2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re
import jwt
import sys
import json
import base64
import frappe
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
import six
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
import traceback
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
import io
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
from frappe import _ , bold
from pyqrcode import create as qrcreate
from frappe . integrations . utils import make_post_request , make_get_request
from erpnext . regional . india . utils import get_gst_accounts , get_place_of_supply
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
from frappe . utils . data import cstr , cint , format_date , flt , time_diff_in_seconds , now_datetime , add_to_date , get_link_to_form
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def validate_einvoice_fields ( doc ) :
einvoicing_enabled = cint ( frappe . db . get_value ( ' E Invoice Settings ' , ' E Invoice Settings ' , ' enable ' ) )
2021-02-08 11:40:56 +05:30
invalid_doctype = doc . doctype != ' Sales Invoice '
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
invalid_supply_type = doc . get ( ' gst_category ' ) not in [ ' Registered Regular ' , ' SEZ ' , ' Overseas ' , ' Deemed Export ' ]
company_transaction = doc . get ( ' billing_address_gstin ' ) == doc . get ( ' company_gstin ' )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
no_taxes_applied = not doc . get ( ' taxes ' )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
2021-02-08 11:40:56 +05:30
if not einvoicing_enabled or invalid_doctype or invalid_supply_type or company_transaction or no_taxes_applied :
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if doc . docstatus == 0 and doc . _action == ' save ' :
if doc . irn :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' You cannot edit the invoice after generating IRN ' ) , title = _ ( ' Edit Not Allowed ' ) )
if len ( doc . name ) > 16 :
raise_document_name_too_long_error ( )
elif doc . docstatus == 1 and doc . _action == ' submit ' and not doc . irn :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' You must generate IRN before submitting the document. ' ) , title = _ ( ' Missing IRN ' ) )
2021-02-11 17:50:57 +05:30
elif doc . irn and doc . docstatus == 2 and doc . _action == ' cancel ' and not doc . irn_cancelled :
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' You must cancel IRN before cancelling the document. ' ) , title = _ ( ' Cancel Not Allowed ' ) )
def raise_document_name_too_long_error ( ) :
title = _ ( ' Document ID Too Long ' )
msg = _ ( ' As you have E-Invoicing enabled, to be able to generate IRN for this invoice, ' )
msg + = _ ( ' document id {} exceed 16 letters. ' ) . format ( bold ( _ ( ' should not ' ) ) )
msg + = ' <br><br> '
msg + = _ ( ' You must {} your {} in order to have document id of {} length 16. ' ) . format (
bold ( _ ( ' modify ' ) ) , bold ( _ ( ' naming series ' ) ) , bold ( _ ( ' maximum ' ) )
msg + = _ ( ' Please account for ammended documents too. ' )
frappe . throw ( msg , title = title )
def read_json ( name ) :
file_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , ' {name} .json ' . format ( name = name ) )
with open ( file_path , ' r ' ) as f :
return cstr ( f . read ( ) )
def get_transaction_details ( invoice ) :
supply_type = ' '
if invoice . gst_category == ' Registered Regular ' : supply_type = ' B2B '
elif invoice . gst_category == ' SEZ ' : supply_type = ' SEZWOP '
elif invoice . gst_category == ' Overseas ' : supply_type = ' EXPWOP '
elif invoice . gst_category == ' Deemed Export ' : supply_type = ' DEXP '
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
if not supply_type :
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
rr , sez , overseas , export = bold ( ' Registered Regular ' ) , bold ( ' SEZ ' ) , bold ( ' Overseas ' ) , bold ( ' Deemed Export ' )
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' GST category should be one of {} , {} , {} , {} ' ) . format ( rr , sez , overseas , export ) ,
title = _ ( ' Invalid Supply Type ' ) )
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
tax_scheme = ' GST ' ,
supply_type = supply_type ,
reverse_charge = invoice . reverse_charge
) )
def get_doc_details ( invoice ) :
invoice_type = ' CRN ' if invoice . is_return else ' INV '
invoice_name = invoice . name
invoice_date = format_date ( invoice . posting_date , ' dd/mm/yyyy ' )
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
invoice_type = invoice_type ,
invoice_name = invoice_name ,
invoice_date = invoice_date
) )
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
def get_party_details ( address_name , company_address = None , billing_address = None , shipping_address = None ) :
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
d = frappe . get_all ( ' Address ' , filters = { ' name ' : address_name } , fields = [ ' * ' ] ) [ 0 ]
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
