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{% if shopping_cart and shopping_cart.cart_settings.enabled %}
{% set cart_settings = shopping_cart.cart_settings %}
{% set product_info = shopping_cart.product_info %}
<div class="item-cart row mt-2" data-variant-item-code="{{ item_code }}">
<div class="col-md-12">
<!-- Price and Availability -->
{% if cart_settings.show_price and product_info.price %}
{% set price_info = product_info.price %}
<div class="product-price">
<!-- Final Price -->
{{ price_info.formatted_price_sales_uom }}
<!-- Striked Price and Discount -->
{% if price_info.formatted_mrp %}
<small class="formatted-price">
<s>MRP {{ price_info.formatted_mrp }}</s>
<small class="ml-1 formatted-price in-green">
-{{ price_info.get("formatted_discount_percent") or price_info.get("formatted_discount_rate")}}
{% endif %}
<!-- Price per UOM -->
<small class="formatted-price ml-2">
({{ price_info.formatted_price }} / {{ product_info.uom }})
{% else %}
{{ _("UOM") }} : {{ product_info.uom }}
{% endif %}
{% if cart_settings.show_stock_availability %}
<div class="mt-2">
{% if product_info.in_stock == 0 %}
2020-12-24 11:40:33 +05:30
<span class="text-danger no-stock">
{{ _('Not in stock') }}
{% elif product_info.in_stock == 1 %}
<span class="in-green has-stock">
{{ _('In stock') }}
{% if product_info.show_stock_qty and product_info.stock_qty %}
({{ product_info.stock_qty[0][0] }})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Offers -->
{% if doc.offers %}
<div class="offers-heading mb-4">
<span class="mr-1 tag-icon">
<svg class="icon icon-lg"><use href="#icon-tag"></use></svg>
<b>Available Offers</b>
<div class="offer-container">
{% for offer in doc.offers %}
<div class="mt-2 d-flex">
<div class="mr-2" >
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="var(--yellow-500)" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M19 15.6213C19 15.2235 19.158 14.842 19.4393 14.5607L20.9393 13.0607C21.5251 12.4749 21.5251 11.5251 20.9393 10.9393L19.4393 9.43934C19.158 9.15804 19 8.7765 19 8.37868V6.5C19 5.67157 18.3284 5 17.5 5H15.6213C15.2235 5 14.842 4.84196 14.5607 4.56066L13.0607 3.06066C12.4749 2.47487 11.5251 2.47487 10.9393 3.06066L9.43934 4.56066C9.15804 4.84196 8.7765 5 8.37868 5H6.5C5.67157 5 5 5.67157 5 6.5V8.37868C5 8.7765 4.84196 9.15804 4.56066 9.43934L3.06066 10.9393C2.47487 11.5251 2.47487 12.4749 3.06066 13.0607L4.56066 14.5607C4.84196 14.842 5 15.2235 5 15.6213V17.5C5 18.3284 5.67157 19 6.5 19H8.37868C8.7765 19 9.15804 19.158 9.43934 19.4393L10.9393 20.9393C11.5251 21.5251 12.4749 21.5251 13.0607 20.9393L14.5607 19.4393C14.842 19.158 15.2235 19 15.6213 19H17.5C18.3284 19 19 18.3284 19 17.5V15.6213Z" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M15 9L9 15" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M10.5 9.5C10.5 10.0523 10.0523 10.5 9.5 10.5C8.94772 10.5 8.5 10.0523 8.5 9.5C8.5 8.94772 8.94772 8.5 9.5 8.5C10.0523 8.5 10.5 8.94772 10.5 9.5Z" fill="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M15.5 14.5C15.5 15.0523 15.0523 15.5 14.5 15.5C13.9477 15.5 13.5 15.0523 13.5 14.5C13.5 13.9477 13.9477 13.5 14.5 13.5C15.0523 13.5 15.5 13.9477 15.5 14.5Z" fill="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<p class="mr-1 mb-1">
{{ _(offer.offer_title) }}:
{{ _(offer.offer_subtitle) }}
<a class="offer-details" href="#"
data-offer-title="{{ offer.offer_title }}" data-offer-id="{{ offer.name }}"
{{ _("More") }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Add to Cart / View in Cart, Contact Us -->
<div class="mt-6 mb-5">
<div class="mb-4 d-flex">
<!-- Add to Cart -->
{% if product_info.price and (cart_settings.allow_items_not_in_stock or product_info.in_stock) %}
<a href="/cart" class="btn btn-light btn-view-in-cart hidden mr-2 font-md" role="button">
2020-08-31 14:00:27 +05:30
{{ _("View in Cart") }}
<button data-item-code="{{item_code}}" class="btn btn-primary btn-add-to-cart mr-2 w-30-40">
2021-01-20 17:47:25 +05:30
<span class="mr-2">
<svg class="icon icon-md">
<use href="#icon-assets"></use>
2020-08-31 14:00:27 +05:30
{{ _("Add to Cart") }}
{% endif %}
<!-- Contact Us -->
{% if cart_settings.show_contact_us_button %}
{% include "templates/generators/item/item_inquiry.html" %}
{% endif %}
frappe.ready(() => {
$('.page_content').on('click', '.btn-add-to-cart', (e) => {
// Bind action on add to cart button
const $btn = $(e.currentTarget);
$btn.prop('disabled', true);
const item_code = $btn.data('item-code');
qty: 1,
callback(r) {
$btn.prop('disabled', false);
if (r.message) {
$('.btn-add-to-cart, .btn-view-in-cart').toggleClass('hidden');
$('.page_content').on('click', '.offer-details', (e) => {
// Bind action on More link in Offers
const $btn = $(e.currentTarget);
$btn.prop('disabled', true);
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __($btn.data('offer-title')),
fields: [
fieldname: 'offer_details',
fieldtype: 'HTML'
fieldname: 'section_break',
fieldtype: 'Section Break'
method: 'erpnext.e_commerce.doctype.website_offer.website_offer.get_offer_details',
args: {
offer_id: $btn.data('offer-id')
callback: (value) => {
d.set_value("offer_details", value.message);
$btn.prop('disabled', false);
{% endif %}