import pygame import uuid from globals import * from blocks import * def buildPathMap(x, y): pathMap = [] for i in range(tileCountx): column = [] for j in range(tileCounty): column.append(False) pathMap.append(column) pathMap[x][y] = (x,y,(0,0)) currentTiles = [pathMap[x][y]] newTiles = set() while True: for tile in currentTiles: for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): newX = tile[0] + i newY = tile[1] + j if (i != 0 or j != 0) and not checkOOBounds((newX,newY)) and not pathMap[newX][newY]: pathMap[newX][newY] = (newX,newY,(-i,-j)) if not gameMap[newX][newY]: newTiles.add(pathMap[newX][newY]) if len(currentTiles) < 1: break currentTiles = list(newTiles) newTiles = set() return pathMap class Player: def __init__(self, id, x, y, sprite, keys): = id self.x = x self.y = y self.renderPos = (x,y) self.pathMap = [] self.sprite = sprite self.pull = False self.PLAYER = True self.kills = 0 self.lives = 3 self.alive = True commands = { "n": lambda: self.move(0,-1), "ne": lambda: self.move(1,-1), "e": lambda: self.move(1,0), "se": lambda: self.move(1,1), "s": lambda: self.move(0,1), "sw": lambda: self.move(-1,1), "w": lambda: self.move(-1,0), "nw": lambda: self.move(-1,-1), } self.commands = [] for key in keys: if key[1] == "p": self.pullKey = key[0] else: self.commands.append([key[0], commands[key[1]], 0, 0]) def buildOwnPathMap(self): self.pathMap = buildPathMap(self.x, self.y) def useKeys(self, keys): try: if keys[self.pullKey]: self.pull = True else: self.pull = False for command in self.commands: try: if keys[command[0]]: if command[2] == 0 or (command[2] > 10 and command[3] > 2): command[1]() command[3] = 0 command[2] += 1 command[3] += 1 else: command[2] = 0 command[3] = 0 except: command[2] = 0 command[3] = 0 except: pass def move(self, x, y): try: if checkOOBounds((self.x + x, self.y + y)): raise Exception("Cannot move off edge!") pulling = self.pull and hasattr(gameMap[self.x - x][self.y - y], "BLOCK") if gameMap[self.x + x][self.y + y]: if pulling: raise Exception("Cannot push and pull at the same time") gameMap[self.x + x][self.y + y].pushed(x, y, self, self) gameMap[self.x][self.y] = False self.x += x self.y += y gameMap[self.x][self.y] = self for id, player in players.items(): try: player.buildOwnPathMap() except Exception as error: print(error) try: if pulling: gameMap[self.x - 2*x][self.y - 2*y].pulled(x, y) except: pass except Exception as error: raise error def pushed(self, x, y, caller, pusher): raise Exception("Cannot push other players.") def die(self): maxTries = 5 for i in range(maxTries + 1): if self.lives < 1: del players[] self.alive = False break if i == maxTries: raise Exception("No spots found for player!") try: spot = [random.randint(0, tileCountx - 1), random.randint(0, tileCounty - 1)] if gameMap[spot[0]][spot[1]]: raise Exception("spot taken!") gameMap[spot[0]][spot[1]] = self self.x = spot[0] self.y = spot[1] self.lives -= 1 try: self.buildOwnPathMap() except Exception as error: print(error) break except Exception as error: continue