2019-07-03 10:34:31 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
import difflib
from frappe . utils import flt
from six import iteritems
from erpnext import get_company_currency
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def reconcile ( bank_transaction , payment_doctype , payment_name ) :
transaction = frappe . get_doc ( " Bank Transaction " , bank_transaction )
payment_entry = frappe . get_doc ( payment_doctype , payment_name )
account = frappe . db . get_value ( " Bank Account " , transaction . bank_account , " account " )
gl_entry = frappe . get_doc ( " GL Entry " , dict ( account = account , voucher_type = payment_doctype , voucher_no = payment_name ) )
2019-12-25 01:32:18 +13:00
if payment_doctype == " Payment Entry " and payment_entry . unallocated_amount > transaction . unallocated_amount :
frappe . throw ( _ ( " The unallocated amount of Payment Entry {0} \
is greater than the Bank Transaction ' s unallocated amount " ).format(payment_name))
2020-07-02 12:35:41 +05:30
2019-07-03 10:34:31 +05:30
if transaction . unallocated_amount == 0 :
frappe . throw ( _ ( " This bank transaction is already fully reconciled " ) )
if transaction . credit > 0 and gl_entry . credit > 0 :
frappe . throw ( _ ( " The selected payment entry should be linked with a debtor bank transaction " ) )
if transaction . debit > 0 and gl_entry . debit > 0 :
frappe . throw ( _ ( " The selected payment entry should be linked with a creditor bank transaction " ) )
add_payment_to_transaction ( transaction , payment_entry , gl_entry )
return ' reconciled '
def add_payment_to_transaction ( transaction , payment_entry , gl_entry ) :
gl_amount , transaction_amount = ( gl_entry . credit , transaction . debit ) if gl_entry . credit > 0 else ( gl_entry . debit , transaction . credit )
allocated_amount = gl_amount if gl_amount < = transaction_amount else transaction_amount
transaction . append ( " payment_entries " , {
" payment_document " : payment_entry . doctype ,
" payment_entry " : payment_entry . name ,
" allocated_amount " : allocated_amount
} )
transaction . save ( )
transaction . update_allocations ( )
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def get_linked_payments ( bank_transaction ) :
transaction = frappe . get_doc ( " Bank Transaction " , bank_transaction )
bank_account = frappe . db . get_values ( " Bank Account " , transaction . bank_account , [ " account " , " company " ] , as_dict = True )
# Get all payment entries with a matching amount
amount_matching = check_matching_amount ( bank_account [ 0 ] . account , bank_account [ 0 ] . company , transaction )
# Get some data from payment entries linked to a corresponding bank transaction
description_matching = get_matching_descriptions_data ( bank_account [ 0 ] . company , transaction )
if amount_matching :
return check_amount_vs_description ( amount_matching , description_matching )
elif description_matching :
description_matching = filter ( lambda x : not x . get ( ' clearance_date ' ) , description_matching )
if not description_matching :
return [ ]
return sorted ( list ( description_matching ) , key = lambda x : x [ " posting_date " ] , reverse = True )
else :
return [ ]
def check_matching_amount ( bank_account , company , transaction ) :
payments = [ ]
amount = transaction . credit if transaction . credit > 0 else transaction . debit
payment_type = " Receive " if transaction . credit > 0 else " Pay "
account_from_to = " paid_to " if transaction . credit > 0 else " paid_from "
currency_field = " paid_to_account_currency as currency " if transaction . credit > 0 else " paid_from_account_currency as currency "
payment_entries = frappe . get_all ( " Payment Entry " , fields = [ " ' Payment Entry ' as doctype " , " name " , " paid_amount " , " payment_type " , " reference_no " , " reference_date " ,
