# same settings as production but with debug to true and ssl redirects off # useful for running vs code or python debugger # needed to run local Django dev server over http ''' TO START DEV SERVER run dev server to access site over http: set backend env DEV_MODE var: DEV_MODE=True (if you haven't set up these servers yet, you can ignore the rest of the steps and just run: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=main_project.dev_settings python manage.py runserver ) stop nginx and gunicorn sudo systemctl stop nginx sudo systemctl stop gunicorn sudo systemctl stop gunicorn.socket in your browser, open dev tools clear cache and cookie data in dev tools console (otherwise any previous http redirects will still be in affect) start dev server: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=main_project.dev_settings python manage.py runserver make sure you can access the frontend at and the backend at ''' from .settings import * # for development DEBUG = True SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=False SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=False CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE=False SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT = ['^'] print('\nDEV MODE: ' + str(env("DEV_MODE")) + '\n')