2021-06-29 05:52:27 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
import frappe
from frappe.utils import cint
from erpnext.e_commerce.product_query import ProductQuery
from erpnext.e_commerce.filters import ProductFiltersBuilder
from erpnext.setup.doctype.item_group.item_group import get_child_groups
def get_product_filter_data():
"""Get pre-rendered filtered products and discount filters on load."""
if frappe.form_dict:
search = frappe.form_dict.search
field_filters = frappe.parse_json(frappe.form_dict.field_filters)
attribute_filters = frappe.parse_json(frappe.form_dict.attribute_filters)
start = cint(frappe.parse_json(frappe.form_dict.start)) if frappe.form_dict.start else 0
item_group = frappe.form_dict.item_group
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from_filters = frappe.parse_json(frappe.form_dict.from_filters)
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2021-07-08 14:04:07 +00:00
search, attribute_filters, item_group, from_filters = None, None, None, None
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field_filters = {}
start = 0
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if from_filters:
# if filter is checked, go to start
# and show filtered items from page 1
start = 0
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sub_categories = []
if item_group:
field_filters['item_group'] = item_group
sub_categories = get_child_groups(item_group)
engine = ProductQuery()
result = engine.query(attribute_filters, field_filters, search_term=search,
start=start, item_group=item_group)
# discount filter data
filters = {}
discounts = result["discounts"]
if discounts:
filter_engine = ProductFiltersBuilder()
filters["discount_filters"] = filter_engine.get_discount_filters(discounts)
return {
"items": result["items"] or [],
"filters": filters,
"settings": engine.settings,
"sub_categories": sub_categories,
"items_count": result["items_count"]
2021-07-08 05:27:01 +00:00
def get_guest_redirect_on_action():
return frappe.db.get_single_value("E Commerce Settings", "redirect_on_action")