): + filters_filter_based_on = "Date Range" + date_field = "purchase_date" + filters_from_date = min(data, key=lambda a: a.get(date_field)).get(date_field) + filters_to_date = max(data, key=lambda a: a.get(date_field)).get(date_field) + else: + filters_filter_based_on = filters.filter_based_on + date_field = frappe.scrub(filters.date_based_on) + filters_from_date = filters.from_date + filters_to_date = filters.to_date period_list = get_period_list( filters.from_fiscal_year, filters.to_fiscal_year, - filters.from_date, - filters.to_date, - filters.filter_based_on, + filters_from_date, + filters_to_date, + filters_filter_based_on, "Monthly", company=filters.company, ignore_fiscal_year=True, @@ -184,59 +203,76 @@ def prepare_chart_data(data, filters): } -def get_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, depreciation_amount_map, filters): - if asset.calculate_depreciation: - depr_amount = depreciation_amount_map.get(asset.asset_id) or 0.0 - else: - depr_amount = get_manual_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, filters) +def get_assets_linked_to_fb(filters): + afb = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset Finance Book") - return flt(depr_amount, 2) - - -def get_finance_book_value_map(filters): - date = filters.to_date if filters.filter_based_on == "Date Range" else filters.year_end_date - - return frappe._dict( - frappe.db.sql( - """ Select - ads.asset, SUM(depreciation_amount) - FROM `tabAsset Depreciation Schedule` ads, `tabDepreciation Schedule` ds - WHERE - ds.parent = ads.name - AND ifnull(ads.finance_book, '')=%s - AND ads.docstatus=1 - AND ds.parentfield='depreciation_schedule' - AND ds.schedule_date<=%s - AND ds.journal_entry IS NOT NULL - GROUP BY ads.asset""", - (cstr(filters.finance_book or ""), date), - ) + query = frappe.qb.from_(afb).select( + afb.parent, ) + if filters.include_default_book_assets: + company_fb = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", filters.company, "default_finance_book") -def get_manual_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, filters): + if filters.finance_book and company_fb and cstr(filters.finance_book) != cstr(company_fb): + frappe.throw(_("To use a different finance book, please uncheck 'Include Default Book Assets'")) + + query = query.where( + (afb.finance_book.isin([cstr(filters.finance_book), cstr(company_fb), ""])) + | (afb.finance_book.isnull()) + ) + else: + query = query.where( + (afb.finance_book.isin([cstr(filters.finance_book), ""])) | (afb.finance_book.isnull()) + ) + + assets_linked_to_fb = list(chain(*query.run(as_list=1))) + + return assets_linked_to_fb + + +def get_depreciation_amount_of_asset(asset, depreciation_amount_map): + return depreciation_amount_map.get(asset.asset_id) or 0.0 + + +def get_asset_depreciation_amount_map(filters, finance_book): date = filters.to_date if filters.filter_based_on == "Date Range" else filters.year_end_date - (_, _, depreciation_expense_account) = get_depreciation_accounts(asset) - + asset = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset") gle = frappe.qb.DocType("GL Entry") + aca = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset Category Account") + company = frappe.qb.DocType("Company") - result = ( + query = ( frappe.qb.from_(gle) - .select(Sum(gle.debit)) - .where(gle.against_voucher == asset.asset_id) - .where(gle.account == depreciation_expense_account) + .join(asset) + .on(gle.against_voucher == asset.name) + .join(aca) + .on((aca.parent == asset.asset_category) & (aca.company_name == asset.company)) + .join(company) + .on(company.name == asset.company) + .select(asset.name.as_("asset"), Sum(gle.debit).as_("depreciation_amount")) + .where( + gle.account == IfNull(aca.depreciation_expense_account, company.depreciation_expense_account) + ) .where(gle.debit != 0) .where(gle.is_cancelled == 0) - .where(gle.posting_date <= date) - ).run() + .where(asset.docstatus == 1) + .groupby(asset.name) + ) - if result and result[0] and result[0][0]: - depr_amount = result[0][0] + if finance_book: + query = query.where( + (gle.finance_book.isin([cstr(finance_book), ""])) | (gle.finance_book.isnull()) + ) else: - depr_amount = 0 + query = query.where((gle.finance_book.isin([""])) | (gle.finance_book.isnull())) - return depr_amount + if filters.filter_based_on in ("Date Range", "Fiscal Year"): + query = query.where(gle.posting_date <= date) + + asset_depr_amount_map = query.run() + + return dict(asset_depr_amount_map) def get_purchase_receipt_supplier_map(): diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js index c6c9f1f98a..8fa8f30554 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ erpnext.buying.PurchaseOrderController = class PurchaseOrderController extends e source_name: this.frm.doc.supplier, target: this.frm, setters: { - company: me.frm.doc.company + company: this.frm.doc.company }, get_query_filters: { docstatus: ["!=", 2], diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/patches/__init__.py b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/patches/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/patches/migrate_supplier_portal_users.py b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/patches/migrate_supplier_portal_users.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5834952d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/patches/migrate_supplier_portal_users.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import os + +import frappe + +in_ci = os.environ.get("CI") + + +def execute(): + try: + contacts = get_portal_user_contacts() + add_portal_users(contacts) + except Exception: + frappe.db.rollback() + frappe.log_error("Failed to migrate portal users") + + if in_ci: # TODO: better way to handle this. + raise + + +def get_portal_user_contacts(): + contact = frappe.qb.DocType("Contact") + dynamic_link = frappe.qb.DocType("Dynamic Link") + + return ( + frappe.qb.from_(contact) + .inner_join(dynamic_link) + .on(contact.name == dynamic_link.parent) + .select( + (dynamic_link.link_doctype).as_("doctype"), + (dynamic_link.link_name).as_("parent"), + (contact.email_id).as_("portal_user"), + ) + .where( + (dynamic_link.parenttype == "Contact") + & (dynamic_link.link_doctype.isin(["Supplier", "Customer"])) + ) + ).run(as_dict=True) + + +def add_portal_users(contacts): + for contact in contacts: + user = frappe.db.get_value("User", {"email": contact.portal_user}, "name") + if not user: + continue + + roles = frappe.get_roles(user) + required_role = contact.doctype + if required_role not in roles: + continue + + portal_user_doc = frappe.new_doc("Portal User") + portal_user_doc.parenttype = contact.doctype + portal_user_doc.parentfield = "portal_users" + portal_user_doc.parent = contact.parent + portal_user_doc.user = user + portal_user_doc.insert() diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.js b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.js index 1ae6f03647..a536578b2e 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.js +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.js @@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Supplier", { } }; }); + + frm.set_query("user", "portal_users", function(doc) { + return { + filters: { + "ignore_user_type": true, + } + }; + }); }, refresh: function (frm) { diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.json b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.json index 1bf7f589e2..b3b6185e35 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.json +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.json @@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ "on_hold", "hold_type", "column_break_59", - "release_date" + "release_date", + "portal_users_tab", + "portal_users", + "column_break_1mqv" ], "fields": [ { @@ -445,6 +448,21 @@ { "fieldname": "column_break_59", "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "fieldname": "portal_users_tab", + "fieldtype": "Tab Break", + "label": "Portal Users" + }, + { + "fieldname": "portal_users", + "fieldtype": "Table", + "label": "Supplier Portal Users", + "options": "Portal User" + }, + { + "fieldname": "column_break_1mqv", + "fieldtype": "Column Break" } ], "icon": "fa fa-user", @@ -457,7 +475,7 @@ "link_fieldname": "party" } ], - "modified": "2023-02-18 11:05:50.592270", + "modified": "2023-06-26 14:20:00.961554", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Buying", "name": "Supplier", @@ -489,7 +507,6 @@ "read": 1, "report": 1, "role": "Purchase Master Manager", - "set_user_permissions": 1, "share": 1, "write": 1 }, diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.py b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.py index 01b5c8f064..31bf439dbb 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.py +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/supplier.py @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from erpnext.accounts.party import ( # noqa get_timeline_data, validate_party_accounts, ) +from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import add_role_for_portal_user from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase @@ -46,12 +47,35 @@ class Supplier(TransactionBase): self.name = set_name_from_naming_options(frappe.get_meta(self.doctype).autoname, self) def on_update(self): - if not self.naming_series: - self.naming_series = "" - self.create_primary_contact() self.create_primary_address() + def add_role_for_user(self): + for portal_user in self.portal_users: + add_role_for_portal_user(portal_user, "Supplier") + + def _add_supplier_role(self, portal_user): + if not portal_user.is_new(): + return + + user_doc = frappe.get_doc("User", portal_user.user) + roles = {r.role for r in user_doc.roles} + + if "Supplier" in roles: + return + + if "System Manager" not in frappe.get_roles(): + frappe.msgprint( + _("Please add 'Supplier' role to user {0}.").format(portal_user.user), + alert=True, + ) + return + + user_doc.add_roles("Supplier") + frappe.msgprint( + _("Added Supplier Role to User {0}.").format(frappe.bold(user_doc.name)), alert=True + ) + def validate(self): self.flags.is_new_doc = self.is_new() @@ -62,6 +86,7 @@ class Supplier(TransactionBase): validate_party_accounts(self) self.validate_internal_supplier() + self.add_role_for_user() @frappe.whitelist() def get_supplier_group_details(self): diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/test_supplier.py b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/test_supplier.py index 7a205ac20c..7be1d834a6 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/test_supplier.py +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier/test_supplier.py @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from frappe.custom.doctype.property_setter.property_setter import make_property_ from frappe.test_runner import make_test_records from erpnext.accounts.party import get_due_date +from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import get_customers_suppliers from erpnext.exceptions import PartyDisabled test_dependencies = ["Payment Term", "Payment Terms Template"] @@ -195,6 +196,9 @@ class TestSupplier(FrappeTestCase): def create_supplier(**args): args = frappe._dict(args) + if not args.supplier_name: + args.supplier_name = frappe.generate_hash() + if frappe.db.exists("Supplier", args.supplier_name): return frappe.get_doc("Supplier", args.supplier_name) @@ -209,3 +213,25 @@ def create_supplier(**args): ).insert() return doc + + +class TestSupplierPortal(FrappeTestCase): + def test_portal_user_can_access_supplier_data(self): + + supplier = create_supplier() + + user = frappe.generate_hash() + "@example.com" + frappe.new_doc( + "User", + first_name="Supplier Portal User", + email=user, + send_welcome_email=False, + ).insert() + + supplier.append("portal_users", {"user": user}) + supplier.save() + + frappe.set_user(user) + _, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers("Purchase Order", user) + + self.assertIn(supplier.name, suppliers) diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier_scorecard_period/supplier_scorecard_period.py b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier_scorecard_period/supplier_scorecard_period.py index a8b76db093..1967df2a26 100644 --- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier_scorecard_period/supplier_scorecard_period.py +++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/supplier_scorecard_period/supplier_scorecard_period.py @@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ def import_string_path(path): return mod -@frappe.whitelist() def make_supplier_scorecard(source_name, target_doc=None): def update_criteria_fields(obj, target, source_parent): target.max_score, target.formula = frappe.db.get_value( diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/print_settings.py b/erpnext/controllers/print_settings.py index c951154a9e..d86607d8db 100644 --- a/erpnext/controllers/print_settings.py +++ b/erpnext/controllers/print_settings.