if ( ( not d . gstin and not shipping_address )
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
or not d . city
or not d . pincode
or not d . address_title
or not d . address_line1
or not d . gst_state_number ) :
frappe . throw (
msg = _ ( ' Address lines, city, pincode, gstin is mandatory for address {} . Please set them and try again. ' ) . format (
get_link_to_form ( ' Address ' , address_name )
) ,
title = _ ( ' Missing Address Fields ' )
if d . gst_state_number == 97 :
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
# according to einvoice standard
pincode = 999999
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
party_address_details = frappe . _dict ( dict (
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
legal_name = sanitize_for_json ( d . address_title ) ,
location = sanitize_for_json ( d . city ) ,
pincode = d . pincode ,
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
state_code = d . gst_state_number ,
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
address_line1 = sanitize_for_json ( d . address_line1 ) ,
address_line2 = sanitize_for_json ( d . address_line2 )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
) )
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
if d . gstin :
party_address_details . gstin = d . gstin
return party_address_details
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def get_gstin_details ( gstin ) :
if not hasattr ( frappe . local , ' gstin_cache ' ) :
frappe . local . gstin_cache = { }
key = gstin
details = frappe . local . gstin_cache . get ( key )
if details :
return details
details = frappe . cache ( ) . hget ( ' gstin_cache ' , key )
if details :
frappe . local . gstin_cache [ key ] = details
return details
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if not details :
return GSPConnector . get_gstin_details ( gstin )
def get_overseas_address_details ( address_name ) :
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
address_title , address_line1 , address_line2 , city = frappe . db . get_value (
' Address ' , address_name , [ ' address_title ' , ' address_line1 ' , ' address_line2 ' , ' city ' ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
if not address_title or not address_line1 or not city :
frappe . throw (
msg = _ ( ' Address lines and city is mandatory for address {} . Please set them and try again. ' ) . format (
get_link_to_form ( ' Address ' , address_name )
) ,
title = _ ( ' Missing Address Fields ' )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
gstin = ' URP ' ,
legal_name = sanitize_for_json ( address_title ) ,
location = city ,
address_line1 = sanitize_for_json ( address_line1 ) ,
address_line2 = sanitize_for_json ( address_line2 ) ,
2021-01-05 15:59:17 +05:30
pincode = 999999 , state_code = 96 , place_of_supply = 96
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
) )
def get_item_list ( invoice ) :
item_list = [ ]
for d in invoice . items :
einvoice_item_schema = read_json ( ' einv_item_template ' )
item = frappe . _dict ( { } )
item . update ( d . as_dict ( ) )
item . sr_no = d . idx
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
item . description = sanitize_for_json ( d . item_name )
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
item . qty = abs ( item . qty )
2021-01-29 14:24:08 +05:30
item . discount_amount = 0
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
item . unit_rate = abs ( item . base_net_amount / item . qty )
item . gross_amount = abs ( item . base_net_amount )
item . taxable_value = abs ( item . base_net_amount )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
item . batch_expiry_date = frappe . db . get_value ( ' Batch ' , d . batch_no , ' expiry_date ' ) if d . batch_no else None
item . batch_expiry_date = format_date ( item . batch_expiry_date , ' dd/mm/yyyy ' ) if item . batch_expiry_date else None
item . is_service_item = ' N ' if frappe . db . get_value ( ' Item ' , d . item_code , ' is_stock_item ' ) else ' Y '
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
item . serial_no = " "
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
item = update_item_taxes ( invoice , item )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
item . total_value = abs (
item . taxable_value + item . igst_amount + item . sgst_amount +
item . cgst_amount + item . cess_amount + item . cess_nadv_amount + item . other_charges
einv_item = einvoice_item_schema . format ( item = item )
item_list . append ( einv_item )
return ' , ' . join ( item_list )
def update_item_taxes ( invoice , item ) :
gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts ( invoice . company )
gst_accounts_list = [ d for accounts in gst_accounts . values ( ) for d in accounts if d ]
for attr in [
' tax_rate ' , ' cess_rate ' , ' cess_nadv_amount ' ,
' cgst_amount ' , ' sgst_amount ' , ' igst_amount ' ,
' cess_amount ' , ' cess_nadv_amount ' , ' other_charges '
] :
item [ attr ] = 0
for t in invoice . taxes :
