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# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import flt, cstr, now
from webnotes.model.doc import Document
from accounts.utils import validate_expense_against_budget
def make_gl_entries(gl_map, cancel=False, adv_adj=False, merge_entries=True,
if not cancel:
if merge_entries:
gl_map = merge_similar_entries(gl_map)
save_entries(gl_map, adv_adj, update_outstanding)
delete_gl_entries(gl_map, adv_adj, update_outstanding)
def merge_similar_entries(gl_map):
merged_gl_map = []
for entry in gl_map:
# if there is already an entry in this account then just add it
# to that entry
same_head = check_if_in_list(entry, merged_gl_map)
if same_head:
same_head['debit'] = flt(same_head['debit']) + flt(entry['debit'])
same_head['credit'] = flt(same_head['credit']) + flt(entry['credit'])
# filter zero debit and credit entries
merged_gl_map = filter(lambda x: flt(x["debit"])!=0 or flt(x["credit"])!=0, merged_gl_map)
return merged_gl_map
def check_if_in_list(gle, gl_mqp):
for e in gl_mqp:
if e['account'] == gle['account'] and \
cstr(e.get('against_voucher'))==cstr(gle.get('against_voucher')) \
and cstr(e.get('against_voucher_type')) == \
cstr(gle.get('against_voucher_type')) \
and cstr(e.get('cost_center')) == cstr(gle.get('cost_center')):
return e
def check_budget(gl_map, cancel):
for gle in gl_map:
if gle.get('cost_center'):
#check budget only if account is expense account
acc_details = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", gle['account'],
['is_pl_account', 'debit_or_credit'])
if acc_details[0]=="Yes" and acc_details[1]=="Debit":
webnotes.get_obj('Budget Control').check_budget(gle, cancel)
def save_entries(gl_map, adv_adj, update_outstanding):
total_debit = total_credit = 0.0
def _swap(entry):
entry["debit"], entry["credit"] = abs(flt(entry["credit"])), abs(flt(entry["debit"]))
for entry in gl_map:
# round off upto 2 decimal
entry["debit"] = flt(entry["debit"], 2)
entry["credit"] = flt(entry["credit"], 2)
# toggle debit, credit if negative entry
if flt(entry["debit"]) < 0 or flt(entry["credit"]) < 0:
gle = Document('GL Entry', fielddata=entry)
gle_obj = webnotes.get_obj(doc=gle)
gle_obj.on_update(adv_adj, update_outstanding)
# update total debit / credit
total_debit += flt(gle.debit)
total_credit += flt(
validate_total_debit_credit(total_debit, total_credit)
def validate_total_debit_credit(total_debit, total_credit):
if abs(total_debit - total_credit) > 0.005:
webnotes.throw(_("Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is ") +
cstr(total_debit - total_credit))
def delete_gl_entries(gl_entries, adv_adj, update_outstanding):
from accounts.doctype.gl_entry.gl_entry import check_negative_balance, \
check_freezing_date, update_outstanding_amt, validate_freezed_account
check_freezing_date(gl_entries[0]["posting_date"], adv_adj)
webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s""",
(gl_entries[0]["voucher_type"], gl_entries[0]["voucher_no"]))
for entry in gl_entries:
validate_freezed_account(entry["account"], adv_adj)
check_negative_balance(entry["account"], adv_adj)
if entry.get("against_voucher") and entry.get("against_voucher_type") != "POS" \
and update_outstanding == 'Yes':
update_outstanding_amt(entry["account"], entry.get("against_voucher_type"),