# react native app setup (not using Expo) # REACT NATIVE CLI QUICKSTART, NOT EXPO GO QUICKSTART # follow setup guide for each specific platform (iOS or Android) and OS (Linux, Windows, MacOS): https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup - make sure you have node and npm installed - cd to directory where you want this app to be installed - create app: npx react-native@latest init SelahReactNativeApp - select yes for installing react-native packages NOTE: some of the files might complain about not being able to detect the babel.config.js file. Add this to your settings.json file in VS Code (Open command pallete: View-> Command Pallete or Ctrl+Shift-P and type "settings"): ``` "eslint.workingDirectories": [ {"mode": "auto"} ] ``` - to run the app, open a new terminal and start Metro which is the js bundler that ships with react native. cd into react-native app directory and run: npx react-native start - to start the app in an android device