
42 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
def execute():
webnotes.reload_doc("selling", "doctype", "shopping_cart_price_list")
2013-10-01 11:22:51 +05:30
webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "item_price")
for t in [
("Supplier Quotation", "price_list_name", "buying_price_list"),
("Purchase Order", "price_list_name", "buying_price_list"),
("Purchase Invoice", "price_list_name", "buying_price_list"),
("Purchase Receipt", "price_list_name", "buying_price_list"),
("Quotation", "price_list_name", "selling_price_list"),
("Sales Order", "price_list_name", "selling_price_list"),
("Delivery Note", "price_list_name", "selling_price_list"),
("Sales Invoice", "price_list_name", "selling_price_list"),
("POS Setting", "price_list_name", "selling_price_list"),
("Shopping Cart Price List", "price_list", "selling_price_list"),
("Item Price", "price_list_name", "price_list"),
("BOM", "price_list", "buying_price_list"),
table_columns = webnotes.conn.get_table_columns(t[0])
if t[2] in table_columns and t[1] in table_columns:
# already reloaded, so copy into new column and drop old column
webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tab%s` set `%s`=`%s`""" % (t[0], t[2], t[1]))
2013-08-14 19:24:36 +05:30
webnotes.conn.sql_ddl("""alter table `tab%s` drop column `%s`""" % (t[0], t[1]))
elif t[1] in table_columns:
webnotes.conn.sql_ddl("alter table `tab%s` change `%s` `%s` varchar(180)" % t)
webnotes.reload_doc(webnotes.conn.get_value("DocType", t[0], "module"), "DocType", t[0])
webnotes.conn.sql("""update tabSingles set field='selling_price_list'
where field='price_list_name' and doctype='Selling Settings'""")
webnotes.reload_doc("Selling", "DocType", "Selling Settings")
webnotes.bean("Selling Settings").save()