" party " , " party_type " , " posting_date " , " {0} " . format ( currency_field ) ] , filters = [ [ " paid_amount " , " like " , " {0} % " . format ( amount ) ] ,
[ " docstatus " , " = " , " 1 " ] , [ " payment_type " , " = " , [ payment_type , " Internal Transfer " ] ] , [ " ifnull(clearance_date, ' ' ) " , " = " , " " ] , [ " {0} " . format ( account_from_to ) , " = " , " {0} " . format ( bank_account ) ] ] )
if transaction . credit > 0 :
journal_entries = frappe . db . sql ( """
' Journal Entry ' as doctype , je . name , je . posting_date , je . cheque_no as reference_no ,
je . pay_to_recd_from as party , je . cheque_date as reference_date , jea . debit_in_account_currency as paid_amount
` tabJournal Entry Account ` as jea
` tabJournal Entry ` as je
jea . parent = je . name
( je . clearance_date is null or je . clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
jea . account = % s
jea . debit_in_account_currency like % s
je . docstatus = 1
""" , (bank_account, amount), as_dict=True)
else :
journal_entries = frappe . db . sql ( """
' Journal Entry ' as doctype , je . name , je . posting_date , je . cheque_no as reference_no ,
jea . account_currency as currency , je . pay_to_recd_from as party , je . cheque_date as reference_date ,
jea . credit_in_account_currency as paid_amount
` tabJournal Entry Account ` as jea
` tabJournal Entry ` as je
jea . parent = je . name
( je . clearance_date is null or je . clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
jea . account = % ( bank_account ) s
jea . credit_in_account_currency like % ( txt ) s
je . docstatus = 1
""" , {
' bank_account ' : bank_account ,
' txt ' : ' %% %s %% ' % amount
} , as_dict = True )
if transaction . credit > 0 :
sales_invoices = frappe . db . sql ( """
' Sales Invoice ' as doctype , si . name , si . customer as party ,
si . posting_date , sip . amount as paid_amount
` tabSales Invoice Payment ` as sip
` tabSales Invoice ` as si
sip . parent = si . name
( sip . clearance_date is null or sip . clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
sip . account = % s
sip . amount like % s
si . docstatus = 1
""" , (bank_account, amount), as_dict=True)
else :
sales_invoices = [ ]
if transaction . debit > 0 :
purchase_invoices = frappe . get_all ( " Purchase Invoice " ,
fields = [ " ' Purchase Invoice ' as doctype " , " name " , " paid_amount " , " supplier as party " , " posting_date " , " currency " ] ,
filters = [
[ " paid_amount " , " like " , " {0} % " . format ( amount ) ] ,
[ " docstatus " , " = " , " 1 " ] ,
[ " is_paid " , " = " , " 1 " ] ,
[ " ifnull(clearance_date, ' ' ) " , " = " , " " ] ,
[ " cash_bank_account " , " = " , " {0} " . format ( bank_account ) ]
mode_of_payments = [ x [ " parent " ] for x in frappe . db . get_list ( " Mode of Payment Account " ,
filters = { " default_account " : bank_account } , fields = [ " parent " ] ) ]
company_currency = get_company_currency ( company )
expense_claims = frappe . get_all ( " Expense Claim " ,
fields = [ " ' Expense Claim ' as doctype " , " name " , " total_sanctioned_amount as paid_amount " ,
" employee as party " , " posting_date " , " ' {0} ' as currency " . format ( company_currency ) ] ,
filters = [
[ " total_sanctioned_amount " , " like " , " {0} % " . format ( amount ) ] ,
[ " docstatus " , " = " , " 1 " ] ,
[ " is_paid " , " = " , " 1 " ] ,
[ " ifnull(clearance_date, ' ' ) " , " = " , " " ] ,
[ " mode_of_payment " , " in " , " {0} " . format ( tuple ( mode_of_payments ) ) ]
else :
purchase_invoices = expense_claims = [ ]
for data in [ payment_entries , journal_entries , sales_invoices , purchase_invoices , expense_claims ] :
if data :
payments . extend ( data )
return payments
def get_matching_descriptions_data ( company , transaction ) :