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ def set_print_templates_for_item_table(doc, settings): doc.child_print_templates = { "items": { "qty": "templates/print_formats/includes/item_table_qty.html", + "serial_and_batch_bundle": "templates/print_formats/includes/serial_and_batch_bundle.html", } } diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/sales_and_purchase_return.py b/erpnext/controllers/sales_and_purchase_return.py index 11cee28a57..954668055e 100644 --- a/erpnext/controllers/sales_and_purchase_return.py +++ b/erpnext/controllers/sales_and_purchase_return.py @@ -320,7 +320,9 @@ def get_returned_qty_map_for_row(return_against, party, row_name, doctype): return data[0] -def make_return_doc(doctype: str, source_name: str, target_doc=None): +def make_return_doc( + doctype: str, source_name: str, target_doc=None, return_against_rejected_qty=False +): from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc company = frappe.db.get_value("Delivery Note", source_name, "company") @@ -471,7 +473,7 @@ def make_return_doc(doctype: str, source_name: str, target_doc=None): target_doc.qty = -1 * flt(source_doc.qty - (returned_qty_map.get("qty") or 0)) - if hasattr(target_doc, "stock_qty"): + if hasattr(target_doc, "stock_qty") and not return_against_rejected_qty: target_doc.stock_qty = -1 * flt( source_doc.stock_qty - (returned_qty_map.get("stock_qty") or 0) ) @@ -490,6 +492,13 @@ def make_return_doc(doctype: str, source_name: str, target_doc=None): target_doc.rejected_warehouse = source_doc.rejected_warehouse target_doc.purchase_receipt_item = source_doc.name + if doctype == "Purchase Receipt" and return_against_rejected_qty: + target_doc.qty = -1 * flt(source_doc.rejected_qty - (returned_qty_map.get("qty") or 0)) + target_doc.rejected_qty = 0.0 + target_doc.rejected_warehouse = "" + target_doc.warehouse = source_doc.rejected_warehouse + target_doc.received_qty = target_doc.qty + elif doctype == "Purchase Invoice": returned_qty_map = get_returned_qty_map_for_row( source_parent.name, source_parent.supplier, source_doc.name, doctype @@ -660,6 +669,9 @@ def get_filters( if reference_voucher_detail_no: filters["voucher_detail_no"] = reference_voucher_detail_no + if item_row and item_row.get("warehouse"): + filters["warehouse"] = item_row.get("warehouse") + return filters diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py b/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py index cdbf6c7cdb..5137e03058 100644 --- a/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py +++ b/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py @@ -845,6 +845,149 @@ class StockController(AccountsController): gl_entries.append(self.get_gl_dict(gl_entry, item=item)) +@frappe.whitelist() +def show_accounting_ledger_preview(company, doctype, docname): + filters = {"company": company, "include_dimensions": 1} + doc = frappe.get_doc(doctype, docname) + + gl_columns, gl_data = get_accounting_ledger_preview(doc, filters) + + frappe.db.rollback() + + return {"gl_columns": gl_columns, "gl_data": gl_data} + + +@frappe.whitelist() +def show_stock_ledger_preview(company, doctype, docname): + filters = {"company": company} + doc = frappe.get_doc(doctype, docname) + + sl_columns, sl_data = get_stock_ledger_preview(doc, filters) + + frappe.db.rollback() + + return { + "sl_columns": sl_columns, + "sl_data": sl_data, + } + + +def get_accounting_ledger_preview(doc, filters): + from erpnext.accounts.report.general_ledger.general_ledger import get_columns as get_gl_columns + + gl_columns, gl_data = [], [] + fields = [ + "posting_date", + "account", + "debit", + "credit", + "against", + "party", + "party_type", + "cost_center", + "against_voucher_type", + "against_voucher", + ] + + doc.docstatus = 1 + + if doc.get("update_stock") or doc.doctype in ("Purchase Receipt", "Delivery Note"): + doc.update_stock_ledger() + + doc.make_gl_entries() + columns = get_gl_columns(filters) + gl_entries = get_gl_entries_for_preview(doc.doctype, doc.name, fields) + + gl_columns = get_columns(columns, fields) + gl_data = get_data(fields, gl_entries) + + return gl_columns, gl_data + + +def get_stock_ledger_preview(doc, filters): + from erpnext.stock.report.stock_ledger.stock_ledger import get_columns as get_sl_columns + + sl_columns, sl_data = [], [] + fields = [ + "item_code", + "stock_uom", + "actual_qty", + "qty_after_transaction", + "warehouse", + "incoming_rate", + "valuation_rate", + "stock_value", + "stock_value_difference", + ] + columns_fields = [ + "item_code", + "stock_uom", + "in_qty", + "out_qty", + "qty_after_transaction", + "warehouse", + "incoming_rate", + "in_out_rate", + "stock_value", + "stock_value_difference", + ] + + if doc.get("update_stock") or doc.doctype in ("Purchase Receipt", "Delivery Note"): + doc.docstatus = 1 + doc.update_stock_ledger() + columns = get_sl_columns(filters) + sl_entries = get_sl_entries_for_preview(doc.doctype, doc.name, fields) + + sl_columns = get_columns(columns, columns_fields) + sl_data = get_data(columns_fields, sl_entries) + + return sl_columns, sl_data + + +def get_sl_entries_for_preview(doctype, docname, fields): + sl_entries = frappe.get_all( + "Stock Ledger Entry", filters={"voucher_type": doctype, "voucher_no": docname}, fields=fields + ) + + for entry in sl_entries: + if entry.actual_qty > 0: + entry["in_qty"] = entry.actual_qty + entry["out_qty"] = 0 + else: + entry["out_qty"] = abs(entry.actual_qty) + entry["in_qty"] = 0 + + entry["in_out_rate"] = entry["valuation_rate"] + + return sl_entries + + +def get_gl_entries_for_preview(doctype, docname, fields): + return frappe.get_all( + "GL Entry", filters={"voucher_type": doctype, "voucher_no": docname}, fields=fields + ) + + +def get_columns(raw_columns, fields): + return [ + {"name": d.get("label"), "editable": False, "width": 110} + for d in raw_columns + if not d.get("hidden") and d.get("fieldname") in fields + ] + + +def get_data(raw_columns, raw_data): + datatable_data = [] + for row in raw_data: + data_row = [] + for column in raw_columns: + data_row.append(row.get(column) or "") + + datatable_data.append(data_row) + + return datatable_data + + def repost_required_for_queue(doc: StockController) -> bool: """check if stock document contains repeated item-warehouse with queue based valuation. diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/website_list_for_contact.py b/erpnext/controllers/website_list_for_contact.py index 7c3c38706d..642722ae6b 100644 --- a/erpnext/controllers/website_list_for_contact.py +++ b/erpnext/controllers/website_list_for_contact.py @@ -232,22 +232,8 @@ def get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user): has_supplier_field = meta.has_field("supplier") if has_common(["Supplier", "Customer"], frappe.get_roles(user)): - contacts = frappe.db.sql( - """ - select - `tabContact`.email_id, - `tabDynamic Link`.link_doctype, - `tabDynamic Link`.link_name - from - `tabContact`, `tabDynamic Link` - where - `tabContact`.name=`tabDynamic Link`.parent and `tabContact`.email_id =%s - """, - user, - as_dict=1, - ) - customers = [c.link_name for c in contacts if c.link_doctype == "Customer"] - suppliers = [c.link_name for c in contacts if c.link_doctype == "Supplier"] + suppliers = get_parents_for_user("Supplier") + customers = get_parents_for_user("Customer") elif frappe.has_permission(doctype, "read", user=user): customer_list = frappe.get_list("Customer") customers = suppliers = [customer.name for customer in customer_list] @@ -255,6 +241,17 @@ def get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user): return customers if has_customer_field else None, suppliers if has_supplier_field else None +def get_parents_for_user(parenttype: str) -> list[str]: + portal_user = frappe.qb.DocType("Portal User") + + return ( + frappe.qb.from_(portal_user) + .select(portal_user.parent) + .where(portal_user.user == frappe.session.user) + .where(portal_user.parenttype == parenttype) + ).run(pluck="name") + + def has_website_permission(doc, ptype, user, verbose=False): doctype = doc.doctype customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user) @@ -282,3 +279,28 @@ def get_customer_field_name(doctype): return "party_name" else: return "customer" + + +def add_role_for_portal_user(portal_user, role): + """When a new portal user is added, give appropriate roles to user if + posssible, else warn user to add roles.""" + if not portal_user.is_new(): + return + + user_doc = frappe.get_doc("User", portal_user.user) + roles = {r.role for r in user_doc.roles} + + if role in roles: + return + + if "System Manager" not in frappe.get_roles(): + frappe.msgprint( + _("Please add {1} role to user {0}.").format(portal_user.user, role), + alert=True, + ) + return + + user_doc.add_roles(role) + frappe.msgprint( + _("Added {1} Role to User {0}.").format(frappe.bold(user_doc.name), role), alert=True + ) diff --git a/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/utils.py b/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/utils.py index 1a3e737928..4466c45743 100644 --- a/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/utils.py +++ b/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/utils.py @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ def get_next_attribute_and_values(item_code, selected_attributes): product_info = get_item_variant_price_dict(exact_match[0], cart_settings) if product_info: + product_info["is_stock_item"] = frappe.get_cached_value("Item", exact_match[0], "is_stock_item") product_info["allow_items_not_in_stock"] = cint(cart_settings.allow_items_not_in_stock) else: product_info = None diff --git a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/plaid_settings/plaid_settings.py b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/plaid_settings/plaid_settings.py index e57a30a88e..61d2acefae 100644 --- a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/plaid_settings/plaid_settings.py +++ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/plaid_settings/plaid_settings.py @@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ def add_account_subtype(account_subtype): frappe.throw(frappe.get_traceback()) -@frappe.whitelist() def sync_transactions(bank, bank_account): """Sync transactions based on the last integration date as the start date, after sync is completed add the transaction date of the oldest transaction as the last integration date.""" diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_interest_accrual/loan_interest_accrual.py b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_interest_accrual/loan_interest_accrual.py index ced63942ba..ab4ea4cb6b 100644 --- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_interest_accrual/loan_interest_accrual.py +++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_interest_accrual/loan_interest_accrual.py @@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ def get_last_accrual_date(loan, posting_date): # interest for last interest accrual date is already booked, so add 1 day last_disbursement_date = get_last_disbursement_date(loan, posting_date) - if last_disbursement_date and getdate(last_disbursement_date) > getdate( - last_interest_accrual_date + if last_disbursement_date and getdate(last_disbursement_date) > add_days( + getdate(last_interest_accrual_date), 1 ): last_interest_accrual_date = last_disbursement_date diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.js index 7d08aca24b..8e9f542362 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.js +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.js @@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Job Card', { } }); + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = () => { + return { + 'item_code': frm.doc.production_item, + 'warehouse': frm.doc.wip_warehouse, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } + frm.set_indicator_formatter('sub_operation', function(doc) { if (doc.status == "Pending") { diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py index 496cbfd0a6..2c17568d1b 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class JobCard(Document): self.total_completed_qty = flt(self.total_completed_qty, self.precision("total_completed_qty")) for row in self.sub_operations: - self.c += row.completed_qty + self.total_completed_qty += row.completed_qty def get_overlap_for(self, args, check_next_available_slot=False): production_capacity = 1 diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.js index 45a59cf732..48986910b0 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.js +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.js @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Production Plan', { }, __('Create')); } - if (frm.doc.mr_items && !in_list(['Material Requested', 'Closed'], frm.doc.status)) { + if (frm.doc.mr_items && frm.doc.mr_items.length && !in_list(['Material Requested', 'Closed'], frm.doc.status)) { frm.add_custom_button(__("Material Request"), ()=> { frm.trigger("make_material_request"); }, __('Create')); diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.py index 0800bdd2af..6dc1ff6a49 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.py +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/production_plan.py @@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ class ProductionPlan(Document): self.show_list_created_message("Work Order", wo_list) self.show_list_created_message("Purchase Order", po_list) + if not wo_list: + frappe.msgprint(_("No Work Orders were created")) + def make_work_order_for_finished_goods(self, wo_list, default_warehouses): items_data = self.get_production_items() @@ -618,6 +621,9 @@ class ProductionPlan(Document): def create_work_order(self, item): from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.work_order.work_order import OverProductionError + if item.get("qty") <= 0: + return + wo = frappe.new_doc("Work Order") wo.update(item) wo.planned_start_date = item.get("planned_start_date") or item.get("schedule_date") diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/test_production_plan.