If you are receiving payments or making payments via cheques, the bank statements will not accurately match the dates of your entry, this is because the bank usually takes time to “clear” these payments. Also you may have
mailed a cheque to your Supplier and it may be a few days before it is received and deposited by the Supplier. In ERPNext you can synchronise your bank statements and your Journal Entrys using the “Bank Reconciliation”
The Bank Reconciliation Report provide the difference between the bank balance shown in an organisation's bank statement, as provided by the ban against amount shown in the companies Chart of Accounts.
In the report, check whether the field 'Balance as per bank' matches the Bank Account Statement. If it is matching, it means that Clearance Date is correctly updated for all the bank entries. If there is a mismatch, Its because of bank entries for which Cleanrane Date is not yet updated.