The Calendar is a tool where you can create and share Events and also see
auto-generated events from the system.
You can switch calender view based on Month, Week and Day.
###Creating Events in Calender
####Creating Event Manually
To create event manually, you should first determine Calender View. If Event's start and end time will be within one day, then you should first switch to Day view.
This view will 24 hours of a day broken in various slots. You should click on slot for Event Start Time, and drag it down till you reach event end time.
Based on the selection of time slot, Start Time and End Time will be updated in the Event master. Then you can set subject for an event, and save it.
####Event Based on Lead
In the Lead form, you will find a field called Next Contact By and Next Contact Date. Event will be auto created for date and person person specified in this field.
You can set Event as Private or Public. Private Events will be visible only to you, and if any other user selected in the participants table. Instead of User, you can also assign permission for event based on Role.
Public Event, like Birthday will be visible to all.