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/test_production_plan.py index 75b43ec1c3..fcfba7fca5 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/test_production_plan.py +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/test_production_plan.py @@ -76,6 +76,13 @@ class TestProductionPlan(FrappeTestCase): "Work Order", fields=["name"], filters={"production_plan": pln.name}, as_list=1 ) + pln.make_work_order() + nwork_orders = frappe.get_all( + "Work Order", fields=["name"], filters={"production_plan": pln.name}, as_list=1 + ) + + self.assertTrue(len(work_orders), len(nwork_orders)) + self.assertTrue(len(work_orders), len(pln.po_items)) for name in material_requests: diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.js index 123a82a388..a3f0d00877 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.js +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.js @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ frappe.query_reports["Exponential Smoothing Forecasting"] = { "fieldname":"based_on_document", "label": __("Based On Document"), "fieldtype": "Select", - "options": ["Sales Order", "Delivery Note", "Quotation"], + "options": ["Sales Order", "Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note", "Quotation"], "default": "Sales Order", "reqd": 1 }, diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.py index d3bce83155..daef7f6cca 100644 --- a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.py +++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/exponential_smoothing_forecasting/exponential_smoothing_forecasting.py @@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ class ForecastingReport(ExponentialSmoothingForecast): parent = frappe.qb.DocType(self.doctype) child = frappe.qb.DocType(self.child_doctype) - date_field = "posting_date" if self.doctype == "Delivery Note" else "transaction_date" + date_field = ( + "posting_date" if self.doctype in ("Delivery Note", "Sales Invoice") else "transaction_date" + ) query = ( frappe.qb.from_(parent) diff --git a/erpnext/patches.txt b/erpnext/patches.txt index 03ef5de06e..74068a9a3c 100644 --- a/erpnext/patches.txt +++ b/erpnext/patches.txt @@ -339,4 +339,6 @@ execute:frappe.delete_doc('DocType', 'Cash Flow Mapper', ignore_missing=True) execute:frappe.delete_doc('DocType', 'Cash Flow Mapping Template', ignore_missing=True) execute:frappe.delete_doc('DocType', 'Cash Flow Mapping Accounts', ignore_missing=True) erpnext.patches.v14_0.cleanup_workspaces +erpnext.patches.v14_0.set_report_in_process_SOA +erpnext.buying.doctype.supplier.patches.migrate_supplier_portal_users erpnext.patches.v14_0.single_to_multi_dunning diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v14_0/set_report_in_process_SOA.py b/erpnext/patches/v14_0/set_report_in_process_SOA.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9eb5e3ab9b --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/patches/v14_0/set_report_in_process_SOA.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2022, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors +# License: MIT. See LICENSE + +import frappe + + +def execute(): + process_soa = frappe.qb.DocType("Process Statement Of Accounts") + q = frappe.qb.update(process_soa).set(process_soa.report, "General Ledger") + q.run() diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v15_0/create_asset_depreciation_schedules_from_assets.py b/erpnext/patches/v15_0/create_asset_depreciation_schedules_from_assets.py index 5c46bf3280..a53adf1a83 100644 --- a/erpnext/patches/v15_0/create_asset_depreciation_schedules_from_assets.py +++ b/erpnext/patches/v15_0/create_asset_depreciation_schedules_from_assets.py @@ -6,10 +6,14 @@ def execute(): assets = get_details_of_draft_or_submitted_depreciable_assets() - for asset in assets: - finance_book_rows = get_details_of_asset_finance_books_rows(asset.name) + asset_finance_books_map = get_asset_finance_books_map() - for fb_row in finance_book_rows: + asset_depreciation_schedules_map = get_asset_depreciation_schedules_map() + + for asset in assets: + depreciation_schedules = asset_depreciation_schedules_map[asset.name] + + for fb_row in asset_finance_books_map[asset.name]: asset_depr_schedule_doc = frappe.new_doc("Asset Depreciation Schedule") asset_depr_schedule_doc.set_draft_asset_depr_schedule_details(asset, fb_row) @@ -19,7 +23,11 @@ def execute(): if asset.docstatus == 1: asset_depr_schedule_doc.submit() - update_depreciation_schedules(asset.name, asset_depr_schedule_doc.name, fb_row.idx) + depreciation_schedules_of_fb_row = [ + ds for ds in depreciation_schedules if ds["finance_book_id"] == str(fb_row.idx) + ] + + update_depreciation_schedules(depreciation_schedules_of_fb_row, asset_depr_schedule_doc.name) def get_details_of_draft_or_submitted_depreciable_assets(): @@ -41,12 +49,33 @@ def get_details_of_draft_or_submitted_depreciable_assets(): return records -def get_details_of_asset_finance_books_rows(asset_name): +def group_records_by_asset_name(records): + grouped_dict = {} + + for item in records: + key = list(item.keys())[0] + value = item[key] + + if value not in grouped_dict: + grouped_dict[value] = [] + + del item["asset_name"] + + grouped_dict[value].append(item) + + return grouped_dict + + +def get_asset_finance_books_map(): afb = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset Finance Book") + asset = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset") records = ( frappe.qb.from_(afb) + .join(asset) + .on(afb.parent == asset.name) .select( + asset.name.as_("asset_name"), afb.finance_book, afb.idx, afb.depreciation_method, @@ -55,23 +84,44 @@ def get_details_of_asset_finance_books_rows(asset_name): afb.rate_of_depreciation, afb.expected_value_after_useful_life, ) - .where(afb.parent == asset_name) + .where(asset.docstatus < 2) + .orderby(afb.idx) ).run(as_dict=True) - return records + asset_finance_books_map = group_records_by_asset_name(records) + + return asset_finance_books_map -def update_depreciation_schedules(asset_name, asset_depr_schedule_name, fb_row_idx): +def get_asset_depreciation_schedules_map(): ds = frappe.qb.DocType("Depreciation Schedule") + asset = frappe.qb.DocType("Asset") - depr_schedules = ( + records = ( frappe.qb.from_(ds) - .select(ds.name) - .where((ds.parent == asset_name) & (ds.finance_book_id == str(fb_row_idx))) + .join(asset) + .on(ds.parent == asset.name) + .select( + asset.name.as_("asset_name"), + ds.name, + ds.finance_book_id, + ) + .where(asset.docstatus < 2) .orderby(ds.idx) ).run(as_dict=True) - for idx, depr_schedule in enumerate(depr_schedules, start=1): + asset_depreciation_schedules_map = group_records_by_asset_name(records) + + return asset_depreciation_schedules_map + + +def update_depreciation_schedules( + depreciation_schedules, + asset_depr_schedule_name, +): + ds = frappe.qb.DocType("Depreciation Schedule") + + for idx, depr_schedule in enumerate(depreciation_schedules, start=1): ( frappe.qb.update(ds) .set(ds.idx, idx) diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/stock_controller.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/stock_controller.js index d346357a8f..720423b0a4 100644 --- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/stock_controller.js +++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/stock_controller.js @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ erpnext.stock.StockController = class StockController extends frappe.ui.form.Con } show_general_ledger() { - var me = this; + let me = this; if(this.frm.doc.docstatus > 0) { cur_frm.add_custom_button(__('Accounting Ledger'), function() { frappe.route_options = { diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js index 933556774b..0d92683f21 100644 --- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js +++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js @@ -134,6 +134,15 @@ erpnext.TransactionController = class TransactionController extends erpnext.taxe } } }); + + let sbb_field = this.frm.get_docfield('items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + } + }; + } } if( diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/erpnext.bundle.js b/erpnext/public/js/erpnext.bundle.js index cc020fc2f1..4e028e4c31 100644 --- a/erpnext/public/js/erpnext.bundle.js +++ b/erpnext/public/js/erpnext.bundle.js @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import "./utils/customer_quick_entry"; import "./utils/supplier_quick_entry"; import "./call_popup/call_popup"; import "./utils/dimension_tree_filter"; +import "./utils/ledger_preview.js" import "./utils/barcode_scanner"; import "./telephony"; import "./templates/call_link.html"; diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils/ledger_preview.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils/ledger_preview.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85d4a7d51e --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils/ledger_preview.js @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +frappe.provide('erpnext.accounts'); + +erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview = { + show_accounting_ledger_preview(frm) { + let me = this; + if(!frm.is_new() && frm.doc.docstatus == 0) { + frm.add_custom_button(__('Accounting Ledger'), function() { + frappe.call({ + "type": "GET", + "method": "erpnext.controllers.stock_controller.show_accounting_ledger_preview", + "args": { + "company": frm.doc.company, + "doctype": frm.doc.doctype, + "docname": frm.doc.name + }, + "callback": function(response) { + me.make_dialog("Accounting Ledger Preview", "accounting_ledger_preview_html", response.message.gl_columns, response.message.gl_data); + } + }) + }, __("Preview")); + } + }, + + show_stock_ledger_preview(frm) { + let me = this + if(!frm.is_new() && frm.doc.docstatus == 0) { + frm.add_custom_button(__('Stock Ledger'), function() { + frappe.call({ + "type": "GET", + "method": "erpnext.controllers.stock_controller.show_stock_ledger_preview", + "args": { + "company": frm.doc.company, + "doctype": frm.doc.doctype, + "docname": frm.doc.name + }, + "callback": function(response) { + me.make_dialog("Stock Ledger Preview", "stock_ledger_preview_html", response.message.sl_columns, response.message.sl_data); + } + }) + }, __("Preview")); + } + }, + + make_dialog(label, fieldname, columns, data) { + let me = this; + let dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ + "size": "extra-large", + "title": __(label), + "fields": [ + { + "fieldtype": "HTML", + "fieldname": fieldname, + }, + ] + }); + + setTimeout(function() { + me.get_datatable(columns, data, dialog.get_field(fieldname).wrapper); + }, 200); + + dialog.show(); + }, + + get_datatable(columns, data, wrapper) { + const datatable_options = { + columns: columns, + data: data, + dynamicRowHeight: true, + checkboxColumn: false, + inlineFilters: true, + }; + + new frappe.DataTable( + wrapper, + datatable_options + ); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.js index b53f339229..3a446e171a 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.js +++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.js @@ -63,6 +63,14 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Customer", { } } }); + + frm.set_query("user", "portal_users", function() { + return { + filters: { + "ignore_user_type": true, + } + }; + }); }, customer_primary_address: function(frm){ if(frm.doc.customer_primary_address){ diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json index c133cd3152..edfe0050de 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json +++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json @@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ "dn_required", "column_break_53", "is_frozen", - "disabled" + "disabled", + "portal_users_tab", + "portal_users" ], "fields": [ { @@ -555,6 +557,17 @@ { "fieldname": "column_break_54", "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "fieldname": "portal_users_tab", + "fieldtype": "Tab Break", + "label": "Portal Users" + }, + { + "fieldname": "portal_users", + "fieldtype": "Table", + "label": "Customer Portal Users", + "options": "Portal User" } ], "icon": "fa fa-user", @@ -568,7 +581,7 @@ "link_fieldname": "party" } ], - "modified": "2023-02-18 11:04:46.343527", + "modified": "2023-06-22 13:21:10.678382", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Selling", "name": "Customer", @@ -607,7 +620,6 @@ "read": 1, "report": 1, "role": "Sales Master Manager", - "set_user_permissions": 1, "share": 1, "write": 1 }, diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.py b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.py index 6367e3cb6a..555db59b08 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.py +++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.py @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from erpnext.accounts.party import ( # noqa get_timeline_data, validate_party_accounts, ) +from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import add_role_for_portal_user from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase @@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ class Customer(TransactionBase): self.check_customer_group_change() self.validate_default_bank_account() self.validate_internal_customer() + self.add_role_for_user() # set loyalty program tier if frappe.db.exists("Customer", self.name): @@ -170,6 +172,10 @@ class Customer(TransactionBase): self.update_customer_groups() + def add_role_for_user(self): + for portal_user in self.portal_users: + add_role_for_portal_user(portal_user, "Customer") + def update_customer_groups(self): ignore_doctypes = ["Lead", "Opportunity", "POS Profile", "Tax Rule", "Pricing Rule"] if frappe.flags.customer_group_changed: diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/installation_note/installation_note.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/installation_note/installation_note.js index d63060e6e4..dd6f8a8104 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/installation_note/installation_note.js +++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/installation_note/installation_note.js @@ -18,6 +18,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Installation Note', { } } }); + + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } }, onload: function(frm) { if(!frm.doc.status) { diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js index 280485a833..67c392cc3f 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js +++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js @@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Quotation', { } } }); + + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('packed_items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'warehouse': row.doc.warehouse, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } }, refresh: function(frm) { diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py index 62b3105872..fd2338174c 100644 --- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py +++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def search_by_term(search_term, warehouse, price_list): "item_code": item_code, "batch_no": batch_no, }, - fields=["uom", "stock_uom", "currency", "price_list_rate", "batch_no"], + fields=["uom", "currency", "price_list_rate", "batch_no"], ) def __sort(p): diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/employee/employee.json b/erpnext/setup/doctype/employee/employee.json index 99693d9091..6cb4292226 100644 --- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/employee/employee.json +++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/employee/employee.json @@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ "salary_mode", "bank_details_section", "bank_name", + "column_break_heye", "bank_ac_no", + "iban", "personal_details", "marital_status", "family_background", @@ -804,17 +806,26 @@ { "fieldname": "column_break_104", "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "fieldname": "column_break_heye", + "fieldtype": "Column Break" + }, + { + "depends_on": "eval:doc.salary_mode == 'Bank'", + "fieldname": "iban", + "fieldtype": "Data", + "label": "IBAN" } ], "icon": "fa fa-user", "idx": 24, "image_field": "image", "links": [], - "modified": "2022-09-13 10:27:14.579197", + "modified": "2023-03-30 15:57:05.174592", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Setup", "name": "Employee", - "name_case": "Title Case", "naming_rule": "By \"Naming Series\" field", "owner": "Administrator", "permissions": [ diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js index 77545e0e1a..a648195933 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js @@ -200,6 +200,9 @@ erpnext.stock.DeliveryNoteController = class DeliveryNoteController extends erpn } } + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_accounting_ledger_preview(this.frm); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_stock_ledger_preview(this.frm); + if (doc.docstatus > 0) { this.show_stock_ledger(); if (erpnext.is_perpetual_inventory_enabled(doc.company)) { diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.json index 11b71c2076..9d8fe46e8c 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.json +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.json @@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ "fieldname": "driver", "fieldtype": "Link", "label": "Driver", - "options": "Driver", - "reqd": 1 + "options": "Driver" }, { "fetch_from": "driver.full_name", @@ -189,10 +188,11 @@ ], "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2021-04-30 21:21:36.610142", + "modified": "2023-06-27 11:22:27.927637", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Stock", "name": "Delivery Trip", + "naming_rule": "By \"Naming Series\" field", "owner": "Administrator", "permissions": [ { @@ -228,5 +228,6 @@ ], "sort_field": "modified", "sort_order": "DESC", + "states": [], "title_field": "driver_name" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.py index 1febbded52..af2f4113e1 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_trip/delivery_trip.py @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ class DeliveryTrip(Document): ) def validate(self): + if self._action == "submit" and not self.driver: + frappe.throw(_("A driver must be set to submit.")) + self.validate_stop_addresses() def on_submit(self): diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.js index 6f1f981e2b..31a3ecbc47 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.js @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ $.extend(erpnext.item, { let selected_attributes = {}; me.multiple_variant_dialog.$wrapper.find('.form-column').each((i, col) => { if(i===0) return; - let attribute_name = $(col).find('.control-label').html().trim(); + let attribute_name = $(col).find('.column-label').html().trim(); selected_attributes[attribute_name] = []; let checked_opts = $(col).find('.checkbox input'); checked_opts.each((i, opt) => { diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_reorder/item_reorder.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_reorder/item_reorder.json index fb4c558cfd..a03bd458d4 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_reorder/item_reorder.json +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_reorder/item_reorder.json @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, "read_only": 0, "report_hide": 0, - "reqd": 1, + "reqd": 0, "search_index": 0, "set_only_once": 0, "unique": 0 @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ "issingle": 0, "istable": 1, "max_attachments": 0, - "modified": "2016-07-28 19:15:38.270046", + "modified": "2023-06-21 15:13:38.270046", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Stock", "name": "Item Reorder", @@ -158,4 +158,4 @@ "read_only_onload": 0, "sort_order": "ASC", "track_seen": 0 -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request.py index 95c85da552..ee247fd093 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request.py @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class MaterialRequest(BuyingController): """Set title as comma separated list of items""" if not self.title: items = ", ".join([d.item_name for d in self.items][:3]) - self.title = _("{0} Request for {1}").format(self.material_request_type, items)[:100] + self.title = _("{0} Request for {1}").format(_(self.material_request_type), items)[:100] def on_submit(self): self.update_requested_qty() diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/pick_list.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/pick_list.js index acbb62d0a0..35c35a6f07 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/pick_list.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/pick_list.js @@ -65,6 +65,17 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Pick List', { } } }); + + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('locations', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'warehouse': row.doc.warehouse, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } }, set_item_locations:(frm, save) => { if (!(frm.doc.locations && frm.doc.locations.length)) { diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js index 312c166f8b..35aad78c1a 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js @@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ erpnext.stock.PurchaseReceiptController = class PurchaseReceiptController extend refresh() { var me = this; super.refresh(); + + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_accounting_ledger_preview(this.frm); + erpnext.accounts.ledger_preview.show_stock_ledger_preview(this.frm); + if(this.frm.doc.docstatus > 0) { this.show_stock_ledger(); //removed for temporary @@ -209,10 +213,43 @@ erpnext.stock.PurchaseReceiptController = class PurchaseReceiptController extend } make_purchase_return() { - frappe.model.open_mapped_doc({ - method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt.make_purchase_return", - frm: cur_frm + let me = this; + + let has_rejected_items = cur_frm.doc.items.filter((item) => { + if (item.rejected_qty > 0) { + return true; + } }) + + if (has_rejected_items && has_rejected_items.length > 0) { + frappe.prompt([ + { + label: __("Return Qty from Rejected Warehouse"), + fieldtype: "Check", + fieldname: "return_for_rejected_warehouse", + default: 1 + }, + ], function(values){ + if (values.return_for_rejected_warehouse) { + frappe.call({ + method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt.make_purchase_return_against_rejected_warehouse", + args: { + source_name: cur_frm.doc.name + }, + callback: function(r) { + if(r.message) { + frappe.model.sync(r.message); + frappe.set_route("Form", r.message.doctype, r.message.name); + } + } + }) + } else { + cur_frm.cscript._make_purchase_return(); + } + }, __("Return Qty"), __("Make Return Entry")); + } else { + cur_frm.cscript._make_purchase_return(); + } } close_purchase_receipt() { @@ -322,6 +359,13 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Purchase Receipt Item', { }, }); +cur_frm.cscript._make_purchase_return = function() { + frappe.model.open_mapped_doc({ + method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt.make_purchase_return", + frm: cur_frm + }); +} + cur_frm.cscript['Make Stock Entry'] = function() { frappe.model.open_mapped_doc({ method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt.make_stock_entry", diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py index 1ac2f35019..0b5dc05c3a 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController): self.set_status() self.po_required() + self.validate_items_quality_inspection() self.validate_with_previous_doc() self.validate_uom_is_integer("uom", ["qty", "received_qty"]) self.validate_uom_is_integer("stock_uom", "stock_qty") @@ -195,6 +196,26 @@ class PurchaseReceipt(BuyingController): if not d.purchase_order: frappe.throw(_("Purchase Order number required for Item {0}").format(d.item_code)) + def validate_items_quality_inspection(self): + for item in self.get("items"): + if item.quality_inspection: + qi = frappe.db.get_value( + "Quality Inspection", + item.quality_inspection, + ["reference_type", "reference_name", "item_code"], + as_dict=True, + ) + + if qi.reference_type != self.doctype or qi.reference_name != self.name: + msg = f"""Row #{item.idx}: Please select a valid Quality Inspection with Reference Type + {frappe.bold(self.doctype)} and Reference Name {frappe.bold(self.name)}.""" + frappe.throw(_(msg)) + + if qi.item_code != item.item_code: + msg = f"""Row #{item.idx}: Please