2021-02-28 20:46:23 +05:30
is_applicable = t . tax_amount and t . account_head in gst_accounts_list
if is_applicable :
# this contains item wise tax rate & tax amount (incl. discount)
item_tax_detail = json . loads ( t . item_wise_tax_detail ) . get ( item . item_code )
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
item_tax_rate = item_tax_detail [ 0 ]
# item tax amount excluding discount amount
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
item_tax_amount = ( item_tax_rate / 100 ) * item . base_net_amount
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if t . account_head in gst_accounts . cess_account :
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
item_tax_amount_after_discount = item_tax_detail [ 1 ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if t . charge_type == ' On Item Quantity ' :
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
item . cess_nadv_amount + = abs ( item_tax_amount_after_discount )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
else :
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
item . cess_rate + = item_tax_rate
item . cess_amount + = abs ( item_tax_amount_after_discount )
for tax_type in [ ' igst ' , ' cgst ' , ' sgst ' ] :
if t . account_head in gst_accounts [ f ' { tax_type } _account ' ] :
item . tax_rate + = item_tax_rate
item [ f ' { tax_type } _amount ' ] + = abs ( item_tax_amount )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return item
def get_invoice_value_details ( invoice ) :
invoice_value_details = frappe . _dict ( dict ( ) )
2021-01-21 18:43:55 +05:30
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
if invoice . apply_discount_on == ' Net Total ' and invoice . discount_amount :
invoice_value_details . base_total = abs ( invoice . base_total )
2021-02-28 20:46:23 +05:30
invoice_value_details . invoice_discount_amt = abs ( invoice . base_discount_amount )
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
else :
invoice_value_details . base_total = abs ( invoice . base_net_total )
2021-01-29 14:24:08 +05:30
# since tax already considers discount amount
invoice_value_details . invoice_discount_amt = 0
2021-01-21 18:43:55 +05:30
2021-01-13 21:00:44 +05:30
invoice_value_details . round_off = invoice . base_rounding_adjustment
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
invoice_value_details . base_grand_total = abs ( invoice . base_rounded_total ) or abs ( invoice . base_grand_total )
invoice_value_details . grand_total = abs ( invoice . rounded_total ) or abs ( invoice . grand_total )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
invoice_value_details = update_invoice_taxes ( invoice , invoice_value_details )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return invoice_value_details
def update_invoice_taxes ( invoice , invoice_value_details ) :
gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts ( invoice . company )
gst_accounts_list = [ d for accounts in gst_accounts . values ( ) for d in accounts if d ]
invoice_value_details . total_cgst_amt = 0
invoice_value_details . total_sgst_amt = 0
invoice_value_details . total_igst_amt = 0
invoice_value_details . total_cess_amt = 0
invoice_value_details . total_other_charges = 0
for t in invoice . taxes :
if t . account_head in gst_accounts_list :
if t . account_head in gst_accounts . cess_account :
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
# using after discount amt since item also uses after discount amt for cess calc
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
invoice_value_details . total_cess_amt + = abs ( t . base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
for tax_type in [ ' igst ' , ' cgst ' , ' sgst ' ] :
if t . account_head in gst_accounts [ f ' { tax_type } _account ' ] :
2021-01-21 18:43:55 +05:30
invoice_value_details [ f ' total_ { tax_type } _amt ' ] + = abs ( t . base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
else :
2021-01-21 18:43:55 +05:30
invoice_value_details . total_other_charges + = abs ( t . base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return invoice_value_details
def get_payment_details ( invoice ) :
payee_name = invoice . company
mode_of_payment = ' , ' . join ( [ d . mode_of_payment for d in invoice . payments ] )
paid_amount = invoice . base_paid_amount
outstanding_amount = invoice . outstanding_amount
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
payee_name = payee_name , mode_of_payment = mode_of_payment ,
paid_amount = paid_amount , outstanding_amount = outstanding_amount
) )
def get_return_doc_reference ( invoice ) :
invoice_date = frappe . db . get_value ( ' Sales Invoice ' , invoice . return_against , ' posting_date ' )
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
invoice_name = invoice . return_against , invoice_date = format_date ( invoice_date , ' dd/mm/yyyy ' )
) )
def get_eway_bill_details ( invoice ) :