if not transaction . description :
return [ ]
bank_transactions = frappe . db . sql ( """
bt . name , bt . description , bt . date , btp . payment_document , btp . payment_entry
` tabBank Transaction ` as bt
` tabBank Transaction Payments ` as btp
bt . name = btp . parent
bt . allocated_amount > 0
bt . docstatus = 1
""" , as_dict=True)
selection = [ ]
for bank_transaction in bank_transactions :
if bank_transaction . description :
seq = difflib . SequenceMatcher ( lambda x : x == " " , transaction . description , bank_transaction . description )
if seq . ratio ( ) > 0.6 :
bank_transaction [ " ratio " ] = seq . ratio ( )
selection . append ( bank_transaction )
document_types = set ( [ x [ " payment_document " ] for x in selection ] )
links = { }
for document_type in document_types :
links [ document_type ] = [ x [ " payment_entry " ] for x in selection if x [ " payment_document " ] == document_type ]
data = [ ]
company_currency = get_company_currency ( company )
for key , value in iteritems ( links ) :
if key == " Payment Entry " :
data . extend ( frappe . get_all ( " Payment Entry " , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , value ] ] ,
fields = [ " ' Payment Entry ' as doctype " , " posting_date " , " party " , " reference_no " ,
" reference_date " , " paid_amount " , " paid_to_account_currency as currency " , " clearance_date " ] ) )
if key == " Journal Entry " :
journal_entries = frappe . get_all ( " Journal Entry " , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , value ] ] ,
fields = [ " name " , " ' Journal Entry ' as doctype " , " posting_date " ,
" pay_to_recd_from as party " , " cheque_no as reference_no " , " cheque_date as reference_date " ,
" total_credit as paid_amount " , " clearance_date " ] )
for journal_entry in journal_entries :
journal_entry_accounts = frappe . get_all ( " Journal Entry Account " , filters = { " parenttype " : journal_entry [ " doctype " ] , " parent " : journal_entry [ " name " ] } , fields = [ " account_currency " ] )
journal_entry [ " currency " ] = journal_entry_accounts [ 0 ] [ " account_currency " ] if journal_entry_accounts else company_currency
data . extend ( journal_entries )
if key == " Sales Invoice " :
data . extend ( frappe . get_all ( " Sales Invoice " , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , value ] ] , fields = [ " ' Sales Invoice ' as doctype " , " posting_date " , " customer_name as party " , " paid_amount " , " currency " ] ) )
if key == " Purchase Invoice " :
data . extend ( frappe . get_all ( " Purchase Invoice " , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , value ] ] , fields = [ " ' Purchase Invoice ' as doctype " , " posting_date " , " supplier_name as party " , " paid_amount " , " currency " ] ) )
if key == " Expense Claim " :
expense_claims = frappe . get_all ( " Expense Claim " , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , value ] ] , fields = [ " ' Expense Claim ' as doctype " , " posting_date " , " employee_name as party " , " total_amount_reimbursed as paid_amount " ] )
data . extend ( [ dict ( x , * * { " currency " : company_currency } ) for x in expense_claims ] )
return data
def check_amount_vs_description ( amount_matching , description_matching ) :
result = [ ]
if description_matching :
for am_match in amount_matching :
for des_match in description_matching :
if des_match . get ( " clearance_date " ) :
if am_match [ " party " ] == des_match [ " party " ] :
if am_match not in result :
result . append ( am_match )
if " reference_no " in am_match and " reference_no " in des_match :
if difflib . SequenceMatcher ( lambda x : x == " " , am_match [ " reference_no " ] , des_match [ " reference_no " ] ) . ratio ( ) > 70 :
if am_match not in result :
