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refactor: POS workflow (#20789) * refactor: add pos invoice doctype replacing sales invoice in POS * refactor: move pos.py to pos invoice * feat: add pos invoice merge log doctype * feat: ability to merge pos invoices into a sales invoice * feat: [wip] new ui for point of sale * fix: pos.py moved to pos_invoice * feat: loyalty points for POS Invoice * fix: loyalty points on merging * feat: return against pos invoices * Merge 'fork/serial-no-selector' into refactor-pos-invoice * chore: status fix and set warehouse from pos profile * fix: naming series * feat: merge pos returns into credit notes * feat: add pos list action for merging into sales invoices * feat[UX]: add shortcuts & focus on search after customer selection * feat: stock validation from previous pos transactions * Merge 'fork/serial-no-selector' into refactor-pos-invoice * chore: fix df not found for base_amount precision * feat: serial no validation from previous pos transactions * chore: move pos.py into pos page * feat: pos opening voucher * feat: link pos closing voucher with opening voucher * chore: use map_doc instead of get_mapped_doc for better perf * feat: enforce opening voucher on pos page * feat: [ui] [wip] point of sale beta ui refactor * fix: auto fetching serial nos with batch no * feat: [ui] item details section for new pos ui * feat: remove item from cart * refactor: [ui] [wip] split point_of_sale into components * new payment component * new numberpad * fix pos opening status * move from flex to grids * fix: search from item selector * feat: loyalty points as payment method * feat: pos invoice status * fix a bug with invalid JSON * fix: loyalty program ui fixes * feat: past order list and past order summary * feat: (minor) setting discount from item details * fix: adding item before customer selection * feat: post order submission summary * save and open draft orders * fix: item group filter * fix: item_det not defined while submitting sle * fix: minor bugs * fix: minor ux fixes * feat: show opening time in pos ui * feat: item and customer images * feat: emailing and printing an invoice * fix: item details field edit shows empty alert * fix: (minor) ux fixes * chore: rename pos opening voucher to pos opening entry * chore: (minor) rename pos closing voucher and sub doctypes * chore: add patch for renaming pos closing doctypes * fix: negative stock not allowed in pos invoices* default is_pos in pos invoices* fix: transalation * fix: invoices not getting fetched on pos closing * fix: indentation * feat: view / edit customer info * fix: minor bugs * fix: minor bug * fix: patch * fix: minor ux issues * fix: remove uppercase status * refactor: pos closing payment reconciliation * fix: move pos invoice print formats to pos invoice doctype * fix: ui issues * feat: new child doctype to store pos payment mode details * fix: add to patches.txt * feat: search by serial no * chore: [wip] code cleanup * fix: item not selectable from cart * chore: [wip] code cleanup * fix: minor issues * loyalty points transactions * default payment mode * fix: minor fixes * set correct mop amount with loaylty points * editing draft invoices from UI * chore: pos invoice merge log tests * fix: batch / serial validation in pos ui and on submission * feat: use onscan js for barcode scan events * fix: cart header with amount column * fix: validate batch no and qty in pos transactions * chore: do not fetch closing balances as opening balance * feat: show available qty in item selector * feat: shortcuts * fix: onscan.js not found * fix: onscan.js not found * fix: cannot return partial items * fix: neagtive stock indicator * feat: invoice discount * fix: change available stock on warehouse change * chore: cleanup code * fix: pos profile payment method table * feat: adding same item with different uom * fix: loyalty points deleted after consolidation * fix: enter loyalty amount instead of loyalty points * chore: return print format * feat: custom fields in pos view * chore: pos invoice test * chore: remove offline pos * fix: cyclic dependency * fix: cyclic dependency * patch: remove pos page and order fixes * chore: little fixes * fix: patch perf and plural naming * chore: tidy up pos invoice validation * chore: move pos closing to accounts * fix: move pos doctypes to accounts * fix: move pos doctypes to accounts * fix: item description in cart * fix: item description in cart * chore: loyalty tests * minor fixes * chore: rename point of sale beta to point of sale * chore: reset past order summary on filter change * chore: add point of sale to accounting desk * fix: payment reconciliation table in pos closing * fix: travis * Update accounting.json * fix: test cases * fix: tests * patch loyalty point entries * fix: remove test * default mode of payment is mandatory for pos transaction * chore: remove unused checks from pos profile * fix: loyalty point entry patch * fix: numpad reset and patches * fix: minor bugs * fix: travis * fix: travis * fix: travis * fix: travis Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <nabinhait@gmail.com>