if invoice . is_return :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' E-Way Bill cannot be generated for Credit Notes & Debit Notes ' ) , title = _ ( ' E Invoice Validation Failed ' ) )
mode_of_transport = { ' ' : ' ' , ' Road ' : ' 1 ' , ' Air ' : ' 2 ' , ' Rail ' : ' 3 ' , ' Ship ' : ' 4 ' }
vehicle_type = { ' Regular ' : ' R ' , ' Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC) ' : ' O ' }
return frappe . _dict ( dict (
gstin = invoice . gst_transporter_id ,
name = invoice . transporter_name ,
mode_of_transport = mode_of_transport [ invoice . mode_of_transport ] ,
distance = invoice . distance or 0 ,
document_name = invoice . lr_no ,
document_date = format_date ( invoice . lr_date , ' dd/mm/yyyy ' ) ,
vehicle_no = invoice . vehicle_no ,
vehicle_type = vehicle_type [ invoice . gst_vehicle_type ]
) )
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
def validate_mandatory_fields ( invoice ) :
if not invoice . company_address :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' Company Address is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. ' ) , title = _ ( ' Missing Fields ' ) )
if not invoice . customer_address :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' Customer Address is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. ' ) , title = _ ( ' Missing Fields ' ) )
if not frappe . db . get_value ( ' Address ' , invoice . company_address , ' gstin ' ) :
frappe . throw (
_ ( ' GSTIN is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected company address. ' ) ,
title = _ ( ' Missing Fields ' )
2021-02-06 17:55:20 +05:30
if invoice . gst_category != ' Overseas ' and not frappe . db . get_value ( ' Address ' , invoice . customer_address , ' gstin ' ) :
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
frappe . throw (
_ ( ' GSTIN is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected customer address. ' ) ,
title = _ ( ' Missing Fields ' )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def make_einvoice ( invoice ) :
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
validate_mandatory_fields ( invoice )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
schema = read_json ( ' einv_template ' )
transaction_details = get_transaction_details ( invoice )
item_list = get_item_list ( invoice )
doc_details = get_doc_details ( invoice )
invoice_value_details = get_invoice_value_details ( invoice )
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
seller_details = get_party_details ( invoice . company_address , company_address = 1 )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if invoice . gst_category == ' Overseas ' :
buyer_details = get_overseas_address_details ( invoice . customer_address )
else :
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
buyer_details = get_party_details ( invoice . customer_address , billing_address = 1 )
2021-04-02 12:16:19 +05:30
place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply ( invoice , invoice . doctype )
if place_of_supply :
place_of_supply = place_of_supply . split ( ' - ' ) [ 0 ]
else :
place_of_supply = sanitize_for_json ( invoice . billing_address_gstin ) [ : 2 ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
buyer_details . update ( dict ( place_of_supply = place_of_supply ) )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
shipping_details = payment_details = prev_doc_details = eway_bill_details = frappe . _dict ( { } )
if invoice . shipping_address_name and invoice . customer_address != invoice . shipping_address_name :
2021-01-13 21:00:44 +05:30
if invoice . gst_category == ' Overseas ' :
shipping_details = get_overseas_address_details ( invoice . shipping_address_name )
else :
2021-04-02 15:04:48 +05:30
shipping_details = get_party_details ( invoice . shipping_address_name , shipping_address = 1 )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if invoice . is_pos and invoice . base_paid_amount :
payment_details = get_payment_details ( invoice )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if invoice . is_return and invoice . return_against :
prev_doc_details = get_return_doc_reference ( invoice )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
if invoice . transporter :
eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details ( invoice )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
# not yet implemented
dispatch_details = period_details = export_details = frappe . _dict ( { } )
einvoice = schema . format (
transaction_details = transaction_details , doc_details = doc_details , dispatch_details = dispatch_details ,
seller_details = seller_details , buyer_details = buyer_details , shipping_details = shipping_details ,
item_list = item_list , invoice_value_details = invoice_value_details , payment_details = payment_details ,
period_details = period_details , prev_doc_details = prev_doc_details ,
export_details = export_details , eway_bill_details = eway_bill_details
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
einvoice = safe_json_load ( einvoice )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