select a valid Quality Inspection with Item Code + {frappe.bold(item.item_code)}.""" + frappe.throw(_(msg)) + def get_already_received_qty(self, po, po_detail): qty = frappe.db.sql( """select sum(qty) from `tabPurchase Receipt Item` @@ -1115,6 +1136,13 @@ def get_returned_qty_map(purchase_receipt): return returned_qty_map +@frappe.whitelist() +def make_purchase_return_against_rejected_warehouse(source_name): + from erpnext.controllers.sales_and_purchase_return import make_return_doc + + return make_return_doc("Purchase Receipt", source_name, return_against_rejected_qty=True) + + @frappe.whitelist() def make_purchase_return(source_name, target_doc=None): from erpnext.controllers.sales_and_purchase_return import make_return_doc diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py index 92235b0845..c6c84cadc8 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/test_purchase_receipt.py @@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(FrappeTestCase): self.assertEqual(sl_entry_cancelled[1].actual_qty, -0.5) def test_make_purchase_invoice(self): + from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.test_payment_entry import create_payment_term + + create_payment_term("_Test Payment Term 1 for Purchase Invoice") + create_payment_term("_Test Payment Term 2 for Purchase Invoice") + if not frappe.db.exists( "Payment Terms Template", "_Test Payment Terms Template For Purchase Invoice" ): @@ -83,12 +88,14 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(FrappeTestCase): "terms": [ { "doctype": "Payment Terms Template Detail", + "payment_term": "_Test Payment Term 1 for Purchase Invoice", "invoice_portion": 50.00, "credit_days_based_on": "Day(s) after invoice date", "credit_days": 00, }, { "doctype": "Payment Terms Template Detail", + "payment_term": "_Test Payment Term 2 for Purchase Invoice", "invoice_portion": 50.00, "credit_days_based_on": "Day(s) after invoice date", "credit_days": 30, @@ -1781,6 +1788,79 @@ class TestPurchaseReceipt(FrappeTestCase): pr.items[0].delivery_note_item = delivery_note_item pr.save() + def test_purchase_return_valuation_with_rejected_qty(self): + item_code = "_Test Item Return Valuation" + create_item(item_code) + + warehouse = create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Return Valuation") + rejected_warehouse = create_warehouse("_Test Rejected Warehouse Return Valuation") + + # Step 1: Create Purchase Receipt with valuation rate 100 + make_purchase_receipt( + item_code=item_code, + warehouse=warehouse, + qty=10, + rate=100, + rejected_qty=2, + rejected_warehouse=rejected_warehouse, + ) + + # Step 2: Create One more Purchase Receipt with valuation rate 200 + pr = make_purchase_receipt( + item_code=item_code, + warehouse=warehouse, + qty=10, + rate=200, + rejected_qty=2, + rejected_warehouse=rejected_warehouse, + ) + + # Step 3: Create Purchase Return for 2 qty + from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import make_purchase_return + + pr_return = make_purchase_return(pr.name) + pr_return.items[0].qty = 2 * -1 + pr_return.items[0].received_qty = 2 * -1 + pr_return.items[0].rejected_qty = 0 + pr_return.items[0].rejected_warehouse = "" + pr_return.save() + pr_return.submit() + + data = frappe.get_all( + "Stock Ledger Entry", + filters={"voucher_no": pr_return.name, "docstatus": 1}, + fields=["SUM(stock_value_difference) as stock_value_difference"], + )[0] + + self.assertEqual(abs(data["stock_value_difference"]), 400.00) + + def test_return_from_rejected_warehouse(self): + from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import ( + make_purchase_return_against_rejected_warehouse, + ) + + item_code = "_Test Item Return from Rejected Warehouse" + create_item(item_code) + + warehouse = create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Return Qty Warehouse") + rejected_warehouse = create_warehouse("_Test Rejected Warehouse Return Qty Warehouse") + + # Step 1: Create Purchase Receipt with valuation rate 100 + pr = make_purchase_receipt( + item_code=item_code, + warehouse=warehouse, + qty=10, + rate=100, + rejected_qty=2, + rejected_warehouse=rejected_warehouse, + ) + + pr_return = make_purchase_return_against_rejected_warehouse(pr.name) + self.assertEqual(pr_return.items[0].warehouse, rejected_warehouse) + self.assertEqual(pr_return.items[0].qty, 2.0 * -1) + self.assertEqual(pr_return.items[0].rejected_qty, 0.0) + self.assertEqual(pr_return.items[0].rejected_warehouse, "") + def prepare_data_for_internal_transfer(): from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.test_sales_invoice import create_internal_supplier diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py index d5fc710625..27066b825c 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/repost_item_valuation.py @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from frappe.utils.user import get_users_with_role from rq.timeouts import JobTimeoutException import erpnext +from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import validate_accounting_period from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_future_stock_vouchers, repost_gle_for_stock_vouchers from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import ( get_affected_transactions, @@ -44,11 +45,49 @@ class RepostItemValuation(Document): self.validate_accounts_freeze() def validate_period_closing_voucher(self): + # Period Closing Voucher year_end_date = self.get_max_year_end_date(self.company) if year_end_date and getdate(self.posting_date) <= getdate(year_end_date): - msg = f"Due to period closing, you cannot repost item valuation before {year_end_date}" + date = frappe.format(year_end_date, "Date") + msg = f"Due to period closing, you cannot repost item valuation before {date}" frappe.throw(_(msg)) + # Accounting Period + if self.voucher_type: + validate_accounting_period( + [ + frappe._dict( + { + "posting_date": self.posting_date, + "company": self.company, + "voucher_type": self.voucher_type, + } + ) + ] + ) + + # Closing Stock Balance + closing_stock = self.get_closing_stock_balance() + if closing_stock and closing_stock[0].name: + name = get_link_to_form("Closing Stock Balance", closing_stock[0].name) + to_date = frappe.format(closing_stock[0].to_date, "Date") + msg = f"Due to closing stock balance {name}, you cannot repost item valuation before {to_date}" + frappe.throw(_(msg)) + + def get_closing_stock_balance(self): + filters = { + "company": self.company, + "status": "Completed", + "docstatus": 1, + "to_date": (">=", self.posting_date), + } + + for field in ["warehouse", "item_code"]: + if self.get(field): + filters.update({field: ("in", ["", self.get(field)])}) + + return frappe.get_all("Closing Stock Balance", fields=["name", "to_date"], filters=filters) + @staticmethod def get_max_year_end_date(company): data = frappe.get_all( diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py index 9c4d997b31..1853f45f58 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/test_repost_item_valuation.py @@ -392,3 +392,33 @@ class TestRepostItemValuation(FrappeTestCase, StockTestMixin): pr.cancel() self.assertTrue(pr.docstatus == 2) self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Repost Item Valuation", {"voucher_no": pr.name})) + + def test_repost_item_valuation_for_closing_stock_balance(self): + from erpnext.stock.doctype.closing_stock_balance.closing_stock_balance import ( + prepare_closing_stock_balance, + ) + + doc = frappe.new_doc("Closing Stock Balance") + doc.company = "_Test Company" + doc.from_date = today() + doc.to_date = today() + doc.submit() + + prepare_closing_stock_balance(doc.name) + doc.load_from_db() + self.assertEqual(doc.docstatus, 1) + self.assertEqual(doc.status, "Completed") + + riv = frappe.new_doc("Repost Item Valuation") + riv.update( + { + "item_code": "_Test Item", + "warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC", + "based_on": "Item and Warehouse", + "posting_date": today(), + "posting_time": "00:01:00", + } + ) + + self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, riv.save) + doc.cancel() diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js index 3d497ac2eb..403e04ae60 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js @@ -115,6 +115,15 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Stock Entry', { } }); + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } frm.add_fetch("bom_no", "inspection_required", "inspection_required"); erpnext.accounts.dimensions.setup_dimension_filters(frm, frm.doctype); diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json index fe42b1f135..564c380017 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.json @@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ "oldfieldname": "purpose", "oldfieldtype": "Select", "options": "Material Issue\nMaterial Receipt\nMaterial Transfer\nMaterial Transfer for Manufacture\nMaterial Consumption for Manufacture\nManufacture\nRepack\nSend to Subcontractor", - "read_only": 1 + "read_only": 1, + "search_index": 1 }, { "fieldname": "company", @@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, "is_submittable": 1, "links": [], - "modified": "2023-06-16 14:59:10.917235", + "modified": "2023-06-19 18:23:40.748114", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Stock", "name": "Stock Entry", diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py index 517fea5bd1..d9b5503b50 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py @@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ class StockEntry(StockController): return for row in self.items: - if row.job_card_item: + if row.job_card_item or not row.s_warehouse: continue - msg = f"""Row #{0}: The job card item reference + msg = f"""Row #{row.idx}: The job card item reference is missing. Kindly create the stock entry from the job card. If you have added the row manually then you won't be able to add job card item reference.""" diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.js index 6afbf01e1e..0664c2929c 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.js @@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Stock Reconciliation", { } }); + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.item_code, + 'warehouse': row.doc.warehouse, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } + if (frm.doc.company) { erpnext.queries.setup_queries(frm, "Warehouse", function() { return erpnext.queries.warehouse(frm.doc); diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.js index 87a23efc59..746a1cbaf1 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.js +++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.js @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Warehouse", { }; }); - frm.set_query("parent_warehouse", function () { + frm.set_query("parent_warehouse", function (doc) { return { filters: { is_group: 1, diff --git a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py index 64650bc201..4f85ac054d 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py @@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ def process_string_args(args): return args -@frappe.whitelist() def get_item_code(barcode=None, serial_no=None): if barcode: item_code = frappe.db.get_value("Item Barcode", {"barcode": barcode}, fieldname=["parent"]) diff --git a/erpnext/stock/print_format/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print.json b/erpnext/stock/print_format/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print.json index 21132e070c..a8ab8f6ac7 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/print_format/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print.json +++ b/erpnext/stock/print_format/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print/purchase_receipt_serial_and_batch_bundle_print.json @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ "docstatus": 0, "doctype": "Print Format", "font_size": 14, - "format_data": "[{\"fieldname\": \"print_heading_template\", \"fieldtype\": \"Custom HTML\", \"options\": \"

Purchase Receipt

{{ doc.name }}\\t\\t\\t\\t