2020-07-23 18:51:26 +05:30
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t()):e.onScan=t()}(this,function(){var d={attachTo:function(e,t){if(void 0!==e.scannerDetectionData)throw new Error("onScan.js is already initialized for DOM element "+e);var n={onScan:function(e,t){},onScanError:function(e){},onKeyProcess:function(e,t){},onKeyDetect:function(e,t){},onPaste:function(e,t){},keyCodeMapper:function(e){return d.decodeKeyEvent(e)},onScanButtonLongPress:function(){},scanButtonKeyCode:!1,scanButtonLongPressTime:500,timeBeforeScanTest:100,avgTimeByChar:30,minLength:6,suffixKeyCodes:[9,13],prefixKeyCodes:[],ignoreIfFocusOn:!1,stopPropagation:!1,preventDefault:!1,captureEvents:!1,reactToKeydown:!0,reactToPaste:!1,singleScanQty:1};return t=this._mergeOptions(n,t),e.scannerDetectionData={options:t,vars:{firstCharTime:0,lastCharTime:0,accumulatedString:"",testTimer:!1,longPressTimeStart:0,longPressed:!1}},!0===t.reactToPaste&&e.addEventListener("paste",this._handlePaste,t.captureEvents),!1!==t.scanButtonKeyCode&&e.addEventListener("keyup",this._handleKeyUp,t.captureEvents),!0!==t.reactToKeydown&&!1===t.scanButtonKeyCode||e.addEventListener("keydown",this._handleKeyDown,t.captureEvents),this},detachFrom:function(e){e.scannerDetectionData.options.reactToPaste&&e.removeEventListener("paste",this._handlePaste),!1!==e.scannerDetectionData.options.scanButtonKeyCode&&e.removeEventListener("keyup",this._handleKeyUp),e.removeEventListener("keydown",this._handleKeyDown),e.scannerDetectionData=void 0},getOptions:function(e){return e.scannerDetectionData.options},setOptions:function(e,t){switch(e.scannerDetectionData.options.reactToPaste){case!0:!1===t.reactToPaste&&e.removeEventListener("paste",this._handlePaste);break;case!1:!0===t.reactToPaste&&e.addEventListener("paste",this._handlePaste)}switch(e.scannerDetectionData.options.scanButtonKeyCode){case!1:!1!==t.scanButtonKeyCode&&e.addEventListener("keyup",this._handleKeyUp);break;default:!1===t.scanButtonKeyCode&&e.removeEventListener("keyup",this._handleKeyUp)}return e.scannerDetectionData.options=this._mergeOptions(e.scannerDetectionData.options,t),this._reinitialize(e),this},decodeKeyEvent:function(e){var t=this._getNormalizedKeyNum(e);switch(!0){case 48<=t&&t<=90:case 106<=t&&t<=111:if(void 0!==e.key&&""!==e.key)return e.key;var n=String.fromCharCode(t);switch(e.shiftKey){case!1:n=n.toLowerCase();break;case!0:n=n.toUpperCase()}return n;case 96<=t&&t<=105:return t-96}return""},simulate:function(e,t){return this._reinitialize(e),Array.isArray(t)?t.forEach(function(e){var t={};"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e||null===e?t.keyCode=parseInt(e):t=e;var n=new KeyboardEvent("keydown",t);document.dispatchEvent(n)}):this._validateScanCode(e,t),this},_reinitialize:function(e){var t=e.scannerDetectionData.vars;t.firstCharTime=0,t.lastCharTime=0,t.accumulatedString=""},_isFocusOnIgnoredElement:function(e){var t=e.scannerDetectionData.options.ignoreIfFocusOn;if(!t)return!1;var n=document.activeElement;if(Array.isArray(t)){for(var a=0;a<t.length;a++)if(!0===n.matches(t[a]))return!0}else if(n.matches(t))return!0;return!1},_validateScanCode:function(e,t){var n,a=e.scannerDetectionData,i=a.options,o=a.options.singleScanQty,r=a.vars.firstCharTime,s=a.vars.lastCharTime,c={};switch(!0){case t.length<i.minLength:c={message:"Receieved code is shorter then minimal length"};break;case s-r>t.length*i.avgTimeByChar:c={message:"Receieved code was not entered in time"};break;default:return i.onScan.call(e,t,o),n=new CustomEvent("scan",{detail:{scanCode:t,qty:o}}),e.dispatchEvent(n),d._reinitialize(e),!0}return c.scanCode=t,c.scanDuration=s-r,c.avgTimeByChar=i.avgTimeByChar,c.minLength=i.minLength,i.onScanError.call(e,c),n=new CustomEvent("scanError",{detail:c}),e.dispatchEvent(n),d._reinitialize(e),!1},_mergeOptions:function(e,t){var n,a={};for(n in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)&&(a[n]=e[n]);for(n in t)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,n)&&(a[n]=t[n]);return a},_getNormalizedKeyNum:function(e){return e.which||e.keyCode},_handleK