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<h1>Stock Entry Purpose</h1>
<h1>Stock Entry Purpose</h1>
Stock Entry document records Item movement from a Warehouse, to a Warehouse and between Warehouses. And in stock entry form selection of 'Purpose' belongs to type of item movement. Following are the uses of Stock Entry Purposes in stock entry form.
#### 1.Purpose = Material Issue
This purpose is selected to issue item from a warehouse. In this stock entry, you should define Source Warehouse only. This type of stock entry can be perform for adjustment of serialized inventory.

#### 2.Purpose = Material Receipt
This purpose is selected to receive item in a warehouse. In this stock entry, you should define Target Warehouse only. This type of stock entry can be perform for adjustment of serialized inventory.

#### 3.Purpose = Material Transfer
This purpose is selected to transfer item from warehouse to warehouse or to transfer raw material for production. In this stock entry, you should define Source Warehouse and Target Warehouse also.

#### 4.Purpose = Manufacture
This purpose is selected to perform finished goods entry. This purpose is auto selected in stock entry form, when you Update Finished Goods entry from Submitted Production Order. 

#### 5.Purpose = Repack
This purpose is selected to perform repack of item. 
#### 6.Purpose = Subcontract
This purpose is selected to transfer row material to supplier for manufacturing subcontracting item.

#### 6.Purpose = Sales Return
This purpose is selected to receive returned item by customer. 

#### 6.Purpose = Purchase Return
This purpose is selected to issue purchased item to supplier. 

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