\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"supplier_name\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Supplier Name\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"supplier_delivery_note\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Supplier Delivery Note\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"rack\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Rack\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"posting_date\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Date\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"apply_putaway_rule\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Apply Putaway Rule\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Accounting Dimensions\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"region\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Region\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"function\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Function\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"depot\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Depot\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"cost_center\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Cost Center\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"location\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Location\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"country\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Country\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"project\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Project\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Items\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"scan_barcode\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Scan Barcode\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"set_from_warehouse\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Set From Warehouse\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- for row in doc.items -%}\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t {% set bundle_data = get_serial_or_batch_nos(row.serial_and_batch_bundle) %}\\n\\t\\t {% set serial_nos = [] %}\\n {% set batches = {} %}\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- endfor -%}\\n\\t\\n
SrItem NameDescriptionQtyRateAmount
{{ row.idx }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{{ row.item_name }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{% if row.item_code != row.item_name -%}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t
Item Code: {{ row.item_code}}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{%- endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
{{ row.description }}
{{ row.qty }} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}{{\\n\\t\\t\\t\\trow.get_formatted(\\\"rate\\\", doc) }}{{\\n\\t\\t\\t\\trow.get_formatted(\\\"amount\\\", doc) }}
\\n\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"total_qty\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Total Quantity\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Total\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"taxes\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges\", \"visible_columns\": [{\"fieldname\": \"category\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"add_deduct_tax\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"charge_type\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"row_id\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"included_in_print_rate\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"included_in_paid_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"account_head\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"description\", \"print_width\": \"300px\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"rate\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"region\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"function\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"location\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"cost_center\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"depot\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"country\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"account_currency\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"tax_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"total\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}]}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Totals\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"grand_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Grand Total\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"rounded_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Rounded Total\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"in_words\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"In Words\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"disable_rounded_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Disable Rounded Total\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Supplier Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"address_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"contact_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Contact\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"contact_mobile\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Mobile No\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Company Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"billing_address\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"billing_address_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"terms\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Terms and Conditions\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- for row in doc.items -%}\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t {% set bundle_data = get_serial_or_batch_nos(row.serial_and_batch_bundle) %}\\n\\t\\t {% set serial_nos = [] %}\\n {% set batches = {} %}\\n \\n {% if bundle_data %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% for data in bundle_data %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% if data.serial_no %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {{ serial_nos.append(data.serial_no) or \\\"\\\" }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t \\n\\t\\t\\t {% if data.batch_no %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {{ batches.update({data.batch_no: data.qty}) or \\\"\\\" }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endfor %}\\n\\t\\t\\t{% endif %}\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- endfor -%}\\n\\t\\n
SrItem NameQtySerial NosBatch Nos (Qty)
{{ row.idx }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{{ row.item_name }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{% if row.item_code != row.item_name -%}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t
Item Code: {{ row.item_code}}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{%- endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
{{ row.qty }} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}{{ serial_nos|join(',') }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% if batches %}\\n {% for batch_no, qty in batches.items() %}\\n

{{batch_no}} : {{qty}} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}

\\n {% endfor %}\\n {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
\\n\"}]", + "format_data": "[{\"fieldname\": \"print_heading_template\", \"fieldtype\": \"Custom HTML\", \"options\": \"

Purchase Receipt

{{ doc.name }}\\t\\t\\t\\t

\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"supplier_name\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Supplier Name\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"supplier_delivery_note\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Supplier Delivery Note\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"rack\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Rack\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"posting_date\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Date\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"apply_putaway_rule\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Apply Putaway Rule\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Accounting Dimensions\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"region\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Region\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"function\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Function\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"depot\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Depot\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"cost_center\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Cost Center\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"location\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Location\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"country\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Country\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"project\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Project\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Items\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"scan_barcode\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Scan Barcode\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"set_from_warehouse\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Set From Warehouse\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- for row in doc.items -%}\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t {% set bundle_data = get_serial_or_batch_nos(row.serial_and_batch_bundle) %}\\n\\t\\t {% set serial_nos = [] %}\\n {% set batches = {} %}\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- endfor -%}\\n\\t\\n
SrItem NameDescriptionQtyRateAmount
{{ row.idx }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{{ row.item_name }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{% if row.item_code != row.item_name -%}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t
Item Code: {{ row.item_code}}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{%- endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
{{ row.description }}
{{ row.qty }} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}{{\\n\\t\\t\\t\\trow.get_formatted(\\\"rate\\\", doc) }}{{\\n\\t\\t\\t\\trow.get_formatted(\\\"amount\\\", doc) }}
\\n\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"total_qty\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Total Quantity\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Total\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"taxes\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Purchase Taxes and Charges\", \"visible_columns\": [{\"fieldname\": \"category\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"add_deduct_tax\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"charge_type\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"row_id\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"included_in_print_rate\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"included_in_paid_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"account_head\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"description\", \"print_width\": \"300px\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"rate\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"region\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"function\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"location\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"cost_center\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"depot\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"country\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"account_currency\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"tax_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}, {\"fieldname\": \"total\", \"print_width\": \"\", \"print_hide\": 0}]}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Totals\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"grand_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Grand Total\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"rounded_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Rounded Total\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"in_words\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"In Words\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"disable_rounded_total\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Disable Rounded Total\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Supplier Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"address_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"contact_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Contact\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"contact_mobile\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Mobile No\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Company Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"billing_address\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"billing_address_display\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Billing Address\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"terms\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Terms and Conditions\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- for row in doc.items -%}\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t {% set bundle_data = frappe.get_all(\\\"Serial and Batch Entry\\\", \\n\\t\\t fields=[\\\"serial_no\\\", \\\"batch_no\\\", \\\"qty\\\"], \\n\\t\\t filters={\\\"parent\\\": row.serial_and_batch_bundle}) %}\\n\\t\\t {% set serial_nos = [] %}\\n {% set batches = {} %}\\n \\n {% if bundle_data %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% for data in bundle_data %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% if data.serial_no %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {{ serial_nos.append(data.serial_no) or \\\"\\\" }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t \\n\\t\\t\\t {% if data.batch_no %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {{ batches.update({data.batch_no: data.qty}) or \\\"\\\" }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% endfor %}\\n\\t\\t\\t{% endif %}\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t{%- endfor -%}\\n\\t\\n