validations = json . loads ( read_json ( ' einv_validation ' ) )
errors = validate_einvoice ( validations , einvoice )
if errors :
message = " \n " . join ( [
" E Invoice: " , json . dumps ( einvoice , indent = 4 ) ,
" - " * 50 ,
" Errors: " , json . dumps ( errors , indent = 4 )
] )
frappe . log_error ( title = " E Invoice Validation Failed " , message = message )
frappe . throw ( errors , title = _ ( ' E Invoice Validation Failed ' ) , as_list = 1 )
return einvoice
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
def safe_json_load ( json_string ) :
JSONDecodeError = ValueError if six . PY2 else json . JSONDecodeError
try :
return json . loads ( json_string )
except JSONDecodeError as e :
# print a snippet of 40 characters around the location where error occured
pos = e . pos
start , end = max ( 0 , pos - 20 ) , min ( len ( json_string ) - 1 , pos + 20 )
snippet = json_string [ start : end ]
frappe . throw ( _ ( " Error in input data. Please check for any special characters near following input: <br> {} " ) . format ( snippet ) )
2021-04-03 11:30:49 +05:30
def validate_einvoice ( validations , einvoice , errors = None ) :
if errors is None :
errors = [ ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
for fieldname , field_validation in validations . items ( ) :
value = einvoice . get ( fieldname , None )
if not value or value == " None " :
# remove keys with empty values
einvoice . pop ( fieldname , None )
value_type = field_validation . get ( " type " ) . lower ( )
if value_type in [ ' object ' , ' array ' ] :
child_validations = field_validation . get ( ' properties ' )
if isinstance ( value , list ) :
for d in value :
validate_einvoice ( child_validations , d , errors )
if not d :
# remove empty dicts
einvoice . pop ( fieldname , None )
else :
validate_einvoice ( child_validations , value , errors )
if not value :
# remove empty dicts
einvoice . pop ( fieldname , None )
2021-01-05 13:53:51 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
# convert to int or str
if value_type == ' string ' :
einvoice [ fieldname ] = str ( value )
elif value_type == ' number ' :
is_integer = ' . ' not in str ( field_validation . get ( ' maximum ' ) )
2020-12-30 14:43:42 +05:30
precision = 3 if ' .999 ' in str ( field_validation . get ( ' maximum ' ) ) else 2
einvoice [ fieldname ] = flt ( value , precision ) if not is_integer else cint ( value )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
value = einvoice [ fieldname ]
max_length = field_validation . get ( ' maxLength ' )
minimum = flt ( field_validation . get ( ' minimum ' ) )
maximum = flt ( field_validation . get ( ' maximum ' ) )
pattern_str = field_validation . get ( ' pattern ' )
pattern = re . compile ( pattern_str or ' ' )
label = field_validation . get ( ' description ' ) or fieldname
if value_type == ' string ' and len ( value ) > max_length :
errors . append ( _ ( ' {} should not exceed {} characters ' ) . format ( label , max_length ) )
if value_type == ' number ' and ( value > maximum or value < minimum ) :
errors . append ( _ ( ' {} {} should be between {} and {} ' ) . format ( label , value , minimum , maximum ) )
if pattern_str and not pattern . match ( value ) :
errors . append ( field_validation . get ( ' validationMsg ' ) )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return errors
class RequestFailed ( Exception ) : pass
class GSPConnector ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , doctype = None , docname = None ) :
self . e_invoice_settings = frappe . get_cached_doc ( ' E Invoice Settings ' )
2021-01-13 21:00:44 +05:30
sandbox_mode = self . e_invoice_settings . sandbox_mode
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
self . invoice = frappe . get_cached_doc ( doctype , docname ) if doctype and docname else None
self . credentials = self . get_credentials ( )
2021-01-13 21:00:44 +05:30
# authenticate url is same for sandbox & live
self . authenticate_url = ' https://gsp.adaequare.com/gsp/authenticate?grant_type=token '
self . base_url = ' https://gsp.adaequare.com ' if not sandbox_mode else ' https://gsp.adaequare.com/test '
2020-12-30 19:22:37 +05:30
self . cancel_irn_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ei/api/invoice/cancel '
2021-01-13 21:00:44 +05:30
self . irn_details_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ei/api/invoice/irn '
self . generate_irn_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ei/api/invoice '
self . gstin_details_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ei/api/master/gstin '
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
self . cancel_ewaybill_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ewb/ewayapi?action=CANEWB '
2020-12-30 19:22:37 +05:30
self . generate_ewaybill_url = self . base_url + ' /enriched/ei/api/ewaybill '
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def get_credentials ( self ) :
if self . invoice :
gstin = self . get_seller_gstin ( )
