.. | ||
main_project | ||
users_app | ||
manage.py | ||
Selah Django backend API
*** DJANGO ENVIRONMENT LOCAL SETUP (installing libraries/dependencies) ***
install ffmpeg for audio file processing on your system: sudo apt-get install net-tools sudo apt install ffmpeg
install postgres sudo apt install libpq-dev sudo apt install postgresql sudo apt install postgresql-contrib
make sure python is installed (should come with ubuntu): python (or python3) --version Django setup (Using Python -v 3.10.6 and Django -v 4.2 as of April, 29, 2023):
make dir on local machine where this project will be located
clone this repo from github (ssh or https, see top level servers_ssl_db_setup digitalocean_server.txt)
install python venv: sudo apt install python3.10-venv
Create python virtual environment on local machine (shouldn't need to do this step if cloning from git, just install venv and try to activate the env in next step):
python3 -m venv env
- Activate python virtual environment on local machine:
. env/bin/activate (you'll see '(env)' on the left-most side the terminal signature when activated)
- Once your env is activated, install Django and other dependencies (see requirements.txt):
pip install django (the backend framework) pip install django-rest-framework (creating the backend API, creates djangorestframework dir as well) pip install djangorestframework-simplejwt (Simple JWT provides a JSON Web Token authentication backend for the Django REST Framework. Updated framework from djangorestframework-jwt which is now deprecated) pip install pyjwt (Python library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens JWT) pip install social-auth-app-django (for 3rd party auth Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.) pip install django-cors-headers (provides security between backend and API) pip install djoser (assists with user auth) pip install pillow (image processing) pip install django-imagekit (django image processing for track image) pip install pydub (audio file processing) pip install django-environ (for environment variables) pip install stripe (payment processor for handling secure payments) pip3 install --upgrade stripe (upgrade stripe) pip install psycopg2 (database adapter for PostgreSQL DB. Use this for local development, but in the production server, install the binary: pip install psycopg2-binary ) install pgadmin4 desktop tool for DB management (https://www.pgadmin.org/download/) pip install gunicorn
*** Note: You need to create empty DB in either psql shell or pgadmin tool before running python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate (If you want to use custom user model, DO NOT RUN python manage.py makemigrations/migrate until you have created your custom user model, otherwise Django will revert to its default User Model. Changing from Django's default user model to a custom user model is possible, but unsupported and prone to many errors. Do this first before anything else if that's what you want for your app)
- activate env (linux) . env/bin.activate
- create new Django project (make sure you are in dir you want project to be created): django-admin startproject yourprojectname
- start Django dev server:
set backend env DEV_MODE var: DEV_MODE=True
start Django dev server in terminal: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=sheriff_crandy_project.dev_settings python manage.py runserver
you should be able to access backend at
you can now create apps (for models --users, tracks, artists, etc; make sure you are in project root directory when creating apps. After creating an app, make sure you register it by adding it to the main project's settings.py file INSTALLED_APPS dict)
python manage.py startapp my_app_name
To run vs code debugger: In top level directory, add this launch.json file:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Django",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "/your/path/to/manage.py",
"args": [
"django": true,
"env": {
"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "main_project.dev_settings"
"justMyCode": true
In main_project folder, create .env file add these env vars:
DOMAIN=https://sheriffcrandymusic.local:9443/api DEV_DOMAIN= DEV_MODE=True
Should be it. Activate your python env: . env/bin/activate And start Django's dev server with the dev settings:
start dev server using dev mode settings: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=sheriff_crandy_project.dev_settings python manage.py runserver
Now go to an API endpoint and verify the dev site is being served:
If you were preveiously in production mode, stop all nginx and gunicorn servers and open your browser's dev tools and clear all cache and cookie data:
sudo systemctl stop nginx sudo systemctl stop gunicorn sudo systemctl stop gunicorn.socket
*** PRODUCTION SIMULATION SERVER (https self-signed SSL certs) ***
TO START SIMULATED PROD SERVER access site over https with self-signed ssl certs (see servers_ssl_db_setup folder and complete those steps first if you haven't set up the servers locally in your machine yet): set backend env DEV_MODE var: DEV_MODE=False
restart nginx and gunicorn sudo systemctl restart nginx sudo systemctl restart gunicorn.socket sudo systemctl restart gunicorn
access the backend API/admin page at:
whatever you named your hosts name in nginx/gnicorn ssl setup
After everything is working, you can begin developing and making changes to code. After you have made a code change, restart servers to see updates:
reset nginx and gunicorn
sudo systemctl restart nginx sudo systemctl restart gunicorn