SrItem NameQtySerial NosBatch Nos (Qty)
{{ row.idx }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{{ row.item_name }}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{% if row.item_code != row.item_name -%}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t
Item Code: {{ row.item_code}}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t{%- endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
{{ row.qty }} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}{{ serial_nos|join(',') }}\\n\\t\\t\\t {% if batches %}\\n {% for batch_no, qty in batches.items() %}\\n

{{batch_no}} : {{qty}} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}

\\n {% endfor %}\\n {% endif %}\\n\\t\\t\\t
\\n\"}]", "idx": 0, "line_breaks": 0, "margin_bottom": 15.0, "margin_left": 15.0, "margin_right": 15.0, "margin_top": 15.0, - "modified": "2023-06-02 00:09:37.315002", + "modified": "2023-06-26 14:51:20.609682", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Stock", "name": "Purchase Receipt Serial and Batch Bundle Print", diff --git a/erpnext/stock/reorder_item.py b/erpnext/stock/reorder_item.py index 136c78ff58..907560826b 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/reorder_item.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/reorder_item.py @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def _reorder_item(): else: projected_qty = flt(item_warehouse_projected_qty.get(item_code, {}).get(warehouse)) - if (reorder_level or reorder_qty) and projected_qty < reorder_level: + if (reorder_level or reorder_qty) and projected_qty <= reorder_level: deficiency = reorder_level - projected_qty if deficiency > reorder_qty: reorder_qty = deficiency diff --git a/erpnext/stock/serial_batch_bundle.py b/erpnext/stock/serial_batch_bundle.py index 2c18f99acd..d6c840f133 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/serial_batch_bundle.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/serial_batch_bundle.py @@ -312,7 +312,35 @@ def get_serial_nos_from_bundle(serial_and_batch_bundle, serial_nos=None): def get_serial_or_batch_nos(bundle): - return frappe.get_all("Serial and Batch Entry", fields=["*"], filters={"parent": bundle}) + # For print format + + bundle_data = frappe.get_cached_value( + "Serial and Batch Bundle", bundle, ["has_serial_no", "has_batch_no"], as_dict=True + ) + + fields = [] + if bundle_data.has_serial_no: + fields.append("serial_no") + + if bundle_data.has_batch_no: + fields.extend(["batch_no", "qty"]) + + data = frappe.get_all("Serial and Batch Entry", fields=fields, filters={"parent": bundle}) + + if bundle_data.has_serial_no and not bundle_data.has_batch_no: + return ", ".join([d.serial_no for d in data]) + + elif bundle_data.has_batch_no: + html = "" + for d in data: + if d.serial_no: + html += f"" + else: + html += f"" + + html += "
" + + return html class SerialNoValuation(DeprecatedSerialNoValuation): diff --git a/erpnext/stock/utils.py b/erpnext/stock/utils.py index 402f998677..02444064c1 100644 --- a/erpnext/stock/utils.py +++ b/erpnext/stock/utils.py @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def add_additional_uom_columns(columns, result, include_uom, conversion_factors) for row_idx, row in enumerate(result): for convertible_col, data in convertible_column_map.items(): - conversion_factor = conversion_factors[row.get("item_code")] or 1 + conversion_factor = conversion_factors.get(row.get("item_code")) or 1.0 for_type = data.for_type value_before_conversion = row.get(convertible_col) if for_type == "rate": diff --git a/erpnext/subcontracting/doctype/subcontracting_receipt/subcontracting_receipt.js b/erpnext/subcontracting/doctype/subcontracting_receipt/subcontracting_receipt.js index bd1512b1e3..5ee1f7b716 100644 --- a/erpnext/subcontracting/doctype/subcontracting_receipt/subcontracting_receipt.js +++ b/erpnext/subcontracting/doctype/subcontracting_receipt/subcontracting_receipt.js @@ -89,6 +89,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Subcontracting Receipt', { } }); + let sbb_field = frm.get_docfield('supplied_items', 'serial_and_batch_bundle'); + if (sbb_field) { + sbb_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = (row) => { + return { + 'item_code': row.doc.rm_item_code, + 'voucher_type': frm.doc.doctype, + } + }; + } + let batch_no_field = frm.get_docfield('items', 'batch_no'); if (batch_no_field) { batch_no_field.get_route_options_for_new_doc = function(row) { diff --git a/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_configure.js b/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_configure.js index 613c967e3d..9beba3fd01 100644 --- a/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_configure.js +++ b/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_configure.js @@ -219,7 +219,8 @@ class ItemConfigure { : '' } - ${available_qty === 0 ? '(' + __('Out of Stock') + ')' : ''} + ${available_qty === 0 && product_info && product_info?.is_stock_item + ? '(' + __('Out of Stock') + ')' : ''}
@@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ class ItemConfigure { `; /* eslint-disable indent */ - if (!product_info?.allow_items_not_in_stock && available_qty === 0) { + if (!product_info?.allow_items_not_in_stock && available_qty === 0 + && product_info && product_info?.is_stock_item) { item_add_to_cart = ''; } diff --git a/erpnext/templates/print_formats/includes/serial_and_batch_bundle.html b/erpnext/templates/print_formats/includes/serial_and_batch_bundle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e625863fb --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/templates/print_formats/includes/serial_and_batch_bundle.html @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{% if doc.get("serial_and_batch_bundle") %} + {% set bundle_print = get_serial_or_batch_nos(doc.serial_and_batch_bundle) %} + {{bundle_print}} +{%- endif %} diff --git a/erpnext/tests/test_webform.py b/erpnext/tests/test_webform.py index 202467b545..af50a057b8 100644 --- a/erpnext/tests/test_webform.py +++ b/erpnext/tests/test_webform.py @@ -3,18 +3,21 @@ import unittest import frappe from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.test_purchase_order import create_purchase_order +from erpnext.buying.doctype.supplier.test_supplier import create_supplier class TestWebsite(unittest.TestCase): def test_permission_for_custom_doctype(self): create_user("Supplier 1", "supplier1@gmail.com") create_user("Supplier 2", "supplier2@gmail.com") - create_supplier_with_contact( - "Supplier1", "All Supplier Groups", "Supplier 1", "supplier1@gmail.com" - ) - create_supplier_with_contact( - "Supplier2", "All Supplier Groups", "Supplier 2", "supplier2@gmail.com" - ) + + supplier1 = create_supplier(supplier_name="Supplier1") + supplier2 = create_supplier(supplier_name="Supplier2") + supplier1.append("portal_users", {"user": "supplier1@gmail.com"}) + supplier1.save() + supplier2.append("portal_users", {"user": "supplier2@gmail.com"}) + supplier2.save() + po1 = create_purchase_order(supplier="Supplier1") po2 = create_purchase_order(supplier="Supplier2") @@ -61,21 +64,6 @@ def create_user(name, email): ).insert(ignore_if_duplicate=True) -def create_supplier_with_contact(name, group, contact_name, contact_email): - supplier = frappe.get_doc( - {"doctype": "Supplier", "supplier_name": name, "supplier_group": group} - ).insert(ignore_if_duplicate=True) - - if not frappe.db.exists("Contact", contact_name + "-1-" + name): - new_contact = frappe.new_doc("Contact") - new_contact.first_name = contact_name - new_contact.is_primary_contact = (True,) - new_contact.append("links", {"link_doctype": "Supplier", "link_name": supplier.name}) - new_contact.append("email_ids", {"email_id": contact_email, "is_primary": 1}) - - new_contact.insert(ignore_mandatory=True) - - def create_custom_doctype(): frappe.get_doc( { diff --git a/erpnext/translations/de.csv b/erpnext/translations/de.csv index 68358c6b10..f9ec68935c 100644 --- a/erpnext/translations/de.csv +++ b/erpnext/translations/de.csv @@ -9905,3 +9905,7 @@ Select Alternative Items for Sales Order,Alternativpositionen für Auftragsbest Select an item from each set to be used in the Sales Order.,"Wählen Sie aus den Alternativen jeweils einen Artikel aus, der in die Auftragsbestätigung übernommen werden soll.", Is Alternative,Ist Alternative, Alternative Items,Alternativpositionen, +Add Template,Vorlage einfügen, +Prepend the template to the email message,Vorlage oberhalb der Email-Nachricht einfügen, +Clear & Add Template,Leeren und Vorlage einfügen, +Clear the email message and add the template,Email-Feld leeren und Vorlage einfügen, diff --git a/erpnext/translations/fr.csv b/erpnext/translations/fr.csv index 35037fb5a5..bede718264 100644 --- a/erpnext/translations/fr.csv +++ b/erpnext/translations/fr.csv @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Add Customers,Ajouter des clients, Add Employees,Ajouter des employés, Add Item,Ajouter un Article, Add Items,Ajouter des articles, -Add Leads,Créer des Prospects, +Add Leads,Créer des Leads, Add Multiple Tasks,Ajouter plusieurs tâches, Add Row,Ajouter une Ligne, Add Sales Partners,Ajouter des partenaires commerciaux, @@ -658,8 +658,8 @@ Create Invoice,Créer une facture, Create Invoices,Créer des factures, Create Job Card,Créer une carte de travail, Create Journal Entry,Créer une entrée de journal, -Create Lead,Créer un Prospect, -Create Leads,Créer des Prospects, +Create Lead,Créer un Lead, +Create Leads,Créer des Lead, Create Maintenance Visit,Créer une visite de maintenance, Create Material Request,Créer une demande de matériel, Create Multiple,Créer plusieurs, @@ -1426,13 +1426,12 @@ Last Purchase Price,Dernier prix d'achat, Last Purchase Rate,Dernier Prix d'Achat, Latest,Dernier, Latest price updated in all BOMs,Prix les plus récents mis à jour dans toutes les nomenclatures, -Lead,Prospect, -Lead Count,Nombre de Prospects, +Lead Count,Nombre de Lead, Lead Owner,Responsable du Prospect, -Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead,Le Responsable du Prospect ne peut pas être identique au Prospect, +Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead,Le Responsable du Prospect ne peut pas être identique au Lead, Lead Time Days,Jours de Délai, Lead to Quotation,Du Prospect au Devis, -"Leads help you get business, add all your contacts and more as your leads","Les prospects vous aident à obtenir des contrats, ajoutez tous vos contacts et plus dans votre liste de prospects", +"Leads help you get business, add all your contacts and more as your leads","Les lead vous aident à obtenir des contrats, ajoutez tous vos contacts et plus dans votre liste de lead", Learn,Apprendre, Leave Approval Notification,Notification d'approbation de congés, Leave Blocked,Laisser Verrouillé, @@ -1596,7 +1595,7 @@ Middle Name,Deuxième Nom, Middle Name (Optional),Deuxième Prénom (Optionnel), Min Amt can not be greater than Max Amt,Min Amt ne peut pas être supérieur à Max Amt, Min Qty can not be greater than Max Qty,Qté Min ne peut pas être supérieure à Qté Max, -Minimum Lead Age (Days),Âge Minimum du Prospect (Jours), +Minimum Lead Age (Days),Âge Minimum du lead (Jours), Miscellaneous Expenses,Charges Diverses, Missing Currency Exchange Rates for {0},Taux de Change Manquant pour {0}, Missing email template for dispatch. Please set one in Delivery Settings.,Modèle de courrier électronique manquant pour l'envoi. Veuillez en définir un dans les paramètres de livraison., @@ -1676,7 +1675,7 @@ New {0} pricing rules are created,De nouvelles règles de tarification {0} sont Newsletters,Newsletters, Newspaper Publishers,Éditeurs de journaux, Next,Suivant, -Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email Address,Prochain Contact Par ne peut être identique à l’Adresse Email du Prospect, +Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email Address,Prochain Contact Par ne peut être identique à l’Adresse Email du Lead, Next Contact Date cannot be in the past,La Date de Prochain Contact ne peut pas être dans le passé, Next Steps,Prochaines étapes, No Action,Pas d'action, @@ -1808,9 +1807,9 @@ Operation Time must be greater than 0 for Operation {0},Temps de l'Opération do Operations,Opérations, Operations cannot be left blank,Les opérations ne peuvent pas être laissées vides, Opp Count,Compte d'Opportunités, -Opp/Lead %,Opp / Prospect %, +Opp/Lead %,Opp / Lead %, Opportunities,Opportunités, -Opportunities by lead source,Opportunités par source de plomb, +Opportunities by lead source,Opportunités par source de lead, Opportunity,Opportunité, Opportunity Amount,Montant de l'opportunité, Optional Holiday List not set for leave period {0},Une liste de vacances facultative n'est pas définie pour la période de congé {0}, @@ -2007,7 +2006,7 @@ Please mention Basic and HRA component in Company,Veuillez mentionner les compos Please mention Round Off Account in Company,Veuillez indiquer le Compte d’Arrondi de la Société, Please mention Round Off Cost Center in Company,Veuillez indiquer le Centre de Coûts d’Arrondi de la Société, Please mention no of visits required,Veuillez indiquer le nb de visites requises, -Please mention the Lead Name in Lead {0},Veuillez mentionner le nom du Prospect dans le Prospect {0}, +Please mention the Lead Name in Lead {0},Veuillez mentionner le nom du Lead dans le Lead {0}, Please pull items from Delivery Note,Veuillez récupérer les articles des Bons de Livraison, Please register the SIREN number in the company information file,Veuillez enregistrer le numéro SIREN dans la fiche d'information de la société, Please remove this Invoice {0} from C-Form {1},Veuillez retirez cette Facture {0} du C-Form {1}, @@ -2277,7 +2276,7 @@ Queued for replacing the BOM. It may take a few minutes.,En file d'attente pour Queued for updating latest price in all Bill of Materials. It may take a few minutes.,Mise à jour des prix les plus récents dans toutes les nomenclatures en file d'attente. Cela peut prendre quelques minutes., Quick Journal Entry,Écriture Rapide dans le Journal, Quot Count,Compte de Devis, -Quot/Lead %,Devis / Prospects %, +Quot/Lead %,Devis / Lead %, Quotation,Devis, Quotation {0} is cancelled,Devis {0} est annulée, Quotation {0} not of type {1},Le devis {0} n'est pas du type {1}, @@ -2285,7 +2284,7 @@ Quotations,Devis, "Quotations are proposals, bids you have sent to your customers","Les devis sont des propositions, offres que vous avez envoyées à vos clients", Quotations received from Suppliers.,Devis reçus des Fournisseurs., Quotations: ,Devis :, -Quotes to Leads or Customers.,Devis de Prospects ou Clients., +Quotes to Leads or Customers.,Devis de Lead ou Clients., RFQs are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1},Les Appels d'Offres ne sont pas autorisés pour {0} en raison d'une note de {1} sur la fiche d'évaluation, Range,Plage, Rate,Prix, @@ -3122,7 +3121,7 @@ Total(Amt),Total (Mnt), Total(Qty),Total (Qté), Traceability,Traçabilité, Traceback,Retraçage, -Track Leads by Lead Source.,Suivre les prospects par sources, +Track Leads by Lead Source.,Suivre les leads par sources, Training,Formation, Training Event,Événement de formation, Training Events,Événements de formation, @@ -3243,8 +3242,8 @@ View Chart of Accounts,Voir le plan comptable, View Fees Records,Voir les honoraires, View Form,Voir le formulaire, View Lab Tests,Afficher les tests de laboratoire, -View Leads,Voir Prospects, -View Ledger,Voir le Livre, +View Leads,Voir Lead, +View Ledger,Voir le Journal, View Now,Voir maintenant, View a list of all the help videos,Afficher la liste de toutes les vidéos d'aide, View in Cart,Voir Panier, @@ -3677,7 +3676,7 @@ Couldn't Set Service Level Agreement {0}.,Impossible de définir le contrat de s Country,Pays, Country Code in File does not match with country code set up in the system,Le code de pays dans le fichier ne correspond pas au code de pays configuré dans le système, Create New Contact,Créer un nouveau contact, -Create New Lead,Créer une nouvelle piste, +Create New Lead,Créer une nouvelle lead, Create Pick List,Créer une liste de choix, Create Quality Inspection for Item {0},Créer un contrôle qualité pour l'article {0}, Creating Accounts...,Création de comptes ..., @@ -3784,7 +3783,7 @@ Group Warehouses cannot be used in transactions. Please change the value of {0}, Help,Aidez-moi, Help Article,Article d’Aide, "Helps you keep tracks of Contracts based on Supplier, Customer and Employee","Vous aide à garder une trace des contrats en fonction du fournisseur, client et employé", -Helps you manage appointments with your leads,Vous aide à gérer les rendez-vous avec vos prospects, +Helps you manage appointments with your leads,Vous aide à gérer les rendez-vous avec vos leads, Home,Accueil, IBAN is not valid,IBAN n'est pas valide, Import Data from CSV / Excel files.,Importer des données à partir de fichiers CSV / Excel, @@ -3880,7 +3879,7 @@ Only expired allocation can be cancelled,Seule l'allocation expirée peut être Only users with the {0} role can create backdated leave applications,Seuls les utilisateurs avec le rôle {0} peuvent créer des demandes de congé antidatées, Open,Ouvert, Open Contact,Contact ouvert, -Open Lead,Ouvrir le Prospect, +Open Lead,Ouvrir le Lead, Opening and Closing,Ouverture et fermeture, Operating Cost as per Work Order / BOM,Coût d'exploitation selon l'ordre de fabrication / nomenclature, Order Amount,Montant de la commande, @@ -3926,7 +3925,7 @@ Please select another payment method. Stripe does not support transactions in cu Please select the customer.,S'il vous plaît sélectionner le client., Please set a Supplier against the Items to be considered in the Purchase Order.,Veuillez définir un fournisseur par rapport aux articles à prendre en compte dans la Commande d'Achat., Please set account heads in GST Settings for Compnay {0},Définissez les en-têtes de compte dans les paramètres de la TPS pour le service {0}., -Please set an email id for the Lead {0},Veuillez définir un identifiant de messagerie pour le prospect {0}., +Please set an email id for the Lead {0},Veuillez définir un identifiant de messagerie pour le lead {0}., Please set default UOM in Stock Settings,Veuillez définir l'UdM par défaut dans les paramètres de stock, Please set filter based on Item or Warehouse due to a large amount of entries.,Veuillez définir le filtre en fonction de l'article ou de l'entrepôt en raison d'une grande quantité d'entrées., Please set up the Campaign Schedule in the Campaign {0},Configurez le calendrier de la campagne dans la campagne {0}., @@ -5600,7 +5599,7 @@ Call Log,Journal d'appel, Received By,Reçu par, Caller Information,Informations sur l'appelant, Contact Name,Nom du Contact, -Lead Name,Nom du Prospect, +Lead Name,Nom du Lead, Ringing,Sonnerie, Missed,Manqué, Call Duration in seconds,Durée d'appel en secondes, @@ -5668,7 +5667,7 @@ Fulfilment Terms and Conditions,Termes et conditions d'exécution, Contract Template Fulfilment Terms,Conditions d'exécution du modèle de contrat, Email Campaign,Campagne Email, Email Campaign For ,Campagne d'email pour, -Lead is an Organization,Le prospect est une organisation, +Lead is an Organization,Le Lead est une organisation, CRM-LEAD-.YYYY.-,CRM-LEAD-.YYYY.-, Person Name,Nom de la Personne, Lost Quotation,Devis Perdu, @@ -5683,7 +5682,7 @@ Next Contact Date,Date du Prochain Contact, Ends On,Se termine le, Address & Contact,Adresse & Contact, Mobile No.,N° Mobile., -Lead Type,Type de Prospect, +Lead Type,Type de Lead, Channel Partner,Partenaire de Canal, Consultant,Consultant, Market Segment,Part de Marché, @@ -5706,7 +5705,7 @@ Opportunity Lost Reason,Raison perdue, Potential Sales Deal,Ventes Potentielles, CRM-OPP-.YYYY.-,CRM-OPP-YYYY.-, Opportunity From,Opportunité De, -Customer / Lead Name,Nom du Client / Prospect, +Customer / Lead Name,Nom du Client / Lead, Opportunity Type,Type d'Opportunité, Converted By,Converti par, Sales Stage,Stade de vente, @@ -5716,7 +5715,7 @@ To Discuss,À Discuter, With Items,Avec Articles, Probability (%),Probabilité (%), Contact Info,Information du Contact, -Customer / Lead Address,Adresse du Client / Prospect, +Customer / Lead Address,Adresse du Lead / Prospect, Contact Mobile No,N° de Portable du Contact, Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign,Entrez le nom de la campagne si la source de l'enquête est une campagne, Opportunity Date,Date d'Opportunité, @@ -7643,7 +7642,7 @@ Campaign Schedules,Horaires de campagne, Buyer of Goods and Services.,Acheteur des Biens et Services., CUST-.YYYY.-,CUST-.YYYY.-, Default Company Bank Account,Compte bancaire d'entreprise par défaut, -From Lead,Du Prospect, +From Lead,Du Lead, Account Manager,Gestionnaire de compte, Allow Sales Invoice Creation Without Sales Order,Autoriser la création de factures de vente sans commande client, Allow Sales Invoice Creation Without Delivery Note,Autoriser la création de factures de vente sans bon de livraison, @@ -7670,7 +7669,7 @@ Installation Date,Date d'Installation, Installation Time,Temps d'Installation, Installation Note Item,Article Remarque d'Installation, Installed Qty,Qté Installée, -Lead Source,Source du Prospect, +Lead Source,Source du Lead, Period Start Date,Date de début de la période, Period End Date,Date de fin de la période, Cashier,Caissier, @@ -8515,8 +8514,8 @@ Item-wise Sales Register,Registre des Ventes par Article, Items To Be Requested,Articles À Demander, Reserved,Réservé, Itemwise Recommended Reorder Level,Renouvellement Recommandé par Article, -Lead Details,Détails du Prospect, -Lead Owner Efficiency,Efficacité des Responsables des Prospects, +Lead Details,Détails du Lead, +Lead Owner Efficiency,Efficacité des Responsables des Leads, Loan Repayment and Closure,Remboursement et clôture de prêts, Loan Security Status,État de la sécurité du prêt, Lost Opportunity,Occasion perdue, @@ -9205,7 +9204,7 @@ Time Required (In Mins),Temps requis (en minutes), From Posting Date,À partir de la date de publication, To Posting Date,À la date de publication, No records found,Aucun enregistrement trouvé, -Customer/Lead Name,Nom du client / prospect, +Customer/Lead Name,Nom du client / lead, Unmarked Days,Jours non marqués, Jan,Jan, Feb,fév, @@ -9469,7 +9468,7 @@ Row {0}: Loan Security {1} added multiple times,Ligne {0}: Garantie de prêt {1} Row #{0}: Child Item should not be a Product Bundle. Please remove Item {1} and Save,Ligne n ° {0}: l'élément enfant ne doit pas être un ensemble de produits. Veuillez supprimer l'élément {1} et enregistrer, Credit limit reached for customer {0},Limite de crédit atteinte pour le client {0}, Could not auto create Customer due to the following missing mandatory field(s):,Impossible de créer automatiquement le client en raison du ou des champs obligatoires manquants suivants:, -Please create Customer from Lead {0}.,Veuillez créer un client à partir du prospect {0}., +Please create Customer from Lead {0}.,Veuillez créer un client à partir du lead {0}., Mandatory Missing,Obligatoire manquant, Please set Payroll based on in Payroll settings,Veuillez définir la paie en fonction des paramètres de paie, Additional Salary: {0} already exist for Salary Component: {1} for period {2} and {3},Salaire supplémentaire: {0} existe déjà pour le composant de salaire: {1} pour la période {2} et {3}, diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/__init__.py b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.json b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..361166cb65 --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "actions": [], + "allow_rename": 1, + "creation": "2023-06-20 14:01:35.362233", + "doctype": "DocType", + "editable_grid": 1, + "engine": "InnoDB", + "field_order": [ + "user" + ], + "fields": [ + { + "fieldname": "user", + "fieldtype": "Link", + "in_list_view": 1, + "label": "User", + "options": "User", + "reqd": 1, + "search_index": 1 + } + ], + "index_web_pages_for_search": 1, + "istable": 1, + "links": [], + "modified": "2023-06-26 14:15:34.695605", + "modified_by": "Administrator", + "module": "Utilities", + "name": "Portal User", + "owner": "Administrator", + "permissions": [], + "sort_field": "modified", + "sort_order": "DESC", + "states": [] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.py b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e0064d198 --- /dev/null +++ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/portal_user/portal_user.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2023, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors +# For license information, please see license.txt + +# import frappe +from frappe.model.document import Document + + +class PortalUser(Document): + pass diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index c119ada46e..012ffb17a6 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ dependencies = [ "pycountry~=22.3.5", "Unidecode~=1.3.6", "barcodenumber~=0.5.0", + "rapidfuzz~=2.15.0", # integration dependencies "gocardless-pro~=1.22.0",