2021-02-08 12:32:42 +05:30
if not self . e_invoice_settings . enable :
frappe . throw ( _ ( " E-Invoicing is disabled. Please enable it from {} to generate e-invoices. " ) . format ( get_link_to_form ( " E Invoice Settings " , " E Invoice Settings " ) ) )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
credentials = next ( d for d in self . e_invoice_settings . credentials if d . gstin == gstin )
else :
credentials = self . e_invoice_settings . credentials [ 0 ] if self . e_invoice_settings . credentials else None
return credentials
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def get_seller_gstin ( self ) :
gstin = self . invoice . company_gstin or frappe . db . get_value ( ' Address ' , self . invoice . company_address , ' gstin ' )
if not gstin :
frappe . throw ( _ ( ' Cannot retrieve Company GSTIN. Please select company address with valid GSTIN. ' ) )
return gstin
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def get_auth_token ( self ) :
if time_diff_in_seconds ( self . e_invoice_settings . token_expiry , now_datetime ( ) ) < 150.0 :
self . fetch_auth_token ( )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
return self . e_invoice_settings . auth_token
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def make_request ( self , request_type , url , headers = None , data = None ) :
if request_type == ' post ' :
res = make_post_request ( url , headers = headers , data = data )
else :
res = make_get_request ( url , headers = headers , data = data )
self . log_request ( url , headers , data , res )
return res
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def log_request ( self , url , headers , data , res ) :
headers . update ( { ' password ' : self . credentials . password } )
request_log = frappe . get_doc ( {
" doctype " : " E Invoice Request Log " ,
" user " : frappe . session . user ,
" reference_invoice " : self . invoice . name if self . invoice else None ,
" url " : url ,
" headers " : json . dumps ( headers , indent = 4 ) if headers else None ,
" data " : json . dumps ( data , indent = 4 ) if isinstance ( data , dict ) else data ,
" response " : json . dumps ( res , indent = 4 ) if res else None
} )
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
request_log . save ( ignore_permissions = True )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
frappe . db . commit ( )
def fetch_auth_token ( self ) :
headers = {
' gspappid ' : frappe . conf . einvoice_client_id ,
' gspappsecret ' : frappe . conf . einvoice_client_secret
res = { }
try :
res = self . make_request ( ' post ' , self . authenticate_url , headers )
self . e_invoice_settings . auth_token = " {} {} " . format ( res . get ( ' token_type ' ) , res . get ( ' access_token ' ) )
self . e_invoice_settings . token_expiry = add_to_date ( None , seconds = res . get ( ' expires_in ' ) )
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
self . e_invoice_settings . save ( ignore_permissions = True )
self . e_invoice_settings . reload ( )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
except Exception :
self . log_error ( res )
self . raise_error ( True )
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def get_headers ( self ) :
return {
' content-type ' : ' application/json ' ,
' user_name ' : self . credentials . username ,
' password ' : self . credentials . get_password ( ) ,
' gstin ' : self . credentials . gstin ,
' authorization ' : self . get_auth_token ( ) ,
' requestid ' : str ( base64 . b64encode ( os . urandom ( 18 ) ) ) ,
def fetch_gstin_details ( self , gstin ) :
headers = self . get_headers ( )
try :
params = ' ?gstin= {gstin} ' . format ( gstin = gstin )
res = self . make_request ( ' get ' , self . gstin_details_url + params , headers )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
return res . get ( ' result ' )
else :
self . log_error ( res )
raise RequestFailed
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
except RequestFailed :
self . raise_error ( )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( )
self . raise_error ( True )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def get_gstin_details ( gstin ) :
''' fetch and cache GSTIN details '''
if not hasattr ( frappe . local , ' gstin_cache ' ) :
frappe . local . gstin_cache = { }
key = gstin
gsp_connector = GSPConnector ( )
details = gsp_connector . fetch_gstin_details ( gstin )
frappe . local . gstin_cache [ key ] = details
frappe . cache ( ) . hset ( ' gstin_cache ' , key , details )
return details
def generate_irn ( self ) :
headers = self . get_headers ( )
einvoice = make_einvoice ( self . invoice )
data = json . dumps ( einvoice , indent = 4 )
try :
res = self . make_request ( ' post ' , self . generate_irn_url , headers , data )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
self . set_einvoice_data ( res . get ( ' result ' ) )
elif ' 2150 ' in res . get ( ' message ' ) :