result . append ( am_match )
if result :
return sorted ( result , key = lambda x : x [ " posting_date " ] , reverse = True )
else :
return sorted ( amount_matching , key = lambda x : x [ " posting_date " ] , reverse = True )
else :
return sorted ( amount_matching , key = lambda x : x [ " posting_date " ] , reverse = True )
def get_matching_transactions_payments ( description_matching ) :
payments = [ x [ " payment_entry " ] for x in description_matching ]
payment_by_ratio = { x [ " payment_entry " ] : x [ " ratio " ] for x in description_matching }
if payments :
reference_payment_list = frappe . get_all ( " Payment Entry " , fields = [ " name " , " paid_amount " , " payment_type " , " reference_no " , " reference_date " ,
" party " , " party_type " , " posting_date " , " paid_to_account_currency " ] , filters = [ [ " name " , " in " , payments ] ] )
return sorted ( reference_payment_list , key = lambda x : payment_by_ratio [ x [ " name " ] ] )
else :
return [ ]
2020-07-02 12:35:41 +05:30
@frappe.whitelist ( )
2020-08-05 20:07:30 +05:30
2019-07-03 10:34:31 +05:30
def payment_entry_query ( doctype , txt , searchfield , start , page_len , filters ) :
account = frappe . db . get_value ( " Bank Account " , filters . get ( " bank_account " ) , " account " )
if not account :
return frappe . db . sql ( """
name , party , paid_amount , received_amount , reference_no
` tabPayment Entry `
( clearance_date is null or clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
AND ( paid_from = % ( account ) s or paid_to = % ( account ) s )
AND ( name like % ( txt ) s or party like % ( txt ) s )
AND docstatus = 1
if ( locate ( % ( _txt ) s , name ) , locate ( % ( _txt ) s , name ) , 99999 ) , name
% ( start ) s , % ( page_len ) s """ ,
' txt ' : " %% %s %% " % txt ,
' _txt ' : txt . replace ( " % " , " " ) ,
' start ' : start ,
' page_len ' : page_len ,
' account ' : account
2020-07-02 12:35:41 +05:30
@frappe.whitelist ( )
2020-08-05 20:07:30 +05:30
2019-07-03 10:34:31 +05:30
def journal_entry_query ( doctype , txt , searchfield , start , page_len , filters ) :
account = frappe . db . get_value ( " Bank Account " , filters . get ( " bank_account " ) , " account " )
return frappe . db . sql ( """
jea . parent , je . pay_to_recd_from ,
if ( jea . debit_in_account_currency > 0 , jea . debit_in_account_currency , jea . credit_in_account_currency )
` tabJournal Entry Account ` as jea
` tabJournal Entry ` as je
jea . parent = je . name
( je . clearance_date is null or je . clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
jea . account = % ( account ) s
( jea . parent like % ( txt ) s or je . pay_to_recd_from like % ( txt ) s )
je . docstatus = 1
if ( locate ( % ( _txt ) s , jea . parent ) , locate ( % ( _txt ) s , jea . parent ) , 99999 ) ,
jea . parent
% ( start ) s , % ( page_len ) s """ ,
' txt ' : " %% %s %% " % txt ,
' _txt ' : txt . replace ( " % " , " " ) ,
' start ' : start ,
' page_len ' : page_len ,
' account ' : account
2020-07-02 12:35:41 +05:30
@frappe.whitelist ( )
2020-08-05 20:07:30 +05:30
2019-07-03 10:34:31 +05:30
def sales_invoices_query ( doctype , txt , searchfield , start , page_len , filters ) :
return frappe . db . sql ( """
sip . parent , si . customer , sip . amount , sip . mode_of_payment
` tabSales Invoice Payment ` as sip
` tabSales Invoice ` as si
sip . parent = si . name
( sip . clearance_date is null or sip . clearance_date = ' 0000-00-00 ' )
( sip . parent like % ( txt ) s or si . customer like % ( txt ) s )
if ( locate ( % ( _txt ) s , sip . parent ) , locate ( % ( _txt ) s , sip . parent ) , 99999 ) ,
sip . parent
% ( start ) s , % ( page_len ) s """ ,
' txt ' : " %% %s %% " % txt ,
' _txt ' : txt . replace ( " % " , " " ) ,
' start ' : start ,
' page_len ' : page_len
2019-12-25 01:32:18 +13:00