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# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, has_common
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
from frappe.utils.user import is_website_user
def get_list_context(context=None):
return {
"global_number_format": frappe.db.get_default("number_format") or "#,###.##",
"currency": frappe.db.get_default("currency"),
"currency_symbols": json.dumps(dict(frappe.db.sql("""select name, symbol
from tabCurrency where enabled=1"""))),
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
"row_template": "templates/includes/transaction_row.html",
"get_list": get_transaction_list
def get_transaction_list(doctype, txt=None, filters=None, limit_start=0, limit_page_length=20, order_by="modified"):
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
user = frappe.session.user
ignore_permissions = False
if not filters: filters = []
2020-11-06 16:48:39 +05:30
if doctype in ['Supplier Quotation', 'Purchase Invoice']:
filters.append((doctype, 'docstatus', '<', 2))
filters.append((doctype, 'docstatus', '=', 1))
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
if (user != 'Guest' and is_website_user()) or doctype == 'Request for Quotation':
parties_doctype = 'Request for Quotation Supplier' if doctype == 'Request for Quotation' else doctype
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
# find party for this contact
2016-03-03 14:00:35 +05:30
customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(parties_doctype, user)
if customers:
if doctype == 'Quotation':
filters.append(('quotation_to', '=', 'Customer'))
filters.append(('party_name', 'in', customers))
filters.append(('customer', 'in', customers))
elif suppliers:
filters.append(('supplier', 'in', suppliers))
return []
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
2016-03-03 14:00:35 +05:30
if doctype == 'Request for Quotation':
parties = customers or suppliers
2016-03-03 14:00:35 +05:30
return rfq_transaction_list(parties_doctype, doctype, parties, limit_start, limit_page_length)
# Since customers and supplier do not have direct access to internal doctypes
ignore_permissions = True
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
transactions = get_list_for_transactions(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length,
fields='name', ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions, order_by='modified desc')
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
return post_process(doctype, transactions)
def get_list_for_transactions(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length=20,
ignore_permissions=False, fields=None, order_by=None):
""" Get List of transactions like Invoices, Orders """
from frappe.www.list import get_list
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
data = []
or_filters = []
for d in get_list(doctype, txt, filters=filters, fields="name", limit_start=limit_start,
limit_page_length=limit_page_length, ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions, order_by="modified desc"):
if txt:
if meta.get_field('items'):
if meta.get_field('items').options:
child_doctype = meta.get_field('items').options
for item in frappe.get_all(child_doctype, {"item_name": ['like', "%" + txt + "%"]}):
child = frappe.get_doc(child_doctype,
or_filters.append([doctype, "name", "=", child.parent])
if or_filters:
for r in frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields,filters=filters, or_filters=or_filters,
limit_start=limit_start, limit_page_length=limit_page_length,
ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions, order_by=order_by):
return data
2016-03-03 14:00:35 +05:30
def rfq_transaction_list(parties_doctype, doctype, parties, limit_start, limit_page_length):
data = frappe.db.sql("""select distinct parent as name, supplier from `tab{doctype}`
where supplier = '{supplier}' and docstatus=1 order by modified desc limit {start}, {len}""".
format(doctype=parties_doctype, supplier=parties[0], start=limit_start, len = limit_page_length), as_dict=1)
return post_process(doctype, data)
def post_process(doctype, data):
result = []
for d in data:
doc = frappe.get_doc(doctype,
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
doc.status_percent = 0
doc.status_display = []
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
if doc.get("per_billed"):
doc.status_percent += flt(doc.per_billed)
doc.status_display.append(_("Billed") if doc.per_billed==100 else _("{0}% Billed").format(doc.per_billed))
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
if doc.get("per_delivered"):
doc.status_percent += flt(doc.per_delivered)
doc.status_display.append(_("Delivered") if doc.per_delivered==100 else _("{0}% Delivered").format(doc.per_delivered))
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
2015-09-16 18:52:52 +05:30
if hasattr(doc, "set_indicator"):
doc.status_display = ", ".join(doc.status_display)
2016-06-28 17:11:32 +05:30
doc.items_preview = ", ".join([d.item_name for d in doc.items if d.item_name])
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
return result
def get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user):
customers = []
suppliers = []
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
customer_field_name = get_customer_field_name(doctype)
has_customer_field = meta.has_field(customer_field_name)
has_supplier_field = meta.has_field('supplier')
if has_common(["Supplier", "Customer"], frappe.get_roles(user)):
contacts = frappe.db.sql("""
`tabDynamic Link`.link_doctype,
`tabDynamic Link`.link_name
`tabContact`, `tabDynamic Link`
`tabContact`.name=`tabDynamic Link`.parent and `tabContact`.email_id =%s
""", user, as_dict=1)
customers = [c.link_name for c in contacts if c.link_doctype == 'Customer']
suppliers = [c.link_name for c in contacts if c.link_doctype == 'Supplier']
elif frappe.has_permission(doctype, 'read', user=user):
customer_list = frappe.get_list("Customer")
customers = suppliers = [ for customer in customer_list]
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
return customers if has_customer_field else None, \
suppliers if has_supplier_field else None
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
def has_website_permission(doc, ptype, user, verbose=False):
doctype = doc.doctype
customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user)
if customers:
return frappe.db.exists(doctype, get_customer_filter(doc, customers))
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
elif suppliers:
fieldname = 'suppliers' if doctype == 'Request for Quotation' else 'supplier'
return frappe.db.exists(doctype, {
fieldname: ["in", suppliers]
2015-02-23 22:14:12 +05:30
return False
def get_customer_filter(doc, customers):
doctype = doc.doctype
filters = frappe._dict() =
filters[get_customer_field_name(doctype)] = ['in', customers]
if doctype == 'Quotation':
filters.quotation_to = 'Customer'
return filters
def get_customer_field_name(doctype):
if doctype == 'Quotation':
return 'party_name'
return 'customer'