# IRN already generated but not updated in invoice
# Extract the IRN from the response description and fetch irn details
irn = res . get ( ' result ' ) [ 0 ] . get ( ' Desc ' ) . get ( ' Irn ' )
irn_details = self . get_irn_details ( irn )
if irn_details :
self . set_einvoice_data ( irn_details )
else :
raise RequestFailed ( ' IRN has already been generated for the invoice but cannot fetch details for the it. \
Contact ERPNext support to resolve the issue . ' )
else :
raise RequestFailed
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except RequestFailed :
errors = self . sanitize_error_message ( res . get ( ' message ' ) )
self . raise_error ( errors = errors )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( data )
self . raise_error ( True )
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def get_irn_details ( self , irn ) :
headers = self . get_headers ( )
try :
params = ' ?irn= {irn} ' . format ( irn = irn )
res = self . make_request ( ' get ' , self . irn_details_url + params , headers )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
return res . get ( ' result ' )
else :
raise RequestFailed
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
except RequestFailed :
errors = self . sanitize_error_message ( res . get ( ' message ' ) )
self . raise_error ( errors = errors )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( )
self . raise_error ( True )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def cancel_irn ( self , irn , reason , remark ) :
headers = self . get_headers ( )
data = json . dumps ( {
' Irn ' : irn ,
' Cnlrsn ' : reason ,
' Cnlrem ' : remark
} , indent = 4 )
try :
res = self . make_request ( ' post ' , self . cancel_irn_url , headers , data )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
self . invoice . irn_cancelled = 1
self . invoice . flags . updater_reference = {
' doctype ' : self . invoice . doctype ,
' docname ' : self . invoice . name ,
' label ' : _ ( ' IRN Cancelled - {} ' ) . format ( remark )
self . update_invoice ( )
else :
raise RequestFailed
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
except RequestFailed :
errors = self . sanitize_error_message ( res . get ( ' message ' ) )
self . raise_error ( errors = errors )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( data )
self . raise_error ( True )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def generate_eway_bill ( self , * * kwargs ) :
args = frappe . _dict ( kwargs )
headers = self . get_headers ( )
eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details ( args )
data = json . dumps ( {
' Irn ' : args . irn ,
' Distance ' : cint ( eway_bill_details . distance ) ,
' TransMode ' : eway_bill_details . mode_of_transport ,
' TransId ' : eway_bill_details . gstin ,
' TransName ' : eway_bill_details . transporter ,
' TrnDocDt ' : eway_bill_details . document_date ,
' TrnDocNo ' : eway_bill_details . document_name ,
' VehNo ' : eway_bill_details . vehicle_no ,
' VehType ' : eway_bill_details . vehicle_type
} , indent = 4 )
try :
res = self . make_request ( ' post ' , self . generate_ewaybill_url , headers , data )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
self . invoice . ewaybill = res . get ( ' result ' ) . get ( ' EwbNo ' )
self . invoice . eway_bill_cancelled = 0
self . invoice . update ( args )
self . invoice . flags . updater_reference = {
' doctype ' : self . invoice . doctype ,
' docname ' : self . invoice . name ,
' label ' : _ ( ' E-Way Bill Generated ' )
self . update_invoice ( )
else :
raise RequestFailed
except RequestFailed :
errors = self . sanitize_error_message ( res . get ( ' message ' ) )
self . raise_error ( errors = errors )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( data )
self . raise_error ( True )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def cancel_eway_bill ( self , eway_bill , reason , remark ) :
headers = self . get_headers ( )
data = json . dumps ( {
' ewbNo ' : eway_bill ,
' cancelRsnCode ' : reason ,
' cancelRmrk ' : remark
} , indent = 4 )
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
headers [ " username " ] = headers [ " user_name " ]
del headers [ " user_name " ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
try :
res = self . make_request ( ' post ' , self . cancel_ewaybill_url , headers , data )
if res . get ( ' success ' ) :
self . invoice . ewaybill = ' '
self . invoice . eway_bill_cancelled = 1
self . invoice . flags . updater_reference = {
' doctype ' : self . invoice . doctype ,
' docname ' : self . invoice . name ,
' label ' : _ ( ' E-Way Bill Cancelled - {} ' ) . format ( remark )
self . update_invoice ( )
else :
raise RequestFailed
except RequestFailed :
errors = self . sanitize_error_message ( res . get ( ' message ' ) )
self . raise_error ( errors = errors )
except Exception :
self . log_error ( data )
self . raise_error ( True )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def sanitize_error_message ( self , message ) :
On validation errors , response message looks something like this :
message = ' 2174 : For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable,
3095 : Supplier GSTIN is inactive '
we search for string between ' : ' to extract the error messages
errors = [
' : For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable, 3095 ' ,
' : Test '
then we trim down the message by looping over errors
errors = re . findall ( ' : [^:]+ ' , message )
for idx , e in enumerate ( errors ) :
# remove colons
errors [ idx ] = errors [ idx ] . replace ( ' : ' , ' ' ) . strip ( )
# if not last
if idx != len ( errors ) - 1 :
# remove last 7 chars eg: ', 3095 '
errors [ idx ] = errors [ idx ] [ : - 6 ]
return errors
def log_error ( self , data = { } ) :
if not isinstance ( data , dict ) :
data = json . loads ( data )
seperator = " -- " * 50
err_tb = traceback . format_exc ( )
err_msg = str ( sys . exc_info ( ) [ 1 ] )
data = json . dumps ( data , indent = 4 )
message = " \n " . join ( [
" Error " , err_msg , seperator ,
" Data: " , data , seperator ,
" Exception: " , err_tb
] )
frappe . log_error ( title = _ ( ' E Invoice Request Failed ' ) , message = message )
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def raise_error ( self , raise_exception = False , errors = [ ] ) :
title = _ ( ' E Invoice Request Failed ' )
if errors :
frappe . throw ( errors , title = title , as_list = 1 )
else :
link_to_error_list = ' <a href= " desk#List/Error Log/List?method=E Invoice Request Failed " >Error Log</a> '
frappe . msgprint (
_ ( ' An error occurred while making e-invoicing request. Please check {} for more information. ' ) . format ( link_to_error_list ) ,
title = title ,
raise_exception = raise_exception ,
indicator = ' red '
2021-02-12 12:24:41 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def set_einvoice_data ( self , res ) :
enc_signed_invoice = res . get ( ' SignedInvoice ' )
dec_signed_invoice = jwt . decode ( enc_signed_invoice , verify = False ) [ ' data ' ]
self . invoice . irn = res . get ( ' Irn ' )
self . invoice . ewaybill = res . get ( ' EwbNo ' )
self . invoice . signed_einvoice = dec_signed_invoice
self . invoice . signed_qr_code = res . get ( ' SignedQRCode ' )
self . attach_qrcode_image ( )
self . invoice . flags . updater_reference = {
' doctype ' : self . invoice . doctype ,
' docname ' : self . invoice . name ,
' label ' : _ ( ' IRN Generated ' )
self . update_invoice ( )
2021-01-20 13:17:42 +05:30
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def attach_qrcode_image ( self ) :
qrcode = self . invoice . signed_qr_code
doctype = self . invoice . doctype
docname = self . invoice . name
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
filename = ' QRCode_ {} .png ' . format ( docname ) . replace ( os . path . sep , " __ " )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
qr_image = io . BytesIO ( )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
url = qrcreate ( qrcode , error = ' L ' )
2021-01-24 10:59:37 +05:30
url . png ( qr_image , scale = 2 , quiet_zone = 1 )
_file = frappe . get_doc ( {
" doctype " : " File " ,
" file_name " : filename ,
" attached_to_doctype " : doctype ,
" attached_to_name " : docname ,
" attached_to_field " : " qrcode_image " ,
" is_private " : 1 ,
" content " : qr_image . getvalue ( ) } )
_file . save ( )
frappe . db . commit ( )
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
self . invoice . qrcode_image = _file . file_url
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2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
def update_invoice ( self ) :
self . invoice . flags . ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
self . invoice . flags . ignore_validate = True
self . invoice . save ( )
2021-02-23 17:26:37 +05:30
def sanitize_for_json ( string ) :
""" Escape JSON specific characters from a string. """
# json.dumps adds double-quotes to the string. Indexing to remove them.
return json . dumps ( string ) [ 1 : - 1 ]
2020-12-25 10:26:43 +05:30
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def get_einvoice ( doctype , docname ) :
invoice = frappe . get_doc ( doctype , docname )
return make_einvoice ( invoice )
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def generate_irn ( doctype , docname ) :
gsp_connector = GSPConnector ( doctype , docname )
gsp_connector . generate_irn ( )
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def cancel_irn ( doctype , docname , irn , reason , remark ) :
gsp_connector = GSPConnector ( doctype , docname )
gsp_connector . cancel_irn ( irn , reason , remark )
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def generate_eway_bill ( doctype , docname , * * kwargs ) :
gsp_connector = GSPConnector ( doctype , docname )
gsp_connector . generate_eway_bill ( * * kwargs )
@frappe.whitelist ( )
def cancel_eway_bill ( doctype , docname , eway_bill , reason , remark ) :
gsp_connector = GSPConnector ( doctype , docname )
2021-02-08 12:32:42 +05:30
gsp_connector . cancel_eway_bill ( eway_bill , reason , remark )